HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-12-15, Page 1If you could stay a child, my son, And grclw no: more till ile is done, , just always be a little lad, ,Shonld you be sorry or be glad? With scorn yob toss the thought aWay You mean to -be a man some day, 1 1 1 • HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NE WS PAPER It is so silly to be small; , ' You will be big and strong, and tall. When I was a 'boy like you, , PsrIiap 1 longed or manhood, •too; Amid you, when you become' as I, For the ol•d childishness will sigh. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 60, No. 50 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1938 Phone 84. WA-Man.-APAA NEW\ CHEESE 14c 1.B. MACARONI, 7 lbs. ROLLED OATS, 7 lbs. MATCHES, 3 boxes CATSUP 25c 25c 190 ,10c bottle WESTERN QUEEN BREAD FLOUR $2.19 cwt. FILLETS OF HADDIE-- 15c lb. ALMOND ICING 20c half lb. SODA BISCUITS, per lb. PRUNES, 3 lbs. MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs. ..... PEANUTS, freshly roasted •., MIXED NUTS, per lb. . . . TOILET PAPER, 8 rolls 25c FLUSH° TOILET. FLUSH - 19c can GLAUBER SALTS, 6 lb. 25c EPSOM SALTS, 6 lb. 25c SULPHUR 6 lb. • 25c COD LIVER OIL $1.10 per gal. RED HEAD LAYING MASH is one of the greatest egg producers on the market at only $2.25 cwt. 13c 25c 25c 10c 18c A. C. Routledge Phone 166 xvizow4V-402wevri4 **blue c oar+ THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister, 11 a.m,, "The Light of Ail Lights." 7 p.m. '"Christmas in Sackcloth." Sunday School at 030 np,m. First ,Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh jack, Minister. 11 a.m. The Meaning of the In- carnation. 7 p.m, The Song of the Angels. S,S. at 10 a.m. Bible class •at 3 p.m. Midweek prayer service on Wednes- day evenings at St. Thomas' Church 411, Rector: Rev. Dr, Hurford. II a.m. "Heaven," p.m. "Wanted -The Love Mot- ive in the Modern World." Sunday School at 10 a.m. Sunday School Christmas supper, Dec. 20. Egmonclville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a,m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Communion, "Christ's Sac- rificial Death." 7 p.m. "The Meek." The Salvation,Army The Christmas Cheer -Pot will be out on the street by the post office on Saturday, December 117th. Keep the Pot bnoiling to assist in helping the tinderpriyileged, and make this a hap- py Christmas for those in Seaforth less fortunate than yourself. The Institute was held at the home of Mrs. 1. F. Scott Wednesday after- noon with an attendance of about 'sixty. Mrs. +Pearson Charters picsid- ed. The roll call was answered by '"My Happiest Christmas." The sec- retary read the minutes of the last meeting. Sang "Blest be the Tie that Binds.' Mrs. Paul Doig gave the -Christmas story. An instrumental was given by Sarah Whitmore, 13arbara Nicholson gave- a recitation. Thelma Elgie •gave some "Don'ts for Christ- MaS." Sue Nixon sang a Christmas carol. Mrs. A. Crozier sang "When It's Lamp -Lighting Titre in the Val- ley" and -acoompanied herself on the gultar. We had a sing -song an.d sang "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," "Hark the Herald ,,Angels Sing" and "Away in a 'ManAer.' Mrs. Thomas Covenlack sang two solos, "T -Tis Eye is on the •Sparrow," and "Trust in !Jesus." After singing God Save the King a social half hour was spent LADIES' GUILD The annual meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thornas'' 'Church was held in the .parish hall on Tuesday af- ternoon. After • the various reports were read and •adopted and the yearly reports •read, the officers for the com- ing year were relected: President, Mrs Charles Holmes; 'vice president, 'Mrs. • john Earle; treasurer,- Mrs. Ada Reid, secretary, Mrs. George IVIcG,avin. Dr. Iiurford installed the officers, id- ' 'ter which luneli )waS sers;ed ind• a 'so- cial hour spent. • ' MR. AND MRS. PLANT I HONORED BY !REBEKAHS A very pleasant time was spent on Monday evening when the Rebekahs, after the, regular meeting, entertained their husbands miff friends in hanor of Mr. 'and 'Mrs. W. R. Plant, who will leave shortly for their new home in St. Marys. Mrs. Plant has 'been a member ,of the lodge for a number of years •and will 'be greatly missed. Mrs. A. Westcott expressed regret of their •departure and presented a gift from the lodge. During the even- ing Mrs. C. Kestie presented another member, Mrs'. IS -male (-riee Margaret McDonald) with a wedding gift. Cards were enjoyed with Mrs. Mc- Kellar and Mr. MoGavin as winners and Mrs. 'McGa.vin and J. Stevens with 'the conso,lations. Mrs. Hille- brecht and committee served 'lunch, HARRY CHARTERS INJURED AT 'HIGHWAY CORNER Mr. Harry 'Charters of town was knocked to the payment by a sedan driven by Mr. A. 'Robinson of Mb - urn, about 6 ,o'clock Wednesday aft- ernoon. Mr. Charters was removed to the hospital for examination, as it 'VMS thought 'he suffered possible frac- tured ribs an•d collarbone. The mishap -occurred as Mr. Charters walked across the highway at the Main St. intersection. The Robinson car skidded on .the snow when 'brakes were applied. • SPEND PLEASANT EVENING A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Scott Habkirk on Friday, Dec. 9th, when 10 tables were in play. The prize winners were: Ladies' first, Mrs. Harold Dale, Inc hands. Mrs. E.- White; gents' ,first, Mr. Ab Harrison, lone hands, Mr, Deem, other prizes, Mrs. Deem and Mr. M. Clarke. A delightful lunch was served by the committee in charge. DUNCA'N CUP NOTICE All 'boys 'wishing to play Duncan cup hockey this year please leave your nettle and age at the following schools: Pulblic School, Ken Reid; Separate -Schocsl, James Quinlan; Eg- ntoadville School, William 'Richard- son Smith; High school and rural schools, James Southgate. 'Grade TX boys picked by two teams -to play at the rink-, 41, Goal, Rill -Smith; defence, r.d, Soott andMilts MeMiltaiil forwards -l. wing, Quinlan, centre, James Southgate, r. wing, Ken Reid; subs, Jahn Henderson, Hicknell and Clarence. 2. Goal, Ross; defence, r.d., Flan- nery, 1.d., Bannon; 1. wing, Ainsbor- ough, 'centre, Don. McLean, r. wing, Ryan; subs, Keating, Broome, and Keller. L.O.B.A. INSTALLS OFFICERS. Pst Mistress, Sister E. Harrison, recently installed the L.O.B.A, offi- cers, as fo'llow's: Worthy Mistress, Sister A. Harrison; Deputy Mistress, Sister E. Clarke; chaplain, Sister A. Consitt; recording secretary, Sister M. Stewart; treasurer, Sister G. Parke; financial secretary, Sister A. Hotham; director of ceremonies, Sister M. Habkirk; senior committee, Sister A. 'Oldfield; 1st lecturer, Sister E. Dunlop; deputy lecturer, Sister E. McLean; outer guard, Sister M. Crawford; inner guard, Sister E. Kerr; guardian, Sister M. llakins; pianist, Sister W. Nom At the close of installations •Sister A. Harrison was presented with a gift from the lodge. NORTHSIDE W. A. The 'Women's Association of North Side United. Church held their annual meeting Tuesday, Dec. 6th with Mrs. Archibald in the chair. After the rout- ine business an•d the reports of com- mittee had ibecn finished Mrs. 'Work- man took charge of the meeting for the election of officers. The following o-fficers were elected for 1939: Hon, Pres., Mrs. j. B. Thompson; Pres., Mrs, I. Hudson; rl:st vice pres., Mrs. J. Consitt; 21nd vice, Mrs. R. Frost; rec. sec., Mrs. C. Glew; cor. sec.. Mrs. R. Archibald; treas., Miss E. Beattie; assistant, Mrs. J. Finlayson; parsonage coin., Mrs. R. Archibald, con., Mrs. S. Spencer, Mrs. R. Coates, Mrs, A. MeGavin; sewing coin., Mrs. T. 'Grieve, con., Miss T. Bristow. Mrs, R. Frost, Mrs. W. A. Crich; flower coin. for cherch-Mrs. G. Hoggarth, can., Miss j. McLean, Miss M. Hartry, A. L. Porte- ous', Mrs. H. 'Workman; flower coni. for sick and shut ins -Mrs. J. Finlay- son, cOn., Miss 1'. Bristow, Mrs, 3. I-Iinchley, Mrs. j. Consitt; mite col- lectors, Mrs. R. Frost, Mrs, R. Arch- ibald, Miss T. Bristow, Mrs, S. Sinn- ' cer. Rep. to -official hoard, Mks E Beattie. Auditors, Mrs. G. Hoggarth, Mrs. j. B, Russell. • PASSES IN TORONTO There ,passecl ,away in Toronto on Siinclay, Dec. Miss Mlle Gold- clang:liter of the late Rev. Thomas 'Gold'smith, the first minister of First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, being the pastor from roso to 111718. Surviving is one sister, Miss Nettie GOlciSmith, with Whom the deceased resided at :432 BronsWiek AVQ., Toronto.- Burial' took' place on Monday at 'AuroraOn.t. CHAS. FINEBEINER DIES IN ACCIDENT AT SARNIA The funeral of the late Charles Finkbeiner, Who -died in an auto ac- cident at Sarnia on 'Sunday, took place -an Wednesday morningfrom his late residence in •Egmondarille to St. James' Church, Seaforth. Rev. Fr. T. P. Hussey 'officiated. The Holy Name Society members former a guard of honor 'entering the church. During the service a solo was sung by Mr. F. Sills. The staff of the Bell Ersgine Company formed a guard of honor on leaving the church and ac- companied the fuseral procession along the highway ,to St. James' Cemetery where interment took place The pallbearers were Messrs.E. Geddes, Joseph Dorsey, Wi D. Smith,' James Reynolds, A. C. Routledge, Wm. Devereaux Jr. Mass cards and - floral tributes were very numerous. Word of Mr. •Finkbeiner's death • in an accident near Perdh bridge 3 miles east of Sarnia Sunday afternoon, was a great shock to his friends in this district by whom he was held in high esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner and daughter Helen after attending mass in St James' Catholic 'Church here Sunday morning .motored to Sarnia to visit their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Faulkner. Follow- ing a 'blowout, the car went into the ditch and took 'fire. Mr. Finkbeiner, it is believed, struck the electric bulb in the top of the 'ear and fractured Isis slcull. The ,other .occupants escap- ed. The car was driven ,by Miss Helen- Finkbeiner an.d also contained Mrs. Finkbeiner 'and Miss Loretta Faulkner. The latter sustained cuts and was 'badly shaken up. Mr, Finkbelner, who was 68 years of age, was 'born in -Germany and came to Dashwood at the age of six, and 1314 years ago came to Seaforth. He was married 341 years ago last Nov. 00th, to Miss Beatrice Callag- han -of Seaforth who, survives him, with three :daughters, Margaret of Kitchener, Mrs. W. IJ. Faulkner of Sarnia and Helen at home. A son, Leonard, predeceased him in 119115 at the age qf seven. His mother, Mrs, John Finkbeiner, Cleveland, Ohio, and three 'brothers and three sisters also survive: 'Rev. John Finkbeiner, Amherst, Ohio; Frank Finkbeiner, Cleveland, Ohio; 'William Finkibeiner, Glendale, Calif., Mrs. George Pack, London, Ont, and -Barbara Fink - beater and Mrs, Charles Steyer, both of Cleveland. Attending the funeral from a dist- ance were Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Faulk- ner, Sarnia, Miss M. Finkbeiner, Reg. N.; Kitchener, - Rev.-ijohn Fin kbeiner; Amherst, Ohio, Frank sFinkbeiner, Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Barbara Fink- beiner, Reg, N. Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Steyer, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs, Barbara Lochner, Port Huron, •Mich., Mrs. Emma Woodley, Prestdn, Mr. and MTS. M. WhiteOak, Aurora, Mrs. R. Bullock, Preston, Miss B. Shultz, Preston, Mrs, L. Swan, Fred Lockwood, John Folland, Clinton; W. J. Cullen, Kitchener, Mose Feist, Crediton, Harry Eilber, Crediton, Jack Wine, Dashwood. MRS. THORPE RIVERS The :death took place on Wednes- day afternoon, Dec. 114th, of Mrs. Thorpe Rivers, after an illness of two years, at her home on N, Main street, The deceased was formerly Miss Annie Davis, daughter of the late David Davis of Hibbert. She lived at Brock, Sask., until five years ago when the family came to Sea - forth to live. Besides her husband she is survived by four children, El- mer, Jack, Evelyn and Muriel. Also 'three brothers and a sister, Dr. Rob- ert Davis, Toronto, David, River- harst Sask., Montgomery, Hibbert, and Miss Kate Davis of Seaforth. She was a member of First Presby- terian Church. At time of -writing funeral arrangements have not been completed NORTHSIDE W. M. S. The annual meeting and election of officers of the W. M. S. of Nortliside JUnited Church was held in the San - day school room on Thursday after - :14011 with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. C. Laing, presided. An -opening hymn was sung and Mrs, Laing led in prayer. The secretary, Mrs, J. Finlayson, read the minutes of the last meeting, which were ad- opted, The treasurer, Mrs. W. Hay, read her report which was ad- opted. The roll call was taken. Mrs, F. Storey, as 'Captain of circle 6, pre- sided over the devotional period. Mrs. J. B. Thompson read the Christmas story. The. 'hymn, "Come All Ye Faithial," was sung. Mrs, W. J. Mc- Intosh led in prayer. A Bible reading was read by Mrs. 'R. Archibald, and Mrs. Storey offered prayer. Another hymn was sung and the offering was received. The topic, "Planting the Church in Canada, the second chapter of the study book, "The World in Canada," was in charge of Miss A. Lawrence. Those taking part in the subject were Mrs. R.. Archibald, Mrs, F. Storey, Mrs, C. C. Kahle and Mrs. M. 1\ IeDernud. Rev, 'W. A. Bremner gave a short talk on the Ukranians and Rev. C. C. Kahle on the Japanese in Canada. The hymn, "The Church's mare. Foundation," was sang. Encour- aging reports from- the treasurer and 'the secretaries of the different de- nartments were read and adopted. The following is the slate of officers for '119139: Hon. pres., Mrs. Jas Beat- tie: .past pres., Mrs. J. C. Laing; Pre- sident, Mrs. H. Ar: 'Workman; ' first vice ores., Mrs. Iv Lawson; second vice, Mrs, W. A. Bremner; third Nice, Miss A. Lawrence; rec. sec., Mrs. L: • Porteous;- treas., Miss A. Fermi - Son, assistant Mrs. W. Titty; cor. see., Mrs. J. C. Laing; Press sec., Mrs, A. (Continued On Page Four.) 91 a year. &hi SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! SAVAUGE'S n-s•n•Onvv:-.I•nOSSIs" nnin• aSireavaiev"inSW 84.50 BRUSH SET $5.00 ELECTRIC RAZOR $5.00 STONE SET RING CMANCCLIR ii 3d ewes 131, L1l: 11 LA '4.C5 GC)i.)DES Of TIME .. 17 iewels. , , co $25.00 DIAMOND RING CANADIAN CLIPPER ..17 jewels.. $2975 "‚5 al• 1.`81. QVA, '..17•jswels . .1.42 A . • $35.00 DIAMOND RING !his Christmas, give a Buloval There is no remembrance so precious as o dependable watch-- a• ' wo•••`• more dependable than E • 11/4". "MINUTE MA',. A now sturdy-. . rcepei.••••• Bulava. 17 jewels and c, to fl l the wrist only $3375 co SHOP AT r, s 3AVAUGE tz, IT PAYS Wse:4MneOZW.VAVSAINOttitW-t 845.00 DIAMOND RING Of IWILL SING CAROLS The pupils of Seaforth Public School will 'hold their annual' singing of Christmas carols Thursday, Dec. Mild at 9s30 a.m. The public, are cotd- ially invited to attend. TRANSFERRED TO ST. MARYS Mr. W. R. 'Plant, who has been C. N. R. station agent for thirty-two years, leaves on Friday for St. Marys where he has been transferred. Announcement is expected shortly re- garding Mir. Plant's successor, and in the meanthne a relieving agent will 'be in charge of the local station. JAMES BROWN A well known and highly respected resident of Seaforth, Mr. James Brown, passed away on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 1114th. In failing health for some time, Mr. Brown was con- fined to bed a:bout three • weeks ago and last Friday his condition became more serious. Born in London, on October dist 1866, he came to this country when about four years old, with his ,parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. j. S. ,Brown. Since that time, the deceased had always lived in Eg- mondville and Seaforth. In Re Mr. BTOW11 was employed with the Broadfoot & Boc furniture factory and continued in that work ever since, being in the shipping de- partment. Until his last illness he was ,with the Boshart factory. Mr. BroWn had been an elder of Egmond- ville :United Church for the past eight- een years and previously had been superintendent of the Sunday schoo: for a numher of years. He was married to Miss Anna M. WitheR .of Fullarton twp., who 11051' survives him, together with an adopt- ed niece, Evelyn ,(Mrs. Geo. Alvarez) of Detroit, and her three children, Anna Dennis 'and Clayton Dennis of Seaforth and Geraldine Dennis of De- troit; also by two sisters; Mrs. W. J. Williams, Seaforth, and Miss Mary Brown, London. ' The funeral will fake place from his late residence, Railway street, to Egmondville 'United Church, 'at two o'clock on Friday afternoon. Rev. A. W Gardiner, the ,pastor, will offic- iate. Interment' will take' place in the Maitland Bank cemetery, the pallz bearers being, Rev. James Elford, Tollia Nott, A, C..Routleclge, Robert MeGonigle, Alex, Wallace and M. ".\,1 • MCKILLOP Bethel Sunday School annual Christnias tree on Tuesday, Doc, 20t1i. YOUNG PEOPLE'S The Y. 0. U. of Northside United Church held their Christmas meeting on Tuesday evening, Dec. ;kWh, with Myrtle Carter presiding. A. special feature of the evening was a White Gift Christmas Tree. There were quite a number of gifts donated by the members which are to be distrib- uted to shut-ins by the carol singers, Dec. 20. Minutes were read by the secretary, Vera Mole. Community singing led by Mrs. Workman was enjoyed by all. "There's a song in the Air" was stmg, and prayer was given 'by Gladys Mason. The follow- ing solos were sung, by Margartt Pethick, ''Gentle Mary Laid Her Chile: "The Christmas Tree" by Dorothy Gallop, "My Task" by Irene Workman, and were much enjoyed. Readings were given :by Lois 11 c - Gavin "The Inn Keeper Makes Ex- cuses, Donna Mole "The Star of Bethlehem" and were much apprec- iated. Mr. Jack Ste -yens read the scripture, .kn interesting Christmas story was ably gowen by Miss Say- auge. After singing, "A Little Town a Bethlehem," ‘vas sting alid the meeting closed by repeating the Ilia- pah benediction. LONDESBORO Mrs, John Finegan(' has retarned after spending the past month with her daughter and family, Mrs. Grier- son near Toronto. Mrs, Bert Brundson, who recently underwent an operation in the Clin- ton hospital, was removed to her home here on Sunday. Mrs, James Howatt of Auburn spent a few days at the end of the week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Manning. Mrs. Harry Duriau -from near CD11- stance visited with her mother. Mrs. H. Lyon on Monday. 21 large congregation assentlated oil Sunday morning last, it :being, the White Gift service of the Sunday School, The choir was composed of teen -aged girls and boys who render- ed excellent service. Mrs. Edwin Wciod gave the Chi -imams Story. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Menzies, addressed the COricgregatiOn in a most fitting manner, Many gifts were presented o he -distributed here and there where, • it was th-dught most needful with the thotight of making the beautiful Christmas season more 502'. 053 and happy. :The S. S. is (mite busy practising for their Xmas tree Concert to be held on Wednesday, Dec. 3lst, when a goad time is expected. BAYFIELD • Appointed Rector At Burford - The appointment of Rev. W. G. Bugler, rector of Trinity Church, Bayfield and rural dean of Huron, to the -parish •of Burford, has b,een an- nounced by Rt. Rev. C. A. Seager, Bishop of Huron. The appointment will take affect an Feb. 1st, '1939. Mr. Bugler succeeds Rev. C. F. Johnson, who will take charge of St. George's Church, London 'West, on Jan. 1st. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sauder and fam- ily of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs. Sander's aunt, 'Mrs. F. A. Ed- wards. Mrs. G. W. Woods left on Wed- nesday to spend the winter at the rectory at Bolton Landing, 'N. Y., with her daughter, Mrs. Crosby. Mr. L. Fowlie, London, .spent the week end with his sisters, the Misses Miss If. McGregor is ill at her home and her many 'friends hope for a speedy recovery. . On Thursday evening the •congreg- ation of 'Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfiekl, 'held their annual -Christmas supper in the church. Mr. and Mrs. George Fidler and Miss Betty o f Waterloo spent Sun- day guests of Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. j. Stewart of Hamil- ton called on friends on Sunday. Mr, J. Cameron and H. Stinson have finished the laying of the new 'floor in the Town Hall which is a great improvement. The Sunday School of St. And- rew's United Church are 'holding their annual Christmas tree and ent- ertainment on Friday evening in the basement 'cif the church. The teachers and scholars of the Public SC11061 are arranging for their Christrnea concert to be held in the Town Hall on Thursday, Dec, 20. A good program has been prepared, also Christmas tree. , The Rec, James Gale of Caledonia was a guest of his 'parents, Rev, R. M. Gale and Mrs. Gale last week. The annual meeting of L. 0, L. No. 24 was held in their Lodge Hall on teh evening of Dec. 5. Election of officers took place resulting as fol- lows:-W.M. John Pease, 13.11. Chas. Gemienhardt; chaplain, A. E. Erwin; eect, 31. Heard, fin. sec., 13. Fea- therstone; treas., H. Stinson; 1st lect. Wm. Parker; grid 'lett., H. Darrow: marshall, L. Smith.' Committee -W. j. E'lliott, E. Heard,', Robert Orr, 'Walter Westlake land aucl- hors, W. j. 'McLeod and. A. E. Er- win. After -the election of officers a Was served.