HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-12-01, Page 8• PAG.SIGHT. THE. SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1938, BANKRUPT SA EVERY DAY BRINGS NEW ARRIVALS IN WARM WINTER MERCHANDISE, , - - BOUGHT FORCAS1,IFINEST HEWS CANADA'S. EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF BRUSSELS AND SEAFORTH. KEINAVIMMINIMISZNIONMISMESINII. ..emasseerseesete.sneet..,. MEN S TARTAN SCARFS All Wool 89c MEN'S REG. $25 to $35 Overcoats You can thank the retarded season for this "lucky break" in tremendous OVERCOAT VAL- e) UES. Sturdy, warm Coats made from the finest imported 'woollens -in a variety of the newest 0 patterns and shades ! Well tailored garments - ideal for thrifty men who demand maximum serv- ice -at minimum expense. All sizes at $14,95 and $12.95. 1 295 to 141 01*1111Maell0MISSONOMISIO, MEN'S SILK SCARFS Lovely patterns 89c Penman's Heavy Rib 149 Shirts & di -s. all wool LADIES' DRESSES Newest Patterns 4no Reg. to $12.95.... Ladies' Silk Princess Slips Misses' Glove Silk 49c Combs. reg. $1.00.... 59c Kiddies' Mitts 15c BOYS' SWEATERS All wool worsted.. 463011111101101MIIMMINIMPINIIVAMININI, Girls' Sweaters 79c 69c Boys' Windbreakers 1s50 Boys' Fleeced Combs. 75c BOYS' MITTS Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose teemaeme,..somememstememeee Ladies' Silk Dresses 49c 19c 1.00 Bankrupt Stock BARGAINS 54" Pure Wool Serge Suitings in Navy, Black, Green and Red, reg. to $2.50 yard wereeseeeemes...eameemeeieseweeee. Heavy Quality 36" 15c Striped Flanelette 98c White Flanelette.... 10C 36" Factory Cotton.. 1 0 IMMO Yard Wide Woolette 25c Turkish Towelling.. 10c Flanelette Blankets 229 Largest Size, pr... 6 lb Pure Wool Blankets Very Large 6.95 Pr. Ladies' Fleece Bloomers MiaigelEISOMMONIVOINIM Children's Bloomers 39c 15c New Aprons 25c HOUSE DRESSES IC'elku, tC IMOIMINOMMIME, Ladies' Fur Trimmed 495 Coats Ladies' Waists 9c CHATELAINE PATTERNS 36" New Prints 15c Children's Wool Worsted Hose Pr. 29c Men's Work Sox 1 SC WINTER COATS MeMia...141,11MMICIIMEW SIZES 14 TO 20 11.95 Here they are! All the wanted fashions. A11 the wanted col- ors. All the wanted fabrics. The pick of the new season's furs. All wool cloths. Chamois lined. NEW YORK'S Newest SWING Styles at a miracle price 11.95 • for XMAS' CHEER!! CHEER ! ! The way to a man's heart, contrary to the proverb -is with a fine gift of ties -and he'll love these at IIflVtMOR1AM In loving memory .of ' our dear mother and wife, Mrs. Henry Adam,1 who passed away Dec. 6;11927. Call not back the dear departed, Anchored safe where. Storms are -o'er; On the border Jand we left her, Soon to meet and part no more. .--Sadly missed by husband and family. WW1 .77,7 _•% SPORTS SWEATERS Knit of the finest wool -and it is all wool in grand pull- overs and lively colors. $4.00 value 1.94 MEN'S WEARS: 2.40 1.00 HATS by Biltmore WORKSHIRTS Doeskin ........ FLEECE U'WEAR 1.25 COMBS. SHIRTS 69 AND DRS. OVERALLS, 9 oz. 1.69s4 Red Back ...... WOOL WORK SOX Ib all wool.. SILK & WOOL SOX Fine SHIRTS SUITS 34 to 37 29c 19c 984 ODD COAT and VEST 4.98 , 1.981 Dressy Tailored Styles in Winter Millinery These Hats are smart and be- coming for any outfit you may chose for Winter wear -in solid colors and colorful con- trast . Any hat in the 98c store at TOTS Bring the Kiddies to Toyland-see our new, fresh stock of Dolls, Games, Mech- anical Toys now on display at re- markable savings. ' IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear father, Mr. Theodore Dexter, who passed 'away Dec. 4, eV, and the late Mrs. Theodore Dexter who passed away Oct. 5, 11021'. Tine will come and .bring its changes, Fresh with every coining year;• But your memory will be cherished In the hearts that loved you dear. -Lovingly remembered by the family. IN MEMORIAM. In constant meinory of my Father who was called home '12 years ago, Nov. 119th, 1319126. Thy will be done, seems hard to say When the one I loved has passed away - Some day perhaps, I'll understand 'When we meetagain in that 'better land, His busy hands are folded, His toil on earth is done His troubles are all ended, His Heavenly crown is won. -Sadly missed by his daughter Irene, Buffalo, N. 1Y. CARD OF THANKS Mr. John McMurtrie wishes to thank his many friends and neigh- bors for their many ,kind expressions of sympathy and also for the floral tributes and the loan of cars during his recent bereavement, also 'to Rev. E. F, Chandler and Rev. W. A. Young. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. William Livingston wish to take this opportunity of thanking their friends, neighbors and everyone 'who gave their assistance the night of the fire. Also all others who have :kindly helped since. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the resid- ence of J. McLellan, Main St., Eg- rnondville on • Saturday, Dec. 10th at 2 o'clock, the following: 2 bed room suites, 2 set springs, 1 davenport with mattress, oak buffet, 2 cupboards, extension table, 3 small tables, 2 rocking chairs, kitchen chairs, sewing machine, Do- herty range, new, upright heater, 3 -burner gasoline stove, .3 congoleurn rugs, Ifloor oilcloth, large chest, floor lamp, copper boiler, new; couch, lad- der, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. • Jos, E. McLellan, Prop. SEAFORTH AND BRUSSELS PHONE 37 PHONE 61 ZR hOtiOnettPP.OtenriOneezUP-MIOral f'D*20.Z:e0A40-Aiat .gf-MitS-M0fiA0P-AISMOIt HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Mex Sparks of Bay- field called on the former's. mother, Mrs. M. Sparks, on Tuesday on their way to Florida where they will spend the winter. Mr. Roy Weber has moved into the store in the Petty block recently vac- ated by Mr. T. D, Wren, where lie has opened up a very 'fine hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden have moved into the apartments above Mr. T. D. Wren's store and are getting nicely settled. Fingers Badly Cut in Elevator. - 'Mr, Fern MacLean, who is emp- loyed at Cook Bros. grain mill had the misfortune on Monday night of getting his hand into the elevator, having his fingers cut so severely that it required several stitches to close the wounds. Young People's Meeting. - The regular meeting of the Young People's Society of United Church met on Monday evening and Miss Gladys Passmore presided. Miss Etva McQueen led in prayer. The Scrip- ture reading, John 10, was read by Miss Ruth Shobbrook. The devotion- al paper on "The Good Sh.epherd". was very ably taken by Miss 'Gladys Passmore. After the •business was dis- cussed, Miss Norina Cook played a beautiful piano instrumental. Miss Kay Drysdale gave an interesting pa- per on 'Sending out the , Seventy." Miss Greta Larrnme then :played a de- lightful piano instrumental, "The Ninety and Nine." A reading on the Good Shepherd was given by Mrs. Lee Redden. After the singing of a hymn the meeting closed with the benediction. Miss Lois MacLaren 'has .been con- fined to her room during the past week with an .attack of tonsilitis. The •Chamber of Commerce intend holding a euchre and ,dance on Wed- nesday evening, Dec. ,7ith, in the town hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser, who have been visiting for the past ocruple of weeks with relatives in Detroit, re- turned home last week, Douglas Sangster underwent an op- eration for removal of his tonsils at the office of Dr. Steer on Wednesday. Mr. and Mts. Harold Hilliard of Kingsville called on .friends in towli last week. Master Ross Corbett, who has been visiting with his grandparetcts, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz at Dash- wood, returned home on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs, Harry Cook ,of Tor- onto visited over the week end with the former's 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Cook. 'Mr. Hugh Morenz and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and son Donnie of Dashwood were Sunday .visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Corbett, (Adclitional Hensall on Page 4) CASH VALUES • SATURDAY ONLY Red Path Granulated Sugar - per cwt 5 29 10 lbs. 55c 5 lbs. .. 28c Five Roses Flour, cwt. ...2.89 Purity Flour, cwt. . .. . .. . 2.89 Manitoba Flour, cwt 2.29 Pastry Flour, 24 lbs 49c Fresh Pork Sausage per ib , 17c Wieners, per lb. ..... 17c Bologna, per Ib. 14c Pure Lard, 2 lbs. 21c Men's Rubbers 69c Boys' Rubbers 59c Men's Laced Rubbers ' per pr. 1.49 Men's Red Sole Rubber Boots, per pr. 249 Black Cat Nonsuch Floor Wax tin 17c Mt, J. Finnigan AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Dick's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, Dec. 2. Usual run of Pigs, Cattle, Poultry, Furniture, etc. 11. Durham DOW, 6 years old, due Dec. 151th; 1 Durham cow 6 years old, freshened 1 ,week; 1 Holstein cow freshened 3 weeks; 2 pure bred York- shire sows; '1 'parlor Sutte f4 doz, kitchen ohairs. Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. Homer Hunt, mgr., phone 028 - 12. Geo. 15, .Eliott, Auctioneer. 3, M. Eckert, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Next sale Friday, Dec. 9th. The management of the community sales that are being held at the Queen's Hotel stables, have reduced their rates one-half. Froin now on rates will be. Anything over $10, •if sold, 3 per cent, ii• not sold, only WA per cent. This will give the farmers a chance to sell their stock, etc., at a cheap rate. 'We have the best auctioneer and the best barn in Huron county. Next week we will have 60-180 pigs, all sizes, around 20 cattle and 2 springers, two fat sows, 1. good General 'Purpose mare, 10 years old, good single or double; 3, yearling Percheron 611y, one 2 -year- old Percheron gelding, hay rack fair- ly new, 1 good wagon, a few other farm implements. Anybody wishing to advertise articles next week notify the Queen's Hotel at our expense. J. 3. Coyne, Manager; Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer; Joe Roach, Clerk, • AUCTION SALE Of Cows, 'Young Cattle, Hogs and Grain at Lot ,so, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, 6 rniles south- west of Clinton and 6 miles east of Bayfield, on Tuesday, 'December 6th, at .11:30 :p.m. consisting of following: 16 choice young sows, mostly Dur- ham, due to freshen as follows: 6 at time of sale; 3 •due 'before Christmas; 3 due in January; 5 due in March and April. 2 young cows milking, due to freshen in jirly. 1110 steers and heifers about 600 lbs.; 20 yearling steers and heifers; 1110 spring calves; 2 Durham 'bolls; York sow due to profit in Tannery; 6 young pure-bred Tamworth sows, just bred. 200 but, of wheat; 'SOO bus, mixed grain. Terms cash. A. E. Townshend, Trop. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. • FOR SALE Quebec heater, like new, cheep for cash. Phone 11470 r 30. FOR SALE Twenty Barred Rock pullets, start- ed to lay, for sale. George Aberhart, Phone 6 on 2126, Seaforth, HOUSEHOLD SEWING And Dressmaking. Children's cloth- es a specialty. Mrs. Joseph G. Eckert. FOR SALE No. 36 DeLaval cream separator; used 4 years. Apply at The News office. POR SALE 1 Beath cook stove, used one year. Ken Harrison, phone 244 r 22, Sea - forth central. WANTED Your order for all kinds of ,home made Baking, Bread, By,(18, Cakes, etc. Angel Food cakes a spec- ialty. Mrs. Wm, Rutledge, Clinton phone. 816 - 2. Seaforth R.R. 2. FOR SALE Coat, bat and nsuff for ,girl about 12, tor sale. Phone 321 " POSITION WANTED Experienced .cook, general - with references. MTS. T. M, Savage, 122 Norfolk street, Guelph, ,Ont. FOR SALE Portland cutter, in good repair, for sale. Also a bear skin robe for sale. Roland Kennedy, Seaforth. ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario TOWN OP SEAFORTH Clerk's ,Notice of First Posting of Voters' List 'Voters' List, 1038, Municipality of Seaforths ,County of Huron Notice is Hereby 'Given that I have, complied with Section 7 of The Vett-, ere Lists Act and that 1 have posted up at iny office at Seaforth on the 25th clay of 1November, 4968, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said .Municipa.lity at municipal elec- tions, and that such list remains for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions ,eor- rected according to iaw, the last day for appeal being the 118th day of De- cember, 11038, Dated at Seaforth this 29th day of November, 3938. D. H. WILSON, - Clerk •of Seaforth, McCONNELL & BAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaf or th. Office hours :- Tuesday, Thursday and SaturdaY- 1s310 p.ns. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. FOR SALE 2 second band cutters and a second hand sleigh, all in. good repair. 'Phone 21 on 818, 'Clinton. Basil 'O'Rourke, Brucefield. FOR SALE 11! heating stove, coal or wood; also a McClary electric 4 plate range, withoven both in g.oad condition. Ap- ply at the News Office. FOR SALE Deluxe sedan 41930, Ford model A, new ring job,, easy on oil, in fair con- dition, will sell reasonably for cash. Also a man's' navy 'bine Melton overcoat, looks like new. Apply to The News office. TO RENT Apartment to rent, over Thomas Dickson's store. Apply to E. L. Box. •"r ' FOR SALE Property, one hall mile from Sea - forth on No. 8 Highway, containing 4 acres of land, barn, garage, 7 -roomed brick house, with moderm kitchen, low taxes, desirable situation for chi- cken farm. Price reasonable. Immed- iate possession. Apply to Bert Boyes, Phone 170-20, Seaforth. PROPERTY FOR SALE A lot consisting of three acres, ad- joining Seaforth. A'll seeded, best of land. Good frame house with cement foundation, electric light throughout. Barn with cement foundation, room for three horses. Hog pen, chicken gen. Hard and soft water. Taxes $10. Price $4200, half cash, balance at 31%. This is certainly a snap. Apply to W. J. Walker, phone 67, Seaforth. WANTED 'Married man to work on farm by the year. Apply to the News :Office. POUND Yearling heifer strayed onto lot 24, con. 4, McKillop. Owner may have same 'by' proving property and paying charges. Percy Smith, phone 239 r Seaforth. FOR RENT Six roomed house with bath, on Market street, for rent. J. A. Mc- Kenzie. Phone 25, Seaforth. FARM POR SALE Lot 4.0, concession 7, Tuckersrnith. Good frame house, bank barn, straw - shed, first class cement stabling throughout, 2 good wells, 2 colony houses weil fenced and drained, con- venient to schools and churches. On Kippen road, 334 miles from Seaforth. For further particulars apply to Rol- and Kennedy, Seaforth, Ontario. FALL CLEARANCE SALE OF USED PIANOS Such well-knowti makes as Heintz - man, Nordheimer, Mason & Risch. Weber, and others, at reasonable prices and terms. Write Heintzman & Co., 243 Dundas St., London, . for further particulars. No obligations. FOR SALE 11 good young breeding ewes; 1 pure 'bred Leicester ram; 1 good two- year-old Percheron colt; one hay rack and some Durham tows. Harold Penhale, Rayfield. Phone 12 - 78, Hensall. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE In Egrnondville 4 acre ground, low taxes, corner tot, stable and hen • house, electric lights. Garage, small fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. John Sprost, Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIEF Phone 304 w