HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-12-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
lassres one store in town every woman knows well,
For a visit works magic as many can tell,
Hair sock'as anad thin, or hair discolored and gray
siniokly strengthened and beautified by our new way
` Enjoy our new Hot OH Treatments
oo.,,Oer home for the ,past week suffering
sbe'VE.•'s ffsall',07.s.s.„Voz,,aastasw-es,..w.aSsoweSs. 0..sZaeMA, from poisoning fram In -grown.
:a „ • • we nail. The nail had to be removed,
whieh WRS very Paulfill.
M. Glen Ba had the misfortune
to meet with a painfel. accident oe
Friday' while attending a shooting
match at Mr. Jahn Stewart's on the.
Bonndary when he slipped and fell.
locating his shoulder, He - Was
to- the office of Dr. Steer
r.resern. waere ae was. attended.
vi W Att tided
Me. Earl Kaiser of Detroit visited
iaSt week with his parents, S\Lr, and
Mrs. lohn Kaiser, :
blisa Joyce Sernton of Toronto
spent the week end with her mother,
Mr, A. Seretoe and sister, Mrs. Feta
er McNaugloon. .
Dr, aad Mrs, L G. Smillie visited
with relatives and friends in Toronto
over the -week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter of Lon-
don spent the week end with the lat-
ter' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Bell,
Miss Mona Glen underwent an op-
eration for removal of her tonsi4s at
the office of Dr. Steer on Tuesday.
Mr. Ferris Came:ton of Schomberg
visited over the week end with his
a mother, Mrs. D. Cantelon,
Mr. Howard Hemphill of London
spent the week end with his par-
ents., Mr. and Mrs. .A. W. E. Hemp-
Mrs, D. Chellew who has been in
Toronto for the past week, returned
home on Saturday:
Mr. aid Mrs. Maralon of London
Sc' visited on Thursday with lir. -and
, Mrs. Albert Spencer.
The many friend of 'Miss Irene
aHritgaidrtahgaairne apiliezsethdejitiog sceoen6hiei confined
•n -as.
a: z:'teir asses• z.,
a;)le Som. a 7
read by Pstes sasS-"ie
Presentation sf ...zasis-rans
was niade Ed•a•En Car;
hank. Mr. and Mro lasys nosse
suitable reply thanking all
.kinclness. The rentAllider tae even-
ing was apent in -Cards ani Ss-in:lass
the. music being supplied by -:•:S:e cam,
huskers of the 12th. "blesars.
and Patrick. Riehl Broa-
liagen and John Leerriing. A:: depar:-
ed-in the early Insurs a the ntorning.
wishing them many more years aa.
wedded life. Following is the address:
Dear Lena and Bill, We, your friends
and neighbors, have 'gathered here
this evening to celebrate with you
your tenth Wedding .anniversary. We
did not like to let this occasion pass
without showing our appreciation of
having you as friends, so as a token
af the high esteem we have for you,
we ask you to accept this gift, hop-
ing it will serve you and be a con-
stant reminder of your friends here
thiS evening. Signed on -behalf of
your neighbors and friends.
, Mrs, Alice Forsyth spent the past
week with her sister, las. Basil Wil-
son, London.
The Community Hall is almost
completed and is in good order to
commence the winter's entertain-
Mr. and Mrs. Waldon spent Sun-
day and Monday with their niece and
nephew, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kelly.
Mr, Jas. Nicholl has leased Wnt.
Nicholaon's house and is getting set-
tled fOr the winter. -
Mrs. IL B. Kirkby spent a few days
last weekin Toronto as a delegate to
the. U.F.W.O. convention.
- Quite a few from this vicinity Were
at Blyth Memorial hall on Friday .ev-
ening Nov. .35, to do honor to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Mulcahy who were mar-
ried recently.
Mr. and Mrs. George Caister and
Miss Laura Caister of Casa City,
blichs have returned home after a
week's visit with relatives and friends
in this locality.
asao atteroled the fnneral
Mr. W. Moon .ssf
,••-,e;- way home
: Ionne of M.
:) r.Zaking
'..an,zilter. Mrs. azif.
oVin art11111a Y. P. Ser ces e e —
I Very• suceessfu( • Yoeng People's
or osre's services were held in Carmel Presby-
s-iintan zamn M
lein nsrian Church Sunday, The preaident,
to-asses-1,0:os 00 the Mrs. A, W. Kerslake, very a'bly con-
, at:ma:el. Considering isieczed Inc services assisted by a
ard :I's anamber af times it! young, people's choir and members .of
sohsse aassent papa,: 1 tile .-o)ung people's" society. A.t the
3:7 ,,i73-1 oreir parts morning service the Scripture was
z'ae acts Mr. and Nlrs,, read by Gerald Campbell and Mrs,
.•_, ore sons:otos sister, Roy Mai:Laren and Miss Mabel
meorrrie, were taken so Workman led in prayer. Rev. W. A.
s's nse ha:: aad a soirame ad_ Young gave a very -inspiring address
was read ay Mr. 11m. Leiner,
r Mr Frank. bleGregor and
presented .r.,? the form-
' t'l" zase :ver 33d Miss Ruby a
dis7t. Mr. and Mrs. MC;Vittie re-
' aa7.3 :he farm and moved into
onsiesSonor We hope they live many
szsdl• to eroSsy then- new home. .
Mo and airs. Was Pepper and
Bert anent. Sunday at the home of
Ms and Mrs. A.. W. bleEwing. .
M. and Mrs. Joaeph Bewley at -
!ended me funeral on. Monday of the
.ate Harry Regan of Morris. The
lara.e: was a brother of Mrs. Albert
Rapson and we wish to extend sincere
sympathy to the family and friends.
Mr. aud 'Mrs. Vipond of -Grey visit-
-ed at the home of the formers sister,
Mrs. and Mr. A. \V. Beacom, the ,be-
ginning of last week. • .
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Badley and son
visited friends in the neighborlmed
11:ss Isabel Jamieson visited on
Monday night at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Audrey Knox.
Mrs. Adeline Connell of near Chita
Wedding Bells.— •
Another of those happy events took
place on Saturday at the United
Church parsonage in Brussels where
Mr. John McEwing af Harlock and
Miss Janie Bernard of Morris were
united in holy wedlock. Miss Ada
Gras -by acted as 1bridesmaid and Mr.
Douglas Smith as groomsman. A
wedding dinner was served at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Bernard. Mr. and Mrs. A.
\V. 'McEwing and 'James were pres-
ent at the wedding dinner. The young
couple went north an a honeymoon,
returning to the groom's farm on
Monday night, where a good crowd
of yottag people, around 27, gathered
and charivareed till Jack invited them
in. We join in congratulating the
young couple and wishing them a
long life of health, happiness and
It is rumored wedding 'bells will be
ringing again •soon and this neighbor-
hood is to supply the groom and the
bride-to-be from the south.
The losing side of the young
people's class in Burns' Sunday
School recently entertained the win-
ning side to a progressive crokinole
party at the home of Mr. Jack Mc-,
Ewing. There were around thirty-two
present ,and a very enjoyable evening
was spent. Their teacher, Mr. George
Carter, was also 'present.
Mr. Nelson Lear, Mrs. Leo +Watt,
Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mr. Geo. McTag-
gart and Mr., .JOhnston attended the
.funeral on Wednesday of last 'week of
Mr. W. Moon of Stevensville. The
latter was a son of 'Mr. and ),i:rs.
James Moon, .formerly of the .111th
cons and at one time clerked in Mr,
Poplestone's store in •Blyth. We wish
to extend •sympathy to all the friends,
, Mr. , Harry Caldwell and Mrs.
Caldwell, accompanied tby Mr. and
Mrs. 'George Moon and Mr. Simon
taking fer his subject, "The Arrow
of the Lord's Deliverance." The choir
sang a very .beautiftal anthem,
"Praise My Soul," and a delightful
duet by Misses Margaret and Jean
Love, "Who is the Shepherd so
kingly and Kind," At the evening
service the Scripture was read by
James Campbell and Misses Hannah
Murray and Irene Hoggarth led in
prayer, Ret'. W. A. Young .gave a
very fine discourse taking as his sub-
ject, "The Narrow Way.' A mixed
quartette, "When Jesus is Near," by
Misses Mabel Workman, Irene Hog-
garth and Rer. W. A. Young and
James Bengoug-h was very beautifully
sting, also an anthem by the choir,
"Jesus Saves."
The pastor Rev. R, A, Brook con-
ducted both services in the (United
Church, and the choir sang excellent
anthem, "Praise and Adoration,"And
"In Glad Thanksgiving."
Arnold Circle Crokinole Party—
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Bell last Wednesday evening when
the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presby -
ton spent a few days recently at the
tenan Church held a crokinole party.
Presby -
home of her siater. Mrs, and Mr.
Thos. Knox. The ladiesfirst prize was won by
:Via; Helen Moir and ladies' consola-
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Rapson visited
on Sunday at the home of bit'. and tion prize by Mrs. Hannah Work-
Mra. Robert Watson. man. The gentleman's first prize was
won. by Mr. John Love and gentle-
man a consolation prize by Mr.
. MacGregor. There were about
Mr. and bfrs. D. B. Sal:voters sn. lifts- present and a bountiful lunch
Londan viaited Mrs. Saneders' bro-
thers. Mr. \V. Jarrott and blr. J. Jar -
rots alao her nephew, Nir. A. Coch-
Miss Agnes Love returned to her onnied ay Rev.
home after visiting at the home of her young People Meet—
siater. NIrs. NV. Huxtable and hua- The :egular rneetin5 of Carmel
served. A hearty vote of thanks was
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bell for
their hospitality by the president,
Miss Mabel Workman and was sec -
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and FargO :Truck
We a..1so hale a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
We Aim To Please
All Repairs Strictly Cash.
'itti-n1 at Centralia. Preshvterian Church Young People's
Mr. 'Wm Cochrane and sister. Mrs. „nriera. „„ held °it molday „.„ing
Robert Hopkins- of Chicago. IIK with a good attendance. The presid-
spent a few day s during the week ent Mrs. A. NV. Kerslake 'presided
with their brother an.d sister, Alan and opened the meeting, by singing
anti Edna Cochrane. Psalm 109 -Unto the .1 -Ells Around
Miss Dolly Hagan returned to her Do I Lift up My Longing •Eyes,"
tollowed by prayer by Mra. Kerslake.
Bobbie Cameron then read the Scrip-
ture lesson. arid a very interesting de-
votional talk was given 'by Mr. Jas.
.Muatard on "The Missionof the
Seventy." Mrs. W. A. Young then
sang a ;beautiful sole 'He Lifted
Nle" accompanied on the piano by
aortic atter a pleasant vost at Toron-
to with friends.
Mrs. Frank Farquhar of Henaall
visited her sister, Miss Edna Coch-
rane, and other relatives during the
Mrs. MacDonald and Marguerite.
and Mrs. 1. jarrott and Vera. of Kip -
pen. cailed on relatives and friends.bliss Irene Hoggarth. The mmutes
Mrs. John H. Cochrane was taken of previous meeting were read
and adopted. The roll was called and
answered by a verse of Scripture.
bliss Irene Hoggarth, worship con-
vener, then presided aver the Bible
study on the Life of David. 'Miss
Hannah Murray gave an interesting
paper on 'David as Shepherd and
King" and Miss Helen Moir gave a
paper on "David as Psalmist,' After
the singing of David's 'beautiful
psalm "The Lord is my Shepherd,"
Miss Beryl Pfaff gave a paper .on
"David as Ring." Miss 'Margaret
Dougall sang a very pleasing solo.
"Dutch Lullaby," accompanied . 'by
Mrs, A. Dougall at the piano. Rev.
W. A. Young in a few well chosen
tvords expressed his thanks to the
young people for their help in mak-
ing Sunday's services so successful.
After singing hymn 49,1 .Mrs. Kers-
lake closed the meeting with prayer.
Contests were given out and Misses
Beryl Pilaff and 3-Ian:tall Murray
were prize winners.
The Arnold Circle will Itcild their
annual bazaar and sale of horne-made
cooking on Saturday. Dec. ard at 3
Nomination Meeting—
The nnmination meeting to select
eandirlates for reeve, counciliors,
school trustees ancl public 'utilities
,vas held in the Town Hall on Friday
evening. Following, are a list of
those nominated. For reeve, Messrs.
R. E. Shaddick, Owen Geiger, Peter
Moir, Fan councillors, Messrs, Geo.
ciliate. Peter Moir, Geo. Brock, 0.
Twitchell, Thos, Lavender, T. C.
foynt, Fred Daters, W. J Jones,
'Wm. Shepherd and Mervyn Brown.
For schoo' trustees: Messrs. ' Alf
rlarke, John Shenhend and W. O.
roodwin. Public .utilities,..Mr. Thos.
+No election will be. necessary in
Ilensall this year as all offices were
to Lcmdon Hospital m the interest or
her eyes. Her many friends wish her
a rapid success to recovery.
blaster Tommy Consitt is able to
get armed now without the cast.
Nfr. 'Orville Smith and family .were
to Kincardine for a visit.
Mrs. Eaton received word that her
uncle Mr. Thomas Sheridan of For-
est had passed away. This is three
uncle, of Mrs. Eaton that have pass-
ed away in three months. bit'. Charles
Bucke of Ceurtright, and blr. Albert
Wright of Toronto having paased
away recently.
We are pleased to hear that Mrs.
Gillies, who underwent an operation
at Scott 'Memorial Hospital last
week is doing nicely.
We congratulate Mr. Rusaell Hol-
man on capturing a fine la poht deer
while hunting in the north country.
Quite a few' east of the village are
installing the Hydro.
Mr. and Mrs. Tint Eaton and Lar-
ry spent a few days with bit'. and
Mrs. Spading of Wroseter this week.
Mrs. Mike Murray reterned on
Saturday after a pleasant visit with
friends in 'Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Connelly of La-
gan spent Sunday with Mr.. and bfra.
Joe Connelly,
Miss Minnie Flynn and son of
Clinton visited with her mother airs.
James Evans, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans n;
Dublin spent Stificlay with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe :Murray.
filled by acclamation, as follows:
Reeve, Mr, R. E. Shaddick. Cal -MCA -
tars, Messrs. W. 7. Jones, 0. Twitch-
ell, 'Geo. Brock and Wm. Shepherd,
School Trustees, ..Messrs. Al! Clarke,
W. 0. Goodwin and John Shepherd.
Public utilities, Mr. Thos, Welsh.
The officers and teachers of Car-
mel Church Salb.bath School met on
Monday evening to make arrange-
ments for their annual Christmas
Mr. Mervyn Brown left on Tues-
day for Toronto 'where Ile will spend
a couple of weelcs.
Mr, aad Mrs. Jas. Parkins and
daughter Edith visited over the week
end with Mr. and Ars. Cline Flynn
itt London,
Mr. tNorrnan blair .of New Ham-
burg has 'been engaged on this sec-
tion of the C. N. R. tracks <luring
the past week.
Mrs. George Brown left this week
for Stratford where she will visit for
some time with her daughter, Mrs.
John Wilson..
'Word *was received here last week
of the death of Mr. Rdbert Wood, of
Albany, New Brunswick. The de-
ceased was a brother of Miss Maty
11,,r.nodand Messrs. John and Watson
On Friday evening a large neither
of .friends and relatives gathered at
the home a Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.
Quereagesser to present their daugh-
ter Caroline with a miscellaneous
shower. The evening was n apetit in
dancing, and a dainty lunch was
Mr. John Hinz is busy trucking
logs from near Gorrie, whieh he is
going to cut into fire wood.
Mr. and Mrs. 'John C. Diegel are
spending a few days with their dau-
ghter Mrs. Ed Kressler in' Stratford.
'Mr. and •birs. Roy •Collini and
Larry of Stratford spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel.
lir. and Mrs. Dave Sholclice and
Graham of Walton spent Sunday
with bit. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice.
lir. and Mrs. Waiter Burlett and
fathily of Monkton -spent SundaY
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dipple,
Mr. 'John Arbuckle of Toronto
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Quereagesser.
Mr. and Mrs. lWm. S. Ruhl and
Shirley visited in Tavistock on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elligion spent
the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Malone in Tavistock.
A number from here atteaded the
10th wedding anniversary of Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Boyd Thursday evening.
reen Penper. This was followed by
an intereating discussion and the bus-
iness 'peri'od. The meeting closed with
a 'hymn and the benediction. Next
Monday the 'fleeting will be in
charge of Doris Dutot '
On Sunday, 'November 217th the
'Women's Mistionary Society of St.
.Andrew's, Church held their annual
Thank offering service, at which
Mrs. H. V. Workman gave an admir-
able address on the aims and achieve;
inents of the W. 111. S.
On ...Monday evening the Young
Peaple's Society -.paid a visit to Chis-
elherst where the Y. P. S. of that
community proved 'themselves hospi-
table and interesting hosts. Music,
contests, readings and a variety of
.games were iollowed by a generous
suePly of refreshments.
The December meeting of the Kip -
Pen Ea-st W.I., will be at the home of
'Mrs, 'W. Cole on Wednesday, Dec. 7,
at 2.15 p.m. The rollcall will he:
"What I Would Like for Christmas",
Please remember the donation of new
or used toys or books for the Salva-
tion Army, also the contributions for
our own Christmas tree.
The W.A. of St. John's Church met
at the home of Mrs. If. Reid on
Mr. Harold Elliott of Kitchener vi-
sited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .M.
Elliott Sunday.
The bride and -groom of a aveek ago
made a ;flying visit Saturday. We re-
fer to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McBride, of
Mr. and Mrs. Seeley of Clinton
called an the former's sister, Mrs.
Austin, on Sunday.
Mr. Billy Austin of Seaforth, called
on his 'mother Sunday.
We are pleased to report Mr. Mc -
Ash is improved in 'health.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison and
son of Kitchener visited on SunclaY
with relatives .here. Mrs. 'M. Elliott
returned with them to make a visit to
The Young People's 'Union met on
Monday evening with Doreen Pepper
in charge. The meeting opened with
the hymn, "Stand up, stand up for
Jesus." Elizabeth Aikenhead read the
scripture lesson, Doris Dutot led in
prayer, and the hymn 'Faith of our
Fathers" was sung. The topic, based
on an article by Henry Emerson Fos-
dick, entitled 'God, an Ideal that
never stops growing" was prepared
by Margaret Henry and read 'by Do-
Miss Margaret Ferguson of Park-
hill spent the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson.
Mr, and Mrs. •Rolyt. Johnston of
Kenora' visited on Friday with Mr.
an.d Mrs. Harry Beadle and Mrs
Chas. Beadle. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Nott and Ger-
aldine of Stratford visited oa Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, 1V, T. Robi-
son, Mrs, McCool who has been vis-
iting Mr, and :Mrs. Robison, returned
to Stratford with them,
The W. xr. S. of Knox United
Church held a sale of home made
baking at 'bit'. A. J. Ferguson's store
on Saterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Haggitt have
moved into the house formerly oc-
cupied by Miss Margaret Small, now
of Toronto,
Some from here attended tht ftme-
ral of the late James Oliver which
was held from Nile 'United Clierch
on Thursday.
Miss Marjorie Arthur of Stratford
Normal spent the week end with her
mother, Mrs. John Arthur,
Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Misses Bern-
ice Lawson, :Josephine Weir and
Sadie Carter visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Lawson's mother, Mrs. Wm.
Sclater of Seaforth and attended the
anaiversary of the First Presbyterian
Mrs. James Carter has returned
home after visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Hill of lGoderioh.
At the regular Sunday services in
the Baptist Church here Rev. G. W.
Sherman announced his resignation
as pastor of the church to take effect
the last Sunday in December. It was
8 years ago ,on Sunday since lir.
Sherman started his .pastoral duties.
Messrs. Ivan Bean and Lloyd Car-
ter were recent visitors at London
and Tilbury.
Mrs. Thomas Doyle has gone to
Lucknow where she will spend the
winter with her daughter, Mrs. Har-
ry Anderson and Mr. Anderson.
Richard Dix • Chester Morris
Joan Fontaine
Sunday, Dec. 4, beginning at 12:05
Mon. Tues. Wed. Dec. 5-6-7
Errol Flynn Olivia DeHaviland
Charge of The
Light Brigade
Patrick Knowles
The screen charges on—to the most
heroic story of our times
Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Dec. 8-9-10
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
On Friday evening last the fine
big 'barn of Mr. Bill Livingston was
burned to the ground. He was doing
the evening chores and was in -the
MOW' Iputting down feed and left his
lanterte sitting on a box. The dog
took after the eat knocking the lant-
ern •over. A call "%MS sent out for
neighbors to come. 'With the assist-
ance of *his wife they managed to
get the livestock out, The neighbors
responded to the call and soon an
army of workers were busy trying
to keep the flames frinn spreading to
the henhouse and clriveshed. The
sympathy- of a large circle of friends
goes out to Mr, and bit's. Livingston.
His barn was one of the finest, which
was only partly covered by insurance.
The Golden Links 'Mission Band
hekl a very successful social evening
in the basement of the ,church ota
Tuesday. While there were not as
many present as the leaders would
have liked to have seen, a pleasant
and profitable evening was spent.
The meeting opened with the leader,
Miss Edith Britton, in the chair.
Sang hymn 9,5 "We Have Heard She
Joyful Sound," after which, Rev. Mr.
Jack of Seaforth offered prayer. Miss
Jean Wakefield read the Scripturd.
lesson, Viola Dexter gave a helpful
reading. Mrs. Lindsay sang a pleas-
ing solo, 'Christ shall 'be Conqueror
Some Day." (The words were writ-
ten by bliss Isabel Graham of Sea -
forth.) The Band were fortunate in
having for their guest speaker, Mrs.
(Rev.) Hugh Jack of Seaforth. Mrs.
Jack spoke of conditions as they have
existed in the West the past few
years. It 'was first hard information
as Mrs, Jack had lived there since 'a
child, She made a plea for the West,
that we of the East try and have a
better 'understanding af their dire
need, that we count our many bless-
ings and as we count, may we be
ready to share. Mrs. (Rev.) Menzies
sang a beautiful solo, "God Bless
our Church." Sang a few verses of
hymn 94, ',Testis shalil reign." Rev.
Menzies closed with prayer, after
which Mrs. Frank Riley, assistant
leader, moved a vote of thanks to
Mrs. Jack and 'all who took .part.
Lunch was served.
Mr. Bill Jewitt and Mr, and Mrs,
W. Britton attended the funeral of
the former's tunic. Mr, Will Hall of
Brussels on Monday.
Circle No, 1 of the 'W. A. held • a
very :successful quilting thee at the
home -of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fergu-
son on Wednesday. There •were about
20, present.
Mr. George Carter and Mr. Don-
cette spent a few days recently- in
Bruce County. hunting deer and were
both suceessfel in bringing horne a
Mr, Leo Stephenson and his mo-
ther bit's, B, 13, Stephenson; were in
London on business on TeesdaY,
Miss Helen Britton was it Clinton
on Wednesday evening attending a
meeting of the executive arranging
for the Spring musical festival of this
clistri ct.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 eoelc 25e
The Yodeling Kid
From Pine Ridge
Betty Bronson
The Tennessee Ramblers
Field Crop Production
Total grain ,production in Ontario
is estimated at 168,705,000 bushels as
compared with 463,8188,000 bushels in
11937, and an average annual produc-
tion of 1169,06'4000 bushels during the
ten year .period 19215 to 19.34. The pro-
duction of turnips and mangolds is
now estimated at 44605,1000 bushels
as campared with 39,505,000 ' bushel
in 1957, while the otal of hay and
clover crops and torn for taiskin.g,
amounted to 91794,000 tons as against
9,406,000 tons in '1937. It is quite evid-
ent that field crop production this
year in Ontario was on the whole
very satisfactory from the fact that
total grain production is the .highest
of any year since 1930; mangalds and
turnips the largest crop since r19128;
and total fodder crops greater than in
any year since MA with the single
exception of the year 1935,
Winter Feeding of Pigs
Winter feeding of swine presents
several prdblems which are not of
the same importance in summer hog
production. First, adequate hotising
accommodation is essential in order
to grow the pigs quickly and econo-
mically. Seeond, suitable ,feed mix-
tures are necessary, and thirds parti-
cular care must be taken itt feeding
and caring for .pigs.
The housing accommodation for
winter pigs should ,provide dry and
reasonably warm sleeping quarters.
Draughts should be avoiaed and the
bed should be well 'bedded with dry
straw. Do not crowd too many pigs
into a small pen, 'but allow sufficient
pen space and trough space so that
all can have an equal chance.
In the feeding of the pigs a suit-
able mixture nf grains properly sup-
plemented will go far in keeping The
pigs healthy and thrifty. Provide a
mixture of grains such as oats and
'barley, and possibly mill feed or
wheat, and supplement with a pro-
tein supplement such as skim -milk,
'buttermilk or tankage. Include with
the meal mixture at the rate of 1 to
2 pounds per hundred a simple min-
eral mixture such as ecnial parts
iodized salt, ground limestone, and
bone meal. 'Roots and good quality
legume hay—alfalfa or clover—are
valuable in smal lamounts to suPPIY
succulence and maintain the pigs in
a thrifty .condition. These should not
form the main feed [but should he
used in sinall amounts as an addition
to a good feed mixture.
Finally,' good care is necessary in
the feeding and management of the
pigs in order to keep them in a heal-
thy vigorous condition. Supply nu-
tritious feed at a rate that they can
handle it but do not attempt to force
,the pigs.
Regan.—In Morris Township, on
Thursday, Noveinber 214, 110318, •Harry
S. Regan, in -his ,517th year.
The funeral which was private,
took place from his late residence,
concesaion 8, Np Lot".217, Morris Tp.,
on Monday, November '28 at 2 p.m.
Interment in Maitlaitct Bank Cemet-
ery, Seaforrh,
They Wouldn't Get This in the
An article in The American
Weekly, with the December 14 issue
of The Del roit Sunday Times, ,can -
corns captive creatures of the wild
that enjoy all 'rite. blessings of sci-
ence and modern zoos, live .longer
than the home folk, eat more regu-
larly and havo nothing to worry
about—lbet they miss the thrills of
olci life., dodging .death 'from every
corner. Be sure to get 7.'he Detroit
Sunday 'Tiniest
-Want aind For Sale ads, 3 wks., 50c