HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-11-24, Page 5THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1938. THE SEAFORTH NEWS, . sTOtEs' Baking Sale Good Values, November 24 to Nov. 30th NEW AUSTRALIAN SULTANAS 3 Crown Raisins PER LB. HILLCREST SHORTENING 2 1 lb. cartons 2 LBS. 23 c 2 LBS. 27 c PASTRY FLOUR 7s -17c 24s �� c CLEANED CURRANTS NEW SAIR PITTED DATES AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR 2 LBS. 23c PER PKG. .1SC Granulated or Yellow Sugar 10 tbs. 55c Fancy 'Bleached Sultana Raisins - per lb 19c Ngw Shelled Almonds % lb 15c Lexia Raisins with seeds, 5 crown 2 tbs. 25c Icing Sugar 3 tbs. 25c.. Cocoanut, short, sweetened ye 11, 10c Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. -14c; ... , 16 oz. 23e Shelled Walnuts, Quarters, Choice % th 23c Candied Peel, Lemon or Orange .... per 1b 25c Candied Peel, Citron per It 35c Cut Peel, Lemon, Orange, Citron 1 tb 23c Glace Cherries % it 13c Vanilla Extract, Large 8 oz. bottle, Ellmar per btl. 15c Cooking Figs, Choice 2 tbs. 19c Fancy Box Chocolates, assorted, is per box 25c Fancy Box Choc. Peppermint Patties 29c Kirk's Hardwater Soap per cake White Beans 4 lbs. Brunswick Sardines 5 tins Old Colony Maple Syrup, pints per pt. Happyvale Mincemeat 2 lbs. Aylmer Peas, No. 4 size -17 oz. 2 tins Choice Golden Bantam Corn, 2s 2 tins Breakfast Bacon, sliced or in piece per Ib. Weiners, Schneider's skinless per lb. Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE PHONE 8 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 77 5c 15c 25c 25c 25c 19c 19c 27c 19c TOWN TOPICS Miss Dean Castle who has 'been visiting with her cousin Miss Doro- thy Gemmell, has returned to her house in Bayfield, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Whittaker` and son Michael of (Timmins left on 'Wednesday after visiting 'Mrs. Whit - taker's mother, Mrs. E, 5. Chapman several days this week. (Mrs. W. Edmunds returned to her tome on Saturday after visiting her sister, Mrs. Wheeler at Brucefie,ld. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Fleming of Amherstb'urg MtHelen M and 'ss. McGee e. of Port Albert, spent a couple ,of days with Mr: and Mrs. George Ab- erhart this weak, Miss Sutherland, R.IN. of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter of Hes- peter were -week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M, McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Teck and son and daughter .of Saginaw, 'Mich., were guests Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Golding. ylr. and Mrs. 'W'. C. •Govenlock spent last week in Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair. The Catholic Women's League of St. !James' Church are ,holding a sale of mystery boxes and 15 -cent tea from 3:3:0 to 7 p.m. in Crioh's vacant store on Saturday, Nov 24th. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Rands, Mr. and 'bars. Guy Ryan of .of Lucan were guests of Miss Maude Ilartry ,over Sunday. Mrs. John Rcin'kie .has gone to Hamilton for the whiter. Messrs. Reg. and Art Sloan of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. R. F. Jones and Mrs. Maud Sloan Misses Minnie and Elsie Snell of East Wawanosh spent a few days last week with their cousins, the Pinkneys, on 'Goderich street. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Gallop were in Toronto ,attending the funeral of Mrs. Gallop's sister. (Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyce .have purchased a residence in Clinton and will move there shortly, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Maloney and family of Detroit are spending the week end with his mother, Mrs. Mar- garet Maloney, in Seaforth. Mr, Frank (Nolan, Huron Road east, had the lucky tidket at the Stratford ' bazaar wrhich netted 'him 1225 in •cash, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webster and son D'o'uglas returned 'to their home 'in Toronto on Monday after spending a week visiting relatives. 'Mrs. Alvin Sharpe' visited friends in London for a few days last week. SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per hus. ................... t58c Oats, per bus. .. ................ . . .... 28c Barley, per bus . .................... . 38c Bivakw heat, per :bus. ., , ..I. .....40c BEECHWOOD Mr, and Mrs. Joe Shea have moved to their new hone. Mr. ,Pat 'O'Rourke spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke on Sunday. THE ENDURING MASTER CRAFTSMEN DESIGNED THIS MODERN RING We carry a Large Selection in White or Natural Gold. From $10.00 up Ladies and, Gents' Bulova, Lorie and Westfield Watches 4 PIECE TEA SERVICE Tea Service 14.50 up A LARGE SELECTION OF GIFTS IN JEWELRY— WATCHES, RINGS, DRESSER SETS, LEATHER, SILVER, CLOCKS, ETC. J. A. WESTCOTT Phone 218 For Evening Appointment JEWELLER Seaforth Open Even- ings in December PAGE FIVE VARNA The W.A. of St. johns' Church Will meet at the 'h'ome of Mrs. M. Reid on Thursday. Mr,' and Mrs. 'Gier•hart of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Horner of Zurich visit- ed last week with" Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Horner and Mr. and Mrs, Ings, also Dr. and Mrs. Calling 'of ,Lambeth. Mr. and ,Mfrs, Lathan and little son spent' Sunday with the 'latter's moth- er, Mrs. Beatty. On Thursday a number of .friends and neighbors met at the hone •of Mrs. A. 'McConnell to present Miss Ida Clutter, the bride-to-be, with rth a set of dishes. A humorous address was read 'by Mrs. G. H. Beatty which caused much laughter. 'Miss Chuter made a very fitting reply, when a dainty lunch was served. All enjoyed a pleasant outing. 'Mr. Nelson Reid has installed the hydro in Mr. A. Murray's house. 'Mrs..M'urray is not as well as her many friends would like her to he, Mr. Elliott Chuter is spending a few clays at his home here. We are glad to report that Mr: McAsh is around again. McBride-Chuter— The marriage took place quietly at the Anglican Church rectory in Bay- field op Saturday, (Nov. '19, when Ida Anne, daughter of Mrs, and Mrs. Chatter of 'Varna was united in the holy 'bonds of matrimony to Elmore j'olut, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride of (Zurich, The wedding was performed at three pan. 'by the Rev, W. G. Bugler. The bride wore a rust - colored dress with dark -green acces- sories and carried a bouquet of pink carnations' and fern. She was at- tended by Miss Emma McBride, sis- ter of the groom, The 'bridesmaid wore a black dress with (black acces- sories 'and wore a corsage of bronze pom-pom mums .and ferns. The groom was supported Iby Harvey Chuter, brother of the bride. After the ceremony the 'happy couple .left amid showers of confetti and hest wishes, for Windsor, . Niagara and Buffalo. On their return Mr. and (Mrs. McBride will reside on the Go- shen Line, Stanley. 'On (Thursday 'afternoon the ladies of .the community 'gathered at the home of Mrs. Alex McConnell to hold a shower in 'honor of Miss Ida Ohuter, bride -elect: The afternoon was spent in ,games and contests. Mrs. 'George Beatty read the follow- ing address Dear Lda: This 'crowd has ganged' ,up on you, on the eve of your marriage, not only to rejoice TUCKERSMITH Reeve Charles MacKay was in Go- derich last week attending County Council. Mrs. Harvey Moore underwent a tonsil operation in Seaforth fast week. Ali wish her a speedy recovery. Wedding :bells are ringing in the neighborhood. Misses Isabel and Betty Forrest are in Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair. STANLEY Mr. 'Mervyn Keys of Timmins, Ont„ is spending a :few days with Itis parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Ben •Keys, Babylon Line. Miss Norene •Rdbinson has return- ed .home after .spending a week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed Lowden .of Hamilton, Bruce MoClinc'hey and Elmore Ste- phenson went north last week on a deer hunt, and were fortunate in get- ting a deer. HARLOCK Y. P. Social Evening— The losing .members of the attend- ance contest d6 the "Go -Getters" of Burns United Church entertained the winners at the .home of Mr. Jack McEwing on Thursday evening, Nov. 1117th. The first part of the evening was spent 'by all playing erokinole. Tlhe prize winners were 'Mae Smith for the ladies 1st, and Janie Bernard captured the consolation. Men's (list prize went to 'Glen Carter and the consolation was won 'by Harold Bea- com. This was followed 'by three very interesting contests under the direction of Isabel !Jamieson, Will Leiper .and Art 'Colson. Kathleen Beacom .read a comic paper entitled "The Harlook News," causing lau- ghter for everyone. A very interesting reading was given by Will Leiper. Refreshments were served by the losing members, Will Leiper .moved a vote of thanks to Tack McE•wing 'far the use of his home. The evening proved an enjoyable event, all hoping next year will be as successful. Helen MacGregor and Bill 'Taylor were captains for the year. BORN Webster—In G:alt Hospital on Sat- urd'ay, 'Nov. 19, '11938, to 'Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Webster, Ayr, a'd'aughter (Mary Elizabeth). Wallace.—In Scott 'Memorial Hos- pital on Sunday, (Nov. 20, 1108, to Mr. and Mrs, 'Jahn Wallace, Crom- arty, a son. SPECIAL . Christmas OFFER Our regular • $2.50 portrait in natural colors - - Jackson Studio Seaforth, Ont. with you, but also to offer you our friendly advice and our abounding sympathy. (Needless to say, the sytn- 'pathy comes 'from those of us who have been thro' the mill. As for the rest of us, we're just hoping that our •turn is next. The advice is timely and you will, we know, have reason to STAG EUCHRE St. James' Parish Hall, Seaforth Monday, Nov. 28th 8:30 P. M. SHARP Auspices of H'o'ly 'Name Society GOOD PRIZES Admission - - 25c Dancing! AT DUBLIN FRIDAY, NOV.25 GEORGE TARLIN and His 10 - Piece Orchestra. This 'Band has just completed playing for two seasons at (Port Dover $2.00 DOOR PRIZE Admission: •rad cents and 35 cents Ukelele Bill AND HIS HILLBILLIES Old And New Time Dance KIPPEN Friday, Nov. 25 FLOOR SHOW General Admission, 30 cents D (Under feel kindly to (hose advisers. In .con - elusion we offer you our sincerest good wishes these pieces of china's Which we hope you will find :useful. Misses Rachel Johnson and Lilian Elliott presented the bride with a lovely set of dishes. The bride thank- ed 'th.em in a very fitting fashion. NCE! auspices of Young Ladies' Sodality AT DUBLIN ON Friday, Dec. 2 Admission 50c and 25c WE ARE 'STERE With a Bigger than Ever Manufac- turers' SALE OF Fur Coats Held by the PARAMOUNT FUR CO. OF TO- RONTO 3-- Days Only --3 Nov. 24.25.26. A wonderful opportunity to buy a High -Class Fur Coat from maker to wearer at a saving of 30 to 40 Vs OFF LIST PRICE See these garments—no obligation to buy A liberal allowance on your old furs FREE ! FREE ! FREE. A BEAUTIFUL PURSE MUFF TO ;MATCH ANY GOAT YOU MAY CHOOSE GIVEN ABSOLUTELY - FREE OF CHARGE. We also remodel your old fur coat to the latest sample of 1938- 39 styles. Phone 22 and our representative will call on you. SALE TAKES PLACE AT McTAVISH'S - Seaforth SOCIAL St. Columban Friday, Nov. 25 ' GOOD MUSic Admission - 3!5c Rubbers Rubbers. Protect your Feet From the cold, and make your shoes wear longer BE PREPARED -BUY NOW AT New Low Prices WORK RUBBERS, RUBBERS FOR YOUR BOOTS AND OVERSHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Our 'Granite', Rubber Boot is a Special at a New Low Price Smith's Shoe Store SEAFORTH REDUCED PRICES To explain to you how retail prices have been reduced Electric Wiring Supplies, we quote you some of the following changes: on 1930 to Nov., 1936 1938 House Wire .... 11/2c ft. lc ft. No. 14-2 Romex 4c ft. 3c ft. S. P. House Switches 25c ea, 16c ea. 3 way House Switches 40c ea. 37c ea. S. P. 3%" Stable Switches 50c ea. 33c ea. 3 way Stable Switches 75c ea. 44c ea. Bakelite Switch Plates 15c ea. 9c. ea. Bakelite Receptacle Plates 15c ea. 9c ea..; JOHN B A CH , Seaforth