HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-11-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 HENSALL The Happy .Cousins Entertainers of Elmirawill present' programme Monday, INov. 1, Hensall Town Hall as p.m. under auspices Young Peo- ple's 'Union. Adults 26c, children 16e. 'Bride and Groom Honored.— A very pleasant time was spent at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mousseau last Thorsday evening when their neighbors and friends ,ga- thered in honor of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy 'Oesch, W11.0 were recently married: Card playing and ,dancing were en- gaged an and at the midnight hour the happy young ,cauple were presented With a handsome trilight bridge lamp and walnut. end table, The Presenta- tion was matte by Edwatal, Corbett and Edward Schroeder and the fol- lowing address re.ad by Mr. Chas. Blackwell: "Dear Mr. and Nam, Oesch: You have recently embarked on the Sea of matrimony and we, you friends and neighbors, have come to wish you a long, happy and prosper- ous trip. Yon, Irene, have spent your whole life in our midst, and have 'en- aeared yourself to as by your charm- ing personality, your winning ways and your willingness always to help in any way you could. You have been richly endowed by nature and you have not hidden your light under a bushel; you have contributed not a little to the welfare of this .commun- ity and have on many occasions ex- celled on the public platform. We shall miss you surely but we realize what is our loss is another's gain, and to you, Lee, has fallen the great privilege to pluck this rare gem from our midst, We congratulate you and we know you are worthy for you have won the admiration of all by your pleasing manner and • faithful- ness to duty. For months you have been feathering a cosy little nest for your young bride, and our prayer is that you shall both be long spared to enjoy the fruits of your labor. May a goodly share of the sunshine of life 'be yours and when the clouds come as came they will, may your faith he strong and stedfast, knowing "What- ever is, is best," As a token of our good wishes and of our love and res- pect for you both, we would ask you to accept this little gift. Signed on be- half of the friends and neighbors." At the sante time Wilfred Mousseau and Claude Gelinas presented them with a half dozen knives and forks on be- half eif the 'Junior Farmers, The Late Mrs. Lippardt— An elderly and well known resi- dent, formerly of Zurich, and for the past two years of Hensel], passed on to her ,faker at the home of her son- in-law, Geo. E. Fee, on Wednesday morning, in the person of Catherine Gottschalk, relict of the late Henry Lippardt, in her Sith year. Born in South Easthope township, she came to Hay township with her parents when eix years old. Being of a quiet and hardy di:positionsa , e enjoyed seeing her old friends and was always ready in help in time of need, being impaired of none of her facalties. Owing to her age, the Angel of Death eaw fit to take her. She had en- joyed '5I6 year of married life. Her husband predecraeed her twelve years ago, also a daughter, Annie, Mrs. J. Forest. She is survived by one daugh- ter. Irene. Mrs. Geo. Fee; one son. Louis, of Everett. Wash., one broth- er, Sam., of Dashwood, six grand- children and five great grandchildren. The funeral was held Friday, NEM Ill, interment in the Evangelical cemet- ery, Zurich. Her pastor, Rev. Hacke endorn, of Zurich, was assisted at the home by Rev. R. A. Brook and by Bro. Baechler at the cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs, 0. Geiger, F. Hess, W. 'Jones, J. Geiger, J. Gascho and S. Zimmerman. Next Sunday the Young People's Union are 'holding special services in the United Church, The special speaker will be the Rev. Keith Love of Kintore. Mrs. Love will be the soloist. On Monday evening the Hap- py Cousins of Elmira will present a program in the town hall under the aus.pices of the Young People's Un- ion, Miss Dorothy Munn, who is at- tending Macdonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week end with her par - eats, Mr. and MTS. Raba Munn. Mrs, 1 G. Siniliie returned home east week after visiting witit relatives and friends in Toronto. Miss Lettie Love of Toronto' visit- ed with her parents, Mr. and Mas. Wm. Love over the week end. Mr. Alex Filshie who is attending university in Toronto afient the week and with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. A, Filshie, Mrand a/Irs: Roy MacLaren and Mr. W. L. MacLaren visited on Fri day with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hui -lain and family of Thames Road, Me, Harold Sheppard of' Toronto visited over the week and with Me and Mrs. 'John Sheppard. Remembrance Day Service— The remembrance day services un- der the amapices of the lExeter •Braneb of the Canadian Legion were held in Carmel Presbyterian Church Friday afternoon and were largely, attended Rev. W. Aalfoung presided assisted by Rev, R. A. Brook and Rev. M. A. Hunt. After the call to .worehip .psalm selectioa, "0 God rOtir Help in Ages Past," avaa sung followed by prayer by Rev. M. A. Hunt, who also read the scalipture, Revelation 7, 7417, Rev. R. A. ,Brook then led in prayer fol- lowed,* the Lord's prayer in unison. A very delightful solo, "There is no Death," was sung by comrade Thos. Sherritt by special request, The last Pest was sounded by Bugler . Fred Beer, followed by a two -minute ence. Rev. W. A. Young then .led in prayer ,followed by the reveille. An offering was token for the relief fend of the Legion, followed by dedicatory prayer by Rev. W. A. Young. A very appropriate anthem entitled "At Even Ere the Sun was Set," was sung by the ohoir. Hymn "For all the Saints who from their Labors Test," was sung by the choir. Rev. M. A. Hunt of St. Paul's Anglican Church gave a very intelligent and inspiring- ad- dress. The hymn, "God of MIT Fath- ers." was sung followed by the aene- diotion. Following this, service in the church the Legion marched to the monument at the ball led by the Hen- sel: Band. The service there opened by "Rock of Ages" 'being played ,by the band. Rev. R. A. Brook led in prayer followed by the sounding of the Last rPost by Bugler Fred Beer. A two -minute silence was observed followed by the reveille. 'The wreath from the, Canadian Legion was placed by alas. Jae Hudson. The village of Hensel wreath by Mrs. Wm. Sang- ster and the Province of Ontario wreath by Mrs. Stapleton. The ser- vice elosed with "God Save the King" and Rev. M. A. Hunt pro- nounced the benediction. Mission Band Rally The :Mission Band Rally of Huron Presbytery was held in Carmel Pres- byterian 'Church, Saturday at 230 p. nt afra D. C. Hill of Exeter, presby- terial preaident of Mission Bands, presided, and opened the meeting with the call to worship: "0, come let us sing unto the Lord; let us come before His presence with thanlegiving." Hymn 768 was sung ana the Scripture lesson read by Ruth Young, followed by a prayer in unis- on. A song of welcome was given by Hensall Mission Band. The offering was then taken and dedicated by Mrs Hill. A member of Belgrave Mission Band then gave a recitation entitled, "The Little Eskimo." A number en- titled "Pennies" was given by Exeter Mission Band. The Goderieh Mis- sion Band sang a song, "Maple Leaf Maids of Japan." and were 'dressed in suitable costumes. Hymn 707 "We've a Story to tell to the Na- tions" was sung. The Seaforth Mis- sion Band then sang '5Jepanese Cous- ins" and were dressed in 'Japanese cos- tumes. Miss Iris Errey of atibat, In- dia, who is Superintendent of the Babies' Home there, and sapported by the Mission Bands gave a very in- spiring address on her w.oak. Lantern slides were shown of the various types of people there, also scenes of the country. Miss Errey displayed very interesting •costutnes and jewel- lery worn by the natives. Mrs. D. t Lane, Presbyterial president, express- ed a very hearty vote of thanks to Miss Errey. The meeting closed 'by singing "Around the Throne of God in Heaven," followecl by prayer by Mr. Young. A very dainty lunch was served, Mr. William Cole. of Cromarty has purchased the paernium stallion "Et- adiant Laetrile," fornielay'•owned by Rabb. Bros: of Ilderean. Messrs. H. 0. Daman, Roy and Tom Smale, and 'Geo. Boa left this week far a hunting trip up North, Mrs. John Murdoch returned home last week after a very pleasant visit with her niece, Mrs. McNeill, in St Thomas. The services in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday were well at- tended, At the morning service Rev. W. A. 'Young gavea very exoellent discourse taking far Isis subject "The, Wisclorn of the Winding Way." The .choir sang an anthem, "Siag lanto Me." In the evening a service of song and anstallation of the officers of the Young People took place. A male quartette "Which Way Shall I take?" ,consisting of Messrs. R, Y. McLaren, Jas. Mustard, and jusa Bengough and Rev. W, A. Young, who took !the solo part. The anthem, "At 'Even Eae the Sun Was Sea" was sang by the' choir, also a ladies' quartette, ."The Light of Day," ,by •Mrs. Andrew Dougall, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Miss Irene Howarth and Mrs. W. A, Mac - Laren. The officers installed are as follows: President Mrs. A. W. ,Kerslake; vice president, Miss iViolet Hyde; seceet- ary, Mr. 'Gerald Campbell; pianist, Miss Margaret Dougall; warship con- vener, Miss Irene Hoggarth; Fellow- ship convener, Mrs. Roy MacLaren; service convener,' Miss Helen Walker, roll call captains, Misses Margaret Bell and Lois MacLaren, Rev, R. A, Brook delivered fine ser- 11TOIIS at the 'United Church. At the morning service the choir sang °C) far a Thousand Tongues to Sing." The solo part was taken by Miss Florence Welsh. Miss Bella Smale sang a very delightful solo, "Leave it with Hien." At the evening service the anthem, "All is Well," was rendered by the choir. Solo parts were taken by Misses Ruth Brook, Goldie Cross and Mrs. Mande Hedden. Rev. "M. 'A. HIM conducted the service at St. Paul's Anglican Church and the choir rendered very fine mu- sic. Barn Destroyed by Fire.— • Fire of an unknown origin comp- letely deatroyed the fine ,bank barn of Mr. Albert Shirray about two and a 'half miles south of here an Saturday evening just after the supekr hour. Mr. Shirray was in London at the time of the fire and Mr. Reid who is employed with aim had just returned home and was in the house when someone noticed that the 'straw stack was on fire. There was a strong wincl. blowing in the direction of the barn and nothing could 'be done 10, save the contents, which were reduced to 311301.11d ering ruins in a couple of hours. Some valuable implements to- gether with all the summer's yield of crops were totally lost Fortunately there was no stock in the 'Barn. Mr. Shirray had just completed the fine barn a couple lof years ago and the loss will be heavy. It was partly cov- ered 'by insurance. Senior Institute Meets.— The regular monthly meeting of the Senior Institute met on Wednes- day evening at the home of Mrs. R, j. Moore and opened with the Instit- ute ode, "The Maple Leaf Forever," followed by the Lord's prayer in tmi- son. A delightful vocal solo was giv- en by Mrs. Geo. Hess entitled "Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake," accompan- ied ay Miss Florence 'Welsh. Miss Maude MacLean then gave a report of the convention 'held at London. Mrs. John Sinclair then game an ex- cellent demonstration on preparation of several sandwich fillings. The mot- to "A Recipe for a Sweet 'Disposi- tion," was very ably given lby Miss ,Gladys .Laker. Miss Kilpatriak aheti conducted a sing -song with Mrs. Young at the piano. The topic on ,preparation of cereals and 'beverages was given by Mrs. Harry Strang, of 'Exeter. Recipes were given :by sever- al of the members who attended the cooking school in Seaforth. A very dainty lunch was served. W.M.S. Thank Offering.— The W.M.S. ,of•Cart,nel Presbyter- ian Church held their thank offering meeting in the church Taiesday even - Ask to see our SEAFORTH. ubbers-Rubbers Protect Your Feet with Our No. 1 Quality Rubbers Rubbers for the whole family at a New Low Price for Quality Rubbers. Rubber Boots, Leather Top Rubbers, 6 Eye Laced or 2 Buckle Rubbers for work or rough wear, also Rubbers and Overshoes for over your Shoes. "Granite" Rubber Boot—just what the name "Lon9 Wear" at a New Low Price SEE BEFORE YOU BUY $S implies Next to Regent Theatre AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Dick's Hotel' Stables, &Worth, oil Friday, Nov. 18. Usttai ifin of Pigs, Cattle,' Poultry, Furniture etc. , Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. Homer 1I-Iunt, mgr., Phone 228 - 12. Geo, H. Elliott,' Auctioneer. J. M. Eldkart, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Community Sale at .Queen's Hotel barns, Seaforth, on Friday, Nov. 25116, There will be sixty pigs, from suck- ers to .80 lbs., some ciaoice stockers. Anybody having any live stock, or furniture, 'please bring them in, or anyone wishing to sell their pigs, phone the Queen's and we will go out and buy them. Rates very rea- sonable. j, 3. Coyne, Manager; Geo. H..Eelliott, Auctioneer; Joseph Cleak. "FARMERS ATTENTION" "Colder Weatbei is here", We have a Choice of First Class Fuel Alberta Large Lump $10.20 per ton • Pennsylvania Anthracite, Stove or 1Nut size $12.40 per ton Hamilton Coke$10.60 per ton We will .deliver to town consum- ers at an additional '60c per ton teamster's charge. J. II. SCOTT Phone 3016, Seaforth ing, Nov. Sth. The president, Mrs. C. Hudson, presided and the meeting op- ened by singing a hymn. Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren then led in prayer and Mrs. W. A. Young Teed the Scrip- ture. After the singing of a by,mn the offering was taken and ,dedicated. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a very de- lightful solo accompanied by Mrs. Young at the piano. Mrs. H, Jack .of Seaforbh was the special 'speaker and gave a very excellent address. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and Mrs. C. Hudson ledin prayer. Miss Helen MoNaugliton of Hib- bert visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell. Miss Mae MeNatighton of Toronto visited relatives' in and around town over the week end, Mr. Wm. Callahan of Detroit visit- ed last week with Mr. and Mrs, Roy MacLaren.' Miss Olive Walker, R.N., is visit- ing in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Fink and son 'Eldon of Hanover and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hillgartner of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Fink. Mrs, Stewart 'McQueen and daugh- ter, Miss Jean, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don „Rigby of Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook visited in Buffalo' N.Y., over the week end, Mr. LloydCook Exeter took charge of the store here. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne McNaugbton and family of Hibbert spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Glen Bell and family. Misses Irene Smale and Jean Fos- ter of London were in town Saturday attending the Willert-Carlisle wed - Mrs. Jas, Troyer of Toronto is vis- iting relatives and friends in town this week. Willert-Carlisle— A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Saturday at 4 p.m. at the time of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Car- lisle when their youngest daughter Annie Alice, was anited in the holy bonds of matrimony .with Leeland C. •Willert, eldest son of Mrs. Geo. Hess and the late Louis Willett of 1Zurich. Rev. Arthur Sinclair of Myth United Church and Rev. R. A. Brook of Hensel United Church performed the ceremony ,under an arch of evergreen, pink and white carnations anti white bell. Miss Irene Douglas played atelendelssohn's wedding march and the bridal chorus. The charming bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a robin egg blue taffeta floor length gown, in hoop line style with high waistline, bandeau of 'or- ange 'blossoms, white 'brocade slip- pers trimmed with silver and carried madam ibuttenfly roses. A 'wedding dinner was served to about fifty guests from tables beautifully ,decor- ated with pink and white 'mums and centred with 'the bride's cake and waited on by three girl friends of the 'bride, Misses jean Foster, Bella and Irene Smale. Later the happy couple left amid showers of .confetti and best wishes, for a honeymoon trip to Toronto, Buffalo and Chicago, The bride travelled in a green satin dress with gold trimmings, black Karamino fur coat and 'black accessories. They received many .beautiful and useful gifts. Following is a list of the names of the guests; Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess, Miss June Hess, Mrs. C. Walper, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Willert, Zurich, Mrs, David Tiernan, Mrs. .Ezra Tiernan, IMr. and Mrs. Ed Willert, Mrs. Dick Thompson and Miss Matilda *Kroft of Dashwood, Miss Martha Carlisle, Mr. Jas. Flemming, Miss Etnma Tiernan, Miss Irene Smale and Miss Jean Fos- ter of London, Mr. Ivan Willert, Ba- den, Miss Louise Willert, Tillson- burg; Messrs. Thos. and Joe Hudson, Pontiac, Mich, Rev. R. A. Brook and 'Mrs. Brook, Miss Bella Smale, Mrs. A. Harvey, Mas. A. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson and Miss Irene Douglas, Hensall, Mrs. Jas. Troyer, Toronto, 'Mts. Mead Hudson, and Mrs. John Consitt, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas, Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. IJas. jarrott, Hillsgreen, Mr, and Mrs. 'Wesley Richardeon Hay. The 'regular meeting of the young people of Carmel Presbyterian church was held Monday evening with the president, Mrs. A, W. Kerslake pre- siding. The meeting opened by sing- ing e0 God of Bethel" and "I Love to tell the story." Douglas Sangster led in prayer and the scripture was read by Tames Campbell. A/ devo- tional talk was given by Miss Mabel Workman on "Finding One's Place 43c PER DOZEN FOR GRADE A LARGE EGGS Trade only SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS Clark's Soups—Pea, Vegetable or Tomato 4 tins 25c Tapioca, 3 lbs 23c Corn Starch, 3 lbs. 23c Five 'Roses Flour, cwt. ...2.89 Purity Flour, cwt 2.89 Manitoba Flour, cwt. .... 2.49 ' First Grade Creamery Butter . . ........ . 21b. 47c Black Cat Floor Wax 1 lb. tin 17c Caustic Soda, 4 lb. 25e Lux, Lge. Pkg.. ..... . , 26c Oxydol, Lge. Pkge. 23c Rinso, Lge. Pkg. 23c 'Large Ivory Soap ' 2 cakes 13c Princess Soap Flakes 3 pkg. 25c Ne Life Laying Mash per cwt. 2.35 W. J. Finnigan IN MEMORIAM Iti laving memory of James Mc- Queen, Brucefield. Two years have passed, how quick time 'flies, Love's sweet memory never dies. I miss his help, his cheery ways, With him I spent my happy days, I miss 'him when I need a friend, On 'him I always could depend, He .cheered my life, he soothed my pain, god grant some day we'll meet again. —Lovingly remembered 'by his wife and family. IN MEMORIAM Cook,—In loving menaary of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Fred 'C. Cook, who ,passed away November 2e, 1191317. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother. It is sweet to breathe thy name, In life we loved you 'dearly, In death, we do tbe same. —Fondly remembered by husband and daughters, 'Norma and Edna, TOWN OF SEAFORTH COURT OF REVISION The first meeting of the Court of Revision for hearing appeals against the Assessment Roll for 1036 of the Town of Seaforth will be held in. the Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Wed- nesday, Nov. 31011h, at &o'clock p.m. D. H. WILSON; Clerk. t eaforth, Nov. 1115, 1936. FOR SALE 1 Beath cook stove, nsed 1 year. Ken Harrison, phone es r 22, Sea - forth central. WANTED Live horses suitable for meat or fertilizer. We do the trucking and pay highest cash prices. John Mc- Grath Jr. WOOD FOR SALE A quantity of green hardwood; also circular wood, for sale, Albert MeGavin, Walton, Phone 2011 r 4, Seaforth central. LOST 2 -yr. old red heifer with horns, pro- perty of Wes Green, Tuckersmith, Anyone wibh information please phone 136 r 3, Seaforth central. FOR SALE Dual purpose Shorthorn, heifers, twenty months old. One two year old to calve in .April. James F. Scott, phone 2411 - 41. FORSALE Two 2 -year-old ewes supposed to be in lamb, Two yearling cattle in good sha.pe. B. McGill, ,phone 170 r 34, Seaforth .eentral. FOR SALE Dual purpose Shorthorn bull, Wor- cester Banner, four years old, quiet and right, for sale. Murray Gibson, Brucefield. • FOR SALE Property, one half mile from Sea - forth on No. 8 Highway, .containing 4 acres of land, barn, garage, 7 -roomed brick house, with 'modern kitohen, low taxes, desirable situation for chi- cken farm. Price reasonable. Immed- iate possession. Apply to Bert Boyes, Phone 1717-20., Seaforth. FALL CLEARANCE SALE OF USED PIANOS Such well-known makes as Heintz - man, Nordheimer, Mason & Risch, Weber, and 'others, at reasonable prices and terms. Write Heintzman & 'Co., 2.14ta Dunclas St., London, for further 'particulars, No dbligations. FOR SALE 19 choice pigs, d weeks old. W. J. Finnigan. WAINTED To !borrow 141500 on good security. Apply at The 'News. in Life." It was decided to have a Young People's Sunday, Nov. 27th. Mr. Young was appointed to secure a special speaker. Miss Helen Walker .presided over the missionary part of the program. Miss Alice Pfaff gave a paper on Hinduism earl Miss Marg- aret Bell gave a 'paper on Moham- meclism. Hymn 0917, "VVe've a Story to Tell, to the Nations" was sung. Mr. Young gave an ,outline ati the mass movement taking place in India. A paper on this was given by 'Miss Irene Howarth. The meeting closed by singing 'hymn '48J4"What a Friend W Have in Jests" followed by grayer by Mrs. A, W. 'Kerslake. MANLEY Tuesday was a real winter's day and was a reminder that we inay still have sleighing after the fine fall weather but rain is needed or we may have a water famine as maly wells are short of water,, except the drilled wells. Ma. and Mrs. Fergus McKay have returned' to their home in Ilullett aftetr spending a week with his par- r. and Mas. Thos. McKay, ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & NAYS Barristers, Solicitors'Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hoye SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County 'of Huron , Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to '5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. FARM FOR SALE Lot 28, Con 11,'Hibbert Twp. 100 acres, good land, good 'buildings, on highway /No. .8, near church and school. Will be sold ' reasonably to settle an estate. For particulars•apply to Wrn. Stapleton, Dublin,, Ont. FOR SALE Deluxe sedan '1030, Ford model A, new ring job, easy on oil, in fair con- dition, wilt sell reasonably for cash. Also a man's navy, blue :Melton overcoat, leaks like new. Apply to The News 'office. , FOR SALE It good young breeding ewes; 1 pure bred Leicester rani; 1 good two- year-old Percheron colt; one hay rack and some Durham cows. Harold Penhale, Bay -field. Phone 12 - Hensall. • TO RENT Apartment to rent, over Thomas Dickson's store. Apply to E. L. Box. 'WARTED TO RENT Farmer having good stack wants to rent '100 acres or more south of Mill Rd. or Bayfield Rd., with option of buying. Need driving s'he,d, satisfact- ory stabling, sufficient Mel, Would ' like possession as .soon as possible. Apply to The News office. ' CIDER MILL Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, of each week dur- ing October and Nk>vearber. Cider Mill located on the street leading to the golf course, West Ward, Mitchald. Fred Hennick, Proprietor . Terms, cash. FOR SALE Farm containing WO acres choice land, eight acres wood lot, orchard, two good wells, mostly seedeil down. Good barn and shed, 'fine stables, box stalls, etc., new litter carrier, new windmill, cement silo, implement shed, garage. White brick house in first class condition,' hard and soft water, bath room, heated, three pieces. A mile south of paved highway and 'two west of Seaforth, near to church and school. Lot 20, Concession 2, Tucker - smith township. Will be sold very reasonably. For more particulars ap- ply to Andrew M. Kirk, Seaforth, R. R. 3, or phone 1150 - 3. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE In Egrnondville 34 acre ground, low taxes, corner lot, stable and hen house, electric lights. (Garage, small fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. John Sproat, Seaforth, FOR SALE Four 500 x 10 tubes and tires for sale second hand, and a number of other second hand tires. MacLean's Motor Service, Egmondville. PROPERTY FOR SALE A lot consisting of three acres, ad- joining S'eaforth. All seeded, best of. land. Good frame house with cement foundation, electric light throughout. Barn with cement foundation, room for Three horses. Hog pen, chicken pen. Hard and soft water. Taxes $10. Price $1,200, half cash, balance at 3%. This is certainly a snap. Apply to W. J. Walker, phone 67, Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm 8c guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. infeamaiLion cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Mons 3.34vv