HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-11-17, Page 5THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS UP sTORIEs • 19c Sale 17 to NOV 23 REAL VALUE'S; NOV. Large Plain PER PKG. 19 c QUICK QUAKER OATS, PER TIN 19 c FRY'S.0000A MANNING'S CHOCOLATE BRIDGE DAINTIES BISCUITS PER' 19 c 17 oz. 2 TINS GARDEN PATCH GOLDEN 'CORN 19 c 2s 2 TINS 1 GOLDEN WAX BEANS 9C NORTH 'STAR SILENT MATCHES 3 BOXES 19 c Cascade Salmon, Fancy Pink, 3/2s 1VIcLaren's Quick Tapioca Sani White Toilet Paper Polly Prim Catsup, 12 oz. 2 Tins 19c 2 pkg. 19c 3 rolls 19c 2 bd. 19c Carnation Evaporated Milk, tall ... . ..... . ...... . .. 2 tins 19c Lynn Valley Tomatoes, 26 oz. 2 tins 19c Quaker Puffed Wheat .., 2 pkg. 19c Aylmer Pumpkin, 234s large 2 tins 19c Aylmer Tomato Juice, 2534 oz. 2 tins 190 IVIcLaren's Invincible Jelly Powders ........ . ., 4 pkg. 19c McCormick's Fig Bar Biscuits per lb. 190 New Cooking Figs 2 tbs. 19c Hutnbug Candy per lb. 19c Canada torn Starch 2 pkg. 19c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 tins. ,19c Macaroni, LooseReady Cut 4 lbs. 19c Rolled O'Meal, Fresh 5 lbs. Yellow Sugar 3 lbs. Libby's Pork & Beans, 21 oz. 2 tins Campbell's Tomato Soup • ..... • 2 tins Custard ,Powders 2 pkg. Icing Sugar 2 lbs. New Bleached Sultana Raisins 1 lb. 1 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c MORE REAL VALUES. Kellogg's All Wheat, 2 pkgs.; Corn Flakes, 1 pkg, all for 26c Peanut Butter, bring your own containers per lb. 10c Kellogg's Pep and 1 Blue Cream Pitcher, for 25c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PH°NE PHONE 8 77 1 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, •holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 BLYTH Armistice Da.y commemoration was held in Blyth Memorial hall on Sun- day, Nov. 13th, at 7 p.m. Rev. A. Sinclair presided. The Clinton Legion No. 140 and local veterans attended, The parade was !headed by the 'band. The progratn began with the prelude, mCome Thou Almighty King.' Dox- ology ,hyran. "0 God of 'Bethel," the Scripture lesson was read by Rev. R. M. Weeks. A selection by the union choir, prayer, Rev. R. M. Weeks; brim, "Onward Christian Soldiers," offering was taken on behalf of the Bible Sotiety. A selection by the choir with Mr. Stanley Srbthoope taking the solo part; 'address, Rev. Kenneth McLean, of Wingham, .fol - 'lowed by prayer, placing wreath on memorial tablet, "Last Post," one minute of silence, Reveille. Hymn, followed by national anthem, bene- diction and vesper, Woman's Association:— The 'Woman's Association of the United Church met in the school room of the ohurch with president, Mrs. 3. W. Mills, presiding. Meeting opened by singing hymn 3318. The Lord's prayer was then repeated in 'unison. The secretary's report was gi- ven, also the treasurer's report, stat- ing 6164.156 on hand. Mrs. Chas. Gras - by, convener of flower and visiting committee, reported ,1 box, .5 bouqu- ets, 11 sympathy card sent out and 7 calls made .cluring the month. Meet- ing closed for W. M. S. to proceed. W. M. S.— The N'ovem'ber meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held in the school room of the church. President, Mrs. Wm. .Jenkins pre- sided. 'The 02nd ,psalm was read by Mrs. George McGowan. Hymn 20 was sung. The president led M pray- er. Christian stewardship was taken by Mrs. Chas. Grasby. A nominating committee was appointed for the De- cember meeting composed of Mrs. ,Jenkins, Mrs. Chas. Bell, Mrs. 3. SPECIAL Christmas OFFER Our regular $2.50 portrait89 C in natural colors - - - Jackson Studio Seaforih, Ont. Sp dais Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 17-18-19 MACARONI 6 LBS. MANNING'S CHOC. COOKIESLB. PRUNES 2 LBS. FIGS 2 LBS, CH 0 COLA.TE DROPS LB: 4 PKGS. DE LUXE JELLY POWDER AND PLATE „ • GOLD MEDAL.BAKING POWDER & BOTTLE VANILLA All For 7 .FOR FRESH GRAPE FRUIT 5 lb. Box DERBY SOAP CHIPS SMALL CHIPSO WONDERFUL SOAP CASHMERE ,BOUQUET TOILET SOAP 2 FOR lic FREE YARDSTICKS To Each Customer FREE PAINT BOOK For The Children D. ENNIS, Walton "QUALITY, VALUE, SERVICE & COURTESY'i Brussels 19 r 5. Seaforth 232 r 21 2 FOR 5 BARS 15c 25c iSc 19c 19c 15c 21c 23c 25c 35c 15c 411=61574.1411721.EREIMIkEtlriallIll TOWN TOPIC:3 ' Mr. and 'Mrs. William Mitchell of Brantford visited Mr. 'Thos. Staples on. Saturday. They were returning by motor from Killarney, Man., where they visited her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Devlyn, Baby Point, Toronto, land Miss Leola Nott, 'Guelph, spent Remembrance Day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, IN, Nott. 'Air.• Joe Eckert from Spanish, Ont., arrived !Milne to 'spend d few days with his family ,until he receives no- tice to return to his job of running the shovel. Misses Angela and Bessie Eckert and Miss Celestine O'Leary, who are on,ethe teaching staff ie Bruce county, spent the week end with their par- ents, Mt...and Mrs. J. M. Eckert and Mr. and Mrs, A. O'Leary. Mr. Fred Eckert has .sold his eix- acre farm in Dublin on No.. 8 highway to Mr, Ed Ahern who has been a ten- ant on it far several years. Miss Beatrice Eberhart of Thorn- bury and Mr, R. j. Carter of Orange- ville spent ;the 'week end a:0th Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ehrhart. Mrs. Robt. j. Beatty has returned to her 'home in Egmondrille after spending a few 'wee'ks with her dau- ghter, Mrs. j. A. Brodie, Toronto, Miss Lois Morrow of Fergus is visiting her mother, Mrs, Morrow, in Egmondville. Miss Leola 1Nott of Guelph spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. 'W. Nott last week, Mrs, 1.. T. 'DeLaeey is visiting :Mrs. 'Oscar Neil. Capt. and •Mr, Hodgins accompanied Mrs. DeLacey from Toronto and spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Love, Toronto, spent the week end with (he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. BORN Little—At the Memorial Hospital, St. 'Thomas, on Monday, :Nov. 14, 193/8, to Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Little, of Brantford, a .daughter. Barry.—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Tuesd,ay, 1Nov. '115, 1119318, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berry, D'u'blin, a son. Petts, 'Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, Mrs. E. Pollard. Mrs, A. Sinclair very ably introduced the new study book, The -World in Canada, 'list chap., Wearing a New Web. A reading was given by Mrs. j. W. Mills. The .president read an address given 'by Mrs. G. E. Forbes, Dominion Board president at the general council of the United Church held in Toronto. The invita- tion given by Mrs. Sinclair to meet at the manse for the December meet- ing was accepted. Hymn 94 was sung. Mrs, A. Colclough 'closed the meeting with prayer. Fowl Supper— The fowi supper under the aus- pices of the W. A. of the 'United 'Church 'held in Memorial Hall on Friday, Nov. lfith was a decided sues cess. 'Upward of /710.0 partook ,of a' bounteous supper which was one of the best ever, follawed by a whole- some, ,sparkling 3 -act comedy, 'When Bickley Came to Town," presented by Belgrave young people. The parts were web taken and much enjoyed. Between the acts Mr. 'Jamie Sims contributed a solo and encore, A piano duet by Miss Jean Phillips and Elaine Walsh of Belgrave that was much, appreciated: God Save the King was sung in closing. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, Mrs. Alberta Bender, and Miss Hazel Petts, all of London, were week- end visitors. Mr. and Mrs. L 0. Miller, Mr. Clarence Miller and Miss Morrie Price of 'Goderich attended the fowl TUCKERSMITH Mr. Roy Ross, London, visited at the home of 'his mother, Mrs. Emily Ross, over the week end. Miss !jean McDonald of Stratford visited with .Miss Rhea Ross over week end. DANCE G. W. V. A. HALL, SEAFORTH .Under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Sodality Fri Nov. 118 TONY CRYAN'S ORCHESTRA Admission 315c Dance AT KIPPEN ON Tuesday, Nov. 22 To BENNY PALMER And His Orchestra Featuring "HAPPY DAY" Canada's Foremost Tap -Dancer Gen. Adm, THEY'RE BACK! Ukelele ill AND HIS HILL BILLIES FEATURING DANCE AND FLOOR SHOW Old And New Time Dance Friday, Nov. 18 General Admission, 30 cents BRUCEFIELD Mrs. T. Dunlop of Chatsworth and son Harry are visiting il\fr, and Mrs. Roes Scott, and Mrs. .Rattenbury. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monteith of Lbedon tfisited Mrs. janet Ross ore Saturday. .11:rs, Wm. Edmunds ni Seaforth is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Wheeler and Mr. Wheeler. Mr. A. 'T. Swan and Miss Edith Bewey .are spending this week in 'Galt and Toronto. Messrs. IL McKay and C. Wallace of. Inwood visited' Mr. and Mrs, R. Dawson on Sunday on their way north for a 'deer hunt. ' • Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan spent Sun - die, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Munn, Hensel. Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and son Of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. ati.d Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. :Messrs. Lawrence .and Stanley Reid of Toronto spent Sunday in the village. Mrs. Jamieson returned to Toronto with 'them for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs, j. IL Mustard and family spent the week end at Inver- huron. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dutot of Bay- ne:1d spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. S. Detot. Mrs. 13. Cornish and Mrs. W. El- liott, Messrs. C. Cornish and H. Coll- ins spent Saturday in London. The boys took in the rugby .game. Messrs. Wm. Scott, Melvin Snyder and Harry Dunlop took in the Wes- tern and McGill rugby .game at Lon- don on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. j. B. Mustard and fa- mily spent the week end at their cot- tage at InverHuron, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunlop of Chatsworth came to visit with the latter's mother, Mrs, 'W. Rattenbury and sister, Mrs. R Scott and family Inc t Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G Manson and fam- ily and Mrs. McDonald of Dundas called on Mr. and Mrs. Haugh on Sunday. Mr. Willie McQueen. of Toronto visited with his mother, Mrs. /James McQueen on Sunday. Mr. and MTS. S. 'Neale and little daughter, of 'Glencoe, visited with Mrs, Nealels parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Stackhouse over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cameron and daughter of 'Kindersley, Sask., are home for the winter visiting with rel- atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Douglas at- tended the VVillert-Carlyle wedding on Saturday in Hensall. Mr. :and Mrs. IVIonteith and family of London .spent Saturday with Mrs. janet Ross. Mrs, A. McDonald and Miss M. McAsh after a 'pleasant visit with Mrs i• R. McKenzie and Mrs. W. Mc - Ash returned to their home in Hen- sel! last Frklay. A 'bale of 'clothing for the West will be packed in the near future. The W.M.S. held their monthly meeting on 'Wednesday, Nov. 9th. The meeting opened by reading res- ponsively Psalm 72, hymn 5180 was sung and Mrs. ljas. McQueen led in prayer. Mrs. H. Aikenheed.read, the Scripture reading Luke ,151111-3i2. Mrs. W. Ratteribury and Mrs. Haugh offered short prayers. Mrs. H. Aiken - head read a piece on Christian Stew- ardship. Mrs. LT. Cairn's gave the cur- rent event. 'Hymn 135I6 was sung. Dur- ing the 'business period it was decid- ed we entertain the 'Mission Band and the Baby Band and 'their mothers on Thursday, November 117th. Mrs. j. Mustard took the chair for the mis- sionary program and the worship service. Mrs. Mustard introduced tbe new study book "The 'World in Can- ada". She was assisted by Mrs, R. Allan and Mrs. C. Brock. During the worship service members took part in the responsive reading front the :Missionary Monthly, Hymn 2149 was sung and Mrs. Mustard closed the meeting with the 'benediction. On Thursday afternoon five auto loads of W.M.S. workers attended the fiftieth anniversary of the W.M.S. of the Egmondville congregation. All appreciated :the services .and the fel- lowship with the members there, • CONSTANCE. Mr. and Mrs, David Millson and Ross and Mrs. Thos. Pollard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wakefield on Sunday. A reception was held in Forresters' hall at Kinburn on Friday night in honor of Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas. 'Wake- field when about ,11510'. of their friends gathered to welcome Mrs. Wakefield to our ,community. 'They were pre- sented with a community ,present which consisted of davenport and roll of linoleum and a purse of money, The address was read after lunch by Mr. jack Keller. Charlie thanked them very much on behalf of his wife and 'himself for the gifts. The evening was spent in dancing and a good time was enjoyed 'by all, The Club of Progress ‘11111 meet on Friday at 8 p.m. An excellent pro- gram is being ,pro‘dtled and a full house is anticipated. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Vale of Detroit visited with Mrs. Vale's sister, Mrs. T. G. Elliott, and other relatives this week. Mrs. T. Boyd visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conner- of 'Ettrick this week end, Mr. :and. Mrs. Nr. H. Louden visited with Mr. arid Mrs. ',John. johnston in London. Mrs. Louden remained for a few days. Mr. Louden and. Harry re- turned home S.athrday. . Miss Dora Harrison- of 'Kincardine spent the week end at her home here. The W. E. group, W. m.. S. of G. U. Church intend to holft -a box social at the home of Mt. aed Mrs. v. IT. ..cauten this Friday even•ing. Me. Wilmer Harrison went on a Melting trip .this week in hope of se- enrieg a deer. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter- Harrison -at- tended the reception in honor of ;Mr. aeci Mrs. Charles Wakefield,' who were recently married. ST. COLIIMEAN Mr. Jeseph A. Berke has been suc- cessful in passing.' ,exa•minations nt 1 aroma • • •for lenthaltutts' Certificate and. Funeral Director HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and chil- dren Of Toronto spent the meek end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Simon MoVittie arid other friends, returning to 'Toronto on Monday. Miss Doris Lear, who had been visiting at the home of the former and other 'frienclis in Toronto Inc the past month, re- turned with them to her home. Mrs, Norman Shepherd has been visiting at the home of ;her sister, Mrs. and Mr. Frank Marshall, near Blyth, for the past few days. Miss Jessie Watt visited Miss Phy- llis Shepherd Thursday evening' and Friday of last week. We are very sorry Mrs. Robert Watson is not enjoying good 'health, but glad she is improving a little. Some from this neighborhood at- tended the armistice service in Blyth memorial hall on Sunday. Mr. ',Tames Walt and Owen of Tor- onto spent the week end at the .honie of the .former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Watt of Bilyth, also his broth- ers, 'Mr. and Mrs. Leo and Mr. and Mrs, .Geo. !Watt, and Mr. Chas. Par- sons, of this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent Sunday at the home oP Mr. and MTS. Wesley Hogarth near Clinton. Mrs, 'Jennie Knox and Ernest have, got nicely settled on the latter'e farm, We wish them many years of health, happiness and prosperity. We are pleased that Mr. Watson Reid 'has got well enough to get ar- ound on crutches ,and hope he will soon be all o.k. again. ELIMVILLE Miss Margaret Johns visited Inc a few days last week with friends at Atwood. 'Visitors on Sunday and Monday with Mr, ind Mrs. Peter Whitlock were Mr. Clifford Whitlock and Miss Jay Whitlock of St, Thomas, Mr. Erect Dawson ef Lumley, and Mr. and Mrs. Freemen Horne and 'Kath- leen of Winchelsea. Mr. Will Eason of Oil Springs vis- ited with his friend, Mr. Walter Pen- rose recently, Miss Florence Bell, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, Via - 'ted at her home her over the week end. Mrs. Wm. johns was taken to Vic- toria Hospital, London, on Friday of last week under observation. BRODHAGEN. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel, Claires and Glen, motored to Detroit oil Friday to spend the week end. Mrs, Diegel remained Inc the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk spent Sunday in :Hamilton, Mr. and Mre. Wm. S. Riehl and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Richt Sr. of Mitchell spent Sunday and Monday in Detroit. . Miss Pearl Hillehrecht is visiting her -sister Mw. Leslie Wieterson in Detreit. . Miss Mamie ,Prueter is visiting her sister, Mrs, 'Norman Rode in Detroit. Messrs. 'John and Edward Meyer arid Mr. Wilfred Ahrens visited rela- tives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. WITI. ,Kethke, Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Gethke, Mr. and Mrs, E. Gethke and son. all of Mit- chell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priestap, lir. and Mrs. Alf. Dykeman, Allen and Charlie, of Toronto, visited rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Pfeifer and son Douglas, Mrs. Jim Cole and NVilfred, all of Waterloo, visited with Mr. and Mrs, W. L. iQuerengeeser on Sunday. Mrs. William Diegel, Calvin and Marlene, spent the past week with the foriner's mother, MTS. Brunner at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock and family spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs Rock's sister in London. AUBURN Miss Margaret Ferguson of Park- hill spetn the week end with her par- ents, Mr. •and Mrs. A. 5. Ferguson. Mr. Keith Arthur who spent the summer at Wilkie, Sask., arrived home last Saturday. Miss Martha Paterson of Toronto visited with her cousin, NI•iss 'Joseph- ine Weir this week. Mies Hattie Murray of Sealorth visited Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Lawson last week. Miss Lila Ymtgblut. R.N., lett on Monday for :Montreal where she will take a post graduate coursein a hos- pital there. . Miss Mary Asquith of Fergus. spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and...Mrs. Chas. Asquith. MiSti Marjorie Arthur of Stratford Normal visited with her mother, Mrs. John Arthur over the week end, -Mr. John Peffer and 21 r 'Weint. both of 'Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin of Wingham visited with Wal- lace and Nitise Margaret King on Sumlay. Mr, MT. AIMS, Mr. 3. Afilitti and Irks R. Amos, all of Parkhille visited on Sunday with Mr. and- Mrs. Thos. Wilson. Master Arnold Phillips spent the week end with his cousin 'Harold Taylor of St. Helens. , 'VestertfilY ifTuesday) the first sleigh driven by 'joint Loekart ttp- pea•red on Main st. :Mr. and Mrs. Perry Manning :nu'. daughter Phyllis of Lomlesboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Chesney and family of Seeforth visited on Senday with Mrs,' jas. Howitt. -Messrs. Norman Carter :ind ord Carter of Woodstock tikhed 111 Sundae with NIr. mut Mrs. Earl McKnight. A Home and School Club was: farmed at S. ' 3, Colhorne cYriung's school), last Wednesday night. The regular meetiegs will he held the Monday before the full of the 1110011. - Mrs. jas. Rhe:son picked rose from her •gardee one dav last week. and Mre, cliftvain quietlY celebrated their .34th wedding, anok:- ersare last Wednesday. St'e'he Iledd of 'Woodstock called on friends here -Siiturday. PAGE FIVE REGENi THEATRE NOW SHOWING Richard Arlen Beverly Roberts CALL'OF THE YUKON Lyle Talbot MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, Nov. 20, beginning at 12:05 Mon. Tues. Wed., Nov. 21-22-23 Fred Astaire ,Ginger Rogers CAREFREE Ralph Bellamy Luella Gear - Those two light-footed, light-hearted maniacs—In their most tuneful danc- ing comedy Next Thur. Fri. Sat., (Nov. 24-25-26 Gene Autry Smiley ,Burnette Gold Mine in the Sky Carol Hughes Craig Reynolds Lovin'—in the best Western of the year . COMING_ he Amazing Dr, Clitterhouse HENSALL Ladies' Aid Entertain* Men— At the regular 'meeting of the Lad- ies' Aid on Tuesday evening the men of -the congregation were entertained and presented the program. The pre- sident Miss Hannah Murray presided and extended a very hearty welcome to the men. Psalm 316 was sung fol- lowed by prayer by Mr. Young. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted and the 'business ,disbussed. Rev. W. A. Young acted as chair- man over the following program and a very encouraging and appreciative address to the ladies for their worlc. An excellent reading, "The HAPPY Road of Life," was given by Mr. Wan, Craig. We were !favored by two fine selections by the old-time Prches- tra consisting of Mrs. Malcolm Doug- all, Messrs. gas. Mustard Sr., Jas. Mustard 'Jr., Fred Daters and jas. Bengough. A solo entitled "That Fat Wee Fellow with His Mammy's Eyes" was beautifully sung by Mr. Young and an encore "Keep on Hopin." Mrs. Young was the accom- panist. The address of the evening was very ably given by Mr. Ross MacKay on '''The Great Panama Canal," which was very interesting. VARNA Armistice day was observed by ser- vice in the hall. Opened by Rev. Mr. Peters, who led in prayer, followed by an address from Rev. Mr. Wright of Brucefield. Reeve Watson .presided and members of the council were pre- sent. After the service the procession formed by Pt. Lloyd Keyes, marched to the cenotaph, where wreathes were placed. An old Stanley boy passed away in Clinton hospital Saturday in the per- son of Christopher Ward. Several from this ,dietrict attended the fowl supper in Auburn Friday -evening. Mrs. 'Williams of Souris, Man., af- ter visiting relatives and friends in 'Ontario, left for her western home on Monday. Dr. Ha-rvey and Mrs. Reid and two daughters of Toronto visited his mo- ther, Mrs. If, Reid over the week end. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wildfong and family spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grassic. . - Mrs. Miller of Cromarty spent a few days with Mrs. M. C. Beatty last weelc. Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Miss Edyth Mossop, in company with Mr. Geo, Beatty, Sr., spent a day in Hibbert last week. Wedding bells are ringing. WALTON 'Six schools took part in the pre- sentation of . a concert recital held in Duff's Church, Walton on Tuesday evening. Almost UV pupils gave a program of -real - merit, consisting of choruses, -duets and solos. There were five rhythm bands. The large number of parents and others in •rhe district enjoyed an entertaining program and had the opportunity of learning what can be accomplished in musiejin the echools. Inspector Kinkead of Gode- rich was present and spoke 'briefly on the subject of music. Much „credit is Inc Nliss Helen B. Britton Who has been the teacher of music in these schools. The schools taking part :and the names of the teachers are: 'No. ,111 Nlorris (Walton, Mr. Sellers• 'No. Morris, Mr. Grainger: No: 8 'Grey, Arther Bewley; No, 2 Grey, • Katt MeNah: No, 12, Grey, Ha•rVey Bry- an: No, 9, Niels:Mop. Sam NieSpad- . item STANLEY Mr. an,' Mrs. .kddisi,on -Martin, 11r. and Mte. .1ma. Cineerich and Mr. Schrader of -rayt,n spent Sunday 'th Mr. .ind Mr, Noah Gineerie h. Mrs. 'Nfiwl-.!onetlil of Dundas Anent the e end ,vith her eistee Mrs, 'J. A, Carnie. Mr. and Mrs. Gmelon Ntaes,m and family of Den ILI, haVe frieuls in ti:ic formur's old home near it alt Mr. eiel Mrse C. Haueh 05 Bruce - field and Mr. and Mrs, Walliee T -Ta ugh and family of T had tea with Nita J. A. Carnie 00 Sunday evening, Mr. Milton ..1Ainston aud friends of ThOrrli0e, New Ontario, paid a brief visit to Si,' homes of 2,Fr. Josiah Steckle and Mrs. J A Caraie on Tuesday of last week.