HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-11-10, Page 81?1
Tho Happy Cousins ,Entertaipers
of. Elmira will present programme
IVIonclay, Nov. op, 'Jensen TOU'll Hall
8015 ;pan. ender auspices Young Peo-
ple's 'Union. Adults 25e, Children 115c.
The Presbyterian Manse, ,Hensall,
was the scene of a pretty wedding at
eleven o'clock Saturday. .when Rev.
W. A. Young united in marriage
Irene Elizabeth Mousseau, eldest
daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Alex
Mousseau, Hay, and LeRoy " Oesch,
son of Mrs. Susan ,Oescb, Zurich.
The bride looked charming in a
gown of plum 'sheer 'bubble crepe
with .gold trinimings and carried a
bouquet of briarcliffe rosebuds. The
'bridesmaid Miss Ella Mousseau of
Grand Bend, was attired in royal blue
chiffon with navy accessories and
corsage cif johanna Hill roses. The
' ,groom a'as supported ,by Mr. Garnet
Mousseau, brother of the bride. After
the ceremony a wedding dinner was
served to about forty guests at the
home of the bride's parents. The
tables were 'beautifully •decorated
with pink and white and ceatred with
the bride's cake. Four girl friends of
the bride were waitresses, narnelV
Mrs. Wes Jones, Miss Margaret
Mousseau, Misses Annie and Mary
Coleman. Later the happy young
couple left for an extended trip to
St. Catherines, 'Niagara Falls and
Buffalo. For travelling the bride don-
ned a smart grey Bombay lamb coat
with navy accessories. Mr. and Mrs.
Oesch will reside in Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sheppard
and little daughter rof Harrietsville
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Sheppard.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennings and
daughter Mae of Egmondville moved
into the house Tuesday known as
the Reichert house, which Mr. Ken-
nings purchased recently from Mr.
J. W. Ortwein.
Mr. and Ars. Henry Harbarn and
little •daughter of Staffa spent the
week end at the home of the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Deters.
Mrs. A. L. Case retarned home
last week after visiting a few days
with Mrs. A. Laminie in Detroit.
Mr. Roy Weber motored to De-
troit Sunday and spent the day there.
Rev. T. P. Cook of Milverton
conducted services in the United
Church Sunday and delivered very
fine discamses. The choir Tendered
excellent anthems under the very able
leadership of Mr. W. 0. Goodwin
with Miss Greta Laramie playing
the organ. Rev. A R. Brooks was in
Milverton conducting anniversary
services there.
The services in Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church were well attended, Rev.
W. .1. \Wing delivering splendid ser-
mons and tbe choir sang excellent
anthems, solo part was taken 'by Rev.
NV. A. Young. Next Sunday evening
the service will he a service of song
and the nflieu.re of the young people's
sosiets will he installed.
The, mapy friends of Mr. Dan
Ross who underwent an operation at
St, Joseph's hospital. London, an
Friday regret to hear that he
(Ining. :IS well as expected, but hope
he will scion recover.
Cauadian Legion are holding
their Armistice service in Carmel
Presas terian Church Friday af ter -
neon at 2:30 pm.
Nex t Saturday will be apple day
and the Boy Scouts of the village ask
yotir co-operation.
The annual rally of the mission
bands of Huron Presbytery will be
held in Carmel Presbyterian Church
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 rani. Miss
Iris Erry of Jobat, India, will be the
special speaker,
The Arnold Circle are preparing
for their annual bazaar to be held
Saturday, Dec. 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Kating ,of London
visited aver the week end with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill of
'Wroxeter, visited with relatives in
town Simday.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Butler and Nfr.
and MTS. Raba Harney of London
called on friends in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. IC Hutton and
son Larry who have ,been resident:,
of town for the past few years moved
to Exeter on -Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasl''arkins and
family of Denfield have rented the
Anglican Church rectory and expect
to move here very shortly.
Arnold Circle—
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mrs. 'Jas. Vineent,
Cliutom on Monday night. when the
Arnold Circle were entertained hy
Mrs. Vineent. The president Miss
_Mabel Warkman, presided and open-
ed the meeting by singing hymn 109,
hallowed by the sentence prayers hy
Misses Margaret Bell, Myrtle Pears
and Mrs. Roy MacLaren, Miss Violet
Hyde then read the Scripture, reading
followed by minutes of previous
meeting, roll call and business dis-
cussed. It was decided to hold the
bazaar Saturday, Dec. 3rd. A delight-
ful guitar duet was given by Misses
Margaret MacGregor and Helen
Walker. A short reading on "Armis-
tice" was given ,by Miss Irene Hog-
garth. The chapter from the study
'book was taken by Miss Mabel
Workman entitled "The Ways of the
Little Doctor." Hymn 464 was then
sung and all repeated the Lord's
prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was
served by the .hostess.
Miss !Edna Saundercock has ac-
cepted a position with Mr. W. 0.
Goodwin in his dry good store.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sparks of
13ayfield visited on Sunday ,with the
former's mother, Mrs. -.;af. Sparks,
Mrs and Mrs.' Harry Cook of Tor-
onto spent the week end with the
former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. .C.
Mr. and Mrs, McNeill of St.
Thomas visited relatives and friends
in and araand town last week,
'Mr. and ,Mrs, P. H. Devlin of Strat-
ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Corbett and family recently.
Mrs. David MacLean is at present
visiting her dinCe, MCNein hi
St Thomas
The W. M. S. are rstaking ars
stars •
Up -swept
calls for a
Better Permanent
and a most modern shampoo by
PHONE 50 OR 18.
rangements for packing a lbaleof
second hand clothing, bedding and
books to be sent to the West in the
near future.
Mr. T. D. Wren has moved his
grocery store one door east in the
Petty 'block and it .presents a very
fine appearance.
Mrs. John Murdoch is visiting her
niece, Mrs. 'McNeill in St. Thomas,
Mr, John Miller who resides near
Mitchell visited last week with his
daughter, Mrs. H. '0. Dayman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and
family have moved into the house
owned by the Rennie Estate on South
Richmond St. recently vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt. Higgins and
Mr. E. K. Hutton of Goderich
spent the week end at his home here,
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
St. Mark's • Church. recently ,whea
Margaret Jeanne, eldest daughter of
Harry Swain and the late Mrs. Swain
of Ailsa Craig, NV6.1 united in mar-
riage to William Royce Welsh, son
of William Welsh and the 'late Mrs.
Welsh, Hensall. Rev. Walter Jones
officiated. The attendants were Miss
Mabel Sims and William Bowes of
London. The bride wore green crepe
with accessories in -black and should-
erette of -talisman "roses. Following
the .ceremony a reception was held at
the Royal Cafe, Mr. and Mrs. 'Welsh
will reside on Ridout Street, London.
The many friends of Mr. Mark
Drysdale are pleased to see him out
around aaain and able, to take a few
car rides,
Miss Helen Walker visited with
Heads in London -Saturday.
Mrs: Eva Stapleton is visitipg
friends in _Cochrane and Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink have moved
into the hause owned by Mr. Geo,
Fergusan on -South Richmond S1.
and are'
-*ening nicely settled.
Ma and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and
Miss Violet Hyde visited with rela-
tives in Preston on Thursday hist.
The occasion was Mr. and Mrs. Fer-
guson's fifty-thirdwedding anniver-
A very pleasant afternoon was
spent Thursday in the United Church
when the NV, M. S. entertained the
mothers and babies of the Baby
Band. The church was b.eautifully
decorated with streamers of pink and
blue, colored balloons and huge bas-
kets of mums. The president, Mrs,
Cross presided and extendeda very
'hearty welcome to all present, after
which hymaa427 was sung, followed
by the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs.
Ed McQueen read the 23rd psalm.
Mrs, Laramie then led in prayer. The
roll was called and business discussed,
The collection was then. taken and.
'recitations were given by Ross Cor-
bett, Bobby Rowcliffe and Shirley
Chapman. Mrs. R. J. Patterson then
gave a very interesting story entitled
"Seita, a little Indian Girl." Recita-
tions a -ere then given by Ian Mc-
Allister, Jean Ingram and Elaine
Beer. This was followed by a story
by Miss Consitt entitled "A little
black African Baby," which was
very interesting.. Recitations by Clau-
dette Blowes,- Beverley Moore, Betty
Smale and Hannah Pepper followed
by a delightful solo :by Betty -Mickle
"Jesus. Wants Me for a Sunbeam,"
accompanied by Mrs. E. I-. Mickle.
Mrs. Geo. 'Hess then -gave an inter-
esting story entitled "Lillian a little
Indian Girl." 'Mrs. E, L. Mickle, sup-
erintendent of the Baby Band. then
presided over the graduation exer-
cises -while Miss Florence Welsh
played soft nmsic and sang. The
children looked very pretty in their
pink and blue banners and hate, and
were presented with their diplomas
.by Mrs. Mickle and received into the
Mission Band by Miss Catherine
Drysdale. The names of the gradu-
ates were as follows:. Betty Miekte,
Beverley Moore, Bobby ROwcliffe,
lan-McAllister, Hannah Pepper,
Jean Ingram, Ross Cotbett, Rae
Clarke, Claudette Blowes and Betty
Smate. The meeting closed by sing-
ing hymn 432 and Mrs. McDonell
led in prayer. A dainty luneh was
over the week inrid with his mother,
Mrs. Ann Berry.
Miss 1Nellie Fee of Milverton vis-
ited at her 'home here over Abe *eek
end. •
'Messrs. Milton and Lloyd Ortwein
of London visited 'relatives here on
Mrs. Brazier and family of 'Lon-
don spent Sunday the guests of Dr.
and 'Mrs, D. G. Steer.
Mr. Harvey Hudson has secured a
position on a large dairy farm at Ild-
erton aad left this week to com-
mence his 'duties there.
Ma, 1Jas. Parkins ,of Denfi•eld has
been appointed by the C.IN.R, as sec-
tion 'foreman for Hensall district
and commenced work here Monday.
Ma. Parkins is well known haying
worked here all last winter as fore-
Mrs. A. McDonald -and Miss Mary
McAsh spent a -few days last week
with their sister, Mrs. McKenzie of
Mr. Ford Sparks of London spent
a day -last week with his mother,
Mrs. Marjorie Sparks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman of Blen-
heim visited on Sunday with the lat-
ter's parents, MT. and Mrs. Chas,
Mr, G. H. Jefferson, Rt. VVor. Bro.
of Clinton, attended the Masonic
Lodge meeting here on Monday night
and gave a very excellent address,
and the first degree was exemplified.
Leaders' Congress and Training
School will be held in the 'United
Church irons Nov. 7 to 15th.
MiAA Annie Carlisle, bride -elect of
Saturday, was honored at her home
last Wednesday evening with a mis-
cellaneous shower. The bride was
the recipient of many beautiful and
useful gifts.
Armistice Day, Friday, Nov. lalth,
will be observed as a public holiday
and all places of business will close.
Mr. Graham MacLaren of Crops --
arty visited friends in town Sunday.
Anniversary services of the Young
People's Union will be held in the
United Church Sunday, Nov. 20th.
Rev, Hugh Keith Love of Kintore
will be the special speaker. a as ,
A quiet wedding was solemnized
Saturday at 4 o'clock at the 'home of
Mr. and )Jr, E. K. Hutton when
Rev. NV. A. Young united in marri-
age Mrs, Annie 'Alexander, Hensall,
and Mr. William Hagen of Kiteh-
ener. The bride wore black triple
sheer with •ahoulclerette of white car-
nations, During the signing of the
register, Mrs. W. A. Young played
the piano. After the ceremony a wed-
ding dinner was served to the immed-
iate relatives of the bride and gropm.
Mr. and Mrs. Hagen will reside in
Mission Circle—
The Mission Circle of the United
Church held their meeting at the
home of Miss 'Mary Goodwin on Fri-
day evening last. The first part of
the meeting was spent in knitting
and lunch served. The worship part
npened by silent prayer followed by
prayer by leader. 10 Love that will
not let me go," was then sung, fol-
lowed by the motto. A reading was.
given by Elva McQteen. Gladys
Passniore read the scripture, the roll
was called by Elva Me -Queen. "Jesus
Shall Reign where're the San," was
sung. Miss Douglas gave a very in-
teresting address on missionary work.
The meeting closed by singing,
Hensall Council—
Regular meeting of the village
council held Monday evening, Nev.
7 at 8 p.m, in the council chambers
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the 'United Church manse, Blyth
when Res-, Arthar Sinclair, former
pastor of Hensall I_Tnited Chttrch, un-
ited in marriage Mildred Elizabeth,
daughter of Mrs. A. Scruton and the
late Mr. Scruton, of Hensall, to
Peter Linton MCNaughton, son ,of
Mc1Naughton -and the late Ars.
McNaughton of Hensall. The young
couple were unattended. Mr. aed Mrs.
McNaughton apent their honeymoop
in Toronto, and white there were the
guests of the bride's sister, Miss
Joyce Scruton and the groom's sister,
Miss Mae MeNaughton. Mr. and
Mrs. McNaughton ,will reside in
Mr, Ed Berry of Toronto visited
"Colder IVeather is here"
We have a Choice of First
Class Fuel
Alberta Large Lump
$10.20 per ton
Pennsylvania Anthracite, Stove
or Nut size .. $12.40 per ton
Hamilton Coke$10.60 per ton
We will deliver to town consum-
ers at an additional '60c per ton
teamster's charge.
Phone 356, Seaforth
Dublin Hardware
Community Sale at Dick's. Hotel
Stables, Seafarth, on Friday, Nov. 18.
psual run of Pigs, Cattle, Poultry.,
Furniture, etc. s
Bring in anything you have to sell.
Rates reasonable. •
Homer Hunt, mgr.; Phone' 212B - 12
Geo. H. Elliott, ,Auctioneer.
J. NI. Eckert, Clerk.
Modern conveniences, central loca-
tion. Apply to Mrs. Frank Dever-
eaux, Seaforth,
Eight room house, well •situated;
garage, 2 lots. Mrs. J. Muir.
Bed and -springs like, news 2 rock-
ing chairs, '11 kitchen cupboard, for
sale. M. Herron, Ord street.
with all mensbers present. Minutes of
the previous meeting read and ad-
opted. F. G. Borithron appeared as a
delegation from' the Canadian Legion
re Remembrance Day, also wreath
for some. Brock and Twitchell, that
we grant the Legion the sum of $5
for wreath. The treasurer Tend a par-
tial ,financial statement, also reported
receiving 1$120 •for hall rents. The col-
lector's report .read, showing $268,5,04
in 1938 taxes as being paid. Corres-
pondence read and filed. Bills and ac-
counts read, A Diets, truClcing, $111;
D. Hoggarth, labor, drain, $1.70; T.
Richardson do, V3.318; T. &male, do,
$14,15; D. kyle, do, 101141; H. Hudson,
do, $281.715% . Taylor, do, 215; W. M.
Sproat, tile, $50; J. A. Paterson, sel-
ecting jurors, $1.50s R J. Paters:on,
$6410; R. E. Shaddiek, 82'69; County
of Huron, spraying road oil, S60.901;
Provincial treasurer, insulin, $1,20;
Price Auto Electric, motor, V715s G.
Walker, pt. salary, $311; Hensall
Hydro, hall, $5$0; G. Gram, teaming,
$11.7151. Total -1831517M Bylaw No. 10
was read and 'finally passed. Brock
and Twitoliell, that we accept tlse
Hydro proposition on trimming street
trees on a $0 per cent basis of cost,
the Reeve to secure men. James and
Shepherd, that we instruct the Reeve
to issue a proclamation for observing
Remembrance Day, Nov. nth. Brock
and 'Twitchell, that we purchase the
remaining property at the adjourned
tax sale on Nov. .115th.
games and Shepherd, that we se-
cure 3 stop signs. Twitchell and
Brock, that we secure 150 yards of
screened gravel from G. McLean.
Council adjourned to meet Nov. 115th
at 7:30 pan. ---1J. A. Paterson, Clerk.
Miss Kate Ellison spent last Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. James Black.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman and
family spent last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George 'Johnston of near
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt and
Mr. 'John Martin spent hist Sunday at
the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Lachlan of Stanley.
Mrs. -Andrew Kirk who has been
very ill at h er daughter's Mrs. Bee-
croft, of Dungannon, is improving
these last few days. Her many friends
will be pleased to hear of her
Mrs. Laura Creighton of Detroit
who was home visiting -her parents;
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, has re-
turned home.
1N1.r. and Mrs. Frank Coleman and
family of McKillop spent Monday
evening at Mr. and Mrs. Russell
The ladies of Burns' United
Church have engaged Clinton talent
to put on the play entitled For Pete's
Sake in Community Hall, Londes-
boro, on Wednesday evening, Nov.
1116th. This play has been put on in
several places and a good crowd is
hoped for at Londesboro.
Miss Margaret Watt of Blyth visit-
ed for a few days the latter part cif
last week at t home o f her cousin,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen. While there
they called on several other friends
in the neighborhood.
Time are looking up around Har -
lock, as Hydro poles are being erect-
ed and families in the neighborhood
getting Hydro are Messrs. Geo,
Watt, Cecil Lyddiatt, Bert Allen,
Charles Parsons, Peter Taylor, Nor-
man Shepherd and A. W. INIcEwing.
We congratulate these and wish them
good luck with the Hydro.
Mr.A. W. McEwing recently
changed his Essex car for an Olds-
Mrs. Jennie Knox visited at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. and Mr,
Graydon Neil, the :beginning of the
Mrs. Audrey Knox spent Tuesday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Knox /jr.
The W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid held
Sheir November meetings aa the home
of the Misses 'jean and Agnes Ham-
ilton with a good attendance and a
pleasant afternoon was spent.
The artist Whistler gratified a
graudge against his 'Venetian land-
lady by angling for her goldfish—
placed temptingly on a ledge 'beneath
his windowsill, He caught them, fried
tliem, and dropped them dexterous-
ly 'back into their bowl.
• Want and For Sale .ads, 5 wks., 50c
Red Soled Robber Boots
per pair 2.49
Black Soled Rubber Boots
per pair 1.89
Men's Low Rubbers
Goodrich Quality, pair 69c
Boys' Low Rubbers, pair ..59c
5 Roses Flour, per 98 lb... 2.89
Purity Flour, per 98 lb. .2.89
All Manitoba Flour •
per 98 lb. 2,49
Caustic Soda, 4 lb. .... .. 25c
Lux Flakes, large pkge 23c
Oxydol, large pkge. 23c
Rinso, large pkge. , 23c
Choice Cooking Onions
10 pounds 19c
New Life Laying Mash
per cwt. 2.35
J. Finnigan
The 'family of the late Henry Mc -
Gavin, desire to express to th:e
neighibors and friends their sincere
appreciation of the many expressions
of syinpathy ,extended to them- in
their recent bereavement. Also to
thank the United Church 'Quaitette
and, those who sent flowers.
In laving memory of Mrs. Wm.
Elliott Sr. who. 'passed away five
years ago, Nov. 3, 19313.
"Remembrance is a golden 'chain,
Death tries to break but all in vain.
To have, to love, then to part,
Is the greatest sorrow of one's
The years may wipe out many things,
But this they wipe out never,
The memory of those ,happy days,
When we were all together,
—.Byer remembered by her sons,
Clarke -4n loving memory of Arch-
ibald Clarke who passed away one
year ago, November 10, 1937.
'Tis sweet to remember a father so
Though absent from us, yet ever so
Unseen, by the world he stands by our
Aud whispers, "Dear ones, death can
not divide."
—Ever missed by Wife and Family.
.Alladin lamp, also Coleman gaso-
line iron. Fred McClymont, 'Varna.
Quebec heater, large size in Al
shape. Apply to the News Office,
In Egmondville ?a.; acre ground,
low taxes, corner lot, stable and hen
house, electric lights. Garage, small
fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. John
Sproat, Seaforth.
Lot 10, concession 7. Tuckersmith.
Good frame .house, bank barn, straw -
Shed, first class cement stabling
throughout. 2 good wells, 8 colony
houses well fenced and drained, con-
venient to schools and churches. On
Kippen 'road, 344 miles from Seaforth.
For further particulars apply to Rol-
and Kennedy, Seaforth, 'Ontario.
Farmer having good stock wants to
rent $0 or no acres in Tackersmith
or Hibbert with option of buying.
Need driving ahecl, satisfactory stabl-
ing, sufficient fuel. Would like pos-
session as soon at possible. Alex
Parsons, Seaforth, R. R. 2.
Apartment to rent, over Thomas
Dickson's store. Apply to E. L. Box.
'The next meeting of Huron Coun-
ty Council will 'be held in the Coun-
cil Chambers, Court House, 'Goder-
id, commencing Tuesday, !November
115th, 1038, at 8 p.m. All accounts,
notices of deputations and other bus-
iness requiring attention should be in
the hands of the County Clerk by
November th.
J. M. Roberts,
County 'Clerk, 'Goderich, Ont.
Farmer having good stock wants to
rent •100 acres or more south of Mill
Rd. or Bayfield Rd., with option of
buying. Need driving .sbed, satisfact-
ory stabling,/ sufficient fuel. Would
like possession as soon as ,possible.
Apply to The News office.
Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, of each week dur-
ing October and Nbrember. Cider
Mill located on the street leading to
the golf 'course, West Ward, Mitchell,
Fred I-Tennick, ProprSetor . Terms,
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank-
Seaforth. Office hours
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:130 p.m. to $ p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p, m. to 9 p. m,
Lot 2.8, Con. 11, Hibbert Twp. 100
acres, good land, good 'buildings, on
highway No. '8, near church and
school. Will the sold reasonably to
settle an estate. For particulars apply
to Wm. Stapleton, Dublin, Ont,
Deluxe sedan .11930, Ford model A,
new ring jab, easy on oil, in fair con-
dition, will sell reasonably for cash.
Also a . man's navy blue Melton.
overcoat, looks like new. Apply to
The News 'office.
li good young breeding ewes; 1
pure bred Leicester ram; 1 good two-
year-old Percheron colt; one hay
rack and some Durhani cows. Harold
Penhale, Bayfield, Phone 12 - 78,
A, quantity of Northern Spy apples
and Russets. Apply to Mrs. L. J.
Dmg, phone 4 - Hensall cen.
For sale, a house and lot on Spald-
ing street Seaforth, House in excel-
lent Condition. Not too large. Five
rooms, with pantry and wash room.
Good foundation with cement •cellar
and equipped with town water and
electric lights. Small shed. Fifth of an
acre garden Paved street. Insured for
eighteen hundred ian.d fifty. A bargain
for ready cash as sister has passed
on. Conte and see. Jas. M. Robertson,
116 Sparling 'St., Seaforth, Ont.
Farm containing 100 acres choice
land, tight acres wood lot, orchard,
two good wells, mostly seeded do
Good barn and shed, 'fine stables, ii3x
stalls, etc., new 1itter carrier, new
windmill, cement 'silo, implement shed,
garage. White -brick house in first
class condition, hard and soft watea,
bath room, heated, three pieces. A
mile south of paved highway and two
west of Seaforth near to church and
school. Lot 20, Concession 2, Tucker -
smith township. Will be sold very
reasonably. For more particulars ap-
ply to Andrew M. Kirk, Seaforth,
R. R. 3, or phone,y50 - 3.
One hundred acres, Lot 7, Con, 7,
Tp. Hullett. Close tas school and
church, also store. Hydro line .passes
place. Well 'built on, with good hard-
wood bush, suitable for syrup mak-
ing, good water .supply. For farther.
particulars apply to William Britton,
R. R. No, 1, Clinton. '
Four 500 x 19 tubes and tires for
sale second hand, and a number of
other second hand tires. MacLean's
Motor 'Service, Egmoridvitte.
A lot consisting of three acres, ad-
joining Seaforth. Ail seeded, 'best of
land. Goad frame house with cement
foundation, electric light throughout.
Barn with cement foundation, mom
for •ehree horses. Hog pdra chicken
pen, .Hard and soft water. Taxes 310.
Price $1,2100, half cash, balance at 5%.
This is ctrtainly a snap. Apply to 411:
J. VValicer, phone 67, Seaforth.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks place&
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Phone 334 w