HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-11-10, Page 54.• 41 'IllUiRSDAY, 'NOVEMBER 10, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE JEW pfli ,November 10th to 'NOY. .16th • WHITE NAFTHA SOAP 17c P. & IG. 5 BARS ROYAL YORK COFFEE ; is 33c Special. 34s -17c. xAs PER PKG. 14c DERBY CHEESE 2 LB'S. 23c 2 LBS. 25c 2 PKG25c. NEW PITTED DATES HILLCREST SHORTENING POST'S MINUTE TAPIOCA INTRODUCTORY PRICE THIS WEEK Ace Brand Coffee, vacuum sealed, the perfect blend in 1 Ib tins 30c in 1 lb Fancy Sealers 32c If you like Coffee,, you'll like this • MacLAREN'S NUT CRUSH In ice box Jars ea. 25c , The whole family likes it. Biff Bang Popping Corn. Try it per tin 10c Premium Tea, ls, with beautiful China per lb 65c New Seeded Lexia Raisins, seeds out 9 lbs. 29c New Figs, Peels—Lemon, Orange, Citron, Pineapple, Candied Cherries, Nuts, Prunes, etc. Sweet Apple Cider, per Imperial quart 15c Ivory Soap, large bars 2 for 14c Peanut Butter, in 4 pound pails .. each 49c Happyvale Mince Meat 2 lbs. 25c Vita Fish Flakes, ,,,,2's per tin 15c Chicken 1Haddie per tin 14c Loose Ready Cut Macaroni 2 lbs. 9c Grape Fruit Juice Texas, Golden 2s 2 tins 23c 'Manning's Chocolate Mello Biscuits per lb. 17c S. 40. S. Scouring Pads, small -14c; Large 23c Lushus Jelly Powders 3 pkg. 25c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c Bologna per th 17c Smyrna Eating Figs, 8 oz. cello pkg. per pkg. 10c Chocolate Drops per lb. 19c French Creams per lb. 19c Breakfast Bacon, Choice Quality in piece or sliced per lb. 28c Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8 Miss N. Pryce PH"E 77 TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. 'James Kerr and little daughter Jeannette, of Buffalo, and Mc-. Bailey and two sons of Dunn- ville, were week -end guests oE 'Mrs. J. L. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Sparks, Mr, and Mrs. Arohie McLean of Kincard- ine, Miss Emily Sparks of Port Elgin were Thursday visitors with Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Mole. Mr. and •Mrs. Edward Mole an family s,pent Sunday at Dungannon with Mr. Wm. ,Mole. Mrs. George Brownlee was a vis- itor last week with friends in Lon- don. Mrs. J. N. Campbell of Walton vis- ited with friends in town on Tues- day. Mrs. Elmer Reid and daughter Shirley of Stratford spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Nichols. ,Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Bristow, Joan and Betty . of Jackson, Mich., were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster. Rev. H. V. Workman, Rev. W, A, Bremner and Mr, 'John McNay were in Clinton on Tuesday attending the meeting of Presbytery ,held in. On- tario at. Church. Messrs. ,jack McN.alb, Jim Ross Allen accompanied Ross McNah by motor during the week -end to North Bay where he 'has accepted a position as linotype operator with the North Bay Nugget. Charles Millson .of ;Seaforth, bro- ther of David Millson of Kinhurn, has moved his family to a ,fine 000 acre dairy farm at Ingersoll, with 30 head of registered Holsteins. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Webster of Toronto are spending a few days with relatives in town and McKillop. The Misses Ferguson accompanied by Mrs. A. Dames of Brussels left on Monday to spend the winter at Lakeland, Florida. Mrs. Annie Reid is spending a cou- ple of weeks with her •daughter, Mrs, George Sinclair, in London. Mrs. John Daly and daughter Mrs. Whyard are moving Thursday from Dungannon to the double tenement on 'Jarvis St. owned 'by Mrs. Daly, who was formerly Miss Trott of Seaforth. Her father resided in ,part of the residence and after her mar- riage MTS, Daly, resided in the other Bart until she and her husband went to :the West. For some years past Mrs. Daly has lived in Dungannon. Mr. W. D. Hopper has sold his house on North Main st. to ;Mr. Wil - Ilam Wright IR., possession to be given the latter part of this 'month when Mr. and Mrs. Hopper intend moving to the Wankel residence. • Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Muir have taken apartments in the Sills .block. Mrs. Oscar Neil has returned after a few weeks' visit at the home of her cousin, Mrs, Mitchell in St. Marys. Mr. and 'Mrs, Pearson Grieve and Billy and lack of Buffalo spent the week -end with Dr, and Mrs. Grieve. Mr, Fred OlaCkson arrived from Merrickville and will leave Saturday with his mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson who will spend the winter in Mer- rickville. Miss Mary 'Jackson of Ac- ton will also spend Remembrance Day at her home. Miss Mary Murray has returned home after visiting with friends ' in Kinkora. Cultured Buttermilk FOR SALE NOW ,M ALL WAGONS TRY IT FOR BAKING EXCELLENT DRINK 5c Quart Maple Leaf Dairy wm. C. Barber, Prop. Misses Adelaide and Margaret Murray returned to Toronto after spending the week end at the home of th eir parents, Mr. and Mrs. games Murray. The annual Remembrance Day ser- vice will 'be lield at 'Victoria Park on Friday morning when the wreaths will be placed on the Soldier's Mem- orial. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Hays and their daughter Mary, and Mr. and Mrs, Louis Brall from Detroit spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. lEckart and Mrs. R. S. Hays. BRUCEFIELD The United Farm Women vill hold their monthly •meeting at the home of Mrs. Andrew Davidson. Mr, and Mrs IJ. Snider attended an- niversary services at Kincardine on .Sunday. Mr. Frank Cressweller of Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. NIcAsh, of London, and Mr. Alex. Sparks and Mr. Geo. Douglas of Hensall were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dou- glas last week. Friends of Nora Eyre, who was confined to her home for more than a year and mostly in bed, will be pleas- ed to know She is now able to attend school. Miss Hazel Haugh of 'Toronto vis- ited at her home one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Wildfong, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Wildfong and fam- ily of Dashwood, visited at their uri- cies, Mr. C. Haugh, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Longley of Toronto. and Miss Longley of Turnberry vis- ited with Mrs. Jas. McQueen last week. Mr. Carlyle Cornish had the mis- fortune to break his ankle while play- ing 'football in Clinton a week ago. We hope it will mend as soon as pos- sible. L. Robinson and Miss • Ella Robinson of Thames Road and Mrs. Maud Heywood of Exeter spent one day last week with •Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. George Doan of In- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilcox and Mrs. Roy Doan of Aberfeldy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson. Mr, Neil Yellowlees of Bowman- ville spent Sunday -with Mrs. A. P. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zaphe and Mr, John McIntosh spent the week ,end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cummings and family of Walton spent ;Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Wheeler. Mrs. A. Patterson and children spent Sunday with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shoff:lice. Miss Hazel Haugh of Toronto vis- ited at her home here one day last week. Mr. Carlyle Cornish, while playing football one day last week, had the misfortune to -have a bone in his heel broken. We 'hope he will soon be out again. Mr. L. Smillie of Erin. Miss Alma Shires and Mrs. Platt of Teeswater spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Berry. Rev. and Mrs. Wright and family ment Sunday in Londesboro where Mr. Wright took anniversary serv- ices. Mr and Mrs. C. McKenzie and family of London spent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. IE, Shilbe of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zaphe. The November 'meeting of the Wo- man's Association was held in the school -room of the church with thirty-one members ,present. The first part of the •meeting was spent in sew- ing Mts. Andrew Scott had charge of the devotional part of the meeting. Hymn .445 was sung and the Scrip- ture reading found in Psalm 66. Mrs. Scott led in prayer and hymn 388 was then sung. The President then took the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Business was discussed and the meet- ing closed by all repeating the miz- pab Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. .1. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night cu- day phone 67 -for. your Separator for a Limited lime YOUR OPINION is wanted! In exchange for it we offer Two Rubber Bowl Rings for your separator: any eixe or make... free and postpaid. We will also telt you about the 'Cheapest Separator in the World to Buy and Use," the only separator made in America with a guar. tweed Self -Balancing Bowl a separator with twelve valuable features not found on any other separator to the world. Just send postcard to address below telling your address, name and age of your separator and game of this paper, Full details vAlt be sent promptly. S. CARTER PORT HURON, Seaforth MICH. BOX 730 •SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, per bus. ....... . 60c Oats, per ibus: ' 1271c -301c Barley, per bus. 385 Buokwheat, per bus 42'c MANLEY 'Mr. and Mrs. Fergus McKay from Hullett are at present visiting at the homeof his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall from De- troit paid us 'a 'flying visit last Sunday. Quite a number from 'here attend- ed.. the :fowl supper in St. Patrick's parish hall, Dublin, last Tuesday evening which was a decided success With the cloudy weather on Mon- day afternoon we all •expected the eclipse of the moon would not be vis- ible but as the full moan rose the sky cleared up and the moon showed h ,beautiful picture which lasted an hour :before the shadow 'disappea'red. Want and For Sale ads, 1 week, 25c • SPECIALS! Thursday & Satur., Nov. 10-12 REDPATH SUGAR 10 LBs 55c PRAIRIE ROSE FLOUR CWT $2.50 P. & G. SOAP 7 BARS 25c FALCON 1PEAS 3 TINS 25c CHOIC QUALITY TOMATOES, Gold Medal 2 TINS 19c MIX COOKIES 2 LBS. 25c OATMEAL 7 LBS. 25c CORIN FLAKES, KELLOGG'S—with Shopping Bag.,.. 3 pkgs. 23c MATCHES 3 BOXES 19c OYSTER SHELL, Highest Quality CWT. $1.00 GREY FLANNELETTE, Special, per yd. 15c BEST QUALITY FACTORY YARN At the Right Price MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHIRTS 79c FULL STOCK OF STOVE PIPES, ETC., ON HAND. Free Yardstick to each customer Free Paint •Books for the children D. ENNIS, Walton • "'Quality, Value, Service t& iCourtesy" ,Seaforth 232-r-21 Brussels 19-r-5. ANC IN DUBLIN ON Friday, Nov. 11th GEORGE TARLIN AND HIS 104Piece ,ORCHESTRA This Band has just completed playing for two seasons at Port Dover $2.00 Door Prize • Admission -40 cents and 3I5 cents. 'DANCE G. W. V. A. HALL, 'SEAFORTH Under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Sodality Fri., Nov.18 . TONY CRYAN'S ORCHESTRA Admission 315c COMING to KIPPEN Friday, Nov. 18 Ukelele Bill AND HIS HILL :BILLIES FEATURING DANCE ' AND FLOOR SHOW Remembrance Day Friday, Nov. llth REMEMBRANCE DAY IS A STATUTORY HOLIDAY AND I WOULD RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THE CITIZENS AND MERCHANTS OF SEAFORTH TO OBSERVE THE DAY. BUSINESS PLACES ARE REQUESTED TO REMAIN CLOSED AND CITIZENS GENERALLY ARE IN- VITED TO TAKE PART IN THE REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE BEING HELD BY THE CANADIAN LEGION. John J. Cluff, Mayor HERE IS NEWS THAT WILL GO TO YOUR HEAD Special vffer to Introduce Nestle Machineless Permanent Waves COOL NATURAL Try one now at reduced prices, Reg. $5.00 for $3.95 Also Machine Permanent Waves $1.95 up LASTING SUTHERLAND BEAUTY SHOP Phone 152, •Seaforth s KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Lan- ing, Mich., spent the week end with riencls in and around the village. Mr. R. D. Elgie spent' a tew days visiting With friends in Detroit re- cently. Mr. Albert Chipchase has gone to London where .he ,has secured a good position. Miss Beatrice Cooper has rettirned homeaftera very pleasant visit with friends in Lansing, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Dayman of Detroit ' are visiting with Kippen friends. Mrs. Thos. Dayman returned Mon- day after spending two weeks with friends in Grand Rapids, Mich Mrand Mrs. Joseph Daymae of Detroit visited his brother. Mr. Rob- ert Dayman for a few days and left on Wednesday accompanied 'by Miss sincerest wishes for much happiness Ednaho Dayman, whas gone to De- along Life's Way. trait for an extended visit. . "As down the Wedded Lane of Life piness unmarred by clouds of 'hm upon you, giving you joy and hap- journey through life, the sunshine ofappiness and prosperity will beam bu,t71iyott can't be a highway— Then turn your face towards the dis- appointmeut,sun- Jost remember that if shine all the shadows will fall behind you. Success will not always he easy And as your years to age incline— 'A Good Life Well Lived,' you'll You journey as proud Arthur's wife, May every day add pleasures sweet As Arthur claims you can't be beat, May added blessings still be thine Won many worth -while friends far both agree thee." Our sincerest wish is that as you just be a trail, If you can't be the sun— Be a star. It isn't 'by size that you win you fail, Be the best of whatever you are!" We, who know you Olive, feel as- sured that in your new capacity, as a homemaker that indeed you will be the hest ,and that the community to which you are going nill be enriched by your •presence.' As a token of our esteem we ask you to accept these little gifts; as you use them may they constantly remind you of your •friends who wish you every joy and happiness. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. little girls, Patty Taylor and Betty Lou Watson, dressed alike in pink and white, entered the drawing room with a well-filled wagon in similar color scheme. Miss Theda Watson, a former classmate, read the presenta- tion address to which Olive in a 'few well chosen words thanked her friends and extended a hearty invita- tion to visit her in her new home. A delicious lunch was served by former school chum who were responsible for the enjoyable evening, after which all joined in singing ''For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." After a social hour together her friends extended to Olive their sincere wishes for much happiness and left for their respective homes. The following is the address: Dear Olive:—We, your friends and neighbours. have gathered here to- night to honor you and extend our • DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan and family spent Sunday at 'Myth. A reception is being held in Kippen hall on Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. James. McClymont. The amateur contest in Watson's hall On Friday night was a big suc- cess. The prize winners were: Tap dance, Florence Broderick, Hensall; Marjorie Havarth, Exeter; musician. :Frank Kenney, Kippen; Wm. Hyde, Hensall: novelty, a St. Marys .girl lst. Pick, Pat and Pete :(Blanche and The - da, Watson, Gwyneth Cooper. 2nd; 'Vocalist; Marjorie Hoggareth,Exe- ter; Oesch sisters. Zurich; Old Time orchestra. Kenney orchestra. • Art Finlayson, Frank Kenney, Elger Mousseau„Keith Sharpe). 2nd. Col- lin's Orchestra. (\Vin, Collins. Harry Norris, M rs. Ross Broadfoot. E. hi ousseau. • Miss ,Janet Doig delightfully en- tertained a nuntber of friends to a birthday party. All report a gaol time, Mr. Robt, McGregor has treated himself to a new Chev. car which he enjoys very much. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClelland and Master Kenneth of Egmondville vis- ited vdth Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Gregor during the week. Mr. John C. Doig. L.L.B.. of De- troit visited with his mother and sis- ter Miss Janet during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. D. Up - shall of St. Thomas spent the ,week- end with friends in • this vicinity. 'Their 'daughter Rhea, who has been spending the past •week with her aunt, Mrs. H. S. Hunt, returned tc St. Thomas with her parents. Mr. Upshall is warehouse foreman with the lOntario Pioneers' Broont Corn Company of that city. Miscellaneous Shower— The :home of Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Smith was the scene of a happy occasion last Tuesday evening when a number of friends and • neighbors athered at eight o'clock to honor their daughter, 'Olive, who is a •bride - elect, with a .miscellaneous shower. The programme in the early part of the evening •consisted of songs, 'con- tests and games after •Which two or McClymont-McClinchey— At Empress Avenue United Church parsonage the marriage was solemn- ized of Amelia A. McClinchey, of London, to James MoClyinont, of Kippen. Rev. J. A. Agnew, -pastor of the ,church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. MeClyinont trill reside in Kippen. Winter rar Dates f'011oveirtber 8 to 111 -- Ottawa Win- ter Fair. November 1115 to 23, -.--Royal Winter Fair, Toronto.' November 29 to December 1.1.—:Pro- Ijincia1 Winter Fair, Guelph,