HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-11-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
.Fixe an Friday eight destroyed, the
large bank. barns on the farm of Mr:
Orval Beaver on the Thames Road
southeast of Hensall, ' Mr. Beaver
welt up to the hay mow to pitch,
down hay to complete the night's
feeding and placed the lantern on a
, cross beam, Some way the lantern
up set, 'falling about 20 feet to the
floor and exploded by the ladder.
Mr. Beaver had to juinp to the floor
to escape. There were 2 horses, 6
cows and 4 pigs in the stables which
he 'managed to get out, also the har-
ness. A new cream separator,. wagon
and rack, tools, ropes, nearly all the
season's grain, about 40 tons of hay,
two MOWS (4 straw and,
serher feeds,
a large root house ,filled with man -
gots and a straw- stack were de-
stroyed. The barn and con ents were•
partly insured but. the los will bes
heavy. The fire occurred a. out . half
past seven and inside of an hour the
large barn was eompletely estroyed.
Neighbors quickly gathered) to help.
The fire was so big it we eeee for.
miles. In less than half an hour over
MOO people were at the scene. The
large driving shed and hen house that
stood near the barn and most of the
implements were saved. The wind
was in the right direction or the two
houses and 'barns of Mr. James Cot-
tle and his son Mr. Alvin Cottle, on
the north side of the highway, would
ha.ve been in great elanzer. Mr, Bea-
ver had Hydro installed in his house
last Fall and intended having it in
the barns in the near future thus pre-
venting danger from coal ail lanterns.
We believe he intends to erect a new
barn on the same sight.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone, Jr., of
Toronto, were recent visitors with the
fernier's father, Mr. Wm. Stone, and
sister, Mrs. Eva. Stapleton,
Mr. and .Mrs. Bert Selves and Mr,
and Mrs, gack Faber were recent visi-
tors with Listowel friends.
lefiss Margaret Slavin, who has
spent several weeks on London, has
returned home.
One day last week when Mr. Wm.
Stone was in London on business and
on returning to where he had parked
his car, he discovered that the coils
and a spare tire and rim had been
Dr, and Mrs. I. J, Smillie were re-
cent visitors with Listowel friends.
Rev. A. R. Break has commenced a
new study course on the teaching of
Jeeus and the modern world at his
weekly meetings which are held every
Thursday evening in the school room
of the church and which are well at-
The engagement is announced of
Mildred Elizabeth Scruton. daughter
of Mrs. Scruton and tbe late Alfred
Sermon of Hensel', and Peter Linton
MeNattehten, son of Mr. David Me -
Naughton and the late 'Mrs. Mc-
Naughton of Hensall, the marriage to
take place early in November.
The snmr and dance pupils of Mrs,
Russel Broderick and the Hawaiian
gnitar pupils of afiee Kathryn Drys-
dale will present a revue in the Hen -
sail town hall on the eveeine ,,i. Nnv.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton and Mr.
William Simmons spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolten of St.
The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church held a progressive
crokinole party recently at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Malcelm Dougail on
the highway. Some Fz. members and
gueets were present. The prize win-
ners were Miss Myrtle Peale and Mr.
Roy Bell. The president, Miss Mabel
Workman, was in charge. A lunch
was served at the conclusion of the
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks cele-
brated their 110th wedding anniversary
at their home on Monday last. They
received the congratulations a their
numerotis friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Laing of Sea -
forth were visiting 'here on Friday at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. 'Ed Mc-
At the annual outdoor shooting
match of the Toronto Rifle Associa-
tion which was held at Long Branch
on Saturday the Dr. Lurif Shield was
won by a team of arts men of the To-
ronto University. Alex Filshie of
Hensall and 'Messrs. Stuart and E.
French of Toronto. They had a score
Of 173.
Miss Nellie Boyle, R.N., of Toronto.
spent the week end at her home here.
Mrs. Peter Fisher held an auction
sale of her household effects at her
home on South Richmond St. on
Thursday afternoon. There was a
large crowd present and everything
sold well. afrs. Fisher left on Friday
to reside for the winter with her
daughter, Mrs. Walter :Moffatt, of
Stanley township, Her daughter Miss
Eleanor Fisher, left on Saturday for
Gravenhurst where she has accepted a
position in the office of her 'brother,
Dr. Murray Fisher.
Mr. T. D. Wren moved his grocery
stock and produce business on :Mon-
day one door east of his present loca-
tion in the Petty block. This move
will be far more convenient for Mr.
Mr, Ian Filshie, who is attending
Toronto University, spent the week
end at his .home here.
MT. and Mrs, Ed Fink moved on
Friday into their new home that they
recently rented from Mr. Geo. Fergu-
son and vacated on Friday by Mrs.
Peter Fisher.
We ,believe that Mr. Roy Weber
inteads .apening up a hardware store
in the Petty bloolc in the near .futtere.
D. Harry joynt of .Byron Sanitor-
ium, London, was visiting here on
Sunday with hie mother, Mrs, Alice
Your • pportunity
To Enjoy a
7.50 NO MACHINE FOR $4.00
6.00 OIL WAVE FOR $2,95
5.00 OTL WAVE FOR $2.50
PHONE 50 OR 18.
day evening with a splendid attend-
ance, Rev. R. A. Brook acting as
chairman, The basement was pretty
with decorations suitable for the oc-
casion, Following the opening hymn
a sing -song was enjoyed, conducted
.by Mr. Sam Rennie. The first item
on the program was a violin solo
with Miss Bella Smale at the piano;
solo. 'Mr. Sam Rennie, Miss Greta
Lammin accompanist; reading Miss
Lenore Morningten; solo, Rtith Hese,
Sam Rennie accompanist; reading,
Miss Pearl Harpole; solo, Miss Kath-
ryn Drysdale; solo, Miss 13ella
Sneak, Miss Lammie at the -piano;
piano duet. Misses Elva McQueen
and Goldie Cross. The judging of the
costumes resulted as follows: Fancy
costume, Miss Pearl Hanpole; comic,
Mrs. R. J. Moore; Judges, Mrs, I. G.
Smillie, Miss Kilpatrick, and George
Hess. Fortune telling was enjoyed,
presided over by Mrs. R. 5. Moore,
Contests were enjoyed, and games
suitable for the occasiota. Lunch was
se.reed of sandwiches, coffee, and
pumpkin pie. The committeein
charge was Mrs. Sam Rennie and
Mrs. George Hess. Mr, .Ken Hicks
and Mr. Sam Rennie conducted the
contests aud games.
\Vending bells are the order of
the day in Heneall anti vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewan nicEsvan, Tor-
onto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sparrow,
Port Elgin, Mr, Donald Darroch,
Paisley, vere week -end visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. A. D, McEwan.
.Miss Helen Boyle, R.N., and Mr.
G. Saunders, of Toronto, were Sun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs, E. L.
:Vickie and family.
A miscellaneous shower was held
at the home of INtr. and Mr. Alex
Mousseau on Tuesday afternoon for
Miss Irene :Slousseau, bride -elect of
Satarday. November '3th, when a
1 ar we number of neighbors and
Mende gathered and 'pent it very en-
joyable time, the bride-elert receiving
many lovely and u,eful gifts,
ena Mrs. Lloyd FItulson af
Derham spent the week end with re-
lativen and friends.
Miss Sadie Fletcher of Moorefield
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Fink,
A. number of ladies front the Sen-
ior Institute were in Seaforth an
Tuesday afternoon attending a cook-
ing school,
Mrs. Wesley Venner secured 7th
prize at a frolic held in Seaforth
Monday evening, her prize being a
coffee dripolater.
Mr. Orval Beaver, who had his
barn burnt on Friday evening last is
making preparations to rebuild on the
sante site, ,On Tuesday and Wednes-
day neighbors and friends held a bee
and tore down the old stone walls,
drew away all the old material, ashes,
burnt grain and roots. The 'building
of the new cement walls will start
hnmediately. Mr. Beaver has pur-
chased a nice size barn from a farm
on the 4th con. of Stephen township
which will be torn down and moved
to his farm. Mr. A. J. Sweitzer of
Grand Bend has the contract .for the
new barn and hopes to have it com-
plete in a few weeks. Hundreds of
friends and neighbors have offered
their services and will work in relays.
Tt certainly shows a splendid commu-
nity spirit.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held their thankoffering service on
Sunday evening. 'Mrs. Champion of
St. Ilarys was the guest speaker.
.After residing in Hensel] for 36
ears, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Higgins
and three sons, Harold, Will and Ray-
mond, moved to Exeter on Monday
and they will reside on Andrew St.
Both 'Mr. and Mrs. Higgins have been
in poor health for a number of years
and wished to be nearer their daugh-
ters, Mrs. Orval Beaver, who lives on
the Thames Road, and Mrs. Sweitzer
and Mrs. Bowen, who live at Grand
Bend. Mr, Higgins is an old Exeter
boy, born there, attended the Exeter
schools and after receiving his edu-
cation the family moved out to their
'farms on the 2nd con, of 'Usborne
township, one now owned by Wm.
Quinn and the other by Chas. God -
bolt. While in Hensel], Mr, Higgins
was always prominent in public af-
fairs, was a member of the village
council for nine years, six a$ council-
lor and three as reeve. For 216 years
members of this family have ibeen on
the rolls of the liensaill Public
schools without a break. Mrs. Hig-
gins, except for three years whith she
spent on the farms in Usborne town-
ship, has spent all her life in Hensell
ansi as always taken an active inter -
The enells of the HensallnConi
tinua- est n the village welfare. About 20
tion School and their teachers held a years ago Miss Flora Higgins, now
Weiner rolet at Dr. Moir's bitsh o,n Mrs. Bert North of Weodstoolc, took
Friday evening last. 'All report a good up the duties of .Hensall torrespond-
}mit for the Exeter Advocate and later
Mr. Oeg. Aubin, accompanied by
'for the Times -Advocate and also for
las brother, Pat, and sister, Miss Mil-
aeatorth Naw. Several of the
red, of Stanley township, were visit- daughters acted in turn and since the
ing 4riends in town on Saturday. marriage of their youngest daughter,
Mrs. John Keyes has returned home Mrs. Higgins took up the veork. They
after a pleasant visit with relatives M always tried to make their columns
Hamilton and Streetsvillein the papers bright and newsy and
The 'Y. P. L. of the 'United Church 'gave every assistance to everything
e d a delightful Hallowe'en social thatwould be of interest to the vil-
in the 'basement of the church mon- lage. tMr. and Mrs. Higgins and fami-
ly will be missed in Hensall. .
At the evening service in the Unit-
ed Church the W.M.S. of the dhurch
held a Thank offering. Mrs. Cham-
pion of St. Marys was the ,guest
The WiM.S. of Burns' Church held
their thankoffering meeting. on Tues-
day afternoou of. last week, with Mrs.
t(Rev.) Menzies as speaker. Winthrop
and Londesboro ladies were invited
and the church was well 'filled.
The teacher and children of Hors
lock school held a Hallowe'en social
on Monday afternoon, 'having some
little visitors from the section and had
a very eujoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. Richards and children
and Miss Mildred I3O1l of Detroit vis-
ited over the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Bell.
Leanhardt threshed clover for
Mr. Leo Watt :and Mr, Clifford Shalt -
brook last week.
Mr. Thos. Knox had his clover
threshed on Tuesday of this eseek.
Mr. David Watson of McXillop vi-
sited on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Robert Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan s and Arthur
and Walter Bewley of near Walton,
visited Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bewley
an Sunday for dinner'at the home of
Mr. Reece Ferris.
Mr, Watson Reid returned home
from Pahnerston Hospital on Sunday
and is getting along nicely. We are
glad to have Watson home again and
hope he will continue to improve.
Mrs. Fingland and Miss Alice of
Isondesboro and ,Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
MeVittie visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Simon McVittie on Sunday.
We are glad Mrs. McVittie is improv-
ing a little.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McVittie, having
recently sold their farm on the 111th
concession to Mr. Wm, Knox Jr.,
moved to Londesboro on MondaY.
We are sorry to have people leave the
farm, but what is our loss is Londes-
boro's gain and wish them a long and
happy life of retirement.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox Jr. moved
in the 'beginning of the week from the
Mr. Charles Parsons farm to Mr. Geo.
MeVittie's farm which they recently
bought. We wish them good luck and
heahh on their new farm.
Mr. and MTS. Warren Gibbings and
children of near Londesboro and Mr,
and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Knox in Wingharn.
Mr. Dan Williams has returned to
Chicago after spending a week's vac-
ation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy :McMillan and
daughter Mary Margaret of Detroit
spent the week end with their parents
Miss Ann Williams, nurse in train-
ing of Si. Mary's Hospital, ,Kitchener,
spent .Sunday at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Williams.
Mr. games Morris Jr, is wearing a
smile—it's a girl.
Mr. James Atkinson, accompanied
by his sisters Misses Mary and Anna,
of Toronto, spent last Sunday with
Mr. and et.frs. Jos. Atkinson.
Miss Alice Flannery has returned
after spending the past few ,days in
Many front here attended the fune-
ral of the late Mrs. Atkinson who
was buried in Seaforth on Monday.
When Noah sailed the ocean 'blue,
He had his troubles same as you.
.clrove and drove ,and drove his
fUntil he found a place to park,
Your Chance
To get that floor laid, mangers
put in, walls or cistern built at
SPECIAL contract prices, Get in
touch with tis at once,
Phone 34 - 616, Clinton
P. S. -- Get your gravel trucked
now while it is dry.
, Cammunity Sale at Dick's Hotel
Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, NO.V. 4.
Usual run of IFigs, Cattle,' Poultry,
Furniture, etc. •
Bring in anything you have to sell.
Rates reasonable.
Homer Hunt, mgr., Phone 22i8 - 12.
Geo. H. Elliott Aectioneer,
J. M. Eckert, Clerk,
The Seaforth (Orange Lodge ansi
L. O. B. A. are holding a euchre on
Wlednesday night, Nov. 9, M. the
Lodge Rooms,
Township Council—
The Connell met in the town ball,
Seaforth, on Saturday, Ost. 29th.
Members all present, Minutes of pre -
snails meeting and special meetings
adopted. The Council granted $10.00
to the Canadian Legion to purchase a
wreath for Memorial Day. Drs. Col-
quhoun and :McMaster were paid
$10 for meutal examination ,of patient
and $10 for transportation to Ontario
Hospital, London. Dr, H. 11. Ross
was paid o 0 for attendance and medi-
cine in treatment of 'Indian •patient in
the hospital, said ameent to be re-
covered from Federal Government at
Ottawa on application. The Stratford
Hospital was paid $316 for Tneento
Thorax treatment of patient, the sante
to be certified by treasurer and pre-
sented to the Department of Health,
Toronto. The cleric was instructed to
write the 'Unemployment Relief De-
partment in re.gaed to percentage al-
lowed, especially on August returns,
The following accounts were paid:
W. J. Finnigan, eupplies, relief, $2.42;
A. C. Routledge, supplies, relief, $9.24;
Maple Leaf Dairy, milk, relief, $9.60;
W. C. Gonenlock, rent, relief, $5.00;
McDonald's Bakexy, bread, relief,
$7:92; Christie's Meat Market, meat,
relief, $5.20; R. Kennedy, weed in-
specting, 615.715; Huron Expositor, ad-
vertising, $8.24; R. Dalrymple, pay
lists Ad, 118, 19,.$1,73249; C. McKay,
selecting. ittrors, $4.00; J. A. Hay, se-
lecting jurors, $4.00; D. F. McGreg-
or, selecting jurors, $41.00; E. P. Ches-
ney, postage, etc., $3.00; D. F. Mc-
Gregor, .postage, etc., $3.00. The Coun-
cil adijoerned to meet on SaturclaY,
Nov. 2fith, at 2 o'clock p.m.—D. F.
McGregor, Clerk.
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wm. Cameron visited
with friends in London on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Upshall left
last week for their new home in
St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hanna, Grace
and Gwen, of Mitchell, were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. John.
Mr. Wee Gormley of Hamitton is
spending a few clays at the home of
Mr. Hugh McMillan.
Bayfield's grand old man, Robert
Johnston, died in his ninety-thirei
year on Oct. 28th, after an ihpess ex-
tending over four weeks, Always ac-
tive and mentally alert, he retained all
his faculties until the end. He was
,born on the Saubite line, Stanley twee
on Jan. llst, '18416, one of eleven child-
ren of the late Catherine and Christo-
pher Johnson. He spent all hisl We in
this district. Fifty-eight years ago he
was married to Ellen Greer, 'Who pre-
deceased hint by eleven years. For
the past few years Inc has lived with
Ole adopted sop, Win. R. Johnston.
Besides an elder sister, Mrs. R.
Fields of Bayfield , Inc is survived by
tsvo younger sisters, Mrs. Thos.
Parker, Watrous, Sask., an.d Mrs.
Chas, Parker, Bayfield, and two ;bro-
thers, Wellington Johnston, of Nak-
oma, NO., and Wm. Johnston, of
Bayfield. The ftmeral was held from
the residence of Wm. R. Johnston on
Sunday afternoon and interment was
in Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers
were j. Howard, A. Atwood, J. Park-
er, Wnt. Parker, 'John Greer, and E.
The Misses Drouin of Detroit spent
the week end at' their cottage on the
Terrace. They had as their guest, Mrs
T. 'Mullin, of Detroit.
Mrs, W. Ferguson was in Seaforth
on Tuesday attending the funeral of
the late Mrs. A. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Churchward of
London spent the week end at their
Mr. and Mrs. C. Weston, who have
spent several months in Hayfield, re-
turned to their home in Chicago.
A delegation of ibusiness men from
Bayfieln attended the meeting of the
Blue Water Highway in Owen
Sound on Wednesday.
The many friends of Mr. Wiilliam
Johnson will be sorry' to know he is
under the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Makins and fa-
mily and Miss Jeanne Dunn spent last
week end at Mrs. Talbot's at Kippen.
Mr. MclKentry of the Chatham
Constreetion Co., Chatham, wh.o has
the contract of the new retaining wall,
was in the village Tues.day and Wed.
Rev. DeWitt Cosens of Essex and
Miss Jean Govenlocic of Windsor vis-
ited their cousin, Mrs. Wm. .Fengusen
this week.
Buy In Egmondville
Man. Flour
per cwt. 143
Shortening, 2 lb. . . 23c
Tapioca, 3 lb. 23c
Corn Starch, 3 10. 23C
Sugar, 10 lb. ....... 55c
Bologna, lb. 15c
Sausage, lb. 17c
Catsup, bottle 10c
INew Brazil Nuts, lb. , , .15c
Caustic Soda, 4 lb. ...... 25c
P. & G. Soap, 5 cakes —. 19c
Kirk's Castile, 5 cakes .... 23c
Calay Soap, 5 cakes 25c
Surprise, 5 cakes ....,23c
Pearl White, 5 cakes 16c
Infant's Delight
• 4 cakes .... . 36c
Carbblic Soap, 5 cakes
New Life Laying Mash
The family of the late Mrs. Cather-
ine Atkinson wish to thank their
friends and neighbors for their kind-
ness in their recent bereavement.
Lot 28, Con. 1, Hibbert 'Twp. 100
acres, good land, good ,buildings, on
highway NO. 8, near church and
school. Will the sold reaeonably to
settle an eetatee For particulars apply
to Wm. Stapleton, Dublin, Ont,
Purebred Oxford xam lambs for
sale. Prices reasonable. F. Weeks,
Varna, R. R. No, M.
Apartment to rent, over Thomas
Diekson's store. Apply to E. L. Box.
Strayed from Deblin, two weeks
ago, a year-old steer, about 600 lbs,
light roan, with white face, with
horns on. (Please notify Jenks Shea,
phone 7, Dublin central, at my ex-
Bay Clyde gelding rising two. Also
a quantity of little pigs. Christie
O'Brien, Phone 25 - 615, Clinton.
A nmnber of old horses suitable for
mink feed. For Sale -5 Angus feeder
steers about 700 lbs.; 1 Eureka root
shredder in good repair. Gordon El-
liott, Brucefield, phone 111412 r 2, Sea -
,Roomers ar boarders wanted. Ap-
ply to Mrs. E. 3,1acklain, Main street.
Sea forth.
"Good -Cheer" heater stove for sale
cheap. Apply to Barnett' s Dairy, Sea -
forth, phone 276.
Deluxe sedan 1930, Ford model A,
new. ring jab, easy On Oil, in fair con-
dition, will sell reasonably for cash,
Also a man's navy blue Melton
overcoat, Maks hke new. Apply to
The News office.
Must be sold: 49217 Chev. coach and
19126 Chrysler coach, I3oth in fair
condition. Apply at The News office.
Maid for general housework, must
be fond of children, mostly day work,
sleep at home. Apply to Post Office
Box No. 600.
Shorthorn bull for sale. Leonard
Leeming, lot 1113, .con. la, .McKillop.
Four 500 x 19 tubes and tires for
salesecond hand, and a number of
other second hand tires. MacLean's
Motor Service, Egntondville,
The next meeting of Heron Coun-
ty Council will 'be held in the Coun-
cil Chambers, Court House, Goders
kb, commencing Tuesday, November
1115th, 11936, at 2 pen. All accounts,
notices of •cleptitations and other bus
iness requiring attention should Inc'in
the hands .of the County Clerk by
Neventher 111th.
j. M. Roberts,
County Clerk, 'Goderich, Ont.
Farmer having good stock wants to
rent 100 acres or more south of Mill
Rd. or Bayfield Rd., with option of
'buying. Need driving shed, satisface-
ory 'stabling, sufficient fuel. Would
like possession as aeon' as possible.
Apply to The News office.
. 80 year-old, bred -to -day New Hamp-
shire Reds, Scott's Poultry ,Farin
strain, laying we'll, for sale., Clifford
Colclough, Seaforth, R. R. 2.
Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, of each week dur-
ing ..0tIcsber and November. Cider
Mill faceted on the street leading to
the golf 'course, West Ward, Mitchell.
Fred liennick, Proprietor . Terms,
per cwt. 2.35
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
-County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. (Office hours
Tuesday, Thursday a.nd Saturday,
1:10 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m, to 9 p. m.
In lEgmondville. Cheap for cash.
7 -room house with summer kitchen.
Good stabling. Low taxes. Mrs. Johni
Sproat, phone 205g, Seaforth.
New apple barrels, Two sizes, pric-
ed at 315e and 50c. Seaforth Creamery,
11 good young beeeding ewes; I
.pure bred Leicester ram; 1 good two-
year-old Percheron colt; one hay
rack and some Durham 'cows. Harold
Penhale, Beyfield, Phone 12 - 78,
A quantity of Northern Spy apples
and Ruesets. Apply to Mrs. L. 5.
Doig, phone 4 - 93, Hensall cen.
Horne made apple butter, Russell
Grainger, R. R. 2, Zerich, Phone 99
r 14, Hensall central.
For sale, a house and lot on Sperl-
ing street, Seaforth. House in excel-
lent condition. Not too large. Five
rooms, with pantry and wash room.
Good foundation with cement 'cellar
and equipped with town water and
electric lights. Small shed. Fifth of an
acre garden. Paved street. Insured for
eighteen hundred 'awe fifty. A bargain
for ready cash as sister has passed
on. Ctame and see. Jas. lel, Robertson,
116 Spar/ing Se, Seaforth, Ont.
Farm containing 100 acres choice
land, eight acres wood lot, orthard,
two gooti wells, mostly seeded down.
Good 'barn and shed, fine stables, box
stalls, etc., new litter carrier, new
windmill, cement silo, implement shed,
garage. White brick house in first
class condition, hard and soft watee,
bath room, heated, three pieces. A
mile south of paved highway and two
west of Seaforth, near to church and
school. Lot 20, Concession 2, Tucker -
smith township. Will be sold very
reasonably. Fr more particulars ap-
ply to Andrew M. Kirk-, Seaforth,
R. R. 3. or phone 150 - 3.
One hundred acres, Lot 7, Con, 7.
Tp. Hullett, Close to school and
church, also store. Hydro line passes
place. Well 'built on, with good hard-
wood bush, suitable .for syrup mak-
ing, good water supply. For further
paeticulars applY to William Britton,
R R. No. 1, Clinton.
Hog for service at lot 4, con. 6,
M.cKillop, thoroughbred Yorkshire
hog, pedigreed. $11 at time of service.
.Abotst 26 tons of alsike clover and ti-
mothy, (threshed, for sak in stack at
lot 20, 'con. 11111 MoKillop, Also 6 hsp.
gasoline engine for sale. Fred Eckert,
Egmondville P, O., or Feed Eokart,
let 4, con, 3, McKillop. Dublin R. R.1.,
phone 213 r 6, Dublin 'central.
A lot consisting of three acres, ad-
joining Seaferth. All seeded, hest, of
land. Good frame 'house with cement
foundation, electric Sight throughout.
Barn with cement aeundation, room
for three horses. Hog pen, chieken
pen. .Harel and soft water. Taxes $10.
Price $4200, half cash, ba..lanee at 5%.
This is certainly, a steep. Apply to W.
J. Walker, phone 67, Seaforth.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks 'placed
in first class companies.
infertnation cheerfully given
Phone 334,w