The Seaforth News, 1938-10-20, Page 8PAGE =gm' 1114 :sEAFpgrir-i NiArs THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1938 HENSALL Announeernent,-, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlile an- nounce the efigagernent of their :dau- ghter, Annie Alice, t� Leilind Casper 'Willert, son of lire. Hess ',and the late Mr. Loins Willett of .Zurith, The marriage' will take place in 1NoVeMber Carmel Yelling People's Society - The first meeting of the newly formed onganization was held Oct. IV with a very good attendance. Mrs. 1Kers1ake, the president opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by a prayer by Miss Beryl Pfaff. Miss Olive Walker read the scripture les- son which was in keeping with the. ,devotional tea,: .and was, very cap- ably .given by Miss. Violet Hyde. A secand hymn was sung, closing the deVotianal part :of the meeting tl.tat Miss Hoggarth had So Cal/51311y con vened. A piano duet was given by Mrs, A. Dougall and Miss Margaret Dougall, and was very, much enjoyed, The President nt 01S time gave a short address of welcome .to the young peole and introduced the speaker of the evening, Rev. Mr. Hill of Exeter. Mr. Hill is no strang- er to the young people here and his address was very instructive and in- teresting. He spoke Of .young people who are comparable to sloths • who say "There is -a lion in my when asked to .do their part in young people's Meetings. The speaker in- vited the Hensel' young people to a Scotch party. the Exeter young peo- ple acting as hosts. Miss Beryl Pfaff in a few well chosen words moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Hill. which was seconded by Miss Hoggarth. Miss Mabel Workman and :Ntis Hoggarth accompanied by Mrs. Demean rend- ered a lovely duet. The attendance captains then ehoae their teains and the business of the evening was car- ried out. “:1bide with Me" was sung and a very successful meeting was closed in prayer ,by Rev, NV'. Young, The Presbyterial rally will be held at Hensel! Carmel Church, Monday, Octaber 24th. At the 'United Craireh on Sunday morning the service was conducted by Rev. Stanley Johnson of Lucan and in the evening by Rev. Donald Gladman of Crediton. The pastor of the church was conducting annivers- ary services at Grimsby, Mrs, Fred Corbett of Hay town- ship is spending a few days in town this week visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy McLaren, The sugar beet harvest is now on and a number of cars are being load- ed daily. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Macdonell, Misses Dorothy and Patsy, accomp- anied by Mr. G. J. Sutherland and Miss Hattie Sutherland visited rela- tives in Stratford on Tuesday. Vitoltelo ,Class Meeting - The Wohelo Class of the United Church Sunday School held their reg- ular meeting on Friday eVening last in the basement of the church, Mrs. John Corbett presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn .109 followed by the Lord's prayer: The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and adopted as read. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Gladys Passmore and the roll cail was made. The following .prograrn was given: Solo by Mrs. Maude fled - den "Did Your Mother Come From Ireland"; piano solo, by _Miss Gladys Luker; ,piano duet. bys Misses Elva McQueen and Goldie Cross. The meeting closed by singing hymn 226 and repeating the Mizpah benedic- tion. Lunch was then served and a so- cial half hour spent, Mrs. A. H. King of London was a •guest at the home of Mrs. Robt. Bon- • thran over the week end. Md M 0 car Walker of r. an T5. 5 Cromarty and Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Parker and children of the Thames Road were visiting here on Sunday with Mrs. Martha 'Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and .children of Kitchener were visiting relatives here over the week en -d. Mr. ;James Petty of Hay township accompanied hy his sisters, Misses Nora and Flora, were calling on rela- tives in town on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Dick and son, Earl Dick. and Mr. and Mrs William Broadfoot were visiting with relatives in Orillia last week. Mr. Ed Fink has rented the house on South Richmond street 'belonging to Mr. Geo. Ferguson and now occu- pied by Mrs. !Peter Fisher. He gets possession on November lst. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children and Mr. and Mrs. Alb-ert Bowen in Grand Bend were calling on relatives in the village on Saturday. The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church held their regular meeting on Oct. Illth and took the form of a supper meeting where the Horne Helpers were entertained. After sup- per Mrs. C. Hudson took the chair and the meeting opened when all arose and sang the Doxology and Mrs. W. Douglass led in prayer. The Scripture passage -was read by Mrs. W. M. Bell. Psalm selection 36 was sung. The minutes were read and ap- proved. The roll was anawered 'by 'something to he thankful for." Ar- rangement were made to have the thankoffering meeting. on Nov. 2nd, when Mrs. H. lJack of Seaforth will address the meeting. The offering was received and dedicated. Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Mrs. A. Dougall . sang a duet entitled "Angels •of Light." Mrs. W. A. Young gave a splendid ad -dress on "The Life and Work of Dr. Jessie McBean." Mrs. Cairns sang a solo accomipanied by Mrs. J; Snider. Mrs, F. Farquhar gave -a very .appro- ,priate reading, "Martha's Thankgiv- ing Dollar." The meeting closed with a hymn arrd the Lord's prayer in onis son. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taman of Blenheim spent the week end here 'with Mrs. Taman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonnell, Mr. 'Fred Slavin. of Tucicersmith tavvnship, 2 miles cast of Hensall, 'had an exciting few minutes early Sun- day morning while driving on No, 6 highway about a mile west of Clinton, when he run into a herd of -cattle that had •broken through a ,farm fence and got on the highway. A 'calf jumped in front of the car and was 'killed. One of the fenders ,of the car was crum- wing Swing Low kowever you want your curls to go . . . you will get • bettei results and more attractive hairdressing with a GOqD Beauty Salon Permanent. (You will be delighted with yoUr Permanent by our best anthmost scientific process. ti PRICES TO SUIT EVERY POCKET 'B' BEAUTY SALON Phone 50 or 15. L. .1\1, Box Seaforth bled up and a head light smashed. Mr. Slavin had a severe shaking up but managed- to.. keep the car on the road. The- choir of the United -Church -presented Dr. Smillie and rs, Smil- lie with a lovely 'blanket. The doctor is a valued member of the choir. The presentation was made by Mr. W. O. Goodwin, leader of the choir, and Dr, Smillie thanked the choir for thelove- ly gift. Alpine McEwen jr., eldest. son of Mr: and Mrs. Alpine McEwen, had the misfortune to fall, fracturing his arm. - Mr. Rol% Petersen has been (mite poorlythe last few days. His many friends hope he will soon be in his usual health again. Mrs. Robt. Higgins has returned home after spending a Week with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer nt Grand Bend. . About 80 members of the Young People's Society of the United Church motored to the Huron county home at Clinton on Monday evening and spent a very pleasant- evening. They were welcomed by the kindly mana- ger and matron, .Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs- and shown through the home. The following program, which was •arranged by Miss Doreen Farquhar and Miss Greta Lammie, was. given With Mr, Walter Spencer as chair- man-. Hymn, followed by prayer by leev, Mr, Brook; rivet, Misses Sella Smale and Greta Lammie; sing song conducted by Mr. Brook; instrumen- tal, Miss ,Gladys Luker; selection by the Hyde orchestra; two songs by the Screech •.Owls, "Peggy O'Neil" and "There Were Three Jolly Fisher- men." Those taking part were Ruth Brook, Alice Pfaff, Mary Goodwin, Elva McQueen, Goldie Cross, 'Norma Cook, Marian Filshie; cornet •solo by John Beer; duet ,by Mrs. Hess and Mrs, Hedden; tap dance, Joyce Brod- erick; duet, Walter 'Spencer and C. Blowesi. violin selection, Miss Greta- Lamtnie. A treat was given to each. inmate and Mrs. jacobs an their be- half warmly thanked the _young people Inc their visit: The evening closed with singing Abide with Me. The visits by -different organizations from Huron eounty aregreatlyenjoy- ed by the inmates of the home and are bright spots in their lives. KIPPEN "There is a 'beautiful spirit breathing now Its mellow richness on the clustered trees, And, from a beaker, full of richest dyes, Pouring new glory on the autumn woods, And dipping in warm light the pillar- ed clouds." 'AUCTIONvSALE Co-mmunity. Sake at Seaforah„ Fei-, "day, October 28. Pigs Cattle, Horses, Furniture. Anything You have to sell .please bring- it inas we have the hest barn in town with ,cement•floors;. all pens are disinfected; rates are reasonalble. There also will he 60 pigs and 115 stockers; more wanted. Every- body gets a square deal; if not satis- fied ,costs you nothing. 13, J. Coyne, Manager. Joe Roach, Clerk. Geo.1-1 Elliott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the resi- dence of Mrs. J'ames Stewart, Eg- mondville, 031 Thursday, Nov, 3rd, at 2:30 p.m.: 5 -piece living room suite, dining table and chairs, kitchen table and chairs, rockers, 1. large regulator wall clock, 1. kitchen cabinet, 1 ron top desk, 1 hall stand, radio, dishes, bedsteads and mattress, 3 dressers and 3 washstands, ft heater and other artcles too namerous to mention, 2 small tables, linoleum and carpet, Terms cash. Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Mrs. James Stewart, • Proprietress. What a perfect autumn clay St. An- drew's congregation had for the sev- enty-first anniversary services. 'A pomp and pageant filled the splendid scene' everywhere last Sunday, and the rgorgeous beauty of the out-of- doors made mind and heart sensitive and receptive to the quickening mes- sages of the sermons and songs of the day. The sweet singer of the day, front whom the Kippen people have come to expect good things, was Miss Pearl Woad of Exeter, who made clear that she felt what she sang. Her four solos touched deeply the hearts of many. They were "The Silent Voice," "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," "The Golden City and "The Rescue and -the Pardon." The choir under the competent leadership of Miss Jean Ivison, sang "I Will Lift Mine Eyes Unto the Hills" and "Close to His Side." Dull as a sermon' is prover- bial expression, but there was nolihing 'dull about the person or the sermons of the Rev. Andrew Lane of Clinton, w -hose sermons were ,provocative of thought and action. In the morning the subject was "Co -Workers With Gad," 11 Cor. ik Workers: God has no place for .p,urposless idleness in His divine economy. Work is hon- orable, idleness a curse. 2. 'Workers Together: The individual bee pro- duces little honey; the many bees of the apiary working together Produce tons ,of honey. Team work is as nec- essary in the work of the Church as in 'business or the beehive. 3. With God; God gives fertility to the soil, sends rain and sunshine but,the farm- er must' co-operate with God if he is to have a harvest. God wants us to ,use all human ingenuity in aur work. God made the quarry, but he requires man' co-operation to :build a .cathed - rag. Let God and man work together, and we shall 'have a redeemed human- ity. The text of the evening sermon was "All that the Father giveth, me AUCTION SALE -Of Farm Stock, Etc., at Lot 22, Con, 4, L. R. Survey, Tuckersmith Tp., -on Tuesday, Oct. 215, at 2 Horses -4 agricultural gelding, ris- ing- 3 years, broken; agricultural black matched team, geldings, rising 3 yrs', broken; 2 agricultural geldings rising 2 years; general purpose filly rising 2 years; Clyde filly rising 2 years; 2 spring foals, 'filly and gelding. Cattle -Durham grade cow 4 years old, due April 20; Durham grade cow, 6 years old, doe Feb, 24; Durham grade cow, 8 years old, due ,March 24; Durham grade cow, 9 years old, due May 18; Durham grade cow 6 years old, due March 24; Durham grade heifer rising '3 years, due Oct. 26; Durham heifers rising 3 years, due Nov. 14; Durham heifers rising 3 years, due Dec. 20; Durham heifers rising 3 years, due Feb. 3; steer, 2 years old; steer 1. year old; 4 yearling heifers, :5 spring calves; FIereford bull 5 months old, Flat hay rack; Buckeye incubator, 360 egg capacity; :Prairie' State incu- bator, 150 egg capacity; 'brooder StOTC 1000 ClliCk size, quantity of oak plank, .colony house, Terms of sale, all sums of $1.0 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on 'furn- ishing approved joint 'bankable paper, with 4% straightadded on credit amounts. Positively no reserve as proprietor bas rented his farm. James Finlayson, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE 10,1 Household Effects. At Varna, on Monday, 10Ctober 12.4th, at 2 pan. Cook stove, heater, 4 rockers, 2 couches, diningroom chairs, • arth chair, 4 dresseis„ 3 stands, 2 wooden beds, 2 iron 'beds, 3 mattresses, 3 bed. springs, leaf ,table, small tables, guilts and spreads, dishes; ,knives, spoons, 3 carpets, trunk, and 'Other articles. Terms, cash, Mrs. -Chas. Stelck; Proprietress. -Geo. H. Elliott, •Auctioneer. cometh unto me, and him that tom- eth unto me I will in no wise cast out." John UV.. God will not compel any to come to Him. The only pre- paration necessary for coming to Him is the sense of ,great need. It is only the sensitized film that receives the impression necessary to make a pho- tograph. It is the soul that is keenly sensitive to need that most readily comes to God. Unfitness is no barrier to our coming to Christ nor to His receiving -us. When we are ill, we seek the help of a q:ualified physician, and Jesus is the Physician of the soul, waiting and longing to heal our mala- dy. At the close of the 'evening service nieny members of the congregation went hame with a deep awareness of the very presence of ,God andfelt with Wordsworth: It is a beauteous evening, calm and free; The holy time is quiet as a nun Breathless with adoration." Mr. ancl Mrs. Sam Stevens of Jack- son, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. j. D. Stewart during the week. Master Kenneth McClelland of iEgmondville is the guest of his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Gregor. • Miss Nile Doig -of Tuckersmith was the guest .of Miss Janet Doig during -the week. Mn. and MTS. 'Geo. E. Thomson and Will had as their guests on Sunday, Mn. ,and Mrs. W. Dignan of Liman, and Miss Rhena. and -Mr. Herb .Steph- enson of Hillsgreen. • AUCTION SALE . . Of Horses, Cattle -and Pigs. At Gromarty Stock Yards, -on•:\ionday, October 214th at 11:310 p.m. 20 Horses -0 matched teams, 1 pair grays, 4 and 5 years old; two pairs of !blacks, 4 and 15 years old; rest from 3 to 6 years. , .50 head of Cattle, feeders and stockers. 30 Pigs. The above stock is consigned to S teinacicer. Terms -Cash, Nairn & McNeil, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, At 'Lot 12, Con. 13, -Bronson Line, Stanley Tp., 3 inileS north of Blake, on Wednesday, Oct. 26th at 1 o'clock sharp. Cattle -1 Cow 5 years old, with calf at foot; 1 cow 9 years old due Feb. 25; Durham .grade cow ' due Mar. 217; Durham .grade cow .due Apr. 1219; heifer rising 2 years; 4 spring calves. 2 store hogs about ,1150 1,1)s. each. 50 Barred Rock hens blood tested, 40 Barred Rack pullets. Implements -Massey Harris fertil- izer drill nearly new; farm wagon; set .bab sleighs; -hay rack; gravel box; cultivator; .plough; scuffler; steel -tire buggy; wheel barrow; root puiper; set harrows; gang plough; piano box cutter; 'stock rack, Portland cotter; grindstone; stone :boat; Clinton fan- ning mill; set double harness; set single harness; quantity of lumber; about 900 3-10. tile. Quantity of hay, 3100 'bu. mixed grain; 90 bu. wheat; 75 hu. oats; 5 bo. red clover seed; 25 hags potatoes; fogies, chains, whiffietrees and other articles. iQuantity 'household effects. Terms, cash. Ai the same time and place the Farm which consists of '60 acres more or less of good farm land well watered, with good set of farm build- ings, will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. Terms on farm made known on day of sale. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Mrs. J, A. Cantle, Proprietress. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the home of the late Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, Clinton, on Saturday, •October 29, at 11:30 sharp, consisting of: Mason & Risch piano in ,A111 con- dition, 3 piece living T0,0111 suite, hall seat and oak mirror, dining room table, 6 dining room chairs, Edison phonograph land records, 4 bed rocnn suites, 4 'mattresses and springs, 3 parlor tables, 3 small 'tables, fern stand, Victor radio, lbook case, ,floor lamp, table lamps, 'jewel kitchen range (new), kitchen suite consisting of cupboard, table, serving table, six chairs and what -not. Kitchen linoleum (new), flour bin, Singer sewing machine, settee and Morris chair, couch, 4 rocking chairs, 3 -burner noel oil stove, coal oil heat- er, electric iron, Wilton rug, 2 tap- estry rugs, mats, rugs, hammock and awning, garden tools, kitchen uten- sils, 'dishes and aumerous other articles. Terms ,cash. John Armstrong, Executor. George 31. Elliott, Auctioneer. $1,000.00 In Cash Prizes Weekly You still have an opportunity, to enter the $10,000 Comic Puzzle Con- test, now weekly in The Detroit Sun- day Times. $1,000 in cash prizes every week. Be sure to get The De- troit Sunday Times every week, so you may try your hand in this con- test. Send us the names of your visitort WE SELL FOR LESS Saturday Cash Specials Rob Roy Rolled Wheat 5 lb. bag 12c Bakers Cocoa, 1 lb. ...21c Cowan's Cocoa, 1 lb. 21c Neilson's Cocoa, IA lb. 19c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee lb, • 35c Red Rose Tea, lb. 59c Sala& Tea, 1,,b. 59c TRADE ONLY 38c PER DOZ. For Grade A Large Eggs Clover Honey, 10 lb. 79c Tapioca, 3 lb. •23c Manitoba Floor , per cwt., 2.49 New Life Laying Mash, per cwt. 2.35 J.• Finnigan IN MEMORIAM Eyre -In loving meniory 'of Mrs, George -Eyre who passed away two years ago, Oct. 4, 19,36. The voice is mute, and still the heart That :loved us well and true, 011 'bitter -was the trial to :part From one so good as you. ' -Ever remembered by Husband and Family. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, M. Seaton and Wilily wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many kind acts during the illness and cleath of Mr. Beaton; also the nurses and those,. who kindly loaned cars. WANTED • .Middle aged woman would like work by day or week, or for aged Couple, or elderly lady, after Nov. 1. Apply to 'News Office. WANTED Any farmer with plenty of good feed and interested in taking cattle in to feed, write Scott Davidson, Bruce - field, or ,phorie 629 r 411, Clinton cen, LAST CALL A few bushels of winter apples and culls suitable .for cider or cooking. Phone 11116, Seaforth. J. MacPherson. FOR SALE Collie puppies for sale. Good heel- ing strain. Phone 2418 r 31. Ed. H. Godkin. FOR SALE Niaety year-old White Leghorn hens in good condition. T. Appleby, phone 236 - 24. Seaforth. FOR SALE New apple barrels. Two sizes, pric- ed at 35c and ,50c• Seaford' Creamery, Limited. APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed Northern Spy apples for. Prices reasonable. Phone 136 - 116. Wm. Archibald, WANTED Housekeeper -wants work on farm with two ,boys, age 10 and I& Boy can do most all kinds of farm work and is a good plower. Will work rea- sonably for good home. Good refer- ence, Apply at this office. AUCTION SALE Community sale will be held at Dicks Hotel stables, Seaforth, on Friday, Oct. 211, and every 'second Friday after this date. We would be glad to have the people eo-operate patronizing these sales arid we will assure you of a square deal. This sale we have the following: Cattle -Registered 'Hereford bull 6 months old; 10 head of mixed cattle (Hereford and Durham) 600460 lbs.; 4 good calves a month old; 1 Here- ford heifer 21% months old. Pigs -80 pigs from tuckers to 76 lbs. Poultrye-4Number of pure bred Barred Rock cockerels. 1510 Barred Rack ,plallets. We guarantee every- thing to lbe at this sale that is ad- vertised, and more. Homer Hunt, ingr.; Geo. H. Elliott, Auct; J. M. Eckert, 'Clerk. FOR SALE 11! good young 'breeding ewes; I pure !bred Leicester ram; 1 good two year-old Percheron colt; one hay rack and some Durham 'cows, Harold Penhale, Bayfield. Phone 12 - 78, Hensall. FOR SALE A quantity -of Northern Spy apples and Russets. Apply to Mrs. L. j. Doig, phone 4 - 93, Hensel! cen. AUCTION SALE Of the following articles at Lot 6, Htillett Tp., 13/z roile east of Kinburn, on Saturday, October 120 at 2 p.m,. Set of Manitoba holy sleighs; 1 horse sleigh, buggy, wagon, grain box, water trough, set of double har- ness, logging 'Chain tool box and tools, cream separator, 1110 white Leg- horn hens, ;bed and springs, ,coal oil stove and other articles. Terms cash no reserve. Wilfred Millson, Prop HOUSE AND LOT FO.R SALE For sale, g house and lot on Sparl- ing street, Seaforth. House in excel- lent condition. Not too large. Five rooms, with pantry and wash room. Good foundation with cement cellar and equipped with town water and electric lights. Small shed. Fifth ,of an acre garden. Paved street. Insured for eighteen hundred land 'fifty. A bargain for ready cash as sister has passed on. Come and see. Jas, M. Robertson, 116 Sperling St, Seaforth, Ont. •ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario FOR SALE Sprayed Spy and Peewaukee apples, 50c-$1 per hu. 'Fred McClymont, Varna: McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court •County of Huron Office In the Doininion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p111, to 5 p,m. Saturday . evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. FOR SALE Home made apple :butter, Russell Grainger, R. R. 2, Zurich. Phone 99 r 114, Hensall central. TENDER WANTED Tenders for a caretaker for Eg- mondville :United Churel4 duties to coMmence .Noveraber 1938. State salary expected. Tenders to be in hands of the secretary not later -than Saturday, October 22nd. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Envelopes to be marked "tender." John T. 1Elgie, Sec., Kippen R. R. 2. • PROPERTY FOR SALE In the village -of Londesboro, a frame house with seven rooms, and woodshed, and stab -le, and a garden. John liesselwood Sr., Londesboro, R. R. 1.Also 2 'burner COW! oil stove, and a coal heater with pipes. FOR SALE 2 purebred Shorthorn bulls, 7 and 9 mos. old, goad color, priced to sell. 82 r 4 Brussels, Roy Bennett, Walton. FOR SALE Farm containing 10d acres choice land, eight acres wood lot, orchard, two good wells, mostlY seeded down. Good barn and shed, 'fine stables, box stalls, etc„ new litter carrier, new windmill, cement silo, implement shed, garage. White .brick house in first class 'condition, hard and soft water, bath room, heated, three pieces. A mile south of paved highveay and two west of Seaford', near to church and school. Lot ea; Concession 2, Tucker - smith township. Will be sold very rea.sonably. , For more ,particulars ap- ply to Andrew M. 'Kirlc, Seaforth, R. R. 3, or lphone 1150 - '3. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 15, 1181b 8th Concession, 'Town- ship of Grey. Lange hank barn, frame house, ex'cellen't 'gravel pit Apply to Frank Fingland, Clinton, Ont.. FOR SALE Farm, '50 acres of excellent land, goad farm buildings, orchard and wells. Very conveniently situated to town of Seaforth, churches and schools. Will be sold at a bargain to a quick buyer. Apply to Box 127D, News Office. CIDER MILL Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, of each week dur- ing October and Nbventber. Cider Mill located on -the street leading to the ,golf course, West Ward, Mitchell. Fred Hennick, Proprietor . Terms, cash. BUYING GRAIN For Thompson at Hensall: we pay highest market .prices. Pennsylvania products, grease and oils. Sold under money -back guarantee. Sam Chesney, Phone 160 r 4. CARPENTRY Cabinet making, shingling, build- ing 'of all kinds, ,steel roofing, 25- year guarantee, eavestroughing, sheet iron, asphalt brick siding, roofing, stable equipment, see Tyndall & Walker, Brucefield, phone 6,Il3 r 12, Clinton. FARM FOR SALE The farm contains 150 acres, being south 541 of +Lot 117 and West TA of South TA of Lot 16 of the ninth con- cession in Morris township, situated half way betvveen Blyth and Walton on an irn,proved 'county highway, Hydro line running by the farm. Good frame house, bank barn with good stabling underneath, hen house and horse stable in separate buildings. Fifty acres under crop, twelve . acres of good hardwood bush, rest hay and pasture. Two good wells. For more particulars apply to Finlay Laidlaw or Gilbert McCallum, R.R. No. 3, Walton. PROPERTY FOR SALE A lot consisting of three acres, ad- joining Seaforth. All seeded, best of land. Good frame house with cetnent foundation, electric light throughout. Barn with cement foundation, room for three horses. Hog pen, chicken pen. 'Hard 'and soft water. Taxes $10. Price $11200, half casK, balance at 5%. This is certainly a snap. Apply to W. J., Walker, phone 167, Seaforth. NOTICE Hog for • service at lot 4, con. 6, thoroughbred Yorkshire hag, pedigreed. $11 at time of service, About 25 tons of alsike clover and ti- mothy, 'threshed. for sale in stack at lot 10, con. In MoKillop. Also 6 h,p. gasoline engine for sale. Fred Eckert, ,Egmondville P. 0„ or Fred Eckert,' lot 4, con. '8, Dublin R. RI', rietor; Geo. H. Elliott, 'Auctioneer. pjlone 213 r 8, Dublin central. INSURANCE Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness '& Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks • placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E, C. CHAMBERLAIN • INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334 w