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Snowdon Bros., PubIle,hor1
Anniversary Services
October ,116tH was an ideal Antonia
iday, Duff's Church, Walton, was fill-
ed to capacity morning and •even•ing
on the occasion of their 731rd anni-
,versary, Rev. W. A. Bremner, B,A.,
Seaforth, was the guest preacher
and brought two ringing messages of
the old -title religion, good . enough
for anybody. The choir of thirty'
voices under the directiond of Mrs. 1-I.
J, Brown was -at its best. Mr. A. E.
•Greenlaw. of D'etroi't was guest.solos:
1st and added much inspiration to the
services. His generous contribution- of
song at the Sabbath services .was
much appreciated. On Sunday he
sang "The Lord is My Shepherd,"
"Rock of Ages," "My Lord and 1,"
"Teach me to Live,' "Were you there
when they crucified my Lord," and
"'Have Thine own way Lord." The
Sunday offering .amounted to $4.112.00.
Greenlaw's rental on Monday
evening was a rare treat which the
community will long remember. The
iUnited 'congregation at Walton is
'happy in the success of their anniver-
sary services, A return visit by Mr,
Greenlaw will be welcomed.
Mrs, Calvin Armour and her dau-
.ghter Miss Adeline Armour, of Mun-
ger, Mich., and Mrs. Clayton Ten-
nant,- of Bay City. Mich., spent a few
days last week visiting their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Killen.
Mrs. Gilles of Niagara Falls visited
last week with her sister, Mrs. And-
rew Britec and also called on her
aunt Mrs. H. Fulton.
Mrs. los. Love is spending this
week with Mr. and Mrs. \V. Leeming
in \feIillop,
Mrs.- W. C. McEachern and Wins-
ton, of •Puslinch, called on friends in
Walton on Monday while • on their
way to Cranhrook,
Mr, and Mrs. 'Jas. Baillie and Mrs.
Thus. Cardiff of Ehna spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Shannon, -
Mr. and Mrs, J. Hillebrecht and
Mrs, R. Campbell of Seaforth spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. J.
Miss Margaret Proctor of Lead -
bury spent .the week end with Miss
Marr Buchanan.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feng of Elma
spent 'Sunday with their son. Mr. Ken
Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson and
family of Constance spent -Sunday
with Mr, \Wes Stephenson.
Mrs. R. 'Naylor of Rochester, N.Y.,
is visiting her 'brothers and sister in
this vicinity.
Mrs. B. Wilson and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Becker of London
visited the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Hoy.
Mrs, Forsyth of \Wingham spent
Sunday with her parents, \rr, and
Mrs. R. Hoy,
We congratulate •Bob Kirkby on
having won first prize for his colt
in a class of five entries exhibited at
Brussels Fall Fair. Colts were enter-
ed in Huron Boys' Foal Club compe-
tition which is under the direction of
the agricultural representative for
eaclt district.
Good crowds attended the morning
and evening anniversary services in
Dhl}'s I"nitctd Church on .Sunday.
•Otc. 1:6, The "nest hp'aker was Rev.
lir. Bremner of Seaforth who brought
tyro• inspiring- messages. \Ir. Green-
law. Windsor, sang a couple of bass
solo: at each service ,and this, along
with anthem: b0 the choir. brought
the message in song. On Monday ev-
ening, Mr. Greenlaw gave a recital
which 1015; much enjoyed.
Miss Roselia Burns has been visit-
ing relatives in Dublin for the past
Mr. James \lose left this week for
Milverton where he will reside. His
farm has been purchased by Mr. Bob
McMichael, who takes immediate pos-
The Constance United Church will
hold their anniversary services Sun-
day, 'Oct. 23. Services at 1111 a.nt, and
7:3o p.m. Rev. Sinclair of Blyth will
bring the messages for the day.
There will he special music by the
choir, Mrs. ;(Rev,) Menzies will sing
a sole, in the scorning and Mr. James
Scot t a solo in the evening. There
will also he a duet in the evening by
Mrs. Menzies and Mr. Scott, "Peace
Be StilL"
Little Miss Helen Lohb of Clinton
spent the week end with Miss Don-
elda Adams,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Scott attend-
ed the funeral of Mrs. Scott's aunt in
'Cleveland recently.
Mr, David Millson and Mr. Harry
Durnin took a load of house effects to
Ingersoll on Tuesday for Mr. Chas.
1'fillson who is moving to Ingersoll
to manage a dairy farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. James of Kincardine.
Mrs. Robert Lawson spent the
week end with her daughter Mr. and
Mrs. Busby, Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson
spent Sunday at the 'hone of Mr. and
Mra, Walter Broadfoot.
Mr, and Mrs, Leo Stephenson and
sons Donald and Billie spent Sunday
with Mr. Wes Stephenson and
Mrs. George Leitch and daughter
Alma, Mrs. J. 'Ferguson and Miss
Edith Britton spent Monday in Strat-
ford on 'business.
Mr, .and Mrs. 'James Medd visited
the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Layton of Exeter nn Tuesday.
Miss .Helen Britton altrnd d
meeting' for music supervisors
sdtools on Monday evening at
eter, An association was formed. In-
5peetor Beacom otos uresent aryl ail -
.dressed the Meeting. Air. and Mr.;.
W. Britton aecompanled her ler Ev-
eter and spent the eveohl'ir with Mr.
and firs, George Layton.
Mrs. 5ecord Melricn entertained
Circle ,o. 1 of the W. A. on Tuesday
and had a quitting bee.
Mr. and Nits.F. Carter of Gode-
rich called on \Ir. :and Mrs. Jack
Ferguson on Tuesday:
Miss Helen Britton attend convoca-
tion and the rugby ;ante held at
Western on Saturday,
Mr. Austin Dexter and Mr. John
Sanderson attended ,the plowing
match w-hielt was held at Barrie on
Friday of last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter, Nor-
ma and Ferne were visitors at the
hone of ItIr. and Mrs Will ,H'oggarth
of Londesboro on Sunday.
Miss Marjory Lyon, R.N. of Lea-
mington spent several days. at the
home of her parents:
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hiles, Clinton,
and Mr. and Mrs. !Norman Carter,
Seaforth; visited at the home .of Mr,
and Mrs. J Elsleys and Mrs. 'Tam-
blyn on Wednesday last, it being the
occasion of Mr, and Mrs. Hiles and
Mr. and Mrs. 'J. 'Elsleys wedding day.
Mrs. E. Crawford is visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.
Brinley, near Dungannon.
Mrs. Bina Kirk is spending some
time in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Frantic Hall are vis-
iting 'at
is-iting'at their son's home, C.' Hall, of
Anther (bora.
Miss E. Mains and Mrs. Rich Vod-
den spent ,last week at Chicago, re-
turning 'Saturday.' Miss Jean Mains
accompanied them home.
Mr, John Armstrong had the ntis-
fortune to fall from an apple tree re-
cently and was taken to Clinton hos,
pital for medical aid.
Quite a large numher from here at-
tended the anniversary services held
at Burns' Church on Sunday. Rev.
bir, Abery, a former pastor of the
Presbyterian Church here, was the
guest speaker.
Several men of the village are busy
shingling the roof of the United
Church here,
lir. 'George Barr is taking treat;-
meat at the hospital at Hensall,
Eleanor Sundercock, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Sund:ercock, was
rushed to Seaforth hospital on Sun-
day night and was operated On for
Mrs. Russell Wainer and daugh-
au hter spent a few days. at Alvinston last
Mr. and firs. 'G. O'i•vaster of Lon-
don spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
W. McClinchey,'
Mr, and Mrs. Goo. Hodgson of
Wilton 'Grove spent a day last week
101111 ,their daughter Mrs. Harold Pen -
After a lingering illness, Mr. John
Thomas •Graliatn passed away at his
home in Clinton M.r,' Graham had
just passed his seventy-fourth ,year
and was the oldest son of the late Mr,
and Mrs, Wm. Graham. He was born
in \Vawanosh township and while
quite young moved' with his parents
to Stanley township near Brucefield
where he spent the greater part of
his life. He had given up farming and
moved to Clinton 'bout was not long
spared tto enjoy retired life. He is.
survived (by his widow, formerly Miss
Elizabeth Dale, two brothers, Gallie
of Stamey, Dr, Melvin, :Ponoka,i Alta,,
and one sister, Mrs, Jas. Broadfoot,
A former resident of Stanley pass-
ed away last Friday at his home,
Goderich Tp.; in the person of Mr,
Arthur Stephenson. He was, -'born on
Goshen Line, Stanley, '77 years ago, a
son of the late David Stephenson. He
spent his early manhood farming on
Parr line, later moving to Clinton,
then to London •and for the 'last few
years has lived in Goderich Tp. His
wife was Miss Jennie Rathwe'Il, who
survives him, also one son Lawrence,
Goderich T.p„ and three daughters.
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
PHONE 179.
All Repairs Strictly Cash.
We Aim To Please
The funeral kook place on Sunday, in-
terment in Bayfield cemetery.
AQr: David J. Stephenson Jr. held a
successful sale last week of his farm
stock and implements and . intends
leaving the farm to 'take over •a groc-
ery :business and gas station he re-
cently 'Purchased on the lldghway a
few miles north of Mitchell. We re-
gret to lose hint 'batt wish hint success
in his new business.
Mrs. Margaret sErratt of Muneey
spent the week end with her relatives
itt Stanley.
]Mrs,' Alice Armstrong of Pilot
Mound, Man., is visiting with friends
and relatives in Stanley.
Mr. and Mse Matt Murray with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurentze and fancily
of St. Clements visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Maloney on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Flanagan visited
Mr, and Mrs, ]Joe Cronin, Sunday.
Mr, Jautes 'Nolan visited friends in
London on !Friday. "
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. 'Johnson visited
Mr, and Mrs. D. J: O'Reilly,
Want and For Sale ads, al week, 25c
Mrs, 0. W. Rhynas and son, 'Phil-
lip, of Burlington, spent the week enol
with Mrs. Rhynas' sister, Miss Nora
Mrs. Bassett of •Buffelo is visiting.
her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. M. Ross,
The work on the new dock is pro-
gressing and will be a wonderful help
to the fishermen when 'finished,
Mr, and Mrs. T. Erwin, who have.
been spending a few weeks •with Mr,
A. )r_ Erwin, left for Florida last
There died at. Iter home in Bayfield
an Friday, Oct,iS114t , :Miss Rachel
Taylor, who was the fourth datighter
of John Taylor and Sara Pollock,
Born near Lachute, ',Quebec, 115th of
February, 1001, site moved with her
family to Stanley township in 1883.
Miss Taylor lived in Detroit for sev-
eral years and fifteen years ago -mov-
ed to Bayfield where she has resided
ever since, Miss Taylor was a 015m
ber of the 'United Church .and is sur-
vived by three brothers and one sis-
ter, namely, Roht., -of Stanley; Will-
iam of Stanley; Saul, Winnipeg, and
Miss Mary of Buffalo, The funeral
was held from St. Andrew's Church,
Bayfte'ld, on Monday. The pallbearers
were Saul .and Robt, Pollock, Herb
McGregor, Daviel J. Stephenson,
Murray Grainger., Blyth Stephenson.
Gene Autry 'Smiley Burnette
t pot n' 'footi n' Rhythm
Sunday, Midnight, Oct. 23, at 12:05
Mon, Tues. Wed,, Oct. 24-25-26''
Ginger Rogers Doug. Fairbanks Jr.
The smash Broadwray hit—
Even better. on the screen,
Next Thur. Fri, Sat., Oct. 27-28-29
Dick 'Powell as the . Yodeling
With Priscilla Lane
Pat O'Brien Dick Foran
A modern Western with: your •favorite
OMING—Edgar Bergen Charlie (McCarthy
Adolphe Menjou Andrea Leeds
Mr. harry Beuernlann is busy
making his rounds threshing red
clover seed,
Mr, Charlie Regele met with a
'Painful .accident last week while
threshing clover on his farts; when
he tripped over the tongue of the sep-
arator and fell with terrible force.
His many friends hope nothing seri-
ous will develop.
Mf'.; Dick Hartung from Gadshifl
has completed his contract crushing
stone for the east side of tlre town-
ship of MelKillop. He has a powerful
.outfit 'and averaged over 310'0 yards a
day. •Ile has :served several townships
this season.
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