HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-10-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT rommasass•••••=assaseasassamssaas, THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, 'Q'CTOBER 13,1938 HENSALL Ork Monday evening after the Y.P. S. meeting, the Sunday School pre- sented Dr. and Mrs. Smillie with a lovely table and vase.. Dr. Smi;Inc is superintendent of the Sunday School. Mr. lOrtweio spoke a few 1.r.ords and called the doctor aid Mrs. Smillie •the ;platform. Mn'Clarence Smillie sead the followiug address and Miss Irene Douglas and Miss Kathryne Drysdale made the presentation. Both the doctor and Mrs. Smillie thanked the Sunday School for the gift and kind remembrance. The following is the •address: "Dear Dr. Smillie -The Sunday SchOol, represented 'by those gathered here this evening. wishes to congratulate you on this most import- ant occasion M your life. Moreover, we wished to show you in some tan- gible way, our appreciation of the ef- forts you have made. in the interests of our Sunday School. For abllOSt two years now you have led us very capa- bly and 1 aithfully, and have given a great deal of time and thought to the work. We trust that this gift will convey to you some of that apprecia- tion and that it may always recall pleasant memories of the United Sun- day School. To Mrs. Smillie we ex- tend a most hearty 'welcome and we wish 'both of you every success and happiness in your new partnership. Signed on 'behalf of the Sunday School, Clarence Smillie, Elgin Row - Cliffe," Special Thanksgiving services were held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday with the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, in charge. At the morning service a baptismal service was held when four children were baptised: Three baby girls. namely. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bell's ittle daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ;Campbell Ayerslittle •daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tinney's little daughter; 2 little boys, sons of Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Idaynhain and Mr. and Mrs. jack Verbeem. At the evening ,ervice a special song service was held, the choir rendering special Thanksgiving music. Mr. Reuben Deenoome of Wind- sor visited over the week end with friends in Henson and vicinity, The Y.P.S. of the United Church on Monday evening held their first meeting for the fall and winter, with Miss Gladys 'Passmore presiding, The !fleeting opened by singing hymn 121 and prayer by Elva McQueen. Nor- ma Cook read the Scripture lesson. Devotional reading Marion Filshie. Solo by Mrs. Maud Hedden. Minutes read and the offering taken after which hymn 32e was sung. Gladys Luker gave a reading; a guitar selec- tion by Greta Lammie; Elva Mc- Queen gave a very interesting report on the Summer School which was notch enjoyed. The meeting closed by singing hymn 23d and the .benediction. Mr. and Mrs, H. 'McMillan visited in Tavistock on Sunday. Mrs. Abe livisser or Windsor vis- ited over the week end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Troyer of Toron- to were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hudson, Miss Emma Pfaff of 'Orillia is vis- iting with her brothers, Mr. Wrn, Pfaff and Mr. john Pfaff, and ,other relatives. Mr. and •Mfrs. G. 'M. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Aliso Craig spent the week end at Lion's Head and Wiar- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sangster, Mrs, Joseph Hudson aud Mr. Roy Webber visited in Detroit over the week end. Miss Marie Miller and friend and Mr. Ross Miller of Windsor visited over Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Jinks. The Y.P.S. of the United Church will visit the County Home at Clin- ton on Monday evening, Oct. 17th. 'The W.M.S. of the United Church held their October meeting on Thurs- day afternoon in the school room of the church. A good attendance of members was present. The *resident, Mrs. Cross, presided, and the meeting opened by singing hymn 440. Ofter the opening exercises, business was discussed and it was decided to 'hold the thankoffering on Sunday, Oct. 30, and also to entertain the Baby Band and their mothers at the November meeting of the W.M.S. Mrs. Chas. 'McDonell gave the topic. Mrs. J. Pape donated a guilt top to the W.M. S.. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. Dr. Steer, Thos. Sherritt, E. Shad - dick, Sidney 'McArthur, Alf Clark and Ed Munn spent a week at Bar - Taw Bay on a hunting and fishing trip. Mrs. Harold Simpson and baby of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dater. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cook have a returned from their wedding trip and left for their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman have re- turned from their wedding trip and lave 'at for their home in Blenheim. Mr. Lloyd Brock and Mr. ditrold Willard visited over the week end in Detroit. Mr. ad .Mrs. Herbert Britton and family of Dublin -visited aver Sunday with Mrs. Hannah Workinar. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and family of Chiselhorst have rented the Broadfoot house 90 the highway and have moved in. The house was form- erly occupied by Mrs. Joseph Hodson. Miss foyce Scruton of Toronto spent Thooksgiving at her home here. Mr. Jack Swan of London was calling on friends in town this week. Miss Martha Carlile of London was a week -end visitor with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilson •Carlile. Mr, Casey Hudson of Listowel ti - -hod over the holiday with his parents, Mr. and IVIrs. George Hudson. Miss Lettie Love of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at her home here. Special Thanksgiving services were held in the United Church on Sunday, • the pastor, Rev. Mr. .Brook having • charge of his •own pulpit, At the morning service the • anthem, "He shall dwell in the Land,' and solo- ists for the special parts were taken by Mrs. Maud Hedden and Mr. Har- ry Horton and sclo, "The Voice in the Wilderness," by Dr. Ivan Smillie. At the evening service the anthem, Swin High -g3( Swing Low However you want your curls to go . . . you will get bbtter results and more attractive hairdressing with a i'OOD Beauty Salon Permanent. - You will be deliihted with your Permanent by our best land most scientific process. Prices to suit every pocket '13' BEAUTY SALON Phone 50 or 18. L. M. Box Seaforth AUCTION SALE Commonity sale will be held at Dicks Hotel stables, Seaforth, aie Friday, Oct. 211, end every second Friday after this date. --We would be glad to have the people co-operate by patronizing these sales and we will assure you of a square deal, This sale we have the following:: Cattle -Registered •Hereford bull 6 months old; 10 head of mixed cattle (Hereford and Dunham) 600,750 lbs.; 4 good calves a month old; 1 Here- ford heifer 204i months old. Pigs -i80 pigs from 'stickers to 75 lbs. Poultry--1)umber of pure bred Barred Rock 'cockerels. 50 Barred Rock pullets, We guarantee every- thing to be at this sale that is ad- vertised, and more. Homer Hunt, mgr.; Geo. H. Elliott, Auct.; J. M. Eckert, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Of the following articles at Lot 6, Hullett Tp., 3d mile east of Kieburn, on Saturday, October 22 at 2. pan.: Set of Manitoba bob sleighs; 1 horse sleigh, buggy, wagon, grain box, water trough, set of double har- ness, logging chain tool box and tools, cream separator, 10 whit Leg- horn hens, bed and springs, coal oil stove and other articles. Terms cash, no reserve, Wilfred :Unison, FroP- rietor; Geo, H. Elliott, 'Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Etc., at Lot 22, Con. 4, L. .R. Survey, Tuckersmith Tp., on Tuesday, Oct, 25, at 2 pm.: Horses -1 agricultural gelding, ris- ing 3 years, broken; agricultural black matched team, geldings, rising 3 yrs„ broken; 2 agricultural geldings rising 2 years; general purpose filly rising 2 years; Clyde •filly rising 2 years; 2 spring foals, 'filly and gelding. Cattle-Durhani grade tow 4 years old, due April 20; Durham grade cow, 6 years old, due Feb, 24; Durham grade cow, 8 years old, due March 24; Durham grade cow, 9 years old, due May 10; Durham grade cow 6 years old, due March 24; Durham grade heifer rising 3 years, due Oct. 28; Durham heifers rising 3 years, due Nov. 14; Durham heifers rising 3 years, doe Dec. 20; Durham heifers rising 3 years, doe Feb. 3; steer, 2 years old; steer 1 year old; 4 yearling heifers, '5 spring 'calves; Hereford hull 5 months old. Flat hay rack; Buckeye incubator, 350 egg capacity; Prairie State inco- bator, 150 egg capacity; brooder atrwe 1000 chick size, quantity of oak plank, colony house. Terms of gale, all sums of $10 and under. cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on •furn- ishing approved joint 'bankable paper, with 491 straight added on credit amounts, Positively no reserve as proprietor has rented his farm. James Finlayson, Proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Next commonity salt will be Fri- day, Oct. 28th. From then on com- munity sales will be held every Fri- day. Anybody having pigs Inr Sale' pleaae phone Queeo's Hotel, Sea - forth, and we will arrange to buy them. We have some choice ,pigs for sale 'privately any day before next sale. j. J. 'Coyne, Manager; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, at Lot 12, Con. 3, Tooker - smith Tp., London Road .Survey, 1,14 miles east of Kippen and 1 mile south, on 'Wednesday, Oct. 19, at a, .eclack sharp, consisting of the following: Horses -Reg. Clyde mare ,(Queen) 9 years old, (No. 50508), bred to Sol- way Resource; aged draft mare, bred to Solway 'Resource; ,draf 1 mare, 12 years old. Cattle -Durham grade cow, 3 years old, due. December 7; Durham grade cow, 4 years old, 'due January 22; Durham grade caw, 6 years .old, due February 1E; Durham grade cow, years old, ,due April 154 Durham grade cow, 3 years old, due April 221; 'Dur- ham grade cow, 4 years old, doe Ap- ril 20; Durham grade cow, 5 years old, supposed to freshen May ZS; hei- fer, 2 years old, 'bred July 7; 3 heifers, 1 years old; 5 s,pring calves, Implements -Frost ,84 Wood mower:, 6 ft. cut; 10 It. hay rake; .farm wagon with 2 set of wheels;•hay rack, 1 -fur- row riding plow; •walking plow, demo- crat, steel tired top 'boggy; scuffier; set of Diamond harrows, 4 section; harrow cart, land roller, set of disc harrows, Massey Harris all, -disc fer- tilizer and grain drill, rolling coulter, Peter Hamilton spring tooth cultivator, gravel box with stock rack, set of bob sleighs, Portland cut- ter, Clinton fanning mill, set of dou- ble harness, set of 1-borse heavy har- ness, set of single driving harness, 4 horse collars, several halters, Daisy churn, crowbar, forks, chains, shovels and numerous other articles. Chevrolet touring ear. Everything to be sold as .proprietor is in poor health. Terms -Cash. •At the same time and place •the 000 acre farm .which is of good clay loam with 20 acres of hardwood bush, well fenced and .wel'1 watered and ia a good state of cultivation, situated 2 miles fram Kippen, 3 miles from Hensall. 8 miles from Seaforth, miles from school, with a good set of farm .buildings, will be of- fered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. Farm is all seeded to grass. Terms made known on day of sale. J. D. Stewart, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. • AUCTION SALE Of. Farm, Farin Stock 'and Imple- ments on Dot 35, Con. 5, McKillop, on Thursd.ay, October 20th, corn - :reining at 111o'clock pm..sharp: Horses -One nare 17 years old, supposed M be with foal; one gelding 6 years; one team of aged good work horses. Cattle -13 good 'cows with calf. FuJI purtioulars will be made known on day of sale as all dates were de- stroyed by fire. 9 yearling steers and heifers; )10 steers rising 3 years; 6 calves,' • Pigs -One Yorkshire hog, one sow bred 3 weeks; 5 pigs 8 ,weelcs old; .one SOW with litter of twelve, 6 weeks old; one sow with litter of nine, 5 weeks old; ane sow with litter 01 eight, 4 weeks old. Fooltiok'-lf not sold before, . will he 'offered. 400 White Leghorn pul- lets, 6 months old, just coining into production, Dr. Roe stock; 300 year old hens, Roe stock. These hens have all been culled. A number of cock- erels., 70 cross bred wild docks; one colony house 9 x lili Implements -One IM. H. binder, 7 foot cut; one M. I -I. mower, 6 ft, cut; one M. H. Ifertilizer drill; one M. H. hay rake; one M. H. cultivator, 13 tooth; one land roller, steel; one Coleman crusher; one walking plow, no. 121 Fleury;; one •Cockshutt gang plow; one 12 -furrow tractor Oliver plow; one Clinton fanning mill; one scoffler; 2 collie pups; 5 section dia- mond harrows. One circular saw; one John Deere manure spreader; one Bain a,"4 wagon; one hay rack; one wagon box; one trailer with stock rack; set scales 2000 cap.; one Melotte cream separator no, 112; one steel drum 40 gal., and a number of $barrels; one Beatty hay car with ;fork, rope, slings; one set team harness; one set plow harness; one .cutting box; one cutter; one root polper; 2 pig troughs, 19 feet long; one water trough; .pne new wheel- barrow; and numerous other articles found on a farm. One 'power washing machine. One acre ziangolds; one acre of turnips; 300 bus. feed wheat and bar- ley mixed; sop bush. mixed grain. 30 tons hay; 4 loads second cut alfalfa. Terms cash. Everything will be sold as proprietor is giving up farm- ing on account of ill health and his house being destroyed by 'fire, Terms on farm. made known on day of sale. The farm consists .of two hun- dred acres as Ifollows: no acres, lot '5., con, 10, Hullett Tp.; 100 acres, with half of lot 35, west 'half of lot '34, Mc- Killop Tp. .Miller Adams, IProprietor. ;Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. "Praise Ye the Father," was ;beauti- fully rendered and a violin sole by Miss Greta Lammie. Mr, Brook gave two splendid sermons and good at- tendance were oto at ;both services. Mr. Harold Sherritt of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at his home here. Mr. Ray •Paterson of Toronto was a holiday visitor at the home of his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Paterson. Mr. Howard Hemphill of Toronto was a week -end visitor at his home. Mr: Peter McNaughton has rented Miss Emily Morrison'a house on Queen street. Alex and Ian Filshie 'who are at- tending university in Toronto spent Thanksgiving at their 'home here, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren visited over the week end with relatives in Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins and sons Billy and Raymond spent Thanksgiving at the Beach o' Pines. • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher and children of Windsor and Mrs. Ray Palmer and daughter Caroline, alse of Windsor, visited dver Thanksgiv- ing with their •parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Mr. Harold Bonthron is spending his holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 'VVna. ,Simpson of Detroit visited relatives over the week end, WE SELL FOR LESS Saturday Cash Specials Rob Roy Rolled Wheat 5 Ib. bag ....... 12c Bakers Cocoa, I lb. .... ..,21c Cowan's Cocoa, 1 lb. .....,21c Neilson's Cocoa, 5/z lb. „... 19c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee lb. , 35c Red Rose Tea, lb, 591 Salada Tea, lb. • ...... 59c TRADE ONLY 38c PER DOZ. For Grade A Large Eggs Clover Honey, 10 lb. 79c Tapioca, 3 lb. 23c Manitoba Flour per cwt. • 2.49 New Life Laying Masb, per cwt. 2.35 kikr, j, Finnigan IN MEMORIAM D. In loving memory of my dear sister, ELMER BELL. B.A. Miss Margaret Robertson, Viiio pas's- Successor to John H. Best ed peacefully away on Wednesday morning, Oct. 5th, 19138. 'Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, The world's' weary troubles and trials are past, Insilence she suffered, in patience she bare, Till 'God called her home to suffer no more. -Ever remembered by her brother. ' AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock ,and Imple- ments. Lot 24, Con. 4, Tockersmith, L.R.S., Tuesday, Oct. ,18th, 1938, at 120 o'clock. Ilorses-1 ;black ,Agricultural mare, 1111 years .old, in foaA; '0 aged work horse; 11 black gelding, rising 3, well 'broken; d roan gelding rising 3; 1 filly rising 2; 1 gelding rising 2, 2 Belgian colts rising kit Cattle -di Durham cow, 4 years, due March 30th; '11 Durham cow, 4 years, due April 940h; 11 Ayreshire cow, 6 years, due March 1101th; 11 Guernsey caw, e years, due Jan. 28th; 1 Hol - CARD OF THANKS Mr. 3, M. Robertson 'wishes to thank the doctors, nurses, friends and neighbors and her pastor for their great kindness to his sister in her last illness, also for the many acts of kindness and sympathy in his 'bereme ment, FOUND On No. 4 Highway, a logging chain about a month ago. Owner may have same by proving ownership and payiog for the ad. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield, .phone 618 T 32, Clinton. FOR SALE Sprayed Spy and Peewaukee apples, 50c -t$11 per Ins, Fred McClymont, Varna. • FOR SALE Farm containing 100 acres choice land, eight acres wood lot, orchard, ,two good wells, mostly seeded down, Good barn and shed, 'fine stables, box stalls, etc., pew litter carrier, new windmill, cement silo, iniplement shed, garage. White brick house in first class condition, hard and soft Water, bath room, heated, three pieees. A mile south of paved highway and two west of Seaforth, near to church and school. Lot 20, Concession 2, Tooker - smith township, *Will be sold very reasonably. For more particulars ap- ply to Andrew M. 'Kirk, Seaforth, R. R..3, or .phone 1150 - '3, stein cow, 7 years, due April 4; 1 Holstein cow, 5 years, freshened 2 months; 1 Holstein cow, 8 years, due May 10; 1 Durham heifer, 1 year; Durham steer, 1 year; 3 spring calves, Figs. -14 chunks 1120 lbs. Hens -1173 choice White Leghorn pullets, laying. Implements -11 McCormick Deer- ing 13-lioe :fertilizer drill, almost new; 1 'McCormick Deering .bean se -after, new this year; 1, McCormick Deering walking plow, 11 Massey Harris side delivery rake, 11 set 4 section harrows, 11 wagon, 1 hay rack, a gravel box, 1 Sylvester cutting box, and •pulley; 1 Fleury crusher, 1 fanning set 2000 lb. scales, 2 cutters, 1 DeLaval cream separator, 2 sets heavy harness, third horse set, 1 set single harness. 1 .uair 211:" collar tops, 4 horse ,collars, 2 wheelbarrows, 100 sacks, some .ce- dar posts, 600 ft. new lumber, 2 large chop boxes, forks, shovels, pails, etc. Feed -112 tons red clover hay, 14 tons timothy, 400 ibush.ols :nixed peas, barley and oats, 250 bushels mixed wheat, .barley and oats; 1150 bit. ;oats, 5 bu, red clover seed,' 30 rows mixed turnips and marigolds. Wood -120; cords dry hard wood, 1 Obey. coach, 1930, in good condition, two -wheeler trailer, new. Household Effects -411 .circulator - type wood 'heater, nearly new; 1 Find- lay cook stove, nearly new; 1, Cole- man gas hotplate, 1letension ta1ble, 1 Coleman lamp, 1 Coleman lantern, 1 stepladder, 12 Congoleurn rugs 9x12, matched, Terins-,Cash. Farm, consisting of 100 acres more or less, of choice clay loam, well fenc- ed and drained, 113 acres ibush, 45 acres 'black land, ;balance hay and pasture; I.. -shaped lbank barn, good stabling, driving shed, comfortable fraine cottage, neverafailing well, Terms on farm made known •day of Joseph H. D. Upshall, Proprietor; George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Household Effects of late Ellen Wankel. At her late residence, on highway, just west of the town of Seaforth, on Saturday, 'Oot. 15 at 2 p.m. Among ehattels to be .s,old are the following; Dining room suite; 4 ibed room suites; electric radio; writing desk; davenport; sewing machine; sideboard; china eabinet; 2 'leather rocking ;chairs; washing machine. Churn, eleotric iron, extension lad- der, 'step ladder, snifter, 12 kitchen stoves, dining table, 'dressing table, parlor suite, electro -lux, piano, cream separator. cow. Terms, cash, The Property consisting of house, barn .and eight acres •c;if land wiiO be offered for sa4e subject to 'reserve Terms, 410 .p.c. down koT,. data of sale, balanoe in 30 days. Ellen 'Wankel Estate. Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 2 ,purebred Shorthorn bulls, 7 and 9 mos. old, good color, priced to sell. 81,?, r 4 Brussels, Roy Bennett, Walton. FARM FOR SALE 120' acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and15, lett, Concession, Town- ship of Grey. Large ,bank barn,frame house, excellent !gravel pit. Apply to Frank Fingland, Clinton, Ont. ' FOR SALE 30-30 calibre Winohester repeating title in Al ,condition, with box of shells. A 'bargain. R. W. 'McMillan, North Main st., Seaforth. FOR SALE Ai good McLaughlin top 'buggy and. cutter. Phone 2311 r 20, Thos. H. Leeming. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario POSITION WANTED By a middle age widow for house- keeper and practical nurse. If needed, can take full charge, town or coun- try. Apply at this office. McCONNELL St HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 FOR SALE a , '27 Chey, coach, in good running or- der, new tires and battery. Would con- sider exchange for cow- or pigs. Mrs. Ed Rowland, St. Columban, H. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. 'Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 pm, .Saturday evening, 7;30 p. m. • to 9 p. m. PROPERTY FOR SALE In the village of Londes.boro, frame house with seven rooms, .and woodshed, and stable, 'and a garden. John Hesselweod Sr., Londesboro, R. R. 1. Also 12 !burner coal oil stove, and a coal heaterwith pipes. FOR SALE 1 boys overcoat size .114-1116, almost new; 1 boys navy suit, coat, Nest, 'long trousers, size 116; 1 boys grey nit, coat, long and short trousers, size 19414. :Apply to 'News Office. FOR SALE Hound pups for sale. T. Phillips, Seaforth. FOR 'SALE Northern spies and ether winter varieties. Phone 111116, Seaforth. Apply to j. MacPherson. FOR SALE Used Bell piano in splendid ',condi- tion, and also Sherlook-Manning play- er piano with a great quantity of rolls. For sale very oheap. Walker's Furniture Store. TENDER WANTED Tenders for a caretaker for Eg- mondville United Church, duties to commence .November 1st, 1938. State salary expected, Tenders to be in hands of the secretary not later than Saturday, October Mad. The lowest Or anY tender not necessarily accept- ed. Envelopes to be marked "tender." john T. iElgie, See., Kippen P.. R. 2. FOR SALE Farm, '50 acres of excellent land, good farm 'buildings, orchard and wells. Very conveniently situated to town of Seaforth, churches and schools. Will be sold at a bargain to a ;pick 'buyer. Apply to Box 1071D,. News Office. NOTICE Voters' Lists, 419138, Hullett Town- ship, Huron County. , Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vot- ers' Lists Act, and that I have posted tip in my office at Londesboro on the 20th day of September, 3938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, Ansi I hereby call upon all voters to' take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 22nd day c'f 'October, 1938. CIDER MILL Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 'of each week dur- ing October and Nbvember. Cider .Mill located an the street leading to the golf 'course, West Ward, Mitchell, Fred Hennick, Proprietor . Terms, cash. BUYING GRAIN For Thompson at Hensall: we pay highest market prices. Pennsylvania products, grease and oils. Sold under money -back guarantee. Sam Chesney, 616' Phone '1 r 4. CARPENTRY Cabinet making, shingling, build- ing of all kinds, steel roofing, 215- year guarantee, ,eavestroughing, sheet Iran, asphalt brick siding, roofing, stable equipment, see Tyndall & Walker, Bramefield, Phone 6111 T Clinton. FARM FOR SALE The farm contains 150 acres, being south 54of (Lot 107 and West TA of South TA of Lot 18 of the ninth con- cession in Morris township, situated half way between Blyth and Walton on an improved 'county highway, Hydro line running by the farm. Good frame house, hank barn with good stabling •underneath, hen house and horse stable in, separate ibuildings. Fifty acres under crop, twelve acres of good hardwood hush, rest hay and pasture. Two good wells. For more particulars apply to Finlay Laidlaw or Gilbert McCallum, R.R. No. 3, Walton. PROPERTY FOR SALE A lot consisting of 'three acres, ad- joining Seaforth. All 'seeded, 'best of land. Good frame house with cement foundation, electric light throughout, Barn with cement foontiation, room for 'three horses. Hog pen, chicken yen, ,Hard •anti s'oft water. Taxes $10. Price $11,200, half cash, balance at 5%. JAS. W. licCOOL, This is certainly. a snap. Apply to W. 'Clerk Mullett Twp, 1. Walker, phone 167, Seaforth. FOR SALE OR RENT Comfortable house in Egmondville, 7 rooms, good cellar, cistern, never - failing well, hard water at the door, excellent •garden lead, perfectly .clean, township taxes, telephone, 5 minutes walk to church, school UT store. This property will be sold at a reasonable price. Everything in good repair. Ap- ply to Mrs. ,Atex. Gordon, Box 51 Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334w