HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-10-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Huron County Plov ng Matc...11 Held in McKillop
I he fifteenth annual plowing match of the
Hut' ,n County Plowmen's Association was held
un t le farms of Messrs, Willis Dundas and Alex
Den tis on Thursday last, \yids a large attend-
ance.. The above picture was taken by The N eWS
at the close of the afternoon and shows Wilfred
McQuaid, son of ,;\1r. Joseph McQuaid, of St. Col -
timbals. hniehing Up, Wilfred is a member of the
!lute m • connty boyteam at the . International
l'iowing match at Minesing this year. The inter-
national plowing match may be held in Huron
in 1940. -
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers
Died in the West—
There passed away in Calgary on
October 3rd, Mr, Wm. Campbell, in 1
his 47th year. He was born on the
.14th concession of Nit:Kilian, Second -
son. of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Campbell. He leaves to mourn his
wife and one Son and one daughter.
His brother, .joseph, lives on the
home farm.. in McKillop. His death
was due to a stroke.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. GoWland and
family of Fergus attended the funeral
of the latter's cousinMr. Noble
Forbes. on Saturday.
Mies Olda Williamson spent the
week end. with her cousin, Mrs. WM.
Bault of CollingWood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Humphries of
Walke.rville spent the holiday with
friends in the village.
Mies Mary Buchanan who has been
'visiting friends in Rochester, N. Y„
has returned home. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Drager and
son and daughter spent the week end
with 'his mother, Mrs. C. Drager.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas.. Humphries. of
Walkerville spent the week end with
his brother, 'William, and sister, Mrs,
H. Shannon,
Master James Kelly_ spent the week
end in Toronto with his aunt, Mrs.
Mrs, Charles Sellers spent the week
end with her mother, -Mrs. Hurley, of
Mrs. Hugh Fulton has returned
home after spending two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cleavers near
Ethel and Mr. and MN. Dan Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill _Deacoff of Tor-
onto spent the week end with the !at-
'', ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. j.'.Carter.
Mr. A. j. Carter is spending some
time with friends in Walton.
Mrs. W. S. Forbes is spending the
week with her brother near Myth.
The congregation 1 Duff's Church.
'Walton, are looking forward with
great expectathO1 to their anniversary
services to be held 'text Smith*. Rev.
'A'. A. Bremner, P. \., ex-oresident of
.Le,ndon Conferenee. vfl be the guest
.speaker. Mr. A. E. Greenlaw of De-
trit ;will be soloist. 'If all come .N11,1
have expressed their intention even
standing room will be taken.
The 1. F. \V. O. of \t'alton .will
meet at the home oi Nfr. Leonard
Leetning on Wednesday. Oct. 19th, at
2:39 pin. Mrs. Rev. Craw of. Win-
throp will speak on Temperance. All
are cordially invited.
tries, gave a travelogue from B. C. to
Prince Edward Island, giving a sum-
; mary of industries and farming candi-
ions in each province, proving Cana -
la from coast to coast to be a peace-
ful and prosperous country. Mrs. Os-
er aye a summary of reports receiv-
ed at the Area Convention on Agri-
culture and Canadian . Industries.
Mrs. John Bryant of Stratford
spent over the holiday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Mmes.
Mrs. Joseph Arnstein and son of
Toronto are visiting her mother, Mrs.
Margaret Tierney.
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
Spent the week end with her sisters:
Mrs. D. Moody and Mrs. W. H. Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Huckstep spent
Sunday at Goderich.
The Women's Institute held thew
October meeting at the home of Mrs.
Stanley •Chellew with a splendid at-
tendance. The invitation to hold a
masquerade hard times party at the
home of Mrs. Herold Vodden was
•gratefully accepted for Wednesday
evening( 'Oct. 26. This is to be a so-
cial get-together of the members and
each member is privileged to bring a
girl friend. Mrs. Harvey Gidley re-
portecl she had attended the glove
making training school held in Lon-
desbnro and was now 'prepared to re-
ceive applications for organizing a
class, Mrs. Oster gave a report of her
work as •local leader in junior •work.
The girls are to be ,congratulated in
securing prizes at the Western Fair
and also at Stratford, Mrs. Oster was
again appointed local leader for the
fall • project in "Dressing- Up Home
Grown Vegetables" and will attend
the tnaining school to be held in Clin-
ton Oct. 27-28. Mrs. Stanley Doherty
offered her home for the November
• meeting. Mrs. Ressel Fear, convener
• of agriculture and Canadian indus-
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Worden and
Mr. Wm. Thompson spent the week
end in Toronto and Brooklyn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sadler were hol-
iday week end visitors with friends in
MN. H. Colquhoun has returned to
her home in Jamestown, N.Y., after
visiting at the home of her son, Nfr.
L. Colquhoun.
Mr. F. O'Brien and son have their
new mill completed and were able to
start grinding last Saturday.
The anniversary services M the Un-
ited Church on Sunday were largely
attended at both services. Special mu-
sic Was provided by the choir and Mr.
Arthur Dinnin rendered a solo.
Mr. and Mrs. I -I. Leslie spent the
week end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Swale were in
Niagara Falls over the week end at-
tending the wedding of a relative.
NIrs...Mtualoch spent a few days in
London recently.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sillery. Mrs. Lup-
ton and Peggy visited in Fergus with
Holiday and Sunday visitors in the
conimunity were: Messrs. Arnold and
Eldon Barbour of London with their
parents; Mr. and Mrs. C. an and
children. Si. Marys with Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. NleDonald: Mr. and Mrs. C. O'-
Brien and dun ghters, 0. with
Nir. aud Mrs. F. O'Brien; Miss Ile
Drown, Mt, Brydges, with her Moth-
er; Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Bowman, of
Hagersville, with Mr. and Mrs, Ceei:
Bowman; Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple-
man a:14 Betty, of Toronto, with Mr.
and NIrs. H. Templeman; Messrs.
t"larenee and Norell Norris. Toronto,
with their parents; Mr. and Mrs, R.
LaWson and Nfarion. Seaforth, with
Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Fell; Mr. and
Xlre. J. M. Gray and family, Millbank,
with Mr. and •Mrs. J. Livingston;
Mr. and Mrs. NI.. Greenwood and
family, Munro, with Mr. and Mrs. j,
Leary; Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller, Log-
an. with Mr. and Mrs. 5, M. :Willer.
Mr. and Mrs. L, Hannon and Mr. and
Mrs. N. Bushfield, Zion, Mr and Mrs.
A. Earl, Whalen, MT. and Mrs. A.
Jeffry and Spencer, with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm: Sadler; Mr. and Mrs. N. Hun-
kins and daughters, Farquhar, Miss
13, Turner, Fullerton, and Mr, Frank
Turner, Munro, with Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Worclen;; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc-
Donald, of London, Mr, and Mrs. C.
Trott, Mt, Brydges, Dr. and Mrs, M.
Gilmore, Stratford., with Rev. and
Ws. a Gilmore; Mr, and Mrs. J.
Richmond aed Misses Richmond, of
Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Worden;
Mr, and Mrs. W. Hodge, Science
;Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hodge;
Misses Dixon, 'Galt, with Mrs. A. A.
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will cone promptly
All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please
Jr, Jos. Matthews has been busy
transporting buckwheat to Hensall,
„Quite a number from this district
intended to go to the lumber Woods
ith• the winter but were -disappointed
when they found that work was not
Plentiful and therefore decided to stay
at home. There may still be work in
Northern Ontario if the timber which
has fallen from the late fire can be
picked up.
Mr, Manuel Beuermann met with a
painful accident Jest week while he
was operating his threshing outfit. He
tried to remove an obstruction with a
crowbar when suddenly- the bar got
caught in the moving machinery and
threw hint, breaking his leg,
We are pleased to learn to Mr,
Harry Bennewiee is improving from
his recent. accident.
The Nlisses Chuter of London with
their parents, Mr. and "Nfrs. E. Chu'.
Mr; and Mrs. Fred Watson and
daughter with 'Mrs. Mossop.
- Mr. T. C. Glew and, son, Jack Mrs.
McTaggart and Miss McTaggart and
Mr, Case .of Exeter.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glew, Gerald,
Margaret and Brtice, Glew of Lumley
called on their cousin, Mrs. M. G.
Beatty. -
Dont forget the 1 owl supper under
the auspices of the :United Church.
Several from this district attended
the funeral of the late Mr. R. J. .Bettt-
ty of Egmondville.
The 'United Church held their anni-
versary services on Sunday last, Rev,
Mr. Gilmore of Staffa being the min-
ister. Mr. Godbolt of Exeter rendered
two fine solos at the morning service
and the Rennie quartette of Seaforth
sang in the evening. The annual fowl
supper is being held on Thursday ev-
ening, Oct. 13th.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNaughton of
Kitchener spent the week end with
relatives here.
Misses Mary and Irene Chutet of
London spent the holiday at their
Mr, Basil Lane of Toronto spent
the holiday at his home here.
Mr,., Allan Brant of Toronto is vis-
iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mrs. P. H. McGrath visited friends.
in Blyth this past couple of weeks.
- Misses Mary and Rose O'Connor of
St. Clements spent the holiday at their
homt. here.
Mrs. P. 5. Kelly of Blyth spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Angus
Miss Mary Murphy of Chatham
soent ThanksgiVing, at her home here.
Misses Florence, Anne and Nora
McQuaid of Stratford, Frank of Hes-
"kr and Thomae McQuaid of Wind
:or spent Sanday with Mr. and Mrs.
James IfeQnaid.
Holiday visitors:
Mr, and Mrs. Lathan and little
ind Miss Beatty of London with N
L Beatty. •
Don': forget the hig fowl supper
• Varna on Thursday evening. Oct.
Mr. Chas. Godbolt. of Exeter sang
Iwo. very effective solos at Varna an-
niversary service- on Sunday morning.
He a:so visited with friends in this
on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Ilan Keys of We:tern L'ni-
versity. London. spent the holiday
,t1 he !tome on Babylon Line.
Mr. and Mrs.. Fred ,Vhan of Tor-
..mto eeent 'Thanksgiving with the
latter",. sister, Mrs. Roht, E. Robin-
son anti family.
:Miss Ieabei Robinson -of Toronto
Bible College spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T -hos,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstreing,
bridal couple, have returned from
their honeymoon trip and settled on
the farm on 'Goshen Line. Their many
friends extend to them congratula-
tions. and best wishes.
Mr. and MN. Loran Pfile of Mt.
Clements, Mich., called at the 'home
of Mr. Ed Johns on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Nf. Bosnell and
Paul of Toronto were Thanksgiving
visitors with Mr. mid ;Mrs. • Wes
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B,oyne of
Stratford visited on Sunday with the
latter's mother, Mrs. John ;Johns.
Mrs. Ed John left on Saturday
morning to visit her nother Mrs, Ed-
evartlq, who is seriously ill at her
• home in Saskatoon.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Wm. Skirmer of. Exeter is quite ill at
.the home of Mr. Chas, Godbelt;
work and •expnriences in that land o•f
ice and snow. Everyone enjoyed her
taik very much also her numeroes
snaps and several samples of hand-
work made by the people there. The
exchange of .perennials followed arid
with a vote of thanks to the hostess
and those taking part in the program
the singing of the National Anthem
clod the meeting. A social time was
spent during lunch. It was decided to
hold the annual dance in Kippen ball
on Friday evening,. Oct. 28th, at 8 ,p,m.
The next meeting will be the mem-
bers banquet at the home of Mrs. G.
McLean on Nov. Ilth.
Mr. Earl Wanless of Viroquoa,
Wisconsin, was a recent guest with
Mr. and Mre. Geo, E. Thomson and
Misses Dorothy and Veronica Mol-
yneaux attended teachers' convention
at Ottawa, and spent the week end
at Montreal.
Misses Margaret and Monica Byrne
have returned from a week's visit in
Mr, and Mrs. Ferg Reynolds spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. jos.
Mrs, Mary Cronin is visiting
friends in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. H. 3. Schmuck of
Kitchener were Thanksgiving visitors
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dill have re-
turned from a visit in Detroit.
Miss Rita Stapleton of Toronto
spent Thanksgiving at her home here.
Miss Muriel Looby, nurse -in -train-
ing in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
was a Sunday visitor with her mother,
Mrs. Annie Looby.
Miss Birdie Murray of Kitchener,
visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs,
Mrs. Minnie 'Michell and daughter
Vera of Toronto spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf
and other friends,
Mrs. Alex Gordon and son of
Stratford was a week -end visitor with
her sister. Mrs. Alex Darling.
Mr. and Mrs. Rataria of Detroit
visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Nagle. Mrs.
P. Matthews accompanied them to
Detroit after two weeks with her
sister, Mrs. C. Stapleton,
Mrs. Charles Strubb and son or
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns
of Walton and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan
of McKillop visited Mrs. E. Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolf and :bro-
ther of Clifford were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John
Dr. Murray is still beautifying his
home on Ann St., building a new
Mr. and Mrs. \\M. Smith and his
mother spent Sunday in Toronto
Next Sunday, October 16th, at St.
Andrew's Church, Kippen, annivers-
ary services will be held, the seventy-
first since the opening of the Present
building,. The guest speaker for the
day will he the Rev. Andrew Lane of
Clinton. The soloist for the day ;will
be Miss Pearl Wood of Exeter. The
hours of service 111 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
The Kippen East W. I. hold their
Oct. meeting at the home of Mrs.
Wilbur Dilling on Monday evening.
There was a good attendance and the
meeting was opened by all singing the
Institute Ode which was followed by
the Lord's prayer repeated in unison.
Nies. Cole continued her talks on
"Buyinanship" with table linen as her
main subject. The roll call, "A Pre -
Winter Task I Always Try to Re-
member," brought a good response.
Mrs. W. 'Kyle and Mrs, W. Caldwell
sang two selections, "Lamplighting
Time in the Valley" and "The Voice
in, the Old Village Choir." Mrs. U,
Martin gave a very good papet on the
motto, ''And the Goblins Will Get
You." Miss A. Dinnen gave the Cur-
rent Events and Jed a short discus-
sion oo the same. The tap dancing thy
little Miss Doris Buchanan accompan-
ied by Mrs. Broderrck on the organ
a pleasing feature of the program.
Mrs. Wm. McLean gave a short pap-
er on '''What One Person Can Do",
this was Followed by Mrs. Detweiler
guest speaker of the evening. Mrs.
Detweilcr, on a short visit with, her
brothers, is a nurse With the .Grenfell
Mission in Labrador ,and Newipund-
lan, ,gave a good description of her
, Don't iorget, anniversary serrices
ha Berns' Church this Sunday, Oct,
116, at ,111 a.m. and 7e30 p.m. Services.
in -charge ef the Rev. Mt. Abery of
Stratford, who was formerly pastor at
Burns. Special music la being .pre-
pired and a good turn otitis hope for.
The Ladie$ Aid and \V. M. S.'Oc-
tober meetings were held last Thurs-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Albert Brigham.
On Sunday, Oct. 2, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, J. Stafford and daughter Viola
and Miss G4adys Cook of St. Marys
and Mr. Donald Henderson of Fort
William visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Watson.
Mrs. A. W. MaDwing received
word last week of the death of her
brother William Campbell af Nanton,
Alberta. We wish to extend sincere
sympathy to Mrs. McEwing and
other friends.
Messrs. John Rapson and Wm.
Taylor returned home from their
trip West the latter part af last week.
Me. Robert Leiper and Miss Agnes
Leiper returned to Toronto Monday
night after spending the week end and
holiday at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Leiper and other
Mr. •and Mrs. .Elger of Stratford
visited on Sunday at the home of
Mrs, Albert Brigham,
Mr. and Mrs. games Scott and fam-
ily returned to Toronto Monday after
spending the Week end and holiday at
the .home of Mr. and Mrs, Simon
McVittie and other friends, A family
.gathering was held on Monday for
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Lear.
Mrs. Wiltse of Clinton spent the
week end and holiday at the home of
Mrs. Albert Brigham.
Mrs. A. \V. MeEveing spent a few
days last week at the home of her
daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper
near Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon MoVittie,
Messrs. Kelland McVittie, Nelson
Lear and James Scott were in Lon-
don on Sunday.
Mr, Sack MeEwing is attending
the plowing match at Barrie this
weck with his exnenses paid. •
Mr. and Mrs. McKergen and Miss
Irene Cockerline of Detroit spent the
week end at the home of Mr. and
Nfrs. George Pollard, returning home
Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes Woodman,
Mrs. Clark and Jack of Chatham vis-
ited Sunday and Monday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard, also
attending anniversary services at
Londesboro Church, Mr. Robert
Cockerline returned to Chathatn with
Ann Shirley Ruby Keeler
James Ellison
Mother Carey's
, Chickens
Sunday, Oct. 16, beginning 12:05
Mon, Tues. Wed., Oct. 17-1849
Paul Muni Ann Dvorak
Boris "Frankenstein" Karloff
The Shame of a Nation
A Picture to make you stop—and
Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Oct. 20-21-22
Gene Autry in
Rootin'Tootin' Rhythm
With Smiley Burnette
Mr. anti Mrs. Archie Campbell of
Toronto spent the week end with re-
Mr. Elton Haiet anti son Billie of
Bracebridge spent the week end with
his mother, Mrs. Heist and sisters,
Vera and Vehna Haist.
Nleesrs, fohn and .Arthtir Pethick,
Mr. and 1\-"frs. foe Pethick ancl Miss
Margaret Pethick of London called
on Mr. and 'Mrs. Jahn Pethick over
the halides-.
Our weather has been ideal, which
makes it more pleasant doing the 'fall
work, iSnakes are very plentiful and
perhaps means open weather.
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton cele-
brated their thirty-second wedding
an n iversary, 'October tlOth. Twen ty-
otte sat down to a goose and Wild
duck 'dinner. Mrs. Foster Bennett and
Mrs. Peter McCowan waited on the
tables and Mrs. Walter Wright of To-
ronto poured the tea. Those attending
over the week end and on the holi-
day were Mr. and Mrs. \Vatter
Wright, Misses Nfario,n and Hilda
;Wright, Messrs. Robert Black and
Beverly Rogers of Totonto, Mr. Nel-
son Govenlock, 'Lois and Joan of
Waterford, Mr. and Mrs. Ferg
arc!' of Waterford, Mrs, Mae Dor-
ranee of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter McCowan and Bolbby of Rox-
boro, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett,
•Mona. and Billie ancl Melvin Merriam
of Sea:Forth, and Mr, Harold Small-
elon of Walton, also Mr. and Mrs,
Walter Eaton and Larry and Ken-
neth and Donnie Eaton. Mr. and
3'f•rs. Fast,' Bennett also celebrated
their nintli wedding aniiiversary the
same day.
Mr. and Mrs. .A.' VV. Kerslake and
Mrs. Walker visited in St. Marys
over the holiday. Mrs. Walker will
visit there for another week.
laving a Wonderful
For School Fair Winners to be Held
in Clinton, Oct. 22nd.
The tenth annual public speaking
contest mid the seventh 'annual spell-
ing match • for winners at Huron
County School Fairs Inc 19138 vcill be
conducted in the auditorium of the
Clinton Collegiate Institute, on Sat-
urday afternoon, October 22nd, at 2
p.m. • A championship recitation con-
test Inc winners in the recitation con-
test at the School Fairs, for pupils in
second class and under, is also ;being
The first prize vvin,ners in the pnb-
lic speaking and recitation contests
conducted at each of our seven Hur-
on County School Fairs this fall, are
eligible to compete, and the contest-
ants in the championship spelling
match will be those pupils who won
first and second prize at each school
fair. The competitors in the three
contests provide a very interesting af-
ternoon's programme. Cash prizes
are being awarded.
The 'Girls' Branch of the Women's
Auxiliary' of St. Thomas Church held
their annual meeting in the Parish
Hall on Tuesday night and elected
the officers for the coming year: Lea-
der, Mrs. Holmes; assistant leader,
Mrs. Best: ;president, Carolyn Holmes;
treasurer, Jean Hurford; secretary,
Audrey McGavin.
Some BrieF Notes
on the Canada
Temperance Act
This series of articles, which will appear
in your paper from week to wetk, are spon-
sored the Temperance Federation and
W. C. T. is. of Huron County. Their DurPOSe
IS to give a brief history of the origin,
scope and possibility of enforcement of the
Canada Temperance Act from the time of
Its inception `Up to the present.
The Liquor Control Act of 1920 spe-
cifically provided that "Nothing in
this Act shall be ccmstrued as inter-
fering with the operation of the Can-
ada Temperance Act applicable to
any part of Ontario and no govern-
ment ;tire shall be established in a
municipality in which the Canada
Telniterant'c Act httt been brought
into f,-)rce and is still in force.
The Conservative • administrations
irt power in Ontario from 11006 ta
15.)314 observed this provision of their
°VIII A et.
In the legieIative session of 1938,.
the first after his coining to power,
Mr. Hepburn introduced and had
passed several amendments to the Li-
quor Control Att. One of these re-
pealed the .section quoted above and
substituted the following: 'Nothing
contained in this Act shall be con-
strued as interfering with the opera-
tion of the Canada TernperanCe Act
applicable to any part of Ontario, and
no government store shall be estab-
lished and beer and wine shall not be
sold under the provisions of this Act
and the regulations in any municipal-
ity in which the Canada 'Temperance
Act has been brought into force and
is still in force."
This legislation Mr. 'Hepburn had
placed on the •statute ,books 'notwith-
standing the fact that he had at that
thee invaded the Counties of Huron
and Perth, and in part 'Peel, with
heer authorities. It seems clear that
Mr. Hepburn at this stage sought to
get by with his private interpretation
of the technical words "and is still in
;farce." The question of the 'decision
or wish of the people seems not to
have entered his mind.
111 'the Following year, to ;straight-
en his position and avoid the accusa-
tion of violating his own Act, he re-
pealed this Section l(Section ,fifi) en-
tirely, The new Section 1618 is one that
requires brewers to use properly em-
bossed corks in marketing their pro-
ducts. The change is ,p;ossibly, sug-
gestive 'of the government's idea of
social reform.