HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-10-06, Page 6PAIGE 'SIX. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSIDAY, 'OCTOIBER 6, 1938 "Guess it's nuthin' to be ''frasd of," he said, feeling in the pocket of his coat. He had struck a match in a mo- ment. By its lflickering light I could see only a bit of rubbish on the floor. 'Full o' white owls," said he step- ping inside, where the rustling was now continuous. 'They'll do us no harm." I could see them now flying about under the low ceiling. Uncle Eb gath- ered an armful of grass and clover, in the near field, and spread it in a corner well away from the ruined door and windows. Covered with our blanket it made a fairly comforts(ble bed. Soon as we had lain down, the rain began to rattle on the shaky roai and flashes of lightning lit every cor- ner of the old room; I have had, ever, a curious love of storms, and, from the time when me- mory began its record in my brain, it has delighted me to hear at night the roar of thunder and see the swift play of the lightning, I lay between Uncle Eb and the old dog, who 'both went asleep shortly. Less wearied I presume than either . of them, for I had done none of the carrying, and had slept a long time that day in the shade of a .tree, I 'vas awake an hour or more after they were snoring. Ev- ery !flash lit the old room like the full glare of the noonday sun. I remember it showed me an old cradle, piled 'full of rubbish, a rusty scythe hung in the rotting sash of a window, a few lengths of stove pipe and a plow in one corner, and three staring white owls that sat on a beam above the doorway. The rain roared on the old roof shortly, and came dripping down through the 'bare ,boards above us. A big drop struck in my face and I moved a little. Then I saw what made me hold my breath a moment and cover my head with the shawl, A 'flash of lightning revealed a tall, ragged man looking in at the door- way. I lay close to Uncle lEb imagin- ing much evil of that vision but made no .outcry. Snugged in between my two com- panions d 'felt reasonably secure and soon fell asleep. The sun, streaming in at the open door, roused me in the morning. At the 'beginning of each day of our journey I woke to find Uncle Eb cooking at :the fire. He was lying beside me, this morning, his eyes open. "Frail I'm hard sick," he said as I kissed him. "What's the matter?" I inquired. He struggled to a sitting posture, groaning so it went to my heart, "Rheumatiz," he answered pres- ently. He got to his feet, little by little, and every move he made gave him great pain. With one hand on his cane and the other on my shoulder he made his way slowly to the brok- en gate. Even now I can see clearly the fair prospect of that 'high place— a valley reaching to distant hills and a river winding through it, glimmer- ing in the sunlight; a long wooded ledge 'breaking into naked, grassy slopes on one side of the valley and on the other a deep forest rolling to the far horizon; between them big patches of yellow grain and white buckwheat and green pasture land and •greener meadows and the straight road, with white houses on either side of it, glorious in a double fringe of :golden rod and purple aster and yellow 'John'swort and the deep blue of the Jacob's ;ladder, 'Looks a good 'deal like the prom- ised land," saki Uncle •Eb. "Haint got much further t' go." 'He sat on 'the rotting threshold while I pulled some of the weeds in front of .the doorstep and brought kindlings out of the house and .built a fire. While -we were eating 'I told Uncle EIb of the man that I 'had seen in the night, ",Guess you was 'dreaimin'," he said, and., while I stood firm for the reali- ty of that I had seen, it held our thought only for a ,brief moment. My companion was unable to walk that day so we lay thy, in the shelter of th old house, eating as little of our scanty store as we could ,do with. I went to a spring near by for water and picked a good mess of lila-either- ries that I 'hid away until supper time, so as to surprise -Uncle Elb. A longer clay than that we spent m the gold house, after our coming, I have never 'known, 'I 'lade the room a 'bit tidier and gathered more grass for bedding. !Uncle Eb felt 'better as the day grew warm. I had a ;busy time of it that morning bathing his ,hack in the spirits and rubbing until. my small arms ached. I have heard him tell often 'how vigorously I worked that day and how I would say: "I'11 take care o' you, 'Uncle Eb—w'on't I, Uncle Eb?" as my little hands (flew with redoubled energy on his ,bare skits. That finished we lay •down sleep- ing until the sun was low, when I made ready the supper that took the last of everything we had to .eat. Un- cle Eb was more like himself that ev- ening and, sitting up in the corner, as the darkness came, told me the story of Squirrettown and Frog Fer- ry, which came to he so great a standby .in those days ,that, even now, I can recall much of the language in which he told it. "Once," he saki 'there was a boy thet Iced two gray squirrels in a cage. They 'kep' bhinkin' o' the time they used t' scamper in the tree tops an' make nests an' eat all the nuts they wanted an' play I spy in the thick leaves, An' they grew poor an' looked. kind o' ragged an' sickly an' down- hearted. When he brought 'em out doors they used t' look up in the trees an' run in the wire wheel as if they thought they could .get there sometime if they 'kep' gain'. As the boy grew older he see it was cruel to keep 'em shet in a cage, but 'he'd hed 'em a long time an' couldn't bear t' give 'em up. "One day he was out in the woods a little' back 0' the clearin'. All t' once he heard a swift holier. 'Tway nearby an' echoed so he couldn't tell which way it come from, He rum fer home but the critter 'ketched 'im before he got out o' the woods an' took 'int into a cave, ani give 'lin t' the little swifts t' play with. The boy cried terrible, The swifts they laughed an' nudged each other. "'IO aint the cuter says one. 'He's a beauty!' says another. 'Gur'us how he can git along without any fur says the mother swift, as she runt 'er nose over 'is bare foot. He thought of 'is folks waitin' fer him an' 'he 'begged eat t' let 'im go, Then they .conte an' smelt 'im over. "'Yer sech a cu.n•nin' critter,' says the mother swift, 'we couldn't spare yer "'Want to see any mother,' says the boy sobbing. "'Couldn't afford t' let ye go—yer so cute,' says the swift. 'Bring the poor critter a 'bone an' a bit o' snake meat.' "The 'boy couldn't eat. They fixed a ,bed fer hint, but 'twant clean, The feel uv it made his 'hack ace an' the smell uv it made him sick to -his .sto- mach. ""When the swifts a:' hed comp'ny they'd bring 'eat over t' look at hint there 'n his dark corner. ""S a boy,' said the mother swift pokin' him with a long stick. 'Would- n't ye like t' see 'im run?' Then she punched 'him until he got up an' run 'round the cave fer his life, Happen- ed ooe day et a very benevolent swift come int' the cave. ""S a pity t' keep the boy here,' said he ; 'he looks bad,' "'But he makes fun ;fer the child- ren,' said .the swift. "'Fun that makes misery is only fit fer a 'foal,' said the visitor. "They let ;him go thet clay. Soon as he got hum he .thought o' the squir cels art' was tickled t' 'find 'em. alive. He :turk'em off to an island, in 'the middle of a big lake, tint very day, an' set the cage on the shore n' ,open- ed it. He thought he would come back some time an' see how they was gittin' along. The cage was made of bight' wire,' an' hed a tin 'bottom fast- ened to a big piece o' ;plank. -At fu:sd bhey was 'fraid t' leave it an' peeked out o' the door an' :scratched their heads 's if they ;thought it a resky 'business. Atter awihiie one stepped out careful an' then the other follow ed. They ;tried t' -climb a tree, int their nails was wore off an' they kep failin''back. Then they went off 'rat the brush t' 'find some nuts. There was only ,ernes ani' poppies an' white birch an' a few (berry ;bushes on the island. They went t' ;the water's edge on every side, 'but 'there was nuthin there a squirrel 'ud give a flirt uv hi tail fer. 'Twos near .dark when they come lbaek t' the cage hungry as sew bears. They found a ;few crun'ilbs o bread in 'the cup a't' ;divided 'em even Then they went t' bed 'n .their of nest. "ht lied been rainin' a week in th m'ount'ins, Thet night the 'lake rose • foot or more an' 'fore mornin' th cage begun t' .rock a 'teen'ty bit as th. water lifted the plank. They slep' at the bebber fer thet an' 'they 'dream e they was up in a tree at the enda•u a big !bough. The cage (begun t' swa sideways and then it letletgo• o' 'th shore are spun 'round 'once er tw•ic an' sailed out 'n the deep water There was a light breeze blowin' off shore an' putty soon it was pitchin like a ship in the sea. But the tw squirrels was very tired an' neve woke up 'til sunrise. They got a ter 'w" rible scare when they see the ate 'roulyd 'ens an' felt the motion o' tlt ship, Bath on 'em ran into the wir wheel an' that ,bore 'down the stern o the ship so the under wires touche the water. They made it spin like buzz .saw an' got their clothes all wet The ship went faster when' ;they worked the wheel, an' 'blime bye they got tired an' conte out on the malt deck. The water.washed 'over .it a little so they clint up the roof the was a kin' !my a 'hurricane deck. It made the ship sway an' rock fearfu 'but they 'hung on 'inidsh'ips, a'n' clung t' the 'handle that stuck up like:a 'bop mast. Their big tails was spread over their shoulders, an' the wind rose an' the ship went faster '11 faster, They could see the main shore where :the big woods come down t' the water 'n' all the while it kep' a comin'. nearer 'n' nearer. But they was so 'hungry didn't seem possible they could live to git there, "Ye know squirrels are a covin' people, In the day o' plenty they think o' the day o' poverty an' lay ..by fer it. A'il at once one uv 'em thought uv a few' Icernels o' corn, ;he .hod pushed through a little oracle in the floor one day a long time ago. It 'happened there was quite a hole under the crack an' each uv 'em had stored some kernels unbeknown t' the 'other. So they 'hed a good supper 'n' some left fer a bite '11 the mornin'. 'Fore day- light the ship made her ,port 'n' lay to, 's'ide uv a Tog in a little cove.'The bull -frogs jumped on her main deck an' begun t' holler soon as she hove to, all ashore! ,all ashore! all ashore!' The two squirrels woke up but lay quiet '111 the sun rose. Then they come out on the log 'et looked like a long dock an' .run ashore 'n' found some o' their o'wn folks in the bush. An' when they hed tol' their story the or father o' the tribe got up '11 a tree an' 'hollered himself 'hoarse preachin' "bout how 't paid t' he sav- i11', "'An' we should -learn t' save our wisdom es well es our nuts; said a sassy brother; 'fer each needs his own wisdom fer his own affairs.' "An the little ship went 'back '11' forth 'cross the cove as the win' blew. The squirrels hed many a ride in her an' the frogs were the'' ferrymen. An' tell 'ang thet shore 'twas'twas;known es Frog merry 'thong the squirrel •folks." It was very clark when he finished the 'tale an' as we lay 'gaping'gapinga few minute's after my •last query about those funny people of.the lake mar- gin I could hear nothing but the chirping of the crickets. I was feel- ing a bit sleepy when I heard the 'boards creak above our heads, Un- cle .Eb raised himself and lay ,braced upon his elbow listening. In a few moments we heard a 'sound as of someone conning softly -down the lad- der at the other end of the room. It was so 'dark I could 'see nothing. "Who's there?" Uncle .Eb 'demand- ed. "Don't (pint Chet gun at me," sante body w'his'pered. "This is .my home and I warn ye t' leave it er I'll d'o' ye harm." CHATTERER V Here I shall quote you again from diary of Uncle Eb, "It was so dark 1 couldn't see a han' .before ine, 'Don't p'i 1t yer gun at me,' the man, whlsperad. Thought 't funny he could see me when I couldn't see him. Said 't was his home an' we'd 'better leave, Tot him 1 was sick �(•antatiz) ant' couldn't stir. Said -he was sorry an' come over near us. T'oi' him 1 was an o1' man goin' west with s small boy. Stopped in the rain. Got'. sick. 'Out o' purvisions. 'Bout ready t' die, ''Didil know what t' do. Started t' stn ike a match an„ 'the 'man said don't take ,no light ons T don't want. to' hew ye see my face. N'evwr let no- body see my face. Said he never went out. 'le'ss 't was a dark nightnightUntil nobles :was abed. 'Said we ,lacked tike $ollcs. Sicairt we'a little -cos we - couldn't 'see a thing. Also he sand t don''be 'frad of me. Do what !I can fer ye." I remember the mean ,crossed the creaking ,door and sat 'down near us after he had parleyed with Uncle Eb awhile 'in wi ispers. !Young as T was I +keep a vivid.vivid.inipres'sioi of that ' night and, 'aided by the diary of s Uncle Eb, I have made a record . of what was .said that is, in the main, accurate. Do you ;know •where you are?" he fn9tuired ;presently, 'whispering 'as he had done 'b'efore, 'I've no ides,' said Uncle Eb'. e "Well, down 'the hill is' Paradise a Valley ininthe township o' Faraway," e he continued. "It's the end o' 'Para - e dense road an' a !party country. Been 1 settled a !long time an' the farms are ed big an"prosperous—kind uv a land v o' plenty. That ;big 'house at the foot y o' the hill is Dave Brower's. 'He's 'the e richest man in the valley." e 'How do you .happen t' 'b'e. livin' here?—if ye don't nein' telling t le," Uncle Eb asked, "Crazy," said he; "'Fr'aid uv every- ' body an' everybody's 'frail o' me, ✓ Lived a good long time in this way. - Winters I go into •the' big woods. Got r a camp in a big cave an when I'm e there I see a little 'daylight. Here 'n e the clearin' I'm only up in the night time. Thet's how I've come to see so d well in the �tlar'k, It's .give me cat's a eyes." "''Don't ye 'git 'lonesome?" 'Uncle Eb asked.. "Awful —s'ometimes," he answered with a sad sigh, "an' it seems Food t' talk with somebody besides myself. 1 t get enough to eat 'generally.. There are deer ,in .the woods an' cows in the 1 fields, ye know, an' potatoes an' corn ant' berries an' apples, an' all thet kind o' thing, Then I've got my traps in the woods where I ketch 'part- ridges, an' squirrels an' coons an' all the meat I need. I've got a ;place in the thick timber t' do my cooicin'- all 1 want t' do—ill the middle of the night. Sometimes I come here an' a day in the garret if I'm caught in a storm or 11 I happen to stay a little too late in the valley. Once in a great while I meet a man somewhere in the open !but he always ,gits away quick as he can. Guess they think .I'm a ghost—dunno what I think o' 'them," Our host went on talking as if he were glad to tell the secrets of his heart to some creature of his own kind. I have often wondered at his frankness, 'but there was a fatherly tenderness, I remember in the voice of 'Uncle Eb, and I judge it 'tempted his confidence. Probably the love of companionship can .,never 'be so dead in a man 'but that the voice of kind- ness may call it back to life again. "I'll bring you a (bite t' eat before 'horning," he said, 'pres'en'tly,, as he rose ,to go. "Let me feel o' your .hate, mister." Uncle Eb gave him his 'hand and thanked him. "Feels good. First I've hed hold of in a long time," he whispered. "What's the day o' the month?" "The twenty-fifth." "I must remember. 'Where did you come front?" Uncle Eb 'told hint, briefly, the ,tory of our going west. "'Guess you'd never 'do me no .harm —would ye?" the man asked. "Not a hit," :Uncle 'Eb answcre.d. (To be continued.) SIR WILLIAM JOHNSTON Recent pageants in both 'C'anada and the 'United States have honored the ,bi-centennial arrival in A,metica of a jolly young Irishman, Sir Wil- liam Johnson, wloo carate here to look after the estates in the 'Mohawk Val- ley of his ,uncle, Admiral Sir• Peter Warren and remained' to 'become the first superintendent of Indian affairs in the new land. In New York, young Sir William came into ,close contact with the Six Nations, or Iroquois Indians, and be- came disgusted with the traders who cheated the Red Men. So Sir William went into the trading 'business him- self, and his record' of honest :dealing was bite prelude to continued contact with the Indians. In 11743 he ;became a member of the Board of Indian Commissioners con- sisting of five, anal as %fast. as •vacan- dies 'occurred, had 'friends appointed who would 'help hint 'break tip liquor traffic with the Indians and establish reliable traders among them. In order not to be 'hampered 'by red' tape and :politics, he accepted the ap- pointment of General Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the whole of North America with the understand ing that he was responsible to the Crown alone. To this no objection was made as Sir William by his cognizance of Iri- dian characteristics as well. as their language !had' enlisted 'native aid ;for '(creat B'rita'in in past emergencies and Itis 'future help was counted upon. In fact Sir William h'ad' many tithes act- ed as 'Ambassador 'without portfolio in crises arising 'between the French, English, and'Indians. So the' two Countries, 'Canada and .the 'United States, will ttoin in addi-! tional festivities honoring Sir, William, Specially as 'there are '6,01010 Six Na-! tions Indians in 'New York State and a'bou't 'MOO in Brantford, Ontario, as many of the Iroquois went to Canada following the American Revolution. .Nutnerous pageants will hereafter. 'depict events in the life of Sir Wil- liam, who ;knew, none better, how to meet the 'Red Men on their' own'. ,grounds or more properly on his grounds. For Sir William owned a large estate at J.'ahnstown, N.Y., where the mansion and one Iblock''house still stands. At Johnson Hall, as it was called, both Indians and whites were welcome, When the latter came bhey were always expected to pay their re- spects •first''to Sir William's Indian wife, "Lady Molly." .When an Indian had a •.real or fan- cied 't'rou'ble he joumneyed to "Johnson Hall, where he was sure to 'find food for the length of his stay, and where he might camp out by that 'happy, lit- tle 'brook which still gurgles through. Sir William's' estate. They 'came singly and in groups, as many as S0 at a time, supe of a welcome from Sir William. With the preliminary, greetings and feastings out of the way, Sir William and the ,Indians would sit within that circle of Locust trees, still seen to- day, and there first one Indian, then another -would orate in ,flowing and picturesque language, Never dill Sir William interrupt, 'but sat patiently for hours if need be -until -the last Itf- dian had versed his 'last grievance. 'Then only, did he dismiss then with the announcement that he would give them his decision within 24 hours. 11 pleased the Six Nations to. think. Sir William would devote so match of his thne to consider .their affairs, ,Be- sides it .gave them an opportunity for just so many more meals, for the tables by the brook were ever laden. down with food. One time when 'Dr. •Eleazar-W'hee1- odk, who was educating Sir ,William' children, at his school in Lebanon Conn., was visiting at 'Johnson Hall Sir William told flim he 'heard it said that :he should not 'be both Indian Superintendent and Indian trader at the same time and remarked: "Why, !bless me, doctor, my profits from the Indian trade do not reimburse .rte for my outlay in entertaining these 'dele- gations .and giving presents to their meun'bers 1" Sometimes when the troubles of the Senecas, for example, wore too much for him to cope with, .he would turn them over to his 'Mohawk, wife to mol- lify, for 'as Sir William jokingly said: "Lady Molly 'never fails to mollify me!" And every clever diplomat would first seek favor .front 'Lady Molly 'before ,presenting his case to Sir 'William, Sir William 'became invaluable to Great Britain as time went on and dark days approached'. His passing, though, was on the eve of the Revolu- tion and because of their 'great love for Sir William, all 'but the Oneidas went over to the British side. Yet only a week .before his passing, 'Sir William had remarked to Dr. Wheel- ock, his very close friend: "'A -serious collision may 'happen any day now. The Colonist cannot retreat, 'and the King, apparently, .will not.—I dread the coming of a struggle that must shake the British Empire to its foun- dations. For my part I can only say now that I shall not be found on the side of the aggressor!" And that which .divided the six :Na- tions in '1575 and caused two flags to appear where once there was only one, has today 'united theist in paying tribute to Sir William. The two divi- sions are as .one again,' both those that remained in New ,York ;State, and those of the Six Nations who went to 'Canada, and at their celebrations, as well as those ;given 'by whites, will 'have distinguished guests from both Canada and the !United States, whose dividing line through lakes and moun- tains is not -marred by any [battleships nor farts, s Record Tobacco Crop 'With very favourable weather con- ditions, the record crop of ,flue -cured tobacco in Southwestern 'Ontario was harvested without any frost damage. The crop matured very well ,his year and went into the curing lci'Ins in ex- cellent condition. Some difficulty was experienced in curing the early printings from the ;bottom of .the plant, and the ,leaves from the first primings werethinner than anticipat- ed, The middle and upper 'portion -of the plant, 'howeve'r, possessed much better 'body and cured well. Conse- quently .the quality of the crop• as a whole appears to he very .good, 'Esti- mates place the crop at about 60,000,- 0010 pounds as compared with 54,0010,- 0n10 pounds last year. Burley tobacco also ripened ,early PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, MB., Gradu- ate of !University of Toronto. f. D. Colqulsoun, M.D., C.M.,'G•rad nate of 'Dalhousie University, Halifax. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up -;to -date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. Margaret K. Campbell, M,D., ,L.A.B.P„ Specialist in Diseases in Infants and Children, 'will be at the Clinic 'las't Thursday in every month• from 3 to '6 p.m. Dr. F. J'.' R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tue'sday in every month from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will 'be held. on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to part, W. C. S'PROAT, M.D., F.A.C.S. Surgery Phone 90-W. Office John St., Seaforth DR. H. HUG! I ROSS, Physician and Surgeon Late of Landon Hos- pbtal, London, England. Special at- tention to diseases of the ey,.e, ear, nose and throat. Office and residence behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No. 5; Residepce Phone 104. DR. F. J. BURROWS, Office Main St., Seaforth, over Dominion Bank. Hours 2-5. and 7 to S pan. and by ap- pointment. Residence, Goderich St., two doors west of 'United Church. Phone 46. DR. F. J. R. FORST!ER— Eye Ear, Nose and Throat. 'Gradua'te in Medicine, University of Toronto 11997, Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat 'hospi. tale, London, At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 1.30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Auctioneer, GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the •County of Huron. Amazement's can be made for Sale Date at The .Seaforth News, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. AH'RRENS, Licensed •Auctiq, eer for Perth and Huron Counties. S'a'les Solicited. Terms on Application. Farm Stock,. chattels and real estate property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell. Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office, WATSPN & REID REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTW, ON'T. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class -Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Thomas Moylan, Sea- forth; Vice President, William Knox, Londesboro; Secretary Treasurer, M A. Reid, Seaforth, AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.I, Brucefield; E. R. G. J'armouth, Brodhagen; James 'Watt, Blyth; C. .F. Hewitt,- Kincardine; Wm, Yeo, Holmesyi1le. DIRECTORS Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No, 3; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; George Leonhardt, Bornholm No. 1; Frank McGregor, Clinton No. 5; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex McEwing, Blyth No. 1; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth No. 4. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to. their respective post - offices. this year and was ,harvested under favourable conditions. The quality' will average 'better than last year with more good and poor 'tobacco less medium than normally. Produc- tion of burley is expected` to reach at least 110;50.0,000 'pounds, which com- pares with 4393;0100 pounds in 11191317, The acreage was increased from 2,31010 acres last year to approximately 3,000 int ;11938, Production of all types of ;to- . 'bacco in 19136 may be 'about"!72,0O5,otto pounds, as compared with the .previ- ous record crop of i6293120000 pounds harvested in '1194317. Eh 1;