HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-10-06, Page 2RAGE TWO
Bayfield Has Big Fall Fair.
with Good Crowd and Exhibits
Wagon Class
Brood mare, W. G. Clark; foal, W.
G. Clark; gelding or filly, a yrs. ,old,
Harold Penhale; gelding or fillY,
old Ed Foster; team, Wm. 'Deck-
er, Geo. J. Thiel,
Two year old, Colin Campbell; one
year old, Coln Campbell.
Agricultural .
Brood mare, Nelson Keys & Son,
Chas. Bidond; ,foil, (Nelson Keys &
Son, W. 1. Dale; gelding or filly, 1
yr., W. J. Dale, II. E. Keys; team, IN.
Keys i& Son, W. J. Dale.
Heavy Draught
Brood mare, Elmer Webster, Mur-
ray Grainger; foal, Elmer Webster,
Murray Grainger; gelding or -filly, 2
yrs., H. E. Keys; gelding or filly, 1
yr., H. E. Keys and end; team, Ei-
mer Webster, Murray Grainger.
Roadsters ,
Brood mare. Frank Keegan; foal,
Frank Keegan; single roadster, Geo.
King, Frank Keegan; gentleman's
outtit, Frank Keegan, Geo. King,
Single Carriage horse, Ed. Foster,
Elgin Porter; lady driver, Frank Kee-
Best heavy horse on grounds, Nel-
son Keys & W. 3, Dale.
Best general purpose mare and foal,
special. AV. G. Clark.
Best showing of horses by one ex-
hibitor, W. g. Dale, Nelson Keys &
Grade Cattle
Mitch COW, :Murray Grainger and
2nd; heifer, two year. Roy Pepper,
Nlurray Grainger; •heifer calf, Roy
Pepper, Murray Grainger; steer calf.
Roy Pepper and 1.2nd; steer, two yrs„
Roy Pepper, Murray Grainger, steer,
one yr., Roy Pepper and end; Canada
Packers Special, Murray Grainger.
Heifer, one yr., Roy Pepper; 'heifer
calf, Roy FePPer.
Heifer calf, Elmer Webster; bull
.calf, Elmer Webster and 12nd; Canada
Packers, best beef type cow, Murray
Mitch c -ow, johnston; heifer, two
yrs., 'Johnston; heifer calf, Johnston.
Milch cow, Wm, Sparks; heifer, 2
yrs...Wm. Sparks; -heifer, 1 yr., Wm.
Sparks and 2nd;heifer calf. 'Win.
Spanks and 2nd. Eaton's special, Roy
Pepper; Canada Packers' special, best
dairy cow, Johnston.
Judge, Humphrey Snell.
Ram, C. Lawson, R, Manson; ram
lamb, C. Lawson and '2nd; ewe, C.
Lawson and 2nd; ewe lamb, C. Law-
son, R. Nfanson.
All classes, A. D. Steeper & Son
,Oxford Downs
Ram, Fred McClymont; ewe, Fred
McClymont; shearling .ewe, Fred Mc-
All classes, W. H. Douglas (St.
Pettis) and 2nd.
Grade Sheep
Ewe, W. G. Clark and 2nd; shearl-
ing ewe, W. G. Clark, R. Manson;
.ewe lamb, W. G. Clarke, R. Manson.
13-erkshire — Brood sow, Thos.
Boar, A. H. Warner :& Son; 'brood
sow, A. H. Warner and 2nd; young
hoar, A. H. Warner and 2nd; young
sow, A. H. 'Warner, 'Jas. Sterling.
Boar, Thos. Snowden, R. Manson;
sow, R. Manson, Thos. Snowden.;
young boar, Thos. Snowden, R. Man-
son; young sow, R. Manson, Thos.
Pair bacon hogs, any 'breed, H.
Desjardine, A. H. Warner.
Clevelan,d special, A. H. Warner.
Judges, A. C. Levey and Mr. Ste-
phens, Clinton,
Brathaits—P,ullet, L. 'O'Brien and
end; .cock, L. O'Brien, Johnston; hen,
-ckl, L. O'Brien and end.
Cochins, hen, johntlo'n.
Lanshans, cook, Johnston; hen,
John -Kochem and 12nd.
Barred Rocks, utility, p, h,
Fred McClymont and. end.
• Reeks, White, tutility, p, dkt, 0
Battler, Thos. Snowden; c, Thos..
Snowden, Harold Penhale; hen Har-
old Penhale, Thos. ShoWden.
White Wyandottes, p, c, h, ckl, O.
Buff Orpingtons, coc'k, Thos.
Snowden; heti, ;John 'Kcieheni, Thos.
Silver Grey Dorkings, pullet, O.
Battler, Thos. Snowden; c, h, cid, O.
Battler, john Koch -elm
Brown Leghorn, p, c, ckl, 0. Bat-
tier, 'Johnston; hen, 'Hared Penhale,
Thos. Seowdeti.
White Leghorn -s, p, c, Johnston, J.
Kochem; hen, Kochem, jOhnston;
ckl, 'Johnston, Murray Grain -ger.
Rhode Island Reds, p, c, ',Johnston;
lien, Johnston, John .Kochem; ckl,
Kochem, Johnston.
Anconas, 0, eld, L. O'Brien and
2nd; cock, hen, johnston, L. O'Brien.
New Hampshire Reds — Pullet,
Harold Penhale, olie Campbell, c,
Fred McClymont and end; hen, Car
Diehl, Harold Penhale; ckl, Fred
McClymont. :Johnston,
Light Sussex, p, ckl, Carl Diehl
and 2nd; h, Carl Diehl, John ,Kochem.
Guineas, c, h, Fred McClymont.
Black Minorca:, p, Johnston, 0
Battler; -cock, hen, ekl, 0. Battler.
Andalusians, p, c, ckl, 0. Battler;
hen, 0. Battler. gohn Kochem,
Silver Hamburgs, p, h. ckl, 'John-
ston, O'Brien; cock, O'Brien,
Black Hamburgs, p. c, li. ckl
O'Brien and Zud.
Houdans, p, h, O'Brien.
Bantams, any variety, p, 'O'Brien
c, h, Johnston and 2nd.
Indian Runner ducks, old drake and
duel: . H. Desjardine, 0. Battler
young, drake and cluck, A. H. Warner
H. Desjardine.
Muscovy ducks, old drake, :rhos
Snowden, H. Penhale; old duck, H
Penhale, T, Snow -den; young"' drake
Snowden, H. Penhale: young drake
Thos. Snowden, 1 -Jar -old Penhale
young duck. T. Snowden, H. Penhale
Pekin ducks, old drake, A. I-1
Warner, John Kochem; old duck, A
H. Warner, Thos. Snowden; young
drake, A. H. \Varner, john Kochem;
Young duck. John Kochem, Warner.
Rouen ducks, old drake , Thos.
Snowden, Johnston; old .duck, John-
ston, Thos. Snowden; young drake,
Elgin Porter, Thos. Snowden; young
duck. Porter. Snowden.
Toulnuse geese, old goose and
gander, Carl Diehl, A. H. Warner;
young gander and goose, C. Diehl.
Embden geese, old pair, A. H
\Varner and 2nd; young gander, A.
H. Warner. lJohnston; goose. John-
ston, A. H. Warner.
Bronze turkeys, old cock, A. H.
Warner; old hen, young cock and
hen, A. H, Warner and 2nd.
Six utility pullets, Trewartha spec-
ial, 0. Battler.
Mrs Makins special, Elgin Porter,
Mrs. Gascho special, A. Warner,
Salt butter, F. McClymont, R.
Geiger; butter in blocks. R. 'Geiger,
F. McClymont; crock butter, Mrs.
Fred McEwen, 'J. W, Johnston; fancy
print butter, Mrs. P, McClymont, \V.
G. Clark; cottage cheese, W. G.
Clark, Jas. Sterling.
Half ham, R. Geiger, H. A. Fuss;
lard, R. Geiger. F, McClymont:
bacon, W. G. Clark; dressed chickens,
F. McClymont, 0. Battler; hen eggs,
white shell, Garnet Deters, 0. Bat-
tler; hen eggs, brown shell. 0 Bat-
tler, Ed. Foster,
White ,bread, O. Battler, W. G.
Clark; graham bread, W. G. Clark;
Boston brown bread, Ed. Foster,
Mrs. Howrie; nut bread, Elmore
Graham muffins, lmore Stephen-.
son, F. McClymont; layer cake, light,
\AI, G. Clark, Mrs. Howrie; -scones,
Ed Foster, F. McClymont; tarts, W.
G. Clark, J. W. Johnston; salad veg-
etables, Mrs. Pfile Snatch short
bread, W. G. Mrs. Howrie; layer
cake, chocolate, W. 'G. Clarke, F.
McClymont; layer cake, spice, Mrs.
Haberer, Mrs. McD. WiMis; fruit
cake, Mrs. Howrie, Ed Foster,
Buns, Ed Foster, Dr. Grieve; tea
biscuits, G. .Daters, W. G. Clarke;
ginger hermits, Ed Foster, W. G.
Clarke; cookies, W. 0. Clarke, Mrs.
Haberer; plain muffins, F. 1V1cOly-
mont, W.. G. -Clark; meat loaf, Mrs:
Haberer, Mrs. Metcalf; apple pie, F.
McClyrnont, Elmore Stephenson; le-
mon pie, Elmore Stephenson, W. G.
Clark. .
Box lunch for school child. G. Dat -
ors, Mrs. Pfile; fudge, W G. Clark,
Ed Foster; baked beans, G. Deters,
1,V, Johnston; -cold lunch, G, Dat -
ars, H. A, FUS,
B field Slain Craig, Bill.
Johnston; Bayfield, Bernard -Bugler,
Girls' running hop, step, j,urnp, El-
sie Leitch 2411", S. S. No. 8, Godes--
ich Tp,, Ruth Middleton .Gort-
ioh; June Middleton„No. Goderich.
Boys' sack ra.ce, Keith Bn
No. 8, Donald Ducharme.
Beckler's special, 'Elsie Leitch.
Gills' three legged race, 1st, Audrey
Sturgeon ,and Helen- Sturgeon, No. 8;
end, Dorothy McLeod and Doris Mc-
Ewen, No. 8; ard, Vera Pease and
Elsie Leitch, No. 8; 4ieh, Ethel .ws.t._
son and Lorraine Talbot, ;No. 4 N;
Anna Townsend and Ruth
dleten, ,10 Gotherich.
r a y
Pickles, 0. Battler, H. :Desjardine; ,SCHOOL CHILDREN
jelly and marmalade, H. Desjardine;
catsups -and meat sauces, I-1. Mejar-
dine, Mrs. Metcalf. .
Canned fruits, 0. Battler, W. G.
Clark; .canned vegetables, G. Deters,
H. Desjardine; canned meats, O.
Battler, H. A. Fuss.
Display bee products, Paul Cleave;
strained honey, IPaul Cleve; ,maple
.syrup, Milne Rader, Paul Caere.
White winter wheat, Milton Trtrem-
ner, Elgin Porter; red winter wheat,
Milne Rader; H. A. Fuss; spring
wbeat, Milne Rader, H. Teuemner.
Field ,neas, Milne Rader; 'bailey,
S. M. T. W. T. F S.
2 3 4 5 6 7 13
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 26 2c.4
30 31 - - - - -
Milne Rader, O. Baffler; white oats,
H. Truenmer; red clover seed, M.
Rader; Thos, Snowden; eimothy seed,
Thos Snowden, F. McClymont.
Sweet clover seed, F. •McClymont,
T. Snowden; yellow corn, O. Battler:*
F. McClymont; dent corn, O. Battler,
A. H. Warner; sweet corn, T. Snow-
den, G. D-aters; pop corn, D. Battler,
W. J. McKenzie; pea beans, a
Truemner. 0. Battler; buckwheat, M.
Rader, H. Desjandine.
Tallest and heaviest stoek ,of corn,
0, Battler, F. McClymont.
Grapes, 1 var., Murray Grainger,
H, Des:lard-Me; collettion .of grapes,
Mrs, Haberer, C. B. Middleton '&.
Son; peaches, :Jas. Sterling, H. Des-
jardine; prunes, Elgin Porter, Frank
_ _
Reegan; yellow crabs, T. Snowden,
F. McClymont; red crabs, H. Truem-
tier, 'T. Snowden.
Barlett, F. NicClymont, Jas. Sterl-
ing; Flemish Beauty, las. Sterling,
Collection of apples, Jas. Sterling.
Winter apples, C. B. Middleton, J,
Sterling.; 'McIntosh Reds, Jas. Sterl-
ing, C. 13. :Middleton; basket McIn-
tosh Red, C. B. Middleton, Jas. Sterl-
ing; 'Northern Spies, C. B. Middleton,
Jas. Sterling; fall apples, Jas. Sterl-
ing, F. McClymont.
Ilalmart Sweets, W. kJ. MdKenzle,
C. B. Middleton; McIntosh Reds, C.
B. Middleton, Jas. Sterling; Bald-
wins, Jas. Sterling.; H. Traenmer,
Mann. T. Snowden, Murray Grain-
ger; 'Northern 5 -pies, C. B. Middle-
ton, gas. Sterling; King -of Thom-
kins, C. 13. Middleton, Jas, Sterling,
Greenings, H. Truemner; kibston
pippins, Jas. Sterling, T. Snowden.
Wealthy, W. 5. McKenzie, F. Mc-
Clymont; Wagners, H. Trueniner,
Fred Nliddleton; Golden Russets, J.
Sterling, Murray Grainger; snows, J.
Sterling, C. 13. Middleton; Ontarios.
C B. Middleton, j. Sterling; 'Wolf
River, Fred Middleton, 'H. Truenmer;
basket of fruit, Mrs. Haberer.
Early Potatoes, 0. B.attler, M.
Rader; late potatoes, 0. Battler, M.
Rader: mangolds, Murray Grainger,
W. J. :McKenzie; inanolds, long red,
Murray Grainger, H. Desjardine.
liangolcls, globe, H. 'Truemner, T.
Snowden; intermediate -mangolds, M.
Grainger, C. B. Middleton.
Field carrots, H. Truemner; taible
carrots, long, O. Battler, F. NfcCly-
mom; table carrots, short, O. Battler,
„Mrs. McD. Willis.
Table beets. long, 0. Battler, Dr.
Grieve; table turnip beets, F. Barker,
0. Battler; parsnips, ,Paul Cleave, A.
H. ,Varner; table turnips, Paul
Cleave, A. H. \Varner; heaviest tur-
nips, Paul Cleave, Fred Middleton;
sugar beet mangolds, M. Graing-er, C.
B. :Middleton; winter radish, 0. Bat-
tler, H. Truemner; salsify. Dr
Grieve; cabbage, 0. Battler, F. Bar-
ker; cauliflower, Mrs. M. Willis, O.
Battler; white celery, G. D,aters, H.
A. Fuss; muskmelons, T. Sn-owden,
C. B. Middleton; watermelons, T.
Snowden, 0. Battler: citrons, R.
Geiger, Ed Foster.
Pumpkin for table use, F. Barker.
W. J. MoKenzie; largest pumpkin, H.
Trucmner, G. Deters; largest squash.
T. Snowden, O. Battler.
Large English potato onions; 0.
Battler, M. Rader; white ,onions, F.
Barker, H. A. Fuss; red onions, H.
A. Fuss, F. Barker; yellow onions,
F. Barker. H. A, Fuss,
Red tomatoes, 0. B'attler, W. J.
McKenzie; yellow tomatoes, 0. Bat-
tler; largest tomatoes. W. J. McKen-
zie; gherkins, O. Battier, H. A. Fuss.
Cucumbers for tablt. H. A. Fuss,
G. Deters; small fruit tomatoes, Mrs.
Metcalf, J. W. Johnston.
Sunflower, F. Barker, ,18. Ttuem-
tier; garden herbs, Mrs. Pfile, , Mrs.
Haberer; peppers, Dr.' Grieve, F.
Barker; sweet peppers, Mrs. Pfile, F.
Barker; vegetable marrow, F. Barker,
H. Truenmer; green hubband squash,
H. Truemner; C. B. Middleton; yel-
low hubbard squash, H. Truenmer,
Dr, Grieve; Miss O'Neil's' special,
or. Grieve.
Bouquet, large, Mrs, Halberer, Mrs.
:Metcalf; bouquet small, Mrs. Met-
calf. Mrs. Haberer; sylvia, F. Barker,
Fred , Middleton; dahlias, F. Barker,
Annie Consitt; fuschias, Mrs, Hab-
erer; pansies, Mrs. Metcalf, lid Fos-
ter; tuberous begonias, F. Barker, W.
J. McKenzie; geraniums, F. Baeker,
Mrs, •Pfile; asters, MTs. Metcal fe,
Nfrs. M. Willis; -petunias, Mrs. Met-
-ole, P. Barker; house plants, F.
Barker, W. j. McKenzie; cieus, Mrs,
Pfile, Dr. Grieve.
Annuals, F. -Barker, Mrs. Metcalf.
COSMOS, MTS, Willis, Elnicire Ste-
phenson; zinnias, F. Barker, Mrs,
Metcalf; verbenas, F. Baricer,
Haberer; giladiolos, F. Barker, Mrs.
Hatberer; sweet peas, Fred Middletda,
W. McKenzie; roses, Mrs. liabener,
tLandscane, oil, Dr. 'Grieve, 1VLiss
Livingston; still life, Miss Living -
sten, DT. Grieve; landscape, wear
color, M. Livingston, Mrs. .M. 'Wil-
lis; fruit, M. 'Livingston, Mrs. 'How -
tie; .flowers, H. A. Fuss, Reverie; 'pen
and ink, H. ,A, Fuss, M. Livingston.
Drawing, -crayon or lead„ point, M.
Livingston; painting 00 silk, Mrs.
Howrie, M. 'Livingston; hand painted
china, M. Livingston, Howrie; sten-
ciling, M. •Livingston; fruit in oil, M.
Livingston, }Townie; Rowers in oil,
NI. Livingston, Howrie; pencil -sketch,
NI, Li rings ton.
Grain, Roots and Vegetables
Fall wheat, Ivan McOlymont; whits:
oats, Clayton keys,
Beets, Bill Johnston, Jean Greer,
Mary IvIcClymont, :Ethel Wation,
Leona Webster; ea.rrets, Mary Mc-
Clytnont, Doris laloEwen, .Ethel Wat-
son, Evan Sparks, Bill MeIlwain;
onions, George Bell, 'Elsie Leitch, An-
thony Rau, Marilyn Maxwell, ,Evelyn
'Osmond i potatets, Mary Medic -
Mont, Merrill Switzer, Dicta; Pilch-
arree, Audrey Brandon, ,Glen Bran-
Living Room—Table centrepiece,
NI. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; table
runner, M. Livingston, H., A. Fuss;
cushion, embroidery, H. A. Fuss; cu-
shion, any other kind, Howrie, Mrs.
\V. Consitt; lamp shade, Living'ston.
Dining -Room (white)—Table cloth.
M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; tea cloah,
cut work, Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Howrie:
tea cloth, • -embrold. Howrie, Mrs.
Pfile; tea cloth. crocheted. Mrs, How-
eie, Dr. Grieve; tray cloth, M. Liv-
ingston, Mrs, ,Plile; centrepiece, Nf.
Livingston, Mrs. Pfile; luncheon set,
M. Livingston: R. Geiger; buffet set,
R. Geiger, Mrs. Pfile; 'buffet scarf, H.
Fuss, Mrs. Howrie; tea cosy, Mrs,
Pfile, M. Livingston,
Colored Linens—Bridge set, mb.,
Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. S. Houston; ,buffet
set, M. Livingston. Mrs. S. Houston,
Bed Room—Sheets, M. Livingston,
H. A. Fuss; pillow cases, hemstitch-
ed, M. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; pil-
low cases, emb.,, M. •Livingston, R.
Geiger; pillow cases, lace, M. Living-
ston, H. A. Fuss; curtains, lace, XL.
Livingston, H. A. Fuss; towels, erab„
Mrs, S. Houston; NI Livingston; tow-
els, crochet, M. Livingston, Howrie;
dressing table set, Mrs. Pfile, How-
rie; fancy bed lamp shade, M. Liv-
ingston; earl% tea towels, Mrs. M.
'Willis, M. Livingston.
Children's Wear—Child's ,dress, H.
A. Fuss, Mrs. Pfile; child's .play
dress, Mrs.. Pfile, H. A. Fuss; baby's
jacket, crochet, Mrs. S. Houston;
,ba,by's jacket, knit, M. Rader, M.
Livingston; baby's ,bootees, knit, M.
Rader, M. Livingston; baby's' boot-
ees. 'crochet, Mrs. Houston, M. Liv-
ingston; smock dress, Mrs. Pfile;
baby's petticoat, M. Livingston,
Ladies' Wear—Apron, Mrs. Hous-
ton, Mrs. 'Pfile, ,dress, 'house -work,
Mrs. Pfile, M.. Livingston; •uncler-
wear, cotton, H. A. Fuss, M. Living-
ston; underwear, silk, NI. Livings -ton,
H. A. F,uss; smock, M. 'Livingston,
H. A. F,uss; collar and, cuff set, Mrs
Pfile, 18. 'A. Fuss; handkerchiefs,
Livingston, Nfrs. H!awrie; pullover,
H. Fuss, Mrs. S. Houston; apron,
Mrs. Pfile, Elmore Stephenson; hand
bag, Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Howrie; dress,
M. Livingston, Mrs. Pftle; home dye-
ing, Mrs. Howrie.
Men's Wear — Sport shirt, Mrs.
Pfile H. Fuss; pyjamas, M. Living-
ston, H. Fuss; pullover, Mrs. S.
Houston, H. Fuss; mitts, Mrs. How-
rie, 0. Battler; socks, heavy, H. Fuss,
M. Livingston; socks, fine, M, Liv-
ingston, Mrs. Pfire; handkerchiefs, H.
A. Fuss.
Miscellaneous Work — Patch ,hem-
med, Mrs. Pfile, H. A. Fuse; !filet cro-
chet, H. A. Fuss, M. Livingston; tat-
ting, M. Livingston, •H. Fuss; -fancy
knitting in cotton, Mrs. Howrie, M.
Livingston; drawn thread work, R.
Geiger, M. Livingston; hemstitching,
Mrs. Pfile. Mrs. Howrie; .cut work,
R. Geiger, 'H. Fuss; tapestry, H. Fuss,
Mrs. Howrie; ct:oss stitch, XL Liv-
ingston, W. G. Cleric Irish -crochet,
R. Geiger, Mrs. Howrie; straight 'bias,
Mrs. Pfile, H. Fuss.
Darning on worn sox, Mrs. M.
Willis, Dr. Grieve; work -by lady over
age of 70, Mrs. ?fide, Mrs. Fuss.
Horne Manufactures — Bedspread,
white emb., Ed Foster, Elmore Ste-
phenson; bedspread, tufted, Annie
Consitt, 0. Battler; quilt applique,
M. Livingston, Mrs. Wm. Consitt;
quilt, patched. Mrs, Haberer, Elm -ore
Stephenson; quilt plain, number un-
cersain; comforter, 0. Battler, W. G.
Cleric.; comforter, goose -down, V. W.
'Johnston, W. G. Clark; crochet af-
ghan, Mrs. S. Houston, M. Living-
ston; hearth rug, rag, H. Desjarcline,
M. Livingston; hearth rug, wool, Fl.
Des -jar -cline, Elmore Stephenson; rag
mat, Mrs. Pfile; labor saving device,
Mrs, Pfile, H. Fuss; braided mat,
Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Houston; ,hand soap,
F. McClymont, H. Fuss.
Live Stock
Dairy 'calf, heifer, John 'Campbell;
beef calf, steer ,or heifer, Leona Web-
ster; pet, Minion Aeleinson, • Donald
McLend, JaCquelitte Parker, Clifford
- Domestic Science (Girls)
Maple ,cream, Evelyn Steep, 'June
Middleton, Audrey Sturgeon, Eliza-
beth Steekle, Doris McEwen; gra-
ham muffins, Betty Middle;ton, 'And-
rey Brandon, Marilyn Maxwell, Anna
Townshend, Jean Gime; date ,loaf,
era Pease, Elsie i,eitch, Ethel W,at-
,Grades 1 and 2. Ivan McClymont,
Alma Martin, Billy Elliott, Andrew
Craig; grades 3 „and 4, Mary Reid,
Grace Steep, Lois 'Middleton, Keith
Gingerieh; grades 15. and 6, Doris Mc-
Ewen, Evelyn Osmond, Evelyn
Steep, Stewart 'Atkinson; .grades 7
and 8, Albert Martin, re'tith Middle-
ton, Betty Middleton, Oliver Hop-
son; grades 9 end 1,110, Etlyel 'Watson,
Harold Warner, Douglas Stirling.
Grades 3 and 4, Lois Middleton.
'Grace Steep; grades 8 and 6, geo-
graphy scrap book, Lecena Webster,
Audrey Sturgeon; coll. of woods, Al-
vin Keys, Doris McEwen; insects,
Ethel Watson, Elsie Leitch, Dona
Ducharme, Vera Pease; weed seeds,
Alvin Keys, Ruth Middleton. Sam
Craig, Dona Meliorate; -collection of
weeds, Garnet Deters, Anna Town-
shend, Betty Middleton, Ruth Mid-
Weaving, Anthony Rau, Lorraine
Talbot, Jean Greer; lapron, Ruth
Middleton, 'Anna Townsliend, Betty
Middleton, Elizabeth Steckle, Mari-
lyn Maxwell.
Baseball, bat, plasticine, Dorothy
McGuire, Billy Stephenson, Madeline
Rau, Keith Keys, Jean Sturgeon;
egg cup, plasticine, Marion Atkinson,
Eric Cleave, Ivan McClymont, Gar-
field Westlake, Andrew Craig; bread
heard. Stewart .Atkinson, Wilfred
Castle. Arnold Makins; soap' carving,
Bob Rathweil, 13i11 McIltvain, Audrey
Sturgeon, Phyllis Lindsay, Wesley
Primer,* JolWinritilnigcConnell, Billy
Stephenson, Keith .Keys; 'first reader,
Clifford Greer, Marie Talbot. Louis
Duchartne; secend reader, Grace
Steep, Lois Middleton, Jacqueline
Parker, Beverley York; grade i5 read-
er, Bob Rothwell, Evelyn Steep, Au-
drey Sturgeon, Dona Ducharme;
grade '7 reader, Betty Middleton, An-
na Townsend, Helen Johnston. Mari-
lyn Maxwell; grade 18 reader, Mildred
Westlake; *general work book, Doris
Dairy—James Connolly, Goderich.
Domestic Science—Miss Annie E.
Consitt, Hensel!: Mrs. Wm. Consitt.
Hensel!, and Mrs. Geo. H. Elliott,
Grain ra nd Seeds—L. W. Williams,
!Zurich, and R. F. Stade, Zurich,
Irrn-it-Art Weber, Dashwopd,
Vegetables—C, E. Groves, Goder-
lett, .and j. E. Gascho, 'Zurich.
Flowers—Miss Florence Cunning-
ham, Clinton.
Fine Arts—Miss Lillian C. Morley,
Detroit, and Miss Grace P. McAdam,
Ladies' Work—Mrs, Wm. Green,
Goclerich, and Miss Freda Schoenhals,
Sohool Children's—Miss Morey,
Miss Mcladani, C. E. Groves, J. E.
Gascho and Inspector E. C. Beacom.
Pre-school children, Donald Camp-
bell (N. S. No. 4 ,north), Grant Web-
ster, No. 6. Aileen Castle, No. 8„ John
Middleton, 1N,o, 110. Gerald Sturgeon
Boys' race, 8 years, 'Willie Elliott
NO, 18 Bayfield, Glen Brandon, No. 13,
'Keith Keys, No. 6, John Applebeck,
No. 8 Bayfield, Melvin Boyd, No, 8
Godenich, Tp.
Girls' race, 8 years, Beverley York,
Na, 8 Bayfield, Mary 'Talbot, No, 4
north, Grace ',ebb, No. 4 Goderich
Tp.; jean Sturgeon, 'Bayfield, Enid
Dyer, Bayfield.
Boys' race, 12 years, Bill Johnston.
B.aYfield, Lloyd Pease, Bayfield, Gar-
field Westlake, Bayfield; Alvin Keys,
No, '6, Clayton Keys, No. 6.
Girls' race, 12 years, Anna Town-
send, No. Goderich Tp., Doris Mc-
Ewen, Bayfield„ Evelyn !Osmond.
Bayfield, jean Rau, N,o. 4 N, Mari-
lyn Maxwell, No. 8.
Boys' 116 years, broad jump, Lloyd
Westlake, Bayfield, .12\1101%"; John
. aIn.
,Thursday, Oct. 6th, Roll call, '5Belt-
ty Spots in Hullett," Care .of
rs,aby ,Mrs. F. Little. Ladies' guar -
tette, Mrs, M. Ross, Mrs, S. Carter,
rits.08.7.,Moon, Mrs. E. Adams.
Mrs. ,C. Ruckle'll, musk,
Mrs. J. Scott and Mrs. Geo. McCall.
Hostesses, Mrs. F. Little, Mrs, C..
Shobbrook, Mrs. R. Wells, Mrs. C.
Crawford and !Mrs. J. Crawford.
Chinch held their t'llartk offering
The Mission .Circle 'Of the :4:i:he:
meeting on Sunday evenhIg
church, Rev. A, Menzies presided.
Meeting opened by singing -a hymn
and prayer by the pastor. The ser-
vice of song was led by the S. S. or-
chestra composed of Eddie McNeil,
Ray Snell, .• Phyllis Manning, jack ,
Webster, Melvin Bronsdon, with
Fraser Thompson as leader, all with
violins. Donald Gibbs ,presided at the
Piano and Beth Shobbrocik at the
organ. Miss E. Sprung sang a pleas-
ing solo, accompanied on The piano bk
Miss G. Mountain. Rev, A. Menzies
gave a very interesting address on the
life ,of Rev. T. Bone and his • work
among the sailors. 'Lantern slides
were showe on the history of the
Bible, where it was first read, etc,
Miss Isobel Forbes read the Scrip-
ture lesson. 'Meeting closed with
prayer .by Mr. Menzies.
Mr. Fred Shobbrook has improved
the appearance of his &yelling -by
having a veranda 'built.
Mr. j*: P. Manning is 'having a new
furnace installed in his store.
Rally Day services took place at lir
the church on Sunday morning with
Mr. Stewart presiding.. The choir was
of teen age boys and girls. Rev. A.
Menzies gave a 'fine address. Four lit-
tle girls, Betty Brunsdon, Doreen
Armstrong, Margaret Tatublyn and
Edna Ball recited. Miss L. Young
gave the story of the Bible. Ruth
Vodden, 'Thelma Scott, Kenneth Ste-
wart and Fraser Thompson gave a
number. The church was nicely ,dec-
orated with beautiftti flowers with
ivy intwined at the altar.
' The \V. A. -held their meeting on
Wednesday last with Mrs. R. Town-
send presiding. Meeting opened iby
singing 'Sowing in the morning,"
followed by the Lord's prayer in uni-
son and a scripture lesson read re -111K
sponsively, It was .decided to hold
their bazaar on Oct. 28th in commu,
ity hall Any donations Of fancy
work, aprons, baking or produde, will
be gratefully received. The program
was a reading, "Things work out,"
given by Mrs. T. Millar. Solo, Dor-
othy Griffiths:. reading, Keeping- out
of Trouble, by Mrs. M. Manning. A.
quilt was also quilted. Lunch was
served by !the group in charge.
Miss Helen Yungblutt -of London
'visited over the week end -with bee
parents, Mr. and Mrs. kat. Yung-
Annual Plowing Match
The 1938 annual four-day interna-
tional plowing match, horse show,
and demonstration of farm machinery
and latest contrivances for the home,
under the auspices of the Ontario
Ploughnien's Ass-ociation, will be held
at Minesing, 'Ontario, on October 11,
112, 13 and 114 inclusive. Minesing is
in the heart of the picturesque ccitnitjc
of Simcoe, 1114 niiles west of Barrid.'
Celebrating its 1115th or silver anniver-
sary, 'this annual movable Mecca of
the .platightnen of Meath America has
grown to such extent and importance
that emphasis is now being laid on
the fact that it is open to the plough -
Men of the world.
-Already several internationally -
known ploughmen, 'both in Canada
and ,the United States, have intimated
their intention of competing this year,
and bearing in tnind the large entry ,of
contestants and concourse of specta-
tors at the 1937 meeting at ,Fergus,
Ontario, the management have every
reason to ,expect that the silver anni-
versary will create a record.
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to