HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-29, Page 8PAGE Eloirr THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1938 HENSALL , Mr. .and Mrs. John •PaSsmore spent the, week, end Toronto. They were ,acoomPanied 10 Toronto by their son Robert Passmore, who will resume his studies there at the 'opening of the fall term at the University. Miss Dorothy IVIoQueee left 'last week for London where she has ac- cepted a .pcisition. Mr. Alex Filshie spent Sunday night at the 'home of Rev. .and Mrs. Sinclair 'of Blyth. 10.n :Monday Mr. and Mrs. Sinelair accompanied by their son Norman Sinclair and Alex Filshie left for Toronto where the two young men will resume their studies at the University. IVlrs. Geo. Sparks was visiting rel- atives in London on Saturday. 'Quite a number of changes will be made at the Petty Block during the next couple ,of weeks. A new hard- ware store is to he opened in the centre store 'now occupied as a beau- ty parlor. The beauty parlor will be moved to the east store, formerly the ,Petty Butcher shop, and •now used as a residence by Mr. and Mrs. Penes Dick. Mr. Dick will move into a. part of the Murdoch block on King street, next to the town hall, by Oct list. A number of other changes are being arranged. Mr. J. W. 'Ortwein was in Lond- on last week attending a meeting of the Bible Society. Mr. Ortwein is president of the Western Ont. Assn. Misses Mavis Spencer, Joyce Scru- ton and Dorothy Farquhar of Tor- onto spent the week end at their homes here. Mr. James McEwen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M.cEwen of the .3nd Con., Hay township, left last week for northern Ontario where he vsill study conditions in the day belt, for their suitability for farming. Mr. MrEwen is a very clever student 41 the Toronto University and will write an essay sm that subject, on one el'. his examinations at the university, during this term. 'The laet few nice days have been a great help for the bean harvest in this district. A few more days and the harvest will be completed, We believe our local dealers have made a nice advance in the price. Double Wedding at the Hensel' United Church— A double wedding of onusnal int- erest took place at the Hensel: Un- ited Church on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock when Mildred Win- ona McDonell, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Charles A. McDonell of Hen- sel] was wed to Edward Powell Taman of Blenheim, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman of Exeter. and Anne Letitia Tiernan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Tiernan of Dash- wood, was united in marriage to Henry Hemphill Coolc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook of Hensall. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Donald Gladman of Credi- ton, assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor of the church, 'before the al- tar beautiful with tall standards of gladioli, palms and fern. The lovely brides were given in marriage by their fathers. They were gowned alike in Lanvin models of lotus 'blue transparent velvet. The gowns were on princess lines, draped bodices, ex- aggerated shoulders and sleeves. They wore small draped Lily Dache doll hats of lotus velvet, matching shoes and carried bridal 'bouquets of American Beauty roses with stream - era of the same shade of velvet fall- ing 'to the 'floor. Mr. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood sang before the cere- mony and during the signing of the register, '10 1Promise Me" and "Be- cause," in !fine voice. Mr. W. R. Goulding of Exeter presided at the organ. The ushers were Murray Johnston of Toronto and Harry Col- lins •of Sc, Catharines. The church was 'beautifully decorated for the event. After the ceremony receptions took place at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.. Cornelius Cook anti Mr, and Mrs. Charles .McDonell in :come graced with gladioli in autumn tones. Mrs. Cook received in a gown of wine crepe, matching hat. trim- med with powder blue wings and ,black suede accessories. She wore a corsage of roses. Mrs, Tiernan wore a draped gown .of black crepe. smart black hat and corsage el rests. Mrs. McDonell received her geese- eoeen- ed in a black crepe dress, with sheer draped .bodice, high crowned 1,:asn hat and corsage of Johanna hill roses. Mrs. Taman wore black malt- ese crepe, black hat and lapin jacket. Buffet refreshments were served in the dining room, lovely with erre] shaded candelabra. Later in the ,evening Mr. and Mrs. Cook a111: Mr. and Mrs. Taman 'left nn an extended motor trip to New York and Atlantic 'City, returning by Quebec and Mon- treal. For traveling Mrs. Cook chose ,a boy blue wool suit, with matching jacket, boy blue hat and lorenzo 'brown accessories. Mrs. 'Taman wore a smart black wool suit trimmed with sable, a small hat trimmed with ost- rich and 'black suede accessories. Both :brides are graduates of the MacDonald Institute of Guelph. Mr. Cook is a graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and a popular member ,of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Mr. Taman is a member of the staff of the Bank of Commerce at Blenheim. All four bave :been friends since childhood. On their Tenni) Mr, and Mrs. Cook will reside in Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Taman at Blenheim, where they will have the best and., warmest wishes of their many friends. A meeting of the Y. cp. S. of Car- mel Presbyterian Church was held on Monday evening with Rev, W. A. Young presiding. Mr. Young gave an interesting and instructive talk on yoting people's work, and what a so- ciety means to them. An election of officers for the society for the coming year was held: President, Mrs, A Kerslake; vice pres„ Miss Violet Hyde; sec. treas., Gerald Campbell; pianist, Miss Margaret Dougall; con- veners—worship C0111.. Miss Irene Hoggarth; fellowship, Mrs. 'Roy Mc- Laren; missionary, Mies Helen Walker; roll call leaders, Misses Lois McLaren and Margaret 13e11, The first regular meeting of the society will ibe held on Oct. 117th. The meet- ing closed with the ibenediction, ENJOY' • Beauty Salon Permanents "The Standard of 'Perfection" , You may have your choice , NO MACHINE PERMANENT Or MACHINE PERMANENT • $1.95 and up Including Shampoo, Hair cut and Pingerwave * * The Only and Most Modern Shampoo The Latest Styles in Fingerwaving Done in Comfort 'B' BEAUTY SALON Phone SO or 18. L. M. 'Box Seaforth AUCTION SALE .01. Earnt'Stock and 'Implements, Household Effects, Hay, Grain, etc. At Lot 28, 'Con. 114, 'McKillop, 1,4 miles south ,of Walton aod t/3 n,ile east, 011 Tuesday, 'October all, at 12:30. p. m.: Horses—Mare, Ill11 years old; brown gelding,1131 years 'old; grey mare, 6 years old, sepposed to be in foal. Cattle—Three cows 'due to freshen in March, 3 'cows due to freshen in April; 3 ,cows clue to freshen in May; 2 ,cows clue to freshen in June; 10 yearling cattle, 8. calves, 11Durham purebred :bull, 5 years old. Pigs—Sow, supposed to be in: pig; 111 chunks. Sheep—Nline 'Cotswold ewes, 1, Lei- cester ewe, Dorset horn ram. Iniplements--Deering 7 ft. binder, McCormick Deering 6 foot mower; D'eering 10 loot rake; Massey side de- livery rake; Massey Harris 1111 -disc drill; Massey stiff toothed cultivator; Maxwell hay loader; Massey com- bined corn scuffiler and bean harvest- er; Massey. Harris manure spreader; disc; Fierry walking plow, No. 211; Cookshutt riding plow; Perrin riding plow; Chatham fanning mill with bagger; set barrows, 5 section; wheel' barrow; root palper; 'team wagon and gravel box; sleigh with flat rack; 2 hay racks; buggy; 2 cutters; set dou- ble harness with 'breeching; set single harness; 3 horse blankets.; Lister cream separator, 16010 tbs., good as new; power 'horse clippers and at- tachment for clipping sheep; hay fork, tar and slings; sap pan; 50 It. piping, 2,000 lb..acales, stock rack, galv.anized water trough, barrel chern, butter bowl and, ladle, Fowl—About 50 Rook hens, 1 yr.; 80 white Leghorn thickens, 60Hamp- shire Red chickens, 2 geese and 1 gan- der, 8 young geese, 3 ducks, Hay, Grain, etc. — 15 tons hay, about 400 bus. New Market oats, 500 bus, mixed grain, a quantity of pot- atoes, 16 cords rails, .35 cords hard maple wood, 2Ye.j cords cedar, 11% cords elm. Household Effects -4 Ands with springs and mattresses; Is chest of drawers, 1 dresser and 2 wash stands; 5 small tables; /1 dining room table; 2 couches; 2 leather rocking chairs; 4 piece parlor suite; 41 Edison phonograph, 45 records; New Home sewing =chine; 2 cupboards; 2. beat- ers; I cook stove; 11' 'coal oil stove (4 burner); VA 'doz. chairs; kitchen uten- sils; 2 rugs; linoleums; 2 iron kettles. Terms—Cash. Everything will be sold without reserve as the farm has 'been sold. James Mose, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Rally Day Services— A Rally day service was 'held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day morning, with the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young conducting the service. Mr. Peter Moir, superintendent of the. Sunday School, gave a short ad- dress on Sunday School work and also presented Ruth Young and Lila Moir each with a 'beautiful certificate for memorizing scripture. A pleasing quartette was given by Ruth Young, Mildred Purdy. 'Norma Sangster and Donna .MciEwen. A children's choir furnished the music. The service was very interesting and enjoyed by a large congregation. A preparatory Service will be held in 'Cannel Church on Friday evening of this week, and a communion service on Sunday morning, Oct. 2,nd. On Sunday morn- ing, Oct. 9th, a baptism service will be held. Quite a number of Our citizens were in Zurich on Tuesday taking in the Zurich fair. The new Dodge 41939 cars are now on display in the show rooms of cur local Dodge dealer. The services at the United Church on Sunday were conducted by Rev. Robt. Hicks. of -London, a former pastor here. At the morning service Mr. Hicks gave an address on tem- perance. On Friday evening of this week a preparatory service will be held in the United Church, and a communion service will be held in the church on Sunday morning, 10ct. land, The Hensall Hydro commission held their regular meeting on Mon- day evening. The ohecks Inc a 40 per cent rebate on the 1937 hydro biils of the Hensall consumers of hydro, recently authorized by the Ont. Hy- dro Electric commission, will be mailed out this week. The Hensall Citizens Band are pat- ting on a euchre and dance in the town hall on Friday evening, Oct. 7, Mr, E. K. Hutton, who is reliev- ing at the C. N. R. station at Wing - ham, spent the week end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case are leav- ing on Saturday for their holidays. They will visit at Detroit, Denfield and other points. The marketing of grain oh the Hensell market has slowed up during thie last week. 'The farmers are look- ing for better prices. Death of John McGregor— A prominent and highly respected farmer in Tuckersmith Twpdied suddenly at hie home on Monday meriting. He was walking into the driving shed on his farm when he suffered a severe heart attack and died before medical attendance could reach him. He had been in poor inelth for a number of years. On Sonlay morning he attended the streice at the Carmel Rreibyterian Cheath herr. He was the only son of ths lste Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- isreo r of Tuckersmith, and was 1esre Z.'a4 years, ego on the McGregor •,,estead farm, Lot 2, Con. "seronith Tp. and on this farm he seem his whole life. He was a very seccessiul fernier. He was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hens sal:. He is survived by his wife and ,c,n Alex on the farm, and two Mrs. W311. Workman, Tuck- eronith. and Mrs. John Paterson, To- ronto. The inneral was held front his late home in Tuckersmith on Wed- nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, inter- ment taking place in the Egmon& ville cemetery. Rev. W. A. Young had charge of the service, Miss Mary MeAsh and Mrs. Annie McDonald attended the funeral OD Tuesday at Ripley of their sister, the late Mrs. Archibald McDonald, who died on Sunday. Want and Poo Sale Ads, 3 weeks, ,510c CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farms, Farm Stock and Imple- ments.—At Lot '614, Base line, God- erich Two., 7 miles north of'"Clinton, on Wednesday, .0ctober lath, com- mencing at de o'olock sharp, consist- ing of the following: Horses—Team of agricultural geld- ings, 8 years old; agriculttiral brood mare; 2 agricultural colts, rising 2 years .old. Cattle — Registered Polled -Angus bull, 3 years old; Durham grade cow, 6 years old, due in Nov.; Durham grade cow, 8 years old, due in Mar.; 3 Durham grade cows, 8 years old, clue in April; Durham grade cows 7 years ,old, clue in ',Pune; Durham grade farrow cow; !In steers, rising 3 years old; 5 steers rising 2 years; 15 steers, 1 year old; 5'heifers'rising 2 years; 6 yearling heifers; 41 Polled -Angus spring 'calves. Sheep -7 yearling Leicester ewes; 113 good breeding ewes;- purebred Leicester ram. Pigs -2 choice young Yorkshire sows, not bred. Implements.—Deering tractor in gOod running corsdition; Deering tractor plow; Deering tractor .cultivaa tor; M. -H. binder, 7 ft. cut; Frost & Wood mower, 6 It. cut, nearly new; M. -H., hay loader; M. -H. fertilizer ala disc; International manure spreader, nearly new; Cockshutt grain drill; set of 4 -section diamond har- rows; 2 farm wagons, 1 nearly new; 2 fanning mills, 2 walking .plows, 3 - horse spring -tooth .cultivator; set sleighs; Portland cutter, souffler, hay rake; wagon raok, wagon box and stock rack, grain grinder, grain roller, root pulite; grindstone, set of power clippers with sheep °lipping attach- ments; set of scales, 2000 lb. tenacity, Dasaval cream separator, 600 lbs. cap.; 60 it. sof 'belting, 'brooder stove and hover; steel tire buggy, 2 robes, 2 sets .doeible harness, set of Single harness; quantity and 1" and 2 inch lumber; quantity of scantling; cross- cet saw, set of wire stretchers, hay fork, rope. slings and pulleys, wheel barrow, churn, ,pails, forks, challis, whiffletrees, hoes, shovels and other articles too numerous to' mention. At the same time and place the home farm whieh consists of ROO acres of good day loam, with a good set of farm 'buildings and 12 acres of hardwood bush; this farm is well wa- tered, also 85 acres of good clay loam with .barn, suitable for grain or graz- ing. will he offered for sale. Terms made known on day of sale. Terms on stock and implements, cash. Positively no reserve as prop- rietress is giving up farming. This sale will start sharp at 12.100 o'clock noon. Mrs. John Mair, Proprietress; George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. POE .SALE Northern spies and other winter varieties. Phone 11116, Seaforth. Apply to J. MacPherson. FOR SALE OR RENT Comfortable house in Egmondville, 7 rooms, good cellar, oistern, never - failing well, hard water at the door, excellent garden land, perfectly clean, township taxes, telephone, 5 minutes walk to church, school or store. This property will be sold at a reasonable price. Everything in good repair. Ap- ply to Mrs. Mex. Gordon, Box 51. Seaforth. FOR SALE Used Bell piano in splendid -condi- tion, and also 'Sherlock -Manning play- er piano with a great quantity of rolls. For sale very oh'eap. Walker's Furniture Store. Send us the names of yoiir visitors. NOTICE ON SATURDAY, OCT. 1ST ^11 Our wagons will be on the milk routes formerly operated by Maple Leaf Dairy, Silver Creek Dairy, and Barnett's Dairy. Your valued Patron- age will be appreciated and we will endeavour to give courteous and prompt deliveries. We hope you will bear with us for a fear days until we get familiar with the routes and get a systematic delivery. You can rest assured that the Milk will be of the Highest Quality, at the same price. All former tickets will be redeemable until used up. The phone number will be 101-W and instant service will be given on all special orders. Any other information will be available from drivers. Aso MAPLE LEAF DAIRY wm. C. BARBER, Prop. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. At Lot 16, Con. 1)11, Stanley 'Pp., 3 miles southwest of Varna, on Thurs- day, October 1131th at 1 o'clock sharp: Horses -01 horse rising 6 years; a horse 9 years old; ID mare 13 years old. Cattle -1 cow 6 years old, due March 28th; 1 cow 6 years old, ,due April 211st; ID cow 8 years old, .due May 25th; 3 steers, 2 years old; heifer, 2: years old; 4 steers 1 year old; 2 heifers, 1 year old; 3 spring .calves. Pigs -6 store hogs. Sheep --8 Leicester ewes, 1, Leices- ter rani, Hens -25 hens. Implements -4 Deering binder 6 foot cat; 11 Deering mower, 10 foot cut :•)11 M. H. cultivator with steel wheels; 1 McCormick Deering hay rake, nearly new; 1 set of 4 section .diamond harrows; I 12 -plate disc; I Cockshutt lootlift riding plough; 1 M. 12 hoe seed drill; ll Woodstock wagon, nearly new; 1 steel wheel wagon; 1 rubber tire top boggy; 1 Portland cutter; 1 Clinton fanning mill; di eight -inch Fleury grinder; 1 set of nem lb. scales; .11 gravel box; 11 wagon box; 1 bay rack; ill set of hob sleighs; I set of single harness; 1 set of double harness; 15 good lea- ther collars; 1 pr. of collar tops; 1 Melotte cream separator; 125 feet of hay fork rope; set of sling ropes and trip chain; 2 six-inch 'belts, 215 feet in each; some lumber; some white -ash tongues; (1 pr. of rack sills. Grain --About 400 bus. of oats. A quantity of sweet clover hay and a quantity of timothy and alfalfa hay, Some Household Effects. Forks, chains, whippletrees ancl other articles too numerous to mention. ' Terms, cash. David John Stephenson, Proprietor. George Elliott, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Our first .Community Sale will be held at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on Friday, Oct. 7th. 'We would ap- preciate to have people patronize these sales by bringing in all sorts of livestock, implements and furniture. Anyone bringing anything to this sale will be paid in cash before their stuff leaves the 'barn. Or anyone wishing to sell their stuff at home, just phone the Queen's Hotel and we wiuI go out and try to buy it. This week -we have 1, year-old driving colt and 1 two-year-old driv- ing colt. This pair are real 'breedy and will be big enough for third - horse work. 118 choice stockers. A lot of them are Herefords. 60 pigs front 8 weeks to Me pounds. All real choice pigs. Also e bunch of sinall articles too 'numerous to mention. Terms are cash, Anyone' pulling any- thing in this sale, rates reasonable. J. 1J. Coyne, Manager:Joseph Roach, Clerk; Geo, a Elliott, Auct. WANTED 'Practical nureing wanted, Terms reasonable. Apply. to The News office. Ride To Adventure With the Lone Ranger Join the roultittdes who follow The Lone Ranger, celebrated masked hero of the radio and screen, on his daring exploits as picturcal in .colors each week in the plus Comic Weekly of The Detroit Sunday 'Times. A great new feature! Also, new comics, 99) 0,000 Contest, new puzzles, new cutouts. Be sere to get The Detroit ounclay Thaws each week. BUY IN EGMONDVILLE OUR OVERHEAD IS LESS, THEREFORE WE PASS THIS SAVING ON TO YOU New Life Laying Mash per cwt. $2.35 Royal Purple Hog Concentrate per cwt 3.75 New Life Hog Concentrate per cwt. .., „ , 2.65 New Life Oyster Shell per cwt 1.10 Unlined Horsehide Gauntlets per pr. 85c Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate, per ewt. 3.75 New Life Poultry Concentrate per cwt. 2.89 Pratt's Hog Worm Powder per pkgs. 69c Black Soled Rubber Boots per pr 1.99 Red Soled Rubber Boots . per pry.... ...... . . 2.49 Finnigoit). AUCTION SALE OF SEVENTEEN HORSES There will be sold by public auction at the farm of E. J. Box, on No. 8 Highway, half mile west of Seaforth, on Stakrirday, Oct. list, at 2 pm., seven- teen horses, ages mostly from .e to 6 years, 4200 to 11600 lbs. J. A. McKen- zie, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE At Dick's Hotel Stables, on Friday, Sept. 3101th at 2 .r.orri. Cattle -1 registered Hereford bull 1 yr. old. 28 head of Hereford and Durham steers and lteifers ranging from 600 to 1800 lbs. Pigs -65 pigs, front suckers to 100 lbs. 1 dozen year-old white Leghorn liens. Harness -1 net of back band harness, n -umber of new leather halt- ers. 1 water tank capacity 350 gals, 1 fattening crate holds 64 bird's, 1 stock rack, fits 1134 yd. box; 32 - foot extension ladder; 05 it. of 2" belt, 1 McCormick -Deering walking plow, nearly new. Anyone wishing to put anything in this ,sale can do so at a reasonable charge. Terms, dash, H. Hent, Prop.; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, to be held on Lot 114, Con -cession 5, Township of Tuckersmith, on. Friday, October 114th, at one o'clock sharp; Horses -1 matched -bay team, 9 years old; 1 general perpose mare, 9 years old; 111 bay mare, 8 years old. Cattle --4 red heifer due to freshen on Dec, '5th; 1 cow 7 years ,old, due ao freshen on Dec. .19th; 1 cow 6 years old, can be registered, due to ,freshen ,Feb. 'list; 11 cow 6 years old, can be registered, slue to freshen on April 10th; 1 cow 7 years old, fresh- ened on June 20th; Us caw, 8 years old, freshened on June 1st; 1 cow 4 years old, freshened April'2.0th; 4 steers coming 2 years old; 2 heifers coming 2 years old; 5 spring calves. Pigs -9 pigs, 4 months old. tImplements — 1 Massey Harris bieder, 1 Deering mower, 1 Deering dump rake, 1 Massey Harris side rake, nearly new; 1 Massey 'Harrie hay ;loader, b spring tooth cultivator 1 riding plough, d gang plough, 2 walking ploughs, 1 McCormick Deer- ing fertilizer drill, 13 disc, nearly new, 3' -section Diamond harrows, 2 wagons, 11, gravel box, D wagon box. 1 hay rack with slide rack, set sleighs, 2 top buggies, 1 cutter, 1 scuffler, 11 potato banker, one-half int - crest in land roller, one-half interest in manure spreader, 1 eight horse power gas engine, "Massey Harris eutting box, 41 Massey Harris 9 inch grinder, 30 feet 6 inch rubber belting, 1 Maxwell root politer, 1 Melotte cream separator. 11 Clinton fanning mill, 1 grind stone. 1 block stretcher, l' set of sling ropes, two sets double harness, one set single .harness, 1 ex- tension ladder 3i2 feet, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 work bench, 1. manure boat, 25 rows turnips, a quantity of hay, a few bags of potatoes, a lumber of grain bags and sacks, about 20 cedar -poste,. lumber, a number oi 6 inch tile, aboet 1100 hens. barred and white rocks, about 100 spring chickens, 3 sugar kettle. one barrel churn, 41 bar- rels, forks shovels, chains, whiffle - trees, neckyokes, and a host of other articles, too numerous to mention, stock rack. Terms cash, Everything will be sold, no reseree, as farm is sold. Mrs. Geo. H. Coleman, proprietress. Geo. H. Elliott. .Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture at the home of Mrs. W. Cameron, N. Main street, Seaforth, on Saturday, Octo- ber 1st, at 1 o'clock .sharp: 3 'bedroom suites, 6 dining room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs and other chairs, 2 upholstered chairs and Tack- ing chair; .1 lounge, 1 settee seat, 1 cherry sideboard; extension tables and small •tables; 3 commode sets; 1 clock, 8 -day; 41 feather tick, D organ stool, linolemn, 4 x 9522 yards; linol- eum 10 x 8 feet; linoleum, 91rA sr, em feet; large galvanized tub, jest new; 1 ladder, cedar frame; 1 step ladder. Granite roasting pan, just new; 2 electric irons; 11 meat grinder; 1 kit- chen stove: 11 'Quebec heater; some Pictures; 11 large dish pan, bread pans and other small ,articles too numer- ous to mention; 11 coal scuttle. No reserve, as everything most be sold. Terms, Cash, Mrs. W. Cameron, Proprietress. Geo. 1-1 EliSatI, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Canada Range, six lids, wood or coal, with reservoir. in ,good condi- tion. Apply at The News office. FOR SALE Cook stove, in good condition. Ap- ply to Miss M. Robison. ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario AlcCONNELL & HAYS, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays. SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Soaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p, m. FOR SALE Choice Durham bull, 9 months old, (roan), eligible for registration. Ap- ply to Edmund :Godkin, phone 2418 r 31, Seaforth. FOR SALE Five Oxford ewes, Apply to Chanles Dale. Phone 211-247, FOR SALE . Piano, just the thing for a school, very reasonably priced, at $115 for quick sale. Glass show case, 112 feet song, white ash, natural grain, with three large sliding glass doors, price VD. Apply to the News Office. MINK FOR SALE Dark, hardy, prolific strain. Full information on request. Inspection welcomed. Elmer Trick, 3% miles. west of 'linton, Ont., R. R. 3. Ex- perienced breeder, BUYLNG GRAIN For Thompson at 'Hensall: we nay highest market prices. Pennsylvania. products, grease and oils. Sold ,under money -back guarantee. Sam Chesney, Phone 360 r 4. HOUSES FOR SALE Two seven roomed houses, both newly modernized, orre stuccoed; complete with furnace, bath with shower and hardwood tfloors, wired for electric stove, newly decorated throughout; stectoed garage.Grounds built up and 'seeded, In choice resid— ential section •of town. Apply to Dr. J. A. Munn, Sea -forth, ,Ontario. FARM FOR SALE The farm contains 1.50 acres, being south ,nf, of Lot 017, and W -est 5.4 of South 14. of Lot 18 of the ninth con- cession in Morris township, situated half way between Blyth and Walton on an improved county highway, Hydro line running by the farm. Good 'frame house, bank barn with good stabling -underneath, 'hen house and horse stable in separate 'buildings: Fifty acres under crop, twelve acres of good hardwood bush, rest hay and pastime. Two good wells. For more particulars apply to Filelay Laidlaw or Gilbert :McCallum, . R.R. No. 3, Walton. PROPERTY FOR SALE A lot consisting of three acres, ad- joining Seaforth. All seeded, best of land. Good frame house with cement foundation, electric light throughout. Barn with cement foundation, room for three horses. Hog pen, chicken pen. Hard 'and soft water. Taxes $10. Price $11,200, half .cash, balance at 5%. This is certainly. aosnap. Apply to W. J. Walker, phone 167, Seaforth. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 14 House and Lot in the Town of Seaforth belonging to Rebecca. Davis Estate. Comfortable dwelling. 2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3, MoKillop, containing 5 acres. Comfortable house and small barn, Suitable for poultry ranch. 3. Lot 7, Con. .115, Grey Township. 100 acrek Good 'brick house and barn, driving shed, good well, 54 mile from school. Property of late Wm. Woods. Particulars may be secured from Mrs. Kate Woods, Walton, Ont. Apply Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorrn & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES