HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-29, Page 7THURSDAY, .SEPTEMBER 29, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE SEVEN Exeter Fall Fair HORSES Agricultural Brood mare, John Steeper '(Park hill), Charles Fishlr, 'Abort Ethering- ton '(Hensall); Foal, Fred .Et'lering- ton, Luther 1 ,owctiffe, John Steeper; Filly or Gelding, R. 1J. Scott (Crom- arty) and 2.nd., Rdbt. Hamilton !(Cro- marty); 'Filly or Gelding, 2 -year-old, Warren Brock ('Crediton), Robt. Ha- milton, Feed W. Steeper t('Parkhilt); Filly or Gelding, le -year-old, 'Robs, Hamilton, Edgar 'Monteith, Ben 'Case; 'Team, R. T Scott. Diploma, R. IJ, Scott. Heavy Draft Brood mare accompanied by foal, Warren Brock, 'C. E. Hackney '(Sci- ence 'H'ill),' Fred 'W, Steeper; foal, Fred W. 'Steeper, 'Percy Passmore; filly or gelding, 2 -year-old, R. J. Scott, M. E. Hopper and Son i(St. Marys), Robt. Hamilton; filly or gel- ding, 1 -year -did, Warren Brock, John Allison, Edgar Monteith; team, James Scott .(Cromarty) and 2nd; di - Wm, 'Oestricher and 2nd; 'bull, two H'O'GS years, Wm,O'estricher .and eind; dip- Yorkshire lama, C. E. Hackney '('Science Ilild). Boar, two years, William 'Ball & Herefords !Son i(Weston); boar, one year, Aef- Aged cow, W. S. O'Neil (Den- red H. Warner .(Bayfieed), Wm. fields 2 -year-old heifer, W S. O'- Bali; boar, under one year, Wm. Bali, Neil; Ill -year-old 'heifer, W. S O'Neil Wilmot Doering '(Stratford); sow, and 2nd; heifer'ealf, W. S, O'Neil and two years, A. H, Warner, Wm. Ball; 2nd; Mali calf, W. S /O'Neil and Had; saw, one year, Wm. Ball,' A. H. huh, I year, W. S. IOeNeil; bull, 2 Warner; ,sow, 'u'nder one year, Wm. ye'a's, W. S. O'Neil; diploma, W. a. Bete A. H. Warner. ' O'Neil, Tamworth Polled Angus Boar, 'two years, IR, •Manson; 'boar, Aged cow, 'Al'bert Etherimgton one year, Ernest if. Pym; 'boar, one ,(Hensall); 2 -year-old iheifer, Albert year E. IJ, Pym, R. Manson; sow' two Etheringbon; 1 -year-old heifer, Albert years, R. 'Manson,. E. (J. 'Pym; sow, Etherington; ,heifer calf, Albert Eth- one year, R. Manson ,aiad o2td; sow, eringbon; 'bull calf Albert Ethering- under one year, E. J. Pym. ton; Ibul'I, one year, W. S. A'INeil, Bacon Type Wm. Oestricher, A. IEbherington; get Bacon type pigs,,any breed, Wm. of sire, W. S. 10'.N'eil, Wm. Oes'trach- Bali; saw, any breed, Wm. Ball; pair er, Roy Pepper and Son. of ,chauuks, under i1 ( lb's„ Pym, Jersey ,Aubert Tragaair special, pair bacon Heifer calf, Ed. Lindenfielel; ,bust' hogs, A. H. Warner. calf, (Newton 'C1larke '(Woodham), T. Eaton special, pair rb•acon 'hoes, We'lling'ton Hern, A. H. Warners Exeter Creamery, (best dairy oow, POULTRY Newton Clarke, °twat 'McLaren. Light Bralhamae-- Code, 'O'Brien Baby 'beef, open, W. S. O'Neil, An- Bros. '(Zurich), ;Kenneth G Wood drew Park ((Nutshell) and 4th, Roy (Thorndale) 'hen, O'Brien Bros. and Pepper and Son, 2nd; eke O'Brien 'Bros., K. G. Wood; Osborne baby :beef, Harold Hern pullet, O'Brien Bros. and 'end. '('Gra'n'tan), Newton Ctaeke and ,3'rd. Cochins—All classes, K. Wood. Traquair Special, W. S. O'Neil. Silver Grey Dorkings-Cock, John Lindendeld Special, Wm. Oestrich- Kochems, Orland Battier I(Zurieh); er, Roy Pepper and Son. hen, (Orland Battler, John ,Kochems; Grades eke, 3. Kochems, 10. • Battler; pullet, Aged cow, Orval McLaren and 2Ind; 0. Battler, J. 'Kochems. 12 -year-old heifer, Roy Pepper and Buff 'Oreingtons—Hen, J. Koch - Son; ,l -year-old 'hailer, Roy Pepper ems; .ckl. K, 'G, Wood; ;pullet, K. G. and end; Le -year-old steer, Roy Pepper Wood. and Son, 'Orval McLaren; 1 -year-old Barred Plymouth Rocks—Cock, K steer, W. S. 'O'Neil, Roy Pepper and G. Woad; lien, 'K. G. Wood, Fred Son and 3'rd. McClymont (Varna); ckl., ;K. G. 'J'udge—(James H. 'Robinson, St, 'Wood, Fred McClymont; pullet, K. Marys, R, R. le 'G. Wood,. Fred McClyrnont. Cream Grading Contest Plymouth Rooks Gkl•, K. G. Young Men, Donald McMillan, Wood; pullet, K. G. Wood. Stratford; Mil'ton Wolper, Dash- White Wyand ttes—+Cock, D. A. wood; Ross Skinner, Centralia, IR.Ri1 Graham (Parkhill), 10, Battler; hen, 'Young Women, Gladys Johns, Ex- 0. Battler, K. G. Wood; eke,' 0. Bat- iter, R.R. 3; Mrs. Ross 'Chapman, tier, D. A. 'Graham; ;pullet, 0. Bat- Kippen; Marion Miners, Exeter, RR, tier, D. A. Graham. 3. ,Judge—James A. Hill. Other Variety 'Wyandottes=Cock. SHEEP D A, Graham, K. G. Wood; hen, D. A. Graham; c1-1„ 'K. G. Wood, D. A. judges of Sheep and Hogs—Hum- Graham; pullet, 'K. 'G. Wood, D. A. 'phey Snell, Clinton and 'G. W. Min- Graham. ers, Exeter. Rhode Island Reds—'Hen, 'John Ko - Dorset Horned cherns and 2nd; 'eke, (John Kochems, Ram, Preston 'Dearing; shearling .K. G. Wood; pullet, K. G. Wood. ram, ram lamb, ewe, shearling ewe, Buff Leghorns—Cock, John Koch - ewe lamb, Preston Dearing and 2nd. encs, IK. G. Wood; hen, 'John Koch - Oxford Downs ems, K. G. Wood; ckl., K. G. Wood; Ram, W. M. Henry '(Belgrave); pullet, K. G. Wood. s'hear'ing ram, W. M. 'Henry; ram Brown Leghorns-Cock, 0. Batt - lamb, ewe, s'hear'ing ewe, ewe lamb, ler; 'hen, O. Battler; ekl., K. G. W. M. Henry and Lend. Wood, 0, Battler; pullet, 0. Battler, Lincolns 'IC, G. Wood. Ram, A. D. Steeper I& Son '(Ailsa 'Other 'Variety Leghorns — Cock, Craig); shearling ram, ram lamb, John 'Kochems, K. G. Wood; hen, ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, A. D. rJohn.IKochems, .K. G. Wood; ekl., X. Steeper & Son and and. G. Wood, 'Jahn Kochems; 'pullet, K. Leicesters G. Wood, John 'Kochems. Ram, D. A. Graham ,(Parkhill), R. Black 'Minorcan—Cock, 0. Battler, Manson, shearling ram, D. A. Gra- K. G. Wood; hen, K. G. 'Wood, '0. ham; ram lamb, 0. A. Graham and Battler; ctrl., O. Battler, K. G. Wood: 2nd; ewe, D. A. Graham and 2nd; Pu'lle't, John Kochems, D. Battler. shearling ewe, D. A. Graham and White Minorcas--Ckl., 0. Battler lend; ewe lamb, 0. A. 'Graham, Gar- and 'Lend; pullet, 0, Battler, K. G. Sweepstakes, any class and breed, net Deters I(HensA1), Woodda. n Anlusia—Cock, 0. Battler; hen, 0. Battler, john Kochems; ekl., 0. Battler and end; pullet, O. Battler and tend. pioma, 'James •Scott; colt, L. Pass- more, Millan Monteith, Ed, Johns. Judge -W. S. Steadman, 1Petroiia, R. R. 3. 'Wagon Horses Brood mare, Benson Williams and end; foal, Benson Williams and end; ally or gelding, 13' -year-old, Wm. Decicer, Frank Scott .(Cromarty); fil- ly or gelding year-old, Benson Wil- liams, Arthur Webber ,(Dashwood), Chas, Fisher; filly or ,gelding, el-year- o'ld, 'M, E. Hooper 1& Son; wagon horse, W'ni. Decker and tend, George Thiel °Zurich); .wagon horses, Wm. Decker, 'George Thiel; 'Simpson spe- cial, James 'Scott; Steiner's special, Donald Case. Roadsters . Filly or gelding, 2 -year-old, 'Arthur Webber; 'filly or gelding, 'l -year-old, Wellington Hern; lady drivers, Ar- thur Webber. CATTLE Shorthorns Aged cow, \itrm. Oestricher '(Credi- ton), Zed and 3td; 2. -year-old heifer, Wtn. Oestricher; el -year-old 'heifer, Wm. Oestricher and 2nd; heifer 'calf, Wm, Oestricher and 3kd,Roy Pepper and Son (Seaforth); 'bull calf, Wm. D. A. 'Graham, Preston'Dearing, A. Oestricher and end; bu'bt, one year, •. D. Steeper ,& Son. • What could be more complete than a combina. tion offer that gives you a choke of your favourite magazines—Sends you your local newspaper— and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertainment throughout the whole year — Why not take advantage of this remarkable offer that means a real saving in money to you? This Offer Fully Guaranteed -- All Renewals Will Be Extended MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Please clip dd.esireP agal Zout couines pon carefullter y, publications Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the three magazines checked with a year's subscription to your newspaper. NAME STREET OR R$ TOWN AND PROVINCE SELECT ANY THREE OF THESE MAGAZINES ❑ Maclean's (24 Issues) 1 yr. ❑ Chatelaine 1 yr. ❑ National Home Monthly 1 yr. ❑ Canadian Magazine - 1 yr. ❑ Rod and Gun - - - 1 yr. 0 Pictorial Review combined With Delineator - • 1 yr. 0 American Boy - - - 6 mo. ❑ Can. Horticulture and Home Magazine - - 1 yr. 0 Parents' Magazine - 6 mo. ❑ Silver Screen - - - - 1 yr. Open Road for Boys -16 mo. ❑ American fruit Grower 1 yr, 'I'HE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAFORTH. ONTARIO, Graham I(Parlu'hi'll); ckl, pullet, 0. A. Graham. Belgian Rabbits—Young, 'Earl Par- sons; old, Earl Parsons. Any other variety rabbits, young, Earl Parsons, did, Earn 'Parsons. Collection of :pigeons, O'Brien Bros„ Henry 'Kestle. Pen—Franck Triebner. Boles special 'O Battler. (Judges, Len 'O'Brien, G. N. Evans. GRAIN AND SEEDS Fall wheat, white, W. R. Dougall ('Hensall), Hilton Truemner; 'f'al2' wheat, red, H. A. Fuss elZ'urich),. Milne Rader (Dashwood); spring wheat, (Kenneth G. Wood '(Thorn dale); M. Rader, Barley, six rowed, H. Truemner, gacob Battler; white oats, W. R. Dougall; timothy seed, /Fred McCes- mont (((Varna), Herb 'Desjardine; flax seed, Mrs. '0, Dailey (Forest); white bean's, H, 'Truemner, Mrs. Omer Cun- ningham l(Olatedelboye); 'clover esed, M. Rader, F. 'McCtymont. Ensilage. corn, Cecil Rowe, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe (K'irkton). 'Large peas, M. Rader, Melting barley, J. Battler, Coates '('Centralia). 'HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Apple iVinter apples, Mrs. O. Dailey )(Fo- rest); Wm. 1J. 'McKenzie 1(Kippen; Fall apples, Mrs. Dailey; any variety of 'fall apple, Mrs. Dailey. Rhode Island greenings, Mrs. O. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son'(Goderich) Northern Spies, Dailey, Laithwaite; Roxboro Russets, Wm. J. McKen- zie, Mrs. Dailey; 'Golden Russets, Mrs. Dailey, 'L'aithwaite; Spitzburgs, Laithwaite; Baldwins, ivers. Dailey, Laithwaite; 'Westfield Seek -no -fur ther, Mrs, Dailey; snow apples, Mrs, Dailey, Laithwaite; Gravensteins, Dailey, Laithwaite; 'Culverts, Laith- Waite, Fred McClymont (Verna); Fall pippins, Mrs, Dailey, 'Laithwaite; King of Tompkins, Mrs. Dailey, Wm, J. McKenzie; Alexanders, Laithwaite, Mrs. Dailey; Canadian Red, Mrs. Dailey; Ribstone Pippins, Leith w•.aite, Mrs. Dailey; Wagers, ,Laith- waite, Mrs. Dailey; Grimes G. Pip- pins, Mrs, Dailey; 'Maiden's Brush, Mrs. Dailey; Ben Davis, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite; Ontario, Dailey, :Leith - wallet Wealthy, Laithwaite, 'Dailey; Duchess of 'Oldenburg, Laithwaite, Mrs. Dailey; Blenheim pippins, ,Laith- waite, Wm. J. McKenzie; Cranbury, Mrs, Dailey; Tatman Sweet, Wm, J. McKenzie, Mrs. Dailey; St. Law- rence, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite. Pears Winter pears, Jacob Battler (Zur- ich), Mrs. Dailey; fall pears, Laith- waite & Son Mrs. Dailey; Flemish Beauty, •Laithwaite; Duchess of An- jou'line, Leith waite, Mrs. Dailey; Clapp's Favorite, Mrs. Dailey; Beur's C'laicgeau, Laithwaite; Vicar of Wakefield, Laithwaite, Mrs. Dailey; Fall Lucrative, Leith svelte. Mrs. Dailey; Sheldon, Laithwaite, 4Vni, J. McKenzie; East Beurre, Jacob Bat- tler, Lai tsoh eke ; Buteau Anjou, Laithwaite; Bartlett, Laithwaite, 1111 ton Truemner, Plums Golden Drop, Mrs, Dailey; 'Wash- ington, Mrs. Dailey; Imperial Gage, Mrs. Dailey; Dundas, 'Purple, Mrs• Dailey; Lombards, Laithwaite and 'lnd; any variety 'alums, H. 'Truem- ner; Pond's seedlin:g. Mrs. Dailey; Grand Dukes, Mr, Dailey; Glass seedling, Mrs. Dailey; Bradshaw, Stephen Powell, Laithwaite: Rein Claude, Mrs. Dailey. Grapes Moore's Early Mrs. Dailey, 'Laith- waite; Niagara, Dailey, Laithwaite; Concord, Dailey, Laitlrw•aite; Dela- ware, Mrs. Dailey, Stephen Powell; Rogers No. I15, Agawam. .Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite; Roger's No. 4, Wilder, Dailey. Laithwaite; Rogers No. 9, Lindley, Dailey: Rearre 'No, 22. Sal- em, Dailey; Roger's No. 45, Dailey; )Velden, Dailey, Laithwaite; any oth- er variety, Dailey. Laithwaite; col- lection, Laithwaite, Dailey. Laird special, Spies, Mrs. Dailey; Kings, Mrs. Dailey. Peaches -Early Crawford, Mrs. Dailey; late Crawford, Stephen Powe ell, Mrs. ,Dailey: any variety, Stephen Powell, Herb Desjardine, DOMESTIC Honey extracted, Mrs. Ewart Pym, 2irs. Outer 'Cunningham 1Clande- boye); honey in sections, Mrs. Cun- ningham; maple syrup, 'Jacob Battler, Milne Rader '(Dashwood). Bread, white, Mrs. eV. H. Dearing, Mrs. Cunningham; bread, brown, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe (ihirleton); rolls, firs. Dearing, Mrs- Demise.. rs.D supe: tea 'biscuits, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. Earl Parsons; tart;, abutter, Mrs. Garnet Deters .(H'nsall) Mrs, Arch, Davis; collection of tarts, Mrs. Cun- ningham, Mrs. Doupe; doughnuts, Garnet iJacdbe (Zurich) Mrs. Earl Parson's; angel cake, 1Irs. Parsons, Mrs. eV. H. Dearing; light cake, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. D'eupe dame take, Mese Cunningham Mr., Earl Par- sons; .light fruit take Mrs. Cunning- ham 'lark fruit cake. Mrs. 'Cunning - ram Mrs. D 5 Hackney (Brt den), Macaroons, 1. l.ar be Mrs. Lydia Pfile (Zurich); apple pre. Mrs Gar- ret Daters, Mr•, Earl Parsons: run(, kin pie Mrs. Dater., Mrs. Doupe; lemon pia, Mrs. Pete, Mrs. G. Deters; red currant, apple and berry jell' Mrs. Cunneeshani; Mrs. Hsrlt Desjardine. Sour pickles, Sir. C.•.nnineham. lamb Battler: sweet pickles 3lt•s. Cunningham. Mrs. Archie Davis, Catsup, Fred 114'cClyment, J. Be'e. tler; canned cherries, etc., Mrs. eV. H. Dearing, Mrs. Cui, iistly lir: canned 'rears, etr,. el re. Cunningham. 21rs, H. Desjardine; canned corn, ete.,, Mrs, II, Deejardiaic, Mrs. 'platers. Marmalade, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. Harry ,Ancones --Cock, E. G. Wood; hen, K. G. Woad, John (Kochems; ekl., K. G. Wood; pullet, IK, G. Wood. S. 'S. Hamburgs — All classes, 'O'Brien Bros..(Jurich) and 2nd. Black Hamburgs, all classes, O'- Brien Bros, and end. Polands, golden, all .olasses, K. G. Wood. Polands, silver, cock, K. G. Wood: B. B. Red Game—Cock and hen, O'Brien Bros..and 2nd; ckl, John Ko- chems .and lend; :pullet, J.•'Kochenis. Duckwing Game—Cock, O'Brien Bros.; ben, 'O'Brien Bros., Wm. Oes- tricher ('Crediton). Any other variety game, Cock, 'K. G. Wood and tend; hen, K. G, Wood; ckl, pullet, K. G. Wood and Prsd. Bantams, game, cock, O'Brien Bros: Henry .Kestle; hen, O'Brien Bros., H. Kestle; pullet, 'O'Brien. Golden Seabright, .all 'classes, D. A. Graham. Any other variety bantams, cock, D. A. Graham, hen, John 'Kochems, D. A. Grahame ekl, pullet, K. G. Wood,Henry ,Kestle. Houdans, hen, ckl, O'Brien Bros.; pullet, 'K. G. 'Wood. Red Camps, cock, Wm. Bowden, +(Cen'tralia); 'hen, .ckl, pullet, Wm. Bowden and 2nd. Sumatra 'game, cock, O'Brien Bros., 'K. G. Wood; !hen, K. G. Wood, O'Brien Bros, 'W'hite .Rocks, cock, hen K. G. Wood, D. A. Graham; ek1, 10. Settl- er, K. 0. Wood; pullet, K. G. 'Wood, 0. Battler. Black :Giants, cock, ben, D. A. Gra- ham, K. Wood; ckl, pullet, K. Wood, D, A. Graham.' Any other variety fowl, cock, K. G. Wood 'lien, John 'Kochems, K. G. Wood; ckl, pullet, Wood, Kochems. Best bird, any 'breed, K. Wood, Turkeys Bronze Turkeys, alt classes, K. Wood,'.A. H. Warner. Any other variety btirlceys, hen, K. Wend. Geese Bremen geese, cock, hen, Kennet', G. Wood. Toulouse gee c, cock, hen, K. '.Food, A. H. 'Varner, ekl, ptnllet, ''Ven. Bowden. Any other variety geese. ail ,classes. A. H. Warner. Ducks Pekin ducks, cook, hen, John Ko- chenis,. Jacob ' Battler (Zurich); -ekl, pullet, J. Battler, A. 'I3. Warner. Any other raricty ducks, !J, Battler' Guinea Fowl — Cock hen, Mrs, Garnet Datere (Flensall), D. A. D. Hi McInnes chiropractor Office —Commercial Hotel 'Electra Therapist — Massage. Hours --Mon. and 'Thurs. after- noons anw Iby appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation—Sun-ray treat - meat. Phone 227. FALL FAIR DATES Bayfield .... , . , . ..'Sept. Pd8, i29 Brampton Sept 29, 310, Oct. '1 Brussels ... , ... ....Sept. 29, 30 Collingwood Sept. 29, 30, 'Oct. 1 Fordw'Ich Sept, 30, Oct. 1' Ha'rriston. Sept. 29, 30 Ingersoll ...... Sept. 29, 30 Kirkton Sept. w9, 30 Lucknow Sept. 29, 30 Parkhill Sept. 30 Port Elgin .... ....... Sept. 29, 30 Strathroy Sept. 29, 30, Oct, 1 Arthur pct, 6, 7 Dungannon ...... Oct. 6, 7 Em'bro.....................Oct. 5 Norfolk County (Simcoe) , . Oct. 3-6 Owen Sound Ott. 11`-4 St. Marys Oct. 6, 7 Teeswater (Oct. 4, 5 Doupe; 'canned chicken, Mrs. Cunn- ingham, 13. Battler; lunch for two, Mrs. 'Pfile; bums, Mrs. Doupe, W. H. Dearing; cured meats, Mrs. Clayton Sims (Crediton), H. A. Fuss. Vegetable salad, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs, Pfile; 'dessert 'dish, 'G, Jacobe, Mrs. Pfile; cured ham, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Signs, Judge, Mrs. Wm. Oonsitt. DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter, H. 'A. Fuss, Fred 'McCly- mont; dairy 'butter, 'FT. A. Fuss; 10 tbs. butter, Mrs. 10.Cunningham. Butter, print or rolls, Mrs. Cunn- ingham, Fred Me0lyanont; plate of 'butter, J. Battler, Mrs. Desjardine. Judge, Chas, Salter. VEGETABLES American Wonder potatoes, Milne Rader; Carmen potatoes, Millie 'Ra- der; Red Elephant potatoes, Jacob Battler; Rural New Yorker 'potatoes, Milne Rader; Irish Cobbler potatoes, Jacob 'Battler; Green Mountain pate - toes, Rader, Battler; Dooley ,pota- toes, Rader, Battler; any other vari- ety potatoes, Battler, Rader; 'three varieties, Battler, Rader. Blood .beets, Wm. 'J. McKenzie; Robert Sanders; globe beets, Robert Sanders, Harry Coates ,(Centralia); sugar beets, Edward Westcott, Robt. Sanders; sugar beet niangolds, Ed- ward Westoott; long mango'ids, G. yawl& R. Sanders; globe mangolds, R, Sanders, Herb Desjardine; early horn carrots, Dr. Grieve, G. Yelland; ,Nantes, Jacob Battler; :ped carrots, Robert Sanders, 'Jaco'b Battler; field carrots, Milne Rader, H. Truemner. Sweet corn, Frank Triehner, Robt. Sanders; Indian corn, Mrs. Garnet Heywood, Jacob Battler; ,bantam corn, Robert Sanders. J. Battler. Water melons, W. H. Dearing, F. McOlyniont; ,puntpkns, Robert San- ders, Hilton Treunnter; sgaash, Jeree Bath., H. Truemner; anelone, H. Desjardine, H. Truemner. Swede turnips, H. Desjardine. Mrs. Wilfred Doupe •(Kirkton); turnips, any other variety, Edward 'Westcott. Red onions, 'Jacob Battler; white or yellow onions, Jacdb Battler, Earl. Parsons; Spanish onions, Dr. Grieve, Herb. Desgardine; celery. Dr. Grieve. Citron, round, Dr. Grieve: Robert Sanders; citron, lance Mrs. Lydia Pfile '(Zurich), Robert Sanders. Parsnips, R. Sanders. Dr. Grieve; Hubbard squash, Hilton Treniner, R. Sanders; table squash, Stephen Pow- ell, Garnet Jacobe. Raiff cabbage, Robert Sanders; win- ter cabbage, G. Yelland; collection of vegetables, Robert Sander,; shipping turnips, Ben Case, E. Westcott, Cecil Rowe; trimmed turnips, Ben Case. Specia, Milne Rader '(Dashwood). Judge, J. A. Stewart. DAYTIME DRESSES FOR FALL STRESS YOUTHFUL LINES ''New York. — New fall daytime dresses dramatize naterr al Feminine curves and are, For the most part, es- sentially youthful. Daytime skirts are quite 'short (14 to 116 inches from the 'floor, 'depending an the shape of your legs). The ma- jority are Ifiared, although straight, slim versions and 'those with spaced pleats are featured, too. Bodices are 'fitted to accentuate the bosom, make the waistline tiny and hips 'slim, High necklines take the sp.atlight. Shoul- ders are very definitely square, and bug sleeves are favored by most c menders, Fi never, so varied is the fall and winter dress picture that aio shopper, eeestevar her persena'1 likes and: dis- Sikes, possibly could have any diffi- culty ending en eccepted •style that is oecially flattering to tier, Black is as popular as ever, and your first tall street dress more than likely w6B be. black. Bit for the .sec - end one or for an afternoon 'rode, look at the color situation carefully -before choddsi,ng black again. Wine, plum, rust, lavender, 'purple, mustard,, . teal blue, sage green and elephant gray are net to be dismissed lightly; Duplicate 1. Monthly Statements • We can save you money on Bill and Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit Ledgers, white or 'colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index, The Seaforth New Phoma 84 Exeter Fall Fair HORSES Agricultural Brood mare, John Steeper '(Park hill), Charles Fishlr, 'Abort Ethering- ton '(Hensall); Foal, Fred .Et'lering- ton, Luther 1 ,owctiffe, John Steeper; Filly or Gelding, R. 1J. Scott (Crom- arty) and 2.nd., Rdbt. Hamilton !(Cro- marty); 'Filly or Gelding, 2 -year-old, Warren Brock ('Crediton), Robt. Ha- milton, Feed W. Steeper t('Parkhilt); Filly or Gelding, le -year-old, 'Robs, Hamilton, Edgar 'Monteith, Ben 'Case; 'Team, R. T Scott. Diploma, R. IJ, Scott. Heavy Draft Brood mare accompanied by foal, Warren Brock, 'C. E. Hackney '(Sci- ence 'H'ill),' Fred 'W, Steeper; foal, Fred W. 'Steeper, 'Percy Passmore; filly or gelding, 2 -year-old, R. J. Scott, M. E. Hopper and Son i(St. Marys), Robt. Hamilton; filly or gel- ding, 1 -year -did, Warren Brock, John Allison, Edgar Monteith; team, James Scott .(Cromarty) and 2nd; di - Wm, 'Oestricher and 2nd; 'bull, two H'O'GS years, Wm,O'estricher .and eind; dip- Yorkshire lama, C. E. Hackney '('Science Ilild). Boar, two years, William 'Ball & Herefords !Son i(Weston); boar, one year, Aef- Aged cow, W. S. O'Neil (Den- red H. Warner .(Bayfieed), Wm. fields 2 -year-old heifer, W S. O'- Bali; boar, under one year, Wm. Bali, Neil; Ill -year-old 'heifer, W. S O'Neil Wilmot Doering '(Stratford); sow, and 2nd; heifer'ealf, W. S, O'Neil and two years, A. H, Warner, Wm. Ball; 2nd; Mali calf, W. S /O'Neil and Had; saw, one year, Wm. Ball,' A. H. huh, I year, W. S. IOeNeil; bull, 2 Warner; ,sow, 'u'nder one year, Wm. ye'a's, W. S. O'Neil; diploma, W. a. Bete A. H. Warner. ' O'Neil, Tamworth Polled Angus Boar, 'two years, IR, •Manson; 'boar, Aged cow, 'Al'bert Etherimgton one year, Ernest if. Pym; 'boar, one ,(Hensall); 2 -year-old iheifer, Albert year E. IJ, Pym, R. Manson; sow' two Etheringbon; 1 -year-old heifer, Albert years, R. 'Manson,. E. (J. 'Pym; sow, Etherington; ,heifer calf, Albert Eth- one year, R. Manson ,aiad o2td; sow, eringbon; 'bull calf Albert Ethering- under one year, E. J. Pym. ton; Ibul'I, one year, W. S. A'INeil, Bacon Type Wm. Oestricher, A. IEbherington; get Bacon type pigs,,any breed, Wm. of sire, W. S. 10'.N'eil, Wm. Oes'trach- Bali; saw, any breed, Wm. Ball; pair er, Roy Pepper and Son. of ,chauuks, under i1 ( lb's„ Pym, Jersey ,Aubert Tragaair special, pair bacon Heifer calf, Ed. Lindenfielel; ,bust' hogs, A. H. Warner. calf, (Newton 'C1larke '(Woodham), T. Eaton special, pair rb•acon 'hoes, We'lling'ton Hern, A. H. Warners Exeter Creamery, (best dairy oow, POULTRY Newton Clarke, °twat 'McLaren. Light Bralhamae-- Code, 'O'Brien Baby 'beef, open, W. S. O'Neil, An- Bros. '(Zurich), ;Kenneth G Wood drew Park ((Nutshell) and 4th, Roy (Thorndale) 'hen, O'Brien Bros. and Pepper and Son, 2nd; eke O'Brien 'Bros., K. G. Wood; Osborne baby :beef, Harold Hern pullet, O'Brien Bros. and 'end. '('Gra'n'tan), Newton Ctaeke and ,3'rd. Cochins—All classes, K. Wood. Traquair Special, W. S. O'Neil. Silver Grey Dorkings-Cock, John Lindendeld Special, Wm. Oestrich- Kochems, Orland Battier I(Zurieh); er, Roy Pepper and Son. hen, (Orland Battler, John ,Kochems; Grades eke, 3. Kochems, 10. • Battler; pullet, Aged cow, Orval McLaren and 2Ind; 0. Battler, J. 'Kochems. 12 -year-old heifer, Roy Pepper and Buff 'Oreingtons—Hen, J. Koch - Son; ,l -year-old 'hailer, Roy Pepper ems; .ckl. K, 'G, Wood; ;pullet, K. G. and end; Le -year-old steer, Roy Pepper Wood. and Son, 'Orval McLaren; 1 -year-old Barred Plymouth Rocks—Cock, K steer, W. S. 'O'Neil, Roy Pepper and G. Woad; lien, 'K. G. Wood, Fred Son and 3'rd. McClymont (Varna); ckl., ;K. G. 'J'udge—(James H. 'Robinson, St, 'Wood, Fred McClymont; pullet, K. Marys, R, R. le 'G. Wood,. Fred McClyrnont. Cream Grading Contest Plymouth Rooks Gkl•, K. G. Young Men, Donald McMillan, Wood; pullet, K. G. Wood. Stratford; Mil'ton Wolper, Dash- White Wyand ttes—+Cock, D. A. wood; Ross Skinner, Centralia, IR.Ri1 Graham (Parkhill), 10, Battler; hen, 'Young Women, Gladys Johns, Ex- 0. Battler, K. G. Wood; eke,' 0. Bat- iter, R.R. 3; Mrs. Ross 'Chapman, tier, D. A. 'Graham; ;pullet, 0. Bat- Kippen; Marion Miners, Exeter, RR, tier, D. A. Graham. 3. ,Judge—James A. Hill. Other Variety 'Wyandottes=Cock. SHEEP D A, Graham, K. G. Wood; hen, D. A. Graham; c1-1„ 'K. G. Wood, D. A. judges of Sheep and Hogs—Hum- Graham; pullet, 'K. 'G. Wood, D. A. 'phey Snell, Clinton and 'G. W. Min- Graham. ers, Exeter. Rhode Island Reds—'Hen, 'John Ko - Dorset Horned cherns and 2nd; 'eke, (John Kochems, Ram, Preston 'Dearing; shearling .K. G. Wood; pullet, K. G. Wood. ram, ram lamb, ewe, shearling ewe, Buff Leghorns—Cock, John Koch - ewe lamb, Preston Dearing and 2nd. encs, IK. G. Wood; hen, 'John Koch - Oxford Downs ems, K. G. Wood; ckl., K. G. Wood; Ram, W. M. Henry '(Belgrave); pullet, K. G. Wood. s'hear'ing ram, W. M. 'Henry; ram Brown Leghorns-Cock, 0. Batt - lamb, ewe, s'hear'ing ewe, ewe lamb, ler; 'hen, O. Battler; ekl., K. G. W. M. Henry and Lend. Wood, 0, Battler; pullet, 0. Battler, Lincolns 'IC, G. Wood. Ram, A. D. Steeper I& Son '(Ailsa 'Other 'Variety Leghorns — Cock, Craig); shearling ram, ram lamb, John 'Kochems, K. G. Wood; hen, ewe, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, A. D. rJohn.IKochems, .K. G. Wood; ekl., X. Steeper & Son and and. G. Wood, 'Jahn Kochems; 'pullet, K. Leicesters G. Wood, John 'Kochems. Ram, D. A. Graham ,(Parkhill), R. Black 'Minorcan—Cock, 0. Battler, Manson, shearling ram, D. A. Gra- K. G. Wood; hen, K. G. 'Wood, '0. ham; ram lamb, 0. A. Graham and Battler; ctrl., O. Battler, K. G. Wood: 2nd; ewe, D. A. Graham and 2nd; Pu'lle't, John Kochems, D. Battler. shearling ewe, D. A. Graham and White Minorcas--Ckl., 0. Battler lend; ewe lamb, 0. A. 'Graham, Gar- and 'Lend; pullet, 0, Battler, K. G. Sweepstakes, any class and breed, net Deters I(HensA1), Woodda. n Anlusia—Cock, 0. Battler; hen, 0. Battler, john Kochems; ekl., 0. Battler and end; pullet, O. Battler and tend. pioma, 'James •Scott; colt, L. Pass- more, Millan Monteith, Ed, Johns. Judge -W. S. Steadman, 1Petroiia, R. R. 3. 'Wagon Horses Brood mare, Benson Williams and end; foal, Benson Williams and end; ally or gelding, 13' -year-old, Wm. Decicer, Frank Scott .(Cromarty); fil- ly or gelding year-old, Benson Wil- liams, Arthur Webber ,(Dashwood), Chas, Fisher; filly or ,gelding, el-year- o'ld, 'M, E. Hooper 1& Son; wagon horse, W'ni. Decker and tend, George Thiel °Zurich); .wagon horses, Wm. Decker, 'George Thiel; 'Simpson spe- cial, James 'Scott; Steiner's special, Donald Case. Roadsters . Filly or gelding, 2 -year-old, 'Arthur Webber; 'filly or gelding, 'l -year-old, Wellington Hern; lady drivers, Ar- thur Webber. CATTLE Shorthorns Aged cow, \itrm. Oestricher '(Credi- ton), Zed and 3td; 2. -year-old heifer, Wtn. Oestricher; el -year-old 'heifer, Wm. Oestricher and 2nd; heifer 'calf, Wm, Oestricher and 3kd,Roy Pepper and Son (Seaforth); 'bull calf, Wm. D. A. 'Graham, Preston'Dearing, A. Oestricher and end; bu'bt, one year, •. D. Steeper ,& Son. • What could be more complete than a combina. tion offer that gives you a choke of your favourite magazines—Sends you your local newspaper— and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertainment throughout the whole year — Why not take advantage of this remarkable offer that means a real saving in money to you? This Offer Fully Guaranteed -- All Renewals Will Be Extended MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Please clip dd.esireP agal Zout couines pon carefullter y, publications Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the three magazines checked with a year's subscription to your newspaper. NAME STREET OR R$ TOWN AND PROVINCE SELECT ANY THREE OF THESE MAGAZINES ❑ Maclean's (24 Issues) 1 yr. ❑ Chatelaine 1 yr. ❑ National Home Monthly 1 yr. ❑ Canadian Magazine - 1 yr. ❑ Rod and Gun - - - 1 yr. 0 Pictorial Review combined With Delineator - • 1 yr. 0 American Boy - - - 6 mo. ❑ Can. Horticulture and Home Magazine - - 1 yr. 0 Parents' Magazine - 6 mo. ❑ Silver Screen - - - - 1 yr. Open Road for Boys -16 mo. ❑ American fruit Grower 1 yr, 'I'HE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAFORTH. ONTARIO, Graham I(Parlu'hi'll); ckl, pullet, 0. A. Graham. Belgian Rabbits—Young, 'Earl Par- sons; old, Earl Parsons. Any other variety rabbits, young, Earl Parsons, did, Earn 'Parsons. Collection of :pigeons, O'Brien Bros„ Henry 'Kestle. Pen—Franck Triebner. Boles special 'O Battler. (Judges, Len 'O'Brien, G. N. Evans. GRAIN AND SEEDS Fall wheat, white, W. R. Dougall ('Hensall), Hilton Truemner; 'f'al2' wheat, red, H. A. Fuss elZ'urich),. Milne Rader (Dashwood); spring wheat, (Kenneth G. Wood '(Thorn dale); M. Rader, Barley, six rowed, H. Truemner, gacob Battler; white oats, W. R. Dougall; timothy seed, /Fred McCes- mont (((Varna), Herb 'Desjardine; flax seed, Mrs. '0, Dailey (Forest); white bean's, H, 'Truemner, Mrs. Omer Cun- ningham l(Olatedelboye); 'clover esed, M. Rader, F. 'McCtymont. Ensilage. corn, Cecil Rowe, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe (K'irkton). 'Large peas, M. Rader, Melting barley, J. Battler, Coates '('Centralia). 'HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Apple iVinter apples, Mrs. O. Dailey )(Fo- rest); Wm. 1J. 'McKenzie 1(Kippen; Fall apples, Mrs. Dailey; any variety of 'fall apple, Mrs. Dailey. Rhode Island greenings, Mrs. O. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son'(Goderich) Northern Spies, Dailey, Laithwaite; Roxboro Russets, Wm. J. McKen- zie, Mrs. Dailey; 'Golden Russets, Mrs. Dailey, 'L'aithwaite; Spitzburgs, Laithwaite; Baldwins, ivers. Dailey, Laithwaite; 'Westfield Seek -no -fur ther, Mrs, Dailey; snow apples, Mrs, Dailey, Laithwaite; Gravensteins, Dailey, Laithwaite; 'Culverts, Laith- Waite, Fred McClymont (Verna); Fall pippins, Mrs, Dailey, 'Laithwaite; King of Tompkins, Mrs. Dailey, Wm, J. McKenzie; Alexanders, Laithwaite, Mrs. Dailey; Canadian Red, Mrs. Dailey; Ribstone Pippins, Leith w•.aite, Mrs. Dailey; Wagers, ,Laith- waite, Mrs. Dailey; Grimes G. Pip- pins, Mrs, Dailey; 'Maiden's Brush, Mrs. Dailey; Ben Davis, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite; Ontario, Dailey, :Leith - wallet Wealthy, Laithwaite, 'Dailey; Duchess of 'Oldenburg, Laithwaite, Mrs. Dailey; Blenheim pippins, ,Laith- waite, Wm. J. McKenzie; Cranbury, Mrs, Dailey; Tatman Sweet, Wm, J. McKenzie, Mrs. Dailey; St. Law- rence, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite. Pears Winter pears, Jacob Battler (Zur- ich), Mrs. Dailey; fall pears, Laith- waite & Son Mrs. Dailey; Flemish Beauty, •Laithwaite; Duchess of An- jou'line, Leith waite, Mrs. Dailey; Clapp's Favorite, Mrs. Dailey; Beur's C'laicgeau, Laithwaite; Vicar of Wakefield, Laithwaite, Mrs. Dailey; Fall Lucrative, Leith svelte. Mrs. Dailey; Sheldon, Laithwaite, 4Vni, J. McKenzie; East Beurre, Jacob Bat- tler, Lai tsoh eke ; Buteau Anjou, Laithwaite; Bartlett, Laithwaite, 1111 ton Truemner, Plums Golden Drop, Mrs, Dailey; 'Wash- ington, Mrs. Dailey; Imperial Gage, Mrs. Dailey; Dundas, 'Purple, Mrs• Dailey; Lombards, Laithwaite and 'lnd; any variety 'alums, H. 'Truem- ner; Pond's seedlin:g. Mrs. Dailey; Grand Dukes, Mr, Dailey; Glass seedling, Mrs. Dailey; Bradshaw, Stephen Powell, Laithwaite: Rein Claude, Mrs. Dailey. Grapes Moore's Early Mrs. Dailey, 'Laith- waite; Niagara, Dailey, Laithwaite; Concord, Dailey, Laitlrw•aite; Dela- ware, Mrs. Dailey, Stephen Powell; Rogers No. I15, Agawam. .Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite; Roger's No. 4, Wilder, Dailey. Laithwaite; Rogers No. 9, Lindley, Dailey: Rearre 'No, 22. Sal- em, Dailey; Roger's No. 45, Dailey; )Velden, Dailey, Laithwaite; any oth- er variety, Dailey. Laithwaite; col- lection, Laithwaite, Dailey. Laird special, Spies, Mrs. Dailey; Kings, Mrs. Dailey. Peaches -Early Crawford, Mrs. Dailey; late Crawford, Stephen Powe ell, Mrs. ,Dailey: any variety, Stephen Powell, Herb Desjardine, DOMESTIC Honey extracted, Mrs. Ewart Pym, 2irs. Outer 'Cunningham 1Clande- boye); honey in sections, Mrs. Cun- ningham; maple syrup, 'Jacob Battler, Milne Rader '(Dashwood). Bread, white, Mrs. eV. H. Dearing, Mrs. Cunningham; bread, brown, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe (ihirleton); rolls, firs. Dearing, Mrs- Demise.. rs.D supe: tea 'biscuits, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. Earl Parsons; tart;, abutter, Mrs. Garnet Deters .(H'nsall) Mrs, Arch, Davis; collection of tarts, Mrs. Cun- ningham, Mrs. Doupe; doughnuts, Garnet iJacdbe (Zurich) Mrs. Earl Parson's; angel cake, 1Irs. Parsons, Mrs. eV. H. Dearing; light cake, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. D'eupe dame take, Mese Cunningham Mr., Earl Par- sons; .light fruit take Mrs. Cunning- ham 'lark fruit cake. Mrs. 'Cunning - ram Mrs. D 5 Hackney (Brt den), Macaroons, 1. l.ar be Mrs. Lydia Pfile (Zurich); apple pre. Mrs Gar- ret Daters, Mr•, Earl Parsons: run(, kin pie Mrs. Dater., Mrs. Doupe; lemon pia, Mrs. Pete, Mrs. G. Deters; red currant, apple and berry jell' Mrs. Cunneeshani; Mrs. Hsrlt Desjardine. Sour pickles, Sir. C.•.nnineham. lamb Battler: sweet pickles 3lt•s. Cunningham. Mrs. Archie Davis, Catsup, Fred 114'cClyment, J. Be'e. tler; canned cherries, etc., Mrs. eV. H. Dearing, Mrs. Cui, iistly lir: canned 'rears, etr,. el re. Cunningham. 21rs, H. Desjardine; canned corn, ete.,, Mrs, II, Deejardiaic, Mrs. 'platers. Marmalade, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. Harry ,Ancones --Cock, E. G. Wood; hen, K. G. Woad, John (Kochems; ekl., K. G. Wood; pullet, IK, G. Wood. S. 'S. Hamburgs — All classes, 'O'Brien Bros..(Jurich) and 2nd. Black Hamburgs, all classes, O'- Brien Bros, and end. Polands, golden, all .olasses, K. G. Wood. Polands, silver, cock, K. G. Wood: B. B. Red Game—Cock and hen, O'Brien Bros..and 2nd; ckl, John Ko- chems .and lend; :pullet, J.•'Kochenis. Duckwing Game—Cock, O'Brien Bros.; ben, 'O'Brien Bros., Wm. Oes- tricher ('Crediton). Any other variety game, Cock, 'K. G. Wood and tend; hen, K. G, Wood; ckl, pullet, K. G. Wood and Prsd. Bantams, game, cock, O'Brien Bros: Henry .Kestle; hen, O'Brien Bros., H. Kestle; pullet, 'O'Brien. Golden Seabright, .all 'classes, D. A. Graham. Any other variety bantams, cock, D. A. Graham, hen, John 'Kochems, D. A. Grahame ekl, pullet, K. G. Wood,Henry ,Kestle. Houdans, hen, ckl, O'Brien Bros.; pullet, 'K. G. 'Wood. Red Camps, cock, Wm. Bowden, +(Cen'tralia); 'hen, .ckl, pullet, Wm. Bowden and 2nd. Sumatra 'game, cock, O'Brien Bros., 'K. G. Wood; !hen, K. G. Wood, O'Brien Bros, 'W'hite .Rocks, cock, hen K. G. Wood, D. A. Graham; ek1, 10. Settl- er, K. 0. Wood; pullet, K. G. 'Wood, 0. Battler. Black :Giants, cock, ben, D. A. Gra- ham, K. Wood; ckl, pullet, K. Wood, D, A. Graham.' Any other variety fowl, cock, K. G. Wood 'lien, John 'Kochems, K. G. Wood; ckl, pullet, Wood, Kochems. Best bird, any 'breed, K. Wood, Turkeys Bronze Turkeys, alt classes, K. Wood,'.A. H. Warner. Any other variety btirlceys, hen, K. Wend. Geese Bremen geese, cock, hen, Kennet', G. Wood. Toulouse gee c, cock, hen, K. '.Food, A. H. 'Varner, ekl, ptnllet, ''Ven. Bowden. Any other variety geese. ail ,classes. A. H. Warner. Ducks Pekin ducks, cook, hen, John Ko- chenis,. Jacob ' Battler (Zurich); -ekl, pullet, J. Battler, A. 'I3. Warner. Any other raricty ducks, !J, Battler' Guinea Fowl — Cock hen, Mrs, Garnet Datere (Flensall), D. A. D. Hi McInnes chiropractor Office —Commercial Hotel 'Electra Therapist — Massage. Hours --Mon. and 'Thurs. after- noons anw Iby appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation—Sun-ray treat - meat. Phone 227. FALL FAIR DATES Bayfield .... , . , . ..'Sept. Pd8, i29 Brampton Sept 29, 310, Oct. '1 Brussels ... , ... ....Sept. 29, 30 Collingwood Sept. 29, 30, 'Oct. 1 Fordw'Ich Sept, 30, Oct. 1' Ha'rriston. Sept. 29, 30 Ingersoll ...... Sept. 29, 30 Kirkton Sept. w9, 30 Lucknow Sept. 29, 30 Parkhill Sept. 30 Port Elgin .... ....... Sept. 29, 30 Strathroy Sept. 29, 30, Oct, 1 Arthur pct, 6, 7 Dungannon ...... Oct. 6, 7 Em'bro.....................Oct. 5 Norfolk County (Simcoe) , . Oct. 3-6 Owen Sound Ott. 11`-4 St. Marys Oct. 6, 7 Teeswater (Oct. 4, 5 Doupe; 'canned chicken, Mrs. Cunn- ingham, 13. Battler; lunch for two, Mrs. 'Pfile; bums, Mrs. Doupe, W. H. Dearing; cured meats, Mrs. Clayton Sims (Crediton), H. A. Fuss. Vegetable salad, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs, Pfile; 'dessert 'dish, 'G, Jacobe, Mrs. Pfile; cured ham, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Signs, Judge, Mrs. Wm. Oonsitt. DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter, H. 'A. Fuss, Fred 'McCly- mont; dairy 'butter, 'FT. A. Fuss; 10 tbs. butter, Mrs. 10.Cunningham. Butter, print or rolls, Mrs. Cunn- ingham, Fred Me0lyanont; plate of 'butter, J. Battler, Mrs. Desjardine. Judge, Chas, Salter. VEGETABLES American Wonder potatoes, Milne Rader; Carmen potatoes, Millie 'Ra- der; Red Elephant potatoes, Jacob Battler; Rural New Yorker 'potatoes, Milne Rader; Irish Cobbler potatoes, Jacob 'Battler; Green Mountain pate - toes, Rader, Battler; Dooley ,pota- toes, Rader, Battler; any other vari- ety potatoes, Battler, Rader; 'three varieties, Battler, Rader. Blood .beets, Wm. 'J. McKenzie; Robert Sanders; globe beets, Robert Sanders, Harry Coates ,(Centralia); sugar beets, Edward Westcott, Robt. Sanders; sugar beet niangolds, Ed- ward Westoott; long mango'ids, G. yawl& R. Sanders; globe mangolds, R, Sanders, Herb Desjardine; early horn carrots, Dr. Grieve, G. Yelland; ,Nantes, Jacob Battler; :ped carrots, Robert Sanders, 'Jaco'b Battler; field carrots, Milne Rader, H. Truemner. Sweet corn, Frank Triehner, Robt. Sanders; Indian corn, Mrs. Garnet Heywood, Jacob Battler; ,bantam corn, Robert Sanders. J. Battler. Water melons, W. H. Dearing, F. McOlyniont; ,puntpkns, Robert San- ders, Hilton Treunnter; sgaash, Jeree Bath., H. Truemner; anelone, H. Desjardine, H. Truemner. Swede turnips, H. Desjardine. Mrs. Wilfred Doupe •(Kirkton); turnips, any other variety, Edward 'Westcott. Red onions, 'Jacob Battler; white or yellow onions, Jacdb Battler, Earl. Parsons; Spanish onions, Dr. Grieve, Herb. Desgardine; celery. Dr. Grieve. Citron, round, Dr. Grieve: Robert Sanders; citron, lance Mrs. Lydia Pfile '(Zurich), Robert Sanders. Parsnips, R. Sanders. Dr. Grieve; Hubbard squash, Hilton Treniner, R. Sanders; table squash, Stephen Pow- ell, Garnet Jacobe. Raiff cabbage, Robert Sanders; win- ter cabbage, G. Yelland; collection of vegetables, Robert Sander,; shipping turnips, Ben Case, E. Westcott, Cecil Rowe; trimmed turnips, Ben Case. Specia, Milne Rader '(Dashwood). Judge, J. A. Stewart. DAYTIME DRESSES FOR FALL STRESS YOUTHFUL LINES ''New York. — New fall daytime dresses dramatize naterr al Feminine curves and are, For the most part, es- sentially youthful. Daytime skirts are quite 'short (14 to 116 inches from the 'floor, 'depending an the shape of your legs). The ma- jority are Ifiared, although straight, slim versions and 'those with spaced pleats are featured, too. Bodices are 'fitted to accentuate the bosom, make the waistline tiny and hips 'slim, High necklines take the sp.atlight. Shoul- ders are very definitely square, and bug sleeves are favored by most c menders, Fi never, so varied is the fall and winter dress picture that aio shopper, eeestevar her persena'1 likes and: dis- Sikes, possibly could have any diffi- culty ending en eccepted •style that is oecially flattering to tier, Black is as popular as ever, and your first tall street dress more than likely w6B be. black. Bit for the .sec - end one or for an afternoon 'rode, look at the color situation carefully -before choddsi,ng black again. Wine, plum, rust, lavender, 'purple, mustard,, . teal blue, sage green and elephant gray are net to be dismissed lightly;