HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-29, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Puetishers' THE SEAFORTH NEWS ourrnoneemomm,rararre.," .mon Hibbert School Fair Public Speaking Recitations, Margaret Norris, Cath - Poultry ertne McIver, Mary Vipond, Jack WALTON Whicv Leghorn. eo.kerei, el tr. aret Monis. Bernadette Barry. 1 Miss Clara Crawford of St. Cather- Vipond, S.S.No. ?; Miry Vipond, Angela Speaking, 'Jack O'Reilly, !,. it es visited Mr. and Mrs. David Hugh \\ eetlake, S.S. No, t, Menne y, Rose Meller Toni \\'esclake. Morris. Judge, .Inspector Edwards. Crawford, \ir and \'irs. Jolie Craw- White Leghorn pullet, Margaret Calf Race, Martin Feeney, Merger - ford, Sea$octh, Mr, and Mrs. George Vipond Mata `Vipond, jimmy West- et Templeman. • Pryce, McKillop, and her aunt, Mrs. lake, Hugh •Westlake, Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel, Hugh Fulton, Walton. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Fulton of Jack Butson, S.S. No, F. Ina Butson: Freddie Coiquhot e S.S. No. 2, Ferg- Sha'kes.peare visited Mrs, Hugh Ful- us McKellar, S.S. d. ton recently. Barred Rock pullet, jack Butson, Earl Boy, Alvin Farquharson and Fred Colquhoun, Ina Butson, Fergus Have returned home' -McKellar. James MurrayBlack Minorca cockerel, and pullet, after working in thetobacco :fields for Jeanette MdKellar, jack O'Reilly. some time. Pair table fowl, Wilma '.James, Bob - Miss Edith Ennis and Mrs, Dress- by Norman, Ina Butson. eell of Toronto spent a day last Pair goslings, Tom \[orris, Angela •week with their parents. Mr. and Morris, Ina Butson, Douglas Miller; Mrs, Fred Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. pair ducklings, Doris Fawcett Marg - Ennis accompanied them to Strat- aret Templeman, 'Doris 'Tuffin. ' ford and spent a day at Stratford fair. Livestock Mrs. Robert Livingston has .re- Heary colt, Ina Batson, Frank 0' - turned home ;from Toronto after Connor; dairy calf, Margaret Temple - spending a few weeks with her dau- man: beef calf, Margaret Templeman. ghter. Mr. Neable accompanied her Pair of pigs under 3 months, Alex. home. _Miller, Evelyn Tuffin, Don 'Elliott, Mrs. Margaret Dougherty and -Margaret Templeman; bacon hog, Russell of Blyth visited Mrs. Hugh under 7 months, Freak Miller, Marg - Fulton one afternoon last week. aret Templeman, John Templeman: Mr. Cosby Ennis iron. aver Gran- market lamb Margaret Templeman, lou spent Sunday with his parents. Doreen McLellan, Ross McLellan, The supper meeting which was an- nounced,Best has to be cancelled. Dr. En- Mildred Elliott, Donald Elliott, Bo'b- elicott finds the strain of carrying on by Sadler, Angela O'Reilly. the "Crusade" too great for his Grain strength, so some engagements have Oats, Ina Butson, Margaret Vie- to be cancelled. \Ve are sorry for this. ond. Claire Deichert, 'Clarence 'Taylor Mrs. R. Livingston, who has been soy- beans, Margaret Vipond Mary visiting her daughter. Mrs. C. Neable Vip wd, Lois Fell, Shirley Miller; fall of Toronto is spending a fewdays cheat, Lois Fell, Danny Burns, Fell ris at her home in the village. Smale, jack Morris; barley, , Mr. C. •Ennis of Granton spent Peggy Luxton, Tont Morris, Ina But - Sunday with his parents. Mr. and eon; oats, Ina Be ty n, Lois s; Fort Rofse se Mrs, F. Ennis. Miss Beth Shannon spent the week ensilage, Peggy Luxton, Lorne Fell, end with her uncle, )Jr, J. E. Daley. Ina Butson, Donald Scott, Mrs. Mooney, Mrs. G. McTaggart, Roots and Vegetables Fletcher Grimoldby of Berridge. Mi- Manges, Gordon Laing, Dorothy nnesota, and John Grimoldby and Norris, Lila Norris, Ethel Mahaffy; daughter, Mrs. Reid of Stratford call- turnips, Donald Scott, .Audry Harris, ed on friends at the village 'last week. Ina Butson, Doris Smale; collection It is 3S years since the Grimoldby fa- 01 carrote, Hugh \Westlake, Doris roily moved to Minnesota and they Kleinfeldt, Margaret Scott, Doris found many changes in the village. Snnale; onions, Doris Kleinfeldt, Mary Mr, and Mrs. jas. Alderson and Vipond, Margaret Vipond, Lois Fell; Tack of North Bay are visiting the beets, Margaret Miller, Mary Vipond, former's grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Mac \McKellar, Reggie Elliott; table Jas. Bishop. turnip:, Ina Butson, Dalton Miller, Lot. Fell. Lorne Fell, WINTHROP Parsnips, Margaret Scott; tomatoes nicht, September 22, Ina Batson, Lois Fell, Doreen Mc - On Thursday d • PLe:lan, Jean McCulloch; cucumbers, a presentation was 'held in Winthrop Donna Norris, Dorothy Norris, Lila hall in honour of Miss Alberta Rich- Norris. Shirley Miller; sweet corn, mond, former teacher of S.S. No. 6, Tack Butson. Gordon Lain", BobbieMcKillop. A fear hours were spent in Norris, Ina Butson; pumpkin, Ina Butson, Wilma Jean James, Donald dancing, followed 'by. lunch. A short Kuntze, Maxine Norman, programme was then given. Mr. Per- Cabbage, Doris Fawcett, Doreen cy Little acted as chairman. After the McLellan, Ross McLellan, Mildred chairman's remarks, Mr. Russell Bol- Elliott; citron, Jack Butson, Lila No- rris.ton read the following address: Dori: Tuffin, Dalton Di squash, Margaret Deichert, Donaldr; "Dear Miss Richmond,—We. the Scott, Bobby Norman, Maxine Nor - ratepayers and pupils of S.S. No. 6, roan: watermelon, Doris Kleinfeldt, have assembled here tonight to wish Bobbie Norman, Maxine Norman. con success in your new school, Na Lois Fell' Green elomntain. Peggy' Lupton, Margaret Miller, Alex. Mil - doubt it was quite a surprise and al- ler. Gordon Miller; Dooleys. Joe most,a shock when we heard you in- Burns. Doris Smale, Danny Burns. tended to leave us, as we were sure of Ina Butson. having you with us for another year, Fruit Spies. Ethel Mahaffy, Ina Butson, but as you see, we have all fully re- Maxine Norman. Doris Kleinfeldt; covered, It grieves us to hid you adieu russets, Maxine Norman, Doris 'but we are all pleased to know that Smale, Mildred Elliott. Ethel Mahaf- fy; have obtained a better school. to snows, Ina Butson, Ethel Mahai- fy, Jimmy \Vestlake, Mildred Elliott; "We have been fortunate in having you Alexanders, .Audrey Harris; Tatman yr with us for three years. During these Sweets, Ethel Mahaffy; fall pears, years our school has made improve- Ethel Mahatfy, Reggie Stagg, Gordon nests through your etiorts. The pup -Houghton; collection of apples. Ethel lis advanced well in their classes and \fahaffy, Myrtle Taylor. Manual Training under your patient training you have. Door stop, Fergus McKellar, Ross .developed wonderful talent among. McLellan. John Fawcett; bread board our young people on the stage. For Lai. Fell, Gordon Houghton, Jack Butson, Doreen McLellan; model of years to come the school will ring ladder, Frank Miller, Mac \McKellar, with the notes of the piano, which Frank O'Connor, Jack Morris. you made possible for us to have and Writing the children will long remember your Grade I, George Gray, Hughie Westlake, Blanche McLaren, Doreen pleasant smile and kind manner, We Morgan, 'Jeanette 'McKellar; Grade 2. wish to thank you for the interest you Helen Rice, Dorothy Norris, Laura have taken in our school and as a to- Tuffin, Ada McLellan, Margaret Dei - ken of our good will and appreciation chert: Grade 3, Margaret Norris, Leo- na ask you to accept this cedar chest, na \Vestlake, Phyllis McLaren, Doris Fawcett, Donald Scott; Grade 5, Do - not for its intrinsic value but rather as reen McLellan, Jack Butson, Evelyn a souvenir of the Ratepayers and Pullman, Jean McCulloch, Rose :Children of S.S. No. 6." Burns: Grade 6, Margaret Vipond. We wish you health, Audrey Harris, Lila Norrie. Joseph Burns, Margaret Templeman; Grade We wish you wealth, 7, Teresa Ryan, Hazel aluxworthy, 1\e'wish you golden store. \Vinnie Gray, Mac McKellar, Gordon We wish you ,heaven after death, Parsons; Grade 8, Anna McKay, Ma - What could we wish you more. Tian Riehl, Doris Smale, Evelyn Tuf- fin, Ina Butson. Then two little girls. Leotta Hoegy Art and Isabel Purcell presented Miss Grade il, Shirley Miller. Don Elliott Richmond with a cedar chest and Marion Elliott; Grade 2, Freddie Col sang a duet, "We love you, Alberta," tl'tihvun, Helen Rice, Laura Tuffin, Mies Richmond made a suitable reply, Roy McKellar, Daniel Burns; Grade 3 and 4, Margaret Norris, Jean Mc - A half hour of very enjoyable enter- Kellar, Reggie Elliott. Clare Deichert. tainment was then given by Mr. Reg, Bobby Norman; Grade 'S and 6. And - McMichael after which the rest oe rey Harris, Mildred Elliott, Margaret the evening was spent in dancing. -Templeman, Evelyn Pullman, Robert Sadler; Grade 7 and 8, Arthur Bar - Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane and fami- bout. Marion Riehl, Evelyn Tuffin. ly are spending a couple of weeks \Vinnie Gray. Gordon Parsons. with friends in Lanark County. Social Studies Anniversary of Cavan Church, tirade II1. Mary Vipond, Doris Tuffin; grade V, Jack Winthrop, next Sunday, `Oct. 2nd' at l'1 a.m. and '7:30 p. m; Morningorning ser- 1 RBurns, Audrey Harris,Eutsan, Rose Geraldine vice, Rev. R. W. Craw, B,A., pastor; yan: grade VII, Arthur Barbour, Mar - evening service, Rev. W. B. Craw, B. Alton 'MctkellarTeresa Ryan, Mar non Riehl, Dorothy A.,B.D, of Centennial Church, Lon- don. All welcome. Sewing Diechert. Grade III anti fl, Loin Feld, Leo- na Westlake, Mary Vipond; grade V STANLEY and VI, Audrey Harris, Margaret Mr, and Mrs, Robert R. MoAllister Templeman, Ethel Mahaffy. Merger - of Stanley announce the engagement et Vipond; grade VII and VIII, Ina of their elder daughter, Jeanette Eliz- Butson, Darts 'Kleinfeldt; knitting h WesleyTurner, special, Jean McCulloch. Mary 'Vi- abeth, 'to Mr, Ralph pond, Jean Taylor. younger son of Mrs. Turner and the Cooking late Mr. Webster Turner of Stanley, Maple cream. candy, Margaret Mil - the marriage to take place in 'Octo- ler, Gordon Parsons, Catherine Mc ter: Ivor, Peggy Lupton; tea 'biscuits, Betty McKellar, Ina Butson, ...Doris HARLOCK Smaile, Rose Mclvor; serving apples. Bwrns Church will. hold Cher anni_ lila Butson, Margaret Templeman, versary services on Sunday, 'Oct. did. Ethel Mahaffy; date bread, Lois Fell, Rev. Mr. Abray of Stratford, a form- Betty McKellar, Jean McCulloch, er pastor will preach. Please note the Margaret Templeman; salad, Merger - change of date. et Templeman, Ina. Butson, Betty Mc- Kellar; butter tarts, Margaret Scott, Doris Smale, Maxine 'Norman, Ina Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks, 60cButson. Zurich' Fall fair 'HORSES General Purpose—Foal, H. Baty den; year old gelding or 'filly, 12, E. Hooper; 2 year ,old gelding or fitly, M. Hooper, Henry Becker; 3 yea*. old. gelding or filly, Will Decker, F. Scott; span nares in harness, W. Decker. Agricultural—Brood mare, H. Bow- den; foal, R. Hamilton, H. Bowden; year old gelding or filly, W. Dale. R. Hamilton; 2 year odd gelding or filly, R. Hamilton; 3 year old gelding or filly, J. Scott and 2nd; span manes or geldings in harness, IJ, Scott, W. Dale. Heavy Draught—Brood mare, H. Bowden; foal, W. Dale and'2nd; year old .gelding or filly, R. Hamilton, R. Scott; span in harness, R. Scott. Roadster—Brood mare,' •Bisbac'k and Chatnney; foal, Bisbaok and Chamney; 2 year old gelding or filly, Henry Becker, A. \Ir.elber; span in harness, Currie &: Tervitt, S. Milder (Milverton): single roadster in har- ness. S. Miller, Currie •& 'Tervitt; lady driver, S Miller; Currie •C Tervitt, Carria:,e-12 year old, A. Weber; 3 year old S. Miller and Znd; span in harness, S. Miller and 2nd; single car- riage hone in harness, S. Miller and 2nd. Prang special, W. Docker; Desch special, W. Decker; Hoffman special, R, Hamilton; Dominion House spec- ial. S. Hitler; Stade & \/eido special, R. Hamilton, judge, Archie Haas, of Paris. CATTLE Shorthorn—All classes, W. .0estri- cher. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1938 eeeree J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come promptly PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash, SEAFORTH We Aim To Please TUCKERSMITHMrs. Jameson of Brucefi'eld called .on 'Miss Hazel Dalin has returned Mfrs. M. Reid- and Mrs. J. 'Rathw'ell home after spending a 'few days n last week. ilol.lda Exeter at the home of Mr. tQuance. Mrs. Sarah Wood of St. Helens 11 y Mr, and 'Mrs. C, Oke have return- spent Sunday with 'her sister-in-law,. Lew Ayres ed hore' from a visit with Friends dna Mrs, M. Reid. She 'was accompanied Doris •Nolan by Mr. and. Mrs. Rice of St. Helens. Edward Everett Horton Ti lsoavbuiog, Ingersoll, St, Thomas. MM,rs. Smith spent a 'few 'da s in ICo- The year's prize comedy team in a The many friends of Mr, Elliotts Layton will be ,pleased to know he is katno, Indiana, with her 'bnothers afavorite story of laughs, and tears. improving after his serious operation sisters, where they .all stet Inc the1 Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Oct. 6-7-8 at Clinton Hospital. 'first time hi twenty years. Mrs. Kip- 11 r. and 'Mrs. Morris Quance spent Pen, ,of Winnuipeg, Mrs. Savage, of Shirley Temple George Murphy last Sunday at the home of Mr. A. Elmira, 'N.Y., one •brothea from cc_ MissBroadway Dining.cagey, and one from Michigan. She 'The farmers in this vicinity have was accompanied 'by M•r. Dennison. Jimmie Durante Edna .Mae 'Oliver welcomed the 'fine weather the ,past Partners are very busy their America's Sweetheart singing and week and are glad to 'have their beans harvested. Fortunateelyly the late dancing --as only she can to help :beans harvested. Sulo filling is now weather has been favorable. cupid thro' a tough assignment, in full swing. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Caldwell and BRObHAGEN GOIMiNG-Don Ameche daughter Alice of Brucefield visited Rev. and Mrs. Paul Bechter and fa- Simone Simon day.'bits, -George 'Coleman on Sun- nini'ly of Texas are visiting with Mr. "JOSETTE" dao., and \Mrs. John oldice les. Miss Rhea Ross is visiting at the Mdiss Nora S'holdice of Walton is hone of her (brother, Mr. Lloyd Stew- visiting with gr. and 'Mrs. Russell art, of near Exeter. 5lholdice. Egmondville anniversary services Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simon of Bres- on Sunday, Oct, 9th, .and fowl supper Tau visited with friends on Sunday. on Monday evening, Oct. 10th. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Diesgel and Tuckersmith Council Minutes— Glen spent. Sunday with friends in The Council met lin the Ton -n hall, Tavistock.Quite a lnumber of friends acrd rel - Beef Type Grades—All classes, A. Seaforth, on Saturday, Sept. 24th. atives gathered at the home of late. Pfaff, Members all present, minutes of Pre- and Mrs. Eli Rapien last Wednesday Holstein—Ali classes, W. Sparks. vious meeting 'read .and adopted. By evening for the kitchen shower for Three 'best dairy type, W. Sparks. ,latus Nos, 8 and 9 confirming the ap- their 'daatghter, Loretta, who was just Three best beef type, W, 'Oestrich- pointntents of J. D. Colq'uhoun, M. recently married to Mr. Norman er, A. Pfaff. D. as M. '0. H. and Hugh McMillen Wolfe. SHEEP ' as Collector, respectively, were pass- Lincotns—All classes, A. Steeper. ed. The following rates were incorp- ELIMVILLE Oxford Downs, Aged nam, J. Hen- orated in the By-law No. 10 to fix \'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routty and ry, F. MoClvunont; shearling ram, J. the rates of taxation for 119135, coun- Henry, of St. Marys were visitors at Henry, 0. McGowan; shearling ewe, ty rate 5.8 mills, township rate 215 J. Henry and 12nd; ram lamb, J. Hera stills; general school Date 2.7 mills; Mr. Will Routly's last 'Sunday, ry and 2nd; ewe lamb, 0. McGowan relief 6/110 mills. No action in regard Mrs. Wes. Horne spent several J. Henry; ewe, T. 'Henry and ,2nd. ' to supplying inmates of London San- days in London recently with her, Shropshire Downs, Alt classes, 10. itaniumt with clothing until 'further in- mother, Mrs. 'Whiteford. who has, McGowan. formation be received. The Lions Leicesters, Aged ram, D.. Graham; Club„n of Seaforth was given a grant been quite ill. shearling ram, C. Lawson, D. Grah- of xn23 to assist in the upkeep and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford were te- am; shearling ewe, D. Graham; ram improvement of the park which us sitors with Mr, and Mrs, Lewis lamb, D. Graham, C. Lawson; ewe situated in the township, also the Fletcher at Kirkton on Sunday. iamb, D. 'Graham, C. Lawson; ewe, D. Seaforth Agricultural Society receiv- Grahanl, C. Lawson. ed the usual grant of $35. Felix Mr. and Mn.sFred Preston of Ha - HOGS Curtin was paid $84.25 balance d'ue mi'lton visited last week with Mr. and Yorkshires—,Aged sow, A. Warner; of ,the contract Adams Drain. The Mrs, Ben Williams. aged 'boar, A. 'Warner, R. Manson; Council authorized the levelling of Mr. and lits. Will Butler of Lon - spring boar, A. Warner and Zed; ditch in front of John Sholdice's don, lir, A. C. and Miss 'Joy Whit- spriug sow. A. Warner, T. Mayes. farm in the 4th Cot. The Collector Tamw•orths--Aged sow, R. ' MMan- notified the Council that certain ar- lock of St. Thomas visited Mr. and song D. Pym; aged' boar, T. Snowden, rears of telephone taxes were mecca- _Mrs, P. Whitlock on Wednesday of D. Pylnt spring hoar, T. Snowden, lectable, 'but were paid over to the last week. D, 'Peen; spring sow, R. Manson, T. Telephone System by the municipal - Snowden. ity in anticipation of their ability to Vunghlut special, R. Manson; Geo. collect. However as the case stands DUBLIN Deichert special, T. Meyers. the Council wish to notify the Tele- lir. and Mrs. Joseph Kenny and fa- Judge—Humphrey Snell. phone 'Commission that they expect may of . Detroit were week end visit - (Continued on Page 3). the return of such monies to the mu- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil- nicipality .according to agreement. ip Kenny. The following accounts were ord- Mr. and Mrs. L, Beale of Stratford Bred paid by the treasurer: R. Dat- attended the ,funeral of Mr, 'L. J, rymple, pay sheets 1No. 114, 1.5 and 1116, Looby. $925.01'; H. McMillan, ,bal. 111937 sal- Mr. and Mrs. Basil Stewart of ary and postage, $53; J. M. Mc- Stratford :visited friends. Millan, grant Lion's club, SS.; Agri. Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle of Deanhorn, Society, grant $35; W. 3, Finnigan, Mich., is visiting her many friends in. supplies, ,relief, $19;89; A. C. Rout- tine village. ledge, supplies, relief, $9,511; Mc- Donald's Bakery, bread, relief, $7.03; BORN E. B. Goudie, milk, relief, $9.50; Gorwill,—Ott Monday, Sept. 26, Christie's \feat, relief, $4.87; Earl 11534, in Edinburgh, Scotland, to Dr, Papple, 'hauling wood, relief, $,2.70; W. C. Govenlock, rent, relief, ,$5' R. and Mrs. John A. Gorwill, a son. Kennedy, weed inspecting, .$219:7,5!; McCarthy - In Scott Memorial general accounts, $11.77. The Clerk Hospital', nn Sunday, Sept. 125, 1936. n as instrected to notify all parties to Mr. and Mrs, John T. McCarthy, interested in the Clark Drain repair, Dublin, a son. said notice to contain the estimated Brown—In Scott Memorial Hos- cost on each property, that the 'Coen- pital on Tuesday. Sept. 27, 19318, to cif wilt meet .on Saturday, Oct. hst Mr. and Mrs. Janes Brown, Tuck at 8 o'clock p.m. to consider the ersttvith, a daughter. matter. The Council adjourned to meet in regular meeting, on Satur- day. Oct, 29th at 2 o'clock p.m. STAFFA D. F. McGregor, Clerk. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW SHOWING Jane Withers ,Richard Earle 45 Fathers Smith :Bellew Evelyn Knapp Hawaiin Buckaroo MI,DNIIGHT.SHOW Stinday, Oct, 2, beginning at 12:05 Mon. Tues. Wed., Oct, 3-4-5 Katharine Hepburn Cary Grant BRUCEFIELD The meeting of the United Farm Women was held at the home of \Ir. and Mrs, \Vm. Douglas on Wednes- day, Sept.2I1'st, Meeting opened with the president in charge. After 'singing the opening song the creed was re- peated. Roll call was answered with hints on canning. Minutes were read and adopted. The letters from head office were read by Mrs. Haugh and Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Buchanan gave the -synopsis of Sir Reginald Dorman - Smith's address on Empire Market- ing which he gave at Sydney, Austra- lia. _Monthly questions were answered by Mrs. Stackhouse, Mrs. Eyre and Mrs, Cairns. A brief discussion foll- owed on the riding convention. Top- ics on canning and preserving, prep- ared thy Mrs, 'Wm. McKenzie and Mrs. H. McLachlan were read by Mrs. Cairns and Mrs. Snider. and there were many interesting and help- ful suggestions in these papers. A discussion followed on the topic. Mrs. Clifton had charge of the social pro- gramme and gave a reading "Eli Per- kins on Children,” and Mrs. O'Brien also had a reading "ify Father gives but he does not sell." Mrs. Snider read Miss Graham's poem on ',Lark- spurs." These were all appreciated. Inc.ISnider gave a •demonstration on cookie making. The October meeting will be held at the home of M,r. and Mrs. Stackhouse. The meeting closed with singing. Lunch ems served 'by hostess and friends. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Douglas visited at Linwood last week. Mrs. V, Farrow of Wiarton return- ed with them for a short visit. .lir, Jas. -McNaughton of 'the 2nd of Tuckersmith had the misfortune to run a fork in his foot last Saturday. We hope he will soon be around again. bir. Burwell of Toronto, who was a missionary for fifteen years in China, gave a very interesting temperance talk at the morning service last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Basil ,O'Rourke and Leonard are spending the week in Detroit and Jackson, Mich. Miss Lyla Hill of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Cornish, Mr, and Mrs. R. Dawson and Mr. Drew Swan spent the week end in Inwood where they attended the 415'th anniversary of Mrs. Dawson's par- ents, Messrs, Lawrence and Stanley Reid of 'Toronto spent the week end with,. Mrs. Jamieson. 'i,ir. and Mrs. D. Cornish ,of Clin- ton visited Mr. and Mrs, T. K, Corn- ish on Sunday. Mr. Austin Wheeler and Donald, Norman 'Wheeler and 'Joanne and \Lr. •Chrtetiansen of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, T. Wheeler. Miss Anna and Carlyle Cornish spent the week end en Mitchell. Miss Edith B•o.wey spent the week end with :her sister in Ilderton, MANLEY Those who attended Seaforth fair last week report a .good showing and a large crowd. The recent 'fine weather has 'been ideal for cutting buckwheat and '.har- vesting. .potatoes and anattgels. Mrs, Igoe 'Eckert and fancily from Seaforth were visitors in our 'burg last Sunday. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig of Ford- wich accompanied by Misses Mar- garet and Helen, also Glen, Donald and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. L. Morehead and son Bobbie and Mr. Morehead Sr., of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Rohl. Doig and son Andrew and Miss 'Nile Doig of Tuckersmith and Mr. and Mrs, .Burnett of Toronto visited with Ms. L. J. Doig and Miss Janet during the week, Mrs. '3. Markham of London and 'Mies Nora Stewart also of London and Miss Lillian Kennedy of St, Marys, and Miss B. Moir of Hen- sall and Mr. 'Wesley 'Watson of Brins'ley -visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart and Miss Winnie dur- ing the week. Mr. and airs. Hugh McGregor vis- ited with relatives in Seaforth during the week, The 'Kippen East W. I, will meet at the home of Mrs. W. •Dolling on Monday evening, Oct. 13, at 8.15. Mrs, Detweitcr, recently returned from Newfoundland, will the guest speaker. 'flee merrilbers are requested to bring one or more perennials for exchange. VARNA Miss Jean Turner of Seaforth called on Mrs. 'Geo. Beatty Sr. last Sunday. The .annual harvest thanksgiving service will be field in St. Johns Church, Sunday, Oct. 2lncl. Rev, M. A. Hunt of Exeter will 'be in change of the services at 7 p.m. In the absence'of Rural Dean Bug- ler, Rev.. A. A. Maloney •af lLuoknow took change of the service Sunday. 'Mr. L. Reid of Toronto, Mr, Stan- ley Reid of London ,in company with Miss Margaret Giihnour has return- ed to 'Collingwood. Miss Ila Drown, Mt Brydges, spent Sunday with 'her mother. Mrs. J. McDonald is visiting with relatives in Detroit. The school fair which was held on Monday was a decided success. •Mr..and Mrs. C. Trott and son, of Mt. Brydges, Mr. and 'Mrs. (J. Mc- Donald and children, London, and Dr. and Mrs, M. Gilmore and ehild- ren of Stratford were Sunday visitors at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. H, Leslie spent the week end in Atwood. Mr, Norval Norris .has returned to his studies at 'Toronto University. BLYTH The Blyth United Church Sunday School held an open session on Sun- day morning after the opening exer- cises. The following program was given, duet, Shirley Phillips and Erma 'Wallace, reading Maureen Morritt, hymn 84, prayer, Rev: Ar- thur Sinclair, chorus by pve girls, Dr. Volkes then had charge of the picture slides oar the Bible giving the history of the Bible after 400 years of the Bible in English. The Mission Band rendered a chorus, and in clos- ing Katie Barrett led in prayer. Mrs. Murray: Cole of Toronto con- tributed a solo 'Wearer My God to Thee" at the evening service in the United Church. Mr. Ross Thuetl has returned to Orangeville after spending a week' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- iam Thie ll. Mrs. O. M. Cololou.gh visited with her son D. 0. Colclough at Palmer- ston almerston on Sunday. ST. COLUMBAN On Tuesday evening the neighbors gathered at the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. John Murphy to extend to them 'congratulations and best wishes and .to welcome Mrs. Murphy. to their midst. MT. John Balige pre- sented to then, on !behalf of those present, an occasional .chair and mag- ,azine rack, 'Mr, John Nolan address- ed them as follows: "Dear Jack and Lucy, we are here tonight to Honor you on the occasion of your marriage and to extend to you, Lucy, a most cordial welcome to our neighborhood, We congratulate you ibath and trust that you may have health, :happiness and .prosperity in the years to come. Life brings its clouds to all of us, but where 'thereis 'kindness, love and faith the :clouds will pass, and the sun will shine again. We are all indeed glad to have you with us, and so we ask you to accept ,this chair and ma- gazine stand. We 'hope you will en- joy them and may they .remind you often of those Gathered here tonight," Both 'Mr. and Mrs. Murphy replied, expressing ,their appreciation. Fol- lowing this, the remainder of the ev- ening was spent in cards and games. The C.W.L. are holding their thanksgiving social on Fri,, Oct, 7th. HENSALL Word .was received in the village of the death of Mrs. J. S. Henderson, wife of •Rev. J. S. Henderson, a for- mer pastor of Carmel :Presbyterian Church, Hensall. Mrs, Henderson passed away at 'her 'home in Vancou- ver. She was in 'her 74th year and leaves eo mourn Iter lops .her husb- and. one son Roy Grant Henderson of New 'Westminster, and one 'bro- thel•, Neil Grant, of 'On.tario. Mr, and Mrs. Henderson celebrated their golden wending anniversary 'three years ago. •Int 1888 Rev. Dr. Hend- erson and lIrs. Henderson came to Hensall and for 115• years •he was pastor of Carmel Presbyterian church, In 4903 Dr, Henderson was called to St. Andrew's Church, 'New W'est- ntinster, B.C., where they 'have resid- ed since. Mrs. Henderson's many friends here will be sorry to 'hear of her 'death. Mr. Arthur McAsh of Toronto spent the week end here visiting relatives. Dr. Sam Coulter and Mrs. Coulter of 'Toledo, Ohio, are visiting here with his father, Mr, John 'Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hastings of Lis- towel and Mr, and Miss Buttrey of Monkton were Sunday •visitors with Mrs. Andrew Dougall and daughter Miss Cassie. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Coleman of Sea - forth visited here on Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 'H'udson. Mr. William Fainbeirn has moved into rooms in the Petty 'block.' Mrs. Barbara Ferguson, 'druggist at Hemp'hill's store, is attending a drug convention at Detroit this week. Out-of-town guests at the Cook- Tietnan reception included Mr. and Mrs. H. Collins of St. Catharines, Dr. and Mrs, A. M. Anderson of Thorold, Mrs. George N. Chellew and son Rdbert of Los Angeles, Miss Barbara. Hepburn and Miss Laurie Pequegnat, Mr, Jack Ferguson of Waterloo, Me. 'Howard Hemphill, Mr, C. Chesher, of Toronto, Dr. Harry ,Joyatt, Landau, :Miss Ruth. Tiernan, London, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hayes, of 'C'hatham, Mr, and Mrs. T. Hemphill and Miss May Harris, of Wroxeter, Mrs. Wm, Snell, Mrs, Ezra Tiernan, Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and [Nancy, Dr. and Mrs, H. Taylor of Dashwood, 'Mr; K. Steele of Clinton, Miss Margaret Munro and Mr. A. Nelson of Toronto. Out of town guests at the Tartan- McDonell reception included Miss Margaret Tartan, Miss [Jeanette Ta- man, Mr. Robs. 'Graves, Mr. Rich- ard Hamill, lir. ,and Mrs, Charles Gladman and Miss jean. Bonthron, all of London, Mrs. 1E. Powell of 'Wind- sor, .Mr, and Mrs. 'G. IV, Laughton, jVan and Paul 'Laughton, Mr. and Mrs. Murray !Johnston of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. 'V. Laughton of Parkhill, Mrs. G'oodis'an of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. ''Geo. Bayes of Cha- tham, :Misses Dorothy and Madeline Streets of Oliiitoe, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Harmon of St. Marys, Miss Madman, Mrs. Catherine Fake, Mr. and Mrs, R. IN. Creech, all of Exeter, Want and For Sale ads, 111 week, 551c