HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-22, Page 8AUCTION SALE
Of Household Finniture at the
home of Mrs. W. Cameron, N. Main
,treet, Seaforth, on Saturday, 000 -
ser let, .at 1 o'clock ,sharp:
3 'bedroom suites, 6 dining room
:hairs, 6 kitchen chairs and other
chairs, 2 upholstered chairs and rock-
ing chair; 1 lounge, I settee seat, I
cherry sideboard; extension Tables
and small tables; 3 commode sets; 1
clock, 8 -day; 1, feather lick, h organ
stool, linoleum, 4 x '5% yards; linol-
eum 10 x 8 feet; linoleum, 9114 x 734
feet; 'large galvanized tub, just new;
ladder, cedar frame; I step ladder.
Granite roasting pan, just new; 2
electric irons; a meat grinder; 1 kit-
chen stove; 41 Quebec heater; .some
pictures; it large dish pan, ;bread pans
and ether small articles too numer-
ous to mention; a coal scuttle.
No reserve, as everything must be
sold. Terms, Cash.
Mrs, W. Cameron, Proprietress.
Geo H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Successor to John 31. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, 31, Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
At Dick's Hotel Stables, on Friday,
Sept. 30th at 2 p.m.
Cattle -1 registered 'Hereford bull
1 yr. old. 28 head of .Hereford and
Durham steers and heifers ranging
from 600 to 800 lbs.
Pigs -66 pigs, ,froni suckers to 100
Itis. 1 dozen year-old white Leghorn
'hens Harness -1 set of back band
harness, .aunsber of new leather halt -
era. I1 water tank capacity 350 gals.
1 fattening crate holds 64 birds.
I stock rack, fits We yd. box; 312 -
foot extension ladder; 315 It of 2"
belt. I McCormick -Deering walking
plow, nearly new. Anyone wishing to
put anything in this sale can do so at
a reasonable .charge. Terms, cash.
H. Hunt, Prop.; Geo. 31. Elliokt,
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home .of Mr. and. Mrs. Claude
Biome& when abut 16 girl friedds
of Miss Mildred McDonnell, bride
elect of this week, mot to do her
heater, 'Ilse evening was siperet in
Playing bridge, and a social tinse.
Miss McDonnell was presented with
a silver coffee maker. The • presenta-
tion was made by Mrs, ivlayaard Har-
man ,of , St. Marys, who is visiting
bee. Miss McDonnell thanked her
friends far their beautiful gift and
!good wishes, A dainty lunch was
. served. Miss McDonnell is to ' be
married on Saturday .afternoon at 4
o'clock, in the .United Church, to Ed -
Nand Powell Tainan, son of Mr. W.
V. Taman ,and the eate Mrs. 'Taman
' Exeter. At the same time, the wed-
g of Miss Anna 1Letit1a Tiernan,
tighter of Mr. and Mrs. David Tie-
an of .Dashwood to Henry Hemp-
hill Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Cern-
, plias Cook, of Hensall, will take
' plaee. The officiating ministers will
be Rev. Donald Gladman af Crediton,
and Rev. Mr, Brooks of the 'United
'Charoh, Hensall.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Devlin of
Stratfordwere visiting here on Tues-
day with Mr. aad Mr.s. Roy McLaren.
Miss Dorothy Drunanand of St.
Marys was calling on friends in town
on Monday and attended the recep-
tion tendered Miss Mildred McDon-
nell in the evening.
Mr, George Brock has been very
poorly for this last couple of week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren and
.children of Kippen visited on Sunday
with Mr. and. Mrs. T. a Wren.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bell .of Ham-
ilton were week -end visitors. with Mr.
Ben's mother. Mrs.Bertha Bell.
Mr, and Mrs. Boyd al- Niagara Falls
and Mr. and Mr. iLorne Manson of
Landsattended the funeral here on
Sunday of the late Peter Manson,
Mr. G. Voht of Detroit spent the
week end here with relatives. He
was accompanied home by Mrs.
Voht and baby who have been visit-
ing here 'for a couple af weeks.
Death of Peter A. Manson—
Mr. Teter Manson, a life long resi-
dent of Hensall and Stanley twp.,
Passed away on Friday morning at
his 'home here on King et. He had
been in very poor health for over a
year, suffering fromheart trouble.
He was born 68 years ago, son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John 'Manson, of
the Goshen Line, Stanley, where he
spent all his life until he moved to
Hensall about five years ago. He was
a member of a family of six brothers
and three sisters, all of whom have
passed away, except •ane sister, Mrs.
Agnes McLeod, of Alberta. He was
" a successful farmer, owning an ex-
cellent farm in Stanley, and a very
fine tyPe of a man, highly respected,
and made many warm and close
friends. He was a Liberal in politics
end a member of Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church, Hen:sail. .He is survived
'by his wife, formerly 'Miss Jennie
McAnthur, and one daughter Miss
Sarah Manson. A daisghter, Miss
Grace "Manson, passed away at their
home here several years ago. The
funeral took 'place from his late home
here, King street, an Sunday after-
noon, interment taking place in the
Hayfield .cemetery. 'His pastor, Rev.
W. A. Young, conducted the funeral
services. During the seuvice at the
home, a male quartette from Carmel
Presbyterian Church choir, Robt,' Y.
McLaren, James Bengough, Wm. A.
McLaren and Rev, Mr. 'Young, sang
very beautifully "Cornin' Home", a
great favorite of the deceased. The
floral tributes were very beautiful.
The pallbearers were George Doug-
las, John ,Passmore, Thos. Welsh,
Clarence Parke, Thos, Dinsmore and
Milton (Desch. A large number of re-
latives and friends from Stanley and
Hay townships, Zurich, Herisall, Lon-
don and other paints attended the
Mr. and Mrs, David Smith and
.daughter Miss Barbara Jean of .Des
troit spent she week end in Ilensall
and district visiting relatives and
friends. When a young man Mr.
Smith resided in Ilensall for several
years, a..nd he enjoys his occasional
visit's back to Hensall. On Saturday
afternoon they visited with relatives
and friends in Brucefield, Stanley Tp.
and Clinton, and in the evening spent
a few hours visiting at 'Grand Bend.
They returned to their home in De-
troit on Sunday evening.
Mr. Lorne Elder of Drummond-
ville, ,Que., is spending Quh o ly
Mrs. George Gram attended the
funeral of a sister in Detroit Monday.
Mrs. Russell Love .of Kincardine is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mr. J. R. McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hunkin an,d dau-
ghter, Miss Evelyn Hunkin of 'Farqu-
har were visiting here with relatives
on Sunday.
MT. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and daagh-
ter of Delhi visited at the home ,of
the forrner's mother, Mrs. Alice Pfaff
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of
Durham speat Sunday here with
Mr. John Baker of Zurich was
iting here on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McKenzie.
Miss Hattie MoQiseen, R.N., of
Albany, N. R., is visiting here with
her uncle, Mr. Aylmer Ryckman, her
brother Mr. Ed McQueen, and sister,
Mrs. George Politick.
Mr, Harry Cook of Toronto spent
the week eed at his home here.
Mr. 'Roy MdLaxen still continues
very .poorly, ,unalble to leave his room.
Mr. ,and MTS. George Beatty of
Varea were visiting here on Sunday
with the Misses Margaret and Eliza-
beth Slavin.
Rally Day services were held in
the United Church on Sunday. The
Sunday School scholars evith their
teachers occupied the 'centre seats of
the church. Mr. W J Ortwein acted
as chairman. The church was nicely
decorated for the occasion. Special
hymns were sung and special mnsic
was given by the choir- Responsive
readings were led 'hy Clarence
Smillie. Mrs. Hess's class gave a sel-
ection, Short Bible readings were
given by Edison Forest, Mona Glenn
Pearl Harpole, Alex Filshie and Rob-
ert Passmore. Ruth Hess sang a solo
Beauty Salon
"The Standard of :Perfection"
You may have your choice
$1.95 and up .
Including Shampoo, liair .cut and Olives -wave
* . *
T h e Only and Most Modern Shampoo
The Latest Styles in Fingerwaving Done in Comfort
Phone 50 or 18. L. M. Box Seaforth
'Holy Bible, Book Divine." The pas-
tur, Rev. Mr. Brooks, took as the
subject of his address, "The Bible
Chained." At the evening service,
Rev, Mr. Brooke again escupied the
pulpit and gave a very able and ins-
erestiag address. Mr. Harry Horton
sang a solo. Large congregations
were OUT To enjoy the services.
Harvest Home services were held
Siisi . Paul's Anglican Church on
Sunday. The church was decorated
with grain, flowers and fruit. Rev.
Canon Bice, Rural Dean of London,
eonducted the morning service and
Rev. Mr. Jaines of iKirkion, in the
evening. The choir was assisted by
the choir of the Trivia Memorial
Church. Exeter, giving special music.
The .services were very interesting
and were enjoyed by large congre-
At Carmel Presbyterian Church the
pastor, Rev. W. A. Yonng, conduct-
ed both services. Rally day services
will be held in Carmel Church next
Sunday. Sept. 35. A children's choir
will furnish the music, and a very in-
teresting day is promised,
Rev, G. N. Hazen of London will
speak in the interest of temperance
at the Sunday morning service in the
United Church, next Sunday, Sept. 25.
While visiting at the home of ber
nephew, Mr. Claude Blowes, Princi-
pal of the Hensall public school, Mrs.
J . Pearce of Mitchell had the misfor-
tune to fall, fracturing her hip.
Dr. and Mrs. Smillie rettinned
from their wedding trip on Monday
Mr. and Mrs..Churchward spent the
week end at their cottage.
The fishermen are 'getting good lifts
these days.
. Mrs, Wm, .WallaCe and family Wish
to express their sincere thanks to rel-
atives, friends and neighbours for
their kind expressions of •, sympathy
and .beautiful floral tributes extended
in their recent bereavement; and to
th.ost 'who loaned cars.
Shera—In loving memory .of our
dear .clanghter who died two years
ago, Sept. 08, 19136.
'God sent as a little flower, pure and
We loved it clearily, bat it was , not
meant for here,
It was meant Sor a heavenly garden, '
Where only the rarest blossoms grow,'
God thought it best it should ,blaam
.with the rest,
SO He gathered' to. His breast our
' sweet 'flower
And lovingly took it home.
—Sadly missed by Mother, Dad,
Brother, "
Mr. and Mrs. Hopf of Buffalq with
Mr, t ncl Mrs. Henry Mellen
Mr, and Mrs, Herman Schmidt,
and Violet and Mr. and Mrs, Herman
Cobo, Harry and .Lucile of Preston,
with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Schmidt.
Mr, Earl Sholdice of Toronto with
Me. and Mrs. Russell Sholidce.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry l3euerman and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harris in
Hibbert on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs John .A.mstein, Robert
and Roy, with Mr. and Mrs, Bob
Kuntz in 'New .Hamburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaldice and
Gary spent, Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. 'Russell Knight, Brussels,
Harvest Home Service will be held
at Se. Peter's Lutheran Church on
Sunday morning. ,
Miss Drouin and Miss Fernette of
Detroit spent the week end at their
Mr. Geo. Fisher and Misses.' Ruby
and Ruth Fisher of Waterloo spent
tile week end with their aunt, 'Mrs. F.
A. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Mallen of Detreit are
spending their vacation at Miss Fer-
Mrs. Bristol of Washington, D.C.,
is holidaying at her cottage in the vil-
Mr. A. Westlake has his new house
nearly completed and has one ,crf the
most modern residences in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Car -
In loving memory ,of our dear wife
and mother, .Mrs, Robert Hogg, who
passed away two years ago, Septem-
ber 33rd, ‘11966.
Gone from the earth so swiftly,
Plucked like a rose in ,bloom,
So young, so fair, so loving,
:Yet called away so soon.
—Sadly missed by Husband, Ken-
neth, Doreen and Clayton.
New Life Laying Mash
' per cwt. $2.35
Royal Purple Hog Concentrate
per owt 3.75
New Life Hog Concentrate
per cwt. 2.65
New Life Oyster Shell
per cwt 1.10
Unlined Horsehide Gauntlets
per pr. 85c
Royal Purple Poultry
Concentrate, per cwt. 3.75
New Life Poultry Concentrate
per cwt 2.89
Pratt's Hog Worm Powder
per pkge. 69c
Black Soled Rubber Boots
per pr. 1.99
Red Soled Rubber Boots
per pr. 2.49
W. Je Finnigan
Of Farm Stock and Implements, to
be held on Lot 14, Concession 5,
Township of Tutkersmith, on Friday,
.0ctober 14th, at one o'clock sharp:
Horses -1 snatched bay team, 9
years old; 1 general purpose mare, 9
years old; 11. bay mare, 6 years old.
Cattle -4 red heifer due to freshen
on Dec. '5th; 1 cow 7 years old, due
to freshen on Dec. lpth 1 cow 6
years old, can be registered, due to
'freshen Feb. list; 14 cow 6 years old,
can be registered, due to freshen on
April 10th; 1 cow 7 years old, fresh-
ened on June 20th; 111 cow, 6 years
old, freshened an iJune 11.st; 1 cow , 4
years old, freshened April 20th; 4
steers coming 2 years old; 2 heifers
coming 2 years old; 15, spring .calves.
Pigs -9 pigs, 4 Months old.
!Implements -- 11 Massey Harris
binder, 1 Deering mower, sl Deering
dump rake, al Massey Harris side
rake, nearly new; 1 Massey Harris
hay loader, 41 spring tooth ,cultivator,
1 riding .plough, 11 gang plough, 2
walking ploughs, 1 McCormick Deer-
ing fertiliver .drill, 12, disc, nearly
new, 31 section Diamond harrows, 2
wagons, 11 gravel box, 4 wagon box,
15 hay rack vvith slide rack, 15 set
sleighs, 2 top buggies, 1 cutter, 1
scuffler, 't potato banker, one-half int-
erest in land roller, one-half interest
in manure spreader, 4 eight horse
power gas engine, a, Massey Harris
cutting box, al Massey Harris 9 inch
grinder, 30 feet 6 inch rubber belting,
li Maxwell root pulper, 4 .letelotte
cream iseparator, 11 Clirston fanning
mill, 1 grind stone, 1 block stretcher,
11 set of sljn,g ropes, two sets douhle
harness, one set single harness, ex-
tension ladder 32 feet, 4 wheelbarrow,
11 work bench, it manure boat, ZS
rows turnips, a quantity of hay, a few
bags of potatoes, a millibar of grain
bags and sacks, about 20 cedar posts,
lumber, a number of 6 inch tile,
aboat me bens, barred and white
rocks, about '199 spring chickens, 1
sugar kettle, one barrel churn, 13' bar-
rels, forks, shovels, chains, whiffle -
trees, .neckyake.s, and a host of• 'other
articles, too numerous 10 mention,
stock rack.
Terms cash. Everything will be
sold, no reserve, as farm is sold.
Mrs. Geo. IL Coleman, proprietress.
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Sunday School 'Rally Day service
was held on Sunday afternoon here.
A good .congregation was present.
With Rev. Penrose on the platform
were Messrs. Alvin Pym and Wesley
Johns, superintendents .of the Sunday
School. Misses Margaret Millers,
Gladys Skinner, Eula Herdman, Doro-
thy Johns and Mary johns gave read-
ings from the Rally Day Program.
Mr. artd Mrs. Ed 'johns spent a few
clays regently visiting with aad
Mrs. Frank Addison at Niagara.
Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman visit-
ed here an Saturday last.
The W. A. met at Mrs. Alvin Pyin's
last Thursday. Mrs. Wm, Routly gave
.demonstration on flower arrange-
Little Donna March gave a 'birth-
day party to fifteen Stile girl friends
on her fifth 'birthday last vveek.
Mr. Harry Cole has a very sore
rol and MTS. Hays of St Marys spent hand from an infection setting in after
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. cutting his hand with corn leaves.
Wightman. Silo filling is under way here. Some
Miss Susie Govenlock .of Seaforth is corn is down badly and necessitates
visiting her niece, Mrs. W, Ferguson. cutting it 'by hand,
'There will be sold by public auction
at the farm of E J. Box, on No: 8
Highway, half mile west of .Seaforth,
on Saturday, Oct. 'llst, at 2 p.m, seven-
teen horses, ages mostly from 3 to .6
years, 4200 to 41600 lbs. 3. A. 'McKen-
zie, Praprietor,
Of Household Effects at Lot 39,
Con. 9, (she Murray Farm) Morris
Townships %. mile west of Walten,
on Saturday, September 24th, •
Book case and writing desk, oak;
couch, oak; table, small, oak; settee
and 2 armchairs, extension table, din-
ing room chairs, six; side table, hall
rack, ibed room suites, 4; several small
tables, 1 case of stuffed birds, sewing
machine, 'kitchen chairs, 3 rocking
chairs, several odd chairs, •
Kitchen range i(good as
n four -burner oil stove and oven; 2
stove -pipe drums; dishes; cream sep-
arator (good order), kitchen cabinet
and glass cupboard, screen door, 6' 6"
x 2' 6"; work bench and vise; hay-
fork and ,car, rope (pearly new); stone
boat, wheelbarrow, cement pig
trough, foelts and other small arti-
cles; flower stand, organ and piano.
Terms, cash. .
Mess. WM, Ijohnston, Proprietress,
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Fair Week Sale
3Bif'izDaOrsat -thg
Smart 'Stripes
and Checks
2 pr.
OVERALLS. A price you never
heard of
. .........
New shades. 'Smartly styled in'
Tweeds and flannel, reduced to
1.23 and 2.89
OXFORDS, Very sturdy for ,
fall wear
LADIES' HOSE in Sand or
Shades pr.
LADIES' SLIPS, Silks, Satins .
..... 47c.
OVERS. All new fall shades
. •
OFFICE, Seaforth,
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office. hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m. to '5 pan, Saturday
evening, 7313 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Teed grain ,wanted to buy. ,Also
mangolds and turnips wanted. Apply
.to 1Reynold's Dairy, or phone 170e30.
One raglan style man's oyercoat,
fits size .38 or 40, practically new;
also a pair of high laced plave boats,
also hat, now. Real !bargains .Apply
at The News.
11 choice p.ure bred yearling Dorset
ram, 'for sale. Apply to Charles
Stewart, Londesboro, phone 218 r 30,
Blyth .centrall,
Single buggy, extension ladder, 30
feet long; 40 gal. steel oil barrel.
Angus Reid, lot 4, con. 42, Hallett,.
phone 23 r 110, Blyth central.
For Thompson at 'Hensall: we pay
highest market prices. Pennsylvania
products, grease and oils. Sold under
money -back guarantee. Sam Chesney,
Phone 160 r 4.
Of Horses. At Cole's 'Livery Bern;
Straticsrd, on Friday, Sept. 23, at 2
p.m., consisting of:
1 bay mare, 8 years old, in foal; 11
bay gelding, 8 years old; (11 brown
mare, 6 years old; 1 sore] gelding, 7
years old; if sorel gelding, 30 years
old; 1 bay gelding, 6 years old, wag-
on horse? 1 brown gelding, 15 years
old; I iron grey gelding, 5 years old,
wagon horse; pair of, four-yearsolds,
hays, mare and gelding; 4 grey geld-
ing, 4 years old; 1 bay mare, 6 years
old; 3' grey filly, 3 years old; 2 bay
fillies, years old; 1 grey .gelding, 6
years old; 15 'bay gelding, 4 years old;
pair of bay 'colts, rising 4.
These horses are all in good condi-
tion, no brands, and are consigned to
US TO be sold to the highest bidder,
Positively no reserve. Terms, cash.
McNeil & Nairn, Auctioneers.
Two seven roomed houses, both
newly modernized, one stteccoed;
complete with furnace, bath with
shower and hardwood floors, wired
for electric stove, newly decorated
throughout; stuccoed garage. Grounds
batik up and seeded. In choice resid-
ential section of town, Apply to Dr.
J. A. Munn, Seaforth, 'Ontario.
Our first 'Community Sale will be
held at the Queen's Hotel barns on
Friday, October 7th. Next week we
will advertise what stock we have got.
Anybody having 'anything to sell
bring it in. Rates reasonable. Anybody
having little ,pigs or chunks for sale
leave word at Queen's .and we will go
out and buy them. J. J. Coyne, Man-
Mrs. M. Rathwell of Southevold
and eon Charlie of Landon are renew-
ing acquaintances in this locality.
Mrs. M. Reid has returned home af-
ter spending some titne with her sister
Mrs. J. T. Reid, who, we are pleased
to report, is much improved in health.
Mr, and Mrs. Latham and little son
of London in company with Miss
13eatty spent Sunday with the latter's.
brother and sister.
The many ,friencl.s of Mrs, Chas. Pil-
grim 'Jr. and Mrs. John Hartman will
be pleased to know both have return-
ed home ,frons th hospital,.
Mrs. Fred Hurd and little (laughter
of Goderich is visiting the parental
home. .
The annual harvest thanksgiving
service will be held in. St. John's
Church first Sunday in October. More
particulars will be given later.
The farm contains 150 acres, being
south % of (Lot 117 and West % of
South 74 f Lot '18 of the ninth con-
cession in Morris township, situated
half way between Blyth and Walton
on an improved county highway,
Hydro line running by the farm.
Good frame house, bank barn with
good stablirvg untlerneath, hen house
and horse stable in separate .buildings.
Fifty acres under crop, twelve acres
of good hardwood bush, rest hay and
pasture. Two good wells. For more
particulars apply to Finlay Laicllaw
or Gilbert McCallum, R.R. No. 3,
Quebec 'Heater. In good condition.
Gives excellent service. A bargain,
Also quantity of cabbages at 5Ic each,
Apply at News ,Office.
Steven's Favourite, .212 calibre, a
bargain at V.50, .Appily at The News
'Office, 'Seaforth.
Pfeil°, just the thin.g for a school,
very reasonably priced, at Sh9 for
quick sale, Glass show case, 1112 feet
long, white ash, natural .grain, with
three large sliding glass .cloors, price
$1,0, Apply to the News .Office,.,
A lot consisting of three acres, ad-
joining Seaforth. All ,seeded, 'best of
land. Good frame Iscstise with cement
foundation, electric light throughout.
Barn with cement .foundation, room
for three horses. Hog pen, chicken
pen. Hard and soft water. Taxes $10.
Price $11,200, half cash, balance at 3%.
This is certainly a snap. Apply to W.
J. Walker, phone 67, Seaforth,
. .
Dark, hardy, 'prolific strain. Full
in forma ti on on requestrn sp ection
welcomed. Elmer Trick, 3,34 miles
weet of Clinton, Ont., R. R. 3. Ex-
perienced 'breeder.
1. House and Lot in the Town of
Seaforth belonging to Rebecca Davis
Estate. Comfortable dwelling.
2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3, MoKillop,
containin,g 5 acres. Comfortable house
and small barn. Suitable for poultry
3. Lot 7, Con: ais, Grey Township.
100 acree,Good brick house and barn,
driving ilted, good well, 54 mile from
school, Property of late Wm. Woods.
Particulars may 'be „secured from Mrs.
Kate Woods, Walton, Ont.
Apply Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth. Ont.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class cornpanies.
Information cheerfully given
Dominion Bank Building, Seaforth
Phone 334 Av