HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-15, Page 8PAGE EIGH'T THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT 5, 1938 HENSALD a Batt, at Mrs': Patdi,SOlfS Hesnital, on Thursday,. Sept. Sth to • Mr. and Mrs. Ed ...Meaning -ton anee 'Freaa .Sitiallaamirhel.:the gift 'of on. ,Mr. Roy McLaren has beeta cnn- flned to hs room for sea-oraldays this week through illness: . • •.'' Miss. Florence •Schwalm, daughter of Mt. and. Mrs; Peter S.chwahn af Henaall had an unusual -operation performed on her .at St. •Josephs Hos- Vital, London, of skin grafting in an effort to 'Overcame an eye injury re- eeived about eight years ago, When six years. ,old Florencefell againat hot stove and was terribly 'burned .abotit her eyes. As a result •one eye- lid has been seriously affected since, and recently she has been having much trouble with the eye, so it \vas decided to have anaoperation. A sec- tion of •akin was rernoae•d froin be- hind her e.ar and :grafted .into the af- fected part •of, the lower eyelid. It is believed that the operation will prove a permanent end al the difficulty, Af- ter .the.. operation Florence was :able to leave the hospital in a few days and is recovering, nicely ather home here at Hensel]. The contractora who were drilling an artesian well at the Memorial Park have seemed an abundant sup - Ply . of water, and on 'Monday moved their equipment away. Mr. Caasie Hadson of Listowel spent the week end at his home here. Aina John Pope is saendiag a week visiting .with • relativea . in . London prior to taking- Up her reeidence with her d•angliter Miss . Irene Pope, in . . Toronto. Mr. Har vey Pope of .Preatort- and Alisa Irene Pope of 170romo !meat a few days :re last week with - their mother. Mi. May NI cA sli eting rela- tives in Brucefield this week. Mr.. Mary MeDemald is. spending a few day. at Windsor :his week Vis- iting with relativea W. M. S. Meeting— • The IV. M. S. of Cartael Presbyter- ian Chnrch. Hen -al. held their rean- lar timeline: on Tam -slay afterneon. Sept. 8th. in the ,cimol roam af the • church, wit:1 Mr. J antes Paterson presiding.. The mertina amened with a hymn awl the Lords prayer in uni- son. Mrs. Workman read the .acrip- tare lesson. The roll call •NAS anawer- ed with "Love." The president took charge E the •husinese when the re- . port of the risiting committee was heard and a•rrangernents made con- cerning the Presbyterial to be held in Auburn on Sept. 13th. Masa Paterson and Mrs. .A. -Kerslake sang a duet "He leadeth me," accompanied by Mies C. Dongall. Mrs, W. A. Yonng gave a splendid paper on Jessie Mc - Bean's lite and work as a missionary in China. Mrs. A. Logan led in pray- er, The meetin,c coed with a hymn and prayer led •by Alas. Arnold. Howard Ferguson. son of -Mr. and Mae. ,,Joeeph • Ferguson of sborne Townshim and a student. at •the •Hen - sail continuation school, while build- inga lead of beans. had the - miSfort- tine ta fall off -and 'Train his wrist.. Born, in liensall, co Manday, Sept. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lae - ender, twin ,on. Born, in lite Torontcs genera': haara. tal ant Thins -flay. Sept. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard iLenarecan of Tor- onto, formerly of Hensel!. the gift of a •danghter. Miss Olive Lennvon • al Taranto spent the week end heee with her sister, Mra. IVill Parke and ether rel. atives. 'rhe Mie -.ion Circ"a• of the United Church met on Fraley evening. Sept. 9th at the home of Miss flladys Pass - mare. The meeting, the theme of which was prayer. was opened be :singing "Sweet Hoar .of -Prayer." The roll call was answered a lea poem an prayer. Alias Elva McOwneen led in prayer. Minute' were .read• and heal - nese discussed. Hymn, "What a friend we have in jesu." Vat5 sung. alter which Miss Irene Douglas gave the study. Hymn. lustre Savioar Pil- ot Me," followed by the Lord's- pray- er, brotight the Meeting to a cen- elusion, . The Araold Afissioe Circle reae • held at the home of Miss Irene Hog- garth Monday evening with the pres- ident. Mies Mabel Workman preaid. Mg. 'Following the opening hymn MiSs Workman led in prayer. Scrip- ture lesson was read ba Miss Helen Walker. II usilmes was - di,mas oat. Mrs, Arnold thanked the circle for .it sent to her tet Iter gh weddina anni- versary, Several poems were given .by Mia -es Beryl Plan-, and Irene Ho- garth the. topic, "Jessie , cBeara" was taken ny Mik,. Margaret It::. The meeting closed with hymti Aire. Mande Hedtlen anti Mrs. 1:iee,, Hess rendered two pleasing &lets. "Whispering Rope.," and "When I grow too old to dream." at the Kip - pen East institute •hekl at the - halm of Mrs, Melvin Traquair on Monday evenitig. Miss Gladys Lu'ker was the accompanist. Dr. Bean accompanied by Mrs. Bean and children of London were calling on friends in the village last week. Dr. Bean was format well known and successful doctor here in Hensel anti his many friends were glad to see him. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Knight and children :of XitChener were week -end visitors with relatives in town. . Mr, and Mrs. Edmond •Geiger of London spent the week and here with the forther's parents, Mr.. and. Mrs. Owen Geiger. • Miss Margaret Buchanan of Tor- onto IS visiting with 'friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harty Ab•ray and son George and Mr. and 'Mrs, Aldon K,ad- ing of. London were weelc-end visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs, Colin Hodson. The auction sale of the household effects of Mrs. Joao, Pope was held here on Saturday 'afternoon, Owing to the wet afternoon, the sale was held in the large shed at the rear of Carmel Presbyterian Church. - -The marriage •Of Miss Aimee Yuri; -of Toronto mid Dr: Ivan 'Gray. Smillie Mak place at Toronto on Saturday.. An account of this •werlaling' appears on page 3. . Harvest 'Thanksgiving aervices. -will •be held in St, .Paul's Anglican. Church, Sunday, Sept. Oath, at 11 e. na and -7 pan, 'S,pecial speaker for the morning, Rev, Canon 13ice, of Lon- don, and for the evening, Rev. james, B.A„ 01 Kirlcton. Mr, Elzmea, Johnston ,of .Grandin, N. Dakota, is the guest of his aunt, Miss E. 'Johnston, Mr, Johnston •came east to attend the funeral of his fath- er, the late Edward johnstme, which took place .a't Clanton on Monday af- ternoon. Mist Emma 'Johnston •attenclect the funeral of her brother, the late Ed- ward Johnston, at Clinton on Moa - day. Mr. and Mrs, J. McClinchey attend- ed the iunemi c,.f her relative, the late Edward ,Johnston, of Clinton, on Monday afternoon. Mrs, Mary Eyre of London visited last Week with „her relatives, MTS. Thos. Wren, 'Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. T. I). Wren. Stewart .pick, son of Mr. and MTS. Robt. Dick, had the Misfortune to hav.e has foot hnrt while working on the farm ,.af Mr. Joe Dayman, Dr. J. A. Addison of Zarich is look- ing after Dr. Semillie's praetice (haring D. Smillie's absence. Mrs. Joseph Hudson and family will shortlY move into the home at corner of Queen street on the high-, way owned by Mr.- Peter Moir and formerly owned mid occupied by Mr. Walter Fee. Quite a number from Hensell and vicinity have been attending the ex- hibition at London. The Clinton Lions Club got away to a good start Monday night when they held their first regular meeting after the stammer holidays at Lion Star .Tedor's Commercial Hotel, Hen - salt. Lion Tubby ILanson was in the chair. Large quantities of grain are be- ing brought in to our local mills daily. DUBLIN The Late Mrs. Joseph .Givlin— The death of Mrs, .joaeph occurred in Dublin on Thursday, September Stli, Mrs, Givlin had ,been :aline. far almost a year but her death came as a shock to the conummity. She was formerly Hannah Dillon, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon. Twenty years ago ..he was united in marriage to Joseph Giviin and was a member of the Ro- man Catholic Church, She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one dau- ghter Mary, two sons, Joseph and Paul, three sisters. Mrs, 'Margaret Kobel, Port Huron, Mich., Mrs. Mary 'McCarty, Mt. Pleasant. Mich„ and Mrs. Joseph Vancourn, Saginaw. Mich.. three brothers, John Dillon of St. Catharines, William Dillon of Detroit, Denis Dillon of Dublin. Three brothers, James, Joseph and :Michael Dillon, predeceased her. The funeral took place on Saturday, Sep. tember dattla Requiem High Mass was sung in Si. -Patrick's Church. Dublin, by Rev. 'Father Durand, In- tel -meet was made in Dublin cemet- ery. The pallbearers were Joe Ryan, Frank Burns, Joe Ale Gra th. Louis Altelrath. William O'Reilly and Will. McMillan. Friends and relatives 'from di.tance wileattended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kobel, lo rt Huron. Mr. and Mrs. John Dill - an. St, Catharines, Aire. jaaeph Moy- Kiathener, Mr. and Mrs, Law- retrce Abbot, Detroh. Airs, Henry AlcAlillan, Detroit, .Ir. A. E, Mase - 1 ell, St. Thomas. Mrs. Stewart, Stratford. Mrs. (..lerry Campbell, Aloeet Carmel. Word was received by Alas. Eliza- beth Braxer .yf the smitten death of jole, Pearce in 0,1-J1:ask. Wisconsin. Deceased was a son of the late 'James Pearce of Dublin and was •born in the house now owned by Miss M. Hanlon. He had attended a wedding at tat home of hie eister, Mrs. Dom- inic Bruxer in Chicago just a week previena to his death. lie is. survived Ili. wife. one daughter and his sisters are Mr, Draninic Bruxer, Chicago, ami Mr-, Nellie IA miams, Woodatock. alai Si -ter Ernestine, Loretto Abbey, Teranto. Mr. aml Mrs, Early r.f Detroit via - 'add a ith Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Looby. Mr. and Airs, Walter Klinkhammer, Detroit. :Mother Conception and :Mo- ther Bonaventure. Chatham, were called home on account of the illness of Mrs AI. j. Klinkhammer. Mrs. A. Mulligan, who hask been nursing the late Mrs. Joseph Givlin during the past several weeks has re- turned to her home in Detroit. Father ,O'Reilly of Guelph is at the home of Mos, M. Cronin. MT. and Mrs, Lorne Cronin and children of Detroit are with Mra. M. Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey, Mt. Car- mel, attended the funeral of Mats. Jos- eph ,Givlin. Miss Muriel Loraby, eurse-in-train- • ing at St, Joseph's Hospital, is at her home here. Charles 13.enn has returned to Tor- onto after' stiending a week with Mr, and MTS. Frank Evans. A three day retreat will be preach- ed this week at the high school. by Father Herman Pocock, St. Peter's Seminary, London, MT. William Smith Is wearing a smile these lays, It's a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDermott of Duluth, Minn., spent a week with Mrs. C. McDermott anti other, rel- atives. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beale of Mon- treal is holidaying with Miss Mary Beale. Permanents You may have your choice NO Machine Permanent or lVfaehine Permanent Satisfaction Guaranteed Special Prices NOW .13eauty Salon "The home of Better Permanents" Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth interesting readings of her , poems. Miss Eve Stackhouse gave recita- tions, and C. Cooke of .Clintan gave a talk on the care of flowers. The •offic- . ers of the society are, Pres., Mas, Allan; Vice Poesidents, Mrs. j, J, O'Brien, MTS.. D. Fotheringharn. ,and Mrs. W. Haugh. 'Secretary, Mrs. Abe Zapfe. Treas., Mrs, G. Swan. Direct- ors Mr. W. Haugh, 'IVIes. J. B. Mus- tard, 'Mrs A, Montieth, Mrs. A. Mc- Queen, Mrs, T. B. Baird, Mrs. A. Paterson, Mrs. A. Eroadfoot, Alas. Janet Rossaakra. ;11. Aikeehead, Mrs.' W. McKenzie. • Flower show, any annual or peren- nial, Mrs. W. Hatigh, Mrs. C. H. Haughalirsa Allan. 'Bouquet lark- spur, Mrs. AI. MeQueen, 'Mra., R. Allan, Mrs. T.. 13. Baird. Collection phlox, Mos,' BTOCk, Mrs. Father- ingham, Alas. Allan, Three named dahlias, Barbara Simpson. (One dahlia, Mas. Stackheuse, •B, Simpson,. • Mrs. O'Brien. Display snapdragon, MTS. Allan, Airs. 'Montieth; Ba Simpson. Zinnias, Airs. A. McQueen, Mrs. Al- lan, lairs. T. E. Baird. Double' pet- unias; Mrs, Fotheringh.arn, Mrs, O'- Brien, Single petty -ilea, ;Vies. Pater- son. Display of gla:da, Mrs. , Alas. W. Haugh. Six ,glaels, Mrs. Monteith, Mrs. Allan, Spike gladiolus (named), Mrs. R. Alla, Mrs.' Mc- Queen, end •and 13rd. Table (bouquet, Mrs. Monteith, Airs. W. Haugh, Mrs, Fotheringhem... Pink asters, Barbara Shnpsort,. Alas. D. Fotheringham, Mrs. O'Brien and Airs. Allan. Purple asters, Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. W. Haugh, .Airs. D, Fotheringham. Red asters, 'Mrs. R. Allan. White asters, Mr's. O'Brien, Ale% Allan. Collection of asters, Mrs. D. Potheringham, Airs. R. Allan. Collection perennials. Airs. P.. Al- lan, Airs, W. Haugh. Collection of sweet peas, Mrs. Fotheringham, Mrs, O'Brien, Airs, Allan. Collectiou roses, Mrs, Allan, Mrs. O'Brien, 'Airs, C. H. Haugh. Collection of pansies, Airs. Allan. Bouquet of salpiglosis, Mrs. Allan. Collection of annuals, Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. Fotheringham, Mrs. A. McQueen. Best novelty in cut flow- ers, Mrs. Brock, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. W. Haugh. ,Novelty in potted plants, 3. McCally, 'Mrs. MeQueen, Mrs. Pa- terson. Coleus plant, Airs. Allan, Mrs. Paterson, house plant in 'bloom, Mrs. Allan, Rex ,begonia. Mrs. ‘Allan. Gloxinia, Mrs. Sta ckh Mae, Mrs. Allan. Display of marigolds, Mrs. Fotheringham, Mrs, Montieth, Mrs, W. Halle -a Mr. Bob Evans of Detroit, Mich, is spending a few weeks with his many friends here. Mr. Wilfrid Fitzpatrick and three little sons, of Woodbridge, els.° hia mother and cousin, Air. Vincent Wal- lace, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. Peter Fitzpatrick, CONSTANCE •• Alessrs. ,Wni. Jewitt, and Wil•bur Jewitt were at London ctn Tuesday and Airs. Alvin Dale on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Leo S.tephenson and Donald and Billy and Mr. B. B. Stephenson and Mr. !James Dale and Mt. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson oa Wednesday and on Thursday and Airs. Earl Lawson and Miss Edith Britton. Mrs. William Britton visited Mrs, Kate Woods at Walton and attended the centre section Presbyterial of the W. AI. S. Mr. and Mrs. Beata Stall attended the Presbyterial convention at Wal- ton on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Huill, nurse -in -training the past three years at Stratford General Hospital, completed her training on Friday and will be with her parents Ma. and Mrs. James Httgill a few days. Mrs. E. Adams and son iKelso are spending a couple of days in London and visiting friends. BRUCEFIELD Flower Show at Brucefield— The annual Brucefield Flower Show ‘Vas held in the basement of the Brucefield United Church lase Wednesday. Afternoon tea was serv- ed and a program was presented in the evening. Rev. H. C. Wright act- ed as chairman. A piano solo by Mrs. W. Alc13eath and a report of the Horticultural convention in Toronta by.Afrs. T, B. Baird. Miss H. I. Gra- ham delighted all present with her BAKE YOUR OWN Cash and Carry SATURDAY ONLY Purity Flour, per cwt. $2.59 Five Roses, per cwt. $2,89 Prairie Rose, per cwt. „ , 2.49 Alberta Rose, per cwt. ... $2.39 Sepoy Flour, per cwt. ,,, $2.49 Pastry Flour, per 24 lbs. ... 49c Triple Screened Oyster Shell , , per cwt 95c New Life Laying Mash, per cwt $L99 Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. ...... 21c Shredded Wheat, 2pkgs. ..,23c Campbell's Soup, 3 tins .... 25c Spaghetti, 3 tins 25c 'Sardines, 5 tins Pe drape Nut Flakes 2 pkg,-1.7c Wo Jo Finnigan AUCTION SALE 01 Household Effects at Lot 29, Con, 9', (the Murray Farm) •Marris Township, 5'i mile' west of Walton, on 'Saturday, September 24th. ' Book case a.nd writing desk, oak; couch, soak; table, small, oak; settee ,aad 2 armchairs, extension table, din- ing 000111 chairs, six; side table, hall rack, hed roorn i,eitee, 4;• several small tables, 1 case of stuffed birda, .sewing machine, kitchen chairs, 3 racking chair's, sevea.al odd ,chairs, Kitchen range (good as new), four-letuner .oil stove and oven; 2 stove -pipe drums; dishes; cream sep- arator (good order), kitchen cabinet and glass cupboard, screen door, 6' 6" x 2' 6"; work bench and vise; hay- fork and car, rope (nearly new); stone boat, wheelbarrow, cement pig trough, forks aol other small arti- cles; flower stand, organ and piano. Terms, cash. Mrs. Wm, Johnston, Proprietress. Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Potato Crop Report The early Irish Cobbler crop is fairly well cleared and the intermedi- ate crop is moving to market from ahe central part of the Province. A short- age of moistere during June and July retarded erow.th of pla•nts and devel- opment of tubers ,with the result that low yields are being harvested. The quality is excellent. The late crop presents a favoura- ble appearance at present. During the past ttvo weeks ehe rainfall generally has been tbeneficial and plant growth excellent. The potato bug has ,been well kept in eontrol by the use of poison appli- cations but leaf hoppers have done considerable injury to the plants be- cause bordeaux has not been prope.rly applied, and some damage to plants is apparent which ,will, reduce the yield at digging tints, 'Growers are advised to dust or -spray with har- den.% thoroughly for leaf hopper con- trol or disappointing yields will be the result. There is no evidence of late blight at this date but the present weather conditions ,with a sultry at- mosphere and frequent showers, should they continue, are favourable Inc its .development. The preventative measures are timely applications of bordeaux that will coarer the plants on the tinder -side of the leaves as well as on top. COME and See Our t7 BACK to SCHOOL SALE! Green Front Department Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH Attend BLYTH FALL FAIR SEPTEMBER 16-17 A new Agricultural Building has been erected, also a Grand Stand for your accommodation HORSE RACES.—Free for all, 2.27 Pace.—Special Prize money— Roadster Class BABY SHOW AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS DANCE to Ernest's Orchestra, Friday, September 16th. GRAND CONCERT by Happy Cousins Concert Co. of Elmira, on Saturday evening, Sept. 17t1t. The Directors of the Blyth Agricultural Society with your co-opera- tion hope to again place Blyth Fall Fair as the Best in the County. EIMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario International Plowing Match on October 11 to 14 If interest displayed by farm ma- chinery firms La any triterion, the In- ternational Plowing Match to he held at Minesing, near Barrie, !October 111, 12, 13 and 14, will undouibtedly he the nmet successful since this event was atarted in 3963. Requests for space have been pouring in to Secretary j. A. Carroll, Toronto for some time, with the result there will be a truly "tented city" spring into being at Mi. nesin.g next mo nth. The demand for space has increased to such an extent that this canvas "Main Street" will ex- tend to nearly a mile, the longest and hest in the history of the match. Over 100400 attended the match last year at Fergus anti even larger crowds are expected at Minesing. While it is .only natural that farm- ers will be particalarly interested in the machinery exhibits, manufactur- ers have not forgotten the fact that these tillers of the soil will 'be accom- panied by their Acives, and there will be a large .display of home conveni- ences particularly applicable to farm homes, and every •one well worth see- ing. The local committee in Sinacoe County of which J. T. Simpson is sec- retary, has been working purposeful- ly for months to make this year's match the ,best of the long line of suc- cessful matches. tOver 1,000 acres ,of land have been reserved for demon- strations, parking and the 600 or more contestants, who will rvie, with each other for the $5,000 in .prizes offered by th.e tOntario Plowmen's Associa- tion. 'This generous prize list is again attracting the cream of t median plowmen which means that visitors will witneis the best plowing in the world at the largest plowing match in the world. 'Farmers should make a note of the dates, October all, 112, 413 and 14 and plan to attend. Anyone -wishing fur- ther information should 'write to J. A. Carta, secretary, Ontario Plow-. rne•n's Assotiation, [Parliament Build- ings, 'Toronto. Patrick D. McConnell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Seaforth, Ontario E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Haron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 pan. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p, m, to '9 p. m. TENDERS IWANTED For a new furnace to he installed in the manse of the E.gmondville Un- ited .Church, tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by Thursday, the 22nd of September, 1038. •Envel- opes to be marked "tender." The low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. john T. Elgie, Sec. of Board of Stewards, Kippen R. R. No. 2. THE BURGESS STUDIO .At Mitchell and Clinton will be pleased to photograph the Wedding Party, and give you Highclass por- traits at a reasonable price. MINX FOR SALE Dark, hardy, prolafic strain. Full information on request. Inspection welcomed. Eimer Taick, 3% miles west of 'Clinton, Ont„ R.. R. 3. Ex- perienced breeder, , FOR SALE Electric :heater in good condition, $2.00. Apply at the 'News Office, ctr may be seen at Sills' Hardware. FOR SALE Canada Range, six lids, woocl or coal, with reservoir, in good condi- tion, Apply at The News office. FOR SALE Single buggy, extension ladder, 30 feet long; 40 gal. steel oil 'barrel. Angus Reid, lot 4, con. de, Hullett, phone 23 r 04, Blyth central, FOR SALE 1 top 'buggy, I cutter,elh ,set single harness. Apply to The Seaforth News or phone •Seafotth 1160 r lie. BUYING GRAIN For Thompson at Hensall: we pay highest market prices. Pennsylvania products, grease and oils. Sold under money -hack guarantee. Sant Chesney, Phone 160 r 4. FARM FOR SALE The farm contains 150 acres, being south % of (Lot '117 and West 14 of South % of Lot 18 of the -ninth con- cession in 2v1orris township): satiated half way between Blyth and Walton on an improved county highway, Hydro line runniug by the farm. Good •frarne house, bank 'barn with good stabling underneath, -hen honse and horse stable in separate buildings. Fifty acres under crop, twelve acres of good hardwood bush, rest hay and pasture. Two good wells. For more particulars apply to Finlay Laidlaw or 'Gilbert McCallum, R.R. No. 3, Walton, IVIrs. Toots .(in store)—.'I've waited since f5 o'clock for my husband and now its 6;30." • Clerk—"And when were Y10,11 to meet him?" .bit's. Toots—"At 4 o'clock," PROPERTIES FOR SALE L. House and Lot in the Town of Seaforth 'belonging to Rebecca Davis Estate. Comfortable dwelling. 2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3, MoKillop, containing 5 acres. Comfortable house and small barn, Suitable for poultry ranch. 3. Lot 7, Con, 315, Grey Township. 100 acre; Good brick house and barn, driving s&d, good well, % mile from school. Property of late Wm. Woods. Particulars may, be secured from Mrs. Kate Woods, Walton, Ont. Apply Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth. Ont. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. Allrisks placed in first class cornpanies. * Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Dominion Bank 13,01ding, Seaforth Phone 334 w •