HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWS - Snowdon Bros., Publishers WALTON The U F W, 0. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Turtebull '011 September 21.st at 2 p.m. The 'topic, "The new course of study in GUY public echools," to be taken by Mrs. Earl Mills. 'Roll .call to be ao- swered by 'a poem you learned as a child." Elligson-aose— Grace Lutheran :Church, alitchea, decorated with asterT, galdioli and fern, Was the scene of a lovely wed- ding Saterday at high noon, when Valera Frieda Rose, daughter of Mrs. Wilhelmina R05.•,7 of Mitchell and the late Edward 1Roe wee united in marriage to Carl ZechusUpon, McKie lop. Rev. .A. C. Hahn officiated, and Mr. Airtime Walther presided at the organ playing the )1-1,1al moat:, "Melody of Love." Te aride, who wee given in merriaze by her mother. wore a priaces,s goer. i nc baby lace .3WT F.zttirt wl 1tg;rain. Her lona net veil was cettglit with a halo of arattee fliesseeins and slie carried a shohver bouquet ,f Briarcliff.> race, and lily o idle valley. The eraleemaid, Miss Marguerite Ellipati of Strat- ford. cousin of the ',rile. was dreeeed in a costume of aide altst silk rot over taffeta with reeette trimmed bo- lero. She wore long pink silk mittens and pink crepe elippere. Her head- dress was blue silk net caught at the top with a cluster of pink velvet flowers. She carried pink asters and roses. Mr, Oscar Elligeon of alcKil- lop, brother of the bridegroom, was bot man, and the ushers were Mr. Harold Elligeon, and Mr. George Rose. During the signing of the reg- ister .Mr. Howard Ellipon of Strat- ford, cousin •of the bride, sang "Be- cause." The wedding dinner was served at the Hicks House, Mitchell. The three storey Wedding take Cen- tred the table which was attractively arranged with sweet peas, valley lil- ies and fern. Dinner was served -by five friends of the 'bride. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Hrs. Frank Elligson, Stratford. Mrs. Rose, mother of the bride, was gowned in 'black sheer over satin, with corsage of red roses and fern. The !bride- groom's mother wore a costume of navy sheer and corsage of yellow roses and fere. The bridegroom's gift to the •bridesmaid was a silver flower bowl, to the best man and -organist gold collar and tie clips, to the ushers and soloist, pen and pencil sets. Mr. and Mrs. Elligson left on a .wedding trip to Detroit and other points, the bride traveling in a Parisian euit with snatching accessories. Upon their re- turn they will reside in Mitchell. Guests were present from Brussels, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Falconbridge, Stratford, Mitchell and Brodhagen. Mr. William johnston'e outfit from Blyth baled 19 tons of hay on the farm of Mr. james Mose, McKillop. on Friday. The gang on the baler were Bailey Parrott, W. Brown and Art Barr. They did the job in 5 hours. Mrs, Wm. Millisou, Mrs. Janet Frederick and Mrs. afichel Gessick, motored over from Cleveland and spent the week end with ialri and Mrs. George Dundas in McKillop. Mrs. F. Kerley of Toronto spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. Jos- eph Love. Mrs. 'Love accompanied Iter beck to Toronto for a visit. a .biettquet of Briarcliff rosee .and alee ecabioa. The g-roonessuaa was Clareace Norris,. of Toronto, -coasin of the bridegroone Daring the signing •of the registeer, Miss Alberta Rich- moud, sister of the bride, sang "Through the Years." Following the ceremony a btiffet luncheon was sere - to about thirty guests, Misses Jean Laidlaw, jean Scott and Margaret Smith, acting as .waitresses. Little Joyce Craig, niece of the bride, serv- ed the 'bride's cake and :looked sweet in coral taffeta with white. Mr. and Mrs, Worrier' left on a -short motor trip, the bride traveling in a 'beige coat With brown accessories. On their return thee^ will reeide on the bride- groonae farm at Staffa. The Blyth Band attended the dec- oration service at Londesboro cemet- ery on Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. After the decoration service they held a concert. On Sunday evening they gave their final concert at Myth with the following program, 0 Canada. Operatic Mingle, March Honor Bead. Hymns selected, March Col, Bogey. Waltz Reee Festival, Overture Deter- minahlan. hymn selected. March Bands ana Banuers, God Save the King. We were sorry to hear MT, Nath- aniel Johnston was not as well this week, with a nurse in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Miller of God- erich were vieitore with the latter's mother. Mrs, AIM. Colclough, on Sunday. Mrs. Franklin Bainton, Misses Vel- ma Nee-1,er and Margaret Scrimgeour, members of the Bribe -Niters Jr. Homemakers ChM with the elocal leeder Mrs, Fred Oster, were in Lone don on Tuesday. They have on .ex- hilait their record books and dresser scarfs, and by special request of Miss Flora Durnin, county coach, the bed- spread the girls made as a club ex- hibit and which has been on display in Mr. J. S. Chelleve's window, is also on exhibit. The girls will, also take part in judging competition. Ti- ckets on this spread may 'be purch- ased front Mr. Chellew or members of the Women's Institute. Mrs. Oster, Mrs, A. Colclough and Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour attended the officers' rally at Auburn last week. This rally of Women's Institute offic- ers was conducted by MTS. Houck of Brampton who very thoroughly and ably covered the duties of officers. A picnic Ittach was served at noon, the Auburn ladies kindly providing a cup of tea. Six branches of West Hu- ron district were represented. Mr. and Mrs. Rahert Wightman. Blyth, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Evelyn Margaret, to Benson Augustine Cowan, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Cowell, Bleath. The marriage will take place late in September. TOWN :COUNCIL (Cat -dinned Prom Page 1.) Halt -nes -Scott, that we purchase as per quotation a Livingstone stoker to be iestalled at once, arrangemeets to be left in hands of property com- mittee. Parke -Scott, that the 'finance com- mittee and town Solicitor be author- ized to proceed with issuing of the public school and .collegiate institute debentures and the validation of same. Reid-K.eating, that the meeting ad- journ to meet at ,call ,of the Mayor. Finance Committee—H. al. CaDell $911l; Jas. Rae, 1$315a, C. P. Sills, PM., stamps, $30; H. 'Snell, $70: 'T. Carrie, $30; Thos. Storey, $60; D. H. Wil- son, $513.33; A, M. Hudson, 9(17.313; County of Huron, indigents, !$42.85; Bell Telephone Co,. 9(4.61; Canadian National Rive $3,718; S. W. Archi- bald, $415; Merchants .Fire Inc. Co., peens, $14.40; 'Western Assurance Co., prem., $215.95; Prudential Assur- ance Co., prem., 517.30; Public Utili- ties Commission, $32,e111; N. Cluff & a37312: 30110 Stewart, $625; \Vin. Montgomery, $6.06; Geo. B. Eaerhart. 311 Jus. Heffernan, $7.15101; Jos, Storey. $8,75; jno. Percale $5; Thos. Johnston, .$3,1115; cash relief, a24.94; Jno. A. Wilson, $30, McICILLOP The W. M. S. and W. A. met at the home of Mrs. 'John Gordon on Thursday evening, Sept. ast, with a good attendance. Mrs. Chester Hend- erson took charge of the program. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Henderson and hymn 403 was sung. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Chester Henderson, after which Mrs. Wm, Shannon led in prayer. Mrs Russell Dorrance gave an interesting reading on -"Missione in the Church." A poet was read by Ruth Gordon• The topic take from the "Blue Book" was ably given by Mrs. John Hille- brecht. Delegates were appointed to attend the sectional convention in Walton on Sept. lath, Mrs. Craw closed the meeting with prayer and a dainty lunch was served. HOSPITAL AID REPORT (Continued Front Page ea Members met at the hospital in October and 'November to help with the sewing. Gifts to the hospitalin- cluded a restraining sheet, a bed light, an oxygen humidifier, a thermos jugs, timer for the x-ray, brass door num- bers for the hospital rooms, a flash scialyticiamp and a poetable plaster table. At Christmas a case a grape- fruit was given to th-e hospital staff and a small gift to each patient. Receipts: Balance on hand, Sept. 2/37 4198150 Memberships '011(41) .,.. 48,50 Benefits— Rummage sale Auction sale Theatre and sale of candy 'Eu-chre and 'bridge ..,.,224.90 Collections 10.39 Donations and interest 3.815 AMIIII..i.gliniliiifipUrar.mketaeaaasaxuia.or.anrsimrSeaecM.o•aaouaGrzaeailnllnir, J GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer CoMe in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo We also have it Service Truck—if you have, car phone 179 and we will come promptly Truck trouble, PHONE 479. All Repairs Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH - We Aim To Please VARNA Mrs. M. Reid has been in London with her sister, arra, J. T. Reid, who still continues to he very ill. Mr. and Mrs. F, Areekes spent the weelc end in Listowel. Mrs. Langton, who was renewing acquaintances in this district, has re- turned to her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wateon of Gode- rich Township, spent Sunday with the former'e sister. Mrs. Mossop. Mrs. McConnell is visiting her .dau- ghter Mrs. Argo in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Diehl of Thamesville were renewing acquaint- ances last week in his old neighbor- hood prior to his trip to Florida, where they expect to spend the win- ter months. Miss Logan of Bayfield and Miss Douglass of Hensall paid a short visit to our village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin of Sea - forth called in Varna Sunday. Mr. and "Mrs. Wilford and kiddies spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Grassick. Mrs. Austin, daughter Mary and son Russell, called on friends in Lon- desboro 'Sunday, They were accomp- anied by Mr. T. Dennison and Mrs. Smith, who spent the day in Walton district. Mr. C. Pilgrim Jr. is wearing a broad smile these days as ,a little son has come to brighten their 'home. Miss Annie 'Keyes of Lucknow made a short visit in our village. She was called home owing to the illness of her brother Oliver in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ripley, Miss King and Miss Ridley of Bay City, Mich., visited with Mrs. Shannon and and Mr. and Mrs. Fred MaClymont one day last week. Rally Day will be abserved in the United Chunch Sunday School next Sunday. Mrs, Bab, aelaGuire of Wingham is spending a few -days with Mrs. Jas. McClymont, Rev. and 'Mrs. T. W. Diehl called on friends here one day last week. BLYTH Worden-Richmond— Maple Ridge Farm, Blyth, was the scene ;of a pretty wedding al noon on Saturday when Estella Marie, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Richmond, was 'united in the holy bonds of ma- erimony to Mr. Russel Warden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. 'Warden of ,Staffa. Rev. Arthur Sinclair offici- ated and Mrs. Millar Richmond play- ed the wedding music. 'The aride, giv- en in marriage by her father, was prettily gowned in white satin made on princess lines, failing grace- fully into a -t-tein. Her long veil of tulle fell from a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of Killarney roses and bouvardia. The bride's sister, Miss Jessie Richmond, as brideSarfaad, wore pale blue em- broidered net over taffeta with mateb- ing cap of forget-me-nots. She carried HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. goeeph Cooper and son of near Ethel visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. ated Mrs. A. W. Beacom, Mr. and Mrs. jeseph Campbell of near Walton visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Reid. Mr. and Mrs, A. W. MeEwing vis- ited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hudie, Goderich tawnship. Mr. earl Mrs, Isaac Reason visited at the home of Mt. arid Mrs. Robert Beattie Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. t'110, Knox Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey leartox visited the latter's sister, Miss Laura Mann- ing, in -Kitchener on Sunday. Miss Manning had just returned to Kitch- ener after spending the last two months at the lake near Georgian Bay, Burns' Church anniversary services are expected to be held the Rest Sun- day in. October. 'Fureher particulars will appear later. There was a holiday at liarlock school .on Tuesday as the teacher, Mass Isabel Jamieson, was away. Those from Hatiock vicinity who were in 'London on Tuesday were: Miss Tamieson (teacher), Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and family, Mesers, john and 'James MclEveing and Mrs. Colson and Mr. Arthur Colson, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson, Mr. and Mrs. I. Henderson of Seaforth, and Mr. and M-rs. Wm. Farquharson of Walton. Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sturdy and little daughter, Mrs. 'Geca'SattadY, Mrs. James •Raith- by and Mr. Eph. Bill of Auburn, and Mr. Wm, Shepherd and Mr. VVat. Myers of 'Clinton were entertained for dinner and afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd. Mrs. Peter McDonald recently spent a week at the 'home of Me. and Mrs. Russell Sundercock, near Cran- brook. Mr. Leo 4Vatt attended a iegion ser- vice in Kincardine on Sunday last. Mrs. Albert McNittie of Hespeler spent Sunday among McVittie friends, Master Donald Walt spent Sunday afternoon with Walton friend. The funeral of the late Mrs. John Beattie (formerly Miss Elizabeth Ha- milton, was held on Monday after- noon from her late home on the 10th concession, to Beene' Church cemet- ery with it large attendance. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to her .on- ly child, Thomas, and all the friends. ales. Harry Sturdy and little dau- ghter spent part of this week at the home of her parents, Me. aad Mrs. Thomas Colson. Mr. Harold Bedcom trucked six horses to London on Monday Inc Mr. Wne. Dale, Mr. !John Leiper is demonstrating Inc the Goodison people of Sarnia at London this week. $4183.44 Expenditures: Affiliation fees $ 'Humidifier and restraint sheet 10830 Bed lamp .,., ..... ... , Thermos jugs and door num- hers2925 Ingram & Bell, scialytic 1110.00 Ingram & Bell, Lemon fracture app. ............ 14230 Victor x-ray interval timer a., 661115 Advertising 8.75 Christmas gifts, fruit andliove- ers , 12:95 Stamps .73 Express'1452 I ncidentals ...... 112.156 Balance irt hank and lk stamp 41.73 THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1938 It GENT THEATRE WINTHROP The Ladies' Aid and 'W. M. S. 'of 'Caven Church was held at the home of ' Mrs. ,Robeat Dodda on We.dnes- day afternoon, Sept.' 7th. Meeting op- ened by singing hymn 104, Mrs. Alex - 'ander led in prayer. Roll can on 'lois- stone was answered -by 30 members, Malmo were head and adopted. Mrs. Alexander co rainc ted the queetion- aire and M1,3. Ernest Toll gave the answers from_ the blue book, The Ladies' Aid affering was taken and hymn 148 was sung. The ladiee have decided to ;hold a 'cooking sale la Seaforth on. Saturday, Sept. 17theAr- ran.gemen1e were made for the thank offering meeting 01 he held in Octo- ber. Mrs. R. Dodds, captain of Circle No, 1, took charge of the rest ief the meeting. The theme was missions and tbe church universal. Hymn' awl was sung, and the remainder of the pro- gram was taken from the missionary Ilionbh.ly with Mrs. Dodds, Mrs, Church, Mrs, Garnham taking the readings. Mrs. Cuthill led in prayer. The offering was received and Mrs, James Blom gave an interesting read- ing, "The Magic Wards," and the scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Robert IVIcClure, Hymn 21518 was sang. Mrs. Craw closed the meeting with prayer. :Cavell Church, Winthrop, will hold their anniversary 041 the first Sunday of October. Rev. W. 8, Craw, of Centennial Church, London, is ex- pected to preach in the evening. Mr. Fergus Bullard was operated Mt in Toronto .General Hospital, last week and is doing nicely. Corp. Eaton attended the drum- head services in Kincardine last Sun- day. Mr. W. C. Bennett of Walton is installing a furnace for Mr, Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan and little son Bobby -of Roxboro, :yin and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona and Bill mut Melvin Merriam of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Geo Eafon. Mr. and Mrs. ;George Ganton Detroit. Mich., spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson Mr. Ernest Mathers of Das.hwoot spent the week end at the home Mr, and )&rs. Arthur Henderson. SEAFORTH NOW SHOWING Gene Autry Smiley Burnette The Old Barn Dance 1VIIDNLGHT SHOW Sunday, Sept. 18, beginning at 12:05 Mon. Tues. Wed., Sept. 19-20-21 Warner !Baxter, Freddie Bartholomew $483.114 CROMARTY Youth Killed By Tractor— , George Trivett, aged '16, of 'Fuller- ton Townehip, was instantly Ikilled, last Thursday morning about 7:130 o'- clock, when a tractor which he was driving overturned, .crushing his body beneath it. The young man left his home, lot 26, concession 4, early in the morning and was on ,his way to the farm af Russell Butler, near Cro- marty, a distance of about ten miles, to plough. His journey was almost complete, when at it turn in the side road between Wallace's and Hamil- ton's farms, he apparently lost con- trol of the tractor and met his death. The machine turned over into the ditch, and partly. back onto the side of the road again. The boy's head was pinned beneath the fender. •Mr. Watt ;Nichols and tun.) companions saw the accident and rushed to the scene, 'but any assistance was of no avail. Dr. Stapleton was called and no inquest will be held. George is the son of Mr. anti Mrs, John W. Trivett. He was born in London, England, on April 9, 1119212, aad at the age of three weeks, along with an older sister came to Canada with his parents. Since he attended the schools at Lumley and Cromarty he has worked on the farm with his father. Besides his sorrowing parents, three sisters and five brothers survive. A online service was held at his lite home, on Saturday, September 110. Interment was in Roy's cemetery, The pallbear- ers were former school -mates, Wil- fred Scott, !Frank Scott, Ross Hough- ton, 1Lorne Kay, Thomas Cooper and Bruce Balfour. Flower bearers were Lama McLellan, Doreen McLellan, Anna McKay, Bernice McKellar, 'Eil- een ,Crawford, Evelyn Kemp, Mary Holmes, Margaret Ilaemat, Lathe Glanville, Laura Din,nin. Rev. Mr. Mr. Ready of Cromarty .conducted the service. Teacher: "How did you break your hoofh, Tommy?" Tatruna: ,"Changiag gears on . lollipop, sir?" Want and For Sale Ads, 3 vvreks, 50c Kidnapped Arleen Whelan C. Aubrey Smith Kidnapped, that lusty, bold adventure story, which has thrilled millions for half a century Next Thur. Fri, Sat., Sept. 22-23-24 . EDWARD G. ROBINSON Slight Case of Murder 0 Jane Bream • Allen Jenkins She was a gangster's daughter in love with a cop.—So Pop had to go straight or else! STANLEY Farm property changes; Mr. Mor- ris Etue of the Blue Water highway 'has purchased the farm of the late George Coleman in 'Tuckersmith. Mr. Albeet Dunn gr. has purchased Harold Penhale's farm on the 'Bron- son line. Mr. Dunn gets possession April 1st. ELIMVILLE The 'Misses 'Knox twins, of Gran- ton, visited their twin friends, Misses Etheleen and Eileen galins over the week. Miss Margaret 'Johns of the same place also spent the week end at her h-ome. Mr. Fred Long ref Atwood eel -sewed ac'quaintances here on Sunday. Rev. J. Penrose returned .last -week frrom it trip to hisold home in Hull, Eng., and other places over there, having a most eujoyable seven weeks' vacation. He 'gave a very interesting talk on his trip at Sunday evening's service. Next Sunday being Rally Day for the S. S. the service will be combined and commence at la p. tn. Sunday School will he held on alt Sundays .following at the regular hour of 2 p.m. 'after having been held at 10 a.m. Inc a couple of months, COMING—Joan Blundell Melvyn Douglass `THERE'S ALWAYS A WOMAN" i!st in the hottest conmetition. Fol -1 lowing are the winner, Thomas Mc- Michael & Sou, George Dale & San, William Bina, ' Grand Old Man oa Perth, The followieg refers to Wm. Dav- idson, 1brother of .Alexander Davidson of Seaforth: "County Clerk William Davidson 45 to -day receiving the hearty congratulations of his friends on die occasion of his eightieth birth- day, 'The Grand Old Man Of ,Perth,' as he is often referred to, is still hale and hearty. William Davidson first saw the light of day in the Emerald Isle, ,being bore in Monaghan, an Sept. 7, lea It was in 11844 that his father, the late Abraham Davidson, accompanied by his wife and six children, of whom William was the second eldest, emigrated to Canada, arriving in Toronto after being en route for neariy seven kat weeks. He found the woman of this choice in Elizabeth 'Cole, to whom he was unit- ed in marriage in :1957. It was but a short time later he made 'his debut into the munioip.al life of the county of Perth. groin then 011 it was but a series a .promotians from .one officelIPT to another. In 1872 he was appointed 01 his present position .a Perth coun- ty Clerk. In addition he was ;post- master at Carlingford for years, and :held many offices, including secretary of Stratford public school board for 32 years; alderman of Stratford for ail years an.d mayor for two years; dir- ector and .president of the Perth Mut- ual, and auditor of the British Mort- gage Loan Co. for twenty-one years. There are few if any, so well versed in the municipal life of Perth county since the hater ;fifties as is he. It is interesting to note that of the six children Who ;came •to Canada with their parents, all but one are living. The eldest, Alexander, resides at Sea - forth, and is in his 82nd year. Th.\ others of the -family are: Mrs. Ham- ilton, Listowel; George Davidson, Mitchell; 'James aad john, Fuliarton." TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Miss .Case is a London visitor this week.—The Rev. Mr. Brown preaches harvest thanksgiving sermons at Bay- field and Varna on Suaday:—Miss Margaret Keanedy left this week for Saginaw and Detroit, where she will spend her holidays.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Campbell and son Robert have rebutted after s:pending a week in Detroit.—Mr. and 1VIrs. Whitmore ansi son, of Goderich, motored to town and spent Sanday with MT. and MTS. John Dodds.—Mes. C. Walkie (nee Miss 'Emily Ruf6les) and babe, Toronto, are visiting in tawn.—Mi,'. and Mrs. W. D. Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Mann of Mitchell were guests at the W. T. B. dance,—Mass Marg- uerite Evans of Dublin was it Sea - forth visitor Friday and attended the W. T. B. dance.—Thos. Gerry, who has .been visiting his daughter Mrs, MeKinnon of talgary Inc the past couple of months, has returned home, --games Williams has returned, to his home in Detroit after two months' pleasant visit •with 'his brother, Mat- thew VVilliams.—A poor Male Man told us this week that "The millinery days ane here, the maddest of eh" year!Now whaaever do you suppose he meant? --Mrs. Morris Shea and lit- tle daughter returned to their home M Detroit this week after a pleasant visit 'wit'h Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Diug- gan.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johriston, John St., are spending a couple of weeks with friends in Chicago and Minneapolis.—Miss noble, who has been the guest af her sister, Mrs. W. D, Bright, for several weeks, left for her home in Brandon on Saturday: She will spend a few days in Toron- eo, en route..Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan of Grand' Forks, N.D., returned to her home this week after visitiag her matter Inc several weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Soole intend going to the West the end of this month. Taeir family are all out there which makes the call of the West all the more at- tracbive to them, The Seaforth ex- hibitors ,of heavy. draught horses at the Toronto Fair succeeded in win- ning the largest portion of the prize BRODHAGEN Visitors: Mr. and 'Mrs. Dankwirth of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elligson. Mrs, Rudolph Spiecteer of Graven - burst with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinz. Mr. 'John F. ,Prueter spent a few days in Toronto. The Brodhagers Band played at the Moakton iFair on Monday and at the Boys' Bend Tattoo in Stratford Tuesday evening, The metnbers af the church caun- ' cil of St. !Peter's Lutheran Church went to New Hamburg to attend a meeting of the different church coun- cils of the district. AUBURN Mrs. Heber Eedy, Lucille and • Jack Eedy, Mrs. B. J. Crawford and Miss E. Elliott of Dungannon visit- ed with Mrs. Fred Ross on Sunday. Mrs. gas. 'Howitt spent the week end with her 'daughter, Mrs, Hugh Chesney ,and Mee Chesney, of Sea - forth. Miss Beryl Wilson of Seaforth and Miss Dorothy Wilson .of Sheppard - ton spent the week en.d with their parents, Mr. an:d M.rs. J. g. Wilson. ,Arnong those who were in Lon- don are Mr. and ales. R. J. Phillips, Mr, Lap anduraMrshtip .iTlhsos, gohnston and m John R. Weir and Charles 1Rabert- eon, M. P. 2., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed and daughter Ruth spent the week .end itt Taronto the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George 'Patterson. Mrs. Wm. Hills of •Goderich visit- ed with Mrs. Harry Govier last week, Mr. and Mrs. John !Rdbertson of 'Goderic'h were recent visitors with Miss Susy Mrs. Mark Armstrong ,of East 1Wawanosh is staying 'with her eats, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, while 'taking the glove making course at Londeaboro. Miss Eleanor Wilson is taking the coarse at Lonclesbaro as a delegate from Auburn branch .of the Wom- en's Institute. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's institute will be helel in the Foresters Hall on T•uesday, Sept. 120th. This is Grandmother's day and the program will be given by the Grandmothers. The hostesses are Mrs, Wm, Robison, Mrs, 10. S. Erratt, Mrs. Gordon 'Taylor, Mrs ,Geonge Beaneated Mts, Washington. There will be no service in the Presbyterian ,Oha't'ch next Sunday owing to the Harvest Home Services in ehe .Anglican Chorale Harvest Home service will be held in St. Maek's Anglican 'Church next Sun- day. On the morning at 11130 when Rev. Oa. M. Weeks, the rector, will bring the tnessage. In the evening at 7'31:1betIi 7:30, Rev. guest M.ire.MzeGaokr. uenn. of. Clinto vvi Mrs. Lorne Ivers af Dungannon is the guest of Mrs. Feed Ross white taking the glove making course at Loadesboro. Miss Anielia McIlaw.ain has remelt - of to her 'home -here after spenclmg two moeths at Grand Bend.