HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-08, Page 16PAGE EIGHT
Mr, :•and -Mrs, Laird . Mickle.: -.and
".. childrenBilly! and Betty, 8pent .0 last
Thursday with „friends at Oakwood.. •
. . Mrs. Levi Randt, while at her
work 'recently, had the misfortune to
hurting her neck. She .was taken
to Seafarth Hospital for 'treatment
and is .rensaingin for a few days,
Labor Day' .passed off quietly in the
Quite a number .spend the
day at the saintlier resorts, ar went
to Toronto over the week end.
The many friends of Mr. George
Sutherland will lb.e pleased to hear he
is improving after his recent illness.
• me, and Mrs, John Dingwall of
Streetaville and Mr. and - Mrs, Roy
Cornell of Toronto . were 'holiday
guests with their relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar .McQueen and Mr. and
Mrs. George Follick,
Mrs. Catherine Hedden and daugh-
ters Rath and Mana and sons Herbert
and Harold and Lloyd, visited in St.
Catharines over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Simpson .and
Mr. and' Mrs. V.eadt cf D:etroit visit-
ed over the week end . with their mos
theta - Mrs. L. Simpson, also their
grandmother, Mrs.- Rohe, Bonthron.
3lit's Jessie Paisley, who has spent
the .last two - months of he holidays
with her grandmother, Mrs. E. Rae-
nie, has .returned to her home. m
Mr. Allen Cochrane. who has 'beep
serioasly ill for some time, has been
taken to Toronto General Hospital
for treatment. -
The. Hensall Citizens Band intend.
holding a hand eoncert In the park
groptula on Friday evening. Sees. Clali
from 8 to 9 e.t.a. AfterwertIS there
will he games ene other aamsernente,
also dancing to Siesette Cieanet orchs
estra. If the weather is vorab:r
the coneert .ae 'sada .1a.' the town
Mrs. W. B. .frtat eteitinain
Ton -alto.
Miss Eleanet. tea: 'teen
visitingt.for ate eerel e,aatio: -.vith 'Miss
Gealie Cross. ha= rettnnee iter
hame in Toronto.
W. M. S. Meeting—
Thi.. 1V. M. S. ef tile ,:barch
met in. the s -1-es elatrch
on Thursday. See:. it:. The aresid-
ent Mrs. Crass, pretiatd daring the
exercises. The hymn, "Tee :learning
light ia breaking," WLE, same and fol-
loweti. by the laeart preeee aniton.
The minutes were read end adopted.
Mr, -Cross read a tette:- from Mrs.
Sinclair expressing her e,a.reciatien
of' a W. M. S. pin 2117e11 te• y the
auxiliary, accompanied tes e :eater.
•Mrs. Coo -k. treaearer. reported en
crease in cantributions over 1937 at
the aame (late. Mrs. Lantatia and Miss
Hunter were • appointed vieitort for
the tumult of Septelfr:''r,'.0,rrange-
ments were began for the felt thank
offering meeting at eva.ich Mrs. „Mur-
ray, a meinher of the aeminion board.
was to he the speaker, the meeting to
be 'held on Oct. 2nd. ew lac:. 9th. The
Itymn. "Jesus shall reign.- -.vat sung,
after which Mr,. C. M ere sid-
eddarkZer the progrent, ana rea.i the
devotionletalea, "Locking toward
the univertary Churth and Missiens,"
Miss Mnrray reedau erticle again: an
appeal to reason, whica shk
to the 1..1iiite1 State' the can-
sumption tsi. liquor e, ovar fifteen
lion dollare sMce the repeal of the
prohibition amendment. Added to thia
was the -great -loss of life. increase oi
crime and disease. violation of laws.
poverty and immoral living. Sera. 28.
1.939, is the centenary of. the 'birth of
Frances Willard, when a million dol-
lar .educational iund will be raised to
be used in aid of temperanee over the
radio .and by the 'movies. Mrs. Mc-
Donell • conducteda queetionaire is'
which she asked 'questions. and Mrs.
R. 3. Petersen gave the answers from
the thine book. Sonne high lights
gleaned from the answer were as fed -
lows: The Bay of Quinte conference
lead's in number of missionary book,s
read with 3235 books. H.arnilton con-
ference branch leads with a ten per-
cent increase in circle 'membership.
The Montreal conference leads in
baby bands by doubling its member-
ship, "Blest be •the tie," was sung
and Mrs. McDortell pronounced the
While Mister Roy Hedden was
'playing round the sawdust pile at
Welsh's sawmill on Saturday he had
- the misfortune to fall, breaking his
• arm at the wrist. He was taken to the
• hospital at Seaforth for an x-ray and
had his arm set. He was able to re-
turn home on Sunday.
Miss Grace ,Brock has returned to
her position in London after spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
- and 3.Ars. George Brock. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baker and fam-
ily are moving to Exeter this .week
where Mr. Baker will be more cen-
tral to his work of driving the grader
on the provincial roads of this district
that are not paved.
Mr. Harry Cook of Toronto spent
the week end and holiday with his
patents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook..
Mr. Mervyn Schalen and Miss Vio-
let Schwalm of Stratford, also Misses
Mae 'and Margaret Schwalm of Lon-
don, spent the holiday here with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter Schwalm.
Harold Schultz, Stratford, was a
Sunday visitor at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Peter Schwalm,
Mrs. William Higgins and Mr. and
Mrs, Thos. lafeN-eil. of Clinton, were
calitng- on relatives in the village on
Mrs. Annie Cuppard of Detroit is
visiting here with her aunts, Mrs.
John Dinsdale an'd MTS. J. Murdoch.
Miss Laura Bute of Toronto, "dait.
.8liter of Rev. and lairs. Buttformerly
of Centralia, is visiting With relatives
in the Village,
Great quantities of. Wheat, 'barley
. and other grains. are.1being 'marketed
'here flatly . Grain .is being tracked
here from a distance of :thirty miles
around Hensall. All three elevators
are running night and day to keep the
grain shipped out.
Mrs. Esther Smith and son Russell,
after a very pleasant visit with relit -
Fees here, returned to their 'home in
Detroit on Thursday. They were at-
conapanied 'home. by Mr. 'William
Henry. of Stanle-y township, who i=
.gaingt to visit his brother Mi.. Alex
Henry formerly of the Chiselhurst
district, who is seriously .at. • .his
hassle 'in Cass city, Mich;
Mrs, E. Rennie is 'having her . home
on Queen St. painted, and .otherwise
improved.The Work ie ibeing done by
Reeve Shad'dick and Ads . ataff,
Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto
wept the week end and holiday at
her home here.
IVIies 'Emma 'Johnston spent the
holiday and week end with friends in
Miss :Nellie Boyle, RN., Of Tor-
onto- spent the week end here with
Miss 'Dorothy McQueen. of Centra-
lia- &pent .Sunday here with .her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed McQueen,
isliss Mavis Spenter of Toronto
spent the holiday at her home .here.
While Mr. Frank Coleman was
coming into town from his farm in
Stanley township on Tuesday even-
ing; his car ran into .two horses on the
road about a mile west of Hensall.
Both horses were .badly hurt, and
were-. destroyed by A. R. Campbell,
V. S. Traffic Officer Robinson of Ex-
eter investigated the case. One of -the
horses, a valuable colt, 'belonged to
Colin Hudson, and Was being .past-
ured on the .Burns farm. We under -
Stand that a party had driven to the
Burris •farm, ancl on driving away,
left the front gate open.. The horses
were in a nearby field and strayed
onto the road. The Coleman car was
not injured to any extent, .
The Hensall. Public and Continua-
tion schools 'opened for • the fall and
winter term on Tuesday morning. For
the apening day there was a 'good at-
tendance. The same staff a teachers
are .employed: as last year, except
'alias Irene Douglas. Her phis assist-
ant- in..the Continuation school has
been taken 'by Miss Kilpatrick of
Stratieroy, There Inc abaut .50 milt:
in the. Continuation echoed. Form I
:arger than nsual while the
,ettrenee class in the public school
will Ise the largeet in years. The Hen-
s„,; tellools will 11,-. (1...eabt have -a very
atestatitil yeae with the good attend -
5511 splendid staff of teachers.
air, and :tart. Cetodwin, accompan-
i-ta ay their daughter Mise Mary. •aud
Mrs. Manlikinsont 'pent the holiday
at I.aketide. .
Mrs. A. J. Sweiteer ad two. child -
:ell af the Beachat'el'inee, were visit-
ina relatives in town on TueSday,
Mr. Cliff Wataon of Kippen has
sterted a school 'bus running to Clin-
ton. each day. to accommodate pepils
attending Clinton schools. On Tues-
day morning he had 20 pupils and
exaeets at least 30 between Hensall,
Ki'ppen and Brucefi.eld.
Miss Hazel Smillie left 31.onday for
Atwood where she has been engaged
to teach school.
The contractor; who are drilling
the new well at the Memorial Park
are having difficulty in securing a
tuitable supply of water. A week ag.o
they were down nearly 300 feet and
struck water. but only a small omen -
thy. The drill is still working, and is
down now about 400 feet.
Mr, Charles Stephen of Elimville
ar,etalit to Thompton's -grain elevator
here on Tuesday evening on hit truck
in env load, over 300 'bushels .of -bar-
ley. The grain grew 011 t11C farlT1 of
Orval Beaver, near Farquhar, weigh-
ed fi:e lbs. to the bushel, was bright
and elean, and was a splendid stunPlo
of grain.
Dr. lfurray 'Fisher and Mrs. Fisher
of Gravenhurst NItaskoka, .were visit-
ing here on Tuesday with his mother
and sister, Mrs. Peter Fisher and
Mies Eleanor Fisher.
Miss ILettle Lave left for Toronto
cal Monday to assume her new duties
as a supply teacher in the pu.blie
schools of that city.
Mr. and Mrs, -Ed licAsh of Lon-
don were holiday visitors with Mrs.
George Sparks.
The Hensel' school fair will be ;held
.in the Hensall public school on Fri-
day. Sept. 116th.
Hensall Tax Rate 10 ,Mills—
ski the meeting of the council held
on Tuesday evening, the tax rate for
1938 was set at 30 mills.. This is two
mills more than last year. If the. On-
tario- Government makes a rebate of
:one mill to; the municipalities. as last
year, only 29 mills will be collected.
The menthere of the council met in
the hall Tuesday.
Mr. Beattie has resumed his duties
as teacher for another year.
Mr. and Mrs. Argo and little son
of Toronto spent the holiday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Mn. Billy Austin of Seaforth spent
Labor Day with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beaty accom-
panied by Misses Gladys and Edyth,
attended the Exhibition last week. On
their return they were joined by Mrs.
Langton of Toronto who is the guest
of Mrs. L. Beatty.
Miss jean Mossop, after a month's
vacation, has returned to her duty in
Mr. George Beatty Sr., in company
with Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Miss iSiossop
and Mrs. Mooney '(of Winnipeg), mo-
tored to Brussels Tuesday.
Miss Mary Armstrong, R.N., of
Toronto, and 'brother John, of Kirk-
land Lake, called on Mrs. Mossop and
daughters on Monday.
The many friends of Mrs. John
Hartman will be 'sorry to know she
is at present in Clinton.
Mr, Harold Elliott of Kitchener
has 'been spending a few days at the
parental home.
Misses Irene and Doris Chuter of
London spent the week end ,with their
Mrs. Chas. 'Pilgrim jr. was taken
to Seaforth Hospital Ttiesday.
Silver Wedding.—
The 'United Church parsonage. Var-
na, was the scene of a happy occasion
on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, when the
friends and relatives of Rev, J. R
and Mrs. Peters assembled to do ho -
You may have your choice
NO Machine Permanent'
Machine Permanent
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Specia1 Prices NOW
B Beautp Salon
The home of Better Permanents"
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nor to their host and hostess, 'on the
twenty-fiith anniversary of their mar-
riage. The clergyman who officiated
was the late Rev, W. H. Harvey,
who was at that time pastor of Wes -
'ley United Church, London. The
guests who were present at the cele-
bration, from London, were Miss
Catherine Westman, who was bridea-
maid at the wedding, Rev. Dr. R, H.
Barnby and Mrs, Barnby, Miss Clara
Brenton, Miss Rose Friend, Mr, and
Mrs. Reginald Peters and daughter
Anne Marie, Mn. and Mrs. A. E.
Westman, Master Douglas Oliver,
Mr, W. H. Westman, Chatham, who
had supported' the groom. Guest.
from Atwood were Mrs. W. F. Lon,
Charles, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Robb and
Mn. and Mrs. Mervyn Mayberry of
Milverton: Dr. Barnby acted as toast
master and prosed the toast to the
bride. The 'bride wore her white silk
crepe de chine wedding dress, unalt-
ered, made floor legth, draped over
skirt, hanging in graceful folds, the
bodice trimmed with brocaded elik
and hand -made honiton lace. 'Dress-
ing the bride' in 1913 was a loving
.but ardons task in having to find an,„q
fasten twenty-four ver.y small hook*
and eyes. This eerviee a'its then rend-
ered by Miss Rae Sifton, a Craig St
friend of the bride. Eight guests had
attended the wedding, To Catherine
Peters, daughter of the parsonage. is
due the credit 'for the happy hours
spent ,by the company assembled, also
for the twenty-five roses that decor-
ated the pretty luncheon tables. The
young friends who helped with the
serving were Margaret daanlont,
Rachael Johnson and...Isabel Robin-
son, Mrs. A. Ings, Mrs. W. Routley
and Mrs. R. DOWS011.
Mr, G. Marks spent a week's holi-
days here and has returned with his
family, Mrs. Marks and Ross and
Carolyn, who have spent the summer
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, George Cob -nett and her brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Connell,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitman of Mi-
chigan have returned after spending
a month with his aunt, Mrs. Connell
and 3.41.. G. Connell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker of
P.eterboro called on friends here last
Mrs. Reid and Miss Etta Reid of
Port Haron, Mich., visited with rel-
atives dining the past week.
Mrs. Webb of Bay City, Mich., vis-
ited at the home of Mn, and -Mrs.
Fred IVIcOlymont on Friday.
There will he no service or Sunday
School in the 'United Church next
Sunday awing to anniversary services
at Goshen 'United Church.
Mrs. S. Derbyshire, Southwold—
Sorry to record the death of Mrs.
Seth Derbyshire. of Southwold, near
St. Thomas, Mrs. Derbyshire had
been ailing for some Months, and in
spite of all that loving care and at-
tention could do, she passed away on
Wednesday, Aug. 31Ist, Mrs. Derby-
shire was. the daughter of the late
Wm. Rathwell and Mrs. 'Rathwell, ost
Stanley Tp., Where she lived until ;her
marriage to Mr. Seth Derbyshire of
Wheatley, where they resided for a
number of years. Mr, ariti Mrs. Der-
,Ityslaire resided in Southwold for the
past ten years. Site was a member oi
the United Church. The funeral ser-
vices were coadueted by Rev, A. E.
Hopper on .Friday, Sept. 211d, The
interment WES in Wheatley cemetery.
.Among friends from a distance who
attended were Mrs. Sarah Woods,
Luoknow, Mrs. Arthur Whatham,
Galt, Mn. Wm. Daugherty, Gu.elph,
Mr. Wilson Woods, Dunclas, Mrs.
Margaret Reid, Mr and Mrs. Wilmer
Reid, 'Verna, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. El -
aloft, Mrs. A. E. .Chiver$, +Windsor,
Mr. and Mrs. I, A. Rumbell, Toronto,
Mr. aad Mrs. T. F. Robison, Thed-
ford, and Mr. and Mrs, A. Brandon,
Mrs, Stinson, Rodney. The bearers
were two sons, Mac and Don, two
nephews, Ronald and Blyth 'Elliott,
Windsor, two cousins, Vv'ill C.I•ark and
'Wilmer Reid, Varna. The friends .and
acquaintances extend their sympathy
to the bereaved family.
The fallowiag teachers have gone
to the following schools, MiSS Marg-
aret Ferguson to .Parkhill; Beryl Wil-
son to Tuckersmith; Dorothy Wil-
son to Sheppardton, Ethel Washing,
ton to Picton: Jean Hauston to Nor-
thern Ontario, and Mary HOUSt011 to
Mr. and Mrs. Kellner Dawson
spent the week end with Mn. and
Mrs. Edward Stoltz of New Dundee,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson .vis-
ited over the week end with Mn. and
Mrs. Kruse of Galt
31r. Wm. Mather of Parkhill visit-
ed over the week end with Mr.. and
Mrs. A. J. 'Ferguson.
Mrs. Harry Anther has reunited
home following a two months' visit
with her ancle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Yengblut of Zurich.
Mn. and Mrs. Thomas S. Johnston
spent the Week end with friends. ia
Forest and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell of
Toronto spent the week end with Mn,
and Mrs. W, H. Sheppard.
Misses Bernice Lawson and Jos-
ePhine Weir visited over the week
end with friends at Galt, Niagara
Falls and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson and
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Haggirt were in
Stratford Monday.
The following children started to
school for the first time yesterday,
TOM Sheppard, jack :McKnight, Joan
Killough, June Beadle and Douglas
Maclain. This year the 'beginners
are gointr to the continuation school
instead of going to the public school
as in former years.
Mr. Harry 'Rinderknecht and Miss
Anna Beadle\ of Detroit spent the
weelbeatand witb Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Beadle.-7.717Rinderknecht returnecl
to Detrait fdllowing a week's visit
with with Mr. and -Mrs. Beadle.
Mr. George Disney of Detroit vis-
ited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Robieon have
returned home following a week's
visit with friends in Flint and other
Mrs. Chas. MacCrae of Sault Ste.
Marie visited over the week end with
his sister, Mrs. Mary Moore and
consin Miss Sissy Blair.
Messrs. Gordon Taylor, Harold AS-
quith and Gordon Dobie went on a
motor trip to Tobermory over the
week end,
Miss Isobel Robertson has return-
ed to Toronto following a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rob-
Mr. and MTS. Hirt :Halstead visited
With friends here over the week enk,
Mrs. Halstead was formerly Mary
Messrs. Thos. Johnston and Melvin
Craig attended a demonstration and
lecture on anti -freeze at the Bedford
Hotel, Goderich.
Visitors: Mrs. 'Louis Becker of
Stratford with her sister, Mrs, Rach-
ael Selheim.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bennewies of
Woodstock with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I. L. 'Bennewies.
Mr. Harold Querengesser of Wind-
sor with relatives.
Mn. and Mrs. Chas. L. th,terenges-
ser of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Querengesser and MT. 'and
Mrs. Orville McNicol of Ethel with
Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz.
Mr. ,and Mrs, Fred •Miller and Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Ennis and son of
Walton with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Phillips an.d fam-
ily of Kitchener with Mn, and. Mrs.
J, Amstein.
Mr. Albert Smith of the Canadian
Bank of Comnrerce, Durham, with
his parents, Mr. and MTS. Ed "Stnith.e
Mrs. Fred Hinz, Albert Hinz and
Miss 'Margaret Smith motored to
North Bay to spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. 'John Hinz motored
to Niagara 1Falls, N.Y., over the holt-
A new Agricultural Building has been erected, also a Grand Stand for
your accommodation
HORSE RACES.—Free for all. 2.27 Pace.—Special prize money—
Roadster Class
DANCE to Ernest's Orchestra, Friday, September 16th.
GRAND CONCERT by Happy Cousins Concert Co. of Elmira, on
Saturday evening, Sept. 17th.
The Directors of the Blyth Agricultural Society with your co-opera-
tion hope to again place Blyth Fall Fair as the Best in the County.
New Potatoes, per peck....17c
Red Path, per cwt, 5.39
Manitoba Flour
per cwt. ...... 3.89
Salt, 125 lb. bags .....,,...49c
Stock Aid Fly Spray
per gal. tin .......... 99c
New IAfe Hog
Concektrate, per cwt . 2.79
Bologna, per lb. 15c
Shortening, 2 lb. 23c
Pure Lard, 2 lb. 23c
Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 51c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
3 pkies. . ..... 24c
Shredded Wheat
2 pkges.
Kellogg's All Wheat
2 pkges. ,. 21c
Grape Nut Flakes, per pkg. 9c
Electric Light Bulbs, each
We L Finnigan
The Coyne Family wish to thank
their many friends and neighbors for
the kindness shown to them in their
recent bereavement.
Of Household 'Effects on Saturday,
Sept. ‘110.th at 11:30 'pm., on James Si.,
Seaforth, the following effects: t
Dining table and six chairs, 4 piece
parlor ;mite, parlor table, leather
rocker. organ, New Williams sewing
machine, dresser and stand, 2 single
'Ingle and double becl with springs and
mattresses, feather tick, chest of
drawers, clothes horse, curtain stret-
chers. quilting frames. Brussels car-
pet 12 x 13. rug 8 ta 10, kitchen
tattle, 5 kitchen Chairs, secretary, 2
rockers, kitchen stove, linoleum 12 x
14, clock„paper rack, kitchen cup-
board, fire extinguisher, electric iron,
electric toaster, ironing board, 2 iron
pots, fry pan and other cooking 'uten-
sils, wall brush, carpet sweeper, diset
mop, washing machine, wringer, band
washer, tub, ,boiler, 2 tables, sealers,
crocks, etc.' piettne frames, extension
ladder, step ladder, square, hand saw,
2 planes, draw knife, and numerous
other articles, one toilet set, one
heater, wheelbarrow. Terms, cash,
Thomas Melady, Prop.
Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
clay. Their daughter Doris who had
been spending a week there retnrinal
with them.
A large crowd assembled on Sun-
day to celebrate Decoration Day ip
St, Peter's Lutheran cemetery.
The Brodhagen Band gave their
seventh open air concert on Sunday
evening which was the last one for
this season. The Band appreciated the
large crowds present at every concert.
Mr, and Mrs. George Kiatner, Miss
Annie Kistner of Waterloo, Mr. and
Mrs, Kenneth Kistner and daughter
of Kitchener, Mrs. joe Thornton and
son of McKillop with Mr. and Mrs,
Adam Kistner.
Miss Vera Rock returned to her
position as teacher at Enterprise in
Eastern Ontario. Miss gem Eick-
meir is' visiting her sister in Kirkland
The Late Mrs. Matilda Coyne—
The death of Mrs. Matilda Coyne
took place on Thursday, Sept. 1, after
a prolonged illness at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. Well might she be
called a valiant woman. Nine years
ago her husband predeceased her,
leaving her to raise a large family of
small children. Her strong Catholic
faith and complete resignation to
God's Holy Will enabled her to SIIT-
mount all difficulties and accomplish
the task assigned her in an admirable
manner. Site willingly. gave her tw.o
daughters Mary (Sister M. Isidore)
and Camilla .(Sister .11. Matilda) to
God in religion. They both 'belong to
the community of the Sisters .of St.
Joseph, London, and she had the con-
solation of having them 'both kneel-
ing at her bedside in her dying mom-
ents. Her unshaken 'confidence in
God and her entire ,surreader to His
Holy Will edified all those who at-
tended her during her sickness. She
suffered continuously yet never wall
'known to complain, Besides her two
daughters in religion she leaves to
mourn her loss one other daughter,
Rita, at home and four sons, Voseph,
Louis, Michael and 'Matthew, all at
home. The funeral took place on Sat-
urday morning, Sept. 3. Requiem
High Mass was sung by Rer..Father
Dantzer. Interment was made in 'St.
Columban ,cemetery. T.he. pallbearers
were Louis Gormley of Stratford,
'Thomas Morris, Taint .Coyne, Frank
Coyne, Michael Doyle and 'john
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Patrick D. McConnell
Seaforth, Ontario
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tneaday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m, to 5 p.m, Saturday
evening, 7:30 p, m. -to 9 p. nt
At Mitchell and Clinton will be
Pleased tophotograph the Wedding
Party, and give you Highclass • por-
traits at a reasonable price, ,
Two Collie pups for sale, guaran-
teed heelers. Apply to James T.
Scott, 236 r 33, Seaforth,
'Marc, 12 years old, good anywhere:
11 Dorset Ram, a triplet H. McItlwain.
Phone 2e6 r 23;
Amber honey 7c in your own con- .4
tainer. Wallace Ross, Seaforth, Phone
For private sale, at Lot 4, Con. 6,
lIcKillop, six dining room chairs, 1
couch, 1 Ideinzman ,& Manning organ
with piano case; 1 extension table;
little tables, large picture frames and
glass; carpet; fancy lamps; jars; 2
pairs chenille curtains, good as now;
parlor table, oak; curtains, kitchen
cook stove, good baker, All as good
as new, to be sold cheap for quick
selling, Mrs. Annie Kelly.
With the appointment of J. H. Kin-
caid, former 'York Co. school teacher,
as 'public school inspector of 'North
'Huron, there has been a • rearrange -
meat of territory in ItIaron County
for echool inspection 'purboses,
Heretofore, school ' districts have
been divided east and west. Hence-
forth the division will be north and
south, with E. C. Beacom, 'formerly
of West Huron, now the inspector of
South 'Huron.
Dark, hardy, prolific strain. FuII
information on request. Inspection
welcomed. Elmer Trick, 134 miles
west of Clinton, Ont., R. R. 3. Ex-
perienced breeder.
International. Fertilizer Drill, 111
tubes in good condition. W. Glenn,
100 acre 'farm in the township of
Tuckersmith, lot 114, 'Concession 5,
Huron Road survey. AN well under -
drained and in good state of cultiva-
tion. Good bank barn, 50 a 70. Pig
pen and henhouse, practically new.
Two never -failing wells on premises.
Particulars may he had on the prem-
ises or to Mrs. George H. Coleman,
Seaforth, R. R. 4, or phone 11313 T 2.
Apartment to rent, aver Thomas
Dickson's store. Apply to E. L. Box.
For Thompson at Hensall: we pay
highest market prices. Pennsylvania
products, grease and oils. Sotd under
money -hack guarantee. Sam Chesney,
Phone 160 r 4.
2, House and Lot in the Town of
Seaforth belonging to Rebecca Davis
Estate. Comfortable dwelling.
2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3a MoKillop,
containin,g 5 acres. Comfortalble house
and small barn. Suitable for poultry
3. Lot 7, Con, ais, Grey Township.
100 acreae Good brick house and barn,
driving sEed, good well, ta‘ mile from
school. Property of late Wm. Woods.
Particulars may 'be secured from Mrs.
Kate Woods, Walton, Ont.
Apply Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Crit.
Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness & Amid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
information cheerfully given
Dominion Bank Building, Seaforth
Phone 334 w
local dealer, 'John Bach, Seaforth.