HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-08, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE Some Values Sept, 8 to Sept. 14 PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 10 BARS 31C - ST. WILLIAMS RASPBERRY JAM 2'3C 32 oz. PER JAR Standard 2s 2 TIN9 c S WAX BEANS �TINS CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP ss 39C 2s -18e... . ....... , SALMON Fancy Red ,Cohoe Unicorn or Golden Net .... %s 16C 1s27c 2 IN 1 p 1 OC Shoe,Polish Paste Special... .TIN I Manyflowers Toilet Soap 4 Bars 15c Handy Ammonia pkg, 5c Hawes Floor Wax, is Tin 43c Castle Floor Wax, is Tin 25c Monarch Flour 24s 67c Canada Corn Starch pkg, lOc • Chipso, Small -10c ; Large 23c Quaker Puffed Wheat pkg. lOc Quaker Puffed Rice 2 pkgs. 25c piershey's Cocoa, %s -18c; is 28c Hershey's Chocolate Syrup 16 oz. 25c Catelli Cooked Macaroni or Spaghetti, 16 oz. 2 Tins 19c tin lac tin 5c bottle 18c lb. 33c lb. 18c 5 tins 25c Marshmallows, 5 oz. -10c; 16 oz. 23c Patterson's A. B, Gum Drops Ib. 15c St. Croix Castile Soap Candied Preserved Ginger Rubber Jar Rings, 14 cut Crown Glass Jars, Small -99c; Zinc Rings, Heavy Aeroxon Fly Coils Shredded Wheat Beaver Blueberries, 2s squat Cleaners, Big 5 or Classic Nonsuch Liquid Stove Polish Choice Breakfast Bacon Bologna Brunswick Sardines 8 Bars 25c 1/2 lb. 15c Dozen 5c Medium $1.09 Doz. Dozen 23c 4 soils 10c 2 pkgs. 25c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce P HONE PHONE $ 77 Walker's FU UNDERTASKING E —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, 'holder of Go- vernment diploma and. license, Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Hayter of De- troit and Mr. Roy Ross of London visited over !the week end at the home of Mrs.' E. Ross. Mrs. J. 'Jackson and Mr. Arthur Jackson spent the week end .with friends at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Topp and family and Mrs. Augusta Topp of Buffalo spent Labor Day at the home of Mr. John Elgie. Mr, and Mrs. 'Gordon Curtis, Gor- don and Ivry, of Medford, Mrs. Annie Brawn of ,Olinton and Mr. and Mrs. (Fletcher Townsend and Mr, and Mrs. Wesley 'Hoggarth, Ivan and Ross, UNIVERSITY EXHIBIT Western Fair, Sept. 12th -17th, 1938 One of the most attractive features at the Western Fair in 1937 was the UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO exhibit on the second floor at the east end of the ,Manufacturer's Build- ing. Thousands of people visited the exhibit and found it intensely interesting. It will be in place again this year in an enlarged and improved form. Do not miss it. Young people who are looking forward to a university career should not fail to see this exhibit. AT TENT ION! WHEAT GROWERS Would you like to sow fertilizer this Fall without using a fertilizer drill or attachment?. Let us show you our new Gran- ulated Fertilizer, the only kind tha can be successfully sown mixed with grain in an ordinary drill. Costs no more than ordinary fertilizer. J. N. McKENZIE Massey.Harris Dealer Seaforth spent Sunday at the .home of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoggarth and Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Townsend spent the week end at Niagara. Mrs. Amos Townsend is visiting at the home of her son Raymond. Mrs. W. A=rmstrong had ,the mis- fortune to break a bone in her hand one day last week. Wewish her a speedy •recovery. Miss Isabella Armstrong is spend- ing the week in Toronto. A. few of our 'boys took in the Tor- onto Ex. this week. MANLEY Mr. Louis Brnll and daughters, Mary and June, from Detroit, and Mr. C. Eckart from Seaforth were visitors in our 'bung this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eckart and his family have returned to their borne in Timmins after spending their vacation with their many friends in this vicinity. Mr. Vincent !Eokart has returned to Sandwich to ,resume his studies in college. Miss Beer, our teacher, resumed her duties in our school on Tuesday. She was successful in passing all her class of pupils who tried the entrance exams. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manley and Mrs, Thos. McKay went to London on Friday to see Mrs. C. Eckert in the hospital, DUBLIN Mr. William Murray of Manitoba, visited his brother, Dr. S. Murray. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook and his mother and father of Youngs- town, IO.hio, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'Klinkhamer of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. M. J. 'Klinkharner. Mr. Patrick 'Looby and brother Ed- ward, of 'Saginaw, spent a few days at the home of his brother, Mr. L. 5. Looby, who is ill. We wish (him a speedy recovery. Messrs. John Flanagan and Ken- neth Dill of Taranto spent 'the " holi- day in the village. Mr. Peter Dill of Detroit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dill. Mrs R:oy,,Clapk !(nee Loretto Jor- dan), and son Billy .of Niagara Falls, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs: Joseph 'Jordan, SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per !bus. 53c Oats, per bus, 23c Barley, per 'bus. 40c TOWN TOPICS i'Lr. Hugh 5. Logan and Mr, David B. Logan of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. May, London, and Mrs, A. E. Dunn, of London, were week -end - guests with 3v&r. and Mrs. E. L. Box..' Mr. Wm. Heffron of Toronto and Miss Kathleen !Clarke visited Mrs.. Carbert on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heffron and family of Blyth, Misses (Gate and Ella and Mir. (James ,Heffron, all of Blyth, visited Mrs. Oarbert. Mn. ,Isabell 'Reid and daughter Etta, from Port Huron, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna. Miss Leone ,Hatham visited friends in'Toranto over the week end and at- tended the Toronto (Fair. Miss Sara A. Keys from Varna has been spending a ,couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. S. 'Hanna. ' Mrs. Clayton 'Laithwaite and young son, who have ,been visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. John Ho'tham, returned to her home in 'Goderich on :Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Webber and family •of Woodham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna, Mr. 'Frank D'avis of Winchelsea is visiting his 'daughters, Mrs. John Ho - them and Mrs. George McGavin. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Hays and daughter Mary have returned to their home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bi'all and fam- ily who spent a few days with their many friends in this vicinity, returned this week to their home in Detroit, accompanied by their son Gordon who has been sojourning here the past six weeks. Mr. and ieIrs. Giinske and two chil- dren of .Detroit spent a few days in town and in Owen Sound over the holiday, leaving Tuesday for their home, They were accompanied by Mrs. Reginald Sykes of Shelton, Washington, who spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat. Miss Case and Miss Feeney, R.N., have returned home from St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London,. where they were on special duty with Mrs. C. Eckert, and report she is :progressing as well as can be expected after a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. George 'Scoffield and daughter Nancy spent the holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Case. Mrs. Sooffield and Nancy remained for two weeks' visit. The three daughters of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Eckart resumed their du- ties as teachers on Tuesday, Clara in Hibbert Tp., Angela in Carrick Tp., and Bessie •in Brant Tp. Mr. Fred Bealc, Hiss Phyllis and John Pinkney of Hamilton spent the week end at the Pinkney home, .God- er•ich street. Master Billy, who spent three weeks here, returned home with them Monday afternoon. Mr. Dick Box has returned dome after spending his holidays in Tor- onto. Mr. Dave Reid of KirklandLake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and daughter INiancy, of Toronto, and Mr. Dawson Reid of 'Guelph. were holi- day visitors with their mother, Mrs. J. F. Reid. Mr, and Mrs. !Jacob Reed and their son 'Wm., and Mrs. Reed's sister, Mrs. James Agar, of Dungannon, called on several friends in Egmond- ville and in town. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Zavitz and three children and •lir. and Mrs. Colin Zavitz and little son Jackie, and Miss Olive Eberhart, all of London, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 'Eberhart. Miss Beatrice Eberhart left Mon- day for her new school in Thorn- bury, also Mr. 'Robert 5, Eberhart to his school in Hillsdale.. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart and son Kenneth have returned after a few days in 'Kingsville and Detroit. While in Kingsville they were the guests of Mrs. Hanna and Miss ,Anna. Mr. R. G. Carter of 'Orangeville spent the 'week end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. George Eberhart. Mr. and Mrs. !E. L. ,Box were in Toronto last week. Misses !Pearl and Thelma Creigh- ton of Detroit have returned to their home so as to be in time for school, after spending the holidays wtbh their .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kink, 'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 'Kirk visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. D. Beeoro'ft in Wingham !last Thursday. GRAND OPEN'ING DANCE! AT KIPPEN Thurs. ,,Sept.8 WITH LEN } O.PKI'N'S and his '11 piece orchestra. (Formerly Pierre Muir) of the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. Direct from a sunnnter''.s en- gagement at 'Greenhurst. We have (been fortunate in obtaining this band. One Night Only General Adm: 50c TOWN TOPICS Mr. John Piper of Detroit spent the 'hatiday at his home 'here. Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Healy and chil- dren of Toronto were week end visi- tors with Mrs. L. E. Richards. Rev. Dr. 'Hurford will conduct Harvest Thanksgiving Services at 'Corrie, Wroxeter and Fordwich on Sunday: Miss Shirley Warm has returned after spending a month's holidays at Jackson Brothers' at :Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Ken ;McLean and Mr, and 'Mrs. Stewart Cudmore back in tlhe Toronto Exhi'b'ition one day this week. The Misses Dolores and Dixie Ann Cudmore spent a couple of days this week at Mr. Cecil (Oke's. Mr. Allan Smith of the Collegiate staff, and Mrs. Smith, :have taken apartments at Mrs. McLennan's, Victoria street, Mr. William :Murray left this week for his home in Dauphin, Manitoba, via Algona, where he will spend a few days with his (brother Thomas and other .friends and relatives. Mrs. Robert Murray and her daughter Fairy, accompanied him, returning to their home in Algoma. 'Misses Evelyn and Hazel 'McPher- son of Walton spent the week end at Toronto Exhi'b'ition and visited this week with friends in Seaforth. Mr, Wm. Elcoat and Miss (Hazel •E'Icoat went to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Walters of Colborne Tp., is spending the week with her sister, Miss Osmond. Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin •G. Keyes have returned to ,their home in Windsor after visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keyes. •Mr. J. 'Williams and Miss Allison Williams of Detroit, and Miss "Millie Williams of (Mount Carmel, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune. Mr. 'Stuart 'N. Keyes of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.'INelson Keyes. Mrs. U. D.' Clark and daughter Evelyn returned Monday to Mont- real after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. 'Miss Florence Laidlaw returned 'to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Woods and daughter Miss S. Woods ,of the Collegiate staff, arrived Saturday from Kingston and will oc- cupy Mrs. L. T. DeLacey's residence. Mr. and Mrs. !George Rose of St. Catharines were visitors with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. iF, D. Hutchison. Mrs. W. A. 'Wright and Bruce were Toronto visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, George Elson of Sag- inaw, `Mich., were guests on Tuesday of Mrs. Elson's sister, Mrs. W. H. Golding, .lir. and Mrs. Wilber Keyes spent a few days in Toronto this week at- tending the Exhibition. Mrs. E. 5. 'Chapman has been spending a few days in Hamilton. Ken Adams, Andy Calder, Ross McNab and Ross Allen spent the week end at Toronto Exhibition, (Jim Elliott, Jack Dorrance, Glen !Pinkney, Floyd Pinkney, Cleave Coombs and Glen Hildebrand spent several days at Toronto Exhibition and Buffalo. Mr. Manny Burke spent the week end at his home in Toronto. Thos. Sills, Jos. Purcell and Geo. Kruse were holiday visitors in Tor- onto. Misses Annie and Jean Brodie mo- tored to Kirkland Lake on Friday and Saturday where the former will re- sume teaching dirties and the latter joins the staff this year. Mr. Henry Coffey and Mr. a and Mrs. Ralph Weiland, all of Boston, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, Egmond- ville, for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Leitch and daughter Esther Mae and son Frances, of C'han(paigne, I11., were guests of Mr. 'John Web- ster last week and left Monday ac- companied 'by Mrs. Ben Rising to visit in Toronto and Ayr enroute home. • Blanche Norris returned home on (Friday after spending three weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. E. A. Norris its Toronto. Dr. Reid Edmunds, Brantford, Miss Phyllis 'Townsend, 'Mr. Dick ,Winters and Mr. Arthur Edmunds, all of Ha- milton, spent the holiday week -end with Mrs. W. Edmunds. Mr. and Mrs. :Harold Ireland of Toronto, were visitors here over the week end.' Mrs. W. C. Govenlock re- turned with then( to spend a few days in Toronto. • Misses Louise Allan, Dorothy Reinke and Marguerite Blck have re- sumed teaching in Hamilton,. and Misses Laura McMillan, Ria Hills and Ida and Eva Love at Toronto; Miss Bessie 'Grieve, Chatham, Miss Helen Anent, Windsor, Miss Gladys Thompson, 'Niagara (Falls. !Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard visited a couple of days last week with their S011 and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. George Sinclair and two children of London spent the holiday week end with .her mother, Mrs. Annie Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hills are spend- ing a few days in Toronto. Mr. Will Rowland of Sarnia spent the week end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan. Miss Margaret 'Finnigan is spending a few days in 'Sarnia. ,Miss. Blanche Wiltse was in Tor- onto on Friday attending Exhibition. Want and For Sale ads, '1 week 2I5c AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christie of Cromarty visited with Mrs, W. C. Robertson. Mrs. Jas. Woods who has been vis- iting her cousin Mrs. Kyle at her cot- tage at Bayfield, has returned home. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. ,Archie Meherry and son Bobby, of Windsor, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yungblut and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glover of De- troit spent the week end with Mrs. Glover's brother, Mr. 'Willis 'Moun- tain. Mr. Billy Brown of Brantford ie. hol.id'aying with his aunt, Miss Lawdy Young. Master Bobby Lyon, who has been holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Lyon, has returned to his ,home in Leamington. Mrs, Fred Sims, who has recently returned from England, spent a few days last week at the hone of Miss Gladys Mountain. Mr. Janes McCool spent the holi- day with Isis brother, Wellington, in Toronto. Misses Mangaret and Kathleen Yungblutt of Clinton spent the week end at their home. Miss Lily Adatns spent a few days at the Exhibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Woods,•+Mas- •ter 'Kenneth and Miss Lois attended the C.N.E. two days last week. Mrs. Haply Duncei.th, Misses Mary and Jean, 'Masters Donny and Jack of Stratford, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Willis Mountain. Mr. • and 'Mrs, percy Manning and Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson and Fraser spent last week at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagner of London spent the week end with Mrs, Wagner's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Har- old Sprung. Miss Beryl Wilson of Auburn spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Fern Watson. Mrs. John Knox of Wingham spent Wednesday of last week with her friend, Mrs. Willis Mountain, Miss Leona Stevens of Seaforth is spending a holiday with her .grand- mother, Mrs. John Nott. 'hiss Minnie Snell and Miss Elsie Snell of Westfield spent Thursday at the hone of Mrs. John Snell. Mr. and Mrs, Jim .Morris and child- ren spent the week end at Mrs.1Ior- ris' hone near Kippen. Miss Helen Johnston and Mr. Fred ,Johnston of London spent the week end with friends here. Mrs. Willis Mountain visited with her uncle, hlr. 'George Stevens of Clinton, one day last week. Bias Sadie McCool of Ottawa and Miss Odd of Woodstock called on Miss McCool's brother, Mr. 'James McCool, one day last week. Mr. Harry Snell's Sunday School class treated Miss Arnett's class to a weiner roast on Wednesday night. Ali reported a very good time. The regular meeting of the W. I. was held in the Community ,Hall on Thursday last. In the absence of the president the list vice-president, Mrs. Geo. Moon, took the chair: Meeting ;opened by singing and prayer in uni- son. During the business session there was some discussion on the glove making 'project which will take place in the Community Hall on Sept. 13, P4 and 15. Mrs. Bert Brundson, Mrs. F. Hall and Miss Mamie Shad - dick to take charge of the arrange- ments. It being grandmothers' day they were asked to take the platform and lead the singing. The Maple Leaf was sung with Mrs. R. Vodden at the piano after which Mrs. Wm. Lyon gave the history of 'No. S school. then Mrs. Geo. Moon gave the history of S.S. No, 3 which was followed by "Londesboro in the Seventies" was read by Mrs. Margaret Manning which ,led us to believe that about 50 or 60 years ago Londesboro was booming, Readings were given by Mrs. R. Caldwell, Mrs. W. Brunsdon and Mrs. F. Hall. Then "The' Old Pio- neers," true to life as in the old days, was given by Mrs: M. Manning and Mrs. W. Bra(sdon. This was follow- ed by a shawl parade by 110 grand- mothers and one great grandmother. They marched from the back to the platform and there they gave the his- tory of each shawl warn and then sang "Good Night Ladies." All joined in singing God Save the King which closed the proceedings. 'While lunch was 'being prepared the audience was entertained by viewing the stilet-, did :display of antiques, 'Lunch was served by the members, The grand-, mothers, 116 in all, 'were placed- at one. table .which •was .decorated with mauve streamers and mauve bon- g tets, ou-guets, :the other tables being in pink and yellow. About fifty were present. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kunkel. of Niiagara. falls spent the holiday with the lady's mother,, Mrs, E. Crawford. Mr, and 'Mrs. C. Troope and Miss Jean Mains, Chicago, are spending The Exhibition is a r_ dream of marvels. Here are gathered some of the continent's finest livestock. See them judged, dischssed, par- aded. Wander through the stalls and inspect them closely. Thrill to the music of England's Royal Artillery Band. Watch the excitement of the. harness races. Examine the huge farm -implement displays. See the mirror that talks, the Art brought from Europe. Take the youngsters to stare at "Booty" the strangely intelligent owl, play in Frolexland, eat in a restaurant on the grounds. There are a million things to see and something of interest for everyone. GEORGE BRIGDEN ELWOOD A. BOOMS President General Manager AUG.26•SEPT.10 CAADDIAfl flRTIOI1RL EKHIBITIOfl 1879 e>1938 oiRmono••JUBILEE their vacation with their sister, Miss E. Mains. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Townsend of Brantford have been visiting relatives here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have re- turned from their holidays. Mr. Thompson is now relieving agent at C. N. R., Goderich, Messrs. W'allie Riley and Cliff Sun- dercock • spent Sunday at Bruce Beach. Dr. and Mrs. ,Kirk Lyon *f Lea- mington visited last Tuesday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon. Master Bobby Lyon, who for the„ past month has •been holidaying at the home of his grandparents, return- ed home with his parents to Lea-, mington. A memorial service will be held in the Londesboro cemetery on Sunday next, Sept. 11111th, at 3 o'clock, Rev; A. Menzies •of the (United Church, will have charge of the service. The Blyth Band will be in attendance, In case of bad weather the service will he held in the church at the same hour. The Wilmot Agricultural Society extends a Cordial Invitation to attend the ANNUAL EXHIBITION In Fountain Park New Hamburg Friday and Saturday SEPT.16 & 17 Complimentary tickets will be is- sued to school children .anywhere on application to the secretary. TWO TRIALS OF SPEED 2.27 Pace Purse $75.00 2.19 Pace Purse $75.00 Entrance money added. Trotters allowed 5 seconds. Entry fee $5.00 Every ,heat a race. The Fair will be opened Friday ev- ening, September 16th, by HON. P. M. DEWAN Minister of Agriculture for Ontario Hon. N. C. Hipel, Minister of La- bor, and Dr. G. I. Christie, Presi- dent of the 04.C., will also be in attendance. A special musical pro- gramme will be given. 1938 ,SPECIALS Colt and Calf classes, (Wilmot Township Dairy Calf Clubs, prizes $54.00; school competitions; shields for sweepstakes writing; T. Eaton Co., silver entree dish for best dairy calf; Robert Simpson Co., silver bowl for best saddle ho^se; walnut table, value .$8.00, by Sty - ler Furniture Co., for best hunter. Grand Baby Show Saturday, afternoon, Sept, 17th at 2:30. DANCE in Agricultural Hall, Saturday Evening No Jitney. Adm. tickets 35c Good orchestra A_nost card will secure, a` prize list. Ralph Hilborn, Pres., Charles Iiei- pel, 1st Vice,Pres., Chas. Jacobs. 2nd Vic -Pres. :Mrs. A. R G. Smith, Sec.,-Treas., New Hamburg, !Ont.