HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros.: Publishers
urray-Taylor.—A pretty September wedding took,
place in Wingham,United .Church on
Monday, Sept. .5th, at 4.p.m., Rev. J.
F. Anderson officiating, when David
Alexander ',Murray, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Murray, of Walton, was
united in marriage to Miss Nora Tay-
lor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Taylor, Belgrove, The 'bridesmaid was
Miss Lillian Taylor, sister of the
-bride, and the groomsman" was Mr.
Thomas Henderson. The bride looked
charming in •a pink' chiffon dress and
the bridesmaid wore ,bine dimity. Lit-
tle 'Miss Van Camp was flowergirl.
The church was .prettily decorated
with gladioli and other early autumn
flowers and the guests' seats were
marked with flowers. The groom's
gift to the tbrid'e was a gold 'bracelet
and to the bridesmaid a cameo ring,
The -church was filled to overflowing
with guests and friends. Following a
wedding trip to Lansing, Mich., Mr.
and Mrs. Murray will reside at Wing -
ham, talking with then the best wish-
es of a wide circle of friends.
Mrs. R. A. Lundy of Streetsville
called on friends in the village on Fri-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hackwell and
(Continued Prom Page 1.)
unprotected by !ailing, travelling
many .hundreds of feet up .the tnouti-
tain side, looking into the -deep chasm
on one side and an upright bit of
earth or ruck on the 'opposite side,
extending skyward for hundreds of
feet, Finally 1 reach the summit of
the rnouattain and find •a thriving
town called Duc'ktown or CopperhiUl,
where for miles in every direction the
mother earth of very red clay is as
nude as if just 1born. Not even a spear
of grass is to be seen, all 'killed front
the smoke of the great copper mines.
On my downward go I find a snitch,
'better road and 'travelled much more.
but it is dawn, down, down, winding
and twisting in 'every direction, and
much of it unprotected by railings, as
on the 'other side.
The next place I come to is the
beautiful mountain city of Murphy,
North Carolina, where 'I rested for
the night, The next morning I set out
for what is known as ;the Neely Gap,
through the Blue Ridge Mountains,
and again I started on my up, up, up,
climb, following a stream until the
summit was reached.
Then up over the top to commence
the clown grade along another stream
and I can assure you that I would
much rather motor ep than down,
for some places, you are on the edge
family spent Sunday with Mr. and of an unprotected abyss, on a narrow
Mrs. W. J. Humphries.
Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Dennis of I and cannot tell witch .way you are
North Bay spent the week end with going to turn next. When you imag-
Mr. John Dennis and family. I ine that yuu have reached the bottom
Miss Mary Buchanan has gone to of the hill, you have only started, for
Rochester, N.Y., ,to attend the wed-' it is again down and down again.
ding of her cousin, Miss Lois Naylor.l Here otte has to travel at the rate
-lir, and Mrs. Joseph Hackwell of , of 10 to 415 miles per 'hour, and not
Rochester, 'N.Y., who have been over 2d1 at any place or you may
spending their holidays with the for- drop over, Many of the "turn signs"
men's mother, Mrs. D. .Bolton, have should be "turn and come !back" as
returned home. I you go around a point you turn back
Miss Grace Broadfoot of Stratford on the other side„
is spending her holidays with Miss Finally I reach my destination,
Beth Shannon. i which is still over 2800 feet above
Miss Rita Campbell of Goderich sea level, a county seat called Cleve -
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'W.' land, White County, State of Geor-
J. Humphries. Igia, just on the edge of the great cot -
Mrs. Thomas Burly: of Dublin ton belt. After spending a few days
spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. here, start out on my return jour -
John Burns of Walton. ney, following the same course ex -
Mrs. Hugh Fulton spent a few cept from Murphy, N.C., to Knox -
days last week with Mrs. !Joe Hamil-' ville, Tenn., I travelled over the
ton on the boundary east. I Great Smoky Mountains, going up 'by
Mrs. Jos. Love visited over Labor Santeetlah Lake and clown the Little
Day with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Tennessee River.
Broadfoot in Grey township. I This road is much better than the
Mrs. D. Watson attended the funer- one travelled over on any going trip
al of the late Mrs. Patterson at Blyth but it, too, is unprotected in most
last week. !places and there were several cave
ins below this road, taking away from
WINTHROP la third to over half of the pavement.
Mrs. Gillies, Isabel and Bruce, Besides there were some mountain
have returned home after spending a slides from above, crossing the road
few weeks with friends in Coiling- and sliding down into the chasm be-
Mrs. Wilkinson and niece, Miss Here again the Little Tennessee
Bock, of London, Mr. and Mrs. harnessed by a great dant supplying
Mercier and family of Dundalk, spent the surrounding country with light
a few days with Miss McNeil. and power. There appears to be pow•
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell of er enough going to waste in these
Toronto spent the holiday with mountains to supply light and power
friends. 'sufficient for all industrial enterprises
Mr. Gordon Rennie called on in the U. S. east of the great Mis-
friends in the village last week. sissinni, including railroads.
Miss Evelyn Campbell has return- Crops were everywhere on my
ed to Toronto after spending her holi- travels frown the great wheat fields of
days with her parents. Western Canada to the cotton fields
We were sorry to hear of Mr. Hol- of the state of Georgia. Very little is
man's mother and father being seri- grown in the mountain sections, but
Dusty injured in a car accident. • I find settlers living in little valleys
Mrs. Eaton, Ken and Don, spent a here and there growing a little corn
week with friends in Toronto and an the creek or river bottoms, with a
attended the Exhibition. Few- chickens, a mule or two and pro -
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton spent the bably 2 or three cows, and. as a rule,
week end with Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo very poor 'buildings, except where I
Sparling of Wroxeter, find summer torics. Pontiac and
Detroit, as you know, are the great
KIPPEN !automobile cities and Cincinnati is
On September ,114th Anniversary the great gate city to the south or
services will the held at the.Hillsgreen. Dixieland.
Church. The, guest speaker for the' Again thanking you for your valu-
.day will he the Rev. John Richardson 1 uable space, I am, yours sincerely,
•of Arkona. Mr. Richardson was theWM. MURRAY.
-pastor of this charge for six years and
-many old friends will be happy to STANLEY
.hear him again, Death of Mrs. Emily Armstrong.—
On Sunday, October 116th, Anniver On Monday, Sept. SIth; there passed
Bary Services will be held at St. An- away at her home in Clinton, Mrs.
drew's Church, Kippen, at these ser- Emily Armstrong, wife of the late
vices the Rev. Andrew Lane of Clin-1 Robert Armstrong, in her ins year.
ton will 'be the guest speaker. 'Born on Goshen line, Stanley, site was
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Dayman and daughter of the late (John Stephenson
Master Howard of Kippen, and Mr, and Annie Peck. All .her life was spent
and Mrs. Keith Colborne and little in Stanley till about twenty years ago
son Donnie of Goderich motored to when she and her late husband retired
Toronto on Sunday and took in .bhe to Clinton. Mr. Armstrong passed
exhibition on Monday. away sixteen years ago. Surviving are
Mr. R. D. Elgie visited with 'friends two daughters, Myrtle Emily. at
in Hamilton recently. home; Annie May (Mrs. David Kay),
Mr. and Mrs. 1G00. Kennard of of Clinton, and one song John A., on
Vancouver are visiting with their the homestead farm in Stanley. One
many friends in Stanley. son, Milton, died in 10110, and a son,
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Butt of the George Lloyd, died in 19117. One sister
village spent the week end with and three brothers also survive: .Mrs.
friends in Mint, Mich, Alice Armstrong, of Pilot Mound
'Mr. Alex Sproat returned recently pian„ Ralph Stephenson, of Stanley:
to his home in Toronto after a ;pleas- Wm. H. 'Stephenson, of Marlette.
ant visit with friends around the 'Mich., and David J. Stephenson, of
village. Bayfield,
Mr; and Mrs. Grant Love of Lans- Anniversary services will be held in
ing, Mich,, spent the week end in the Goshen 'United Church next Sunday,
village. Sept. 'lith.
'Mr. Stewart McLean of !Kirkland " Rev. Mr, Wright of Brucefield will
Lake is spending a couple of -weeks be the guest speaker at the morning
with friends here. service at 1(h o'clock and in the even-
ing at 7.'310. Rev, C. 5, Heckendoru
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks, 5t0e
'road almost as steep as a house -roof,
of .Zurich Evangelical Ohurch, will be
the preacher. Mrs. Dr. Bryce of ;Zur-
ich will assist the choir with ,the mu-
sic at the evening service.
Mrs, Armstrong was a consistent
member of ;Ontario Street ;United
Church, a kind and loving friends and
a devoted mother, and will the much
missed by a large circle of friends and
especially by 'the family, to whom is
extended the sympathy of the com-
munity in their bereavement.
Rev. J. M. and Mrs, Keys, of Ken=
mare, New York, visited with the
fornmer's ,brother, Mr. Art P. Keys
and family.
Mr, 'Robe McClinchey is visiting
friends at Marlette, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. (Paul Jahn, Mr. 'and
Mrs. W. Cable and Mr. and -Mrs. F.
Greenberry of Flint, Mich., 'visited
with the ladies' sister, Mrs. Thos.
Robinson and family on Labor Day.
Mr. .and Mrs. 'John SSteokle, Mir.
and 'Mrs. Josiah Stec•kle and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Meno . Martin and
family attended the family reunion
last week.
Miss Marianne 'Steokle returned
home last week after visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. A. Martin in Waterloo
Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Westlake and
Miss Jean Carnie spent the week end
in London.
Mr, and 'Mrs,. E. Ester of Preston
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Carnie on Sunday.
The Women's Institute met at the
hone of Mrs, A. Barr with a very
good attendance. The convener in
charge of each meeting is asked to
appoint someone to 'bring and con-
duct a discussion on current events.
The roll .call, an exchange of bulbs.
slips or seeds, met with a splendid
response, Mrs. Grasiby gave a demon-
stration on 'bouquet arrangement.' One
stration on bouquet arrangement, .one
sPecial arrangement was wild' carrot
and salvia, which was a very. pretty
combination. There were numerous
types and colors of vases in which
different flowers were tried, to get the
best effect, thereby carrying on the
praect of room re -arrangement which
had been conducted by Miss Esther
Slider last fall. The meeting was in
charge of Mrs. Alice Fawcett, con-
vener of education, who gave a very
interesting address on new schools
for old, or the new -curriculum, She
expressed the thought that the mind
of the child is not a cistern to 'be fill-
ed but a fire to the kindled. Let us
stop filling leaking cisterns and light
fires. She also spoke of the splendid
work being done by Mr, and Mrs,
Fred Sloman at Capreol in their
school car. Mr. Sloman is a nephew
of Mrs. Fawcett and a former teach-
er here. It was decided to have a
hard time hallowe'en party, arrange-
ments to be made at the October
meeting which' will be held at the
home of Mrs. Stanley Chellew,
'\Ir, and Mrs. Rdbt. Allison and
S011, Mrs. Leon O'Reilly, Mr. Irwin
O'Reilly and girl friend of Sarnia
spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
John Brock.
Messrs. Gilbert Johns, Laverne
Skitter, Lorne Elford and Allen Johns,
also 'Misses Dorothy Johns and
Gladys 'Skinner spent the .first of the
week with friends in Toronto.
Miss Joy Whitlock returned to St.
Thomas on Tuesday after spending a
month with relatives in -this commun-
Messrs. Delmer Skinner and How-
ard 'Johns, also Misses Gladys Johns
and Marion Miners spent 'the week
end et Niagara 'Falls.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ford and fa-
mily attended the Isaac picnic held
at the hone of Mr. Chas. Isaac at
Spruce Grove on Saturday.
The Mission Circle met at the
church on Wednesday afternoon and
entertained the Thames Road' Mis-
sion Circle .girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams and
daughters, and Mrs. Ben Williams
spent a couple of days the end of the
week at Niagara Fails.
Mr, and Mrs. Root. Bragg and
children of London visited recently
with relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Pybus of near
Chiselhurst were Sunday visitors at
the home of lir. and Mrs. Wm.
Miss Anna Hamilton visited in lid-
erton last week.
Mrs. M. Barr and grandson of
Stratford visited relatives here last
Miss Lila McCulloch spent last
week with her aunt in Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lightfoot and family
of Exeter spent the holiday with Mr,
and Mrs. Ed. Allen,
Some of those who are in Toronto
a'ttendiitg the exhibition: Frank Scott,'.
'Ross 'FTou;ghton, Rob Hoggarth, Totn.
Scott, Tom Cooper and Mr. and Mrs,
firs. Witi Martin has returned from
a pleasant trip to the coast.
J. btil L P'S GARAGE
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
4\re Aim To Please
All Repairs Strictly' Cash,'
R. A. Edwards Passes—
The death of 31r. Frank A. Ed-
wards, widely known resident and
!business mean of Bayfield, occurred
on Thursday, Sept. 1st, in his 74th
year. In April of .last year 'Mr. Ed-
wards 'became ill and thought he re-
covered somewhat at time he had
continued in failing health. 'Until sev-
eral days before his passing he had.
'been able to be up, about the house,
Frank Alfred :Edwards was 'born in
Lobo Township, Middlesex County,
on November 118, 111804, only son, of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards. He
was. educated 'in London. schools, at.
Woodstock College and London Bus-
iness College, corning to Bayfield ,fat
years ago with his father. The two
operated a general store for some
time, Mr. IEdwardstaking over sole
ownership of the business in 313915.
During his residence -here, Mr. Ed-
wards served the municipality in
nra•ny ways. At various tittles he was
secretary of the school 'board, .mem-
ber of the council, member of the Li-
brary Board, an -official of the Bible
Society. 'For 319 years he had been
treasurer of the Bayfield Agricultural
Society, and took an interest in other
activities of the community. In Nov-
ember, 11.5516, he married Miss 'Flor-
ence England, of Kincardine, who
survives with one daughter, Mrs, R.
J. Watson, of Fairlight, Sask., and a
grandson, Edwards Watson, The fun-
eral took place at Trinity Anglican
Church, Bayfield, on Saturday after-
noon. The rector, Rev. WS G. ,Bugler,
•officiated, Interment took place in
Bayfield Cemetery. The pallbearers
were Messrs. 'Will Elliott, Will
Scotchtner, A. E. Erwin, Hugh Mc-
Kay, Herb McGregor and David Mc-
Naughton. Among the many beauti-
ful 'floral tributes were a wreath front
the Bayfield business men and a
spray from Trinity Church. 'Relatives
from a distance attending the funeral
included, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mit-
chell, Toronto: Mr, and Mrs. George
Mitchell, of 'Lobo, Mr. John Mitchell
and daughter Mrs. 'Galbraith, Miss
Mary 'Gray, Mr, George Benson and
Mr, D. Stafford, all of London; Mrs
George Edwards. Lobo, 'Mr, George
Fisher and daughter Ruth of Water-
loo, and his sister, Miss Ruby Fisher,
Kitchener, and his brother, Mr. Burn-
ham Fisher, of Doon; Mr. and Mrs.
E, A. Sauder, Mr. Robert Sander, Mr,
and Mrs. Wilber Erwin and 1' Ir. and
Mrs. Frank ,Erwin, all of Kitchener.
Misses Drouin of Detroit left for
their home Monday having spent the
last two months at their swimmer cot-
tage in the village.
Mr. Carson of London, who spent
two months in the village left for his
home on Sunday.
The school opened on Tuesday with
Mr. H'idlyear, principal, and, Miss
Sheardown, assistant.
Miss E. Dewar has resumed her
duties teaching on the Toronto Pub-
lic School staff.
Miss Peggy Bal'kwill, nurse in train-
ing in S't. 'Joseph's Hospital, spent
Sunday 1 the village.
Miss Margaret Ferguson has re-
turned to her duties in Tecumseh.
Mrs. R. 'Middleton of Port Credit is
spending a few days with 'her mother,
Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Mr. Prior, -district engineer, of Lon-
don, was in the village this week.
Mr. 13ishop McGregor of • Detroit
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G.
Baird and Mr. and Mrs. J. Me -
Cowan spent last week in Niagara
and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. 'Mustard and
family have returned from Inver-
.Rev. and Mrs. H. 'E. Wright and
family have returned From their vac-
Miss Irene Snyd'er of London spent
a few clays at her home .here.
Mr. andr Mrs. H. Collins and fam-
ily spent last week in Detroit.
Mrs. Wm. Smith of Exeter spent
Monday evening with Mrs. R. Daw-
Mr. and Mrs, T. Dunlop of Chats-
worth spent the holiday with Mrs.
W.' Rattenhury.
'Mor, and :Mrs. J. McKenzie and fa-
mily and Mr. and Mrs. Hamel of
Windsor •spent a few days with Mrs.
Margaret McKenzie and Mrs. Me -
Mr. L. Palmer of Fenelon Falls
has returned to the village and taken
up his duties at the Stanley school,
Mrs. G. Simpson and 'Mrs: (Nevins
•of Hamilton are visiting at' the ,home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott.
Mr. and Airs. Wm, Simpson, of
Detroit visited .NI•r, C. ID. 'Simpson on
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser of De-
troit spent the holiday with Mr, and^
Mrs. H. ,Za'pfe:
Miss Jessie ,Grainger of Clinton
spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs.
J. 'Grainger.
Miss .Ellen Scott London spent the
holiday at' her hone here.
Miss Elsie Smith spent the •week
end in Port Huron.
Mr. and Mr's. C. Halstead and
Floyd of Stratford visited Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Wheeler.
Mr, and Mrs. G. Swan are holiday-
ing in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish spent
the week end in Stratford.
Rev, Hall Woods of Petrolia visited
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ai'kenhead and
preached a very inspiring sermon in
the United Church on Sunday morn-
Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon-
don spent the week end at her home
Mr. S. Knox of Windsor spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. L.
'W'e wash to congratulate .\Mr, and
Mrs. A. W. MelEwing on having pur-
chased Mr. Angus Reid's farm.
T•lie Baby Band, Mission Band, La-
dies' Aid and W.M.S. September
meetings of Burris' Church were held
Wednesday afternoon of last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Miss Levine Knox in company with
other Toronto friends, motored up on
Saturday to spend the week end and
holiday returning, Monday evening,
Miss. Agnes Leiper. who has been hol-
idaying for the past week at the home
of her pareltts and other friends, re-
turned with. then..
S'aturday and Sunday. visitors at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Bell
were :Mrs. Abraham, Mrs. Davis,
Mrs. Porter, Mr, and Mrs. Weston of
Flint Mr. Bert Barnes of Toronto
and Miss,Taylor of Goderich spent
Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Bell and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Knox' were invited
guests last Wednesday for tea at the
surprise party given by Miss Louie
Herrington, Blyth, to her father and
mother, it being their fortieth wedd-
ing anniversary. We wish them many
happy returns of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson spent
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Taylor.
Hibbert Council—
Hibbert Council met in regular ses-
sion at Staffa township hall on 'Mon-
day, all members present, the Reeve
presiding. The minutes of the prev-
ious meeting were read • and con-
firmed and a number of eammunica-
tions dealt with satisfactorily. An in-
vitation was received from the execu-
tive secretary of Western 'University
for the municipal officials .and 'mem-
bers of the council to attend bhe Wes.
tern lUniversity special exhibit held
in .the manufacturers' building at the
Western fair. Bylaw No, 4162 provid-
ing for the repair of the Staffa Drain
received its necessary readings am
was finally passed., 'Frank 'O'Brien
was re -appointed tax `collector fol
1938 and his salary set at $1,50. Cour
of revision on the Liffe Drain repai
'bylaw will be held at the Clerk's of
fice, Dublin, on 'Tuesday, September
27, at of p. tn. The following order
were issued: General expense, $1414,-
414; .clirect relief. ,$118,33; road expendi-
ture, '$4120,37. The meeting' adjourned
until Tuesday, September 717, at 2
p, in.—Kathleen !Feeney, Municipal
Miss Margaret Gilmore, who is in
Stratford Hospital, having undergone
an appendicitis operation, is •progress•
ing nicely.
Schools No. 3and 4 .have re -open-
ed after .having 'been freshly decor
atecl . and are in change of Miss M
Inglis of Stratford and Mr. Wrn
Bain of Se`bringville.
Miss '1M. Sillery, R. N., of Buffalo'
is spending her vacation with he'
parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Sillery,
Jimmy Durante ' Charles Starrett
start •Cheering
Reckless «anger
Bob Allen Louise Small,
Sunday, Sept. 11, beginning at 12:05
Mon. Tues. Wed., Sept. 12-13-14
Madge Evans John Boles
sinners In Paradise
Bruce Cabot Gene Lockhart
Eleven.: people loved, laughed, hated
and fought, on a lost Island in the
,South Seas.
Next. Thur. Fri. Sat,, 'Sept. 15-16-17
Gene Autry Helen Valkis
Smiley Burnette
The Old Barn Dance
Songs, Romance, and Thrills—a Gene
Autry hummer
Warner .Baxter, Freddie Bartholomew
Mrs. S. Webb of Mitchell was a
recent visitor with Mrs. C. -Bowman.
Miss Jean Snia'le•of .Seaforth spent
the week end with her parents.
' Miss Ila Drown of 'Mount Brydges
spent Tuesday with her mother.
Mr. IJ. 'Sadder attended the C. N. E,
on Labor Day.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Corless of Clin-
ton spent Sunday with Mrs A. A.
'Mr. and Mrs. G. Vivian and Mr.
and Mrs. C. Vivian spent the week
end with relatives in Niagara Falls.
Me. and Mrs. H. Templeman are
visiting with their son in Toronto,
Miss Marie Sillery has returned 'to
her school near St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Trobt and babe of
Mt. Budges were recent guests at
the parsonage.
Mrs. S. Casey, .Mitchell, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Sadler. Ail
Mr. and Mrs. IN. Harburn, Flint,
called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary dur-
ing the holiday week end.
M'r. and Mrs. A. Jeffry and son of
Detroit were holiday visitors at the
parental home.
Miss Janet Deering has returned to
Detroit after spending a months' hol-
idays with her -mother, Mrs. '5. Mc-
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Leslie and
daughters Gwyneth ,and 'Marion and
Mrs. George Wheatley of Clinton
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
W. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie and
family are to leave shortly for Boston
where Mr. Leslie will spend two - years
at Harvard University studying for 40
his B.D., after which he is to be a
professor in philosophy and ethics ar
Emmanuel College, Toronto.
Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew Reekie of
London • spent the holiday with Mrs.
Reekie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Visitors at the 'home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ferguson' the past week were
Mr, and Mrs. M. Mc leldar and fam-
ily of Seaforth, Mrs. Dr. Gib/orbit and
son Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Fred El-
liott of Toronto,
Miss McKeown of Toronto spent
the holiday with her sister, 'Mrs. W.
Kernighan and Mr. IKernighan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan of Blyth
spent Sunday at the !home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. B. Stephenson.
The W. M. S. held an open meet-
ing 'Thursday afternoon with the
Northside and Egntandviile auxiliaries
•present as guests. 'Mrs, Britton, Presi-
dent, opened the meeting Iby 'use of
hymn "Jesus Shall Reign. Where
'er 'the Sun," followed 'by prayer by
Mrs. 'Robert Lawson and Mrs. Brit-
ton. An address of welcome was giv-
en by Mrs, Lindsay's scripture read-
ing, Mark 13, '11-111, Iby Mrs. William
;Jewett. Hymn, "Whosoever Heareth"
reading by 'Miss Govenlock, Mrs.
Sawyers then told a story using the
2131rd psalm as the theme. Mrs. Rev.
Workman gave a brief report on the
dominion board convention in Toron-
to. Mrs. Rev. Menzies sang a solo,
"Not Understood." An address by
Mrs. Rev. Gandiner on the parable of
the talents; solo 'by Mrs. Norman
Carter. Hymn, "Search Me 0 God,"
was sung. Mars. Rev. Gardiner closed
with prayer. Lunch was served. Mrs.
Workman and .and Miss Cameron ex-
tended a vote '• of thanks to the .Con-
stance ladies for the !pleasant after-
'Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and
Ferne, also Miss Ethel Dexter of Or-
angeville, motored to Toronto for sev-
eral days last week. They were ac-
companied 'by 3dl-. and Mrs, C. Dex-
ter and. Miss Lillian Adams. They al-
so visited relatives in .Brampton.
Hantncan.—,In 'Clinton hospital to
Mr. and Mrs. !John A. Hartman, Var-
na, a son '(still (born).
'Madoney_On Tuesday, Sept. 16th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Maloiney, of
McKiliop, a daughter.
IPilgritn-In Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 11936, to
Mr. and Mrs, .Chas. .Pilgrim, Varna, a