HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-09-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Pros., Publishers
Edgar Elligson and Arthur Priestats. lett; three daughters, Mrs, Art .Pratt
'MT. and Ivirs. Eisler will reside in Lo- of Brussels and Miss Hartna.h Pat- ,
gart and the best wishes of a host of terson of Ness, York and Mrs. Will I
friends in the conuntinity are ex-
Mr. Will Roe has gone on a trip
to Western Canada, He. wilt visit
friends in Niaaitoba and Saskatch-
Messrs. James .Munray, Alvin Far-
quharson and Earl Hoy who are
working near Chathern in the to-
bacco fields spent Sunday in the
Mr, T. Bendall hes gone to Tar -
onto to visit his parents,
Misses 'Evelyn and Hazel McPher-
son who have been visiting friends in
Seafoith have returned home.
The fine bank ,barn of John Bal-
four of McKillop was destroyed by
fire Sunday forenoon, cause unknown,
partly covered by insurance.
Mr. Will Bolton, Misses 'Dorothy
Bolton and Norma Bang who have
been .visiting at Mr. and .Mrs. W. J.
Humphries, have returned to their
home in Rochester, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison who
hare been visiting friends in Mc-
Killop, have returned to their home
in Verdun, Quebec.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bolton of Roch-
ester, N.Y., are visiting the former's
Mother, Nits. L Bolton.
Mr. James Johnston who has .been
spending hi a holidays with his par-
ents has returned to his position in
Mr. and Mrs, M. 'Jackson of Mor-
ris spent Sunday with .Me. and Mrs.
H. Shannon.
Mrs. C. Drager is visiting her
daughter Mrs. 13.ryans •of Brussels.
Mr, D. Bird has gone to London
to the hospital for a heart treatment.
His many friends hope for a com-
plete recovery.
Mrs. Bird and Ross are visiting
Nirs. Bird's father at ,Kirkton.
The U. P. W. 0. Club held their
August, meeting at the home of Mrs.
Gordon McGavin with a good at-
MT. and MTS. R. a Parke and Mr.
A. Baker, Seaforth, spent last Wed-
nesday evening in Walton.
Mr. George Batson of Staffa and
Mr. Morrison of Chicago were .call -
Mg on friends in Walton on Tuesday,
Barn Burned—
The large barn oE Mr. John Bal-
four at Leartbery corner was ,burned
to the .ground on Sunday morning
shortly after ten o'clock. The barn
was empty, no crop having been stor-
ed in it. A few pigs which had ,been
in the barn, were got out. The cause
of the fire is unknown. .Balfour
had been aassay . during the week
painting barns near Exeter and had
returned home Saeurday night.
Shower --
An enjoyable time was spent on
Friday night when over 200 friends
gathered at +the ,home of Mr. and
Mrs. George H. Leonhardt, conces-
sion ,113, McKillop, itt honor of their
daughter Irene, bride of this week,
and presented her with a lkitchenware
shower and other gifts. An address
was read by Miss Olive Fisher to
which the recipients gratefully re-
plied. A gay evening of dancing- was
then enjoyed, the Brodhagen dance
hoer having been erected for the oc-
casion in the drive shed. Music was
supplied by 'Messrs, Oscar Elligson,
Edgar Elligacm, Harry Bennewies and
Ed, Boyce. Friday was also the oc-
of the bride-to-the's birthday. The fol-
lowing as the address:
Dear Gordon and Irene;
We make it our right,
To meet tonight
To see the groom and the bride
And like all the rest,
With a stuck out chest,
Proudly he stands by her side.
And though she is his,
And we know she is,
We hope that he'll kindly share
And may her bright face
Be welcomed in its place.
And have a nice home aver there.
Like a drifting Cloud
We are very proud
Irene, to have you on this line.
And we hope each day
As you sa-ork away
That you'll come and see us all
some day.
Now Gordon, nay lad,
We know you are glad
To think your long drives are o'er,
But still when you're old
And your bones feel the cold
You can think of the year before.
And when your young lad
Comes up to his dad,
And says, "Can I have the horse?"
Just answer, "Yes,
You can, I guess,
For once I was young, of course,"
And we know Irene feels
As she cooks the meals,
That she's the luckiest girl she could
And maybe some day
To her girls she will say,
hope you find a man, like me."
Now Gordon and Irene,
While you're both in your place,
Our gratitude we want you to see,
So now is our chance
To leave a remembrance
Of the ones in this corm-I:unity.
So we ask you this eve,
These presents to receive
As a token of remembrance from all,
And we hope that it pleases
As much as your squeezes,
So now 1 guess that will be all,
A marriage of much interest took
place at 2:130 :p.m. on Wednesday,
.August 311, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, George H. Leonhardt, MoKillop,
when their daughter Irene NV., be-
came the ,bride of Gordon W. Eisler,
son ai Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eisler of
Logan. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. A. C. Hahn of Grace Luth-
eran Church, Mitchell. Miss Edna
Eisler, Stratford, sister of the groom,
wee. •bridesmaid and the groom was
attended by Mr, Edwin Leonhardt.
(brother of the bride. The wedding
music was played by Miss Ruby Ben-
newies, who also sang "I Love Thee
Truly" during the signing of the
register. The bride wore crepe in
plum shade and bolero style and
brown accessories. Her flowers were
salmon colored gliadiolus. The brides-
maid was dressed in dank beige trim-
med with satin an.d accessories were
brown, and iflowers red and white
gladiolus. The groom's gift to the
bride was a chest of silver; to the
bridesmaid, a 'birthstone set of ring
and necklace; to the .groomsman a
gold tie clip and pin; to the organist
a silver cookie plate. House decora-
tions were in pink and white with
summer flowers. The ceremony took
place beneath an arch a evergreens
with pink and white decorationsand
wedding shells. About 315 guests were
present at the .wedding and at • the
supper served at 5o30 o'clock. Misses
Ruby Bennewies, Iris Veber, ,Olive
'Fisher and Kathleen Smith were the
table waitresses. In the evening a re-
teption and dance was held at which
music was provided by 'Messrs, Har-
ry Bennewies, Id -Boyce, Oscar and
•Creighton of Blyth. A son,
died in Chicago a year ago; also
danghter Ma -s. Wesley Searle of Mor-
ris Tp. ten years ago. She is survived
by a 'brother Henry McMann, Van-
couver, B.C., and four sisters, Mrs.
Sarah L. McLeod of Seaforth, Mrs.
Thomas 'Williamson, 'Victoria, B. C.;
Mrs, John Shortreed, Morris and
Mrs. Wm, Woods, Walton. Three
sisters and a brother predeceased her,
Mrs. Elliott, Goderich; Mrs. McKay,
Moncrief; Mrs. Nicholson, Brussels,
and George died in early years. The
Funeral will -be held on Thursday,
Sept. ,I1st at 3 .p.rn. from her late resi-
dence to the Burns' Cemetery, Hall-
ett, Rev.aArthur Sinclair of Blyth Un-
ited Church, officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mulqueen and
family of Wisconsin, U,S., are visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCaughey.
Miss Nora Robinson visited Mr. and
Mrs, P. J. Kelly over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly and James
and Misses Margaret Mulqueen and
Nora Robinson spent Sunday at Bar-
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson are at-
tending the Toronto Exhibition this
Mr. and Mrs. 'John McNichol and
Master Aubrey spent Friday at
The September meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will he held at the
home of Mrs. A. Barr instead of at
Mrs. S. Kechie's on Friday afternoon,
September 1st, at 2.30
The congregational picnic of the
United Church was held on Wednes-
day on the farm of Torrance Dundee
on the eighth concession of Morris.
All report a good time.
The Blyth Band held another of
their very entertaining concerts on
Thursday evening.
Mr. Norman Mavis of Toronto
contribatted two solos in good voice
at the United Church service on Sun-
day morning, Mr. Murch is a former
resident of this locality.
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
spent the week end with her sisters,
Nfre. D. Floody and Mrs, Win, Lyon,
a Mrs. Wm. Woods. of Walton spent
a few days with relatives here.
The new agricultural 'building is
near completion and Blyth fall fair
will he held on Friday and Saturday,
Sept. 1164117.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bell, Huron
Road, Goderich, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Manie
Frances. to Mr. Ernest Rouse, of
Norwich, son of Mrs. Rouse and the
late Mr, Charles Rouse, of Blyth,
the marriage to take place in Sep -
tern ben
Death of Mrs. .George Patterson --
The death occurred early Tuesday
morning at her .home in Blyth of
Hannah M. McMann, wife of the late
George Patterson in her '70th year.
She had been ill for the past few
months and suffered a heart attack
about two months ago and never ful-
ly recovered frotn the effects, Mrs
Patterson was horn at Brussels,
where her parents, the late Mr. and
Mrs. 'George McMann, and lived for
a time near Wingham a.nd later re-
turned to the vicinity of Brussels. She
resided there until her marriage to
Mr. Patterson. They took up resid-
ence on a farm on the Hullett-Morris
boundary where they remained until
the death of Nar. 1Patterson ten years
ago. when Mrs, Patterson moved to
Blyth. In religion Mrs. 'Pattereon was
a Methodist and latterly a member of
the United Ch.meh here. She leaves
to mourn her loss two sons, Robert
of MoKillop and Alexander of Hui -
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,.
phone 179 and we will come promptly
Wee Aim To Please
All Repairs Strictly Cash.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 'Roltsison are
visiting with Mrs. Harold. 'Frost of
Flint, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. ,McIlareen and
family hare returned to their home at
Bowrnanville following a month's
holiday with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Asquith. '
Mrs, F. Ross and Donald are visit-
ing with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ro.bt, Philllips at-
tended a Superior Store ,picnic at
Springbank .Park, London, on Wed-
Miss Betty Asquith is visiting. with
Toronto friends.
Rev, and Mrs, H. C. Wilson, Ruth
and john, have returned .following a
month's vacation at Tabermory.
Mr. and :Mrs. Geo. J. S. Howard
and Evelyn of Exeter called on Mrs.
F, Ross on Thursday.
,Miss Hazel Steele of Brandon,
Man., visited for a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. john MdKnight.
The spire rand belfry on the Conde-
uation School, which was struck some
three weeks ago, is :being pulled
down by Taylor and Floody, ,oarpen-
ters, of Elyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Asquith, Betty
and Harold, visited Owen 'Sound
friends on Friday.
A tennis tournatnent was .held on
the tennis grounds on ,Wednesday.
The winners were Galbert Mcleveene
and Wesley Bradnock.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John
McKnight recently were Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Love and iMarilyn and
Mrs. Fred 'Love, all of Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs, Dee Steele and daughter of
Koznoka. '
Mr. Donald Patterson .quietly cele-
brated her 04th 'birthday at 'her dau-
ghter's, Mrs. Wm, Anderson.
Mr. W. T, Riddell and Mr. Eph-
riam ,Ball were in Kincardine re-
Mr. Jack Hughes has returned to
his home at St. Marys following a
visit with Mr. Norman Riordan.
The interior redecorating of Knox
Presbyterian Church has been com-
Mr. and Mrs. A. j. Ferguson have
returned home here fallowing a two
weeks' camping at Bogie's Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McWhinney
of Crewe visited Mrs. F. Ross on
W e dues day.
Mr. John Taman of 'Cochrane is
renewing old atqoaintances in the
Mrs. Bertha Whyaat of Goderich is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Jeremiah
Rev. Archdeacon Edward Haugh-
ton of Springfield, Ill., visited for a
few days with his sister, Mrs. .Chas.
Asquith and Me. Asquith.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sage of De-
troit visited for a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. ,Wan. Good.
)Jr, Andrew Webster is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew' Kinkconnell of
If °Naught.
The anniversary of the Baptist
Church will be .held .on Sunday,
Sept. 4, at 3 pan. and 7:30 p.m. The
Hear.t Throb Orchestra of Hatisilton
will be in charge.
Mrs. Calein llacIntyre, Arnold and
Betty of Teesw.ater visited for a few
clays with Mr. .ancl Mrs. Sandford
*Mrs. Rabe. Gracie .and 4 grand-
children have returned following a
month's vacation here.
Nit.. and .Mrs. John "Cowan • ,(nee
Mrs. Edna Raithby, Kallough) have
returned from their honeymoon at
Master Harold Ribbed visited for
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Nfrs. Martin Thornton, Ce-
cil and Louie Thorton of Brussels;
Ntrs. John Elliot and children, of
Monkton; Mr. and Mrs, Hermann,
Brodhagen. and Mr. Earl Gray, of
Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Thornton:
Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward C. Regele
and children were visiting with Mr.
aud Mrs. Cecil Murray of Kippen.
Mrs. Charles Munn is visiting her
parents, Mr. and MTS. john Chase of
Miss Shirley Regele is holidaying
with Mr, and MTS. Cecil Murray of
We are pleased to renat that Mrs.
Wm. Camie is 'home again after al-
most three months in 'Clinton .hospi-
tal :fallowing a very serious operation
and is making steady progress toward
the ,guests entertained last
week by Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Camplbell
were Mr. and Mrs, Will Turner af
Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. G. Freak-
leton of Port Elgin.
Mr. and ,Mrs. A. Martin of Water-
loo spent the week end with the latt-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Steokle. Miss Mary Ann Steckle re-
tureed to Waterloo with them for a
Short vacation,
Mrs. J. A. McDonald of Dundee
and Mr. and Mrs. 'Jno. McIatosh of
Toronto were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A.. •Carnie recently,
Alter a lingering illness of several
years duration there passed away at
the home of her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. 'and Mrs. Thos. Westlake, an
old Stanley resident in the person of
Mrs. R W. Deleary early on Tuesday
morning of last week. The funeral
took place at 2 o'clock on Thursday
afternoon from the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Westlake with whom she had
resided since the death of her husband
seven years ago, to Bayfield cemetery,
the service being conducted by Rev.
Peddie of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Matiuel Beuermann,
Ray and Wayne, Mr. and IVIrs. Gott-
lieb leis:eller and Mrs. Emma Queren-
gesser of Mitchell spent Sun.day at the
cottage with Mr. and Mrs. Heidthoeh-
mer at Ipperwash Beach,
anti MTS. Harold Diesel, Glenn,
Claire and Miss Barbara Reid of Or-
illia spent Sunday in Waterloo.
Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Reid and 'Bar-
bara of lOrillia. Me. and Mrs. Al
Gibbs, Miss Edna Steiss of Detroit,
Mrs. Irving Trombley, Hollywood,
California, are visiting with Mrs,
Hanneh Steiss,
On Sunday, Septenrber skis, Dec-
oration Day service ' will be held at
2.30 in the afternoon at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church.
The Brodhagen Band will hold an-
other open air band concert on Sun-
day evening.
Miss Carrie Querengesser, sell° has
been spending several months with
her parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Quer-
engesser, returned to Toronto to re-
sume her duties.
Mrs. Mary Dittnier accompanied
her daughters, Frieda and Helen, back
to Toronto after spending several
months with her mother, Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Harold Grove .and son, flar-
old, of Detroit, are holidaying with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs L. G. Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ras. Hart, Stratford,
spent Sunday with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rock.
Mrs. Fred Scherbarth, Kenneth and
Earl- of Detroit are 'holidaying with
her parents, Mn. and Mrs. j. C. Ben-
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapien, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Siemon spent the week
end in Toronto and attended the fun-
eral of the late John Nelmes,
On Thursday evening, August 25th,
the Young People's Society of St.
Peter's Lutheran Churcia held a corn
and weiner roast at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred flinz. An invitation
had been extended to the League of
Zion, Lutheran 'Church, Stratford,
and about thirty members of that
league were present. At about 9 p.m.
all went to the bush where by the
light of a huge bonfire various games
e -ere enjoyed while neaeby in a large
kettle the corn was being prepared.
After all had done justice to the corn
the crowd returned to thehall where
coffee and sveiners were served. The
guests were welcomed by jaok
er of the local 'league to which Mr.
Carl Bennewitz, ;president of the
Stratford League, replied. At this
time a presentation was made to Mrs.
Herman Leonhardt (nee Minnie Mey-
er), a farmer member of the Strat-
ford League. Mr, Bennewitz called 011
Mr. and Mrs., ,Leonhardt to come to
the platform while the ptesentation
was made by Miss Mabel Diehl. Dan-
cing was enjoyed for a few hours af-
ter lunch, music being supplied by
Miss Ruby I3ennearies, Oscar Ellig-
son, Harry Bennewies, Miss Velma
Schenbarth and 'Edgar Elligson.
Send us the names of yoter visitors
Mr. Reece Ferris has rented Isis
farm for a time and is taking a trip
West which ave.hope Will he anbenefit
to his health. Thursday evening of
sleet week neiglabors and friends gath-
ered at the hall in ,Londesboro 10
spend a pleasant time with the farmer.
Mr. Thomas Knox and Mr. Leo Watt
peesented him with a wardeolbe hank
and club bag and Mr. A. W. Beacom
teed the address to which Reece made
a very suitable reply. The evening was
pleasantly spent in dancing.
Mrs. Knechtel and Mexeen left for
their home in Calgary, Alta., on Tues-
day after spending the last two
months with the former's ,bnother,
Reece, and sisters.
Me. Eddie Bell has gone West on a
Mrs. A. W. Beacom is at present
visiting her sister, Mrs, Bremner of
Mrs. Jennie Knox visited part of
Last week at die home of her 'brother
t Walkerton.
Miss Rosamond Appleby visited
last week at the home .of her grand-
mother, Mrs. Jennie Knox.
Messrs, Vsfm. Taylor Jr. and Jahn
Rapson recently left for the West.
Master Murray Lyon returned
home Saturday after holidaying at the
home of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Beacom.
:Vfisses Edythe Beacom and Lydia
Bell collected money for the Bible
Society on Tuesday.
Francis Lederer Prances Drake
The Lone Wolf in Paris
Alsa John Luden, Eleanor Stewart
'Mrs, John Taylor is visiting with
Mrs. W. Crittenden, Clinton, for a
week or two. Mr. Crittenden had an
operation for appendicitis recently and
is in Clinton Hospital. '
Mrs. Archie Webster deft .for the
West on Tuesday going as far as Al-
berta. She will be absent far, about a
Mrs. Dicks of Chicago and Miss
Matilda Mains, London, were last
week the guests of Miss Elizabeth
Mrs. John Armstrong underwent an
operation in Clinton hospital on Mon-
day. The wishes of her friends are for
a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning and
Phyllis are spending their vacation at
Bruce Beach on Lake Huron.
Airs. 5. Knox and .family have mov-
ed to Vs'ingham where .Mes. Knox has
Rev. Wm. Fingland and family of
Niagara Falls •visited with the form-
er's 'parents the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Huniting and fa-
mily visited friends at Goderich re-
Miss Phyllis McCool entertained a
number of her little friends on Satur-
day last it being the occasion to cele-
brate her tenth 'birthday.
Master Willis Glover of Detroit is
holidaying at his ,uncle's, Mr. Willis
Nfountain, and at the home of his
aunt, Mrs. R. Youngblutt.
Mr. and 11frs. W. C. Thompson and
son, Fraser, are having a few holidays
at Bruce Beach near Kincardine.
There will be service in the United
Church on Sunday as usual as Rev. A.
Menzies and family will be back from
their holidays,
Sister Editha from Fort William
spent a few days with her ;brother,
Mr. Jerry O'Hara, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley and Mr.
and Mrs. 1'. McKay were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert
this week. ,
Stook threshing is over and it
won't take long tofinish the barns so
the farrners will lbe able to take stock
and make an inventory of their gains
and losses.
%Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert And IVIr.
and Mrs. 3. M, Eckert were visitors
in our burg last Sunday.
A man widely known in Huron
County, Joseph Hussey died suddenly
on Monday in oYung, Sask. .13arn in
Ash -field, son of Thomas Hussey and
Mary Dalton, he went west in 1909.
Twenty-three years ago he married
Miss Minnie O'Connor, of Godericla
who survives with seven children.
His 'brothers are John, of Goderich;
Rev, Fr. Hussey of Seaforth. 'There
are five sisters, Mrs..Conrad O'Keefe,
Kintall; Mrs, Thomas O'Neil. West
Lorne; Mother Philomena and Sister
E.uphramia, of London, and Mrs. Will'
Stook, of Young, Sask.'
Rolling Caravans
Sunday Night, Sept. 4, at 12:05 '
George Brent Olivia DeHaviland
Claude Raines
Gold Is Where You
Find It
The romance and thrills of an excit-
ing period in California's gold rush
history filmed in natural technicolor
Spec. MAT. Mon., Sept. 5 at 3 P.M.
Next Thur, Yri, Sat,, Sept 8-9-10
Jimmy Durante Charles Starrett
Start Cheering
Bob Allen Louise Small,
Harry Woods
Reckless Ranger
Sinners In Paradise
.Miss Earle Treffrey is visiting
,friends in Flint. .
Mrs. Robertson has .returned to her
home :after visiting in ,Chatham.
Mr, and Ms. Alex Campbell and
daughter of Seaforth called on
friends here one day this week.
Mr. and IVIrs. Andrew McLachlan
and Grace spent Stin,day in Bright.
Mrs. Houghton reeurned last week
arom a visit in the western provinces.
Calvary United Church, London,
was the scene of a charming wedding
on Saturday when Mildred 'Gertrude,
twin daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Waugh, London, lbecame the bride of
;Jahn Edward Morgan of Clinton son
of Mr. and Mrs. fr. W. Morgan of
Allan Craig. Rev, Duncan McTavish
performed the ceremony for 'w'hich
the church Was decorated in pink and
white .gladiali and palms. Mrs, j. S.
Pack was at the organ and the
'bride's sister, Miss Beth Waugh, sang
"I Love You Truly" as 'the register
was signed. The lbride, who was
given in marriage by her father, wore
a 'blue taffeta frock embroidered in
pink forget-me-nots, and she carried
a shower of pink roses. Miss Winni-
fred Waugh, as her sister's 'brides-
maid, ware pink taffeta embroidered
in blue forget-tne-nots with large pic-
ture hat and cascade bouquet of pink
and blue flowers. Wilbert Mogan
was the best ,man and the usher were
Ralph Waugh, and Ewart 'Cornish, of
Exeter. On their rotten from a
motor trip through the United States
they will line in Clinton.
Quite a nutnlber from here attended
the decoration services at Zion cem-
etery on Sunday afternoon.
,M.r. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock of
near Lumley have moved into the
house of Mr. Ed johns.
Mr. and Mrs, Wrn. Pybus of near
Chiselhurst were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed johns.
A large crowd attended the Sunday
School picnic held at Grand Bend on
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller of *
Thames Road visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock,
Miss Margaret Johns was a visitor
during the. week end with friends at
Ian NfacLeo.d, agricultural repre-
sentative for Huron County for the
last nine years, was officially notified
Friday of his transfer to Northumb-
erland County. The transfer, which
,comes in the nature of a promotion
for Huron's popular representative,
is to take .plaoe the second week in
September. Mr. MacLeod, whose new
'headquarters will he in Brighton, will
be succeeded by games Shearer, who
has ,been ,principal of 'the Kemptville
Agrioultura Goliege for the last lour
years. Prior to that he was .agricui-
hural .representative for Peel Connty.
He and +Mr: MacLeod :graduated the
same year from the O. A. C. at
Guelph. Mr. Shearer takes over his
position Sept, 1 and Mr. MacLeod
will leave on Sept 11(2. Mr. MacLeod
has Ibeen very popular .ahroughout the
county and the splendid work he has
done in this county since he took over
his duties in 1.1929, is appreciated.
Send as the names of your visitors.