HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-08-25, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FTVE I.Tlues from August 25th to Aug. 31st AYL1VIEli PEACHES 2.8 squat choice 2 tins HELMET CORNED BEEF 2 TINS 23C 25c 'WESTON'S SPRING BLOSSOM PINK & WHITE 1 aviARSIIMALLOW BISCUITS PER LB. C HILLCREST LARD ls SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES ORANGE MARMALADE 32 OZ., :St. Williams 2 LBS. 25c 3 pm. 23c PER JAR 23C Hires Root Beer Extract ..... ... . .. .. . Pearl Naptha Soap Magic White Bleach Shaker Salt, Plain or Iodized Ayltner Catsup, 12 oz. Texas Golden Grape Fruit Juice, 18 oz Sultana Raisins . per bottle 33c 5 cakes 16e 3 btls. 25c 3 cartons 15c 2 btls. 27c 2 tins 25c 2 lbs. 25c per tin 17c 2 tins 19c 5 tins 25c Miracle Whip, 8 oz -21; 16 oz. -35c; 30 oz. 55c McLaren's Minute Tapioca 2 pkg. 19c Asparagus Cuttings, 2s squat, Aylmer ... Tomato Juice 252 oz. 10/2 oz. .. 0 OxYdol, small--loc; Large Orange Slices Jellies .... . .. ,... ..... ..... , ...... ...... per lb. Brock's Bird Seed per pkg. Brock's Bird Gravel per pkg. Kippered Snacks 5 tin Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour per pkg. Premium Tea with free beautiful china 1 lb. Royal York Coffee, rAs-20c; ls Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls Surprise Soap, 4 cakes, 3 Silver Teaspoons London House Coffee, very fine •per lb. London House Tea, and free tumbler per lb. Pickling Spices, Vinegars, etc VERY SPECIAL THIS WEEK WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE... lb. pkg. 10c ... .1 lb. pkg. 19c 24c 19c 14c 14c 25c 17c 65c 37c 25c 390 38c 69c Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8 Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 HULLETT Miss Ruth Hugill of Stratford is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: j. y, Hugill. Mr. and Mrs. B. 'Gibbings of Clin- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. j. Hulett. Mr. and Mrs. :Jervis •of Clinton were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Hugill .and Ruth on Sunday. ° The Hugill family held a reunion picnic at 'Goderich on Thursday, and spent an enjoyable time at the beach. STAFFA 'Miss Lois Patterson, Gadshill, was a recent guest with her cousin, Miss lIa Drown. Mr. and Mrs, W. 'O'Brien and Donald spent Sunday in Buffalo. Miss Margaret Fitzgerald is visit- ing with .friends in Seaforth. Mr. and 'Mrs, H. Leslie spent the week end in Wingham. Miss Ila Drown is visiting with her aunt Mrs. C. Drown of Russelidale. Mr. and MTS. I,. Hannon and fam- ily,: Mr. and 'Mrs. iN. Sushfielel of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Earl, Whal- en, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeffry and Spencer were Sunday guests with -the ladies' ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sadler. , Mr, F. O'Brien has .purchased the Anglican Church 'building and is having •it fitted ,up or a chopping 'having last'his by fire recently. ATTENTION! WHEAT GROWERS Would you like to sow fertilizer this Fall without using a fertilizer drill or attachment? Let us show you our new Gran- ulated Fertilizer, the only kind tha can be successfully sown mixed with grain in an ordinary drill. Costs no more than ordinary fertilizer. J. N. MCKENZIE Massey -Harris Dealer Seaforth SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per bus. i5Ific Oats, per bus. Sc Barley, per bus. 40c BORN Clark—At Rogers' Nursing Home on Tuesday, .july aoth, ma, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cleric (nee Agnes Maloney of Dublin) a son (Gleninore james). ,Zeigler—In Guelph General Hospi- tal, onsWednesday, Aug. 10, MS, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zeigler (form- erly Katie Laidlaw, RiN., Myth), a son (George Ernest). , • DUBLIN Mr. John garden of Coppercliff, Northern Ontario, is visiting at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Creamen and family of Detroit spent a few days at the home of Mrs. P. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. 5. Mero and John, of Seaforth, spent the week end with Mr. and MTS. 'Joseph Hickey. 'Mrs. John 'Evans of Goderich has returned to her borne after visiting her mother, Mrs. P. Ryan. Mr. Fergus Maloney of Buffalo spent the week end at the home of his mother, Mrs. N. Maloney: TOWN TOPICS Mr. and: Mrs.' Warren Ament of Detroit are vacation 'visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Asnent.' Miss ltabel :Tunnioliffe of Beth, Eng., is spending a couple of weeks - with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament. Miss .Lillian Wbitfleid, R.(1‘1., of New York, .and Mies Hellen Whitfield. of Ridgetowm spent the week ,end at. the home ,of their sister, Mrs: jack Currie. ,Gloria and Fred 'Faulkner of Der troit are holidaying for a .couple of weeks at the home .of their grand- mother, Mrs. F. Fadlioner. Misses Evelyn and Hazel Mac- Pherson of ,Walton are visiting friends In town. Mrs. A. Foreman and ifamily, ,who have Ibsen spending the ,summer with. her mother, Mrs 13. Keating, returned to iher ihome, in ,Fort 'William on Saturday. Mr, Edgar Brownlee a windsor is .spending a couple of weeks' • ,days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 13rownlee. The Womeh's ,Assoc'e .of North Side United Church are having a supper in the schoolroom of the Church Friday, Sept. 9, 'Mem 5 to 7. Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Bloomer of Chicago have just returned home after having a very, pleasant visit with friends in 'Gaderich and Holm- esville and elso •called on Mr. Bloomer's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds of Seaforth, and also Mr. Thomas Dodds 'and family of McKillop, •and went home by Tor- onto and Niagara Fails. Mr. C. Z. Alexander and ,daughter Maxine (Peggy) of North Battle - ford, Sask., and Mr. Les Dye of the North Battleford News, are spending a few days .with Mrs. Mary An- derson, 'James street. Mr, W. C. Smith is in the hospital recovering from an attack of, influenza. Cliff Ross, Gliabe and Mail carrier in town, had the good fortune to win the contest in this district and obtain a week's camping holiday at Port Dover and a $7 prize, Mrs. R. R. Hohnes is confined to her room as the result of a fall on the cellar steps at her home on West William street. Mrs. Thomas Weir .of Detroit is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. Phoebe 'Booth. Mrs. William Walters of Mitchell s spending two weeks 'visiting her daughter, Mrs. Louis Hoegy, James street, Seaforth, Mr. Gordon Hays has. returned • to resume his duties in Detroit while Mrs. Hays and little daughter re- mained to nurse her mother, Mrs. C. Eckert, who is still .under the doctor's care and is progressing as well as can be expected. MANLEY Mr. -Vincent &kart ifrom Sandwich College and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ethan from Timmins are spending Their holidays with their parents, Mr. and MTS. Peter Eckert, Mrs. W. j. McKay and 'her .fetnily have left to spend the last few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, Eckert, Sewforth, before they return honie 10 Seattle. Mr, Peer Eckert had .the misfort- une to fall out 01 a mow and !break his thumth..aad receive severe lacera- tions on his face and 'knee, hat we are pleased. 'to 'learn that he is pro- gressing rapidly. By ail appearance the potato drop is going to 'be light but .with favor- able weather it may still mature. The oat crap seems to be a bumper one with high testing, while the bar- ley is much .underweight with the exception of the early variety and early sowing. He tame down to .breakfast in a' very bad temper. "It's no good 1' stormed at his wife. "I'm ,going 10 give that new eitatiffeur notice. That's twice .nrow hes' nearly ki1ld me." "Oh, darling," said ,his loving wife, "couldn't you +give him another chance?" scar NEW AND OLD-TYME DANC IN "THE CASINO ON THE LAKE" BMW IUD Thurs., Aug. 25 With CKNX HILL BILLIES e Don't fail to hear "Shorty," the Warbling Canary a the Air. GENERAL ADMISSION 25 cts. SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING QUILTS AND APRONS Satur., Aug. 27 In Mr. I. Hudson's Store, Sea - forth, under the auspices of Bethel Ladies' Aid, McKillop HOME COOKING AND SALE OF HOME-MADE ARTICLES Under auspides Ladies' Aid of Duff's Church, MCKillop, in Mr. I, Hatel- son's store, Seaforth, on Satur Sept 3 2:30'to 5 P. M. S EAFO RTH FALL FAIR Sept. 22nd and 23rd The donation of Superteet Oil in the •prize list of the Sea - Forth Fall Fair is through the local dealer, Wm. 0. Wright. Also, Canada Packers Ltd. is through the local dealer, Isaac Hudson. TOWN TOPICS . — -Mrs. Joe Eckert accompanied by Mrs. W. 13. McKay and her son Ray- mond and her two daughters 'Marg- aret and Reta, visited friends in Tor- onto Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Elmer Shade has Ibsen promot- ed to superintendent of the Raynor's Road ,construCtiOn lbetween 'Gait and Preston. Mrs. W. T. !McKay and family left 'for their home in Seattle, Wash., on Wednesday after spending a month with friends in this •vicinity. They are travelling iby motor and expect to :make the trip in eight days :by way Of Detroit, Chicago, and Minneapolis, where they will call on friends. Donald Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Lorne Dale; is 'holidaying at -Myth. Mrs. .Arthair Clapham of McOlutch- eon, N.J., Mrs. Norman 'Henry and daughter Jean, of Toronto, spent a few days at the 'home a theiruncle and aunt, Mr. wed Mrs. J. A. Case. Mr. R. j. McMillan left Monday on a trip to Vancouver and expects to return about the middle of October. Dorothy Gallop is visiting in Stratford with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton of Lawrence, ,Kaneas, who have been at their cottage at Stoney Lake, spent several days .wibh Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case. Mr. and Mrs. C. j. Shockcor or Detroit and family spent the weelc- end with Mr. and Mrs. john Sproat Mrs, Shookcor, Ralph, ,Gloria. and Richard remained. Mr. john McDowell and Mr. R. j. McMillan returned last week' after spending ten days in Cleveland, Visit- ing Dr. Becker and family. Mrs. 'Nation and B111y and +Betty McClelland who spent the holidays with Mrs. R. S. Hays, leave Thurs- day for IToronto accompanied by Mr. George Hays. Miss Jessie Bethune returned this week after an extended visit with her brother at Midland. Mrs. M. H. Veale of Stratford is a visitor at the home of ler daughter Mrs. George Thorne, of town. Mrs. J. Witham A. Greig and young son Teddy have left for Eng- land where Dr. Greig has been taking post graduate work. Miss -Mae Broadfoot left Friday for an extended visit with her niece, Mrs. iMorton in Port Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kling of Day- ton, Ohio, came on Thursday to visit friends and spent several days. The latter's 'aunt, Mrs. ljaines- -Henderson, returned with them for a visit. Miss Margaret Grieve, Egmond- ville, is visiting her brother in Windsor. Miss Sarah McCloy and Miss Fer- anda McCloy, Egmondville, and Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and daugh- ter 'Jean of Toronto spent Wednes- day visiting the former's aunt, *Mrs. McKay, in London. • Mrs. Pangman and daughter Har- riett of Toronto are guests of Mrs. L. C. Jackson this week. Mr. Arthur Edmund, who spent Iwo weeks' vacation here, returned to Hamilton on Monday. • !km. Ellen, McIntyre of Royal Oak, Mich., is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Catherine McNah. ACCIDENT VICTIMS IMPROVE Those injured in the accident at Kippen two weeks ago are all much improved and Mr. Stillwell and dau- ghter expect to be able to leave Scott Memorial Hospital this week, ST. COLUMBAN A very enjayable event took place on Friday evening last, when Mrs. William MeIvor opened her 'beautiful home to a host of friends in honour of Miss Lucy Burke on the ere of her marriage ta Mr. John Murphy. The early part of the evening was spent in dancing, followed by a hilar- ious time When the following address was read lby Miss ,Cartnel Morris, and the 'bricle-to-be was presented with a shower of ,beautiful and useful gifts. • "Dear Luey,--Qatite frequently we read an address to a teacher leaving a school or a 'bride-to-be, bommenc- ing 'with the words, 'We are sorry to learn of your departure from our midst.' We are grateful that it is our privilege to address you in a different way. First of all, we congratulate you for the success you have made of life as a successful teaCher, church worker, as a neig.hbor and. last but not least for the example you have shown u -s. In conclusion, we wish to thank you for past favors and ask you accept these gifts, not that we boast of their value but to show you in a slight way the esteem in which you are held. As through life we journey on Your kindness we'll appreciate, We wish success to you and John, In your new home on Highway Number Eight," "Dear Jack— "If it's marry you ,tnust, and you must, I 'presume, Just remember you can't live your life as a groom, When the 'honeymoon's over the groom +disappears And as husband and father you'll live out your years. "There's another great truth vvhich cannot be denied, It is just for a year she'll be known as a bride. After that ehe becomes for the rest of her life Just an old married Woman, a mother and wife. TUCKERSMITH Mr. Ray Russ of London :spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. E. Ross. Miss Marilyn Murray of Woodharn is visiting at the home of Mr. Cecil, Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slavin and Mc. John Elgie visited friends in Buffalo over the week end. WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. Bullard of Kin- tore spent Sunday in the village. Jack and Betty Bullard returned home- with Sham after spending their holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter .N1cCowan and tittle son, Bobby, of Roxboro; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona and Billy, and me. Melvin 'Merriam of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Eaton. Nfr. and Mrs, iKenneth Harrison were recent visiPors with Mr. and Mrs Wilmer Scott, McKILLOP Miss Evelyn Murray is spending hei• vacation with friends in Kinkora. Mr, jack and 'Ken-neth Murray re- turned honte after spending two weeks with friends in Detroit BORN ;McQuaide—At St. Jaeeph's Hospi- tal, Toronto, on Saturday, Attgust 1[3, 19318, to Mr. and Mrs. j. F. MdQuald Knee Camilla Corbett) a son, Michael James. Cooper—In Scott IMemerial Hospi- tal on Sunday, August 14, MR, to Mr. and Mos. Orville 'Cooper, Sea - forth, a son, "With all that you say as a groom she'll agree, Through your honeymoon days not O fault will she see, But she'll start in ta notice your bad taste in ties Just the moment reality opens her eyes. "Any bridegroom and bride while the ardor is new Can be happy whatever the other ,may do; But the vows at the altar are spoken for life, So make sure love will last when you're husband and wife." Miss Burke, its her usual 'gracious manner, thanked her hostess and all her friends present for their efforts on her behalf and their very lovely gifts. Mr, Murphy also expressed his appreciation and both extended a cordial invitation to all to visit them in their new home. ..kfter this a delic- ious lunch was served. and the guests resumed dancing. Assisting the host- ess were Mrs. William McMillan. Miss Carmel Morris and Mrs. J. C. Eckert. The bride -elect was also the recip- ient of a linen 11:1 Wer recently given by a number of friends in London. The C. W. L. have decided to hall their social evening. Monday, Aug. 29. Lunch will be served. Miss Sadie Queenan of London at- tended the Murphy -Burke wedding on Monday. Miss Kay Hunt a Fort Frances is visiting, at the home of 3./Irs. jcihn Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rabertson of Cobalt are visiting -her mother, Mrs, F. Murphy. Miss Patricia Stapleton has return- ed to her home in Collingwood after spending her holidays with friends here. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Stratford visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Diegel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wieterson and family of Detroit spent a few days with her .parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht. Mr. Dave Young of Sehringville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. 'Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. ,Norman Rode of De- troit spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Prueter. Mr. and Mrs. George Koch of Stratford called on Mr. and Mrs. Gott Mueller 011 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Antstein attend- ed the ,funeral of Mrs. Dr. McMaster in Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott left for Delhi whene he intends to work in the tobacco fields. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 8esserer af Kitchener spent Sunday with Mn and Mrs. Ed Smith. A very large crowd turnedi mat to hear the Band -concert on Sunday night. There voill be another concert in two weeks. rrolexiand. music, colour, gaiety- strange new amuse. meat- area attraction. Games of skill, roller coast- er, aeroplaneo and ponies. Novelty devices for thrills and fun. For young and old --Frolexland! The World -famous Royal Artillery Rand fromEnglandt Leading Canadian bands - 50 in all! Music for everyone --the Mendelssohn Choir, the Welsh Imperialsingers, the dance orchestras of Benny Goodman, Guy Lombardo, Tommy Dorsey, Buddy Rogers! Horse Show! Under the floodlights of the Coliseum Show Ring—some of the world's finest horses and horsemen! Dozens of excit- ing jumping classes. hat, ness horses, ponies! Even- ings, September 2nd to September 10th. General admissioo 25 cents. Re- served. 50 cents. "The Decades"! A glorious pageant. of colour, music and beauty depicting Canada's history! 1200 performers on O brilliantly lighted 1000. foot stage! As a finale each evening—the most breath- taking pyrotechnic display on the Continent. General admission and reserved seats. Do machines replace men? See a complete bottling unit, electric stoves being manufactured before your eyes, men's clothes being expertly tailored. Industry — dramatized and spot- lighted for your interest. Tickets ooCt.N E, information Bureau, 8 King W. WA. 2226. Moodges, 00 1Cina W-tr, Ft, 1008. GEORGIC BPIODED ELWOOD a.. HOWERR Presidert1 Onnnral Manna, Free—A Color Picture of "Dutch" Clark 1 13e sure to get this Sunday's Detroit Times, for with it, as a special FREE extra supplement wilil be a picture ,of f'Dutch" Clark, ,Eamous coach of the Detroit Lions Football Team. Add this to your collection of photos of notables! 'This .picture of Clark is an action photo printed in attractive duo- , tone colors—a picture football fans will ke