HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-08-18, Page 1'No -w, in the waning of the harvest moon, • The year draws 'richly on toward afternoon, With Gaulden .airs that swoon, 9nd in deep •orchards the late eolcoo's onoon. e 0 The' grass •wavies like.•a surf upon the hfld: fri'r t-� t HURON COUNTY'S L E A D IN G NEWSPAPER There is a plaintive murmur frown the rill: The katydid is. shrill, While. Maestro Cricket strums, and then .is still A sense of 'dream lies over all the land, And 1i you, would taste fruit—reach out your 'hand! WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 60, No. 33. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 Phone 84, $Ii a year. tooK! TEASPOONS .LtJ�tLft. 4SORPRISE SOAP pit FOR 5 Bars of Pearl 'Soap for. 16c 3 Cakes Calay Soap 17c Save 3 wrappers and Sc'for Pie Server Standard Brands Week C. & S. DATED COFFEE Pound 36c You can still get your Charlie MacCarthy Teaspoon. TENDER LEAF TEA '28 c ,Pkg. v Deliicious Iced or Hot MAIGI'C COFFEE .29e •Fresh Ground Pound Economy and iQuality SUPPLIES NEEDED VITAMINS. Eat 2 Fleichman Yeast /� a Day ..... Each • 4 MAGIC BAKING 'PO'WDERf 12 oz. 25c 16 oz. 30c GILLETT'S LYE , .. , 2 Tins 230 LIBBBY'S PORK AND BEANS 16 oz., 3 tins 25c CSIRT° CRYSTAL for making Jam and Jelly, 2 for ..... JELS 'RITE BRAND FRUIT PECTIN for making Jams and Jellies 20c bottle MANNA, that wonderful breakfast food @ 29c pack. Keep the hens laying with Masteri Concentrate, $3.30 cwt. A.C.RoutInrIe Phone 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E.L.BOX P43 Joint Services The joint services of Northside United and First Presbyterian Churoh•es will be held in the North- side United Church .during the pres- ent month. Subjects ,for next Sabbath: !111 a.m. "Spiritual Health." y p.m. "Opening of Blind Eyes," Rev. Hugh Jack will be in charge. Sunday School at usual hour. Egmondville United Church 10 a.m., Sunday School. 1111 a,m, Rev. James Elford. St. Thomas' Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford. 11111 a.m. The Rector. No Evening Service and no Sunday School during August. A SERIES OF MISiHAPS Some ex'c'rtement was caused on Main street Wednesday morning meeting .as closed by the Mizpah when Mary Lou Sills, little 'dau•ghter benediction. FIFTY YEARS MARRIED ! PLEASANT EVENT GETTING READY OR Mr. and Mrs. Conrad j. Eckert', ISEAFORTH FALL FAIR quietly observed their golden wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, Aug. 13th, Saturday morning, the members, of the family ;assisted at an anniver-' sary High Mass of T'han:ksgivinvg,1 celebrated by Rev, T. P, Hussey, with Mrs. Frank Devereaux organist, The family gathered at the parental hone at 6,30 in the evening when sup- per was served and followed by' an address and presentation, "Dear Parents: 'Out this the fiftieth anniversary of your wedding day it is with the 'greatest joy that we, your children, gather here to honor you and pledge our 'filial affection 'far at least another 'hal'f century. We know it is given to ocemparatively few .to live as mean and wife for fifty years. We also know this married portion of your lives has been filled. with joys and sorrows, and 'today, we your children, wish to intake amends for the many trials and tribulations we meet have caused you in those fifty years of labor, not for yourselves, but for us. 'Nothing we can offer can ever repay a good father's and mother's 'bounteous gifts for so many years, and so we:ask you to accept this l'i't- tle gift, not for its value, but because it symbolizes our affection, our love, and pride in a father and mother, hus- band and wife for half a century, and whom we trust and pray God will leave with us for any years to come. —Your Loving Children." Mr. and M'rs. Eckert. were married in St. Columban in 111888 by Rev. Fa- ther Lamont, her sister, Mins. John Nolan, acting as bridesmaid, while the groom was assisted by his brother, John Eckert, Both the bridesmaid and groomsman are deceased. The bridal couple ,first resided on lot 6, concession '10, McKillop, later moving to the farm adjoining Sea -1 forth. In 18119 they retired to their present home in Seaforth, They have a fancily of seven 'daughters and three sons; the youngest son died in 1925.) They also have forty grandch'ild•ren and three great grandchildren, NORTHSIDE W.M.S.' The August meeting; of the W. M, S. of Northside United Church was held in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon, After hymn 262 "Talk with us Lord, Thyself reveal." The Secretary and .Treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Mrs. Koine, the temperance sec'y, read a paper on "Keeping One's Self in Order." The best .man finds it hard enough to keep himself in order, without intoxicating drinks, better leave alcohol alone en- tirely. During the 'business period it was decided to hold 'the thank offer- ing and social meeting on Sept. 29, or as near that date as possible. Circle 2, with Mrs, Glew as captain, then took .change of the devotional period. Mrs. Harburn, Msss Alexander and Mrs, 'Glees read papers dealing with the thence, "Life is what we are alive to," The •hymn, "He liveth long, who liveth well," was sung and Mrs. West- cott led in prayer. The social welfar leaflet was taken by Miss A. Wallace Mrs. Glew and Miss A. 'Ferguson The offering was then received. The hymn "I must needs go home by way of the Cross", was sung and the of Postmaster and Mrs, C. P. Sills ran out from between two parked cars in front :of the Bank of Coins' coerce, and was 'thrown to the pave- ment by the rear fender of a moving oar driven by Mr. Crawford, Dublin hotelkeeper. She was fortunate to escape with a few braises and after being .given medical attention was able to be out again in a little while. Two other minor 'accidents .occur- red on Main street the same morn- ing. A car driven by the Misses Hu - .gill, Huron road, while 'backing ,tint of a parking space in front of Mr. T. Dickson's store, c011ided with a car driven • by John Hey, of Zurich, 'da- maging his .headlight, fender and a tire, Daring the •noon hour another, collision took place ,between two out- of-town cars when one was backing out of a parking space. 'SEES PLANE CRASH Mr, Don Dale, who returned this week to his position at Sudbury as manager of a,group of tourist cabins, was watching a plane stunting over- head when it came .too low and 'caught in a tree -top. The machine .crashecl to the •rocks, between two of Don's cabins and hu ran to it expect- ing the pilot had !been 'killer'. The plane was wrecked but the pilot crawled out u'ni'njured: Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Golding Hon- ored by Staff and Employes of Bell Engine Co. A most pleasant event took place last Thursday evening when a large number of the m'em'bers of the Bell Engine Co. with their wives,gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs; Arthur. Golding,• to express ha then their best wishes for a very happy life together. After a social honer and cards Mr, and Mrs. Golding were presented with `a' beautiful walnut cabinet, Mr. Golding .replied 'briefly, grate- fully expressing his appreciation for the kindness of 'his fellow w<oritnten. The address was as follows: "To Mr. and Mrs. W.' A. Golding. near Friends. We, your fellow workmen at that institution known locally es "Bells Foundry," have taken the lib- erty of invading your hone in order to express, personally, our sincere wishes to you, for a long and happy wedded :life. Whilewe do not 'ap- prove of one of Dur fellow workmen having work' done out of our own in- stitution, and much less you, Arthur, knowing the' reputation of certain workmen in the Art of welding, but' ire sincerely hope the weld will Ibe successful, and the union prove sure and fast, standing the test of the mas- ter-tester—Time. May many of your dreams • come true, but if adversity meet up with you, may you together meet it with a smile, each proving a comfort to .the other. May you long be spared to enjoy life together, and may health, happiness and .prosperity attend you. Kindly accept this piece of furniture expressive in a small way of our regard for you and your wile, and may it, help in future to remind you of your many friends in Conner-' tion with the Bell Engine & Thresher Co. of Seaforth. Signed, Your Fellow, Workmen and Staff." •• Prize lists for the Seaforth Fal! Fair are out this week and opies may be obtained front the secretary;' The Seaforth fair will be on Sep- tember 2l. and '313 this year. Generous prices are offered iii all classes as to previous years. An add -I ed .feature is the grain competition.' 'There will also be the boys' foal club competition. ' A new feature of lbhe school 'child-,ren's department is the public speak- ing oorhpetition, contestants to choose .their own subjects. Two pupils from' each school :can .compete. There 'will be two races for purses of $17500; 2:1310 class open and 2:2I5I class• opens, three 'heats. Other special attractions include ladies' 100 yard1 dash and men's 100 yard dash, also' the usual foot and bicycle races, The square dance 'competition in the evening will be put on again. Mrs iJ, A, Kerr. ROOF FIRE t The fire brigade had a call at Dime o'clock on Saturday afternoon when fire was discovered in the singles of the roof .on a shed on john street at the rear of Dr. Ielunn's block, The blaze was quickly extinguished, and damage was slight. The shed is used as a winter garage by Mr, !Tames Henderson, Imperial Oil distributor, and contained only some empty oil cans and a sleigh, The fire is believed to have been started :by a spark from a bonfire. • ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan and two daughters and Mr. and Mrs, And- rew Kirk attended the ,funeral of the late Melville Culbert, son of Albraham Culbert, at Dungannon on 'Friday. The 'deceased was 38 years of age and had been ill for ower a year. He was a former Sunday school ,pupil of Mrs. Kirk. Besides his parents he is sur- vived by his wife (a cousin of Mr. Finnigan), and one brother Arthur. The late Mr. 'Culbert had a successful planing mill and lumber business at Dungannon, 'Tire funeral was under the auspices of the tOranege Lodge and was very largely attended. Rev. J. R Peters, of 'Varna, a former pastolr, preached the sermon. FOUNDED HOSPITAL WHERE BLAST VICTIMS TAKEN Tale death by drowning of 311 -year- old Daniel G. Dodge, heir to a large share of the Dodge Brothers .. motor fortune with a '$11,000 -a -day income, occurred on Monday following hor- aible injuries when a stick of dyna- miee exploded in his hand at t'he' Dodge summer camp on Manitoulin Island. His bride of thirteen clays, the former Loreen MacDonald, and two camp attendants were also injured seriously and were taken for treat- ment to the Red Cross Hospital at Mi:nciemeya. Mindemoya Hospital is of particular interest to residents of this vicinity ,because it was founded twenty-five years ago by Dr. Robert W. Davis, a native of Hibbert township and who attended school in Seaforth. Dr. .Davis retired a few years ago and is now living in Taranto, and the ,hos- pital is carried on by the Red Cross, I:t serves all of Manitoulin, FUNERAL OF MRS. J. R. HILLIS A private funeral for the late Mrs. 3. R. Hillis of Toronto was held on Wednesday afternoon, August 10th, from the residence of her mother, Mrs, George T. Turnbull, East -Wil- liam street. Rev. W. P. Lane, of God- tricln, officiated, An appropriate 'sel- ection was rendered by the quartette 'of Northside 'United Church, Mr. and Mrs. !lances Stewart, Miss Mary Bar- ber and Mr, Sant Scott. Internment took place in Maitland Bank Cemet- ery, The •pal:ibearers were Messrs. R. Hillis (Burke';; F'all's), W. G. McIn- tosh (Toronto), Stewart Mclntosh (Detroit) Fred Parsons, W. Thomp- son i(Kippen), and (James M. Scott. Attending the 'funeral were, front Toronto, Mrs. B. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. McIntosh, Miss Gladys Hillis, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wanless, Port Cre- dit; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mclntoele Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs, George Stapleton. Guelph, Mr. Roy Hillis, Burks Falls, Mr, and Mrs, R. T. Mc- Intosh, Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew 101iver, Reseda, California: Mr. and, Mrs, Thomas Wanless, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert Married Fifty Years Supper was served at a family gathering at the horde of Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Eckert, Sea - forth, on the occasion of their golden wedding celebration, on Saturday evening when the above photo was taken by The News. Front row, left to 'right, Father Hussey. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart, Back row, left to right,. 1.1 T. Desborough (Detroit). Mr. Thos. Mc- Kay, Mrs. Thos. MclKay, Mr. C. T,. Bra11, Mrs. Bali (Detroit), Mrs. Wm. Manley, \Vnt, Mal- ley, Mrs, C. P. Sills, Mrs. Gordon M. T-Tays (De- troit), C. P. Sills, Mrs: J. 3/1, Eckgrt, Gcsrdon M. Hays, J. 31. Eckert, Mrs. Joseph Eckert. Joseph Eckert (Snanish River), Mrs. W. J. McKay, _, 'Wash,). /1111.1111110011111 ...... 11111111,11❑1n,n,n 0 n n",n"u" 1111111,,01 . I ttt0111, n 11,11,11111110 11 u u u u 11 t 131111 tttu,, i,n a 111111,➢ ra t We have on display a very beautiful line of 97 piece Dinner Sets ranging in price from $17.50 to $40.00 the set Included M these are exquisitely beautiful gold decorated real china 97 piece Dinner Sets at from $25,00 to $40.00. Also 26 piece sets at from $4.50 up. SHOP AT SAVAU6E IT PAYS .MRS. WM. S. BROADFOOT The death occurred in Scott Mem- orial Hospital early Saturday morn- ing, Aug. lath, of Mrs Wm, S. Broad - foot, who for many years has been a highly respected resident of Tucker - smith. Mrs. Broadfoot had been ail- ing for the past year but her death carne as a shock to the community. She was formerly Nettie Dickson, daughter of the late iM•r. and Mrs. George Dickson, Huron pioneers, and was born on the Dickson homestead on the 4th concession of MrKiilop. In 1903 she was united in marriage to Wm. S. Broadfoot and was a member of Brucefield Church and also a mem- ber of the W. Association. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, three sons, Ross at Kippen; Sam of Lon- don; Wilmer at home; two daughters, Mrs, Harold Connell of Varna, Mar- garet at hone, one brother, Mr. Geo. Dickson, of McKillop. The funeral was held front her late residence on Monday, Aug. 115, at 2 p.m. to Mait- land Bank Cemetery, Rev. H. 5 Wright of Brucefield and Rev, W. A.I Bremner of Seaforth officiated. The pallbearers were D. Fotheringham, A. Brown, J. D. Gemmell, Wnt. Irvine George Roberton, Alex Broadfoot. The floral 'tributes were .many and beautiful, Anxnong those from a distance at- tending the :funeral were: Miss Nellie Broadfoot, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kerwin, of 'Clifford; Mr. and Mrs Wm. 'Love, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Speir an, of Ethel; Mr. and Mrs, Thos Walker, Mrs. Hollenbeck, Mrs. Day mason, Mrs. Dark, of Brussels; Mr and Mrs. Roberton, Clinton; Mr, anti Mrs. Harry Smith, London. FUNERAL OF GLEN HOUSTOI• 'The funeral of the late Glen Hone ten, 118, eldest son of Mr. oral Mrs Andrea H'.u,ton of Tuckersntith, -:vss ee'r1 cwt ......r11:.y 3;ternoen, hie ea. - tor, Rev. A. Gardiner ef lieenon.t United l hnr an e fficiat c . Pell 'eeirers 'a ere Me-..rs. Roy, le.;-. t 1 Ill Hocl ert, Robert i.ieinme r R.le. t M.:Lachlan. Ste-a•art. Love, ::'1 ;he (hover bearers 'sere Neil and Brue, Hicfgsrt, lark Patrick. Peter cnceem, Don_glas Love xtc r. aril Weir. Glen 11 ri-ton was just on alt tine thre'she'd of manhood and his en timely pas-ing last reek is a area sorrow to hi, family and friend. 'h`i'de attending the collegiate here he took an active part in athletics aitd wae a popular student. To his father and mother, brother and sisters, the sincerest sympathy of the community is extended. Among those froint a distance at tending the 'funeral from leis lat home, lith :concession. Tee let! ; nth h an Saturday, were his mints, Mrs, George Greenwood and Mrs. Fred Snithers, of Detroit; and Mr. an, Mrs. Lorne Greenwood, Detroit, an, several -cousinsfrom Exeter, Brie: ;els and Eliinrille. ST. COLUMBAN PLAYS AT BRUSSELS NEXT WEDNESDAY The dates arranged for the foot- ball finals between St. Columban and Brussels are: Wednesday, Aug. 24 at Brussels. Monday, Aug. 2'9, at St, Columban. VARNA House Destroyed by Fire.— Friday noon fire broke out in the frame house .on Mr. Warner's farms west of the village, caused by a de- fective chimney. Brucefield fire bri- gade was called and willingly respond- ed and very soon were on the scene but nothing could be done to save the building which was soon a mass of flames. Whether there was insurance or not is not known. 'A burning em- ber lit on the roof of Mr. Dennison's kitchen and it was soon ablaze, but with the aid of willing workers very soon was extinguished. Thanks to our Brucefield neighbors who so quickly responded 'to the call. This is the third fire on this farm in thirty- four years. We feel Varna should put forth an effort to have some fire protection. Mr, and Mrs. 'Gottschalk of Desih- wood called on their niece, Mrs, A. Ings, Friday. Misses bda and Bessie °hater, Lill- ian Elliott, Jean Reid, fulene Steph- enson and Mrs. Ferguson spent the week end camping in Bayfield. Mr. Schell motored over from De- troit on Sunday. Mrs. Schell and sons, Kenneth and Lee, returned home with hint after spending a week with Mrs. Austin. Mr. and .Mrs, Seeley of Clinton called on Mrs. Austin on Sunday. The Misses Nola and Ruby Kruger cf Zurich returned to their home tin. Sunday after spending a week with their aunt. Met. Ings, Mr. and Mrs.. (3, E, Woods and little (latighier of Toronto are visiting friends in and around Varna niter spending a month at their cotta re inn \Inskeka. WINTHROP Miss Mary Calder of Weiland was a recent vi -icor at the home of her mule, Mr. John Aitchesmt. Me, Elton Haist Gravenhurst spent a few days with his mother. Mr-. Hoist and sisters.' Misses Velma and Vera Haist, Mr. and \]r,, Tim Eaton and Larry spent Sunday ni:h Mr. and firs, Al- onzo Sparlintt of Wroxeter. Mrs. Gillies and children are viit- itig at Collingwoc'd. TUCKERSMITH ![its 1)orothy 'Elsie of Toronto visited with her c,msin, Mfrs. J. tTpshall last week. Miss Pearl Ross spent last week visiting at the home of her brother, .Mr. Lloyd Stewart of 'Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Nia- gara Falls are holidaying at the hone of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tames Hay,