HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-08-11, Page 6PAGE MX. THE SEAFORTH NEWS , THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 938 Bois Brutes 01111111111111111111111111111.111111•1111111111111111111•1111111111111111111 An old nurse •of young days,whom I remember ,chiefly by her Tame° back and sharp tongue, used to sa "Nenves! nerves! !nothing !but ner', ves1 She thanked !God she was born before the doctors had 'discovered nerves. Though neumotic theories had not been sufficiently elaborated f or rise to ascribe my state to the most eefined of modern ills—nenvous prostration - 1 was aware, as I dragged over the prairie with the horse at the end of a traliing bridle rein, that something was seriously out of tune. It was day- light before I caught the frightened broncho and no knock-kneed coward ever shook more, as I vainly tried to vault into the saddle, and after a dozen false plunges at the stirrup, gave up the attempt and !footed it back to camp. There was a deze be- tween my eyes, which the over -weary know well, and in the brain -whirl, I could distinguish only two thoughts, Where was Miriam—and the predic- tion—"The Lord shall be your aven- ger! He shall .deliver that evil one into the power of the punisher." Thus, I eeached the camp, picketed the horse, threw myself down in the tent and slept without a break from rhe morning of the 20th till mid-day of the 21st. I was awakened by the Bois-Brules returning ,from a denson- stration before the gateway of Fort Douglas. Going to the tent door, I saw that Pritchard, one of the cap- tive Hudson's Bay men, had been brought back !from a conference with the enemy. Elrom his account, the Hudson's Bay people sten-led to be holding out against us; but the set- tlers, realizing the danger of Indian warfare, to a man favored surrender, Had it not been for Grant, there would have been no farther parley: but on news that settlers were press- ing for capitulation, the warden again despatched 'Pritchard to the Hudson's Bay post. In the hope of gathing ac- cess •to Frances Sutherland and Eric Hamilton accompanied him. Such was the terror prevailing within the walls, in spite of Pritchard's assur- ance regarding my friendly purpose, admission was 'flatly denied me. I contented myself with verbal mess- ages that Hamilton and Father Hol- land must remain. I could guarantee their safety, The same offer I made to Frances, but told her to do what was best for herself and ,her father, When Pritchard came out, I knew from his face that Fort Douglas was ours. Hamilton and Father Holland would stay, he reported; but Mistress Sutherland 'bade him say that after Seven Oaks her father had no friendly feeling Inc Nor-Westers, and she could not let him go forth alone. Terrns were stigulated between the two companies with due advantage to our side from the recent yigary and the formal surrender ef Fort Douglas took place the following day. "What are you going to do with the settlers, Cuthbert?" I asked of •the warden .before the capitulation. "Aye! Thth That's a question." was e grim response. "Why not leave them in the iort till things quiet down?" "With all the Indians of Red River in possession of that fort?" asked Grant, sarcastically. "Were a few Nor'eWesters so euccessful in holding hack the Metis at Seven •0 -ales, you'd like to see that experiment repeated?" "'Twill be worse, 'Grant, if you let them go back to their farms." "They'll not do 'that, if I'm warden , of the plains," he declared vvtith •great determination, "We'll have to send them dawn the Red to the lake till that fool of a Scotch nableman de- cides what to sip with this fine colon- ists," "But, Grant, you don't mean to send them up north in this cold conn - try. They may not reach Hudson's Bay in thne to catch the company ship to Scotland! Why, man, iit's sheer murder to expose those ,pe.ople to a winter up there without a thing to sh elter them I" "To my mind, freezing is not quite so had as a maesacre. 11 they won't d take lour boats to the States, or Cana - Y da, what else lean Noe-Westers do?" And what else, indeed? I could not answer Grant's question, though 1 know every effart we rnade to induce those people to go south •instead of north had !been mierepresented as an infamous attempt to expel Selkirk set- tlers from Red River. Truly, I hope may never see a sadder sight than the going forth !af those colonists to the she4teriess plain. It was disastrous en- ough for them to he driven 'from their native heath; but to be lured 'away to this far country for the purpose of be- coming buffers 'between riral Inc - trader, vrho would stop at nothing, and to be eacrifieed as victims for their company'e criminal policy—I speak- as a 'Noe-Wester—was immeas- urably cruel. Grant was, of course, on hand for the surrender, and he wisely kept the plain -rangers at a safe distance. Clerks lined each side of the path to the gate, and I pressed forward for a glimpse of Frances Sutherland. There was the jar of a heavy bolt ehot back. Con- fused noises sounded from the court- yard. The gates swung open, and out marched the sheriff of Assiniboia, bearing in one hand a pole with a white sheet tacked to the end Inc a fiag of truce, and in the other the fort keys. Behind. sullen and dejected, 'fol- lowed a band of Hudson's Bay men. Grant stepped up to meet the sheriff. The terms of capitulation were again stated, and there was some signing of paper. Of those things my recollec- tion is indietinct; for I was straining my eyes tawards the groups of set- tlers inside the walls. When I looked back to the conferring leaders the si- lence was so intense a 'pinfall could have .been heard. The keys of the lort were being handed to the Nor'-West- ers and the Hudson's Bay men had turned away their faces that they might not see. The venquished then passed quickly to the barges at the river. Each of the six drunken fel- lows. whom I had last seen in the late Governor Semple's office, the Highlanders who had spied upon me when I visited Fort Douglas but a year 'before, the clerks whom I had heard talking that night in the great hall, and many others with whom I had but a chance acquaintance, filed down to the river. Seeing all ready, with a North-West clerk at the prow of each boat to warn away marauders, the men came back for settlers and wounded comrades. I would have proffered my assistance to some of the hnrdened people on the chance of a word with Frances Sutherland, but the colonists eroudly resented any kind effices frem a Nor' -Wester. I saw Louis Laplante come limping one leaninr. en the arm of the red- faced man, witcese eye quailed when it met mine. Poor Leeds looked sadly bettered, with hie head in a white ban- dage. one erm in a sling, and a de- jected stoap to his shoulders that was unesuae with him. 'This le tee bad. Louis," said 1, hum:eine forward. "I /argot to Send word about you. You might as well have stayed in the fort till your wounds heeled. Won't Yon come back?" Louis stale a furtive, sheepish glance at me, hung his head and look- ed away with a suepicion of moieture about his eYes, "You always were a brute to fight at Laval! / might trick you at first, but you always ended by giving, ene the throw," he answered. idisconsol- aitely. .";Nensense, 'Louis."I was astound- ed at the note of reproach in his voice. "We're even now—let by-gones he byegones! You helped tne, 1 helped you. You trapped me into the fort, I tricke.d you into breaking a mirror and laying tip a peck a •trotible for your- self. Surely you don't treasure any grudge yet?" He shook his head without looking at Inc. "I don't understand. Let as !begin over again. Conte, orget old scores, come 'batik to She Sort till -you're welt" "Pah!" said Louis with a sudden, strange impatience ,which I could dot Latham, 'Tau .anderstaad some day And turn upon use and strike and give nee snore throw," • ."All right, !oameade, treasure your wrath! Only 1 thought two men, who bed saved .eaeh other's lives, might be friends and bury old ,quarrels." "You not kaow," he !blurted out in a !broken .voice. 'Not know 'what?" I asked impa-' tiently. "I tell you I forgive all and I had thought you might .do as neuch—" 'Do as much!" he interrupted 'fiercely. '0 mon Dieu!" he -oried, with a Sob that shaolc his tame. 'Take me away! Take me away!" 'be begged She man on ,whose arm ,he was lean- ing; and .vvith those enigmatical word he Passed to the nearest boat While I was yet gazing in mate amazeinent alter Louis Laplente, wondering Whether this strange emo- tion were revenge, or remorse, the women and children .marched forth with the men protecting each side. The .eropty threats, .csf hale -breeds to butcher every settler in Red River had evidently leached the ears of the women. Some trembled so they weld scarcely walk and others stared at us with the reproach of murder in their eyes, gazing in horror at our guilty hands. At last I caught sight of Fran- ces Sutherland. She was well to the rear of the sad procession, leaning on the arm of a tall, sturdy, erect man whom I recognized as her father. I would have forced my way to her side at once, but a swift ,glance for- bade me. A gleam of 'love flashed to the gray eyes for en instant, then la- ther and daughter had• passed. "Little did I think," the harsh, rasping voice of the father was say- ing, "that daughter of mine would give her heart to a murderer, Which of these cut-throats may I claim for a son?" "Hash, father," she whispered. "Re- member he ;earned es to the fort and took me to Pembina." She was as pale as death. "Aye! Aye! We're ender obliga- tions to strange .benefactors when times go awryl" he returned bitterly. "0 lather! Don't You'll think dif- ferently when you know--" but a hulking lout stumbled 'between us, and I missed the rest They were at the boats and an old Highlander was causing a !blockade by his inability to lilt a great !bale into the barge. 'Let me give you a lift," said I, stepping forward and taking hold of the thing. "Friend, or foe?" asked the Scot, before he would accept any aid. "Friend, of course," and I braced myself to give the -package a hoist. "Hudson's Bay, or Nor' -Wester?" pursued the settler, ,cietermined to take no help from the hated enemy. "Nor' -Wester, but what does that matter? A friend all the same! Yo heave! Up with itl" "Islefferl" roared the man in a tow- ering passion, and he gave me a push. 5 that sent 'rne knocking into the crowd on the landing. Involuntarily I threw out my arm to save a fall and caught a woman's outstretched hand. It was Frances Sutherlatecrs and I thrilled with the message she could not speak. "1 beg your pardon, Mistress Suth- erland," said 1, as soon as I could find speech, and I stepped' -back tingl- ing with em.barrassment and delight. "A civil -tongued young man, in- deed," remarked the father, sarcastic- ally, with a severe scrutiny of my re- treating person. "A civil -tongued young man to know your name so readily, Frances! Pray, who is he?" 'Oh! Some INor'Wester," answered Frances, the white cheeks blushing red, and she stepped quickly forward to the gang -plank. "Some Nor'Weet- er, I suppose!" she repeated uncon- cernedly, but the flush' had etiffeeed her neek and ss -as fleet unnoticed by the father's keen eyes, Then they seated themselves at the prow beside the 'Nor -Wester appoint- ed to accompany the boat; and I saw that Louis Laplante was sitting dir- ettly opposite Frances Sutherland, with his eyes fixed on her face in a 'bold gaze that instantly quenched any kindness I may have felt towards him. How I regretted my thoughtlessnees in not having forestalled myself in the Sutherland's !barge. The next best tlsing was to go along with Grant, Who was preparing to ride orrothe riv- er .!bank "and woe 'the companY•toe- yond allAdnder. "''liott coming too " asked Grant sharply, as I joined him. - "If, you don't min.d." "Think two are necessary?" "Not whin one ef the !two isCtrant," I answered, which pleased him, "but as my heart goes down the lake with those barges—" ."Ilut-tutt—rnan," intereepted .Grant 'War's bad enough without love; :bet come if you like.' As the boats sheered off from the wharf, Grant and I rode along the river trail. I saw Frances looking af- ter me with sterprise, and I .think she mast have 'known my purpose, though she did not respond when I signalled "Stop tleall" commanded !Grant pe- remptorily, "You did that very. elyly, Rufus, ,but. ff !they see you, there'll be all 'sorts of suspicion about collusion." The river pith ran Into the bush, winding in and out of .wcWels,. so we caught only occasional' glimpses of the boats; 'but I Sancied her eyes were .ev- et towands the ,berek where we rade, and I could 'distinctly see that the 'Freachmen% lace was boned in his arms above one .of !the squarish pack- ets opposite the Satherlands. Is it the same lass," asked Grant after we had been riding ear more ‘than an houe. "Is it the same lass that was ,disguised as an 'Iodian girl at t5ls'rough-2' Fort ,Gibraltas?" "Bother the stars," eaid I to'onyse His question astonished me. I !Whet of Miriam?" I asked, inlerhinsi !thought her !disguise too complete ing his penitential confidences, even for ,his sharp spenetratimg. !but I His references to steel -gray ,ey was learning that nothing esca.ped the and stars and engels .somehow P warden's notice. Indeed, I !have .foun.d me in no good snood, for a.reason wi it not anemia! for young people at a which most men, but few women, wi certain stage of their careers to ima- sympathize. gine all the rest of the world blind. 'S'tupid oar 'He spat out t "The !sam e," I answered, wonder- words with unspeaka!ble impatience ingmuch. nay .obtasenese. "What of Miria "You took he.r hack to 'Fort !Doug- Why the priest and the starry ey las, Did you hear anything special ,s pecial in .and the omethin'g inside, they the fort that eight?" ' say, 'Go and get Miriam! ,Where's "Nothing but that ItcDonell was white woman? fYva lied! You Jet b likely to sorren.der. Helve !did yOu got Get her—get her—get her!' Wit know I was there?" of 'Miriam? 'Pahl "Spies,'' Answered! Saconically. After that angry outbuost, the feeti "'The old voyageurs .don't ,change tains of his sonrow seemed to dry masters often far nothing. If you had- and !he !became more the' old-norta n't been stack off to the Maadane ,lant Laois whorrt I knew. country, you'd have learned a hit of "Where is Mieiam?" I asked, our methods. Her father used to fav- He ignored my question and we or the Noe-Westers. What has on reasoning with himself. changed him?" "No more peace—no Marc quiet "Seven Oaks chaeged him," I ee- no more sing and rollick till he ge turned tersely. IVIiriam 1" "Aye! Aye! That was terrible," and Was the fellow really delirious his face darkened. 'Terrible! Terrible! The boats were cli,sappearing fron It will change many," and the rest of view. I could wait no 'longer. his talk was full of gloomy portents "Louis," said 1, "if you have any and forebodings of blame likely to thing to say, say it .quielel I can't wai fall upon hint Inc the massacre; but I lon,ger." think history has 'cleared arid jestified "You know I lie to you in th Grant's part in that awful work. Sod- ,gorge?" and he loOkecl straight at me. .denlg he turned to inc. "Certainly," I answered, "and I "There's 'pleasure in this Tide Inc punished wan pretty -well for it twice." you. There' s none for me. Will ye fol- "You know what that lie mean"— low the boats alone and see that no and he hesitated—"mean to her—to harm comes to them?" Miriam?" "Certainly," said I, and the warden "Yes, !Louis, I know." galloped back towards Fort Douglas. "And you forgive all? Call a For an hour after he left, the trail even?" was among 'the woods, and when I "As far as I'm concerned—yes fieally reached a clearing and could Louis! God Almighty alone can lor- see the boats, there was cause enough give the suffering you have catisecl Inc regret that the warden had •gone. her." A great enterer came from the Slithers Then Louis Laplante 'leaped up and, lands' boat and •Louis Laplante was catching my hand, looked long and on his feet gesticulating excitedly and steadily into my eyes talking in loud tones to the rowers. "I go and find her," he muttered in "Hullo, there!" I shouted, riding to a lone tense voice, "I follow their the very water's edge and flourishing trail—I keep her frone suffer -1 bring my pistol. "Stop your nonsense, them all back-gbaek here in the 'bush there! What's wrong?" em this river—I bring her !back, or I "There's a Frenchman demands kill Louis Leplante!" to have speech wi' ye," called Mr. "Old comrade—you were always Sutherland. generous," I began; but the words "Bring him ashore," I returned. choked in my throat The boat headed about and ap- "I know not where they are, but I preached the bank. Then the rowers find them! I know not how soon—,per- teased pelling; for the water was haps a year—but I bring them back! Go on with the boats," an,d he drop- ped han•d. 'I can't leave yam here,'? I pro- tested. "You acme !back .this way," he said. "May be you find me." Poor Louis! 'His tongue lripped in its old evasive ways even at the mo- rnent of his penitence, which goes to prove—I suppose—that we are all the sam total .of the thing called habit, that even spontaneous acts are evid- ences of the summed result of ,past years., I did not expect to find him when I came tack, and I did•not. He had vanished into the woods like the wild creature that he was; but I was placing a Strange, reasonless reliance on his promise to find Miriam. When I catight up with the boats, the river was widening that that at- tack svould be impossible,. and I Cid not ride far. Heading my horse about, I spurred back to Fort Douglas. Pass- ing Seven Oaks, I saw some of the Hedson's Bay men. who had remain- ed burying the dead—not removing them. That was impossible after the wolves and three days ,ccf a blistering l tokl Hamilton f neither Le Grand Diable's death, nor Louie Le- o plante's promise. He had suffered •dis- appointments enough and could ill stand any mowe excite/neg. found him walking about in the up -stairs hall, but his own grief had deadened hint to, the fortunes of the warring companies. "Confo.unci you, boyl Tell me the truth!" said Father Holland to me af- terwards in the courtyard. Le Grand Diable's .des.th wed Louis La,platate's ,promise seemed to make a great inmeession on the priest. tile!' Then I ery stand op straight end give the eie, !but it say: Tall Louis Laplantel' The Irish priest 'he say, sYou repent!' What eke Louis for re- pents? P,ah! 13at eller eyes, they look and !look and /oak like two steel-gmay stag! Sometime ,they caress aod! he warA to pray! Sometime they stab and he shiver; but they always shine like stars of heaven and the ,priest, he &an Tot be shat out fof heaven!' 1,2 the angel all have stars, steel 'glitter- ing 'stars, Inc eyes, !heaven worth, for trying! The 'priest, he say, 'You go to abode of torturer Torturel Pahl more torture than 'nough 'here. !Angels With stars in theie heads, more !better. But the .stars stalb throughegthrought—. lf, es ut 11 he at es all he er at up a- nt 11 .hallow, and we were within speaking distance. "Now, Louis, what do you mean by his nonsense?" I began. In answer, the Frenchman leapecl. out of the boat and waded .ashore. "Let them go on," he said, scram- bling up the cliff in a staggering, faint fashion. "If you meant to stay at the fort, why didn't you 'decide sooner?" I de- manded roughly. "I didn't." This doggedly and with downcast eyes. "Then yau go down the lake with the rest and no skulking!" "Gillespie," answered Louis in a low tone, "there's 'strength of an ox in you, but not the wit. Let them go on! Simpleton. I tell yon of Miriam." His words recalled the real reason ef my presence in the north country: for my quest .had indeed been eclipsed by the fearful events of the .past week. 1 signalled the ^CoNerS to go without him, waved- a last farewell to Frances Sutherland, and turned to pee Louis Laplante throw himself on the grass aed cry like a schoolboy. Dismounting I knelt beside him. "Cheer up, old boy," said I, with the usual vacuity af thought and stu- pidity of expression at sach times. "Cheer upl Seven Oaks has knocked you out I knew you shouldn't make this trip till yau were strong again. Why, man, yon have enoughcuts to undo the plu.ck of a giantskiller!" Louis wa.s nat paying the slightest attention to mt. He was mumbling to himself and I wondered if he were in a fever "The. priest, Vise Irish priest in the fort, he say to me: 'Wicked fellow, you he 'tartan -eel forever and ever in the furnace, if you not ,tiodo what you did in ghe gorge!' What care Levis Laplante for the fere? Pahl What care Louis for wounds and outs and threats? 'Pahl Tfiegfire not half so hot as the hell inside! The cuts !not half RO stharpas the things that prick and sting end lash froni morn* to ,night, night to mortVg! Fahl Something in- side say: 'Leeds Laplante, son of a seigneur, a d6ei A cm! Toad! Rep - "T tell you'the Lord delivered that evil one into the hands of the punish- er; and a the innocent, the Lord, Himself, is the .defender. Await His purpose! Await Ilds lime!" "Mighty long time,'" said I, with the bitter impatience of youth. "Quiet, youngster! I tell you ,she shall be delivered)" ,CTo be continued.) PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, MB., Gradu- ate of !University of Toronto. J . D. Colquhatin, MD., CM., /Grad- uate of 'Dallhousie (University, Halifax. The Clinic is fully equipped! with complete and modern x-ray land other up-toedate diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. Mangaret K. Campbell, M.D., L,A,B.P., Sesecialist in Diseases in Infants and Children, will be .at the ;Clinic last Thursday in every month from 1 tb ,6 p.m. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, !Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, Will be at the Clinic the fillet 'Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6 p.m, • Free well' -baby clinic will he held on the second and l'a'st Thursday in • every month tram I to 2 pan. W. C. "SPROAT,..M.D., F.A.C.S. Surgery Phone 90-W. Offioe 'John St., Seaforth DR. H. HUGH ROS,S, Physician and Surgeon Late of Landon Hos- pital, London, England. Special at-, tendon to diseases of the ene, ear, nose aed. throat. Office and 4esidence behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER— Eye Ear, Nose and Throag. Gradente its Medicine, University of Toronto 11897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's 'Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hospi- tals, London. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 1.30 psne to 3 pen. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction eer Inc Perth and Huron Counties, Sales Solicited. Terms on Application. Farm Stook, chattels and reit estate property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell. Phone 634 r 6, Apply at this office. WATSON & REID REAL ESTATE • AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson). MAIN ST., SE,A.F.ORTH, ONT. ,All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in 'First -Class Corapanigs. THE McKILLOP 4 Mutual Fire Insurance Co HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTIL Ont OFFICERS President, Thomas Moylan, Sea - forth; Vice President, William Knox, Londeshoro; Secretary Treasurer, M, A. Reid, Seaforth. AlgENTS F. efoKeroleer, RSIOL, Dublin; John E. !Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefield; E. R. G. Yarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kinoardine; Wm. Yeo, Holmesville. DIRECTORS Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth No, 3; James §.tholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; George Leonhardt, Bornholm No. 1; Prank MoGregor, Clinton No. 5; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex McEwing, Blyth , No. 1; Thomas Moyian, Seaforth No, 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth No, 4. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be pro.mptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their eespective post - offices. in Eastern Ontario the weather has been favourable for the development of tree fruits during the last month. Apples are developing satisfactorily with present size or !better and a vig- orous foliage in all well -cared -for or- chards. The ,fetsit is q.ulte free from ersele stab infection in at least 90 'per egg, of the commercial orchards. Leal roller injury is rather severe in a num- her of orchards near Newcastle and 13owmanville. Codling moth Nary is also quite apparent in orchards where this insect has ,been troublesome in past seasons, The preliminary estim- ate of total apple production in East- ern Ontario shows a 2)5 per cent in- crease over last season. Want a d For Sale Ads, 3 weeks, 60c