HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-07-14, Page 5THURSDAY, IULY 14, 1938
July 114th, ,115th and 164h
12 oz.
PKG. 8c
3 B'OXE'S 19c
2 TINS 25 c
26 oz. 2 TINS
Catelli Cooked Spaghetti or Macaroni, 16 oz. 2 Tins 19c
Arctic Pastry Flour, 7s -21c; 24s 55c
Aylmer Grape Juice, 10% oz. tins Each 10c
Fancy Cello Rolls Manning 'Biscuits, assorted 8 oz. Each 15c
Manyflowers Toilet Soap 5 Cakes 19c
Quaker Puffed Wheat pkg. 10c
Quaker Puffed Rice 2 pkgs. 25c
Lipton's Tea, % lb. Red•Label, Mixed or Black 33c
Hemphill's Wheat Berries 5 lb. Bag 25c
2 in 1 Shoe Polish Paste -12c; 'White Liquid Bottle 15c
Pitted Dates 2 lbs 25c
Grapefruit Juice, 2s 2 tins 29c
French's Prepared Mustard with "Hot Dan" Spoon ..jar 10c
Mazda Electric Bulbs, 40 or 60 watt each 15c
Hardwood Round Clothes Pins 3 doz. 10c
Serviettes, Chateau White, 80s 2 pigs. 25c
Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c
Patterson's Wrapped Butterscotch Candy % lb 15c
Brunswick Sardines 5 tins 25c
4 coils IOc
each lOc
Aylmer Irish or Lamb Stew, 15% oz. 2 this 25c
McLaren's Jelly Powders 5 pkgs. 25c
Summertime Mixed. Biscuits
Aeroxon Fly Coils
Fly Swatters, Wire or Rubber
Very fine. 2 Oranges, 1 Lemon, 1 Tin Aylmer Grape Juice,
1 Quart Water, Ice, Sugar to sweeten
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Motor or Hoose Equipment
W. J. WALKER, 'holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
The Kippen East W. L will hold
atlreir next meeting on 'Wednesday
evening, July 20th, at 8:;115 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. M. Cooper. This is
Canadian Industries meeting and the
speaker will be Mr, Ross Mackay.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Blair and
daughter left this • week for their
home in Tuxford, Sask., .after a very
.pleasant visit with their many friends
in these parts.
Miss Pearl Reid of London -spent
the week end with Kippen friends.
A large 'number from around the
village attended the Institute picnic
at Bayfield on •Saturday last and all
report agood time.
Mr. 'wird Mrs. Thomson Scott and
children of Detroit spent the 'week
end at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Abe Forsyth.
.Mr. John A. 'MdGregor is not en-`
joying the best of health and his
:many friends hope :for iinprovement
Mr. Thomas Butt visited with
'friend's in Flint, Mich., 'recently.
• Miss Marion Soarlett of Seaforth
'called on friends in the village over
the week end.
The Staffa junior Lnstitute are
'holding 'their annual !picnic to Bayfield
-on Friday, (July '116th. 'Ail the young
,-people of the 'community are wel-
come. (Ladies bring 'lunch.
Mrs, H. 1Leslie was a a visitor in
Stratford on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, L. Hodge attended
'!the rural mail couriers': picnic in St.
Thomas recently.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harding .and fam-
ily, London, spent Sunday with Mrs.
J. Miller,
Miss Peggy 'Lupton is, holidaying
'with her cousins, near St. 'Marys.
Miss Margaret 'Gilmore of Colling-
wood is spending her 'vaoation at .tlie
Misses Ila Drown and (Laura. Din -
min are attending Goderich summer
school this week.
Want and For Sale ads, !11 week 25c
' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Murray and
daughter Rena spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'C. Regele.
M•-. and Mrs, Percy 'Whayman and
children •were visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Munn and other friends
on Sunday.
Miss Shirley M. Regale is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Murray of
Miss Marilyn Whayman of Brant-
ford is visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie 'Munn,
Mrs. ,j. Chase of Detroit is visiting
with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs,
Charlie Munn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy
'Chase were also week -end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Munn.
Mr. and Mrs. ljoseph Thornton
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. 'fames Howe of 'Cromarty:
Don't forget•the pieand ice oream
social followed with a play presented
by Ethel Young People to be held at
S. S. No. 9 school grounds on Fri-
day evening, 'July 'LSith.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy 4Gibbin'gs, Dor-
is and ' Billy of Lon•deeboro spent
Sunday at the :home ,of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs. tAtes•tin Dilling and
Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Cole spent Wed-
nesday at Grand Bend.
•Mr. Earl Whitmore and sister
Sarah and her 'fr'iend and • Warren
Whitmore and his friend motored to
Niagara Falls dart Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. ,Russell 'Coleman
spent last .Sunday with friends in Ing-
ersoll and Mrs. Thomas Coleman who
spent ,the last month with friends
there returned with them. -
The farmers have the haying about
Mr. and Mrs. James 'Armstrong and
.family •of Kerrobert, Sask., are ,visit-
ing •with the ,farmer's mother, Mrs,
W. Armstrong.
The Goshen Young People's Soc-
iety are holding their annual picnic
at 'Jowet,t's grove on Wednesday of
this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. McDonald of
London visited recently at 'the home
of Mr. and Mrs, John A. Armstrong.
Quite a number attended the Or-
ange • celebration in Stratford on
,Ainent—At Noranda Hospital, 'No
ramie, Que., •on Svnd'ay, :Ju•ly.110, 1936,.
bo . kr. and Mrs. F, -Karl A'ment, a
son ,(Robert Karl),
Send us the names of your visitors
Miss Margaret Jackson has rettlrn-
cd to her home in IEgmondville after
•'an extended visit in Lethbridge. She
spent a few days in Toronto on her
ret' rn,
Mrs. !Pearl Cook and daughter
Dolly Rose of 'Ashtabula, Ohio; •Mrs.
Fanny Shoemaker, Detroit; and Mrs.
E. 'O. Rdberts of 'Conneaut, Ohio,
visited From Friday to Tuesday with
the latter's sister, Mos, C. Wasmann
and Mr. Wasmau,
Mrs, Harry Moore of Montreal
spent .a couple of days with her
father, Mr. George' Abel.
Mr. !John ]Anderson and !grand-
daughter Betty Lou Anderson of New
York are spending the week with
Miss 'Belie Smith 'and Mr, Henderson
Mrs. Slater of 'Eagl'e Rook, .Gal.;
Mss, Bach, Toronto; 'Tubs. Dotvglas
Clarkson, St. Marys; Miss Florence
Fowler, Biuevale, and Miss Hilda
Fowler and Mr, Frank .Fowler, Lon-
don, 'visited their cousins, Misses
Cresswell, on Tuesday,
Mrs. Dunn •of Port Colborne, Mrs.
Stoll and son Ralph, of Randolph,
N. Y, are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jr C. (Greig.
Mrs. L. C. 'Jackson, Mr. Fred Jack -
eon and Mrs. D. 'H. Wilson spent a
few days at 'Brace Reach.
Mr. J. M. Scott is erecting a hand-
some stone gate at the entrance to
Scott's Poultry Farm.
Miss (Ella Elder is 'leaving Thurs-
day for a holiday at Wasaga Beach.
Mr, Fred IKraatz and family of Kit-
chener were guests Sunday of Mr. J.
M. and Miss Rolbertson,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Sidney Free of Brant-
ford were visitors Wednesday with
his !brother, Mr. Wesley _Free.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smart .of De-
troit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T,
Mr. Cecil Hudson and young son of
Chicago and his mother, Mrs. George
,Hudson and 'Mrs. Logan and 'Mrs.
Harvey of Hensall were visitors on
Monday with Mrs. 'Jahn Consitt.
Mrs, H. R. Scott and 'family leave
Thursday for an extended holiday at
Mrs, S'hueraft left Wednesday for
her home in New !York after spending
some weeks with Miss E. Davidson.
'Miss Agnes Crosbie, Toronto, was
a visitor this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Dodds, returning Thursday.
Mr, Harry 'Charters underwent a
serious operation at the hospital and
is improving nicely.
Maud and Jean Reyes who have
been 'holidaying with their grand-
parents, -Mr. and Mr's, Nelson Keyes
in 'Egmondville; have returned to
their home at Varna.
Mrs. J, ,'P. (Lennon of Boston and
Mrs. W. Tharp of Detroit are •guests
of Mr, and Mrs. 'James Devereaux.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Thiel an•d family,
Mr, Albert Thiel, Mr. Tom Thiel and
son, Misses Mabel and Stella Hilde-
brand, Miss Shirley Snied, Mr. Del
Knightley, Mr, :Vincent Muras'ky, of
Kitchener, spent the week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Hildebrand.
'Those from a distance who attend-
ed the funeral of :the' late Miss Agnes
McConnell were: Mr, 'and Mrs. J. C.
Richards, ':Stratford; Miss Florence
Fowler, Bluevale; Mr. Henry Fowler
and daughter, Miss Hilda, also Mrs.
W. T. 'Modelanel, Mr. and Mrs. Rory
Modeland, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Wal-
ters and Mrs. Siderick Read, all of
A garden .tea 'wall be 'held at the
home of Mrs. 'Ada Reid, 'Goderich
street, •on Friday afternoon, July 22,
under auspices of the ladies of St.
Thomas' 'Church.
Miss Mary 'Kling, Reg. of .Ham-
ilton, accompanied ;by 'Mr. [Neil
Howe of 'Dayton, Ohio, spent a
couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Manson, returning Wednesday,
Mr, Will Rollins of Sarnia spent the
weak end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, \ J'. Finnigan,
We are pleased to learn that Mr. C.
Eokart is improving from this 'foot in-
fection, but is still under` doctor's care.
:Mr, R. E. 'Jackson returned Wed-
nesday after spending two weeks at
Battle Creek, 'Mich.
At the Home of Mrs. Ada Reid,
Goderich Street
Friday, July 22
3:30 TO 5:30 O'CLOCK
Lir the aid of the Flower Fund of S.
Thomas' Church
Messrs. Charles Stewart, W. J.
Duncan, Bert .C•buff and 'John Beattie
went to IGrimslby on Wednesday. This
is an annual trip, made each year at
the height of the Ibis)* cherry season.
Mr's. Annie Brown of Clinton' spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Ray
Townsend of Tu'ckersntith.
Mr. and Mrs. (Joseph Catibert spent
a few holidays with 'Nr. Oarbert's
mother, Mrs, Margaret Carbent of
Mrs. W. J. !S+bunges of Winnipeg
was a ,guest of 'Dr. and Mrs. W. C;
Sproat.1 111 her return she was ac-
companied by her niece, Barbara
Sproat, who' is spending the holidays
in Winnipeg.
.Mr, and Mrs. J, 'W. M. Sproat of
'Indianapolis,spent a 'few days with
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Sproat,
'Mrs. Thos. Beattie, who underwent
an operation for goitre at London has
-returned and is convalescing fqr a
month at the home of Mrs. Ben Cole
In Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs, William Byrne and
family of Detroit are spending a cou-
ple of weeks' vacation with Mr, and
Mrs. Leo Fortune.
(Continued from Page 1)
laying charges against three peddlers
who had been selling fruit around
town without licences,
Report of finance committee: H.
Snell, t$70; Jas, V. 'Ryan I$6O; :Alice
M. Hudson, $14133; Thos, Storey, $6;
D. H. Wilson, $54,28; 'W. C. Sproa,
M.D., I$2; i7. S. Dorrance, $1; l5, E.
Keating, !$6.315; Bell Tele phone Co.,
x,60; 'John Stewart, $11440; Mitchell
Nursery, $3; Geo. A. Sills ''& Sons,
$81674; Can. (Nati, 'Rys„ $3!; Imperial
Oil Co $4151418 County of Huron,
$3131715 J. E. Daley, 4$1101; Jos March,
50!c; Wm, Reid, $9; D. 'D:up•ee, $'6.05;
Wm. Montgomery, $315,1110; T, H,
Johnstone, $28.90; Seaforth Highland-
ers Band, grant $100.00; J. A. Wilson,
$20:; Relief, 1$311158, Huron Expositor
344, 0.
H. E. Smith -f, H. Scott, in respect
of the school debenture 'by-laws aid
the fees for same required to be paid
to the Ontario Municipal Board the
Treasurer'be authorized to issue che-
ques as required.
Chas. Holmes -H. E. Smith, that we
grant the' Lions Club $745.'00' for Lion's
.park swimming pool.
M. A, Reid,J, E. Keating, that the
council purchase a new uniform for
tite Chief of Police; the purchase of
which to be left in the hands of the
(Continued from Page 1)
Story of Jacob. There was also a
stunt of a great creature of imneence
size swimming out over the floor at
one time which was very suggestive
of !Jonah's whale :but no Jonah, fear-
ful and swallowed, was seen,
'Jahn 'Ro'bert and Donald MacKen-
zie .gave inwtruntenta•1 'and vocal num-
bers. Follow the Gleam, 'The .Gh.ur'ch
in the Wildwood and Climbing Jac-
ob's Ladder were sung very lustily by
the boys.
A piano selection was rendered by
George°Hervey. The camp paper, The
Tubal Spy, was read iby (John Cun-
ningham. The petty chiefs and the
leaders gave their farewell speeches
and impressions of the camp which
had been held seven days..
There was a consensus of opinion
that it was the best -camp of its !kind,
unusually god organization, behavior,
and high' interest had been observed.
The boys shad Ibeen faithful and quite
interested in''the Bible study classes,
the •canr•p craft, missionary heroes and
travelogue -gatherings. They had done
interesting and clever work in the
linocraft and in soap 'carving. It goes
without saying that in sports, swim-
ming, boating on the little sail vessel,
in beach activities and at the dining
room table they 'had given a good ac-
count of themselves. Mr. Anderson in
a touching appeal closed the .camp on
a high spiritual 'note.
Mr. Brent. Hellyar notified the :boys
that their Chief Anderson was sur-
rendering his position now after years
of excellent service. A 'beautiful and
suitable lino plaque carved, represen-
tative of camp .'life, was presented to
'Min on 'behalf of the boys. 'Tire Rev.
A. W. Brown in a graceful speech,
gave the thanks of all 'tor the hospi-
tality and many kindesses lo the •camp
which was loudly ip.plauded.
There will be another boys' ,camp
during -the week of (July ,116 to 123rd.
W. I.
The (junior Women's Institute held
their July meeting at the home of
Miss Sarah Whitmore on Wednesday
afternoon, IJuly 1113, The president,.
Mrs. 15. F. Scott, was in the chair.
The roll ca'11 was answered' by How 1
Would Improve Our School System.
It was decided 'to have a home cook-
ing Gale 'on Saturday, Aug. 6th. The
minutes were read and adopted.
'Dixie" was sung. -Mrs, Andrew Cro-
zier :gave a very interesting talk on
education. She spoke of the ,education
we get as children 'we as a rule don't
want, and adult .education we do
Want , Mrs, Dave McLean read a
'poem, The Busy Man. The gist of it
Don't Let Your Birds
During the Summer
A $ spent in "Sun -Ray" Feed now will mean $'s to you
in the Fall. '
Sun -Ray Growing Ration builds strong, healthy Pullets,
that will produce.
was 'the !busy man generally has time
to do a friend a favor while a man
with more time on his hands, is find-
ing an excuse. We then sang ,"'Juan-
ita," Miss Margaret B'roadfoot gave
a very fall and interesting report on
the new new ,curriculum. Those pre-
sent went to the lawn where the girls
who took the 'bedroom aceessories
project gave a very goad and original
skit whioh took first prize at the
county achievement day, of which
Mrs. Mae Doig was the author,
Those who (very ably took part were:
Mrs,,.Mae Doig, Margaret ILey'burne,
Myrtle ?apple, Grace Wallace and
Mrs. 'Edith •Pudner. A delicious lunch
and lemonade were then served.
Passed Away in Victoria, B.C.—
Word has been received of the
death on Monday evening, June 27'th,
at the family residence, Victoria, B,
C., .of 'Jeanie Murdoch, aged 76 years,
beloved wife of Robert McGawati.
The late Mrs. ,McGowan was born in
Perthshire, Scotland, and had re-
sided in Victoria for the past 218
years. She is mourned hy, besides her
husband, one •daughter, Miss Jean, at
home, one 'brother, Robert Murdoch,
of Brucefield. Before going to the
Coast, Mr. and Mrs. MoGawan re-
sided on the •farm now owned by
Mr, Chas -Eyre on the .Kippen road.
They went from there to California,
then to Vancouver, and later to
We extend our sincere. sympathy to
Mrs. Rev. Wright in the loss of her
mother last week,
The United Farm Women will
hold their monthly meeting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Calwill
on Wednesday afternoon, July 20th,
Mrs. R. McKenzie and 'family of
Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. 'Zapfe.
Mr. and Mrs, B. Sholdice visited
Mr, and Mrs. A. Patterson on Friday.
The many friends .of Mrs. Bert Mc-
Kay are glad to 'know that she is
slowly improving.
Miss Anna Cornish is visiting
friends in Mitchell
Miss 'Greta Mustard of Hearst and
niece of Winnipeg spent the week end
with Mrs. A. Mustard.
Several from 'here attended the fu-
neral of the late Mr. William Dow of
Hensall last Wednesday.
Rev, and Mrs. H. Wright were call-
ed to Priceville'last week awing to the
death .of Mrs. 'Wright's '.other. Sym-
pathy is extended to -Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs. C. Haugh spent -a few days
last week with her brother, Mr. Jas.
Allan of !Zurich, who is seriously 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. (Allan, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Haugh and Mr. Wallace
Haugh attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. John English of Hensall
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Monteith and 'family
spent the -week end with Mrs. Mon-
tei'th's mother, Mrs. Ross.
Me. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Kenneth
and 'Ruth and Mrs. Wm, Ratter:bury
spent the week end in Burlington.
Dr. Carman Haugh and Miss Hazel
Haugh of Toronto spent the week end
with their .parents, 'Mrs. Carman
Haugh, Marlene and Peter, who had
been visiting 'here, returned with them.
M'r, L. Reid of Toronto was a visi-
tor at his home here over the week
Mrs. A. McDonald of Dundas is
The Heaterless
$1.95 $5.00
Phone 152, Seaforth
Commencing July 18th, at the
residence of William 'Stapleton,
Dublin. Phone 31 r 2, Dublin
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Haugh.
Miss Margaret Henry, Mr. Robert
Buchanan and Miss Hazel Dilling
were appointed delegates to attend
the summer school near 'Goderich.
Miss Greta Mustard of Hearst
spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
A. Mustard.
The W. M. S. and W. A. held their
regular tnonthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. Chester Henderson on Thurs-
day afternoon, Iju'ly n, with a' good
attendance. The meeting opened with
Mrs. John 'Gordon presiding, and by
singing hymn 3814 and repeating the
membership prayer in unison. The
Scripture, Psalm li2'il, was taken by
Mrs. David Shannon. 'The roll was
called and responded to with a suit-
able text with the word "Peace," The
minutes of the last meeting were read
'and adopted. After the business, the
aneeting was taken over' by the W.
M. S. The devotional part of the
meeting was conducted by our presi-
dent, Mrs. Wm. Shannon. The meet-
eeting Opened by siatging hymn 2162. The
,program was on "Racial Brother-
hood," taken by Mrs. Shannon, Mrs.
J. ,Daley, Mrs. H. Lawrence, Mrs. i.
Henderson and. Mrs. 5. Gordon. Pray-
er by Mrs. Shannon. OUT "'Responsi-
bility on Social Welfare," was taken
by Mrs. C. Henderson and Mrs. R.
Dorra'nce. The missionary prayer was
:given by Mrs, J'ohnstan. T't was de-
cided to hold a 'bazaar and home
cooking sale Sept. 6. Hymn 5119 was
sung, and themeeting closed with
prayer. A dainty lunch was served
'by the hostess and hunch committee.
Want and For Sale ads, 11 week 05c
Popular Brands of Highest Quality Twine at Special Loin Prices
650 ft. per lb. -$10.00 per cwt. 600 ft. per 1b.-$ 9.00 per cwt.
Hay Fork & Sling Rope, Trip Rope and Hay -Loader Rope.'
(All quotations subject to change without notice.) Terms—Cash.
"Make your cash work for you,"
Canvas, Etc, Vire maintain a large stock of these ,parts at+your service:
J. N. McKenzie
Massey -Harris Dealer. Seaforth. Phones 325 and 25