The Seaforth News, 1938-07-07, Page 1• Tomorrow has a magic charin We cannot see today; The distant future holds !delight . That never comes our way. Great deeds .we plan and hope to do, But, ehthe time's not yet; And so we ,waste the morning hours, .Nor 'dream the stm must set. Flowers that 'bloom around our feet With ,careless eyes we pass; eSeaforth Ne HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER We search afar for gems, but miss The jewels in the grass. Oh, may our hearts to wisdom Wake, Our eyes be ope'cl to see That now bolds all life's hidden wealth Of opportunity. 'The present is the golden time, 'Tis self that mak.es or mars; And one will pine in .prison cell, And one soar 'mid the stars.—Anon. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 60, No. 27. SEAFORTI-1, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,: JULY 7, 1938 Phone 84. tfil a year. ROBIN HOOD F L OU R NONE BETTER 3.90 CERT° BRAND ORYSTALS for making Jams and Jellies 2 packs. 25c MAKE YOUR OWN Drink with Punch 15c bottle SOCKEYE SALMOIN— Guest Tall Tins 30c PINK SALMON, tall tin 2 for 25c PIE CHERRIES, 2 tins 25c AYLMER 'PEACHES .. 19c per tin TAPIOCA, 3 Ib. for . 25c RICE, 4 lbs. 25c CORN STARCH, loose.3 lbpc McLAREN BREEZE EASY for making Ice Cream. CLIMAX BUG KILLER 40c and 70c 1VIELTO2IA WHITE KID CLEANER 25c Bottle TWO -AND -ONE WHITE CLEANER 15c COLGATE'S TOILET SOAP 6 cakes 25c LAUNDRY SOAP, unwrapped 8 bars for 25c TOILET PAPER, 8 rolls 25c Master Hog Concentrate, $2.60 cwt. A. CsRoutledge Phone COAL, QUALITY -SERVICE E L. BOX TiE Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. II a.m. "The Lord's Battlements." 7 y.m. "Power for Christian Wit- nessing." The choir of Carman United Church, Toronto, will lead the service of praise. Sunday School at 110 o'clock. . St. Thomas' Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford. at A.M. Bicentenary of John Wes- ley's Rebirth, 7 p.m. Gospel Service. "God so rloved the world." Sunday School at 10 a.m. • First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh, fjacic, B.A., Minister. 1(1 a.m.—"The Waters 4of Metall." 7 p.m.-1"Deceptive Appearances," S.S. at 10 o'clock. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 050 a.m. Sunday School. Ell a.m. 'Our Advocate." '.MR. AND MRS. PEARSON CHARTERS HO'NO'RED NEW BOOKS AT THE SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY Fiction The Mortal Storm ..... Bettane Brother iPetroe's Return S.M.C. Nursemaid Who Disappeared McDonald Strangers ...a.. Houghton Of 'Great Riches 'Franlcen A Lantern in Her Hand Which We Did s , Clark Snow in Eden Williams Best oT Runyon Runyon Sleep in, lavece.' Bentley Death on the Nile Christie Action .at Aquilee . Allen The Handsome Road ,Bristow The, Merry, Merry • Maidens..Carlisle Forsyte Saga ' 'Galsworthy Non Fiction The Healing Knife Sava The Canadians Wrong Self You• Have !to Live With, Rhodes House that' Hitler Built . 'Roberts BAIRD REUNION The annual Baird Reunion was held on Saturday, July Snel at Bright's Grove. Mem.bers of the family to the number of , se Were present from De- troit, Moose jaw, Toronto, .Goderich. Exeter, Brutefield !and Seaforth. Mrs. John Moffatt •of Moose Jaw came the greatest distance and was the oldest member present, while Seldon George Ross of !Goderich• was' the youngest member. Two sumptuous meals were •senved and the afternoon was spent in swimming, softball and various other games ,and sports. Some of the older Menalbers arranged to have the history of the family tree written. Soon after supper ,the gathering dispersed to their homes after; arranging to meet at .the same place next year. REBUILDING HOUSES Dr. 3. A. Munn has ,purehased the house of the late Miss Jane .Centre st. He is moving the house re- cently vacated by Mr, Thorne across the street to a new .foundation and will completely modernize both the houses, also build a double garage between them. !Neighbors of the Mill Road and vicinity, relatives and 'friends, numb- ering over 3001held a welcoming Party on Tuesday 'evening, !July '5th, in honor of Mr. and ...Mrs. Pearson Charters, who recently returned from their honeymoon, A han.dsonne !buffet ansi a serving tray !were .presented to the young couple by the neighbors of the dist- rict and an ,ad.dress was read by Mr. Edwin Chesney. A suitable reply was made by Mr. Charters. The newly- weds were .also the recipients .of other useful gifts.. During the evening ihag pipe selec- tions lby Mr. Walker of Cron -lefty were enljoyed. An outdoor !dance plat- form was placed on the lawn and .dancing indulged in 'till the small hours, to music by -the Rintoul and McCartney families and H. Stewant, Mr. Kenny .and .Brace ,Arrnstron.g. Among those present atom a .distance were 'Mr. and Mrs. David Blair of Tuxford, Sask.; Mrs, !John !Chesney, Stratford; Mrs.•C. Eilber, 'Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Hurd •and family and Mrs. Carrie .1jervi.s, To Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Charters, Dear Friends:— The neebors a' baith great an' smut' Ha' gethered here th' neight, Tee Welcome gie, WI' hound sae free, It were a bonny seight Tee see again, a comely twaln, Wi' youth an' joy toe 'eight The Hoose .on "Charters' Hill". On "Charters' Hill''—th' road tee fill, There muekle snow does blow. An mony a chell, ye ken them nee, Hee there transgressed the law Wi' words profane—that turned again Tete blessings when they stm The Moose on "Charters' Hill". In days of old, sae we ere told I' the Bulk wha' doesna' lee, The Lord to save, a refuge gave Where sair pressed men wad flee ; Sae In oar der—mindfe alway, He ha' provided free The Moose on "Charters' Hill". Nos, Charters men, as weel ye ken, Wer e tucky, ther's nae doot. Their luck abides, in choosing brides. They ken wha' they're aboot. Got famous cooks, we bonny looks, An' canny tee, bran in an' oot The Hoose on "Charters' Hill". Noo, Parson lad—till late we had Grave doots o' you're intention Tae gang th' road your forbears trod. You've kept CO in suspension,— You're blessed twice, wi' Bessie Bice, For there'll be no dissention In the Hoose on "Charters' Hill". May your life be long, an' blessings' throng Toe 511 your days wi' cheer, May troubles ne'er, nor grief nor care Make sunny skies look drear, May Happiness rind concord bless Th' Home you love so dear The Mose on "Charters' Hill". In memory of this very pleasant night, and to show in some small measure our respect ,for you. and yours, kindly accept this gift; may you long be spared to use it. Signed on behalf of your many fniends pres- ent and absent. "HOT" MUSIC? Seaforth Highlanders Band has never laid claim to playing "hot" music but, nevertheless, while the hand was playing during the weekly concert in Victoria Park on Sunday evening, volumes of smoke began to pour forth from a car in the vicinity of the band stand, A 'fire alarm was turned in and the band concert was interrupted until the fire had been put out. The car belonged to Mr. Glen Cook of Clinton, and the trouble ap- peared •to be in the wiring. TRAFFIC HINDERS FIREMEN When the fire alarm was sounded on Sunday evening a large crowd o'f cars 'followed tbe .fire truck, com- pletely 'blocking the street. Fire Chief E. j. Box points out that ears fol- lowing the truck greatly hinder the firemen, and the practice shou'ld be stopped. In the cities all traffic is required to pull to the curb Immediately when they bear the fire siren. Entrance Results SEAFORTH. Passed by recommendation: Ahrens, Norma; Bannon, Betty; Bannon, Jerry; Bell, Fergus; Broome. Spencer; .Burke, Bruce; Butson, Ina; Ch and ler, Dorothy; Clarence, Mild- red; •Coleman, Dorothy M.; Currie, lean; Dexter, INorma Ea, Eckert, Teresa; 'Finnigan, IN/Eldred; Harrison, Keith; Hay. Wilma; Hillehre,cht, Me- linda; Holmes, Kathleen; Keating, Kenneth; Keller, !Leroy; MacKay, :Donald; Mackenzie, Dorothy; Mac- Lean, Donald.; McGrath, Eleanor; !McMillan, Miles; !Moffatt, 'Janie; Moore; Ahyvonne; Mowbray, Irene; Iturray, Mary; Oldfielcl. Shirley E.; O'Reilly, James; Papple, 'Cleve I.; Pethick, Margaret; Pretty, Ruth; Ross, Clifford; Ryan, 'Frank; Scott, Harry; Smale, Doris; Smith, Billy; South.gate, Lillian; Wilson, Ethel Mae; Wood. Charles. Passed by examination: !Ainshorough, Henry j. '(Honors); Barry, Phyllis M. l(Honors); Ches- ney, H. 'Pearson; Deitz, John; Doyle, Mary j.; Dunlop, Annis 'K.; Flannery, ,I.ames P.; Lane, !Elizabeth I. (Honors); Leiper, Ross L., Mac - Leah, Bruce M.; McKay, Gertrude Colleen; .MeICay, William H.; Nich- olson, Mackenzie. Ross; Pap.ple, Lloyd H.; Quinlan, james J.; Rapson, Dor- othy Jean !(Honors); Reid, Kenneth; Roach, Loretta G.; Schilbe, Kathleen E.; Somers, Wray !Glenn; Williams. P. Marie. - MANLEY Passed by reco.mend.ation—Blanch- ard, Gordon; Flanagan, Helen, Passed by examination: Beuermann. Alvin; Byers, Warren; Campbell, Beth; Campbell, Ruth; Eckert, Margaret; Elligsen, Alvin; Gaffney, Betty; Gaffney, Bobbie; Gaffney, lJean; Gaffney, 'Madeline; Henderson, 'John; Henderson, Lois; Holman, Marie; Lawrence. Maxine; Leonharclt, Florence; MacFarlane, Robert; 2vIcEay, Stephen; Morris, Torn '(Honors); O'Rourke, Frank; Pryce, jean t Steinbach, Dalton; Ward, Floyd; Williamson, Florence, ETHEL Passed by recommendation: Bateman, 'Bruce; . Engler. Muriel; Franklin, lElsie; Neklin, Evelyn; Kef- fer, Lloyd; Love, Ronald; McLean,‘ Ian; Meehan, ;Ralph; Pearson, Flor- ence; Thompson, IKenneth; Turnbull, Jean. Passed by examination; Barton, Isobel C.; Cox, Jack; .Hamilton. Vio- let; gacklin, Marljorie; Kreuter, Gor- don; MacDonald, Elizabeth I.; Mann, Muriel E.; Rea, Murray (Honors); Smith, Mac, BAYFIELD First-class Honor's—Gordon Gil- bert, Dewar Talbot, Ivison Torrance, Dorothy 1Young. Second-class Honors Earl Cox, Elgin Cox, Helen !Johnston, Gwen Miller, .Gertrude Smith, Made- line Young. Pass—Patricia Atkinson, Elizabeth Cox, Eric Cox,. Billie Har- ris, Ruth Harris. Passed !under Rego. lation 10 1(55)—Eugene Castle. s SEAFORTH RACES EXHIBITION TROT Joe Patch, 2, Wellwood, Merlin.... jewel Express, O. Wallace, Alvin - sten TIme-2:20, 2:10, 2:17. 2:18 PACE Vester Bars, A. Belore, Mt. Elgin.. Troxie 11., Brooks Bros., London.. June Grattan. L. James, London.., Tony Grattan, Mrs, E. Lantz, New Hamburg Peter Mainsheet, Dr. House, Mit- chell ' • • ******* Time -18%. 123,5', 1435'. 2:25 PACE Kate Grattan, H. Miller, Lucknow Jack Lockhart, L. Crossett, Tillson- burg Ray Evans, A, B. Galloway, Wood- stock Busy Grattan, Pme Ridge Stable, London , • (Continued en Page Eight) 2 1 1 o 4 4 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 5 3 9 7 d 3 4 4 2 1 5 5S7 ACHIEVEMENT DAY A record attendance of 75, sixty of whom were individual. exhibitors, fea- tured .the ,fourth annual Huron Coun- ty Achievement and Program 'Plan- ning -Day held on Thursday in 'the ag- ricultural office, •Clinton, under aus- pices of Ontario Department of Agri- cultdre Institute Branch, and under the direction of Miss 'F. Al. Durnirp 1-1.oine Economics coach. Fourteen of tile individual exhibitors entered in two 'projects. There were seven clubs represented in the contest in 'Cotton .Accessories For The Club Girls' Bed- room," and !seven 10 "Cottons May Be Smart." Miss Durnin was assisted in the judging by Miss Helen McKercher, Horne Economics coach, Helen Pass- more, clothing specialist, and ijean Scott, 'Women's Institute :Branch, To- o -onto. The local leaders in the hous- ing Iproject are Miss Edith Hillen, Mrs.' Ray 'Nott, Seaforth; Mrs. Fred Oster, Blyth; Mrs. Walter Pocock. !Belgrave; Mrs. A. Osbaldeston, Clin- ton; Mrs. F. C. Demerlings Forciwich; Miss: Nettie Keddy, Huronclaye; Mrs. Wm. iOldifield, Miss Edith Hilton, Seeaforth; Miss 'Agnes Gillespie, Whitec.hurch; and Mrs, Harold Spier, Brussels. The morning session opened at 9.30 and continued until the noon hour, The afternoon program !consisted of (Continued an Page Five) TUCKERSMITH The Connell of the Township of Tucker:smith met in Seaforth ou june 35th. Members all !present, the reeve presiding. The clerk was in- structed to convey to the family of the late 'David Gemmell, the sincere syMpathy of th.e council and officials for them in the very suddeen death of their father and also to express the deep regret they feel in .his a!bsence from the council board. In the matter of Road Insurance, two companies Were represented, but the !council de- ferred taking any a:etion until the next meeting. The council set the Clerk's fees in regard to old age pen- sion and mother's allowance applica- tions at Slyer application and .110:e per mile one way. The Clerk was author- ized to notify all parties concerned in the Sinclair Drain and the Adams Drain that any one desiring to pay their assessment in cash must do so on ,..e/r 'before Sept. 1115th. The treasurer was aUthorized to ipay E. Prendergast the ,balance due biro on the ,contract on the Sinclair Drain, on receipt Of a certificate from the Engineer of satis- factory! completion. The following ac- counts were ordered paid: M. Mc- K.ellar, telegram, death of indigent patient, VI; Felix Curtin, a,ccount con- tract Adams IDrain, $4100; Gemmell Estate, councillor allowance, $315 VVarren Schilbe, for outlet liability, $4; R. J. Beatty, premium treas. bond, $20; County Huron, hospital fee, G. McClinchey, $39:73; R. Frost, bal. tile Adams drain, $200; R. Dalrymple, pay lists 6-7-8,9, $11728,61; E. C. Chamb- erlain, court order, Adams Drain con., $2,215; W. M. Sproat, tile Sincalir dram, $178; !Expositor, Relief accounts, $44.39. Connell actiourned to Meet Saturd.ay, July ,30th at 7 o'clock p.m. in council chamber. Seaforth.—D. F. McGregor, Clerk. J. H. KINHEAD NEW INSPECTOR FOR E. HURON Hon, L. J. Simpson, Ontario Edu- cation Minister, announced last week appointment of eight new public school inspectors to replace:those who have retired or have been transferred to othdr inspectorates. j. H. Kinheacl of the R. i. MeGregor public school, York, has been appointed to Huron East inspectorate, living at Clinton, Executive of Huron County Association of Dauphin, Manitoba] Members of the Executive of the Huron County As- sociation of Dauphin, Manitoba, appear in this picture, taken at their recent picnic, details of which will be found on Page Two of this issue. Back row, left to right, Harry Hughes, from Hullett Township; Ivan Boles, son-in-law of the President; Levi Stelck, from Hay Township; Arthur Fisher, from Clinton; W. D. +Strang. from Hay Township; Robert Bruce, from Clinton; William Murray, President, from Tuckersmith; Elgin Maynard, from Wingham. Middle row—Janes Campbell. from Colborne Town- ship; Thos. Nicholson, from West Wawanosh Town- ship; Wm. Hughes, from Hulled Township; Rube Fisher, from Clinton. Ladies—Mrs., Robt. Bruce, from !Clinton; Mrs. Elgin Maynard, from Wingham; Mrs. Chas. Finnen, from Wingham; Mrs. Fred Nicholson, from Hullett. ALEX. $T1RLING RECOVERING iVIr. Alexander Stirling, .well known farmer of the 3Ird ,concession of Mc- Killop, is improving in Scott Memor- ial Hospital, following a serious accir dent on Monday afternoon when he fell from a load of hay, He regained consciousness about noon on Tuesday. Medical examination showed that his beck is not 'broken, as at first feared. He is now making satisfactory pro- gress, but will be ,confined to bed for some time, The accident occurred in Seaforth about '6.30 p.m. while un- loading hay at the barn of Mr. Wil- liam Montgomery, 'John street. When the hay fork started up with a bundle of hay from the back part ,of the load, it lifted with it the front half which apparently had been !built last. Mr. Stirling was tipped off the front end of the rack and Tell on the wagon tongue. The accident was seen by Mr. Montgomery's daughter 'from the house, and by Mr. William Devereaux, a neighbor. 'Mr, Stirling was unconscious when reached! by Mr. Montgomery, who ha.d :been in !the !barn. Mr, Stirling had brought in a load earlier in the after- noon. DEATH OF MISS .MeCONNELL There passed away about 8.30 on Tuesday morning Agnes Rae McCen- licit in her 185th year, at the home of her Sister, Mrs. R. H. Modeland, Eg- mondville. :Miss 'McConnell, who has been blind for 'the past seven years, was ill since Thursday last. The deceased was the eldest child of the late William McConnell, and she was born on the farm on the Mill Road, 2nd .00ncession -of Tuckersmith, now owned by Mr. Alex, Boyes. The house was then 031 the river flats be- low the hill. She attended school in Hanpurhey .and .Essmondville, Miss McConnell had lived all her life id Tuckersmith township until go- ing to Sheldon, North Dakota, in 1923,1 She returned in 119315 and had lived here since then. Mrs. R. H. Modeland is now the last surViving member of the family, a brother, !John McConnell, having died in Saskatchewan in May. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. from Me.. R. H. Modeland's residence to Egmondville cemetery. Her pastors Rev. A. W. Gardiner, will officiate and the pallbearers are Messrs. Wm, Irvine, Wm. Finnigan, Richard Kruse, John Quail, Robert Strong, Roy Me- Geoch. • BOLTON REUNION On Friday, ljuly 1st. the Bolton family held their reunion at Harbor Park, Goderich, with 38 members Of the different families present. Between eleven and :12 o'clock cars began to make their way to Harbor Park bearing members of the Bolton clan. ,After the greetings were over lnnch was Aerved and the sponts were soon in full swing. These con- sisted of numerous games in which every one took part, .directed by Glen McKnight, The prize for the largest family on the grounds was won by Mrs. I. Bolton. The bean guessing contest was won by Mrs. AV, 'Humphries. The races for childreu under six weir won by Bobby Monaghan; under ten, by 'jack McKnight; under four- teen, 'Clifford Elliott. Married men's race was won by Lorn !Elliott. Young men's race by Earl Bolton. 'Young women's race was won by Beth Shannon. Three legged race by Mrs. II, Monaghan and Mr. Glen McKnight. Clothes' pin race by Mary Humphries and Bert Gliddon. Neck tie race by 'Ruth and jim Elliott. Ladies' time race by Mrs. A. Dodds. Driving nail was won ,by Mrs. W. Humphries. Dropping clothes' pins by Mrs. I. Bolton. A prize was won by Miss Dorothy Bolton for finding the mysterious Miss Bolton ..vho was in tj1e crewel. The mysterious lady was Miss Helen Elliott. A bail game followed in which everyone entered with much enthusiasm. , Boat ridine was enjoyed, and af- terwards the officers were elected for tlw fallowing year. President. Mr. Bert Gliddon. Clinton; vice •pres., Mr. Robert Campbell, Winthrop; treas., Mrs. W. Humphries. Walton: sport committee, Miss Rota Cantos bell, Goderich. Mr. Russell Bolton, Winthrop, Mr. Ijim Elliott, Atwood, Ms. Glen McKnight, Exeter. .!\ sumptuous supper w.as served by the ladies, which everyone eitjoyed. A hearty vote of thanks was exteederl to the siticers and sport committee. Thost !who attended from a distance were Miss Evelyn Knipper, Miss Do- rothy Bolton !and Mr, William Bolton, all from Rochester. 'N. Y, SMILLIE PICNIC The second anneal Smillie .picnic was held at ifowett's Grove, Bayfield, Seturclay, July 2, at which 95 mem- bers of the clan assembled and en- joyed a wonderird afternoon to- gether. The weather was warm and pleasant. There were sports, games and some prizes given. A number from Toronto and Hensall were pre- sent. Mr. A. G. Smillie of Toronto acted as chairman. make ING A. Dainty flower and baguette de- sign in 14 K gold $5.00 B. Exquisite de. sign set with 3 perfect diamonds 18.50 C. Modern style in 14 i< natural or while gold. Savauge's FORMER RESIDENT PASSES AT GRIMSBY The Grimsby Independent df June 30th, refers as follows to a former res- ident of this place: A resident of Grimsby for the past thirty years, passed away in Hamilton General Hospital on Friday mornin.g last, in the per5on af Charlotte Isobel Best, wife of Henry Hillier, :following an illness of several years' duration. The late Mrs. Hillier, who was in her 38th year, was born at Seaforth, Ontario, December 17th, 11884 a dau- ghter 0.2 the late Francis Best and Charlotte Hinchley. Following her marriage, she came with her husband to !Grimsby to reside and until the time of her illness, took an active part in church work and various organiza- tions. She was a roem!ber of St. And- rew's Anglican Church and a valued menaber of St. Andrew's Wornen's Auxiliary, as well as Alexine Rebekah Lodge and Lincoln Loyalist Chapter, LO.D.E. Surviving besides her 'husband are one son, Robert, of Grimsby and. one daughter, Dorothy .(Mrs. Lester Phipps) Of Toronto. A sister, Mrs. Norman MoPherson, of Los Angeles, Cala also survinres. A large number of friends an.d rela- tives attended the funeral service on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, which was held from the Storteh.ouse Funeral Home under the auspices of 'Alexina Rebekah Lodge, 'No. 067, with Rev. j. Allan Ballard, red& of St, Andrew's congregation, conducting the service. Interment was made in St. Andrew's churchyard, the following acting as !pallbearers: Messrs. G. MoNinch, W. B. Smith, A. Stevenson, E. Brubaker, G. G. Bourne and A. B. Bourne. Among the numerous floral tributes 'from friends and organizations were the following: Dept. of Public High- ways, Grimsby Chamber of Com- merce, Alexina Rebekah Lodge, Grim- sby Amateur Athletic Association, Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's .Church, Toronto and St. Catharines Transport company and "neighbors" of Oak Street. BOSWELL.CHIDLEY Emmanuel College, Toronto, was the setting for a picturesque wedding Saturday ternoon when' Mary Louise Chidley, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Jackson and the late Joseph Chidiey, became the bride of Edward Campbell 'Boswell of Seaforth, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Boswell of Toronto. 'Rev. Murray Chiclley of Cooksville officiated, with Margaret Sisley at the organ. Blue delphinium, pink carnations and palms deCe1rated the church. The bride, given hi marriage by her bro- ther, Thomae Jackson, were a shell ,pink crepe .dress in tai'lored style with jacket, a large larks,pur ,blue felt hat. blue shoes, and carded blue nod pink cornflowers. The ,bride was attended !by her sister, Ruth .Jackson, whose gown was of turquoise 'blue crepe with smart white turban and carried white stocks. The groom was at- tended by his brother H. G. Boswell of New York and ushers were Leon- ard Buchanan and William j. Jack- son, the bride's brother. A small re- ception followed at the home of the hriile's mother, who wore a gown of black 'herr with white accessories, a black hat and corsage of red roses. The !couple left later on a three weeks' trip to California, the !bride travelling in a modish suit of navy with fine pale blue stripe, a powder blue :blouse and navy pleated crepe terban. The couple will reside in Sea- • forth, where. Mr. Boswell is manager of the !Dominion Bank. Out-of-town guests included Canon and Mrs, _ Smith of 'Trenton, Mrs. H. A. 'Bright of Wimiipeg, Mr. and Mrs. J, A., Con- stantine of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. WH 13