HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-06-30, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1938 A glorious time was had biy all on Friday afternoon when the an- nual picnic of Hensel' public school was held in the beautifu 1 grove of Mr. ,Hugh McEwen, 2nd con. of Hay town- ship. In the upper pic- ture taken by The News the three teach- ers, Mr. Blowes, Miss Ellis and Miss Pfaff were passing around sandwiches and cake to the hungry picnick- ers who had been swimming and playing ball. The lower pic- ture was taken at Dr. Moir', London Road, where these young men were cooling off during the heat of the after- noon. Riding picka- back, left to right, are: Jack Shepherd on Rae Foster, Howard Love on Douglas Sangster, Carl Schwalm on Doug Cook. • HENSALL All 'books belonging to the Hen- sall Public Library are to be returned to the library by Saturday evening, July 2nd. The library will be closed the first two weeks of July as the Librarian, Mrs. Robert Cameron, will be away on her holidays, Mrs. Geo. Davis and daughter of Winchelsea were visiting here for a few days at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. E K. Hutton. Mr. Adolph Masse of St. Joseph has been assisting for several weeks at Mr. Frank Farquhar's barber shop. Mrs. Bertha Bell and Mrs. Fred Manns are leaving here shortly for Kintail where they will have charge of the summer camp there for boys and girls. Mr, Garnet Case is opening up a bakery and confectionery store at Grand Bend on g.uly llst for the sum- mer months. Miss Margaret Grieve of Seaforth has been engaged as teacher for .S. S. No, 10, Hay, to take the place of Miss Lettie Love, who resigned to take a position with the Toronto 'board of education. Mrs Hernian Dayman, accompan- ied by 'Miss Jessie Hodgert of Exeter, are spending a week at Grand Bend. Court of Appeal - County Judge Costello of Goderich held a Court of Appeal here on Mon- day e.vening to bear the complaints, of Owen Geiger and Frank Coleman, that certain properties owned by them were assessed too high. At the Court of Revision of the 0938 assess- ment roll, in which the council acted as 'the revisory board, a number of appeals were heard. The board -upheld the assessment of the assessor in each Eleanor Fisher was accompanist for case. Mr, Geiger and Mr. Coleman the various numbers. At this juncture felt that they had been assessed too the program was varied 'by an ad - Many friends if they decide to more away from Hensall. Mr. Robert Passmore, who for this last two year has been attending the Toronto University, passed all his ex arninations this year with high honors. The front of the Kerslake produce store has been re -painted which adds to the appearance of that part of our main 'street. Miss Clarisse Mitchell attended the Mitchell reunion held at Springbank an Saturday. Presentation - On Friday evening last the large schoolroom of the 'United Church was crowded to its fullest capacity, the .occasion being a farewell and presentation M honor of Rev. Arthur Sinclair and Mrs. Sinclair, who the illst of July enter npon an exchange of pastorates with the Blyth congrega- tion, the farewell anti presentation embracing both that of Hensall • and 'the sister charge af Chiselhurst The basement was a bower of 'beauty with a profusion of flowers. At the hour appointed •for the meeting, Mr. W. B. Cross was invited to act as chairman, which he did very pleasantly, and the following is the program which was handed to him. The first number be- ing as usual, Chairman's remarks, fol- lowed by a piano solo, Miss Gladys Luker; quartette. Miss Lettie Love, Mrs. G. Hess, Mr. C. l3lowes and Mr. H. Horton; reading, Miss 11. Ellis; chorus, from the Chiselhurst choir. led by Mr. G. T. Wren, with Mrs. W. J. Pyhus as accompanist; an address to Rev. and Mrs, Sinclair by Mr. George Follick; solo, Mr. Sam Rennie; duet, Mrs Hess and Miss T. Welsh. Miss high and both appealed to the 'county judge. A number of witnesses were heard but the Judge in giving his de- cision, stated that 'the evidence was not enough to warrant him in chang- ing the assessment. Appeals •dismissed. Mrs. Catherine Hedden visited with Crediton relatives on Sunday. 'Quite a number of students are writing on their entrance examina- tions at the Hensall Public School this week. Miss Irene Douglas is pre- siding. Some eight of those writing are from tbe }Tenni! Public School. Quite a number from Hensel] at- tended the Decoration Day services held at the Exeter 'cemetery on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. Geo. Hawkins, Who has been in St. 'Joseph's hospital, London, for several weeks, and who for several days was in a serious condition, is now slowly improving. At the United Church on Stmday morning a communion service was held. In the evening the pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair gave his farewell ad - 'dress and .bid farewell to the congre- gation that he has minister•ed to for so many years. A quartet, "We will never say goodby in Heaven," was sung by .Miss Lettie Love, Mrs. Geo, Hess, Mr. C. Blowes and Harry Hor- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family are leaving for Blyth on Wednesday where Mr. Sinclair will assume charge of the United Church there. There is a feeling of deep regret in ,the and vicinity over Mr. Sinclair leaving Hensall. He has been here for nearly 115 yeasr. He has stood at the open graves of about 300 of our people, baptized our children, married ,our sons and daughters. The young peo- ple of the United Church lind.er 20 know no other pastor. MT. Sinclair and family have the .best wishes of the whole community and we :hope they will .often be able to come down and visit us. At the hand ,practice in their rooms on Monday evening, Mr. Errold Drurnin,ond, who has 'been drummer for the band for a .number of years, was ,prese.nted with a pair of woollen ;blankets. Mr. Fred Beer spoke a f ew word's of appreciation of Mr. Drum- mond'S services to the band and made the presentation. Mr. Drummond thanked the Ban,d for the presentation and their good wishea. He has not decided yet as to his future, but will have the future of the Hensall Citi- zens Rand very much at heart Mr. -andMrs. Drummond' and family have dress read by Mr. Henry Horton, as secretary of the Church session, who together with Mr. G. T. Wren and Mr. W. J. Pybus of Chiselhurst Unit- ed Church, presented Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair with the fallowing beau- tiful costly gifts, namely, desk and chair, silver tea service, cabinet of sil- ver and a complete set of dishes of the latest and most beantiful design. Mr. Sinclair in responding to the splendid address. and on behalf of Mrs. Sin- clair, said he could scarcely find words to express his deep feelings and appreciation of such an array of beau- tiful, costly and useful presents and they would ever remind them of the pleasant associations of 'fifteen years spent with them as their pastor, and he trusted that at from time to time, they would be favoured with a call 'them. Mrs. John Corbett and little son Ross are visiting this week with her parents Mr. and •Mrs. Albert Morena of Dashwood. The Hensall Citizens Band are leaving the rooms they have occupied for some •thne in the Petty Block, a•nd we 'believe they have secured rooms over Rahnie's store. Mr. Geo. Douglas and his sister, Mrs. Geo. .Sparles spent Tuesday in 'Zurich. 'The Hensel' 'Masonic lodge 'held an election of ,officers Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mew of IGad.e- rich were visiting friends in town on Sunday. Mrs, Harriet Youn.g of Flint, Mich., spent a few days visiting her with Miss Jessie .and Mrs. Hugh 'Mc- Ewen. During the week the three ladies motored to Barrie, Owen Sound and other points. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hutton of Tor- onto and Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Hutton of, Wingham spent a few days here visiting with Mr, and Mrs. E„X. Hut- ton. Mr. 13, S. Hatton is n .btother Mr. Hutton an.d Mr. and Mrs. T. j. Hutton are his father and mother. Mr. E. IK. Button left on 'Friday for Fergus where he will relieve at the C.N.R. station, Another game in the Huron -Perth baseball league series was played on Friday evening between Hetisall 'and Mitchell, at Hensall who won Mt 'Miss Margaret Kilpatrick .of Trow- bridge has been engaged as assistant teacher for Hensel! 'continuation school, her duties to commence in September. There were fourteen an- ion. the past Ma years been god oti- {PT the P°s4113cm' Miss Kil" ene Douglas who has resigned. Mr. Milton Boyle of Toronto spent the week end here with his .grandmo- ther, Mrs. Richard Welsh. Mr. and Mrs.- A. J. Sweitzer and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowen, all of the Beach -o -pines, were Sunday visitors with relatives. Misses May a.nd Margaret Schwalm of London and Miss 'Violet Schwalm of Stratford spent Sunday .with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Mr. ,and Mrs. Lorne Manson of London and Mr. and Mrs. ,Earl Doug- las and children of Nova Scotia, who are visiting in London, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Geo. Sparks and other relatives. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Earl Love and child- ren of the Parr line, Hay township, were visiting friends in town on Sun- day. Mr. William Slavin of ,Chiselhurst was visiting here for a few days last week with his sisters, Misses Margar- et and Elizabeth Slavin. -Miss Sadie Fletcher of Moorefield is visiting with her sister, Mrs. 1E4 Fink. During the month of .July there Will be no morning service in Carmel Presbyterian Church. Rev. Mr. Young will take charge of the service in Ca- vell Presbyterian Church, Exeter in the morning a•nd will occupy his own pulpit at night. During August there will be no evening service. Rev. Mr. Hill will conduct the service here in the morning and his own at ,Caven Church, Exeter, at night. The services in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday were well at- tended. The pastor, Rev. W. A. Young preaching at both services, At the morning service Mr. and 'Mrs. Young took special parts in the an- them and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a beautiful solo, "Sun Arise." Dr, Sam Coulter of Toledo, Ohio, atcompanied by his wife and family, are expected here this week when they will visit for a time with the doctor's father, Mr. John Coulter. Mr, and Mrs. Errold Drummond and Marian and Dorothy, left for Kincardine to visit for a time. zens, .and it will 'be regretted, by -their patriek will take the place of Miss 1r- 7rli WINTHROP The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Winthrop will hold their regular meeting at the lhome Mrs, Tam Pryce on Wednesday, 'July 6th at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Gillies, Isabel and Bruce are spending a few holidays in Collingwood. Mr. 'Nelson Govenlock and IJoan of Waterford called on fr.iensis in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona and Billy and Miss Dorothy Fraser spent Sun,day with Mr. and Mts. 'Get, Eaton, . Clinton football team play here to- night ,Thursday). . Tim Eaton's tender was accepted to shingle Winthrop 'school. Paving the -road from Walton to Winthrop has been .completect Hayin.g is the order of the day and is a ,good crop. Permanents You may have your choice NO Machine Permanent or Machine Permanent Satisfaction Guaranteed Special Prices NOW Beauty Salon "The home of Better Permanents" Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth FOR SALE Pigs, six weeks .old. John MaGavin, phone '11313 r 42,1. Seaforth. FOR SALE Scone collie pups for sale. Gordon Cook, 'Rewleigh Dealer, ,Egmondrille, Sally Splash, the local swimming star, uses Cress Gorn and Bunion Salves. Remove ugly Warts, Calluses too: Sold ,by Keating's and all Drug Counters. TU.CKERSMITH Miss Margaret !Webb of London spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. Jam, McLachlan. Miss Elsie Drover of Seaforth has been engaged to teach at S.S. No. 9 school. Mis ivlargaret 'Forrest of Hamilton is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Forrest. A recent bride and groom, .1‘,11-. and Mrs. IRaynaond Townsend, were the recipients of a pair .of handsome oc- casional 'chairs at the reception held in the old time dance room. For this occasion the Tackersmith neighbors and friends bad banded together and filled the hall. Dancing was enjOyed until 42 o'clocic when the bride ,and groom were 'called forward and an ad- dress was read to them by Carmen Whitmore. Cecil Oke an,d 'Warren Whitmore .presented the chairs. Ray- -mond thanked everyone in a few words a.nd after singing "For they are jolly good fellows," lunch was served. °Mental] and Whitmore or- chestra supplied music for dancing. S. S. INo. 9, Tuckersmith, held a very enjoyable picnic on the s.chool grounds on Wednesday afterrroon. A program of races was held for pupils and ex.,pupils and members of the section. A ,bounteous lunch was serv- ed by the ladies, following which the teacher Miss Margaret E. Grieve, who has resigned to teach near Hensall, was presented with a 'Kellwood Iblank- et and a silk 'umbrella while an ad- dress was read by Miss jean Irvine. HULLETT The ;following are the promotions for S. S. INo. 3, Hullett. Obtained En- trance.-INorrna Dexter. Grade & to 7 -Lois ljamieson; Donald Stephen- son, Lorne Dale, Betty Dale. Grade 5 to 6-Forne Dexter, 'Blanche Arm- strong, Victor Walden. 'Grade 3 to 4 -Dolores Dale, Grade ,11 to 21 -Bar- bara Dale. -Gladys Colen,jan, Teacher, STAFFA Miss D'oris Colicruhoun, is holidaying at her home. Rev. G. Gilmore is spending a few weeks art Bruce Beach. Mr. add Mrs. T. O'Brien are visit- ing with their 'son in Owen Sound. The open air services af •the United Church are being held on Sunday in Mr. F. Muffin's orchard.The minis- ters for the day will be Rev. W. A. Bremner, Seaforth, at 1111 a.m., Rev. L, Hussey, Mitchell, at 2100, and 'Rev. Mair, Thames Road, at V p.m. Hundreds Of Cash Prizes Weekly Ten NEW COMPLETE contests in The Detroit Sunday Times every weeki You can win one or all! It costs ,nothing 10 enter, WOOL WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID • H. M. JACKSON PHONE VW, SEAFORTH SATURDAY ARGAINS SAVE ON THESE Granulated Sugar per cwt. 4,29 . Plus .Excise Tax with a 1$2 order of General Groceries Five ;Roses, per bag 3 69 Pastry, 24 lbs. 47c Shortening, 2 lbs. 23c Pure Lard, 2 lbs. ..... 23t Stockade Animal Spray 'Gal. Tins 85c King ;Bug Killer 20 pound bag 70c 10 .pound bag 40c ,Block Salt, 50 lbs. 25c Iodized 'Salt, .50 lbs. 30c Gilt Edge Twine, lb. 9c Rolled Wheat, 5 pounds ...19c eo , Jo Firknigan ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to Sohn H. Best, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario Patrick D. McConnell 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Seaforth, Ontario AUCTION SALE -Administrator's Sale of valuable Residential Property. On Thursday. the 30th day of bine at the hour, of 2 p.m. there will be offered for sate by public auction the residence ,of the late Mary Jane Brav,m and lands con- taining one acre of land more or less and being composed of part Lot 19 in the South Thames Road 'Conces- sion in the Township of Usborne and being situated in the village of Farqu- har. 'The said proPerty will be offered for sale at the premises, by undersign- ed auctioneer, stibject to reserve bid. Terms, cash; balance in 30 -days. Harold Dale, Auctioneer. • James Rivers, Administrator, by his solicitor, Elmer D. Bell. FOR SALE Brick house for sale to wreck. Ap- ply to John ;Quinlan, Egmondville. MAID WANTED Capable maid for general ,worlc wanted immediately; must be goad cook. Phone 68, Seaforth. HEAD LETTUCE FOR SALE Also a quantity .of Petunias, Snap- dragon, \Asters, Foliages, 'Verbena, Zinnias, Scabiosa, Celery, Cabibage anti Cauliflowers. Apply to Albert Baker, Railroad St., Seaforth. FOR SALE 15 acres of good mixed hay. Apply to Charles Munn, Lot 121, Con. 13, McKillop. PIGS FOR SALE Sixteen young pigs, purebred York- shires , just weaned, for sale. Dale Nixon, phone 144 r 4. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for Addition and Altera- tions to Seaforth Collegiate Institute. Sealed, 'marked,. 'bulk or separate tenders will be received by the Secret- ary until neon, Saturday, 'July 9, 1938. For construction of brick addition and alterations to Collegiate Institute. Plans and specifications may he seen at office of 'Secretary. or 'Archi- tect, Wm. G. Murray, 'Rielitn.ond Building, London. Building to be completed by 0.ctober rh 19218. Successful tender must use local labor and material wherever possible. Marked 'cheque for 31% 91 tentle., must' accompany tender. Lowest or any tender ttat necessarily accepted. M. A. Reid, Seey, Seaforth Collegiate Institute- Board, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The ,SecOnd Division Court .County of Huron Office in .-the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. 'Office ;hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 ,p.m. Saturday 'evening; 7:30 p. In. to 9 p. m. CARD OF THANKS . Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson wish to express their .sincere thanlcs Tor the lcind expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement; also those who sent flowers and those who kindly offered ears. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear lather,' Robert A. Campbell,' who passed away two years ago, July 2Ind, 1936. We .clo .n.ot forget you, nor do we, intend, We think of you often and will to the end; Gone and forgotten by some you may be, But tle:ar'to 'OUT memory you ever Will, be. -Ever rementhe d bY daughter o Reta. . Clearing Sale OF NEARLY NEW AND REBUILT FARM EQUIP- MENT AND WASHING MACHINES 1-1937 3 -section Bissel Spring Tooth Harrows with vanadium steel teeth, complete $40.00 1 -Nearly new McCormick Deering 2 -section Spring tooth harrows, 17 teeth, complete $25.00 1 -7 -foot 1V1. H. Binder $45.00 1 -Electric drive Primrose Cream Separator ... ... . . $50.00 1--lised• Cockshutt Walking Plow ....... ........ . $ 8.00 1 ---Nearly new No. 232 MdCortnick Deering Plow $12.00 1 -12 -disc M. H. Disc Harrows ..$15.00 1 -14 -disc McCormick Deering Disc Harrows ........$25.00 1 -Quebec Sulky Plow • $25.00 1 -2 -furrowed Oliver Sulky Plow $50.00 1 -Deering Ideal Mower $50.00 1-M. H. 13 Disc Drill ....... $30.00 1 -Electric Beatty .Waiber $25.00 1 -Electric. May Tag Washer . $40.00 1-Rebui1t used Electric Washer . . $20.00 •-•Se.veral Hand Washers, your choice $ 8.00 THE ABOVE MACHINES ARE ALL IN PERFECT CONDI- TIM. WE ALSO HAVE NUMEROUS MACHINES WHICH WE ARE REBUILDING AT THE PRESENT TIME TWINE PRICES McCORMICK DEERING TWINE Cash On or before Oct. dist 650 ft to /b $10.00 per cwt. $11.00 per cwt. 600 ft. to lb.- . 9.00 per cwt. 10.00 per cwt. JOHN BACH MAIN STREET. • SEAFORTH FaR SALE Beatty engine drive washer, com- plete with 111/3 h.p. engine, guaran- teed. Priced•very reasonably. Also one good used hand washer sad wringer. Apply to Geo. A. Sills & Sons, Hard- ware, Phone 56. FOR SAVE A quantity of alfalfa and timothy 4 hay on the field. Thomas Bolton, -` Phone 2148i111r Seaforth central, Wal- ton 112.R. 2. FOR SALE A quantity of slabs at the Walton Sawmill, at '411.60 cord piled, and $1.50 unged. Duncan 'Johnston, Walton. FOR SALE One 6 -foot McCormick binder in good repair. Also a quantity of hay in the field near .Winthrop. W. G. Mc- Spadden, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. Phone 237 -ring. O. LAWN MOWERS We will give you a liberal allow- ance on your old mower, so trade it in on a new one, Come and see our arew mowers. We also .sharpen and re- 'SIC pair lawn mowers. Louis Eberhart. PENNSYLVANIA- PRODTJCTS Nearly all kinds at oils and greases. Motor oil, cream separator oil, mach- ine oil. Prompt free delivery. • Grain bought. Sam Chesney, Phone .1610r4,. Seaforth. NO TRESPASSING Per'sons wishing to use the privil- eges of the dump provided by the Town'of Seaforth for its citizens, on the farm. of H. Kellar, must first se- cure a permit from the Town 'Cleric. Otherwise.they :Will be prosecuted for trespassing. By order of the Town .COuncil. FARMERS' •ATTENTION Money To'Loan. Mortgage loan on improved tarn'''pfoperties at 670., No valuation fees or chatter. mortgage required. H. J. Cotty & Co., Farm Sales Service, Stratford. • NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS In 'the Estate of Elizabeth McIn- tosh late of the Town 'of Seaforth, Widow, who died on or about the -215th day of February, 1936. Take Notice that all persons hav- ing an claim or demand against the estate of the said deceased must for- ward particulars and proof of same under oath Ito the undersigned' on or before the 116th day of ifsuly, WM, afte,r .which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate hav- ing regard only to 'those claims of which they shall then have ,received notice. Dated at Seaforth this 211st day of June, 1938. Rolbert T. McIntosh, )Executor, care, Hays & Meir, Seaforth, Ont. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Dominion Batik Building, Seaforth Phone 334 w