HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-06-30, Page 1When the ,orchards and the nieadows
ilhg.their sweetness on the air,
And th e ,grainlfi elds flaunt their riches,
and the glow is everywhere;
Somethingsings it •all the clay,
,Canada, fair Canada!
And ,the pride thrills through and
through us;,
'Tis our •birt.liplace--Canacial
With her mountains and her mea,d-
ows, and tier fields of golden grain.
Other lands may ,far outshine her,
boast more charms than she can •
. claim,
Bit this young land is our own land,
and we love her very name.
—Jean Blewett,
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 60; No. 26.
Phone 84.
$41 a year.
For the first time in thirty-one years Mr. William
Smith, highly respected former resident of McKillop
and Harpurhey, and his four daughters and one soh,
were all gathered together this week, Mr. Smith has
been making his horne in the West for the past few
years and eame with his daughters on a visit to their
old home here. Mr. Smith was born in Somerset, Eng.
land, eighty-six years ago where he learned the railway
business. He came to McKillop over fifty years ago.
In the above picture taken by The News, from left
to right, are: Mrs. Charles Dickson, Biggar, Sask.; Mrs.
Mary McIntosh, Kronen, Sask.; Mrs. Archie Kerr,
McKillop; Mrs. A.. Brown, Davin, Sask.; William
Smith; Percy Smith, 1\8cK111op. Mr. Sniith's grand-
daughter, Miss Ida ailay Dickson, of Biggar, is also
visiting here,
Peanut Butter
23c JAR
large size 2 tins 119c
SNMER'S LARD, 2 lb. 25c
SODA BISCUIT, 2 lb. 25c
3 tins 25c
6 varieties . . 19c lb.
. PEKOE TEA 38c half lb.
*IDEAL cArrsuP, small bottle ..10c
PICKLE 25c jar
SHU MILK for White Shoes -
15c bottle
CLEANER 15c bottle
SUNLIGHT SOAP, 4 bars 23c
GILLETS LYE, 2 tins 23c
CAUSTIC SODA, loose 10c lb.
CLASSIC CLEANSER, 2 tins ...9c
Masters Pig Starter $2.70 cwt.
A. C. Routledge
Phone 166
St. Thomas' Ohurc
Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford.
0111 .a.m. "The Holy 'Communion."
17 ,p.m. "A Good Soldier of %Jesus
'Sunday School at .110 .a.m.
Choir of Carman 'United Church,
Toronto, consisting df over thirty
'voices, accompanied by C. iW. Palm-
ateer, organist and choirmaster, will
assist in the services of Northside Un-
ited Church, Seaforth, .on
Judy 10th, both morning and evening
Arrangements for this noted choir to
Visit .Seaforth were made through
Mr, Arthur Forbes, Toronto, Sea -
forth 'Old Boy, and member of the
'church, who expects also to be ,pres-
ent, The choir will spend the after-
noon at Bayfield.
A party for her many young, -friends`
was given by 'Barbara Sproat at the
home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
W. C. Sproat, Tuesday afternoon.
Supper was served on the lawn and
games ,and contests were enjoyed, in
which the winners were:
Bean guessing contest, Jacqueline
Odell; giri "aces, 90 and over, Joan
'McMaster; 110 and under, jean Mc-
Master; 8 and under, Phyllis 'Scott;
memory contest,. junior, Mary Bos-
well; senior, Patricia Bechely; pinning
the tail on the donkey, Patricia Bed-
lOn Friday night the 'Alert Mission
Band of 'Northside 'United Church
held their thank -offering concert. A
program of singing, playing and re-
citing was enjoyed. Miss, Lawrence
showed some very interesting slides.
Helen Carmichael was presented with
a fare -well gift. On Tuesday the 'Alert
Mission Band held a picnic at *e
Lion's park. !Games and, races were
enjoyed and many delig,htfull .prizes
were ree,eived. The lunch provided by
the Missionary Society cif the United
Church, was delicious.
A farewell presentation and gather-
ing in honor a Rev. and Mrs. T. A.
Carmichael and faviliy was held at
the parsonage of Northsid.e 'United
Church on Monday evening. A solo
was sung by Mrs. N. Carter and a
reading given by Miss S. •Govenlock,
both numbers being much enjoyed.
An appreciative address was read by
Mr, F. S. Savauge and 'the presenta-
tion of gilts made by Messrs. S.
Carter F. Storey ancl H. Lawrence.
A delightful evening was brought to
a close with the singing of "Blest Be
the Tie that Binds." Following is the
To Rev. T. A. Carmichael and Family
In the itinerant ministry of the Un-
ited Church, there comes of course a
time when pastor and people must
part. Stith times always seem to ar-
rive very 'quickly when pleasant re-
ations exist between pastor and .peo-
ple, and a touch of sadness does .oc-
cur at parting, Hawever,we do feel
that the .sadness should be but transi-
ent, end, Eke
"The cares that infest the day
Should fold their tents like the Arabs
And as silently steal away."
for, in so 'doing, it gives place properly
to the pleasant memories 'of the pas
four years which, day by day will he
engraving 'themselves in Memory's
pages to form links in the chain o
friendship that has teen forged' dur-
ing your sojourn here.
As our pastor, your ministry here
las been very acceptable. Your ser
mons have always 'been interesting
arid profitable to us; the messages be
ing spiritual and of a high order and
have required much preparation and
deep thought. Your pastoral visitations
have been 'regular and very systerna
tic. In sickness you have always been
quick to respond to a call and the vis
stations have been komforting indeed
You also have the satisfaction o
knowing that the church membership
ha:s prospered under your ministry
We are verygladthat you ,have bee:
with us these past Sour years and very
sorry that the time has arrived when
you feel you must go elsewhere.
However, ,our best wishes go •with
you and we 'will always be interested
n your welfare, always glad to hear of
your successes, and sincerely hope
that your misfortunes will be exceed-
ngly sma114 and .never be swift enough
o catch up to you. And now, we
would like you to acci3pt this clock
and as you listen to its merry chimes,
we hope that you will fed that they
re the voices of your friends ringing
message ,of cheer to you and yours.
And to you, Mrs. Carmichael, Who
have given this people such acceptable
ervice to the very limit of your
trength and ability, we Vratild like to
resent this dinner •wagon, assuring
ou that no wagon, has ever been
'ullt that could carry the Ioa'd of good
(Continued on Page Five)
Mr. Jaines O'Sullivan, St. Collumb-
an, brought to th,e News Office on
Wednesday a sample of tall 'barley
measuring 5 ft., Ilf% in., grown on his
farm 'on Highway No. S. This is an
exceptiottal height for barley. Mr.
Sullivan is hoping for a spell of dry
weaeher to Arden- and strengthen the
soft, tender stalks on his field of un-
usually high barley which he Tears
would be fl.attened by a high wind or
'heavy rain. It is six -rowed O. A. C.
A delphinium ,plant with its mase
Of iblue dowers, growing in the Pret-
ty flower garden at the home of Miss
'Annie Lawrence.? Goderioh st, meas-
ures nine feet in 'height, another evid-
ence of the bounteous growth this
_Mr. Arthur Nicholson of the Mill
Road, Tuckersmith, received an ac-
clamation as councillor 'For Tucker -
smith, at the nomination meeting in
Walker's Hall, Brucefield, on Monday
to fill the vacancy ,caused by the death
of the late Mr. David Gemmell. Mr,
Harold *Jacksoe, who was also nom-
inated, withdrew.
The nevv councillor is well known
and a popular choice. He has taken an
.active part in athletics for many
years, having played with and piloted
championship 'Tuckersnrith and Eg-
inondville teams in ,football and hock-
ey..He 'Ita.s also 'served on the school'
:board ,of S. S. No. P, Tuckersmith, as
trustee and secretary -treasurer.
The following is the result of She
promobion examinations. Names are
in alphabetical order.
From Grade VII to Grade VIII
tarry, IKenneth; Maloney, Teresa;
Maloney,. Helen;'. Nigh, Betty; O'-
Neill, bfarliory."
From 'Grade VI to Gracie VII
DeCaro, ' Samuel; Flannery, Ger-
alda; af.atthews, Pauline; O'Neill,
Theresa; O'Reilly, 'Margaret; Quinlan,
Margaret; Ryan, Alla.n,
Grade V to Grade VI
Bannon, Adrienne; Eckert, Anne;
Landenbach, Katherine; 'Maloney,
Veronica; Regier, !Joseph, Stewart,
Primary to Grade II
Hagan, Mary; Xing, Muriel; Mc-
Iver, Josephine; Mellen, Dianne:
O'Neill, Barbara, Sills, Remold.
Grade It to Gracie III
Barry, Stanley, Cleary, Mary Mar-
aret, Hicknell, Marie, Landenbach,
Grade III to Oracle IV
Eckert, !Geraldine, Ring Ronald,
Regier, Alvin.
Grade IV to Grade V
McIver, Alice; McMillan, Joanne;
Ryan, Mary.
Rev. T. A. 'Carmichael and family
left on Wednesday for his new charge
at Burns T.inited 'Church, near Sarnia.
The induction of Rev, H. V. Work-
man, of Petralia, as minister of North
Side United Church, • will take place
this (Thursday) evening at p.m.
Rev. W. .A. Bremner, Seaforth, and
Rev. R. W. Craw, ,McKillop, will be
in charge of the induction.
Rev. and Mrs. 20. W. Shepherd left
on Tuesday ,for London and Rev. and
Mrs IA. W. !Gardiner moved here
from Londestoro. His induction will
take place Thursday evening in the
•Egmandville United Chiral) with Rev,
,C. Cumming of Walton and Rev. II.
j. Snell of Ethel, in charge.
A. meeting of the Youn,g People's
Society was 'held in the United
Church on Thursday evening, Ante
031.rd, with SamScott in the chair. The
meeting was opened with hymn 108
after which Rev, T. A. 'Carmiehael led
in prayer. The lesson was read by
'Gertrude Deliner and Donna Mole
gave a reading entitled "Friends."
Luella Keine played a selection on
the piano and another hymn 'WM
sung. 'Rev. C. C. Keine gave the ad-
dress of the evening, Mr. Carmichael
vvas then asked 'to come forward and
Mr. Sam Stott in a few fitting words
expressed our appreciation of his ser-
vices while among us. Mr. jack Ste-
vens presented Mr. Carmichael with
a chaia- after which he replied suitablly.
One verse of "Blest Be the Tie that
Binds" was sung. Mr. Robert ,Sharp
had charge of the games that follow-
ed after which hutch was served.
The engagement is announced of.
Mary Jean, younger daughter of Mrs.
Stevens and the late Daniel Stevens,
Hullett, to Harold Pethick,
only son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pe -
thick, MelKillop, the marriage to take
,pIace in jaily.
Seaforth Collegiate Institute Pro-
motions and Prize Winners
Promotions f 0111 ROM II Lower
School, to Form ET 2vliddle School.
These are Ihased 011 the pupil's ability
to do ,the work of the higher grade
as ,determinecl by ,elass work through-
out the year and teachers' term tests.
The pupils ranking 'first and second
respectively are, Teresa McIver and
Helen' Moffat. These will be awarded
the prizes for Form II. The following
pupils have 'been promoted: Arnold
Archibald; Peter Bannon; Barbara
Best; David 1301ton; James Broad -
foot (Honours); Gladys 'Earle; Harry
Earle; Edna Eckert (Honours);
Frances Eggie; Carolyn Holmes;
Clara Keller; ,Marion Lawson; 'Lois
McGavin; Teresa McIver (Honours);
Helen Moffat (Honours); Doreen Re-
gier (Honours); 'Glen Robins,on '(Con-
ditional); 'Pearl Ross; Donald Scott;
Francis Phillips (Conditional), '
The prize winners in 'Gracie (IA are:
First, Winnifred Russell: second Lois
Wright; and in Grade B. 'first, James
'Jamieson; second Lorne Ibbiatson.
The 'following pupils of Grade IX
will be permitted to take courses of
Grade X:
Mildred Aitclieson; Hazel Ander-
son; Rosamcmd Appleby; Stella Alin -
strong; Gla,dys Broome; Ruth Cam,-
chan; Helen Devereaux; Thelma Doi -
mage; Mary Duncan; Madeline Fort-
une; Audrey Foster; • Dorothy Gallop;
Genevieve Hawkins; Margaret Hud-
son; Audrey •McGavin; Isabel Mc-
Kellar; 'Hazel McNaughton; Eliza-
beth Matthews; jean Mills; 'Evelyn
'Rivers; Wilda 'Ross; Winnifred Rus,
sell (Honours); Marian Sclater;
Mary Stewart; Dorothy Taman;
Pearl Townsend; Audrey Walters;
Anna Watson; Hazel Wilson; Lois
Wright; Margaret Wurm; Maxine
Stanbury;, IGerald Barry; Anderson
Bell; Richard Box; Charlie Case;
Frank Casson; Ross Coutts; Frank
Devereaux; Hugh Doig; john Elliott;
Sterling Hablcirk; Clair Haney; B.
Iladgert; Lorne Ibbotson; James
aarnieson (Honours); Cyril Jahnston;
Thos Rale; Arnold Keys, Soott Kerr.;
Neville McMillan; John McSpadden;
L....Miller; Peter Nigh; Mervin Nott;
;John Patrick; Ross Single; Joe
Smith; Kenneth Southgate; Clarence
Westcobt; Kenneth Thompson; folm
O'Neil, Tom Wilbee. •
The ,priae winners in Form III ,on
the year's work are, ,first, Alma Law-
rence; second, Carman Whitmore.
IsiIForm IV, first, Aklie Eckert;
second, Ardath Sproule,
In Form 1V, first, 'John Mills; sec-
ond, 'Jean McDonald.
Best lcept garden plots --Girls: ,First
Mary Devereaux -Stella Armstrong.
second: M. Duncan -M, Hudson. Boys:
First: K. Southgate -A. Keys; secodil:
R. ,Coutts -J, Elliott.
The marks of all pupils who havt.
not been promoted may be obtained
from the ,principal,
FolloWing is a list of promotions in
the various grades of the school. Pro-
motions are based on work in the
,cllass room, tests and , examinations,
The names .of those promoted are ar-
ranged in alphabetical order. ect in
order of merit, surnames preceding.
Grade'7 to Grade 8 (Jr. to Sr. IV.)
Allen, Reid; Du.pee, Gordon; Du-
pes, Violet; Hildebrand, George;
Hopper, 'Neil; Hurford, 'Jean; Me -
Master, Joan; Mills, ,Frank; Smith.
Dotothy; Venus, Allbert; Westcott,
Marguerite; Wo'od, Donakl.
P. B. Moffat, Principal.
Promoted Jr. IV to Sr. IV
Eisler, 'Jack; 'Eisler, Richard; Gold-
ing, Marjory; Hoff, ,Alvin; Sproule,
Harrison; Swam !Jean; Venoss, Doris.
Promoted Sr. III to Jr. IV 6
Becheily, Patricia; Carmichael,
(Coatinued On Page Baur.)
St. Themes' Anglican Church, Sea -
forth, was the scene of a pretty wed-
ding on TueSday afternoon, June BB,
when Jessie Beattie Cress, daughter
of the late MM. ‚john Folland,
ton, ,became the bride of Mr. !Joseph
Noble Hart, Lavac, Ont., son of Mrs.
jean Hart and the late Wm, Hart,
Seaforth. The rectar, Rev. Dr. 'R. a",
13, Hurford, officiated. The bride was
given awayty her brother, Mr. Nor-
man jCress, ,of Kitehetter. The attend-
ants were, 'the., 'bride's sister and bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. andMrs. ‘C. M. Dun-
stan, Toronto. The bride .becomingly
wore a rose 'beige suit with'white ac-
cessories and carried a ;bouquet of
IJohanna Hill roses. Her attendant
wore a dress' of blue figured, crepe
with ,corsage of white carnations.
The groom's gift to the bride was a
necklace and to the ,groomsman a bill
fold. After the ceremony- a reception
was held at the home of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Feng Van'Egmond, Clinton.
Lister Mr, and Mrs. Hart left on a
trip to .Cleveland.
Mrs. Wililani Sclater, Huron street,
will celebrate her I&Sth ,birthday op
Jtily gst when mem:bets of the ,family
will 'visit her. On Saturday afternoon
she ,will entertain for -her friends at
afternoon'tea. Mrs. Sclater is a •native
of ,KirkwaiN, tOrkney Islands, and has
1ived in Seaforth since 1118174,
a When you buy a Bridal Wreath dia-
.' mond ring YOU KNOW it is abso-
lutely perfect in every detail.
"Bridal Wreath"
One of our most
popular favorites(
5 diamonds set
n 18k white gold.
channel motif.
Perfect solitaire,.
2 side diamonds,
isk setting.
15 - Jewel MARS
e Ultra modern! Stainless
finish. Cord bracelet.
The funeral of Mr. Roy Nelson,
foreman and mechanic for the Me -
'Namara Construction Co. at Heaslip,
N. Ontario, who WaS instantly killed
Wednesday afternoon last when
caught in the conveyer mechanism of
a large rock crusher, was held from
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
lames 'Nelson, Victoria street, Sea -
forth, on Saturday afternoon. June 25.
The fatal accident .occerred shortly
after work started for the afternoon
on June 1.212ntl. His wife and daughter
accompanied th,e remains here from
their borne in Kirkland Lake, Rev,
Hugh Jack, B.A., of 'First Presbyter-
ian Church, officiated, The Masonic
service was in charge of Mr. J. H.
Reid and Mr. Merton A. Reid. Pall-
bearers were Will Brine, J, E. Keat-
ing, M. A. Reid, Robt. Scarlett, Rus-
sell 'Holmes, Ross Scott.
The 'deceased, .who was the 'only son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, was
born gaily Nth, 1896, in Stanley twp.,
near Varna. After leaving school he
was employed in 'George Chesney's
hardware and accompanied him to
'Calgary. when he gave up business in
Seaforth. He was in a garage with
Ernest Spading at Kincardine anti
with E W. Fawn.' at Mitchell and op-
erated the Fawin garage at Listowel,
He was with the International Harv-
ester Co. in nanillton who moved him
11) North Bay and Kirkland Lake,
where he lived at the time of his
Born in .Seaforth—Dies by Accident
at Port Dalhousie
In our issue ,af May 19 we had an
item as to the decease of Mrs. James
S. Constable who was 'buried in the
Maitland Bank Cemetery 011 May l'fith
last, 'beside her husband and children.
Her $031 Lawrence E, ,Constable, born
in this town •October 111‘ 16113 and
who lived here until ten years of age,
was drowned at Port 'Dalhousie on the
22nd instant. Mr. Constable, ,whose
wife predeceased him one year ago,
was illuminating engineer for the
Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation,
Niagara Falls, N.Y. He left, surviving
him, his young 'children: Shirley Ann,
EileenPatricia, John Daphne, Dierdre
Vera and Moira Valerie; his sister,
Mrs. j. E. DuiVal, of London, lOntar-
io; his sister, Mrs. F. P. Lenshuer, of
Windsor, Ontario, and his ,brather,
Dell A. Constable, Barrister, Toronto.
Many of the okler residents .of the
town will remember the 'family, who
resided in 'Seaforth from ,11887 to 11904.
death. He held a responsible position
as foreman and mechanic for the Mc-
Namara Construction Co. at their
,plant at Heaslip four miles south of
Englehart, being in' charge of 76 men.
(Continued on Page Fire)
Golden Wedding oF Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gemmell
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 'Gel -Innen .of
Highview Farm, highly esteemed resi-
dents, celebrated the ,fiftieth anniver-
sary of their ina.rriage on 'Friday at
their home in Tuckersmith when
friends numbering one hundred ,and
fifty called 'during' the afternoon and
evening to convey congratulations and
good ,wishes, Their daughter, 3.,frs, G.
F. Handley .ancl son-in-law, Captain
Handley received with them. Mrs.
M. A. Armstrong and Mrs, A. R. Gib-
son of Mitchell, assisted by Mrs„
Gemmen niece;Mrs. ,Harold Tufts,
.of Toronto, presided at the tea table
Which was ,centred with a three storey
wedding sake encircled with white
roses and syringe and white candles.
The waitresses were their grand-
daughter Ijanet Handley ,and four girl
friends, Ruth Semi, Brucefield, r'Pairi-
cia, Bechely, Joan McMaster and Fer-
gus &O. Seaforth, Rev, Hugh Uaok,
B.A,,. pastor of !First Presbyterian
'Church, Seaforth, of which Mr, ,Gem -
tree is an elder, conducted a 'short
Scotch worship service, reading the
119th chapter of Illst Corinthians on
Love which he remarked is the basis
of all tram happiness in the home, in
the community and in the world. I1(1'.
and Mrs. Gemmell were married on
June 25th, 1 , by the Rev. A. H.
Simpson of Bru,cefield.
Mr. Gemmel' was born on High -
view farm and 'has spent his whole
life there and is the third ,generetion
to .occupy the IGernmell homestead
while Ivies. Gernmell, vrho before her
marriage was Miss Janet Gordon
Ross, was born ,cin the Ross 'home-
stead on the fourth concession of the
same 'township. They +lave a family
of two sons and one daughter, Mr,
Robert Gemmell, Brussels, Mrs. G. F,
IlandleY, London, and Mr. Sydney
'Get -emelt on the farm, also five grand-
ehildren. Among the out-of-town
guests were: Mr, and Mrs, 'George
Brown and Mrs. Harold Tufts, Tor-
onto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts and
Mn, and Mrs. Bert MeInteer. Chat-
ham; Mrs, Mary Hogan, Kitchener;
Mrs. B. ,Williarns, Dr. and Mrs. W. T.
Gemmel', Stratford; Mrs, M. A. Arm-
strong and Mrs. A. R. 'Gibson
cheill; Colonel and Mrs. Bingle and
Major and Mrs. !Andersoe, Londpn.