HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-06-16, Page 8limosasemeass ' THE SEAFORTH NEWS ' ; THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1938 HENSALL Late Arthur Alvin Workman— Alvin Workman, a well known district resident, passed away and- denly at his home an the town line, Stanley, two miles west of KipPen, on Monday morning, where he alone. A n,eighlbor -found 'him '4:lead about 1110 a.m. He had his morning dhores all neatly done as was his cus- tom and apparently suffered a weak speel, and laid down on a couch and passed away, He was a son of the late Me. and Mrs, (Tames Workman, 'born 61 years ago on the Workman home- stead farnt, lot 7, eon, 7, Stanley, parr line, where he spent his .early 'life, About 215 years ago he went West,taking up land. • e spent 20 years there. Five years Ia, the came .baolc to this ,diatriot. Heas always a great lover c.,E horse' Mr. Work- mam never married, Ht1» tiraived by five lbrOthers and thre'e .ers, Percy Workman an the hoi .ead .farm; William, Tue'kerami 2? ph, Flint, Mich.; Rev. H. V. '7e an of Pet- s-olia; 'Norman of So osa, Man.; Mrs. Grant 'Rycknrasea - the bound- ary, 'Us:borne twp,Milton Love, Hensall, Mrs. Hos ./J Bolger, Lon- don. The ft -reseal t's` place Wednes- day afternoon tron, . se home .of his 'brother, William Workman, Tuck- ersmith.. Interment in .Hensall union ,cemetery. Rev. Mr, .Chandler con- ducted the funeral service. Mrs. .john Park was visiting friends in Toronto over the week end. Mrs, Edward Deters and daughter Anna of Zurich were guests on Sun- day with Mrs. Jahn Johnston and Miss -Margaret Johnston. Baseball Notes — Zurich defeated. Hensall by a score of 7-0 in a game played here Monday evening M the Huron -Perth baseball League series. Heideman pitched for Zurich and allowed only three hits. For Hensall 'Kipier and Tudor pitch- ed allowing 11 hits, A large crowd witnessed the game, The score did not indicate the close game. A gocel game was played by both teams but for the Ilensall team it was off night. 'Phe new grain elevator being built here for Mr, George Thompson is rapidly being completed. It is a large massive structure and will be a big help to the Thompson's in storing the 'large quantities of -grain they will buy on Herisall market this season. Mrs, Lawrence Baynharn of Cen- tralia spent Sunday with -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir and attend- ed the anniversary M Carmel Church. Mr, and Mrs. Orva.1 Beavers and two little daughters ;of Thames Road were visiting relatives here Sunday, Honoring Miss Beryl Drummoed, bride -elect of Wednesday, June ,15th, MTS. Sam Rennie very -pleasantly en- tertained a number of girl friends at her home on 'Friday evening, June 110. The evening was spent in amusing garnes and contests after which Beryl was the recipient of a !beautiful floor lamp, the gift from the girls, twelve in number. The hostess was assisted in serving dainty, refreshments by Doreen F,arquhar and Sara Manson, Mrs. 'Orme 'McKenzie and children of Kincardine are visiting here with Mrs. MdKenzie's .parersts, Mr. and ,Mrs. Errold Drummond. Miss Margaret McLaren of Tor- onto is visiting here with her parents. Kading•Nudson— On Saturday, June 111Ith at .3 p.m. in the churcli parlor the Rev. W. A. Young united in marriage Eldon Richard Kading of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kading of Ex- eter, and Myrna Catherine Hudson, youngest da -tighter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. 'Hudson of 'Hensall, M the pre- sence of a few close 'friends of the bride and groom. The bride was love - in a dress of orchid silk, a corsage of roses and sweet peas and white acces- sories. Her bridesmaid, Mrs. 'Wethey elf London, was sweet in a dress of mist :blue trimmed in dusky pink with matching accessories. The groom was supported by his 'friend Mr. T. Weth- ey of London. Immediately following the ceremony the bridal party left for London where a wedding luncheon was served at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and ales. Harry Aibray. After a honey- moon spent in Port Huron and De- troit they will reside in London where they will have the best wishes of all. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and children of Kitchener spent the week end here with relatives, also at Sea - forth and Thames Road. Birthday Party — A happy event took place a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell, Tuckersmith, 1% miles east of Hen - sail Monday evening when the mem- bers of the family of Mr. W. L. Mc- Laren gathered to celebrate his birth- day. A table was set on the lawn amid beautiful surrotindings and centred with the birthday cake around which the family gathered for the birthday supper. The evening ended by all wishing their father many more hap- py birthdays. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Hunicin and family of Thames 'Road, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne MoNaughton and family of Hibbert, MT. and Mrs. Wesley Venner and fanaily of Chiselherst Mr. and Mrs. 'Glen Bell and family, Mr. -and Mrs. Roy McLaren of Hensel! ;and Mr. W. L. •McLaren of Hensall. Mr. .1vIcLar- en's many Hensall friends extend to him their congratulations also. TUCKERSMITH Mrs. J. 'Jackson and Mr. Stanley Jackson spent the week end visiting friends at Parkhill. Mr. Wm. Haney of Sault Ste. Marie is visitirsg his ?brother, Mr. M. Haney. Much sympathy goes out to the ,bereaved family of the late Mr. David ,Gemmell in their recent sad tragedy of last weelc. Dr. Wm. and Mrs. Gemmel] of , Stratford attended the funeral of his 'brother the late Mr. David iGeramell. Mrs. Harold ijackson attended the nurses' ;graduation in Guelph last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. 'Cameron are on a trip through the States. Mr. and 'Mrs, Thos, Levitt of Ing- ersoll attended the Troyer reunion NEW SPRING Hair Styles to suit the New Spring Hats Permanents You may have your choice NO Machine Permanent Machine Permanent Satisfaction Guaranteed Special Prices NOW Beautp Salon "The home of Better Permanents" Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth picnic which was held at -Bayfield last Saturday and spent the week end at MT. Russell Coleman's and .Mrs. rhos Coleman returned to Ingersoll with them to spend a week .with relatives in .that vicinity. Mr. Jas. Broadfoot, who had his tonsils removed teat week is doing nicely and his many friends will 'be pleased to see him around in their midst again, Mise Mary Broadleot, who is at- tending the Westervelt College at London, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. jas. 13 -road -foot, Mrs. Thus, Coleman has just com- pleted a quilt with 94135 pieces in it. McKILLOP The Carter Reunion Picnic— The Carter Reunion picnic was held on Thnrsday, Tune 9th on the ;spaci- ous _lawn of MT. and Mrs. 'Keith Web- ster, MoKillop, at 41:30 pm. Sixty members were present from Wing - ham, Londesboro, Clinton, Holmes- ville, Seaforth and Eginonelville. The afternoon was delightfully spent in sports and contests underthe able direction of Mrs. INorman Carter and her splendid committee. Prizes were awarded the winners as follows: Chil- dren 6 years and under--IAnna Glew, Tommy Webster. 'Girls 6 to 8 years— Anna 'Glew, Kathleen 'Glew. 'Girls 9 to 112 years—Sjoyce Carter, Elinor ,Glew. 'Young ladies' race, Mamie Shaddick, Isabel Oakes. Young men's race, George Carter, Bill Mundell. Ladies' slipper kick, Effie Jewell, Mrs. Cliff Shabbrook. Men's slipper kick, Norman Carter, Bill Mundell. Maga- zine race — (1) Clifford Shobbrook .and Mamie Shaddick; (2) Isabel Oakes and Harry Oakes. Banana con- test, Isabel Oakes and Harry 'Oakes. Ladies' ring toss, Olive Mahe Men's ring toss, Derwin Carter, Ladies' rib- bon race, Effie Jewell, Mrs. John Nott Men's ribon race, Keith Web- ster, Harry 'Oakes. Ladies' nail driv- ing. Mrs. Cliff Shobbrook, Mrs. Har- vey Jenkins. Men's nail driving, Bern- ard Nott. Keith Webster. Potato car- rying contest, 'Norman Carter, Bern- ard Nott. Lucky ticket, Mrs, Thos. 'Webster. Peanut guessing contest, Beth Shabbroak. A peanut scrarnble completed the sports program which was thoroughly enkyedb.:*3, old and young. At six o'clock all partook of a 'bounteous lun-ch, After this the pre- sident Mr. Derwin Carter presided and condected the election of offic- ers for 3939. 'President, Mr, John Nett, Egrnondville; sec'y-treas., Miss Edna M. Jamieson, -Clinton. Sports' Committee, Miss Beth Shobbrook, Londesboro :(convener), Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Mrs. Gillespie, Ivan Car- ter, Bill Mundell, Social Committee: Mrs. John Nott Egmondville (con- vener), Mrs. Harvey +Jenkins, :Mrs. Geo, Mair, Mrs. John Jamieson, :Mrs. Norman Carter. A hearty vote -of thanks vras tendered the president and his committees for their excellent services in making the picnic a suc- cess. The gathering expressed their appreciation to Mr, and ;Mrs. K. Webster for the ,use of their home. After the singing of "For They're jolly 'Good Fellows," the gathering -dispersed. The picnic in )1930 will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mairs in Goderich Township, on June 9th. CROMARTY Ross-McLaren— The Presbyterian manse at Crom- arty was the scene of a happy event on Saturday, June 4, when Rev. j. Reidie united in marriage Rena Mar- guerite, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLaren, to Ernest James, eldest son -of -Mrs. 'Entity C. Ross Tackersmith. The -bride was tbecorn- ingly attired in -a maize triple -sheer lace with all white accessories and carried a 'bouquet ,of roses, pink carn- ations, snapdragon and larkepur tied with a yellow tulle. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ross Jr. were their attend- ants. Following the ceremony a love- ly dinner was served to a number of relatives of the family, Later the bride and groom left by mator to visit resorts on Lake iSimcoe. For travel- ling the bride donned a pretty hyca- cinfh-blue -crepe with a lovely white - flannel jigger ceat. . STANLEY 'Mr. and Mrs, G. Olivaster of Lon- don spent Sunday the ,gnest of Mr. and Mrs, W. McKinley of the Bien - eon Line. '- Mr, and Isles. James Black , of Sea- . forth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wsn, Scotchener of Bronson line, Mr. and 'Mrs, Thomas Snowden motored to Port Elgin on Sunday. Messsrs, Robert Peithale -and Chas, Falconer Spent . Sunday with Mr. Harold Penhale sMa. and Mrs, E, Townsend were Sunday visitors at the home .cif Scotchmer. Mr, Albert McClinchey of Kin- cardine spent the week .end under. the parental ,roof. MT. and Mrs. Arden Grainger and small 'd...;ughter of Alasinston spent ,the week end with Mr. and -Ivies. Russell Grainger .of the Blue Water Highway. STANLEY The Stephenson ;families held their annuls 1 reunion picnic at jowett's grove, Bayfield, on Saturday. Over 100 were present and a very ssaajoyabie day was spent. Among those ,who at- tended from a distance were Mr. Win. H. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. iOrval Stephenson and family, Miss Morgan and Mr. and Mrs.. Watson, all of Marlette, and Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Laughlan of Detroit. No service will be held in Varna andGoshen Churches on Sunday ow- ing to the anniversary services at the Blake Church, Mr. and Mrs, McLean and family of Pilot Mount, Man., visited with friends in this vicinity. WINTHROP Mr. John Bullard' received word on Tuesday that his sister Mrs. William Thornton of Toronto had passed away. MT. Bullard attended the fune- ral which was held in Preston on Thursday. She leaves to mourn her loss her huaband and 4 -daughters, and 3 sisters and a .brother. We extend our -deepest sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Blanchard and family -spent the King's !birthday with Friends in Grand Bend. 'Winthrop played .1 Dot ,ball in Sea - forth Tuesday night. The score was 1-0 for Seaforth, Walton play here this Friday night, • Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Bullard', Betty and Jack, visited friends in the village on Sundaes. Miss Roma johnston of Belleville is home to spend her holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnaon. Miss Vera Heist of S. S. No.. 40 has been -re-engaged for next term, Miss Alberta 'Richmond of S. S. No. 6 has also been re-engaged. MANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Eckert and family from Seaforth were Visitors at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. Thos. .MOKay last Simi -day. Mr. and Mrs. 5. F. ,MoMann and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Verniea of Chicago are renewing old acquaintances in our burg this week. It is thirteen years since Mr. McMann left for 'Chicago where he has made good. He finds many changes in this vicinity. Mes. John Murray spent 'Monday with her sister, Mrs,' G. K. Holland, who is not as vrell as her many friends wish her to be, -but hope for her speedy reeovery. • On Tuesday .Mrs. John Murray spent a day with her many 'friends in Seaforth. IN MEMORIAM In ;loving memory of .our dear father .and, husband Thomas Broome, who .passed away one year ago, Tune lb, 190: Remembrance is a ,gdiden 'Chain ' Death ,tried to 'break, but all in main. To have, to love -and to ,part, - Is the greatest eoreow ;of one's heart. The year may' wipe out many things, But this :they wipe out never The memory of ;those 'happy days when we were all together. —Ever remembered by Wife and CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, W. Nicholls, Mr. .and Mrs. N. Nicholls and .1,1e. Roy Pink- ney desire to 'heartily thank all their kind friends and neighbors, for all the generous assistance 'given them dur- ing their recent illness and sad ber- eavement, also those who kindly loaned their cars. CARD OF THANKS . The -family of the 'late Mr. David .Gentinell wish to thank 'their many friends and neighbors for acts ,of sympathyoand kindness in their accent sad bereavement, also for the floral tribeetes and those who loaned cars. PRIVATE SALE McMillan will -sell by private sale, 'furniture, household effects. At Ihome Wednesday afternoons, Sat- urday afternoon and evening, Can make 'appointment -over phone 123 any morning around 9 o' -clock. , AUCTION 'SALE Of Household Effects and House and Property, in the village of Deb - lin on SaturdaY, 'June 118, at d pm, 2 parlor tables, 2 bedsteada„1 new Raymond sewing machine, 1, exten- sion table, -drop leaf table, aeon chair, dining room chairs; I "Prince" cook stove (new:, '1 kitchen cupboard, 1 eight-day clock, two -burner coal oil stove, I commode, 1. "Red Star" washing machine, -wringer, pictures, mirrors, lantern, parlor lamp, table lamps, frying pans, iron pot, .cooking utensils, 'toilet set, iub, ;copper 'boiler, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. Property—Cottage with 4 rooms and -good ;basement with cistern, also two lots. Will be offered for sale sub- ject to a reserve Ibid. Mrs, Joseph Maloney, Proprietress. Geo. H. 'Elliott, -Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Administrator's Sale of valuable Residential Property. On Thoesday, the 30th clay o'f June at the hour -of 2 p.m. there win be offered for sale by public au•ction the residence of the late Mary Jane Brown and lands con- taining one acre of land more or less and being eomposed of part Lot 10 in the South Thames Road Conces- sion in the Township of Usborne and being situated in the village of 'Farqu- har. The said property will be offered for sale at the,premises, by (undersign- ed auctioneer, snblject to reserve bid. Terms, 1% cash, balance in 30 days. Harold Dale, Auctioneer. James Rivers, Administrator, by his solicitor, Elmer D. Bell. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. Dennis Downey of Chicago is visiting his mother, Mrs. John Downey. Miss Rose McQuaid, R.N., of Tor- onto, spent the week end at her home Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Smittendorf of Buffalo and Miss Mary McGrath of Toronto spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy, Messrs, Th -os. McQuaid and Jack McIver of China Mission College, Toronto, are home for the summer. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. James -Mc- Quaid on the death of their infant son from wihooping-cough. Mr. Basil Lane of Toronto was horne over the week end. Ten New Contests Every Week In each Sunday's' issue of The De- troit Sunday Times is a great Contest Page with TEN NEW COMPLETE CONTESTS. Hundreds 'of cash prizes! Your opportunity for diversion win one or airof the contests! Be aure to get The Detroit Sunday Times BAYFIELD Dr, W. Tillman and MTS. Tillman and family are at their cottage this week. Mr. T, Bailey of the Ritz Hotel is having his hotel painted this week, ‘Me. Chas. Ferguson of Sudbury and Mise :Margaret Feeguson, of Te- cumseh. MTS, C. A. Butler of St. Catharines, and Me, S. 'Keyes of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Ferguson over the week end. Dr. Stogdill and Mrs. Stogdill end family arrived in the village on Sat- urday. Mrs. Stogelill and family ex- pect to remain -for the summer. 'Miss Drouin of Detroit spent the week end at her cottage. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge of Seaforth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, MoGregor and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman were also guests on Sun -day. The inany friends of ;Miss Winnie Stewart -will he sorry to know that she was taken suddenly ill with in- flammatory rheumatism and removed -to DT. Mair's hos,pital where she is making satisfactory improvement. St. ,Andrew's Churoh, Kippen, are holding a strawberry festival on -the manse lawn on Tuesday, June 218. STILL G00013AofteyreEaqrsupralent o Operation To discover ion built just how long a W eStinghOUSe truly precis - washer will last, a stock model West- CUSHIONED ACTION inghouse Washer has beet run- ning continuously, with a nor- mal load of clothes, for over 13,000 hours — the equivalent of over 130 years of ordinary household use. Still going strong—no evidence of wear, and quieter now than many washers when new—this con- vincing proof of long life and trouble-free operation is unique in the industry, JOHN WASHERS BACH MMIIIMMINV Saturday Cash Sale Five Roses per cwt. 3.69 Prairie Rose, per cwt 3 39 Sepoy, per cwt. 3.39 Pastry, 24 lbs 47c Granulated Sugar per cwt. 4.29 Plus Excise Tpc 50 pounds Block ,Salt 25c 50 pounds Iodized Salt 30c Shortening, 2 pounds 23c Pure Lard, 2 pounds ......24c Oranges, 2 doz. . 35c Chocolate Bars, 10 for 25c .Speartnint Gum, 3 pkges. 10c King Bug Killer, 20 lb. 70c Sudden Death Bug Killer 20 lbs. 700 10 lbs. 40c No Premium 'Coupons at These Prices W, Finnigan ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John II. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario Patrick D, McConnell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Seaforth, Ontario AUCTION SALE At the home of Dr. F. J, Bnrrows, IGOderich St., Seaforth, on Tuesday, !June 28, at 41.30 pan. A Clearing Sale 'of household -furniture, ,garden and stable •tools, Wain -et -couch, 2 walnut Chairs, to match; drop leaf walnut table; walnut den -table; com- bination bookcase anal secretary; oak writing 'desk; narrow , oak table; 6 rooking chairs; 8 ,straight back theirs; a, oak chest of drawers; ;r 'folding bed, 3 piece oak bedroom suit; 2 iron beds, all with springs and ,mattresses; a ioon extension couch with' .enattreas; several small tables; pictures, electric Hotpoint stove, laundry mangle, 'Singer" sewing machine, lawn mow- er, wheelbarrow, 4 five -gallon demi- johns, gasoline ancl oil eOntainers, garden tools, 'pine house doors, some 2" lumber and other articles too num- erous to mention, garden hose. If the afternoon' is wet the sale will be held at 1:30 p.m., Thursday, June 00th. Terms cash, George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, E. C. Chamberlain, 'Clerk. Dr, F. j. Burrows, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE -01 Building Material, Lumber and Live Stock, on Tuesday, Jame 24 at 4:30 p. iit, on Lot 20, Can. 3, Mc- Killop, 1,14. miles north of Seaforth, farm adjoins Maitlandbank Cemetery. Building material and Limber in - eludes 1000 feet sheeting; 11500 feet flooring, scantling of all ,kinds, joists, all lengths; timber and ash sleepers, shingles; doors and .door frames; win- dow frames, Stock ---111 Durham and 41 Hereford heifers to freshen shortly; 1 part Hol- stein 4 years old, freshening in 10 days; 2 Durham calves, 1 brood, sow; 6 young pigs. All in good condition, must be sold. Terms, cash, Scott Davidson, Owner, George IL Elliott, AuCtioneer. NOTICE Anyone noticing a swarm af bees Wallace Ross, Apiarist, Seaford], will pay 50c for Same during the months ef June' and 'Italy. FOR SALE 1,2 pigs, five weeks old at lot 29, con. 9, Morris. Phone 16 r 9, Brussels cen- tral. Gilbert McCallum, FOR SALE A quantity of slabs 'at the Welton Sawmill, at $1.60 cord piled, and $1.50 unpiled. Duncan Johnston, Walton. PLAN -TS FOR SALE Petunias, Asters, Snapdragon, Ver- benas, Scahiosa, -Zinnias and Clarkia; Cabbage, Cauliflower and a large quantity of head lettuce now ready. Apply to Albert Baker, Railway St. Turn west at The Seaforth Creamery. FOR SALE 6 ft. McCormick mower, M first class shape; also 4 chunks of pigs. James Nolan, Tuckersinith. ,Seaforth, R.R. 4. NOMINATION MEETING Under anel by virtue ,of authority of a warrant given under the hand, and seal of Chas. 'MacKay, Reeve of Tp. of Tu.alcersmith, a meeting of the electors of the said ISp. of Tucker - smith -will be held in Walker's Hall, Bencefield, on Monday, June 276, be- tween the hours of 4 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the par -pose of nom- inating a candidate for th-e Council for -the balance of 4191318 to fill ehe of- fice rendered vacant by the ,death of Mr. David Gemmell, ansi if a ,poll be necessary the same shall be held .on Monday, IJuly 4th, between the hours of 9 a.m, and 5 p.m. at the .following places and by the ,following officers: Poll !Nlo, vacant store, 15, Stewart, D.R.10. Joseph McLellan, clerk. Poll INo. 12-2School House iNt. 8, ;Edward Brown, D.R.10,, -Roy Mc- Geoch,. clerk, 'Poll No. U—Sdhool House No. 4, Jos 0. Crich, D.R.0,, Roy -Brown, clerk, Poll No. 4—School House No, 3, Thos, Chapin -an, D.R. 0 J W. McIntosh, clerk. Poll No. 5—Sehoo1 House No-. 3, R. D. .Bell, D.R.O., 85. Traquair, clerk. poll No. 6--Sdho01 House Ida. 9, Hugh Mc- Millan„D.R.O., W. J. Martin, -clerks D. F. McGregor, Returning 10fficer, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division -Court County of .1-luron Office in the DOirlilli0/1 Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. 1Office hours: -- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:1310 p.m. to -5 ,p.m. :Saturday evening, 7:60 p. m. to 9 p. m. LAWN MOWERS We will give you a liberal allow- ance on your old mower, so trade it in an a new one. Come and see our new mowers. We also sharp -en and re- pair lawn mowers, Louis .Eberhart. NOTICE F-anners buy your twine from your own company. 'Phe Huron Farmers' Co-operative Ch., Ltd. 'Wm. 'Pepper, Hensel. FOR .SALE A- small house safe. Sills Hardware Store, FOR SALE 'One chin‘a cabinet, one solid oak book -case, ;both in splendid shape. Cheap. Apply to the News Office. . FOR SALE 3 large sows safe in gig, one gone over -half time, 1 young sow, bred. Apply to Alex Smith or John Nolan, Phone 144 r 12/5, Seaforth, WOOL WANTED Highest Prices paid. H. M. Jack- son, Phone 3-w, Sealforth. FOR RENT 715 acres grass for rent, or will sell hay crop. Apply to Elmer D. Bell, sea Seaforth. PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS !Nearly all kinds of oils and greases. Motor oil, cream separator oil, mach- ine oil. Prompt free -delivery. Grain bought. Sam Chesney, Phone 4160r44t Seaforth. ' NO TRESPASSING Persons wishing to use the privil- eges' of the damp provided by, the Town a Seafonth for its -citizens, on the farm of H. Kellar, must first se- cure a permit from the Town Clerk. Otherwise they.will be prosecuted .for trespassing. By order -of the Town Council. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 4/P, • 1, House and Lot in the Town of Seaforth belonging to Rebecca Davis Estate. Comfortable dwelling. 2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3, i'vleKillop, containing 5 acres. Contfortable house and small barn. Suitable for poultry ranch. 3. Lot 7, Con. 116, Grey TawnshiP. 100 acreau Good brick house and barn, driving sited, good well, S/2 mile from school. Property of late Wm. Woods. Particulars may be secured from Mrs. Kate Woods, Walton, Ont. Apply Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE 10-210 International tractor; semi - steel plow points for International, Fleury, Verity , Quebec and Cook- shutt We still. have some genuine ,Deering and McCormick repairt ,Cocksbutt farm machinery and re- pairs, also Lister cream separators. Louis tberhant, TENDERS For the work of -taking off old' shingiles on 'School House No. go, McKillop, and putting on neve cedar shingles. The work to be done in the summer -holidays. The Section to supply materials suoh as shingles .and nails. The j-ob to be finished by the twentieth of iAtigust. Tenders to be in ' by the 25th of )June. R, J. Pethick, R. R. INo. a, &dearth, Seot.-Treas. FARMERS' ATTENTION Money To Loan. Mortgage loan on improved farm properties at 151%. No valuation fees or chattel mortgage required, H. J. Getty & Co., Farm Sales Service, Stratford, INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness a Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in, first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAIVIBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Dominion Bank Building, Seaforth Phone 334w