HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-06-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL The regular 'meeting .of the village 'council was held Monday at 8 p.m. in the council charaber vsith all memb- ers present. Minutes of the two prev- ious meetings and also the !Coort of Revision teed and aaopeed. Miss .0 Mitchell appeared re Insulin affairs. Same dealt with. Correspondence read es follows, Dept. of Agriculture re rag weed, Judge T. M. Costello, re appeals; County Clerk re resolution; Magistrate lIawkshaw re fines; hut- letin re amenelments; dept. of muni- cipal affairs re subsidy; Imperial Oil re road oil; motion picture ,censonship and .theatre inspeotion branch re lie- enseaF liquor controi board re rebate of $ 5,46; same dealt ariVh and filed. Bill red accounts paased-O, 1Ceoh- ler 'es, park, $10; B. and D., sup - pit tank and 'hall, $416,281 W. B. E. ‘'actor, ,Palift, $11115.150; D. Hog- g eabor , park, $4.60; a, Kyle. la' a; W. Taylor, do, $11; V. lied- deeee $5.6101 A. Spencer & Son, .1 tor ,park and rink, 461.517; W. cutting wood, park, • $3.; W. -, labor, $112.90; T. Richardson, Smnians, Era do, 5.40; B. ,Kyle. do, $110.20; T, Shanclick, do, $5; G. Walker, alt. eel- ary, OM; 'Sank Of Moritreal,! data tenure B. C. D.' $11S5.4111;.' Q. IN le„. freight •road oil, ,1110.617; Imperial Oil, road oil, $50.116; N. Relatoleforde, smel- tery inspection, ,$15; 'F. G. la:Matron, ,postage, $5; Heasall Hydro, $5,26; Treas. of 'Ontario, licenses for hall and park, $6; Dept. of health, 1.40; School Board, current eala 500. Total, al1069.01; Brock -Twitch- ell, that the Reeve and Clerk be auth- orized to secure road oil and sprayer. Carried.-aarnes A. Paterson, Clerk. Miss E. Johnston visited in Delhi, Simcoe and Turkey Point last week, Mrs. Wilson Carlile visited over week end with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hayton of Delhi were recent visitors. with Miss E. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. G. •M, Case and Mrs. Mark Drysdale spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mr. G•eoree Hawkins who has been in very poor health for some time was taken on Monday to Victoria Hospital, London, for treatment. Ball Gime- A large and enthusiastic crowd at- tended the ball igame on Monday evening between the Hensall and Clinton teams, playing a Huron -Perth Baseball League game on the new diamond at the Hensall Athletic and Park grounds. The score 'was 6 to 5 for Hensel It was the first defeat for Clinton team this season. Pitser was on the mound for Hensel! and Stock and Draper for Clinton. Hen- sel( played a splendid game, and the Hensall 'baseball fans were ,proted of their team. The committee in charge of the im- provements at the park grounds have made a splendid joband have now one of the hest athletic fields an the county. A new tennis court is being made at the open air rink and trees and flowers will be planted in diff- erent parts of the grounds. A part of the park property was given to the town for park purposes !by the late William Moir and the balance, about three acres on the south side, was 'purchaeed. The village has owned this property for about twelve years, but it has never been properly devel- oped owing to other undertakings that the village had to pay Ion The village debt is nearly paid and the eouncil felt that they were now in a position to fix up this property. Last winter an open air skating riuk was made and ,grandstands built. This Spring a new base hall diamond and athletic field have been laid out. A tennis, court will 'be ,built, trees. shrubs and flowers will be planted, and in the near future 'Hensel] citizens will have every reason to be proud of their park. It is true quite a sum of money has 'been spent there but flee land cost very little. It has been felt for years that some proper place should be provided for the Hensall young people for their sports and re- creation, and a nice civic park is a good asset for any municipality. Mrs. Richard 'Welsh who has been seriously ill for several weeks at her home here is now improving. Mre. Thomas Richardson was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, Mon- day Where it is expected she will have to have an operation. At the United Church on Sunday 'n°1 -fling Rev. Arthur Sinclair occup- ied his own pulpit. In the evening the service was withdrawn on account of the anniversary services .being held at Ohiselhurst, where Rev. M. Sin- clair preached both in the afternoon and evening. The Chiselhurst choir was ,assisted by Miss Pearl Wood of Exeter., Mrs'. Frank Wilson of Woodstock is visiting bere for a few days, a guest at the florae of l,fr. and Mrs. Errold Drummond. Mrs, Kenneth Hicks and little son came home from Clinton 'hospital on Saturday. The Hensel! L10.0. F. are 'holding decoration day services on Sunday, Jo.ne lath, at the Hensall and 'Chisel - horst cemeteries. Miss ljoyce Scroton csf Toronto spent the week end at her home here. MT. Ray ,Paterson of 'Toronto vis- ited over the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and aears. Robt. Paterson, The Senior Institute met in the .baeement Of St. Paul's Anglican Church on Monday evening, June 6. It being a very 'happy occasion that of entertaining the members of the Kippen East Institute. The opening excercises ,consisting of the Institute Ode and one verse of 10 Canada" were sung. Miss Beryl Pfaff, presid- ent, presiding an the Their; also Mrs. R. a. Moore, secretary. The minutes were read and the roll call taken. A very interesting report of the conven- tion held at Thames Road was given by :Krt. James A. Paterson. At. this juncture Miss 'Beryl! Drtstnenond, bride -elect, and Whose 'wedding will :take place this month was .called for- ward and presented with pyrex ,ware and a coffee percolator. Miss Mabel Wonlernan presenting the gift, while the 'address was read by Miss 'Gladys Luker. ,Beryl, though taken by aur - prise Made a ,fitting reply. alias Beryl Pfaff called upon Mrs. ,Glenn NEW SPRING Hair Styles to suit the New Spring Hats Permanents You may have your choice NO Machine Permanent Machine Permanent . .. , Satisfaetion Guaranteed Special 'Prices 'NOW 'B' Beautp Salon "The _home. of Bettet. Permanents" Phone 50 or 18 eSeafOrth McLean, president of the •Kiripee In- stitute„ to take the rest Of the meet- ing. Following 'her few interesting re- marks, she, called upon Miss Ethel Clerk to give a piano solo, "Graing- er's Country •Garden". Motto, "'sesta titte Ode", was 'humorously taken by Mrs. Harry Caldwell, in :Which he analyzed the Ode. Mrs. R. Simpson discussed the history of "Plaids and Shawls". The next interesting item on the progemn eves. Old time dresses and hats modelled by the +Kippen members. Shawls were also display- ed. A pleasiog, quartet was sung by Mesdames Caldwell, Martin, Stone- man and, Sanford. Mrs. McGregor ac- companist., A short talk on "Old Time Lighting" by Miss Margaret McKay was enjoyed. Duet, "Nellie and Joe". was sung by Mrs, Harry Caldwell and Miss Gertie Martin. Contests were enjoyed and a dainty lunch served by the Hensall Institute brought the delightful evening to a close. 'Following is the address read by Miss Gladys Luker and presented to Miss Beryl Drummond in connec- tion with the gift: 'Dear Beryl -We feel that we cannot let this:opportun- ity pass without saying to you a few words of appreciation for your untir- ing efforts in the work of our Insti- tute, Your willingness to help in all our undertakings has been an inspira- tion, and your kindly comradeship wilS always be a pleasant memory to us all. This little gift carries with it our gratitvde for your work in the past and our best wishes 'for a long and happy married life. Signed on be- half of the members of Hensel Sen- ior Institute, Beryl Pfaff, president; Mrs. R. j. Moore. Sec.-Treas, The Wohelo class of the 'United Church met in the schoolroom of the thurch on Friday evening, lune 3rd. Miss Kathryn Drysdale presiding. Hymn 3140 was sung followed by the Lord's prayer. Minutes and roll call. Piano solo was given by Miss lEiean- or Fisher and a vocal solo by Miss Minnie Sangster with Miss !Gladys Luker at the piano. Hymn 147 and the Mizpah Benediction closed this por- tion of the meeting. Community sing- ing with Miss !Fisher at the piano- was enjoyed and was followed by contests. A pleasing feature of this part of the evening was the ,tresentation of a lovely camera to Norman Sinclair, a valued member of the class and 10110 will leave shortly with his parents for Blyth. The presentation was made by Ian Filshie and the address read by Clarence Smillie. Norman replied very fittingly. Miss Ethel Murdock left on Friday lait 'Inc Calgary. Alta., Where she will spend several months visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. A. C. Hog- g,arth. Mr. John IL Pfaff has :been award- ed the contract to carry the mail on R.R. N. 2. Heneall, for the next four ye:trirs. and Mrs. Alf Smith have mov- ed into the village from Stanley township. They bave rented a part of Mr. Alex Sparks' house at the eest side of the village. Mr. Joseph Hagan of Hensel], ac- companied by his brother, Mr. Daniel Hagan of Parkhill, risited over the week end with their brother, Mr. Chas. Hagan and Mrs. Hagan. The W.M.S. trf the United Church held their June meeting in the school- room of the Church on Thursday af- ternoon, June 2nd, with the president. Mrs. Cross. presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 90, "Speed away, epeecl away on your mission of light." Lord's prayer in unison. ,The minutes cif previous meeting were Teed and adopted, anti a card of thanks receiv- ed from Mrs. Fred Means for flowers and fruit sent to Mr. Mantis during his ileness. A farewell letter was read erom Mrs. Arthur Sinclair to the W.M.S. Mrs. Carlisle reported on making 20 calls on the sick and shut- ins. Mrs, atacDonell, who is in charge of Group 1 of the 'W.M.S., then took charge. After singing hymn 1116, "Lord, for all mankind tve pray,' Mrs. McDonell le,d in prayer. The Devo- tional Leaflet on "The church in my life, all '111 e, all lands" was taken by Mrs. Carlisle. Prayer !by Mrs. Wm. Lammie. The topic on temperance was given by Mrs. MoDoneel who also read a fetter from 'airs. !Gatild ol Formosa. The meeting closed with 'hymn 121, "Stand up, .stancl up for Jesus," and the benectiction. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, Mrs. Sinclair and son; Norman, spent Monday in London. Miss Hattie Sutherland visited for a 'few- days vat]) friends in London the first of the week. Mrs. John Dinsclale, Mrs. Fred Si•mmons and son, jack, end Mrs John Murdock, Mrs. James Petty and sister, Miee 'Flora Petty- were in Go.derich on Sunday attending the fu- neral a their cousin, the late Mrs. Han n a h Boyce, in t erment 'taking place at Beyfiela ,cemetery, After the service at St Pallas .An - oilcan Shuroh on Sunday evening the choir presented Miss Beryl Drum - THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1938 IN MEMORIAM. In memory cif BeSle Sinallaan of Walton who .passed away seven years ago, June lOth. "Sunehine passes, shadows dell, Love's remembrance outlasts all, And though the .years be many or few, , They are filled with remernbranoe, dear Belle, of you." -Ever remembered by her sister, Iva Eaton. WANTED Boarder wanted. Apply over Par- son's Barber Shop. FOR SALE Well bred York sow, !with litter 2 weeks .old; also chunks about ten weeks old. Tete Maloney, Beechwood, lot 8, con. 4,. FOR .SALE One althea oabinet, one solid oak book ease, both in antendid glue. Cheap. Apply to the News Office. PLANTS FOR SALE Petunias, iPluffie Ruffle, Balcony Blue, Flaming Velvet, Snapdragon. Zinnias, Scabiosa, Verbenas, Asters', foliage Plants, Clarkia, lots of Cab- bages, early and late, also. Cauli- flower. Albert Baker, Railway Street, Seaforth, FOR SALE An electric sewing machine and an electrio sweeper. Mrs. A. Buchanan, Brucefield. FOR SALE 2 large sows safe in pig, one gone over half time, 1 young sow, bred. Apply to Alex Smith or John Nolan, phone 044 r 211, Seaforth. WOOL WANTED Highest Prices paid. H. M. Jack- son, Phone 3-w, Seaforth. • FOR RENT 75 acres grass for rent, or will sell hay crop. Apply to Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth. mond, a bride elect of this month with a beautiful bed spread. Miss Drum- mond has been a. valued member of the choir and will be greatly missed from St, Paul's Church. ' Mrs. James Green of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. W. Heywood front Mi- chigan were visiting here on Sunday with Mrs. John 'Johnston and ,Miss Margaret Johnston. Mrs. A. T. Douglas of Hyde Park and her son Allen Douglas of Lon- don were Sunday visitors here with Mrs. John Johnston, At Carmel Preslbyterian Church on Sunday, Rev, Mr. Oliver of Thorn - dale was the guest speaker Of the day. 'He gave two inspiring ,anel inter- esting addresses. Special music was given by the choir. Large congrega- tions were out to enjoy the services. On Sunday, June anniversery services will he held in Carmel Church, Rev. E. J. Lane of Goderich will be the speaker of the day. Spe- cial music is ,being prepared by the choir. This will be an interesting day for .the congregation of Carmel Church. Mr, Errold Drummond has sold his meat, grocery and restaurant business here to Mr. Harry McMillan of Tavi- stock who takes possession the latter part of this month. Hensall Masonic Lodge 224, accom- panied !by brethern from Exeter anel other places attended their annual sabbath service at St. Paul's Angli- can Church on Sunday evening where they were addressed by the rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Dr. Smillie sang a solo, "The voice in the wilderness." The church choir gave special num- bers for the occasion. Dr. Smillie and Miss Beryl Drummond took solo parte in the anthem. After the service the brethren marched ,back to their lodge rooms Where short addresses were given by different members and a vote of thank % was tendered to Rev. Mr. Hunt and the church choir. The Hensel] Citizen Band gave their first open air concert on Satur- day evening to a •large and apprecia- tive audience. Each number was well rendered showing the splendid train- ing they are receiving from their leader, Mn, Geo. Grant, of Exeter. A number of the members of the legion from Hensall and ,Exeter at- tended a drum head meeting of the legion at Listowel on Sunday. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Barna 'Farm Stock, Implements and Hansehold Furniture. 'Fred W. Ahrees, Auctioneer, has Ireeeived in- straotions !from the undersigned pro- prietor to sell by public auction ' at Lot 13, COIL 13, Township of MaKillion, lea miles north, then half mile west. of Dublin on 'Friday, June 110th. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Horses - Team of agricultural mares 9 !and 10 years old; 1 general purpose mare aged. s .Cattle -d Durham cow ' years old with calf by ,her side; 2 Durham cows 6 years old, dos at time of sale; 1 Damh.arn beilfer with oaef •!by her side; 4 Durham .steers al years lolde a Dur- ham steers al year old; di 'spring calf. Hogs--,Yorkehire sow am in. July. Poultry -20 Barred Rook 'hens. Impllemente-41 M. II. 'binder 6 ft. out ,with' sheaf carrier; al McCormick mower 6 ft. cut, 1 M. 11, oultivator, 1 M. H. n, disc Fertilizer seecl ,drild, bay loader, '1 hay rack, 111 single aur - row riding. plow, single furrow- walk- ing plow, 3 furrow ,gamig .,plow, 11 .disc, harrow, a .four -section harrows, wag- . On lbox, a International gas engine 3 horse power, stook rack, pump jalek, 1 .rubber tire top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 truck wagon, al hay rack, set of aleeghs new, . root pulper, fanning mill a De Laval cream separator NO, dla, new, wheea !barrow, bag truck, chains, shovels, spadea, stone :boat new, whiffletrees, neckyokes, .and a host of other articles too numerous to mention, found about a farm. Harness - Set of double harness, set plough harness, set single harness, Furnitute - 1 cook atoye with pipes, 1 box stove, 1 extension table, 1 side hoard, 1 kitchen cabinet,conch, kitchen chairs, 2 'beds with spring aud mattresses, paelor slate, 1, kitchen table, al small table, a eight day clock, lamps and a host of other articles, also 11 stall at Dublin church sheds and a quantity of short wood. Farm -Consists of 109 acres more or less, lbeing Lot 3, Con, 3, Town- ship of MeKillop. On the place there is a. brick house, frame kitchen, good !basement, bank barn 46 x 68, straw shed 25 x 33, good cement stabling, drive shed, hen house, drilled well, about 130 acres in spring crop, 10 acres good !bush, also 9 acres fall wheat. Balance in grass. Terms on Farm will be made known on day of sale id not sold be- fore or apply to the proprietor or the auctioneer. Terms on chattels, cash. No reserve as the proprietor is giving up farm- ing. Auctioneer's decision final in ali cases of dispute. joseph Krauskopf, 'Proprietor. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Carpenter's Tools, on Church street, Seaiorth, on Saturday, Jame '111, at 2 p.m. Full line of Carpenter's Tools, property of the late Joseph Keating, including band saw, anvil and vise, rope and pulleys, steel miter box, as well as the punterous tools in a carpenter's outfit. Terms, Casb. Geo. H. ;Elliott, Auctioneer. Mrs. Joseph Keating, Proprietress. TENDERS For the work of taking off old shingles on School House No. la, MoKillop, and putting on new cedar shingles. The work to !be done in the summer holidays. The Section to supply materials .suole as shingles and nails. The job to be finished by the twentieth of August. Tenders to be in by the 25th al 'June. R. J. Pethick, R. R No. A, Seaforth, SeetaTreas. FOR SALE 10-20 International tractor; semi - steel plow points for International, Fleury, Verity , Quebec and Cock- shutt. We still have some genuine Deering. and' McCormick repairs; Cockehutt farm machinery and re- pairs. also Lister cream separators. Louie :Eberhart. STILL GOOD13A0fteyrsreEaqu,ivalent ?f Operation To discover just how long a truly precision - built washer will last, a stock 'model West- inghouse Washer has been run- ning continuously, with a nor- mal load of clothes, for over 13.000 hours - the equivalent of over 130 years of ordinary household use. Still going strong -no evidence of wear, and quieter now than Many washers when new -this con- vincing proof. of long life and trouble-free operation is unique in the industry. Westinghouse CUSHIONED ACTION WASHERS JOHN BACH 1=106[OttpO. CASH BARGAINS SATURDAY ONLY Five Roses, 98' lb. bag per bag . 3.69 Pastry Flour, 24 lb. . .. ...49c • Red Path Sugar, 10 lb. 45c Plus ,EtiCiSC Tax Red Rose Tea, lb. 59c Lipton's Tea, lb. 65c Sala& Tea, 1/, lb. ..... -31c Chase .& Sanborn's Coffee lb. ......... . . .. , 36c 6 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, tin Black Cat Shoe Polish bottle 18c It Shoe Polish, tin 10c Creamery Butter First Grade ..... 2 lbs. 55c Clark'sPsork & Beans 3tin Sloe& Salt, plain' . . . 50 lbs. 25c . Corn Beef, 2 tins . ...... ... Block Salt, iodized Pie Cake Shortening 50 lbs. , , 30c , 2 lb. No Preraium Coupons at These Prices 170 25c 23c AC 0 J. Finnigan ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John 11", Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario IN MEMORIAM 'Kruse -In loving memory Of, OUT dear mother, Hannah Spencer Kruee, who passed away one year ago, Jane .111th: When evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet, alone, To our hearts there comes a longing, .she only could' come bonne, (Friends may think we have 'forgotten. When at times they sen. les smile, But they little knowthe heartache Our smiles bide all the while, -Sadly missed by .dategatere and son. AUCTION SALE Of .Household 'Effects and Hanee and Property, in the village of Dub- lin On Saturday, gone 16, at 0 p.m. 12 parlor tables, 2 bedsteads„1 new Raymond sewing macbine, '11 exten- sion table, drop leaf table, arm chair, dining room chairs; 1 "Prince" cook 'stove (new), '1 kitchen cupboard, 1 eight-day clook, two -burner 'coal oil Stove, 1 commode, d "Red Star" washing machine, a wringer, pictures, mirrors, lantern, parlor lamp, table lamps, fnying pans, iron pot, cooking utensils, toilet set, tub, copper ,boiler, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms--Casb. Property -Cottage with 4 rooms and good basement with •cistern, also two lots. Will he offered for sale sub- ject to a reserve ibid. :Mrs. Joseph Maloney, Proprietress. Geo. 11, Elliott, Anctioneer. TENDERS The Seaforth Public School Board are open for sealed tenders up to Sat- urday, June Melt for !following work at school, ask. The levelling 119 of the base- ment floor and placing of new joists and tinebers in the basement where necessary; also repairing of outside wood work, brick walls, gutters and tightening of windows. and. Removing of old kalsoinine painting inside of building with suf- ficient sealer to insure a good found- ation and one coat of paint, also sep- arate tender for kalsomining. 3rd, Brushing and painting 'outside of !building with sufficient coat of sealer to insuee good foondation. Paint sealer and lealsomine to be sup- plied by Board, Painting to be cana- pleted by Aug. lab. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. M. McKIELLA.R, Sec..-Treas. NOTICE Destroy these noxious weeds -Sow Thistles, Ox -eye Daisy, Wild 'Must- ards, Bind Weed, Blue Weed, Pepper Grasses, Bladder Campion, Hawk- weeds, Stinkweed, Canada Thistle, Common Milkweed, White Cockle, Wild Carrot, Wild Lettuces, Com- mon Ragweed, Dodder, Common Burdock, Poison Ivy, Chicory, Doths, Russian 'Thistle, Mumbling Mustard, Cinquefoils, Spurges, The Weed Control ,Aot states - Clause at Every occupant of lama or if -the land is .unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weans designated noxious by the regulations ws often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Clause 23,: Any person who con- travenes any of the !provisions of this act or refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order of an Inspector given under authority of this 'Act, vitall in- cur a penalty of not lees than $10, nor more than $50, for every such of- fence. Weeds have no place in a progres- sive municipality: do your share to prevent their spread. HAROLD PRNHALE, Weed Inspector Municipality of Stanley Twp. FARMERS' ATTENTION .Midney To Loan. Mortgage loan on improved 'farm Properties at 5%. No valuation fees or chattel mortgage required. IL J. Catty les Co., Farm Sales Service, Stratford, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of .1Inron OiSfice in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, 4,3@forth. 1Office hours: -- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 160 p.m. to 5 pen, Saturday eveniag, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. • LOST 'On .Main street, Seaforth, on Set- nrday night, a ten -dollar bill. 'Reward. Emerson Ritchie, c/o Scott's Pool - try Farm, Seaeonth. SPECIAL FOR SALE Beatty engine drive washer ,com- plebe with .engine. Priced very low for quick sale, Also one good hand wash- er and wringer. Apply to Gan, A. Sills & Sons. ,Pthone '516. .PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS Nearly all kinds of oils -and greases. Motor oil, cream separator oil, mach- ine oil. Prompt free .delivery. Grain bought. Sam Cheney, Phone 11169r4, Seaforth. • ,REFRIGERATOR Norge, with ea ten year warranty, 'brand new, a limited number only, $1169.95. For Surther particulars write Heintzman efa Co„ 2142 'Dundas Street, London. asTo obligation, FARM FOR SALE 11100 acre farm with good buildings, spring creek ,and brush. Priced right for quick sa4e. Apply to The Seemed] News. NO TRESPASSING Persons wishing to use the privil- eges of the dump provided by the Town of Seaforth for its 'citizens, on the farm of H. Kellar, .nnest.first se- cure a permit from the Town !Clerk. Otherwise they will :be•prosecuted for trespassing.. By order of the Town Council. PROPERTIES FOR SALE h House and Lot in the Town of Seaforth 'belonging to Rebecca Davis Estate. Comfortable dwelling. 2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3, MoKillop containing 5 acres. Comfortable house and small barn. Suitable for poultry ranch. 3. Lot 7, Con. 05, Grey Township. 100 acrekaGood Ibrick house and barn, driving state good well, aa naile4rarn school. Property of late Wm. Woods. Particulars may be secured from Mrs: Kate Woods, Walton, Ont. Apply Ebner D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont. MILTON FORDER (27688) Enrolment No. 351215 . Form 3 Monday noon will bis own stabk, lot 23, con. 5, Logan, and go to John L. IVIalone's, lot 14, eon. 14, McKillop, for night. Tuesday -To Joseph O'Rourke's, lot 4, con. 6, McKillop, for noon, thence to Rock Bros., Brodbagen, for night. Wednesday -To John Dietz, lot 8, ,con. 10, 'MeKillop, for noon, and thence to Geo. Bennewies, lot 8, con. 112, Manion,for night. Thursday -To Amos WickieSs, lot 29, con. 114, Logan, for noon, thence to Lorne Smith's, lot 116, con. 17, Elena, for night. Friday -To George 11. Raman's, lot 24, con. ilas Logan, for noom, and night. Saturday to his own stable. Terms, $12, Feb. Ilbt, 4909. •Hignell, prop. '& man., Mitchell. - ROYAL CARBROOK [27101] Enrolment No. 3150a. Porrn IL Route eor season of 19133: Monday -Will leave his own stable Lot 3, 'Con. 3, Huelett, to go north to Walton to Herb. Kirkby's for noon; to his own &table for night. Wednesday -Will go east as fax as Beechwoori; home for night. Friday --Will go south 2134 miles, then west to Sam Switzer's, school, then south to Mill Road anti home' by way of Seaforth. Terms -,$115 payable Mar. 1,, 1939, T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Manager .INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. 'Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Donainion Bank Building, Seaforth Phone 3134w