HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-06-09, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1938
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(Continued from Page 3)
the 'abolition •of county councils, Let
tis look after this ourselves. It is just
another thin edge of the wedge."
!Ex -Warden MdICibbon, of Wing
ham; A. T. 'Fellows, district engineer
of the Department of .Highways; ex -
Councillor W. 11. !Henderson and
Jaynes Moffatt, ex -reeve of Turn-
lberry, 'briefly .addressed council at the
afternoon session.
The expenditure for highways is
Vir down as close as ,possible," said Mr.
'Fellows. 'ilf the money is not iforth-
'coming the government has to curtail
and we have to assist then."
Albert •MeWha, graduate of the
University of 'Wes'tern 'Ontario, ask-
ed permission to •compile a 'history of
Huron county from documents and
manuscripts 'which he wished to 'use
as a thesis for •entrance to the degree
of M. A. His aim, he said, was not
monetary but purely in the inteeest
of history. He 'had noticed the 'date
on the crest was 115411 •and the pres-
entation of 'the history in )11914111 might tion of making Huron county a T.B.
mark the completion cif the century.
'Teeth 'county 'has a 'history, why not
Huron?" he asked. Later the sug-
gestion was referred to the +Educa-
tion Committee.
The report of the Agrioulturali Ad-
visory Council was carried as follows;
s"The chairman, as instructed by
your honorable body during the Jan-
uary session, attended the ,annual
meeting .of the Central 'A:gnicu.ltura1
Council in Toronto on February 11s
and .16 and 'brought :back a report of
same to our semi-annual meeting
which was held in the board room at
the agrieulbural office, Clinton, on
April lt3th, at .which 'alt members
were present.
"Mr. McLeod (gave a very compre-
hensive report :of the work of his of-
fice 'since 'bhe 'last meeting of county
council, viz: Short course held in
Wingham; meeting at London re
reforestation, accompanied by Messrs.
Lamport, Saunders and Soott, on Fri-
day, . April Bth; a meeting in Clin-
ton on April !1st to consider the ques-
restricted area, and on May ills'eh last 'great care as she is an epileptic,
a :lance meeting of reeves, road sup-
erintendents and weed inspectors was
held in .Clinton and addresed by
Messrs. (McLeod and 'Wallace of the
,Department of (Agriculture, who gave
very instructive and interesting talks
on the control and elimination of
weeds on farms.
"The following motions were pre-
sented and (dealt with at our meeting
on (April Mete
'4Moved by W. T. Stewart, sec-
onded Iby tE.,Lamport, that we 'recom-
mend to Hinson County Council that
it take steps to have 'Huron ,county
made a restricted area for (bovine tub-
ereelosiss in cattle at as early a date as
Possible, Iby taking action at the 'June
session of this ,county council.
'"Moved Iby W. ID.. Staunders, sec-
onded Iby F. 'Livermore, that this
committee recommend that Ian•
Leod interview the proper authori-
ties with respect to having the sub-
jects cd reforestation and icon'ser'va-
tion introduced and 'discussed at the
annual 'teachers' conventions of East
and West Hugon.
"`Moved by W. J. Stewant, sec-
onded by W. D. %enders, that 'bhe
short 'course in agriculture and home
economics be 'held in Das'iewood."
The executive committee's recom-
mendation that no grant he given this
year to the Hospital :for Sick Child-
ren was endorsed.
Endorsation was !given the (Prop,
erty Commi'ttee's report that it was
inadvisable to spend money on the
Old heating system at the gaol. Tlhe
estimated !cost of a new systemwould
be ,$605. The plan is to excavate
under the present 'kitchen of the gaol
and 'thus provide a new room for the
new furnace and space for coal, the
work to Ibe done by .prison labor.
Since the January session instruc-
tions have 'been received that the
magistrate is required to procure his
own quarters, and to pay his own
rental, salary .of stenogra'p'her and
stationery and bhe alterations in the
rooms at the court house will not be
New lighting 'has been installed at
the registry office at a cost of $143,60,
A representative of Western Uni-
versity had cleared the attic .of all
•documents and all valuable ones have
been recorded in a proper .manner and
are available for ins'pecbion at all
The 'blinds at the court house were
ordered repaired or replaced with new
ones, and a typewriter 'purchased for
the registrar.
The report •of T. G. Wilson, eouo-
ty representative at bhe ,Ontario Edu-
de .cational ,convention, was endorsed.
The Children's Shelter committee
had had papering and painting done
at the Shelter. There are three child-
ren there now, one of whom is a
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Scott-Turner—'1"Ihat the agreement
existing between the county council
of Huron and; .Messts. .Mpgg and
(Quinlan to equalize the assessment
of Huron County be ,confirmed by
bylaw. 'Carried,
(Feagan4Frayne—That a letter of
sympathy 'be sent to Miss 'Malbel.
Bailie of !Goderich in the death cd
her !father, the late ''Wen. Bailie..
IP. W. Scott -W. D. Saunders—That
.the Property Committee 'attend to
securing larger 'vault 'space for the
treasurer. Carried.
R Turner -(Alex Ta', McDonald—
That ehe ,county road between Coder -
lob and Colborne cemetery be treated
for dust. (Good Roads.
E. D. Brown-Armstrong—That the
County ,Council of Huron is strong-
ly in favor of the Ioompietion of !Pio-
:vincial Highway IN'o, till l(aBiue Water
Higleway) 'between Bayfield 'and 'Kin-
cardine and that we urge the Provin-
'cial 'Government to provide for 'bhe
surfacing ,of a considerable portion of
this road this year and that copies of
this resolution be •forwarded to Hon,
T. B. MrQ'u'es•ten, Minister of (High-
ways and to 'Jas. Ba'lentyae, M. L. A.
and C. A. .Robertson, IM.L,A, Carried.
Eckert-Cardiff—That we, the mem-
bers 'of Huron County Council a11ow
Albert 'M'cWlha, a tgradttate of the
university of western Ontario, to
write a history of the county of
Huron, and :'gree to allow 'hies to
make fell .use ,of all documents, books
and manuscripts which we have in
our possession and 'which .will be
necessary for ehe completion of this
undertaking. Mr. McW'ha may use
the material for a thesis :for a degree,
if be'so'.desires. It is to be understood
that Mr. .McVeha will return the mat-
erial and will be responsible for .care
of same. Education committee.
Feagan-Frayne—That we 'give •a
grant of $50 to Mese Davidson for the
Huron County 'Education Assooiation.
Executive Committee.
,Fea(gan.iCardiff—'That the County
Council picnic be held at Harbor
Park, Goderich. Carried.
Watson-S'haddick—That the an-
neal picnic be 'held in IJowett's (Grove,
at Bayfield. Lost,
After much discussion, Huron
County Council decided to shelve re-
forestation within the ,county to the
November session.
County Solicitor R. C. 'Hays told
council that 'before they could pass a
bylaw they must secure an option on
the land ,and 'designate the lots which
they propose to reforest in the bylaw,
Then incorporate in the bylaw to
purchase lots for reforestation.
lir. Hays suggested appointing a
committee to secure these options
and report (back in 'November. The
committee nafue.d ,was: Reeves Grain,
Frayne, Turner, kj, H. Scott and Wat-
son. This motion failed to find ap-
proval. Another suggestion was that
each reeve bring in a list of lands in
his township available for reforesta-
tion. This also was defeated an clivi-
sion by 1115.114. 'Others favored the
plan suggested by Inspector E. C.
Beacom to have woodlots adjacent
to schools.
Concurrence was given to the Nor-
folk County r esolution asking the
government to sss•ume the entire cost
of preparing the :voters' lists for the
provincial elections.
Council tfiled the resolutions sub-
mitted opposing the abolition of
county councils
A •committee to assist and advise
Messrs.•Mogg and Quinlan, evaluat-
ors, was appointed, composed of
Reeves Car•diff, Armstrong, Leiper..
Davidson and R E. Turner.
A motion was passed that the pro-
perty .committee study 'and investig-
nvestioate the possibilities of re -arranging
the offices :in the county' building with
the object of providing mare accom-
modation .for the county engineer and
report back at the .November session.
It was decided to hold the county
council picnic an Saturday, June 15th
in •Goderich,
T. B. Area Favored
Council voted in favor of the Couto
ty of Huron ,becoming a restricted
area for T.B. and 'tabled the 'giving of
a grant of $250 to' pay for education
and initial expenses in .connection
therewith, and that a !bylaw be pre-
The Trustees and 'Ratepayers As-
sociation was granted $50, and sto ac-
tion was taken in the request for 4250
by the Huron' County Educational
The treasurer submitted the fol-
lowing statement of receipts and ex-:
pendibieres 'covering the period Jan. 1
to May 3111:
General Account
Administration of justice, . $ 2,6013.:34
Licenses .. 151.00
Registry afire 2,31514.89
Magistrates' fines , • .... • 65415
Division Court fees 39,92
Twps. re hospitals 1,3153,88:
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. Rask loans 35,00000
Province re corn borer, 1937 162,73
Province wolf 'bounty
6.00 emee
Disbursements: .
Overdraft lean. 1 ......,..$ .402.9.7
Mobhers' allowances 1'd.'50
Children's Aid 1,51218.75
Administration of justice9,851.81
Old Age Pensions 14420
Grants ..... 1,390.00
Municipal government 26516,310
Schools e 13,00
Registry office 1161.42
'jail e ... . 1,670.05
Printing and postage , 1;019.03
D. L. inbenest . e...a..,. ,. 329.5 t
County property ,,, , , 1587.119
Insurance, beat, light 708.66
Hospitals . . , . ,, .a, 9,092.60
Miscellaneous ... 5150
ITransifer to County, Home: 2,000.00
Balance 11931 auldi.t :.I.,..'.. 75..00
Corn 'borer inspector ,..ree. e 0518,1415
'Equalized assessment 2001,00
Balance ite bank, May 13111... 1186.1316
County Highways
Bank 'balance, Tan. 1i $ 01486,16
1937 subsidy 1..1..1.. • 68,488,02
1937 gas tax rebate e 0018.216
Bank loans ,, .,.i. , 40000.00
Sundry revenue .......,..t.. 1;303.87
19317 loans paid , :..s. $ 05,000.00
Voucher pay 'lists 'i .... 87,0401113
A.L. interest , 11263,311
Comm. pay lists ,.......,. 219.40
Balance .in Bank, May 3111,. 18,93327
Bylaws covering the business of bhe
sessions were passed as follows: Con-
firming the equaiizatio•n of assessment
for !11938; authorizing the officials to
borrow money for general purposes,
$8411,901.69; for county 'highways, $11E-
067.77; secondary school grants, $38,-
000; additions to county roads, con-
firming the agreement with the valu-
The warden expressed his thanks
for the members' co-operation 'before
the session closed. He said he would
have liked to 'see reforestation. put on
a different footing and hoped to see
all at the annual picnic.
Council adjourned to meet on Nov-
ember 415 at 2 p.m.
Road Commission .Reports
At the Friday morning session of
Herron county council the report of
the County Road Commission was
adopted as follows:
"We have inspected most of the
county roads this sprint, and find that
while some roads were impassible foil
a short time and all suffered coneid-
erably during the severe Spring con -I
ditions, all are now in t od condition.
Early melting of the snow reduced
the amount of work expected on snow I
removal, but this sating hes been{
:Imre than lost in depreciation sf the
road surfaces in the ;!,ring.
We have examined the roads :tilted,
for as additions to the C aunty Roads
System and recommend that these
additions, totallina about thirty nsiles
be made as follows:
1. in the Township of Howick•'
the road between concessions 14 arol:
15 from thelurnherry-H.sw•ick boun-
dary easterly to the road between lots
20 and. 21 gtise Fordwich sideroad).
2. The 'boundary' of :How•ick and
Turnberry Townships front the Grey
Township 'boundary northerly to
County Road No. 12.
3. In the Township of Morris, the
road from the north townline of 'M;or-
ris at Bluevale to the Canadian Na-
tional Railway and the road from No.
4 Highway at Belgrave easterly to the
Canadian 'National Railway.
4, The Townline Hay and Stanley
Townships from No. 4 Highway wes-
terly to the B4uewater Highway.
5. In the Township of Hay, the
road between concessions 10 and 11
from the Provincial 'Highway at Zur-
ich southerly to the- south Townline.
6. Ian the Township of Stephen, the
road ,between concessions ill and 1.3
from bhe Provisscial Highway at
Dashwood southerly to the south
Townline at Mount Carmel.
While it is felt that a check on li-
censes is 'desirable, recent police ac-
tion. its laying dharges against motor-
ists for not carrying Permits anal other
slight infningsinents of the Traffic
Act does not meet with our approval
and we recommend that the Depart-
ment be asked to have their officers
exercise more discretion.
We further recommend that the
Department of Highways 'he asked to
issue a special license for vehicles us-
ed only on the highway for transport-
ing machinery front one puce of op-
eration to another.
The layout of planting, etc., for the
Dunlop Tone property has not yet
been received and no work of impor-
tance has ,been done as yet. We have,
however, secured Erma the Canadian
Pacific Railway a lease of the adjoin -
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ing area at a nominal rental Our
examination of the property
the .practicability of .constructs • a
motor road to it from the, east. bout
fifty rods of road will have to be bat
and a level' crossing over the C.P.R.
made. Lt is :possible that the cowncii
of Coliborne may 'be persuaded to
build the road to a point across the
tracks, and if this is done, we recom-
mend that the remainder of the road
be 'built.
It is the intention of your Commis-
sion to carry out as far as p'ossi'ble
the program of .bitumitious surface
oonstrection recommended fn the en-
gineer's report in'J'anuary, It has been
concluded that 11,9 milts as a county
road levy is the amount 'desired to be
expended iby the council, and the
$16114154 estimated is given with that
in nein'd.
R'e resolution of the council Of the
County of !Perth, asking the Provin-
'cial 'Government to pay '715 per cent.
Of the cost of snow removal, we con-
cur in this resolution and reoommend
that the Ontario (Government be not-
ified accordingly.
Re resolution of the council of
Wellington asking the 'Government to
assume the whole cost of snow re-
move on certain roads, we recom-
mend no action.
Re resolution of 'Waterloo County
•Ceunci'l, respecting increased 'grants
towards the cost of 'bridges and cul-
verts, we believe that the intention of
the original motion covered only con-
struction 'costs, and we recommend
that tee Waterloo Council ,be advised..
We recommend that the Provincial
Government be petitioned to refund ,
to the municipality all gas tax :paid on
gasoline used 'in the construction and
maintenance of County and Matilde
pal roads.
'Re motion of Messrs. Turner and
;McDonald that the road to Colborne
cemetery !be treated for dust, it the
intention to treat the portion of road
M Saltfortt with ibitutnen, and the re-
mainder should be stabilized, which
will be ,done if funds permit.
Albert 'McWha was given permis-
sion to use all documents, books, etc.,
'belonging to the County of Huron.
The idea was 'heartily endorsed and
it was recommended that Mr, Me\\'ha
be given all possible assistance.
County Engineer Patterson re-
quested increased office accotnmole-
Reeve Turner, chairman of the
Property Committee, told 031111 Cil
that the office accommodation had
been looked into. by his contmitt:e.
He agreed with Mr. Patterson that
his office was 'crowded with equip-
ment .and there was little roost for
meeting of fhe Road Commission are
dele•bation.. He felt the office coul
be shifted sronnd as some official,
are scenpying offices which regrdre
uo vault spare, and others meet nn
dele;gatione..A motion will be brought
In later in the session covering this.
Warden Haacke, Reeves Turner,
Brown, 'Eckert and J. H. Scott re-
ported on the delegation to Ottawa
seeking harbor improvements Inc
Goderich. 'A41 expressed pleasure in
the personnel of the delegation, and
were hopeful of its result.
Teacher—Now, Tommy. supposing
you were left a million dollars. what
would you be?
Tommy—lAbsent, miss.
"My dog took the first prize at the
cat show."
`How did he manage that?"
"Well, he took the prize cat,"
Speaker—I'ns pleased bo see such a
dense crowd here tonight.
•Voice from the rear—Don't 'be too
niece pleased. We're not all dense.
Teacher•—!Now gate of you boys tell
me which is the proper time to
gather fruit.
Johnnie—When the dog's chained
"Horace, what ghee we call the
'O?h, 'don't 'bother me now,” said
the professor, "'I'm trying to think up
a name for a new microbe.
Mouser—\Achy, Joh nny, waat have
you done with all your money? `emir
money box is ensptyl
(Johnny—Well, mother: yesterday
was 'a rainy d:ay, so I seen f it.
Wife (to shtisband): leeee he o
fish, John. Let the child heals you with
his homework if be wants to,