HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-06-02, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1938 HENSALL 'Mr, and Mrs. N. Cagclen and 'Mi Fanny Biseeet of Exeter were visita with friends in the vialage 'on Sunda Mrs.- Darrel Henderson and Mr %James 'Clark. of .Williaens, Minn,, We ;visiting here on Wednesday wi their relatives, Mrs, Mary McKa and Miss 'Eliza Newell. ,Reeve Armstrong of Hay townsh and 'Ree;ve Reeve Shaddick of He sail Are in •Goderich this weekaatten Mg the June seesion of the Coun Council. Mr, David Douglas aocompanied Mrs, Esther Wilcox! both of N.D., were visiting here last we with their relatives, Mrs. Mary M Kaig and Miss Eliza'Newell. Mr. and Ursa (Milton! Stewart Seaforth were 'visiting with eelativ :and friends here lw Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. illiam .Simpson an Mr. and Mrs (V9th, alll of Detro were week end vieitors here with the grandmother, Mies, ,Rdbt. Bontbro and with Mr. Simpson's father, M Cecil Simpson of .Brocefield. Miss lelargatet Hobleirk ,of Detro visited relatives ,and friends herecv the week end. Mrs. rEmily Boyle cd Toronto here waiting on her inothere M Richard Welsh, who is seriously ill' Mr. and Mrs. Nell Sparks of D troit are visiting here with the forn er's father, Mr. Alex Sparks, and ota er relatives, MT. and Mr. Percy 'Glair, of La Sing, 'Mich., and Mise Ada Gram Detroit were :visiting here over / week end with their parents,- Mr. an Mrs. Geo. Gram. Miss Myrna Hudson cf London spending a couple csi weeks et h home here. Ed McQueen, Harvey Haase. Harold Higgins and E. K. Hutto who are engaged at construction wor at the Beach-O-Pinee, were al; born for the .week end. Miss Mae Mt:Naughton ci Tercu was a week end visitor with retetie and friends in own. Miss MDV1E Spencer ca Toeco spent the weelt end litre with eta- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer. Mrs. John Corbett and SOO. are visiting relative: in Lender te. week, Miss Evelyn Hunkin c..f ohc Ther Road, accompanied by Mr. 'Cleft 4: Kirkton, was visiting here cn Sundt. with her uncle and mint Mr. and MT Ray McLaren anel her or:me:fa/he Mr, W. ea.. McLaren. Mr. Ed Fink moved his noneehee effects on 'Tuesday from Hanover t Hensel! where Mr. and Mrs. Fin have secured apartments in th Hemphll (block. MT. Mervyn Schwalm of Stratfoe accompanied by his sister, Miss Vic let, also of Stratford, spent Sunda here with their .parents, Mr. and Mr Peter Schwalm, Mr. Harald Schults and Mrs. Cha .Rennick of Stratford were visitin here on Sunday with Mr. and Mr Robt. aifeKenzie. Born -At the Clinton hospital o Thursday, May 126th, to Mr. and MT Kenneth Hicks, a ,son. Born -On May 041th, to MT. an Mrs. Haaold Bell of Hay township a daughter, ,M 1 s s e s Mary and Margare Schwalm of London spent the wee end her with their parents, Mr. an Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Rev. W. A. Young is in Meant this week as a commissioner tc th General Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Graham o London were week end visitors hee with Mrs. Graham's sisters, Mrs Carrie Ballantyne and Miss Kati Scott. Mrs. John Bean and (little son. Jack Of St. Marys were visiting relative and friends in Hensall and vicadte last week. MT. Roy Todd was in London on Monday visiting his aunt, Miss Mary McGregor Who is a patient at the St Joseph Hospital there. Miss IdeGreg- or, who has been quite poorly for some time, has been in St. Joseph's, Hospital for several weeks taking treatments. She expects to be able to return to her home here at the end of this week. Arthur Dick, Gordon Schwalm and games Kilpatrick were in London on Monday on a 'business trip. Mrs, Richard Welsh, one of our aged residents, has been seriously ill at her home here for A couple of weeks. The .first open air 'band concert for this season will be given by the Hen- sel' Citizens Band on Saturday even- ing of this week. Miss Martha Carlile has returned to her position in London after spending z. week at her home here. Mr. Jonah Green has got nicely settled aor the slimmer in his former home, lot 11 con. 3, Zuckersmith township, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne and Miss Ethel .Mardoolc were recent visitors with London friends. Baseball 1Notes- Ooderich •defeated Hensall en Mon- day evening in the first :baseball game Played here this seasonin the Huron - Perth Baseball Leagtae by a score of 6 to It The winners scored three reins in the third and two in the fourth. Hensall's lone run was sowed in the second. Pita* .pitched for 'Goderich and Kipfer for Hensel& The Hensel]: 'baseball ,cidam•onal is being nicely graded for the 'hall play- ing this summer and thp,ark is also :being improved. Mr. Coflin Hudson was able to take an auto drive last week with Rev. W. A. Young, after being confined to his home for over two years with a sev- ere illness. Anniversary servioes were held in the 'United Church on Sunday 4ast, Rev. Mr, Moir •Of 'Hamilton was the guest speaker for the day and preach- ed two very excellent sermons. Mr, .Moir is quite advanced in years but is a 'won•deefiully active man. Special music was ' furnished by the choir. Mr. Wa O. 'Goodwin took the spec- ial solo parts in the anthem at the morning service. At the evening ser- vice a. quartette was 'rendered. The c March .was 'beautiftelly dedorated . with Ioesety.flowers and ,splendid congrega- tions attended ,both services anear Pt: 1111=1111111111••11111111111•11111 NEW SPRING • Hair Styles t� suit • the New Spring Hats Permanents You may have your choice NO Machine Permanent Or Machine Permanent Satisfaction Guaranteed Special Prices NOW `13' Beautp Salon "The benne of Better Permanents" Phone 56 or 18. ' Seaforth Mr. Andrew lalefKenzie, son of Me and MTS. Was McKenzie of .Stanley townehip, and theology Student of To- ronto University occupied the pulpit in Carmel •Pees.byterian Church on Sunday morning (last Mr. McKenzie is a splendid speaker and will, 'no doubt, have a brilliant future ahead of him. At the evening service the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, occupied his c wn uipit, Mr. Robe 1Paseinore, a divinity stu- dent of Toronto University, and son of Mr. and Mr. John 'Pasernore of Heneall, occupied the pulpit of the United •Clouroh et Chiselhuret on Sun - (lay afternc.ore Mr. Passmore gave a very interesting and practical address. A lerge ccmgregetion was out to en - ;ley the service. .Mr. Neleen Bleacliford, sanitara in- Jteeet.er ee, 'bray et lois rounds this ek Mrs. D. latn:p and daughter. Miss. Eleanor Xent,p c..1 Detroit, were week end vieitore here with The former' mother. Mrs. Gee. Sparks. The Hensel: Planing Mills are very beoe ...tong er: building material ,for tit beildings being constructed in lienetel end vicinity this suimner. The oing meeting for this sea - en ef the Yceng People's Society of the United Cherch was held in the basement of the church on :Monday evening and tcok the form of a hard time social. The 1 allowing program was 'given: Guitar selection by Kath- ryn Dryedale and Pearl Harpole; quartette by Ruth Hess, Patsy Mc- Donald, Lenora Mornington and Shirley 'Hedden: solo by Bella Sinale; a musical skit in pantornine by Kath- ryne Drysdale and Pearl Harpole; a number of ,garnes were played which were in charge of Ian Filshie. The prize Inc the hest hard time ,costume was won by Mrs. Chesney. A hard time lunch was served consisting .cef homemade 'biscuits and jam, 'During the evening The pastor of the church, Rev, Arthur Sinclair, was presented with an address and a fountain pen. The adcireee was read by Ian Filshie and the preeentation was made by Miss, Doreen Farquhar. The following is the addreee: "Dear Mr. Sinclair - Since 'this is cur last meeting of the season and eince, to our sorrow, you will not be with as when we reemne in the feAl we wish to express in a small way rhe eppreciation of our so- ciety of the keen interest you have al- ways taken in cer work. Some how you have made sis deel your willing- ness to aul ir anyworth while ven- ture and your readiness to come to our assistance, et a moment's notice, Yoe have made 11S laugh, given us much practical advice and spoken many deeply spiritual messages to us, and we wished you to have some small token to remind you that we be- lieve you have helped as greatly. We hope that this pen may assist you in preparing more whimsical addresses, more kindly, practical bits of advice and more spiritual messages Inc other young folk. The good wishes of the Hensa.41 Young People will follow you. Signed cn behalf of the Y.P.S., Miss Greta Lammie, president." Mr, Sinclair made a very appropriate re- ply thanking the young people Inc their .beautiful gilt and said he would always have a great interest in the Young People of the Hensall United Church, among whom he has spent se many happy years. After spend- ing about 115 years in Hensall Mr. Sinclair is leaving at the end of June Inc his new pastorate in Myth. Mrs. E. Rennie is visiting with her daughter, :airs. Paisley, in Toronto this week. Mr. Daniel McNaughton is very poorly at the home of his son, Mr. Lorne MdNaughton of Hibbert town- ship. Mr. Leo 'lledclen of 'Glanworth is visiting relatfves in ,Hensall for a week or two. Mr. Levi Rands has been confined Co his home for several days through Born -At Dr. Moir's hospital, on Monday, May 430th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Tinny of the Blind Line, Hay township, a son. Miss Mary MOICay of Trockersmith township was calling on friends in the village on Tuesday. Mrs, Garnet MeClin,chey of Sea - forth was calling on relatives in the village on Sunday. She was returning from London where she had 'been vis- iting her huaband, Mr. .Garnet ide- CICnhey, who is in a London hosei- ral, taking treraaments Inc goitre, HARL 0 CK Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cale returned to Toronto the beginning of last 'Week after spending the week end and Monday visiting at Hoe home of the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs, Simon MoViatie and other friends. Miss Levine. Knox was home for the week end and Monday returning to Toronto on Tuesday of la,st week. Mr. and Ma -s. 'James Scott, Jimmie IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my husband, James Norris Cetnipbell, who paesed away at Walton two years' ago, May 29th, 1191316, ' "DO not ask us if we miss hini, There is such a vazant place You were always good and patient, In the years we struggled on; And, those' dear hands now resting, lvlecle a home that atow is gone, But sine day we hope to meet you In a home lbey6ond the skies." ' -ever remembered by his wife. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our dear little dau- ghter Phyllis 'Irene Hartman. Rist a year eoedey Yon ,departed To reljoice with the angels 'above, You hav.e left a 'deep wound in 'our heaeas Which we bear tor you, dear love. -Sadly missed by .Mother and Dad and Ien holidayed at the •home e Me. and Mrs. .Sineon (MOVittie and other friends, returning to Toronto on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Thos. Colson recently spent the week end at the home ref 'her dau- ghter (Mrs. and MT. ;Harvey Sturdy near Auburn. 'Me. and Mrs. Lorne Marahall and little daughter returned to Walkee- vale the beginnin.g of last week after holidaying a few days at the home of Mrs, 'Jimmie Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Ward and Mr. Ernest Knox and other relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox spent the 24th at •the home of the eatter's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Nott near Tainiburn. Mr. and MTS. A. W. Beacom and family attended the graduation and reception in Clinton on ..Monelay night of the Misses Kathleen Bea- com, lviiss Wilson, Miss .Garness and Miss Van Egmond. Several in , this neighborhood attended the graduation exercises of the above mentioned nurses in Clinton on !Monday night. Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Vodden, • MTS. Wm, Bell, Eddy and Lydia Sell spent Seeday afternoon at the home Of Mr. Reece Ferris. • .Mr. Leslie Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Mr, Reece Ferris and Me. Cliff Baal spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. Rapson. MANLEY We are sorry to learn that Mrs. John Murray is under the doctor's care at .present and hope for her speedy recovery. There won't be many potatoes planted this season in May but as .a rule the Jane crop proves to be able to beat the potato- bug SD less poison will be required and if we have no early frost in the fall the crop will be just as good. Mr, Fred Eckert of Egmonciville is by thie week helping to pue in the potato and root crop on his farm in our burg. During, last Friday's electric storm hsir.IPeter 'Eckart was working in the barn of his grass farm, lot 22, con. 6, MeKillop, when lightning atruck a willow tree alongside the barn. MT. Eckert received such a ehock he did not recover for a day. POTATOES1 WANTED Will Pay 50c a Bag For Clean, Sound Potatoes PHILLIPS Fruit Store • AUCTION SALE Of Household 'Effects of 'John H. Hisacp, Part Lot 111 •Concessinn 117, Grey Twp., •close . leo Walton, on 'Wednesday, jeine lath at 2 p.m. 2 Mon !bedsteads and mattress, 3 rocking chairs, 2 couohes, ass )kitchen chairs, a secretary, 1 bight:ink 'cap - board, 1 'gramophone and 'records, 1 (washing machine, 1 (kitchen stool, 1 heater .with oven, number ,Of hooked rugs, cooking utensils, fight wagon, I -horse plow, lawn mower, horse col- lars, 1 bevalid 'chair, lap robe, 1 bu- reau, 11 rug, ,clishee, top 'lleug'ga, light sleigh, harness. Terms .cash. Geo. Elliott, 'Auctioneer. 'John IL Proprideor. .CLE,A.RING AUCTION SALE 'Of Paean, 'Farm Stock, (Implements and Household Furniture. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has received, in- stet:lotions (from' the undersigned pro- prietor to .sell by public election at Lot 3, Can. 13, Township of McKillo.p, 134 miles north, then half mile .west of Dublin on Friday, June 110th. Sale ta commence at 1 o'Clook sharp. Horses - Teanl.. of agricultural mares9 .and 10 years old; i ;general . . purpose mare aged. , Cattle -41 Duebarn cow (7 years old with calf by her side; 2 Durham cows 6 years old, &tie at time of sale; 1 Durham 1.1eMer with ,oallf by her side; 4 Durham steers 0 years old; 5 Den- ham steers 1; year old; a: spring .calf. Hogs -Yorkshire sow dere in July. Poultry -20 Barred Rook liens. Implements -a .M. H. !binder 6 ft, cot, with s'heaf carrier; 1 McCormick mower 6 It, cut, 1 M. 14. cultivator, 1 M, H. 113 disc Fertilizer seed drill, 1 hay loader. I hay rack, $ single fur- row riding plow, single furrow walk- ing plow, 3 furrow gang plow, 1 disc harrow, 1 four -section bereaves, wag- on ;box, 1 International gas engine 3 horse power, mock rack, pump jack. 1 rubber tire top buggy, I cutter, 1 truck wagon, 1( hay rack, set of sleighs new, root puiper, fanning mill I De Laval cream Separator No. de, new, wheel barrow, beg truck, chains, shovels, spades, stone boat new, whiffletrees, neckyokes, and a host of other articles tolo numerous to mention, found about a farm. Harness - Set of double 'harness, set plough harness, set single harness, Furniture - 1 'cook stove with pipes, 1 box stove, 1 extension table, 1 side board, 1 kitchen cabinet; couch, kitchen chairs, 2 beds with spring and mattresses, parlor suite, 1 kitchen table, a( small table, n eight day.clocic, lamps and a boat of other articles, also 1 tall at Dublin church sheds and a quantity df short wood. Farm-Consiats of 300 acres more or less, being Lot 3, Con. 3, Town- ship of MaKillop. On the place there is a brick house, frame kitchen, good, (basement, bank barn 45 x 68, straw shed 25 x 35, good cement stabling, drive shed, hen house, &flied well, about 130 acres in spring .crop, 10. acres ,good bush, also 9 aeres fall wheat Balance in grass. Terms DO Farm will be made known on clay of sale ii not sold be- fore or apply to the proprietor or the auctioneer. Terms on chattels, cash. No reserve as the proprietor is giving op 'farm- ing. Auctioneer's .decision final in all oases of ,dispute. Joseph Krauekopf, 'Proprietor. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer WINTHROP Mr. and MTS.. Samuel • Somers of Detroit visited Mr. John Bullard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGowan of Roxboro, lar. and Mrs. Foster Ben- net, Mona and Billy of •Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton. The long wet spell has delayed tbe farmers oevith the root 'crop. We wist Me. and Mrs. Stewart Dolmage many years of happiness and prosperity. Winthrop (football team played in Walton Tuesday night. COME AND SEE • Westinghouse CUSHIONED ACTION WASHERS We have an affidavit sworn before a notary public to prove that the Westinghouse Wash- er takes out more dirt with the least wear on clothing, com- bined with the best built washer available. We have on display a shirt which has been washed 104 times under ordin- ary horne laundering condi- tions, each washing consisting of washing for ten minutes in hot soapy water in a Westing- house Washer, rinsing and wringing operations. JOHN BACH 1•111111.1.•1111111111111111=MINIM., FOR BETTER VALUES • BUY IN EG1VIONDVILLE -SATURDAY CASH ISM:DIAL S - Oyster Shell, per cwt 99c Corn Beef, l's Block Salt, 50 lbs. ..... i 25c 2 tins 25c Block Salt, Iodized Swallow Salmon, l's 50 lbs 30d 3 tins 29c Manitoba Flour, Red Rose Tea, per lb. 59c per cwt 3.39 ,Salada Tea, per lb. .. . . . ..59c Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 47c Aylmer Soup, 6 tins 29c Shredded Wheat, Cleric's Pork & Beans 2 pkgs. ..., . . ... .... 23c 3 tins 17c Kellogg Corn Flakes •Clark's Spaghetti, 3 tins ....25c 3 pkgs. 23c Libby's Boiled Dinner, l's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. 23c 2 tins ...... . . ........ 350 Rinso, Lge. Pkg, 21c W. J. Finnigan ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC . Seaforth, Ontario TENDERS The Seaforth Public School Board are open Tor sealed tenders up to Sat - =day, 'June alth Inc 'following (work at school. let. Moe levelling up of the base- ment Soar ;and placing !of new joists .a»d' timbers in ihe basement .where necessary; 'also repairing of outside woad ,work, brick walls, !gutters and tightening of windows. and. Removing of ,old kalsonoine :painting inside of building with self ficient sealer to insure a 'good found- ation an•cl .one coat Of peint, aleo sep- arate tender 'for kalsoneining, 3ea, Blushing and painting .cutside of ihnilding with sufficient coat of sealer to insure ,good foundation. Paint sealer and kalsomine to (lee sup- plied by Board. Painting lo be com- pleted by Ang. 15a13. Lowest or any sender not necee- sarily accepted. M. McKELLAR, Sec..-Treas. TENDERS Wil] be received op to June 15 kr the painting and ,decoraaing of School House of S. S. No. 3, Hullett. Kindly apply after school hours to MTS. Leo Stephenson, Secty.-Treasurer, R. R. 2, Seaforth, One. PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes, peppers, celery, garden hockleberry and flowers. Thos. M. Grieve, Egmondville, PROPERTIES FOR SALE L House and Lot in the Town of Seaaorth belonging to Rebecca Davis Estate. Comfortable dwelling. 2. Part of Lot 24, Con. 3, MoKillop, containing 5 acres. Comfortable house and small barn., Suitable for poultry ranch. 3. Lot 7, Con. as, Grey Township. 100 acreeeGood brick house and barn, driving sled, good well, % noile from school. Property of late Won. Woods. Particulars may be secured from Mrs. Kate Woods, Walton, Ont. Apply Elmer D. Bell, Seaiorth„ Ont. PLANTS FOR SALE Large variety of Petunias, Snap- dragons and many other flowering plants. Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauli- flower, 'Celery, Peppers, Garden Huckleberries, Da'hlia Balbs •;nd Per- ennials. A. L. Porteous, one block east of Hospital. NOTICE TO FARMERS Jest got in a loll line of Essex seed corn, 'Gov, tested. ,Having purchased from the same Grower for about ten years can depend on quality. A 61111 line of fenoe material, Wiee, Posts and Shingles., Also agent for Beatty Bros. Bann, Hay end 'Piping equip- ment, carried in stook. Phone 41 - al, Hensel]. W. E. Butt, IKippen. NOTICE Destroy these noxious weeds -Sow Thistles, Ox -eye Daisy, Wild Must - ands, Bind Weed, Dive Weed, Pepper Grasses, Bladder Campion, ,Hawk- weeds, Stinkweed, Cenada Thistle, Common Milkweed, White Cockle, Wild Carrot, Wild L,ettuces, Com- mon Ragweed, Dodder, Conimon Bendoolc, Poison Ivy, Chicory, •Docks, Russian Thistle, Tumbling Mustard, Cinqvefoils,• Spurges. The Weed Control Aot states - Clause 8: Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the owner Shall destroy all weeds designated noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Clause 23: Any person who con- travenes any of the 'provisions of this act or refuses or negleots to obey any lawful1 order of an Inspector given under authority of ahas Act, shall in- cur a penalty of not less than 6110, nor more than lack for every such of- fence. Weeds have no place in a 'progres- sive municipality: do your share to prevent their spread. HAROLD PENHALE, Weed anspeotor Monicapality of Stanley Twp, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court ,County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. 'Office 'hours : - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:310 pan. to 5 p.m. •SaturdaY evening, 7730 p. rn. to 9 p. m. • ELECTRIC FENCER Save that extra feed, inoney and labor by installing electric fences-, Priced as low as 1126, complete. Dale Nixon. Phone 144 r 4, Seatfortb. FOR SALE Seed ineckwheat. This is laapanese buckwheat which is larger and heav- ier yielding than Silverholme, and does not shell in harvesting. 'George Wbeetley, Phone 2411i14, Seaforth. PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS Nearly all kinds of oils and greises. Motor oil, cream separator oil, mach- ine oil. ,Prompt free delivery. Grain bought Sam Chesney, none 516014, Seaforth. REFRIGERATOR Norge, with a ten year warranty, brand new, a limited number only, 31169.95. For further particulars write Heintzman a Co., 242 Mande& Street, London. NO obligation. HORSE FOR SALE • A good work horse Inc +sale, ma - saleable. Robt, :McKay, eShone 1l7 r 04, Dublin central. PLANTS FOR SALE Petunias, Pluffie 'Ruffles, Balcony Blue, Rose of Heaven, Framing Vel- vet, Clarkia, • Verbenas, Seal:dose; Snapdragon, Zinnias, Asters, Tom- atoes and Peppers, lots of 'Cabbages ,and Cauliflower, Albert, Baker, Rail- way St, Seaforth, FARM FOR SALE 1100 acre farm with good 'buildings, spring creek end bush. Priced right for quick sale. eepply to The Seaforth Nevm NO TRESPASSING Persons wishing to else the 'privil- eges of the dump provided .by the Tow -n of Seaforth for its citizens, on the farm of H. Kellar, must first se- cure a liermit from the Town Clerk. Otherwise they will be prosecuted for trespassing. By order of the Town Council. Benny Callus, Iva Corn 'and Itchy Toe were friendly with Jerry Foot until Cress Corn Salve removed them. Sold by Keating's end all fDrug Counters. MILTON FORDER (27688) Enrolment No. 3525 Form 3 Monday noon will his own stable, lot 23, eon. 15, Logan, and go to john L. 'Malone's, lot 14, con. 4, MoKillon, for night. Tuesday -To Joseph (O'Rourke's, lot. 4, con. 6, MdKillop, .for noon, thence to Rock RIOS., ,Brodhagen, for night. Wednesday -To John Dietz, lot 6, oon: 10, ,McKillop, for noon, and thence to Geo. Bennewies, it 6, ,con. 10, MoKillop, ,for night. Thursday -To Amos Wickie'e, it 29, con, 1114, Logan, for noon, thence to Lorne Sertith's, lot '116, ,eon. 117; Elma, for night. Friday' -To 'George H. Sieman's, lot 24, con. (lay Logan, for noon, and night. Saturday io his awn .stable. Terms, 14113, Feb. Ilk, 111939. Hignell, prop, l& man., Mitchell. ROYAL CA'RBROOK [27101] Enrohnent No. 36100. Form 11 'Route for season of 1936: Monday -Will leave hie own stable Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett, to go north to Walton to 1Herb. Kirleby's for noon; to his ,own stable for night. Wednesclay-JWill go east as ear as Beechwood; 'home for night, Friday -Will go south 254 miles, then west to Semi Swetzer's school, then south to Mill Road ,and home by way •of Seaforth. Terms -4115 payable (Mao I, 4939, T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Manager INSURANCE Life; Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & ,guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. CCHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Dominion Bank BuildiniSeaforth Phone 334 w