The Seaforth News, 1938-05-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR Empire Day Entertainment N DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH Walton Mon., May. 23 AT 8 P. M. SPECIAL SPEAKERS Rev. Mr. Craw, Rev. Mr, Town - end, Rev. Mr. Mahoney, Rev. Mr. Grant. Also MUSICAL NUMBERS AND READINGS Lunch served. Admis. 25c and 10e THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., P6tbtishere WALTON Fred Rutledge and (John Drager of Toronto spent the week end with their parents in the village. Mrs. Elmer Hackn ell was operated on •for appendicitis at Seaforth hospi- tal. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Don't forget about the play the young people are putting on in Duff's Church on 'Friday. night, "Trouble Comes To Town." Mr. Cameron Dennis and bride of North Bay called on friends in Mc- Killop over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Bishop have gone to visit their daughter in North Bay. Mr. Moody .Holland spent .the week end with friends in Toronto. The W.M.S. .net on May b1 with nineteen members present. Ail articles for the bale which is to be packed on May 127th must be brought in soon. The subject, "Temperance", was well discussed by Mrs, Cumming. Mrs, Bryans' interesting report of the Lon- don Conference United W.M.S. held on May 5 and 6 was enjoyed by alt. A flower exchange was the closing fea- ture of the meeting. THE SEAFORTH NEWS was taken by Mrs. Bernard Hall. A solo was sung by .Miss Luella Tay- lor, accompanied by her mother on the piano. An invitation was received franc the Westfield auxiliary to meet with them at their dune meeting, Plans were made for a menitbership drive to be conducted by the vice presidents. A letter 'eec read by Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw on the new annual re- port. Meeting closed with the Miz-. paste `benediction.; A successful tea was sponsored by the Guild of Trinity 'Church at the home of Mrs. F. 'Gibbs on Thursday afternoon. The ivlay meeting of the Woman's Association was 'held in the basemetrt of the church with the president pre- siding. Meeting opened Iby' singing hymn, `''`Take Time to Be Holy," af- ter which the Lord's 'prayer was re- peated in unison. Good.reportit were given by the secretary and 'treasurer, Mrs. Chas. 'Gras'by gave the report of the flower and visiting 'committee. It was decided to secure lilovsers for the front of the church. One member do- nated two boxes also to heap a needy family, Meeting was (brought to a close by singing hymn, "Work for the Night is Oomiivg." Last Sunday in the United Church Rev. R. A. Brook spoke on the theme, "God and the Farmers. The evening service welcomed the mem- bers of Btlyth IOddfellows Lodge and visiting brethren, Good music was rendered by the choir at !both ser- vices. The Mission Band of The United Church held their thankoffering meeting on Friday evening, May 13. A good program was given by the children consisting of choruses, reci- tations, musical numbers and a mis- sionary exercise. IA silver collection was taken in aid of the children's mission fund. Mr. Harry 'Phillips, who reside; with Mrs. 'Edna Dougherty suffered a stroke of paralysis on Wednesday and as a result is in a precarious con- dition. Mr. and Mrs, L. O. Miller of Gad- erich visited the la'tter's mother, Mrs. A. 211, Colelough on Sunday. Mr. Clarence Miller and, Miss Flo- ra Price of 'Goderich called on Blyth friends on Sunday. NORTH McKILLOP Mrs, Joseph Thornton has return- ed home after nursing Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke and baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Murray and daughter Rena of Tuckersntith were visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Edward C. Regele on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, 'Joseph Thornton were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Her- mann Brodhagen, the former's sister, on Sunday afternoon, and aisa call- ed on Mrs. Lena Regele, who is not enjoying the hest of health .but is somewhat improved lately. .lir. and Mrs. Cameron Dennis of ?Borth Bay were visiting with Mr. John Dennis and .family 'last week and returned home on Saturday. ;lir, and Mrs. James 'Smith and Clifford .of llOth can., Mrs, R. Miller, Stewart Miller, Florence Dennis of Grey and Mrs, Johnnie Boyd and daughter spent Friday afternoon at (tome of 'John Dennis. Mr. Robert Dougherty is not very well at present. MVe hope he is soon improved. Miss Madeline Hulley who was laid up with a sore hand is improved and able to 'be up and out again. Mr. John Houlden who used to live. in McKillop and now at Exeter, is in a very poor condition, having suff- ered two bad strokes and is nearly completely paralyzed. His condition 15 very grave. MIr, and 1Irs. Charlie Boyd were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leem- ing Sunday evening. Bethel Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Leonard Leeming on Thursday. A large number of memb- ers and visiting ladies were present. The ,grandmothers had charge of the programme which was very much enjoyed by all present. A dainty bunch was served at the close of the meeting by the hostess.. Mr. August Eggert of Stratford is visiting with his friends in McKillop. Mrs. Elmer Hackwell who under- went an operation at Scott Memorial (Hospital for appendicitis is progress- ing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyce were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Boyce of Monkton. • Miss 'Verna Boyce of Monkton is spending a week with Mrs. Ed Boyce. Mr. Gordon lateGavin, Messrs. John, Elmer, William and Wilfred Dennis spent Monday in Toronto. Miss Carmetta McNichol is able to go to school again after 'being sick since 'Easter. BLYTH The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the 'United' Church was held on Tuesday. The president, Mrs. 'Wm. Jenkins, presided. The theme for May was"Church and World 'Peace" Thee. Scripture lesson was read by the president and a .poem: on peace was read by Mrs. William Mills. Mrs. Ro'bt.' Wightmam led in prayer. Mrs. IE. Pollard gave a splen- did report of the Presbyterial meet-• ing held ad 'Exeter. The study book TOWN TOPICS' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO appetite for all of it, and ,couse,quent- ly, a few lemon cornftwke. cookies were left over, and Herbert, who is very fond, of luxuries, 'helped !himself. to the cookies, and not ',being stingy, he divided (them among the melt as far as they went. When. Hugh folly realized what had happened, he swore he would chew Herbert up, and both men squared themselves ;foe the fray. Hugh opened the 'ball, with a right hand swing at Heebert's 'head,. 'but Missed his made, and after !both had made several passes, Herbert ceed•ed in landing a !heavy (blow' on Hugh's- face. The 'fight was ,now fast and !furious, but Hugh , clinched, and the fight 'was changed into something that looked more 'like a squaw wrestle, and the two men fell across the work bench, clutched in a deadly embrace, Herbert holding Hugh tightly by ,the hair of .the head, while Hugh proceeded to, gouge 11er:bie's. eyes out. ]Just then referee [Kinney and time keeper Montgomery .gat 'in- side the ring, and proceeded to ravel) the pugilistic entanglement, which they successfully accomplished. Hugh, 'being the younger of,. the two men, seemed almost ant winded, .and was bleeding fearfully, but Herbert, although much smaller of stature, was fresh and cool, and 'declared he wars in fine shape, for all 'kinds of knock- ing. But the referee declared the fight off, and both men .resumed their work,. each satisfied that he was the 'winner. Football !Notes, Owing tto the doubtful nature of the weather, the W. IF. A. gatne (booked for Tuesday at Tavistook, was postponed. With a couple of weeks Of warm weather in 'which to prac- tise, the juniors will do a lot. The' games „with Tavistock, last year's champions, .will ibe real live ones. Stratford will be here next Monday eveping, when a good game is ex- pected. Tavistock 'will pity towards the end of the week, BEd Webb of Toronto visited his mother the week end,—Mr, DawsOtt Smith of 'Chicago visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Smith, McKillop. —!Ass Ella Brimicottne of Goder- ich 'spent a day with her friend, Miss Lulu Docherty.—Miss L. 'Willson of Detroit spent a day in town. --Mr. and Mr.. Ed Davis and two daught- ers of Tillsos burg and Miss Davis of Goderich visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex Davidson, --Among those who spent the week end in town were Mrs. !Fred Birchen, of Brussels: Mrs. Hubert Jack, of Tor- onto: Mrs. D. McGuire and Miss Claire 'Francis, of :Fnllarton.—'New Hamburg is thinking of getting a Carnegie library and in order to have an idea of the beat to he ,got. a deput- ation of their citizens motored to town to inspect ours. Those in the party were Dr. and Mrs. Marty, Mr. and Mrs F. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hahn. IJ. Hartman and J. F. Katz- ermeier. teem clerk.—Atex Casemore of %Vroxeter, was s visitor hero -- Miss Se neer, .tf Myth visited at the home „ f airs. R. French.—The mili- tary camp for the first Divi.i•nt has been lecided, and Carlin:_g Heights. London. again .to be the spot. L- i well ke we that many of the 'soy prefer is :;o farther from home. and the city _el London always ha: many at:r-c' nig to offer Client in the Inci of so' -rt- and npportuttitie.., Captain C. E. Salt, of •Goderich. who is in command of the Seaforth company, will 'he here frequently before camp opens. However, any who wish to join the Seaforth company may sign the roll. There ought to be a goad turn out from town, and the Militia Department are doing everything pos- sible to make it a record camp.—The Barnum and Bailey 'Greatest Show on Earth will exhibit in Stratford on June 14th. The world's most skilful artists, a cast of (11260 actors, a grand opera 'chorus, an orchestra of '1100 soloists, a ballet of 1150 dancing ,girls, 650 horses, elephants and camels.— The .fifteeitth annual excursion of the Steamer 'Greyhound from 'Goderich 'to Detroit 'and retuln will take place on Tuesday, Bane '10th, the round trip costing I$12,03,, including fare to Godes rich by train. A special train will leave Seaforth that Morning. Tickets may be had front- E, E. Hallett at the depot. Winthrop. Another in the brickyard cham- pionship hout hant-pionship'bout series: Two men, who are employed in the brickyard at Winthrop, had rather a 'scrions tall- ing out On Tuesday afternoon, about s" o'clock, It seems Hugh, who carries his lunch with him, 'didn't have the THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1938 J. C_;71LLOIPS GARAGE . SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck. We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come promptly PHONE 179. All :Repairs Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH WIe Aim To Please meeting with prayer. The regular monthly ''m'eeting of the Wathen'Is 'Institute was held in the Foresters Hall en Tuesday ;with 26 present. Mrs. 'Lawson was in cheese and Mrs, R. 7. Phillips .pre= sided at the piano. The meeting was opened by singing the "Ode" follow- ed by repeating the Lord's prayer in unison led by Mrs. 'Ross. The secre- tary read a wetter from Miss Slicter stating she would be 'here on We'd nesday, May g15:th, from 1.130 .to 13' p.m. This visit is 'in connection with rear- rangement of !furniture which was started sometime ago. The meeting is to be at the 'hoose of Miss Jose- phine Weir and everyone is wel'conte. Letters of appreciation for cards sent were read ,Rant Miss Mary Asquith and Mrs. 0, E. Errabt, A letter was read from Miss Bless McDermond re- garding a St John's ambulance first aid coarse. This was left over for an- other time. Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, who has :been district director for some time resigned and Ms's, Fred 'Ross was appointed In her place. Mrs, H. C. Wilson favored with a ,reading. Mrs. 'Oster, distnict presid'en't for West Huron, was present and gave a splendid address on "Cost of War and cost •of Peace." A solo was ren- dered Iby Miss Josephine Weir. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Oster for her splendid ad- dress. The roll call was answered by paying of fees. The singing of the National Anthem !brought the meet- ing to a close, after which a dainty lunch was served by the 'hostesses, Mrs. 'J. 7, Robertson, Mrs. Howard Robertson and Mrs. {Fred Plaetzer. • AUBURN Miss Beryl Wilson and Miss 'Mild- red Preston of Stratford (Normal spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7. J. Wilson. :Mfrs. 'Joseph Beck of Toronto is visiting friends in this district. Mr, Alex McKenzie of ,Zurich is home for a few days. Misses Mary Dobie and Elsie Snell have returned home after attending a girls' conference at McDonald Hall, 'Guelph. Mr, sgld Mrs. Jas. Nicholson of Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. IJ. Ferguson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rindenknecht, Maynard and Harry, er., of Detroit, visited with friends here for the week end. Mr. Geo. Beadle, •who has been visiting with his daughter, Mrs, Rin- denknecht, returned with them on 'Friday. Mrs. W. H. Sheppard, Joan and Tont and Miss Laura Phillips were in Sarnia on Thursday: On their re- turn they were accompanied 'by Mrs. Ralph Knox and Sally who are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. !Earl McKnight and family of Carlow have moved to Au- burn and are living in the house for- merly occupied by Mr, 'Oliver Law- son. Mr. and Sirs, Ezekiel Phillips and Root. Visited with Mrs. )A. Fox of Whitechurch on Sunday. Mr. Ted Mills.of Toronto spent the week and with Mrs. Mills who is nursing her aunt, Miss Margaret Bruce. The, farm of the late Frank Bruce has been rented to Mr. Leslie Hal- lam and Mr, Sant 'Johnston. At the farm of Mrs. 'Elvin I{ill- angh a freak duok was 'hatched with feel- legs. 'Otherwise the duck is nor- mal anddoing fine. While an old orchard was being pl:,wed on the farm of Mrs, Robt. PItsokett of West Wawanosh a gold wat:h wa, found. Lt was taken to 'his house and oiled and now keeps good time. It was in the ground for quite anumber of years. The C.G.I.T. group .net on Satur- day afternoon in the 'United 'Church with Marjorie Arthur in charge, The Scripture ;lesson was read by Edna Archambault, followed by repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Readings were given by Ruth Wilson and Jean Campbell. Betty and Ila Craig favor- ed with a duet. Miss Dorothy Ander- son, the leader gave a veryinteresting talk on the C.G.hT. work. The next meeting will be held May 1218th. The B.Y.P.u(. met in the Baptist. Church Sunday evening and was in charge of rElm•er Robertson, .Harold Reid led in prayer followed Iby re- peating the Lord's prayer. in 'unison. Readings were given by Geo. Robert- son and Stanley McNtvil, Marjorie: J'ahnston ,and ,Lloyd 1Jlothns'ton favored with guitar and mouth' argan selec- tions. Eimer Robertson .conducted a Bible contest. Shirley and Emma Robertson sang a duet and Mrs. Glen. Raith'by a solo. The 'topic, 'Childlike but not childish," was taken by Mrs. Elmer Robertson. The May meeting` to be in charge of Mr. and Mrs., 'Glen Raith'by. Elmer Robertson closed filet McKILLOP A very 'happy event took place et fhe !home of Mr. and Mrs. (John H. Storey Friday evening last when about a hundred friends and ineiigh- .bors gathered 'together in 'honor of the marriage of their daughter Marg- aret ,Elizabeth .to 'George R. Wasson. The address whish was read by Mr. Alvin Dodds was. las fellows: Dear Geonge.and Margaret. We have,gatlt- ered here .toenight to do honour to you on the occasion o8 yoti'r recent marriage. lAis this event occurs 'usual- ly only once in a lifetime it is right and :fitting that we make much of this !happy event, As you sail 'forth,on the sea ,of matrimony we 'hop:e you meet with calm seas and: •fair weather. We hope you will continue to take part in the .social life and other 'activi-' ties of your community as you will- ingly have done in the past. At this time we would ask you to .accept these gilts as a token of -the friend- ship riendship ,and goodwill of your .friends an'd neighbors. 'Finally we wish you prosperity and happpiness and ,every- thing that !goes to make a !tome worth while and God bless you and yours. Signed on behalf of the com- munity. The groom made a• very suitable reply thanking Mr. Dodds for the reading ,of -the address and also the friends and neighbors for their lovely gifts, 'the good attend- ance and especially for the many hearty good 'wishes to carrywith them to their new home. The groom also extended a cordial invitation to one and all to visit .them in -their new home. The 'crowd joined in singing For They ,Are Jolly 'Good Fellows. Dancing continued +un'tit the wee Want and For Sale ads, 11 week 2,6e sora' hours of the morning. R GENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Showing Tyrone Power Alice Faye Don Ameche Old Chicago' As sweeping as the flames that devoured Chicago Mon. Tues. Wed„ May 23-24.25 Irene Dunne, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Joy of Living with Alice Brady, Eric Blore, Guy Kibbee Theodora goes wild again, in a laugh, song and love fest that tops the awful truth NEWS CARTOON Next Thur. Fri. Sat., May 26-27-28, Sonja Henle Don 'Ameche Nappy Landing Ethel Merman Cesar 'Romero Queen of the silvery skates, more radiant, more beautiful than ever Coming; VTCZYO"RIA THE GREAT ELIMVILLE Me. and Mrs. Wellington Bell and child of Detroit visited relatives here over the week 'end. 'Mr. and M'rs. Defoe and daughter of Landon were 'visitors at Mr. Ed J'ohn's Mast Sunday. 'Messrs. Hill IJb'.hnts and Cyril Corn- ish took a trip to Niagara .Fails and district recently. Misses :Eitheilene and 'Eilene Johns spent the week end with their aunt, Mrs, Arthur Gardiner at Farquhar. Teacher: "What does `dressed lum- ber' mean Johnny?" 'Johnny: `J know teacher --Charlie McCarthy," am glad," said a .father-in-law eo his newly acquired son, "that you have been able to arrange your home without asking me for help." "'Yes, dear father, the first install- ment 'is not due for one month." Want and 'For Sale Ads, 3 weeks, 150c You pay 50 LITTLE M. J. HABKIRK, Manager, Have you ever figured out how _ very little it costs to give your home the daily convenience and protection of a telephone? It actually works out to only a few cents a day! "Shopping by telephone" saves time and energy. "Visiting by telephone" binds friends' and relatives—local or distant—more closely to you. In case of emergency -fire, sickness. burglary—your telephone is a faithful, speedy messenger; the perfect, sleepless servaint, giv- ing constant service for just a j ow cents a day!