HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-05-19, Page 3.411
W. A. Wright, Seaforth; Cornish & Dalrymple, A. C. Brandon, Brucefield; W. J. Hanley, Dublin
MAY 19, 1938
Tafke no chances
with your
(Signals generally understood by Canadian
Most accidents are
clearly signalling y
our le,ntentiono your p efobre
making a right or left turn,
Hand and arm extended
upward or moved with a
cwoeping motion fmmtho
__ .. Year to the front.-
���-�•,, Hund and arm extended
harixonldUy. Many drivers
also point' with their Index
or greatest safety get Blue Sunoco;
Nye challenge you to find a quicker
acting motor fuel . a a
In an emergency, its lightning quick
pick-up snaps you to safety .. .
Its high knockless power minimizes gear
shifting; reduces one -handed steering . • .
Its freedom from harmful chemicals
and from corrosive action makes it
safer for your motor.
Hand and ono extended
downward. •
TOP PERFORMANCE ... at regular gas price
We Ire SellinQ Quality Rooks
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles,
Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere.
Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
ie Seaforth Mews
SE•RVAT.IVES MEET Does Heat Affect Milk?
The question is often asked if beat-
ing milk affects its food value. Natur-
ally the general desire is to serve this
healthful 'food in 'the most (beneficial
way. The answer to this (pertinent
question is that mibk used in making
such dishes as soups and desserts,
which necessitate heating the milk, ,
supplies the same valuable food es=
sentials—proteins, calcium, fats, sugar
and vitamins --=as fresh milk used as a
It is a satisfaction to know that heat
does not destroy the goodness in milk,
and that heating milk in the meal is
just as healthful as drinking milk with
the meal.
The Milk Utilization Service, Do-
minion 'Department of Agrioniture, t
recommends that milk be used liberal-
ly in sauces, desserts and other milk
dishes, any of which will contribute
materially to both the nutritional val-
ue and palatability of the meal.
Ham and Celery Custard
4 eggs
2 cups milk
1 cup chopped celery
l cup •coc4ted ham, finely chopped
1 teaspoon 'Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper
Beat egg, Add hot milk, celery, ham
and seasonings. Pour into buttered
baking dish .or individual moulds.
Place in pan of hot water and bake in
a moderate oven (.350 degrees P.) (un-
til custard is firm,
Cream of Mushroom Soup
?z' lb. mushrooms
1 slice onion, half inch thick
2 clips ,cater
4 tablespoons 'cutter
4 tablespoons dour
3% cups salt
12l% cups milk
Salt and pepper
Wash mushrooms. peel and cut caps
into pieces. Place skins and stalks
cut in pieces with onion in saucepan.
Cover with water. Simmer 20 minutes.
Strain. Melt butter. Add mushroom
caps., Cook gently until brown, ;blend
in flour. Add milk end liquid strained
from stalks tapproxintately 1I4 cups)
and seasonings. Stir and cook until
smooth and thickened.
Mock Hollandaise Sauce
3 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1, cup rnilk
Salt and pepper
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Melt 3 tablespoons of the butter.
Blend in flour. Add milk ,gradmhlly,
and cook, stirring constantly, until
mixture thickens. Season with salt
pepper. Pour some of hot mixture
over beaten egg yolk. Add to sauce.
'Cook 2 minntes. .Remove from heat.
Add lemon jaice and remaining .table-
spoon butter, Serve with vegetables
or fish.
Butterscotch Spanish Cream
1?; tablespoons granulated gelatine
c3 eup cold water
2 tablespoons butter
t. cup brown sugar
3 egg yolks
y teaspoon :alt
21cups hot milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
.3 egg whites
Soak gelatine in cold water. Melt
butter, add sugar, and cook together
until a rich brown colour. Add egg
yolks, salt and milk. Cook, stirring
constantly, until mixture •coats the
spoon. Dissolve gelatine in hot mix-
ture..C•ool .and add :flavouring. When
mixture begins ' to thicken, fold in
stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into
moulds and chill.
A federal election early this fall,
with the question of national unity as
the issue, was predicted at Hensell
Friday night by Ashton R. Douglas.
.K:C., of London, .president of the
Western Ontario Conservative Asso-
Mr, Douglas was speaker at the an-
nual meeting of the Consenvative As-
sociation for the federal riding of an -
ran -Perth at which delegates were
named for ,the .Conservative party con-
vention .at Ottawa in (July.
The riding association urged a
change in the party name from Liber-
al -Conservative to (National Conserva-
tive party, and moved to amalgamate
the executives ,of .the Huron -Perth fe-
deral tiding aesd the South Huron pro-
vincial riding. Thus James Morley is
president; Clark Fisher, secretary, and
Richard ‘Welsh, treasurer, of both fe-
deral and provincial associations. All
three men dive in Exeter,
Delegates to the 'Ottawa convention
were named as ;follows: Dr. Ralph
Taylor, of Dashwood, standard-bearer
in the last provincial election; Q.ames
Morley, Mrs. •Rc4bert Townsend of
Londesboro, and Peter 'Eisenbach ,of
Grand Bend.
Alternate delegates are Mrs. Frank
Donnelly, .of Goderich, wife of the
Conservative candidate for the riding
in the federal election of 193'5; 'George
C. Petty of Hensall; Mrs. Ralph Tay-
lor of Dashwood, and Dr. William
doynt, Frank Sills, Seaforth retiring
president of the association, and W.
O. Goodwin, Hensall, retiring secre-
tary, .declined renotninatictn, M, Sills
Ind Richard :'Parke of Seaforth, were
nominated as delegates, but declined.
N.elscn Trewartha,ex-M.L.A,. acted
as chairman for the evening.
"Never since the quarrelsome days
before Confederation has Canada
seen such disintegration as in 119135.
We're coming close to a testing time,
I think and I feel that there is .going
to he .an election this fall. The Liberal
party is slipping and slipping ;badly.
The issue for the election was handed
to the ,Rowell Commission. It is the
question of unity or disunity for Can -
Ada," Mr. Dotnglas said.
Referring to R. C. Wood and the
',Committee for (Action" which has
demanded an early ,convention for On-
tario Conservatives, Mr. Douglas de-
clared that while he personally did not
vote for the convention postponement
the majority of the executive did and
"I don't think their judgment in de-
ciding to permit all energy to be put
into the federal convention can be
challenged," die. said.
Stressing the importance of the fed-
eral convention, Mr. Douglas said
'Our system of taxation 'has become
a monster ;quite out of control. It's
one of the issues we have to be pre-
pared to .meet at Ottawa," he said.
The speaker declared that Mr. Ben-
nett was giving up the leadership only
because of poor health. Explaining
that the ,growth of the Dominion 'has
been guided by the prinziples of the
"onservative party he said Canada is
mitering on a new epoch and the Con-
sevatives (must meet changing times
and bay the basic principles for the
next generation's activities.
He urged every Conservative with
any ideas or suggestions for the party
to send diem to the committee set up
at Ottawa to sift those suggestions
for the -convention.
'Write a letter .and send your ideas
in. You now have a great opportunity
and 1 ask you to take advantage of it."
he urged.
Attacking the Liberals for creating
disunity, he recalled that they had WONDERS OF MACHIINERY
campaigned for a solid ;block of Lib- A story concerning a conversation
era] governments in the provinces and between an American and an English
at Ottawa and declared that the re- man. in which the Englishman met
suit has 'been anything but unity. the American on his own ground, not
He changed that M'r. King has fail- without suocess, was told by an Ant-
ed to deal with the issues of the day, erican general.
mentioning the railway question and "My countryman." ;dict the general.
stated that the system of taxation, in- "(vas telling one of you a tall story
eluding the administration of railways. abort a wonderful sausage -making
must be completely revised, machine they had in Chicago,
"Sound thinking Liberals see no ""Tt's a ;big affair,' lie explained, 'hut
chance of making any improvement quite simple, .11'1 you have to do is to
now. They know these men in power drive a pig up a plank, through a hole
will do nothing but temporize. We in the machine, and, five minutes tat -
Conservatives hare got to do the work er, out come thousands of sausages,'
and we must do it regardless of what "'What 'becomes of the hide?' quer-
may happen." ied the Englishman.
The fact that Mr. King denies an el- 'The hide, sir?' retorted the Ain-
ection, as Mr.' Hepburn did a year ago, erican, "Oh, that 'falls out of another
the :fact that the Conservatives are slot in the machine, and out come
vulnerable in that they must choose a oortnianteaus, parses, or, if you like,
new leader and revamp their party and shoes or saddles. It's merely a matter
the growing .disunity, all points to an of turning a screw.'
eanly election the speaker said. "e'Oh, is that all?' said the lEnglisli-
' "They're. ,now beginning to think of man. 'We've used that machine in
grasping time by the forelock, run- England for the last 'thirty-five years.
Hing 'the ,chance of lasing .two years What's more, we've improved on it.
in office on the chance of gaining four Sometimes we find the sausages not
or 'five, Mr. Du;plessis is tearing the up to the standard. Well, what hap_
Federal Liberal 'Association in Que- pened? A]1 we had to do 'was to put
bee to pieces. Any ,astute politician is them back in the .machine, reverse. the
not going to allow this to go on until engine
he is swamped, I feel there will he an ''Go on,' said the American, '};What
early 'election. The issue was handed 'happened?'
to the RowellCommission. Ih will be '"'Wray, out walks the pig, as fit as
the question ,of unity versus disunity, a fiddle.'"
Let us in Judy bring forth Our policy
of unity and force the issue, The io.ery
,ground on which we stand and have
stood is lielble to be swept from under
our feet. Let as -prepare to 'fores'tall
or meat an election in the latter part
of rhe year," he said.