HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-05-19, Page 1Love thaw thy land, with ;love far- ' bouight ' From •oat the storied Past, and used Within the'Present, but transfused Tharo' ,future time by power of thought. he SeaforthN� HURON COUNTY'S L E A D I' IN G •NEW 'S PAPER True. love turn'd round on fixed poles, Love, that endures not sordid ends, For In glish natures,;. freemen, friends, Thy brothers and immortal souls. Alfred, Lard Tennyson, WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 60, No. 20. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1938 Phone 84• $l a vear 2LB,25c COLEMAN LARD, 2 lb. 25e CATSUP, 'Ideal— Large Bottle , , , ... 18c LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI,. 9cTin AYLM:ER IRISH STEW 2 Tins ,. 25c LIBBY PORK & BEANS -1. 3 Tins 25c PRUNES, Choice and Meaty — 3 lbs. 25e CREAM TEA SANDWICHES .................... 15c lb. FLO WER'DAL'E TEA— half pound 38c SODA BISCUIT, 2 lbs. 25c LIBBY'S VEGETABLE SOUP 3 Tins 25c JELLO, 2 pack 15c SNAP HAND CLEANER — 2 Tins 29r. BROOIVLS, good and weighty 25e each Family Size 65c Master Pig Finisher, $2.25 cwt. A. C.Routiedge Phone 166 COAL. QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. BOX '43 'Northside United Church 'Rev. T. A. ,Carmichael, Minister. Services 'at 111 a.m. and 7 .p.m. St. Thomas' Church Rector: Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D.' 111 a.m. Twenty -filth Anniversary of the Rector's 'Ordination. 17 p,un, "The !Foolishness of Preach- ing." Sunday .School a't .110 a,m. First Presbyterian Church Spring ;anniversary services will be held at First Presbyterian Church next Sunday, May 22nd, when the guest speaker will be Rev. J. F. 'Go- forth, M.A., son of the late Rev. Jon- athan Goforth of China. BAYFIELD Dr. W. Til•.lnian of London is spending several days at his cottage on the terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Quarray of London have arrived in Bayfield and expect to spend the summer here. Mr, Quar- ray is making extensive improve- ' ments to .his property. Dr. Stogdill and Mrs. Stogdill and family of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. N. Toms and Mrs. Murray of Detroit spent the week .end with Mrs. J. Toms. Mrs. Mur- ray remained for a few weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Weston and fa- mily of ,Goderich have taken a •cot- tage in 7iowett''s grove. Mr. Weston expects to ''open the' dance pavillion on May 214811. Mr. A. E. Erwin and F. i{ee'gan spent Tuesday in Seaforth. Mr. Brock Of 'London who !bought "Deer Lodge" !last summer, has workmen 'there sn'ak'ing improve- ments on his cottages. M'r.. Brook has one of the most desirable prop- erty on !the Lake front. Miss Nora Ferguson who spent the winter in !London, has -returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. IR. Poth and son of Caledonia were guests 'of Mrs, 'Pat'h's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Jewett last week. MRS. JAMES S, CONSTABLE D. H. •STEWAIRT PASSES Frances 'Elizalbeah Constable, wid- IN TORONTO ow of the 'late James S. .0onstalble, died at the home 'of her 'daughter Mrs. F, P. .Leush•ner, 2110 'Josephine Avenue, Windsor, on the ,113Th in- stant, ,and was laid to rest . in the fancily plot in the Maitland' Bank Cemetery, where her h'uslbaand was buried in mg on Monday, May 1115, The late Mrs. 'Constablee was born in H•ayesviile in laa514, 'the daughter of the late James Laird and Helen Torrance, The pate Mr. and Mrs. Constable were residents Of Seaforth for a great many years, having left here 'for London, 'Oni.ario, in 71904. . ‘!Funeral services had been held in the Morris 'Funeral Chapel at Wind- sor, Ontario, where many friends and relatives attended. This was followed by services hi the Centennial United Church, Dundas street, London, On- tario, .conducted by Rev. Dr. Hazen and lRev, 'MT. Craw. London had been the home 'af Mrs, Constable during the 'greater pant of the time since the family left Seaforth. Following the services at London, the funeral proceeded to Seaforth where the ,final services were con- ducted at the cemetery by Rev, T. A. Carmichael, pastor of Northside 8Unit.ed Church here. Attending the •final services were Mrs. J. E. Du•Vall, London, !Ontario, Mrs. F, P. Leush- tier, Windsor, D. L. Constable, bar- rister, Toronto, and L. E. Constable, illuminating engineer, Buffalo Niag- ara Electric 'Corporation, 'Niagara Falls, N.Y., children; Seaman H, Laird, ,'antes P. Laird and 'Harry H. Laird, all of Detroit, 'brothers, her other surviving brother John Laird of Detroit and her sisters, Mrs. J. B. Mclnd'oo, Detroit, and Mrs, D. J. Calder, Beaverton, 'Ontario, having attended the services •elsewhere; R. B. Constable, Toronto, D. P. Leush- n'er, and Frances Leushner, Wind- sor, 'and ,Vernon DtnVall, London, grandchildren;' Charles Brodie, Sea - forth, George Rourke,. Guelph, 'James Rourke, Brantford, 'William Rourke, Detroit, and Mrs. L. P. Whaley, St. Marys, nephews and niece of her late husband. Many •friends and relatives from Seaforth, Brussels, Lucknow, Goderich and London were also pre- sent at the graveside. ' 'ROSS -W ILH'ELM A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday noon at Bridgeport Ev- angelical parsonage when Helen Bar- bara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Is- rael Wilhelm of Milverton, became the bride of Wallace !Alexander Ross, son of Mae, 'William A. 'Ross and the late Mr. Ross of 'Kippen. Rev.. W. Y. Dreir officiated, The bride looked lovely in her 'floor length gown of pink net 'over taffeta with .a taffeta 'bolero jacket with sil- ver stitching and wore a coronet of orange 'blossoms in her hair. She carried a 'bouquet of Talisman roses with maiden hair fern The bride and bridegroom were unattended. Immed- iately after the 'ceremony a dainty wedding -dinner was served at •Chico- pee tearoom. The table was centred with the bride's wedding cake. Later in the afternoon the .young couple left for a honeymoon to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points. The bride's going away dress was navy blue em- broidered sheer with a white .jigger coat, white hat and white accessories to match. Upon their return they will reside in Seafon+. MISSION CIRCLE The regular monthly meeting of the Neil Shaw Mission Circle was held on Wednesday evening. The meeting op- ened by singinghymn, 'Ile Leadeth Me," followed by the Lord's prayer. T'he minutes of the 'last meeting -were read after which the business was dis-• cussed. An account of the rally at ;Ex- eter was given and then the Scripture was read by Marion 'Wallace. Vera ,Hudson gave the ,topic on the work being dare by the chord: of all na- tions, after which Grace Wallace lead it+ p5ayer. A 'duet was given by Jean and Dorothy !Gemmell and the meet- ing ;dlosed by repeating the iMizp•a'h Benediction, • ST. COLUMBAN Miss Vera O'Reilly has returned to Toronto. Miss Mary 'O'Connorspent a the week end at her home. Mrs, Matt Coyne is improving !af- ter her [recent operation at St. .Jos- eph's Hospital, London. The C. W. L. are bolding asocial in the parish !ha'l'l; Tuesday, May t214. Miss Margaret O';Reii'ly is home for the Summer, M. .Ajos :Harvie has returned after spending the winter in Toronto. The death occurred in Toronto on Saturday of !David Henry •Stewart, 'former well known 'resident of Sea- forth, 'following a brief illness. The funeral took place on Tuesday after- noon from the residence o•f this Bon- in -law, Ma. W. R. Plant, Seaforth, under the auspices of the Seaforth branch of the Canadian Legion Rev. William Allan, of Dovercourt Road Presbyterian Church, Toronto, con clvcted the services. _Daring the ser- vice 'the quartette rendered two set- eetions.. The Seaforth :Highlanders Band, of which the deceased was a former member, lied the funeral pro- cession, followed by the veterans in the 'Greet War, and the remains were laid to rest in Maitland Bank 'Cemetery with military honors. The pallbearers were Messrs. W, C. Bennett, Thomas Beattie, Robert Snaith, Arnold Westcott,,,Glen. Cook (Clinton), Theo Erenilin, . '(Clinton). The ]ate Mr. Stewart was a native of Seaforth. He enlisted in the 101st Battalion, and was a member of the '1161,st Battalion Band. For a number of years alter the war he conduoied a 'butcher business in Seaforth and some years ago moved to Toronto where he had since lived. He is sur- vived 'by his widow, who was form- erly Miss Jardine, and four daugh- ters and one son, Mrs. W. R. Plant„ Seaforth; Misses.'Erie and Jean Ste- wart, Toronto; Mrs. ifo'hn Corley, Montreal, and George Stewart, of Toronto. He is also survived by a half-sister, Mrs, F. Montgomery, of Brantford. e Among those attending the fune- ral were Mrs, Stewart and daugh- ters, Misses Erie and Jean, Toronto; Mr, and yrrs. J. T. Corley, Mont- real; MIr, and Mrs, F. Montgomery, Brantford; Mrs. Ryan, Hamilton; Rev. W. Allan and son, Mr. Arnold Allan, Toronto; and Mrs. Russell Sproat, Waterford; Mrs. James Young, Goderich; Mr and Mrs, 'G, A. Stewart, of Toronto; Miss ''Edna' Plant and Mn Stewart Plant of To- ronto. Attending from the Clinton ,branch of the Legion were Col. H. B. Combe, Morgan Agnew, Dr. Thompson, Lock Cree, Norman Mill- er, 'Gordon Howes. NORTHSIDE W. M. S. The W. M. S. of Northside United Church held their May meeting in the school room on Thursday after- noon, An opening hymn was sung and prayer was offered by Mrs. Laing, the president. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Finlayson, and Miss A. 'Ferguson read the treasurer's re- port. Mrs. McMichael, the Watch Tower secretary, read some interest- ing items. Mrs. Finlayson, gave a few good edeas, gathered *from the Presbyterial, which met at Exeter recently. Circle 5, with Mrs. Cuthill as 'captain, took charge of the devo- tional period. Hymn 317 was sung and Miss Lawrence gave the Scripture reading. The topic was 'World Peace," Different questions regard- ing world peace were dealt with by several members of Circle 5. Miss Lawrence portrayed very vividly the essentialo on which world peace :could be 'built. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Finlayson offered short prayers. The offering was received. A closing hymn 'Was sung and the Lord's pray- er repeated in unison, EGiVIONDVILLE The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held ,Thursday af- ternoon in dhe Sunday school room of the church. Mrs. Rdbt. 'McGon- igle, vice pres., , had charge of the meeting. Tile theme was "The Church and World Peace" with the following taking part, Mrs, Me- Quarrie, Mrs. Jas. Brown, Mrs. Jas. Allan, Mrs. Jas. Stewart and Mrs• Nelson Keys, Mrs. John Nott led in prayer. The minutes and roll 'call were read by the secretary, Mrs. jno. Forrest, Mrs. M. Haney gave an interesting report On the Presbyter- ial meeting at Exeter held recently. Mrs. McGonigle gave a most 'helpful talk on the study !book. The •meeting was closed ,with prayer by Mrs. Jas. BiQWtt, CHA'RT'ERS -JORDAN A 'quiet wedding takes place today it ('Thursday) at the Anglican• rectory th in Stratford when :Robert John Charters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charters? of Seaforth, will be a united th in marriage with Marion Kathleen of Jordan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. p SAW WALTON METHODIST CHURCH BEING BUILT Mr. 3. J. ;Pollard, now living Seaforth on N. Main •street, remen berg the 'building 'of .the Walt Methodist Church about 1157+3'. La week the same building was move to the site of Neal's store in Wale to !become a community hall, and Picture of that event in last week News brought ]back •mem•ories to M Pollard of the early .days 'o'F, th old church. "L wee about nine years old whe Walton Methodist 'Church was Ibui at Reid;'s •corner," said Mr. Pother The corner is on the gravel road mile south of the village, "It was 'built by Mr. •Leatherlan uncle of Miss Leatherland of Sea, forth. Work 'was started in 'th Spring, continued through the 'Sons mer and 'finished in the •Fall," he sai "The members of the congre•gatio living south of Walton and thos north •of ,tine village were rivals lin mild way. I was too young to b aware of it myself 'at the time, how ever, I 'believe that was the reaso the •churoh was originally 'built a mil emelt of Walton instead of in th village," 1',[r. Pollard said. The church was moved a nail north in 119013; to the east side of th village, where it remained until move last week to the Walton main corner "The parsonage was built in Wal ton," he continued, to he convenien for the minister in getting mail. Th minister then had charge of Currie' Church at Winthrop, and Jackson' Church in Grey Township, as wel as the 'church near Walton. The min isters 'at first were local or lay preach ers. The contractor, Mr. Leatherland was one of these and sermons 'b him were long remembered, He recalls that Rev, Mr, M•oKib:bi was present on the bp'enin•g Sunda about; 615 years ago, Mr. Pollard • at tended the opening, being a youn boy, at the time, 'Archie M•clsb'bin was a very mis chievi us small boy " Mr. Pollard recalled and smiled reminiscently. "I believe New Year's was 'th'e rex day, Monday, and that day a tea wa held. Each year after that 'the anni versary and tea were held on the Sunday and Monday nearest New Year's. I remember the ,birthday cak for this occasion grew higher an higher each year as a result of rivalry between the ladies in charge of the cookery." The Golden Jubilee of the church was held on Sunday, Oct. _, 1113, "Four persons were present at the fiftieth anniversary w• ho saw the opening of .the church, Miss Swallow and her brother, Mr, Swallow, Rev. Archie McKibbin and myself," sai. Mr. •Poltard, The year previous to the building of the church was a time of sadness when) diphtheria took its tell in the community. Mr. Pollard re- calls there were ten deaths on their line, A brother of his died, the Mc- Millan 'family close to the corner where the church was later built lost three children, and in another family further down the line six children were taken. Mr. Pollard himself was down with it but miraculously pulletl through. Treatment of diphtheria was not then 'known, Mr. Pollard recalls. He 'had reached the static when hope for his recovery had been abandoned. 'He remembers two chc- tors coming into the room where •he and his brother lay. They attended it the brother first, swabbing the tnuatis and throat with a strong anti.aeptic. He got frightened at .the sight of his brother across the roost being treated and- when it came his turn he would not open his .mouth. He was lifted itp in arms and begged and when this failed a spoon ,was used to try •and open ,his mouth, Finally they gave 'up trying, 'thinking, Mr. 'Pollard ,believes, that he had no possible chance to get better 'anyway. His eventual recovery was considered very remarkable in medical circles at that time. 31r. Pollard rememlbers .the doctors who attended lhim: "One of •theta was Dr. King of Seaforth and tlte'•other was Dr, Gra- ham sof Brussels. Dr. 'IKing was killed when his team of spirited horses ran EWEDDING PRESEN NOTHING TO BUY! Come in and get the details of this big offer of Free Wedding Gifts including a $144.00 Westinghouse Radio; $120.00 Grandfather Clock; Chest of Rogers 1847 Silverplate; Mixmaster and scores of other raluable gifts. Sponsored by the makers of BRIDAL WREATH DiamonaandWedchagRings Savauge's POLICE COURT Magistaate Makies presided at pol- ice court in Seaforth on Tuesday when three cases were disposed ef. A man charged with non-support was given 'suspended sentence; a t speeding charge against a Mitchell s man drew 1$15,0(1 and costs. The third - case involved a recent callision ;be- tween two out-of-town cars at the corner of Main and Goderich streets and drew a penalty sof $15.00 and e costs front one of the parties. VARNA A special meeting of the township council met in the hall Tuesday night Ito discuss the big drain problem. There was an attendance of the rate- payers., 1 The many friends of Miss Arm - ,strong will be pleased to :know she has returned home from the Clinton d hospital. Mrs. ilossop attended the funeral of her cousin the late Fred Manns of Hensel] which was held on Saturday. We are pleased to report Mr. Geo. Beatty Sr., who has been confined to his 'bed for the past week, is improv - ng slowly and will soon be able to be cut again. Mae. Smith has returned home al- tar a pleasant visit with friends and relatives in London and Oxford twp, Mr. Robert Colclough of Goderich Township spent a day with friends in the village and was the guest of Mr. 'George Beatty Sr. lir. Colclough will be yd .on the 1'2th of ''July and enjoys lift. is quite ,smart and has a very vi- vid memory of pioneer days. He was barn in Tipperary, Goderich town - hip and male, his home with his on. Russell, way one time 'near Dublin. Dr. Gra- am retired to Toronto and lived to e age of 1901," Mr. !Pollard said. Mr, James Leatherlancl, 'builder of a church, lived till he was 94 years age, and continued as a -local reacher until over 90, Miss 'Julia eatherland of Strathroy is a aasghter. • W. D. Jordan, of Mitchell. The young couple will reside in Seaforth. HARLOCK Mrs. A. W. MdEwing in company with a friend from near Seaforth spent the week end in Toronto at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Coleman. Nurse 'Kathleen Beacom is and has been nursing a :patient in. Clintntt hospital for the past week. Mrs. Jennie 'Knox and 'Ernest vis- ited for a short time Sunday after- noon at the honte of the .fornter's daughter, Mrs. and Mr.. Thomas A'pple'by. The Burns', Londeaboro and Con- stance Churches have decided on a minister if he accepts the 'call. Mr. Reece ;Ferris has engaged' a man .and wife to help at the farm and keep home. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Hogarth and the lager's mother Mrs. Brown of Clinton visited at the 'home of Mr. and Mirs. Isaac Rapson en Sunday. The Burn's Church Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. held their May Meet- ing at the home ,df Mrs. !(Rev.) Gar- diner last Thursday in Londeaboro. There was 'a good attendance num- ibering to around 'n 'and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. BRODHAGEN. Mr. Irvin Hinz of Tavistock spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Mueller. Mr. Wilmer Rose of (Oakland, Cali- fornia, is visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Fred Dingle has been on the sick list for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Q,uerengesser, Shirley Diegel, Mrs, Russell Shold- ice and Gary, motored to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs,, !Russell Sholdice and son Gary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schellen'berger, Clinton. Kleber-Koehler— A quiet wedding took place Tues- day, :May '117, at the Lutheran Parson- age when Mr. 'Henry rKle'ber Sr. of Brodhagen, and Mrs. Fred Koehler of McKillop, were united in marriage by Rev, S. Friederioksen. Immediately after the ceremony they left for Tor- onto and Buffalo, MANLEY Mr. Alex Mitchell is busy clearing up his custom saw logs at his saw mill. Mr. Frank Dempsey has left our village to seek 'his fortune elsewhere. Mr. Fred Eckart is busy preparing his colony hawses for a large numbet of chicks he has purchased front _lir. James Scott. Mr. Martin Deitz has been busy putting in the crop on the Dempsey farm for the McKillop, Logan & Hib- bert Telephone Co., ander the direc- tion of the president, lir. John Ben- newies, 'iAie are sorry to learn that Mrs, John Murray is not as well as her many friends wish her to be. STANLEY lir. and Mrs. 'Frank Hobson of St. Thomas visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penhale on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. •'antes Black visited with the latter's parents, air. and Mrs. William Scotcbmer on Sunday. Mr. and ' :firs. Alfred Westlake spent the week end in Detroit, Mich, Mrs, T. M. Snowden who has spent the past week with Mrs, Geo. Cole- man of Seaforth has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. ;Harry McClineheY and son William of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, 'William McClinchey of Stanley, BEECHWOOD The many friends of Mrs. John Moylan are glad to know she was able to return 'front Memorial Hospi- tal on Monday. :A Mr. =and Mrs. Joe F.lariagan and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cronin on Sunday. Miss Florence MdQ'uaid of Strat- ford spent the week end at the home of her brother,, Mr. James McQuaid