HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-05-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
THURSDAY,. MAY 12, 1938
Tele Ream1111. 'Citizens Bian.d wiil
give their first .weekly mien air eon -
tett .on Satueday eine 4th.
These will 'continue each Saturday ev-
ening during the summer ,moeiths. •
Mr. Ed ,Fhrk ,spern the week end
With his 'family in Hanover,
MTS. john Passmore returned home
,from Hamilton on Sundey where she
had been visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. William McLean.
Mr. Albert Passmone of Delhi
*spent Sunday here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Passenone.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gram of De-
troit spent the ISreek 'end here ,with the
former's parents, MT. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr., 'Ed Brook was visiting in Lon-
. don on Saturday.
Mothers' Day Was observed in .crur
local 'churches on Sunday east. At
Carmel 'Presbyterian Chtiroh the pas-
tor, Rev. W. -A. 'Young, occupied his
own pulpit. At the morning serviee he
spoke very appropriately cm Mothers'
Day, 'also on Family Sunday. A child -
Ten's' choir of 05' voiees .furnished the
music, A qnartette by :Emily and El-
aine Hoskins, Marian and Lois Mc-
Laren; also a duet by Margaret and
jean Love. At the evening service the
oi ,Herisall accompanied by
visiting brethern from LOOP. a
Clinton, Seaforth and Exeter marched
to Carmel Church in •a body where
they were .addressed by the pastor,
Rev, W. A. Young. Besides the an-
them by ehe choir, a quartette was
given by Mrs. Young, Irene Hog-
garth, Neale Workman and Mrs. W.
A. Mc.Leren.
Mothers' ;Day service was observed
in 'the United Church en Sunday with
splendid congregations out at ;both
services. The pastor, Rev. Arthur
Sinclair ocoupied his own pulpit and
gave two very interesting .aticl appro-
priate sermons. At the morning ser-
vice the choir rendered two beautiful
anthems for "Mother." At the evening
service besides the arithein a •duet was
given by Mrs. Mf Clark and Mrs.
Geo, Hess.
The Arnold Circle of Carmel Church
met at the home •of Miss Beryl Pfaff
on Monday evening with a good at-
tendance of members present
W. M. S. Meeting—
The W.M.S. of rhe 'United Church
held their regular monthly meeting on
Thursday afternoon in the basement
of the church. There was a good at-
tendance of members. Mrs. Sinclair
presided, The meeting opened by
singing hymn 187, "The whole wide
world", The Devotional was taken by
Mrs, Annie McDonald; prayer by
Mrs. William Dougal, Sr. Miss El-
eanor [Fisher fevered with a piano
solo. The topic, 'Manifold Ministry,"
was ably taken by Mrs. David Mickle.
Hymn am, "Teem, the name high over
all," was sung. Mrs. Cross presided
over the ,business period. The minutes
of the pre-vious meeting were read by
the secretary and adomed as read.
Mrs. John 'Elder of the visiting com-
mittee for the month reported as mek-
ing 'ID calls. Mrs. S. Merrier and Mrs.
Wilson Carlisle were appointed a vis-
iting committee. It was decided to
hold a birthday party on May 1,9th,
A hale of clothing is to be packed on
j•une teed for the Weert. Donations
may be left at the home of Mrs. John
The guessing conteet in the Good-
win and Ratline stores close Saturday.
Miss 'Kathryn Drysdale won the rug
at Goodwin's, correct number 1741,
and Miss Drysdale's guess was am.
At Rannie's the correct number was
2009. Miss 'Evelyn Corbett won rhe
ring, her guess being 2000.
The pupils of Hensall Public and
Continuation schools are packing a
bale of clothing and books, which
will be shipped this week to needy
echaol children in the West.
Mr. A. W. Kerslake of St. Marys,
who recently bought the produce
'eusiness here of left.. Lennis O'Brien,
has rented the house at corner of Ox-
ford and Albert streets, belonging to
Robert lEacrett estate. He moved his
household effects here, on Monday.
Mrs, William Sangster was calling
on Exeter friends on 'Friday.
Pupils of Hensall Public echool,
accompanied by parente and 'friends,
attended the musical festival in James
St. .Charch, Exeter, Saturday evening,
pot on by pupils 'from South Huron.
In the contest of three roam echool
choirs Hensel] won 3rd place in sen-
ior intermediate and junior egries. For
giree solo, under !110 yeare, Ruth Hee
won .first; de years or over, Helen
Salmcrs won 2nd. Boy', solo, 10 o -
over, ,Roes Kennedy won 4th.
The Y. P. S. of the 'United Cherch
met Monday with Miss Kathryne
Drysdale presiding. Devotional pray-
er was taken by Goldie Cross. A solo
by Minnie Sangster, dnet by Mrs.
Hess and Rath Gess, Topic on cirti-
zenship taken by Rev. A. Sinclair. A
piano ealo by Miss Douglass. •
Mr. ,Nelson Blatchford, sanitary
inspector, will commence his rounds
on Monday, May 213ed.
Mr. an.d Mrs. .Peter Schwalm and
family af 'Zurich moved here Monday
and will occupy Mr. Henry Horton's
house on North Richmond St.
Miss Marion Sinclair of Toronto
spent the week end here with her
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair,
Miss Mavis Spencer af Toronto
spent the week end here.
Mr. and Mrs. 1George Janson spent
Saturday in Landon.
Miss Mildred Follick, nurse -in -
training alt (Victoria Hospital, London
spent Sunday 'here with her parents,'
Mr, Ray Paterson of Toronto spent
the week end here with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Harmon of
Stratford spent the week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. IE. Drummond,
Mr, Casey Hudson of Listowel
spent the week end at his home here.
The annual meeting of the Con-
servatives of the eetlerall riding of
Huron -Perth will be at Hensall Fri-
day 'evening, May eleth,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bondman vis-
ited friends en Hanover an Sunday.
'Miss 'Margaret Bell trf London
spent the week end here with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Rabt, Bell.
Mr, Harold. Sherritt of Toronto
spent the 'week end at 'his home here.
Miss Marie Bell of London spent
Hair Styles to suit
the New Spring Hats
You may have your choice
NO Machine Permanent
Machine Permanent
Satisfaction Ceciaranteed•
Special Prices NOW
'B' Beautp Salor
"The horree af 'Better 'Permanents"
Phone 59 or 18 Seaforth
the week end here with her !parents,
Me. and Mrs. William Bell.
Miss 'Myrna Hudson of Londor
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren an
Mr. William L. McLaren spent Sun-
day at ,Farquitar..
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wren and Mrs
Thos, Wren Sr. of Exeter were Sun
day visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Thos
Wren.. •
MT. Roy Weblber and Mr. 'and Mrs
Joseph Hudson spent Sunday at Nia
gara Feels.
The May meeting en the Tucker'
irtith 'Ladies' Olub was held at the
borne ',of Mrs. Newman Garrett with
eenty-four ladies present. The roe
call was anewets to ten questions On
current ,events. The young lady mem-
bers of the club gave the ;following
pragram: Solos by 'Misses Florence
Whitmore and Viola Pepper; readings
by Misses Margaret Crich, Margaret
Fear and Sara Whitmore; contest,
"Scrambled 'Eats," Miss Irene Gar-
rett. There was the annual exchange
of 'plants, bulbs, etc. A heavy guilt
was quilted to :be sent to Saskatche-
wan. An enjoyable pot luck supper
was served cafeteria style. The group
in charge of the June meeting will he
Mrs. Ed Johns, Mrs, Ernie Crich,
Mrs. A. Matheson, Mrs, Howard
Crich and Miss Sadie Ball. Roll 'call:
The name of a famous Canadian Wo-
man, and for what she is or was noted.
The next meeting will he at Mrs. Ed
John? an June 2.
Mr. Fletcher Whitmore was home
frone Kirkton for the week end.
Mrs, Tebbutt is spending a few
days at the home of Mr. Hugh Mc-
Lachlan who continues very ill.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Natt and ,Ger-
ahem. Mrs. McCool of Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Garrett of Blyth
were Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. W. T. Robison,
Mr. Arthur Yungblut af Detroit
visited with his father Mr. George
Yungblut for the week end.
Mr. Jas. Brundrit, teller of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce here, is
taking his holidays at his home in
Wiarton. His place is being taken by
Mr. Norman Ritchie of Sombre,
Mr. Robt. McLeod of Stratford
visited with his mother, Mrs. John
McLeod. on Sunday. On his return
he was accompanied by his mother,
who is going to visit him.
Nike-, Margaret Ferguson of Park-
hill spent the week end with her par -
erns. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Allilon and daughter
re Parkhill visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor.
Tom Lawlor. Lloyd McLarty and
his mother Mrs. Neleon McLane-.
left nt Tueedey for a trip to Sault
Ste. Marie,
Mrs. Geo. Handiten won the rug in
Mr. R. D. Munroe, window and Miss
Viola Thompson won the rug in Gor-
don Taylor's windew.
Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson of
Goderieh vieited with Mrs. .S. Blair
for a few days last week.
Miss Mary Dobie and Miss Elsie
Snell are attending a three days' con-
ference of the Junior Institute at
MacDonald Hail, Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. .Edgar Lawson and
Bernice visited with Mrs. William
Sclater at Seaforth on Sunday.
Mrs. Edgar Lawson, MTS, Wm.
Robison, Mrs. lFeed 'Ross, evIrs. J. j.
Wilson, Iles. John Huston, IVIrs. J.
C. Stoltz, Mrs. james Howiet, Jos-
ephine Weir and Eleanor Wilson at-
tended 'a. sectional meeting Of Huron
Pres'beeteriail ‘Of the Presbyterian
Church helei in Gaderich last 'Friday.
.Lantern slides on missions will be
given in the Auburn Baptist Church
on Tuesday, May 17th,
Mr. Thomas Adams is in Toronto
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Adams,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Pilgrim of For-
est and Mr, Pilgrim Sr., nf Verna,
were ,Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. East.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker of Wing-
hani visited on Sunday with Mrs. C.
Sthultz and Clara.
One 24-416 Decker Separator in first
olass operative condition, for sale. T.
A. Gormley, Dublin, Ont.
Navy bine go-cart with 'hood, used
8 mOreths„ reasonable. 'Sealers. and
crib mattress. Mrs. ,Haeron, 10eel St.,
Messrs. 'Keith Arthur, Dick Arm-
strong, Angus McAuley and Ben Ha-
milton left by motor Tuesday for
Jellico where they expect to get werk
in the mines.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute will be held in
the Forester's 'Hall on T'ues'day, May
171th, Mrs. Oster ,of 'Myth, District
President , is expected to he present
and give an ,address., Current events
to be given by MTS. W. T. Robison.
Roll call to he .answered by paying
of fees.
Baptist Ladies' Aid—
The 'Ladies' Aid of, Baptist
Church Iheld their monthly meeting
at the home af MTS. W. C. :Robertson
cn Thenselay afternoon. The presid-
ent, Mrs. C. LA. 1Hanson, presided,
The devotional exercises were taken
by Mrs. Jas Raitleby and Mrs. How-
son.' Readings were given by Mrs.
tjohn Raitleby, Mrs. R. if, Phillips,
Mrs Frank Raith•by and Viola Leath-
eriand. Miss Elizabeth !Elkin ,gave a
paper on "The Life of Joseph,"
which had teen prepared 'by Mrs.
Stanley Johnston, Mrs. Jasper Mc -
Brien gave a paper on e0nr Ideal in
Life." Mrs. [John McKnight and Mrs.
Walper favored with a .cheet and Mrs.
Glen Raithby sang a solo. Mrs. G.
W. Sherman dosed the :meeting with
prayer. A dainty lunch was served by
Mrs, Howson and MrseJohn Raithley,
About 40 farmers of this dietrict
attended a traceor demonstration at
the 'farm of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Vittie of Hullett on Thursday.
Mr. George Raitithy is at present
re -decorating and furnishing his
house which was recently occupied
by Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Perguson,
Mr, Raithhy intends making a tour-
ist home of the dwelling.
'Mrs. A, g. Ferguson's group of the
W. M. S. of the 'United Church .leeld
a successful eate of homemade bak-
ing last Saturday.
The young people of the United
Church entertained the yonng people
of Bayfield United Church in the hall.
Mrs. Ings enterteined visitors .from
Detroit for 'the week end.
Mr. George Beatty Sr. entertained
friends from London on Sunday.
Miss Logan spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Yeo, 'Coderich Township.
Rob and Norman Campbell spent
a few days with relatives at Cayuga.
"Holed this happen? The last time
I was 'here you were yenning a fishi
market—and now you've got a 'cheese
61 Parm, 'Farm Stook and Imple-
ments, at Lot 10, Con. 1114,
3e4 milei east of 'Walton, on' Friday,
May 1131h, at 111 o',olacle
Horses—Horse rising five years;
honse rasing 'six years.
Cattle—Durhern Grade.
Cow eight y,ears, bred November
20th; cow five years, bred Jan, Illth;
cow, .eight years, fresh; cow. seven
Years, fresh; .cow Tour years, fresh;
coee three years, &resit; two-year-
old steers, half Tat; 1 two-year-old h '6
heifer, ale at; steers, 1. year old;
heffer year old; 16 calves.
Pigs -9 pigs eight weelcs oldp 2
pigs 150 lbs.
Implements—Massey Harris binder
6 ft. cut; IVIcCormidc Deering mo-wer
6 foot cut, needy new; 1McCormick
'Deering side rake, nearly new; Frost
8z Wood hay loader; ID it. 1Frost &
Woad dump rake; land roller; Peter
Hamilton •cultirator; 2-fitterow riding
plow; 1, -furrow Verity riding 'plow; 211
Fleury walking plow; section Diam-
ond harro.ws; Cookshutt fertilizer
drill; hay rack with shift, 1, set of
sling ropes, Tanning mile, set 2000 Ib,
scales; .wagon with box and stock
rack; set sleighs, top buggy,•cutter,
Renfrew cream sepaeator, nearly new;
Daisy churn No. 3'; Bugkeye brooder
stove; stone boat; ai set bree.ching
harness; set harness; a number of
collars; set of flight harness nearly
new. 'A quantity of mixed grain. A
gitantity of hay, Forks, shovels,
chains and nnmerous other articles.
The Fenn—Lot 10, Con, 114, Mc-
Killop, SS acres, well drained and
fenced. Brick house, bank barn, drive
shed, ibuildings all in goad repair,
Never failing well and wind mill,
Land in good state of cultivation. Will
be sold subject to a reserve bid. If
Farm is not sold there is 20 acres .01
first cut for bay and d4 acres of mix-
ed barley and oats sowed, will& will
be offered for sale, and will take a
'few head of cattle to pasture.
Terms—On livestock and chattels,
cash. Terms on Sanm made known. on
day of sale. Proprietor is giving op
farming owing to poor health.
Robert g. [Dougherty, Proprietor.
George H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Small house to rent. Reply giving
full particulars to Box 12[7, The Sea -
forth [News.
Beatty .Electric Washer, for 'bal-
ance of payments. Fully guaranteed.
Apply 'Geo, A. Sills & Sons, phone
516, Seaforth.
For service, pure bred Yorkshire
hog, of goad select type. Terms $1
cash. .Hugill's Specialty Farm, No, 8
Highway west.
Hazel Hazzie—has
"'Well, you see, my friends all eahl
1 needed a change Of air,"
Want and !For Sale Ads, 3 weeks, 50c
what? Why!
Cress Core and Bunion Salves!!
Removes Calluses, Warts, Ingrown
Toenails too. Sold by 'Keating's and
all Drug 'Counters.
We are BUYING HOGS. Give us a trial. We can also
supply you with HARDWOOD or SOFT WOOD delivered
in lots of from one to ten cords. Get our price on Red Jacket
SOFT COAL. We have a supply of SALT of all kinds.
Phone your order. Get our price on MOTOR OIL. One, five
or ten gallon lots in your can. Also GREASE. We will truck
and sell your Cattle in Toronto. We will have Clay DRAIN
TILE about May 24th. Place your order and you will be
served in turn until we get stocked up again. Give us a
chance to give you service. We have two trucks, one large,
one small.
We have an affidavit sworn
before a notary public to prove
that the Westinghouse Wash-
er takes out more dirt with the
least wear on clothing, com-
bined with the best built
washer available. We have on
display a shirt which has been
,washed 104 times under ordin-
ary home laundering condi-
tions, each washing consisting
of washing for ten rninutes in
hot soapy water in a Westing-
house, Washer, rinsing and
wringing operations.
P. 8c G. Soap, 3 cakes
Pearl White, 3 cakes
Sepoy, per cwt............3.75
.... 3.75
Sunlight, 2 cakes 12c
2 pounds Shortening Free
with each bag of Flour
12c Five Roses, per cwt 4.00
•12c Prairie Rose, Der cwt. .335
Palmolive, 2 cakes 12c
Infant's Delight, 3 cakes 12c
Many Flowers, 3 cakes .,..12c
Comfort Soap, 3 cakes ....14c Magic 'Baking 'Powder, lb...28c
Surprise, 3 cakes 14c Forest City, quart gem ....29c
Richard's 'Carbolic, 3 cakes .14c Rose Brand, lb. ..... . 18c
Kirk's Castile, 3 cakes .....14c Campbell's Soups, 3 tins ., .25c
Calay Soap, 3 cakes 14c Icing Sugar, 3 pound , —190
Finest Peanut ,Butter
2 lbs. 21c
W. J. Finnigan
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
10f Household Effects at Mr. j. L.
McClure's,' North 'Main Se., Seaforth,
an Saturday afternoon, al 2 o'clock,
May 1141th;
Combination china cabinet .and cup-
board, rocking 'chairs, ieenery, dress-
er, stands, beds .springs aied mat-
t•ress,es, Davenport ansi cushions, kit-
chen cabinet, rugs, .cooking utensils,
dishes, fruit jars, electric iron, curtain
rods, garden Take, hoe, saw, axe, etc.,
and numerous other items,
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
W. C. MeSpadden, Proprietor.
1928. Whippet coupe. Will sell
cheap for cash. Bert Barrie, phone
Clinton 6116 r 112.
10 pigs, eight weeks old. Fergus
Rielly, Dublin.
Two choice young sows, bred, for
sale. Waited to buy—soy beans, Ap-
ply to John Nolan, phone 211 .on 144,
A young merried man thing in
town wants any kind of work. 'Experi-
eneed in .all lines of farming. Apply at
The News 'Office.
Any person in possession, of an
Atlas of Huron County containing a
map or maps, please communicate •dir-
eet with William Murray, Dauphin,
One good milk caw, 7 years old,
due May 10th. W. 3. Finnigan
Town of Seaforth
Residents wishing to have their
respective streets oiled are requested
to have signed petitions in the hands
,of the Clerk by May 115th.
D. H. Wilson, Town .Clerk.
Township of Stanley
Notice is hereby given that a Court
of Revisil on the Assessment Rolls
for the Township of Stanley will be
held in the Township .Hall on Mon-
day, May 30th at 10 o'clock in the
And take notice that all appeals
against the Assessment !Rolls must
be left with the Clerk on or belore
May 26th, 119138.
Dated this 9th day of May, 1938.
Chas. C. Pilgrim,
.Clerk of Stanley.
Township of Tuckersmith
The Municipal Council of Tucker -
smith will meet as a Caurt of Revi-
sion on the Assessment Roll of 1938,
at Seaforth on Saturday, May 28th,
at 2 pen. All ap.peals must be in the
hands of the Clerk on GT before the
17th of May, 119138.
Interested parties should govern
themselves accordingly.
D. F. McGregor, Clerk.
A limited supply of ,Dooley Potatoes
free from disease. While they last:
Large Size 40c per bag
1VIediurn or Seed Size..30c a bag
out now. Beautiful large firm berries,
50 plants for $1.25. Supply Limited
To get some of those wonderful
Strawberry Plants @ 75c per
hundred, at
No. 8 Highway, three miles west
of Seaforth
PS. See us about Concrete VValls
and Silos.
The 'Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bonk
Seaforth. Office boons:—
a'nesday, T.hureday and Saturday
1:130 pm. to 5 p.m, ,Seeneday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p
!Nearly all lcinds of oils and greases.
IVIotor oil, cream separator oil, 'mach-
ine il. Prorn.pt free delivery. Grain
bought. Sam Chesney, Rhone ;116ek4,
Of Used Pianoe. Such well-known
makes as Heintzman, Nordheimer,
Mason & iRisch, Weber, and others
at reasonable prices and terries. Write
Heintzman & Co., 242 Dundas St.,
London, Ont, for further pertioulars.
No obligations.
A quantity of Irish .Cobbler Pot-
atoes for seed and table inc. Phone
244 r 6, Seaforth. Geo. B. Dorrance,
Roll top desk, Buckeye incubator
holds 60 eggs, 'knitting machine. Ap-
ply at The News office.
Good farms Tar sale in Bruce, Hu-
ron and Perth Counties. A reasonable
cash payment will he accepted and
terms for the ibalaoce arranged at 4%
interest. Write me,stating require-
ments. Oliver Hemingway, Inspector
for Commissioner of Agricultural
Loans, R.R. 3, Btrussels, or p'hone 0314,
, •
.100 acre farne with good 'buildings,
spring creek and bush. Priced right
foiequicle saie. Apply to The Seaforth
h House and Lot in the, Town of
Seaforth belonging to Rebecca Davis
Estate. Comfortable dwelling.
2. Part of Lot 24, Con, 3, MoKillop,
containing 5 acres. Comfortable house
anel •small barn. Suitable far poultry
3. Lot 7, Con. dee, Grey Township.
acreeelGood 1brick house and barn,
driving slied, good well, ye' mile from
school. Property of late Wm. Woods.
Particulars may be secured from Mrs.
Kate Woods, Walton, Ont.
Apply Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont.
Enrolment No, 31500. Form IL
[Route for season of 19.38:
Monday—Will leave his own stable
Lot 3, Con. 3, Haat, to go north to
Walton .to Herb, Kirkby's for noon;
to his own s•table for night.
Wednesdaye-Will go east as far as
Beechwood; home for eight.
Friday—Will go south 274 miles,
then west to Sem Switzer's school,
then south to Mill Road and home.by
way of S.eaferth.
Terme-e$115 payable Mar. le 1939.
T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Manager
Tax Pre= Payment
Receipts For
The Town will pay 4 per cent per
annum up to Aug. 31/38 on all pre-
paid 1938 taxes.
Certificates and full particulars
may be obtained from the Town
Clerk's office in the Town Hall,
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm 8c guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Infarmation cheerfully given
Dominion Bank Ruelding, Seaforth
Phone 334w