HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-05-12, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS sTOREs Our :Prices to May ,118 RINSO, LARGE PKG. • EACH 2'2 c ST. WILLIAMS STRAWBERRY JAM . 'PER JAR 3 c 32 oz RIVERSIDE PEAS SWEETHEART, B.AR.T. L. ET PEARS 2s " AYLMER TOMATOES size 2s slum 3 TI'N'S 2v c 2 TINS 27c 2TINS15c ROYAL YORK ORANGE PE KOE TEA=/ LB.3OC and 1 :Stainless Steel !Paring Knife FREE MAGIC COFFEE RICH IN .FLAVOUR 29c Pound CLEAR YOUR SKIN Eat 2 Fleichman Yeast Cakes a Day 4c each Hillcrest Soda Biscuits, 16 oz. bag 2 lbs 75c Monarch Flour 7s.... 28c; 24s Aylmer Soups, Tomato or Vegetable, Bran Flakes Grape Nuts Grape Nut Flakes Kellogg's Corn Flakes Lug; Toilet Soap 10% oz. ... 3 tins 25e 2 pkg. 25c per pkg. 17c 2 pkg. 25c 3 pkg. 25c ' 3 cakes 20c Brooms, 5 String Colored Handle each 25c Brooms, 5 String Polished Handle each 45c 1 PINEAPPLE WEEK Cuban Pines 18s, case—$3.10; 3 for 55c; ea. 19c Cuban Pines 24s case—$3.10; 7 for $1.00; each 15c At their best now 1 All Wheat and Free' Airplane 2 for 25c Krum'bles and Free 'Cereal Bowl 2 for 25c Jelly Powders and Free !Salad Dish 6 for 37c Custard Powders and Free Custard Bowl 5 for 25c Premium Tea and. free China 1 lb. 69c Baking Powder, Forest City and .Free Mixing !Dish 25c9 Ovaltine, lge tin, and Free English Cup' Rasp. Straw. Jam, Pineapple, Orange, Lemon Marmalade 12 oz. jars 15c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE g PHONE 77 TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mos. Stanley King (nee Bessie 'Blanchard) of Stratford, have just returned Thome after having a v'e'ry pleasant visit with Mrs. King's aunt and cousins, 'Mrs. 'Elden Dodds and Clarissa .and also Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas Dodds of (Oak Park, I11, Mrs. S. Cudmore and son, Harold, sof Us'borne, were Sunday 'visitors at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, Wilbert Webster. Mrs. L. G. 'Vatr:Egmond has 're - burned home 'after spending the. winter. in Stratford, Mrs. 'D'ale Nixon and 'Miss Bessie Rice went to 'Guelph on Tuesday to attend the W'arren's Institute con- vention as •delegates of Seaforth (branch.. Mrs. R. S. !Hays, Miss Mary Hays and Mr. !George Hays went to Tor- onto on Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. C. MoCleilan'd. Mr. .George Bethune 'o'f, Midland spent several days at his home''' Marion Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mason of Blyth was operated on at Scott Memorial Hospital Sunday for appendicitis and is doing 'nicely. Mrs. W. H. 'S'holdice returned home from 'the 'hospital on Tuesday an'd is progressing nicely. Mrs. D. Munro is attending her. Mr. !Joe •Ec'kant from Oakville spent Sunday with his family, Mr. William Bell from Oakville spent Sunday with his mother. Mr. .and Mrs, !J. IR Dunlop and two children Lois an'd Wayne, of Kincardine, were Sunday guests of Mr. .and Mrs. H. W.Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison C. Morse (nee Mary (Jean Case) of Roxbury, N.Y., have been visiting this week with the •lather's parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. 'Case, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Case have re- turned after spending the winter .in Detroit. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Scofield and daughter, of Detroit. !Rev. Dv. !Hurford is attending Synod in. London this week, Miss Bessie Grieve, .of Cltatltam, spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Grieve, Mr.'Ed Lawrason of St. George and Dr, Reid 'Edmunds, Brantford, spent Me week end with the 'tatter's mother, Mrs, W. Edmunds, Mr. (fake Sproat of Temagami visited his mother Mrs. James Sproat on Thursday, while 'attending the funeral of a (friend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, ,Arthur Teanierson and children, Kitchener, and Mr, and Mrs. Regh'r and daughter .01 Waterloo visited Sunday at the 'par- ental home with Mr. and Mrs. R. Strong. Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Neelin have returned •from Toronto. Miss Lois Sloane and Miss Kay Wilson, Toronto, have been visiting Mrs. Maude Sloane,' i Walker's FU UNDERTAAL KINGE —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- Sevnment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 MANLEY Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert and Mrs. C. IP. Sills and •family. were 'visitors in our 'bung last Sunday. Mr. lFred 'Eckert is (busy this week finishing seeding on the Hughes farm. Mr. Albert Seaman is 'busy repair- .ing pumps, windmills and cream sep- arators, as he is an expert at the re- pair work. Mr. °Frank Dempsey is giving up farming as he says farming doesn't pay. His many friends wish 'him suc- cess in his new undertaking. It seems strange 'that so many of the pioneer harms where so many large. families flourished are dying idle with 'popu4a tion decreasing. Prosperity seems to still be on the wane. So long as the workers of the soil can't make ends meet and it's a :blow• to oar 'towns which once 'flourished. It seems that `all capital has moved to the cities. Last Tuesday night's frost - has damaged the fruit crop. Sane :But Forced To • Live With Lunatics An article in The American Week- ly with the May :115 issue of The De- troit Sunday Titnes, . reviews recent lawsuits concerning sane ;people 'who were "'ch'ained among !the insane," including a wife who got out .of the, asylum she says sher husband and "the other woman" drugged her into. OLD dl: NEW TYNE BORN .Sinclair—Int Scott 'Memorial Hospi- tal, Seafonth, on Saturday, !May 7th, d938, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sinclair (nee Mary .Reid), ,185' Broughdale Ave., London, a son '(!Frederick George). Crich.—At St. !Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. !George Crich, a son, Maloney--I'n Scott 'M'emorial Hos- pital on Friday, May 6, 19316, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, MdKillop, a daughter. Moylan—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sunday, May 8, 419518, 'to Mr. and Mrs. (John Moylan, Seaforth a daughter, Strong—In Scott 'Memorial Hospi- tal, on Monday, May 9, 1938, to 'Mr. and Mrs. John Strong, .Seaforth a son. Krauskopf — In• Scott Memorial Hospital, on °Monday, May 9, !1938, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Nicholas 'Krauckopf, Dublin, a son. Knox—In Scott Memorial 'Hospi- tal, on Monday, May 9, +19,318, to 'M'r. and Mrs. Ward Knox, B!lyth,, twin sons. Brown—In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, May '1:0, 11938, to Mr. and Mrs. iRoy Brown, Seaforth, a daughter. Jones --In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, May hl, .1933, to Mr, and Mrs, lFran'k Tones, Clinton, a daughter. PAGE FIVE BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Jamieson spent a few days in Hamilton and Toronto, While' in Hamilton Mrs. ffannieson attended the wedding of Mr. Stanley (Reid, Mr. and Mrs, E. Schilbe of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. G. Swan. Miss Hazel Haugh of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bough. "Mrs. Margaret McKenzie and Mrs. Lottie McAsh who .have been visit- ing Mr„ and Mrs. °Frank McKenzie of St. Louis have returned to their Nome here.. Miss Genevieve Smith spent the week end in Biluevale. Mr. John 'Smith of B:iuevale is vis- iting his daughter, Mrs. H. F. Berry. Mr. :Melvin Snider of Wirgham spent the week end at his home here. 'Miss 'Evelyn 'Grainger- di Stratford spent a day 'last week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Austin ,Za'p.fe visited 'their little son Who is in 'Victoria hospital, London, on Sunday, and we are !glad to say they found him improving. Mr. G. Voth .of Detroit visited •Mr. C. D. Simpson. The May meeting oaf the Women's Association was held in the S. S. room on Wednesday, May i4lth. This being visitors' day there was a good attendance. The devotional part was taken by Mrs, A. T. Scott. We open- ed by singing hymn 121631 The Scrip- ture reading was taken from the 166th Psalm. This was 'followed by prayer by Mrs, 13. MoQueen. 'Hymn 488 was stung and closed with the Lord's prayer. The (President took the chair. The minutes of the last .meeting were read and adopted. The roll caul was responded to by 43' members. A short program followed with violin selec- tion by Miss 'Eva Stackhouse, read- ing by Miss Margaret Henry and a playlet entitled A Bachelor's Dream .put .on by a number of the mem'ber's of the society, which was very much enjoyed. This was !followed Iby a sale of aprons, home-made candy, seeds and lb.ulbs. A very dainty 'lunch was served by the inembers. The United :Farm Women will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday afternoon, May 18th, at the home of Mr. 'and 'Mrs. rJ. Cairns. ,Roi'1 call "An Economical 'Recipe." Mrs. McQueen will have charge of the social pro- gramme. At the April meeting roll call was answered with housecleaning hints, Many good suggestions were given, Letters front members of par- liam'eirt were read by Mrs. Stackhouse, Mrs, Buchanan and Mrs, ,IdeLachlan. Letters ,from provincial president and secretary were read by 'Mrs, Douglas and Mrs. McQueen. 'Questions from central Office were answered by Mrs. Snider and :Mrs. Cairns, The topic, "Thrift in home economics was well given by 'Mrs, Clifton and Mrs. :Nes- bit. Mrs, Douglas had charge of the social programme. A reading, "The Lord will take care of you," was read by Miss Marks, 'Mrs. •Spider's piano solo'was appreciated by all. A nnunber of riddles were asked by the .one in charge. After singing the closing ode lunch was served 'by the hostess and friends. The .Huron 'Presbytery of the Young People's Union will be held in the church mere next Saturday morning, sifternoon and evening. In the evening `Rev. J. B. Moore of: Grand Bend will give his illustrated 'lecture on Palestine where he visited last summer. All are cordially invited to hear this lecture. Mothers' Day service was 'observed here at the morning service fast Sun - DANCE!: AT KIP:PEN ON Friday, May 13 with 'ARTHUR'S. Radio Orchestra A lot of fun on an unlucky night. 'General Admission: 30 Cents DIED Knox—dun. Seaforth on Tuesday, May 1110, 1.9138. the twin sans Of Mr. and Mrs. • Ward'Knox, Blyth. FOOT BALL South section schedule :for,Huron Football League in Stephenson Cup series: Winthrop at St. 'Calumban, May 1310; Walton at Clinton, May 213; Seaforth at St. Colunilhan, May 'B6; Winthrop at Watton, May 131; Clit- ton at Seaforth, June 2; St. 'Co'lu'tnlban at Winthrop, Untne 6; Seaforth' at Walton, -'June 9; St. •Columlban et Clinton, fiiune 1110; Clinton at Walton, June 13; Winthrop at Seaforth, June 114; Clinton at St. Colunuban, June 117; Watton .et 'Winthrop, jute .171; St. Colurn'ban at Walton, June 30; Winthrop at Clinton, .June 213; Wal- ton at Seaforth, dune 1214; Walton at St. C•olum,bau, 'June 1217; 'Seafortli at Clinton, June 08;'Clinton at Win- throp; June .310; Seaforth at Win: throp, July 4. TO REBUILD SIDEWALK (Continued from Page 1) $1;40000,, A special meeting of the council will be held to strike 'the 'tax rate. There was discussion in regard to the proposed addition to the 'Collegi- ate Institute. 'No further progress was reported. The Finance 'Report was given as follows: (Jas. V. Ryan, salary, '$60.00 H. Snell, salary, $710.00; D. H. Wilson, salary and sundry payment, $515.08; Alice M. Hudson, salary, $117.33; Thos. Storey, wages. $60.00; 3. Gal- braith +& Son, acc., *100.00; Can, Nat'l Rys., crossing protection, $3512; L. Everhart, acc„ I11,00; (John Stewart, e;oc., l$4.4151; lJohn 42egier, acc„ $115,10; Bell Tel Co'y, acc„ $3.7S; Dept. of Pu'btic Health, insulin. $6,113; John, 5, Sclater, acc., t$117.4:5; Huron !Expositor, acc., l$110527; J. J. Lavery.. acc., $10..08; Treas. ,Highlan'd'ers Band, 'gratia, $100; J. A. Wilson, 'pension, l$20.00; :Hugh Wright,. wages. t$1.00; Geo. :Reeves, wages, $1.00; D. H. 'Wilson, cash for relief, Slam; Wnt. Montgomery, acc., $9.10. Motions: Smith.'Reid—That the 'Public • Util- ity Conimission be requested to .place a light on rear lane directly (behind J. E. Keating's store; also that a tight be placed in mbst advantageous place at 'Mrs..Siilery's and Mrs. Weir's on Anne Street. Parke-Keating—That the auditors' report for :1:9,38 be adopted. Sills.Parke—Th'at the estimated re- ceipts and expenditures for 11933 he adopted and By -Law .strilcing rates Ibe prepared. HOME -COOKING SALE AND AFTERNOON TEA Once EachYearYou Buy Chicks On them you pin your hopes for 365 DAYS Therefore, buy wisely and well—buy the best THE ODDS ARE IN YOUR FAVOR WHEN YOU BUY Scott's R.O.P. Sired Barred Rock Chicks or Approved New Hampshires Remember ! You are making your year's big investment. Buy wisely and well. Early orders get preferred delivery. Visitors welcome at all times SCOTT'S 'POULTRY FARM SEAFORTH. PHONE 251- 32 Quite a number from here attended the musical festival at IGoderich 'last Thursday. John 'Robinson taking 3rd place in the .competition. We are sorry to report that Mr. °James Carnie is confined to bed through illness. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh of Bruce - field with their daughter Miss Hazel, and Mr. Wallace Haugh of Tucker - smith, called on friends and relatives at Blake 'and on the town line. and also on the Bronson line, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Turner of London spent the week end with Mrs. Turner's 'parents, \lr, and Mrs. R, N. Douglas, of Blake. clay. \4r; and Mrs. W. McQueen and daughter of Toronto visited with the former's mother, Mrs. 'James Mc- Queen on Sunday. Mfr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser and Mr: Jack Kaiser of Detroit and .Nt, and Mrs. John !Kaiser of 'Hensall visited relatives and friends over the week end. We are pleased to report 'Mr. Har- ry Zapfe is nicely improving from his recent illness at his home here. (Friends of Mr. Hugh McLachlan are sorry to know be has :been seri- ously in the past two weeks at his 'home in Stanley. 14rs. Wes. Harvey visited with Mrs, Wm. Berry on Sunday. Friday, May 13 IN M'R. ROUTLEDGE'S VACANT STORE, SEAFORTH, FROM 3 TO 5:30 Under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild Of St. Thomas' 'Ohurch Afternoon Tea 115,c STANLEY' At the United Church manse, Sea - forth. on Saturday, 'April 23rd the marriage wns quietly solemnized of Olive \1., younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erratt of Stanley Tp., to George Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Chaa-les Stephenson, aliso of Stanley Tp. Rev. T. A. Car- michael officiated, They were unat- tended. The young couple will reside on the Parr Line, Stanley. and have the (best wishes of a host •of friends. Mr, 'Ro:ht. McClinchey and Mrs. W.' Armstrong returned :home on Saturday from e week's pleasant visit with friends at Matilette and (Flint, Michigan, DUBLIN Mrs. A. Rock was a Sunday visitor with Dashwood friends, Miss Florence Smith with her par- ents Mr, .and Mrs. Frank Smith. Mr, and Mrs. John Darling visited friends in .Clifford over the week end. Mrs, IN.Maye has returend having spent the winter months in :Allendale and has otaken an apartment at the home of Miss Hanlen. A large circle of loyal friends of of the late A. A. Colquhoue attended his funeral on Monday at the Church of Chosen Friends. Staffa, The de- ceased man was widely 'known and respected throughout the community. In addition to the regular pallbearers who were immediate neighbors, the honorary .pallbearers were representa- tives of the Hibbert council, McKil- lop, lHibbert and Logan Telephone Co: and .Hib'bert Co-operative Dairy Association. Interment took pldce in the adjoining cemetery, following ser- vice in the Chinch df Friends where Mr. Col'quhoun was minister for a long period. Among the numerous floral offerings were noticed a sheaf ,from the telephone company, wreaths from .township council, from Staffa creamery. a basket from the Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. 1\ -alter 'Grote and Miss Betty Jeffery of Stratford and Mrs. Jessie Litt and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Litt and. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Litt of Mitch- ell fere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Da rling. Mr, E. T. Carroll and W. 'J. Hanley with Guelph :friends. Mrs. 'Gar Smith is visiting_ friends in Hamilton. Don't forget the social evening in St. Patrick's parish hall Tuesday ev'g, May V. Everyone conte and bring your ifriends and have a good time. St.'Colum'ban football club is spon- soring a big dance in Dublin on Fri- day night, and everybody is invited to conte.- Mr. and Mrs. John 'Chief of Kirk- ton visited with the.former's sister, Mrs. .Root. E. Robinson, oh Monday, HULLETT On Friday evening, April 09, about 360 friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Riley gathered in Londes baro community hall to extend their best wishes and 'congratulations to them. Mr. Ross 'Mann accompanying himself on the guitar contributed some vocal numbers which were much enjoyed. Mr. George Carter called the bride and groom to the front. On behalf OE the friends and neighbors Mrssrs. Wesley Hoggart and Tom Leiper presented the :newly married 'couple with a studio touch. Miss Olive 'Moon read the following address: Dear Ben and Marion. We, your !friends and neighbors, are gath- ered here tonight of this happy oc- casion to show our esteem and res- pect for you, Your willingness and cheerfulness in helping with many activities in the :community have en- deared you to us, 'We realize that you have proved yourselves to be real sports. Asa token of our high regard 'for you we ask you to accept this studio couch. We trope you will nave as much pleasure in receiving it as we have in giving it. We are pleased that you have chosen our community for your future 'home. Our best wishes go with you for a long, happy and prosperous married life. Mr. Riley replied in a very pleas- ing manner, expressing thanks and appreciation, and extending a kind invitation to all present to visit then in their Moine. The young couple were the recipients of many more valuable and useful 'gifts from their many friends and relatives. The rest of the evening was spent in dancing. A delicious lunch Was served by the ladies present. ELIMVILLE Miss May (Jones of London is vis- iting. with her cousin, Mrs. Nelson Coul'tis, . Mr, .and Mrs. Hy. Ford and fam- ily, also Miss .Eula Herdman visited with dna Ford who is recuperating from an operation for appendicitis at St, (Joseph's Hospital, London. Quite a large crowd attended the special church services for Mother's Day which was held in the afternoon STAFFA Mrs, J. MacDonald and children of London were recent visitors with her parents at the Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. C. Treffry, London, are visiting with Mr. E. and Miss J. Treffry. Mr. Clarence Norris, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. W. O'Brien and Don- ald were Sunday visitors in 'Grimsby with relatives, . The W.:14, S. are taking charge of the church service on Sunday morn- ing nest when the guest speaker will be Mrs. Jno. MacDonald of London. Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown were in St, Thomas attending the funeral of Mr, Brown's sister, the late bvirs,. •Gray. Mr. and Mrs, 117. 1Posliff Of Strat- ford spent mother's day with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. T. Drown. Mr. and Mrs. J. M, (Gray and !fam- ily were mo'ther's day visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. 13. :Livingstone Miss' Sylvia Tuffin spent the week end in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Sadler, Mr. and Mrs A. Jeffry and Spencer were Sum - day visitors with Mrs. A. Earl near Whalen, Mr,\P. tP.arsons enet with an. accid- ent oa Saturday afternoon when the truck with which 'he was trucking 'cattle burned over near the creamery. Fortunately very ;little damage was done and Mr. Parsons and son: escap- ed injury. The Mother's Day program 'was !fol- ,Miss Hannah 'Poi.lerd, Woodstock,' Vowed. spent the week end with Mrs, A. A. A good number attended the must- Colq'uhoun and attended the futteral cal festival held in !Exeter last Friday ancl Saturday. Winchelsea school p'u- pils' work reflectedcredit • to their teacher, Mr. L Weill, Crediton. of the 'late' Mr. :ColgtIhoun. The Chiselhurst Y.13, intend ores - 'cluing their play in the hall reit week.