HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-04-28, Page 5D "' THURSDAY, APPRIL 28, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PdliBMW BIG 5 DAYS ANNUAL SPRING SALE April 28, 29, 30 and May 2 and 3 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE PER TIN HILLCREST SHORTENING 2 LBS. 23 C 10 LBS.C AYLMER PEACHES, Halves or Sliced 2 TINS 25 c CORN STARCH " Durham or ,Canada ........... . . . . . . 2 PKG. GREEN GIANT TOMATO JUICE LARGE 20 oz. size ... . .. . . 5 TINS ,,(51 tin's to a customer) Superior Baking Powder, 16 oz. with 1 Shaker Salt Free 25c Royal York Coffee, is per tin..37c Royal York Tea, %s, Mixed or Black per pkg, 30c Fry's Cocoa, r/zs per tin 22c Ingersoll Creani Cheese, small per pkg. 14c Ingersoll Malted Cheese, Ya per pkg, 15c McLaren's Jelly Powders 4 pkg. 19c Weston's Spring Blossom Pink & White Marshmallow Biscuits per tb. 19c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish Paste per tin 12c 2 in 1 Liquid Shoe Polish, Black or White per btl. 15c Hawes Floor Wax .. .. %s -23c; is 43c Hawes Floor Gloss pints 59c Magic White Bleach 3 btl. 25c Manning's Cello Cookies Cocoanut per pkg. 15c Manyflowers Toilet Soap 4 cakes 15c Heinz Tomato (Ketchup—Large 'bottle each 19c Pure Lard, is 2 lbs. 27c Bee -Hive Corn Syrup... 2s -19c; , , , , .. , ... , 5s 39c Hershey's Cocoa ....1/5s -9c; , ..%s -18c; Is 28c Hershey's Chocolate Syrup 52A oz. -10c; 16 oz. 25c Christie's Ritz Biscuits, 8 oz. per pkg. 17c Tea ,Bisk--Medium size per pkg. 21e Vi -Tone 6 oz. -27c; 12 oz. -47c; 24 oz. 87c Kellogg's All Wheat and Aeroplane 2 pkg. 25c Libby's Catsup, 12 oz, per btl. 15c Asparagus Tips, 12 oz, per tin 21c " Prepared Mustard, 9 oz, per jar 10c " Cooked Spaghetti, 16 oz, 2 tins 19c " Dill Pickles, 21,4s tins each 21c " Homogenized Baby Food 2 tins 19c " Pork & Beans, 21 oz. 3 tins 25c " Deep Brown Beans . 2 tins 21c " Homemade Style Pickles, 15 oz, per btl. 18c GRANULATED SUGAR 2s squat 25c -We hews yotvt ?tee Rinse REDEEM COUPONS HERE YOUR COUPON AND 1 FREE CAKE LUX SOAP WITH PURCHASE OF ONE Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE PHONE 8 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -and— EM•BALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 fILLSGREEN ,-M.,_.. A number of the ladies attended :the eG.oshen ladies •meeting on Thursday alfternoon. • Mrs. James . Jarrott spent a day ,with her sisters, :M'rs..Logan and Mrs. Har- vey, at Hensel!. Mrs. Robert Hopkins of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her sister, .Miss (Edna Cochrane, who returned to ;her 'home this week after spending the past few :weeks :with her sister, 'Mrs. F. Farquhar in Hensel!. Mr. and :Mrs. Ross Love (visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (John ':Mc - •Ewen of iHensall. The Young ,People are holding their anniversary service on Sunday even- ing, May :Sth. ;Rev, Peters of .Varna will be the guest speaker. Mrs. F. 'Farquhar of Hen'sa'll spent the week end :with .her brother, Allan Cochrane. Mr. Wm. J. ljarrott attended the Presbyterial in Exeter on Tuesday as a representative of the :Kipper and, :Hillsgreen charge. EGMONDVILLE (Continued from Page 1) at Exeter. The guest speaker .for :the meeting was Mrs. IR. W. Craw, who was introduced Iby Mrs. A. W. Shep- herd. Mrs. Craw spoke itt a most in- teresting wav of the (Rise of the 'Kingdom of God in Japan. We should honor the Christians of 'Japan. (Kay- awa, the :foremost Christian, ,carie from ;Japan. A closing ,Hymn with Mrs. Harvey ,Moore at the piano was followed by prayer by Mrs, Shepherd, CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jewett are wear- ing a happy smile 'these days. It's a girl, born in Scott Memorial :Hospi- tal, (April 2Sth. lOn Monday, April 11Sth, Mrs. W. Britton was called to the :bedside of her youngest sister, Mrs. (Fred Treb- beck, of Forest, owing to her serious illness. She passed away on Saturday, April 21Ist, Mr, Wm. Britton, 'Helen and Edith, attended the funeral of Mrs. Trebbeck on Monday, and Mrs. Britton returned home with them. Miss Donelda Adams and. Miss Helen Britton attended the O.E. A. :held' in Toronto ,Easter week. Mr, and (Mrs. :Austin Dexter and daughters Norma and (Fern , visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy :Cunningham ,near Auburn on Sunday. - Seeding is pretty well under way. HENSALL :Mr. and Mrs. :Albert Whitesides and daughter :Jean of Kitchener called on ,friends in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.:J,fnks and Mrs. Manley Jinks visited in WinEitam on Monday. Mrs. Peck accompanied :by her son and daughter 'Ronald and :Elaine, of Clinton, visited over the week end with friends in town, Current Crop :Report Bruce County reports egg receipts heavy with gtuaiity so far ,particularly good. 'Interest is being shown there in soil testing. Increased prices for cattle in Grey 'county have made things brighter for farmers •who are' Deeding cattle. Most farmers in Lincoln have: plenty of bay and coarse grains on. Band to feed the stock until pastures' are ready and ors the whole dairy cat- tle are in good flesh. Wheat looks very promising in Wentworth, (Fields have made goad growth and are very green, In Nortltunnb•erlaesd •Ootunty the de- mand for horses.continues unabated. Upwards of 151010 western horses have been sold by .auction at 'Campbeliford this winter at prices ranging from 1112'S to $117i5 for fair quality horses, TOWN TOPICS PAGE FIVE' (Hisses 'Claire, ,Kay and dean, O'Han- ley of Parkhill spent the week end at the home of their uncle, Wm, L. An- derson, 'MdKnllop, Mrs, :Annie Reid has returned to her borne on West street after an ex- tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Sinclair, at Broughdele. Mrs. Sinclair and Ibaiby son, Jimmie, are visiting 'Mrs, Reid at present. Mr. .and Mrs. Duncan (Munro left .Cast week to visit relatives in Chicago and Winnipeg. Mrs. Ray Mason and son 'Ronnie of Oakville are spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Dale :Nixon, and visit- ingfriends in Bru'eefield. Mr. Larne Morse 'and sister, Miss .Ethel Morse, moved to Seaforth from Listowel 'las't week, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brat ,and Mrs, M, Desborough from Detroit spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Eckert. Mr. C. Eck - art returned with them after en 'ex- tended visit with his daughter •in De- troit on his return trip from Chicago: Mr. :Russell. Sproat spent a .few days in Waterford and was accom- panied on his return 'by Mr. Nelson •Govenlock who spent the week end. Mr. !Gordon Cook of :Kainesville is moving into the .house in :Egmond- vi'lle being ,vacated the latter part of the week 'by Mr, and Mrs, Russell Sproat who are moving to Waterford. Mrs, 'W. W, 'Cowan returned (from Owen Sound where she spent the .winter with Mrs. Brigham who ac- companied her to' Seaforth Saturday. Mrs. Johnston .McElroy leaves on Thursday ,for an extended visit at London. - Dr. John Mc'Faul . and .daughter Mrs (Dr.) Couch and two sons .and daughter, all of Toronto, were guests during the week end with Dr. Mc- IFaul's sister, Mrs. j. Mullen .and Mr, Mullen. Miss May' Austin of Southsea, Eng., is a guest of Mfrs. Chas. Holmes. Mr, Chas, Clarence of the Huron Road, has purchased the :house be- longing to the Hohlbein Estate, near the Collegiate, .Mr, McKenzie, recent- ly from the 'West, who has been liv- ing on the Beattie farm„ North ,Road, has purchased and moved to :Mr. Clarence's farm a mile and a' half east of Seaforth. Miss Edythe Storey and _Mr. Bry- son tMdQuartier of .Huntsville :spent !Easter week at the hone of the for- mer, :5Lr, and 'Mrs. P. Storey. Liss Mary Kling, RN., of Hamil- ton was a visitor Saturday and Sun- day at her hone. Mr. W. J. Finnigan and,, Mr. Har- old Finnegan are spending Thursday in Toronto. The residence in 'Egmondvi1te which will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Alf Brown who aro tnoiiag shortly from M:aKillop, is being stuc- coed and otherwise improved, A Toronto main was injured in: an. acoident a mile west of Dublin at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon when a rear tire of his ,car blew out. He and his mother were (brought to Seaforth hospital. BORN Jewett—In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Monday, April :251th, `11938, to Mr. and •Mrs, Wm. R. 'Jewett, 'Land- esboro, a daughter. ANC IN DUBLIN ON Friday, Apr. 29 SHORTY GRANT AND HIS 10-IPSEOE MUSIC Admission - 35 cents OLD AND NEW-TYME DANCE! IN KIIPPEN Friday, Apr. 29 'ARTHUR'S RADIO BAND One of the most popular '`!Old-tyme" Bands in Western Ontario. This will be their :first engagement in this loc- ality. (General (Admission 30 tents PL "DON'T DARKEN MY DOOR" A Three -Act Comedy .Presented by the Young People': Society of 'Durham under auspice; of the Choir of :First Presbyterian C(uurch ,in Cardno's •Hall, SEAFORTH Fri. Ap ri129 At 8:15 P.M. Admission 25 cents ROP sou . , CHICKS BLOOD-1ESPED COYERNMEPIT APPROVED. FLOCKS A SPECIALIZED !BREED- ING FARM UNDER THE DOMINION GOVT. POUL- TRY POLICY. EACH YEAR A RECORD FOR SALES. ,SATISFIED CUSTOMERS TALK. 11 9 .0. pl M. JCKS Nfaerm BLOOD -TESTED GOVERINEINr RECORDED FLOCIISE y VALUE RECOG'NI'ZED BY LEADING POULTRYMEN. THE TREND SS NOW FOR R.O.P. STOCK. TENTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR TRAIPPNESTING UNDER RJO,P. INTERESTING! ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, 20 :PAGES, FREE. SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM PHONE 251 - 32 Seaforth WINTHROP The euchre and dance held in the hall on Friday evening was welt at- tended, Those winning prizes were Ladies, most games, Mrs. iOry lle Dale; ladies' lone hands, Mrs, Tony Aptpl'eby, men's most games, .Mr. Lu- ther Saunders, and men's lone hands, Mrs. -Charles :Mann. A few, hours were spent in dancing, - Mrs. Samuel .Somers of Detroit spent Sunday with her brother, ,Mr. 'John Bullard. 'Mr. ' S'am" Rennie of Sundridge called on some of :his old friends in the village during Easter holidays. Mrs, Mae Dorrai ce of Seaforth, Mr, Nelson 'Govenlock and 'daughter Lois of Waterford called on Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Eaton on Sunday. Mr. 'W'm,'Chapman of Seaforth speut'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wnt, Trewartha. Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Eaton and Larry, Kenneth and Donnie Eaton. spent Sunday with 'Mr. and .Mrs. Alonzo Snarling of Wroxeter, :Mr, John. Armstrong spent a week with relatives in :Belgrave. AUBURN Mr. Geo Disney and Mrs. 11, Rcn- derkeneet of Detroit are visiting Mr. and Mrs Geo, Beadle. Mr, IJ,:R. Ross of :Beaverton is vis- iting Mr. and `Mrs. T. S. Johnston, Mr, Oliver Anderson was in Tor- ronto for the week end. Teachers who have returned to their schools are Miss Margaret Fer- guson to :Parkhill, Mr, (Eugene Dobie to Ottawa, Miss Dorothy :Wilson to Sheppard'ton, Miss Violet Sharpe to Dashwood and 'Miss Mabel 'Foster of Steppardton to Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3d, Sheppard and Tom spent Sunday with 'Mr. Shep- pard's mother at 'Brampton. On their return they were accompanied by (Joan and Reid Sheppard :who spent the Easter vacation with friends .at Toronto and Brantford. Mrs. Jas. Howitt who spent the winter months with :her daughters Mfrs, Percy Manning and Mrs, Hugh Chesney has returned to her home. •Mr. Geo. Disney, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Johnston, Laura Phillips and J. R. Ross were in London on Monday, - Mt jas. 'Brundrit spent the week end with friends in :Mitchell. Mrs. M. J. Plunking has returned to her home in 'Clinton after visiting with Mrs. C. A. Howson. :,14r. Wen. Mather of Parkhill spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. :Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Sclater of Seaforth, Mrs. Russell King, 'Pauline and Donald visited with Mrs. Stewart of Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry •Fremlin of Clinton visited with the latter's mo- ther. Mrs. John Ferguson. Mr. 'and Mrs., 'Russell Armstrong and family of London visited on Sunday with Mrs, M. Armstrong, Miss Josephine 'Weir took part in the musical :festival in Stratford on Saturday. Master Jack Hamilton of IGoderich visited ,with :Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ham- ilton, Miss Beryl Wilson has returned to Stratford (Normal, M•iss 'Mary Asquith has returned to her home here following an operation for appendicitis at ,Goderich :Hospital, Water is (being piped from :Gordon Taylor's well across the road to Mr Jeremiads Taylor's, (Jas. Johnston's and Charles As:quith's. . 'Miss Bertha Wagner of Toronto is visiting .her parents;' Mr, and .Mrs. J. Wagner, Mr, and (Mrs. Edward Sillery and family .of 'Exeter visited with Mr. and Mfrs Harry Govier o'f, :Auburn. The 'local Institnte,ntet on Tuesday afternoon in the Foresters' Hall with Mrs. 'Edgar Lawson: in ,charge. Letter of appreciation for :card sent.was read from Mrs. Wm. Craig. A letter was read froiu Miss McDermond regard- ing the girls' convention to be held in Guelph on May !illi -;12,:113. at was decided. that (Josephine Weir and Mary :Dblbie attend with 'Elsie Snell and 'Matljorie Toll ac alternates. The Want and For Sale (Ads. 3 weeks, 510c ANNOUNCING New Managernent for B. A. Service Station, Seaforth Mr, Lorne Morse has taken charge of the B. A. Service Station, Goderich Street East, and your patronage will be appreciated BRITISH AMERICAN FOR COOL SMOOTH DRIVING When your car fails to pick up speed when you step on the accel- erator, or you have to drop into second gear when climbing a slight grade, perhaps it's because of the kind of gasoline you are using. Stop in and get a tank full of our British American Gasoline, and see what a difference it will make in the running of your car . . : and the price is no higher than ordinary gasoline. GAS - OIL - SERVICE - REFRESHMENTS LORNE MORSE B. A. SERVICE STATION Goderich St. East Seaforth Fabrics'are the Vogue for Spring ... Smart fabrics on this new style last with lustrous patent leather trimming gives that tailored appearance that will enhance any Spring ensemble. Designed to provide the utmost in com- fort and style. Priced of $5.00 SMITH'S SHOE STORE SEAFORTH election of officers followed for 1938- 39: Hon. President, .Mrs. (Jas. Woods, President Mrs. Edgar Lawson. 1st vice presMrs, Herbert Mogridge, 2nd vice Mrs. J. J. Wilson, sec.-treas., Margaret King. district director: •Mrs, Geo. Hamilton, Press secy., Mrs: Fred 'Ross, pianists, Mrs. R. J. Phil- lips, Sadie Carter and Mrs. Wm, Craig; visiting connnittee, .Mrs. 0. :E, Erratt, (Mrs. Chas. Howson, Mrs, Gordon Taylor and 'Josephine Weir. Directors, Mrs. Geo, Sturdy, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. Geo. Bean, Ides. Fred Ross, Mrs. Earl IRaith'by, Mrs, J. J. Robertson and Mrs. IJ. C. ,Stoltz, Auditors, Mrs. (Jahn Thompson and Miss Viola Thompson. The president moved a vote of thanks to the pro- gram :committee for their work during the year. The grogram included a reading by Bernice Lawson, solo by, Miss Margaret (Ferguson accompanied' by Mrs. R. 3. Phillips. Mrs. Fred Ross read a paper an "Methods of Olden Days," wihidh was trepared by Miss Margaret Small who is no -w liv- ing in Toronto, Mrs. (Fred Oster, the district president, will attend' the next Meeting and will speak on'. "Peace." A dainty ten cent tea was served by :Mrs. Harty ,Armstrong, Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Misslfiarg- aret King. A New Comic By Walt Disney Every week. in The Detroit Sunday Times. starting with the issue of May '1:, you will find "'The Practical 'Pig," a new comic by Walt Disney, star- ring"The Three Little Pigs" and "The Big Bad Wolf" in a weekly fun riot. Boys and !girls, adults, too, will enjoy this comic scream, HIBBER':T` After a ,prolonged illness, Patrick Morris passed away on Friday, April ll2nd, at the homeofhis niece, Mrs. Josephine' Morris, .where he ,had gone to spend an afternoon. He suffered an attack of coronary 'thrombosis and he was unable to 'be removed to ' the home of :his son, Thomas, with whom die was residing. (Deceased was :born in tHi Bert township 7:8 years ago and he lived there the greater part of his life, retiring from farming about ten years ago when he moved to Dublin. His wife, formerly Margaret 'Murphy, died :ten years ago. Since that time his sister, ,Mrs. Michael MdQuaid, has lived with !him. :He is survived (by two sons, Thomas of .Hibbert and Al- bert, manager of :the Bank of Com- merce, (Regina, .Sisk., also one daugh- ter, Mrs. Louis Dorsey, Dubin, Also surviving is one sister, Mrs. McQuaid, Dublin, and one 'brother, James, liib- 'bert 'township. The funeral was held on Monday morning from the home of his son, Thomas Morris, lot 27, con. 7, ,Hibbert, to St. Colum ban Church.. Interment'•iv'as in the St. Coluntlltan' cemetery, In nine breeding station districts in Canada, ,saddle and hunter horses, and horses Dor Police, remount, and light' delivery purposes, are being produced in considerable numbers. This type of horse is :in keen demand, in Canada and, in the 'United States, and there is little likelihood of any decline in ,pop- clarity. , v.