HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-04-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR This iA a picture of wood bee at Mr. Archie Armstrong's, Bronson Line, Stanley. Those aresent— Messrs. Thoma e Westlake, Carl Houston, Bill Elliott. Harry Tack - eon, Len Talbot 'jack Scotchmer Jr., Bill and Russell Heard. Joe and John Wild, Harold Perileale. 'Jack Penhale, Gordon Scotchmer, Tom Scotchmer. Reeve Fred Watson, John Weteon, 'Roy Sotchmer, Bert Dunn Jr., Clarence and Harv-ey Hohner, Jack alcCliaehey, Albert McClinchey, Milton !Pollock not in pilaw). Mr. Armstrong, and Billy, Matthew 'CoIlea THE SEAFORTI-1 NEWS Snowdon Bros. Publishers WALTON The United Farm Women Will meet at the home of Mr. :A. McCall on Wednesday, April '201th. at 2 p.m. Mrs, Leonard Learning will give a paaer, The Use of Books and Good Reading and Mrs. C. Cumming will give a paper on "Co-operation." The roll call to be answered with "A good book I have read recently and its au- thor." Dr. and Mrs. ,Kaine and little on of -Winnipeg spent the past week with Mr. and Mre. Bert Anderson. The Ladies Guild and W.A. of St. George's Church met at the home of alre. Bert Anderson on Wednesday last, Mrs. Scarlett presided and the Meeting opened with a hymn, fol- lowed by player by Rev. Mr, Gra- ham. Business was discussed and a reading was contributed by Mrs. Wm. Mills of Blyth and a vocal duet by Misses Beth Shannon and Mary Humphries. The Wea. then 'held their meeting with Mrs. Humphries are4d- ing, and opened with a hymn and the W, A. prayer in unison. Business dis- cussions were held and Mrs. Graham Played a piano solo. Grace was sung and lunch served. •An Easter service with special Eas- ter music will be conducted in the Anglican Church at Walton at 230 p. m. Sunday. KIPPEN The 'Kippen East W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. James Tarnbull on Wednesday alternoon, April 20th. To- pic on rayon will be taken by :Mrs, G. McLean and Mrs. Rathburn and the roll call will he mall courtesies worth observing. Maeter Grant McGregor, son of Mr, and 'Mre. Robert McGregor. has re- turned home after spending three weeks with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Jackson, Brucefield. WINTHROP The young people of S. S. No. 6, Monica, are presenting their play "The Colonel's Maki" in Winthrop 'hall on Tuesday evening April 'la. The play will be followed by a dance. • BAYFIELD Dutot-Atwood.— A quiet wedding took place at the Rectory. Barfield, on Saturday even- ing. April lath at 8.310 o'clock. when Delores Isobel, dau.ghter of ArLingtori Atwood and the late Mrs. Atwood of Detroit, became the bride of Alvin Dutot, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dutot of Brumfield. The bride was becomingly gowned in .blue crepe with matching, accessories. Miss Maude Parker, wearing a smart green suit, ;vas bridesmaid and 'Fred West - On Tuesday afternaau about 35 girl following the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker 'where the wedding dinner wee served. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to the young couple who are residing in Bayfield, A number of the ladies of Bayfield gathered at the home of the newly- weds on Monday evening and pres- ented them with a shower, Mrs. Bristol Of Washinatom D.C., who has a cottage in Bayfield, arriv- ed here for a few weeks vacation. She is 'staying at The Little Inie Mks Manson, who spent the wint- er with her brother in New jersey, ha e returned to Bayfield and has an apartment in the Elliott block. The local ashermen have their nets set but the catch has been light so far. Mr. and Mrs. Claaton Weston of Flint, Mich., was calling on relatives and friends in the village last Sunday. Miss R. Taylor has returned to Bayfield for the summer. Mr. and Mr, R. Reid, who occupied Miss Taylor's house during her absence, have moved into Mrs. Tough's house. Mr. Sopher, engineer of the Public Works Dept., London, was in Bayfield for a few days last week on besiness. Last Friday night we experienced one of the worst storms of the winter. STANLEY Word has just been received of the death of Mrs. if. A. Currie of Toronto which occurred quite recently at her home in Toronto. Beyond the fact that her death occurred very sudden- ly no details have reached us. 0 Personally designed by Dr. M. W. Locke, the most eminent foot specialist in the world, to assist the majority who can. not attend his clinic at Williamsburg and to help foot sufferers to regain nor- mal balance of the body and correct walking posture. The magic comfort of M. W. Locke Shoes is the real 4 -point combination lasts: Unexcelled toe .• space. el.Sufflclent spread across ball of foot. ra Excellent brace '• for central arches. A Snug fitting "T. heels. FOR MEN WOMEN SHOE AND CHILDREN EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Smith 's mith s Shoe Store Seaforth Next to Regent Theatre THE SEAFORTH NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1938 alas, Cerrie's death marks the aass- iag oF. the family of the late Me. ancl Mrs, George Sparks, Sr., of the Bre- son Line. alr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle, Sr., have been visiting their daughter, Hanish at Stoutaville 'over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin and child- ren accompanied by, Mr, Edwin Steckle spent a couple of days af the end of the week at -Mr. Martin's 'form- erahome in 'Waterloo. Lenten services are /being held in Goshen United 'Church this week when the following clergymen will be present and give the ,addresses: Mon- day night, Rev. Mr. Burton, 'Clinton; Tuesday, Rev, IE. IF. Chandler of Kip - pen; Wednesday, Rev, C. W. Cousens, Clinton; Thursday, !Rev. 3, Penrose, Elineville; on Feiday night a secred cantata, "Front Olivet to (Calvary," re- calling the last day of the Saviour's life on earth will be 'given by the young people of the church. 'Goshen ,auxiliary of the W. M. S. are holding their Easter thankaffering meeting in the church on Thursday, April rat, at 2.60. Mrs. Herbert Chiles of London will 'be the guest speaker. .Blake, Varna and Hillsgreen auxiliar- ies are invited. 'Following the meeting a social hour will he held. Mr. and Mrs. lOrral McClinchey, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MoClietchey and Mr. and Mrs, !Elmore Stepheneon witli Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillis, Parkhill, one evening last wage 'Mies Anna Forsythe of Toronto is visiting with her friend, Miss Norene Robinson. Mr. and ales, Tulin Cluff of Kirk - ton spent last Friday with Robt. E. Robinson and family, Mies Dorothy 'Armstrong has re- torned home 'from a visit with friends in Clinton. Mr. Matthew Penhale and daugh- ter Leeta of Si. Thomas spent .the week end the 'guests of Mr. and btrs Thomas Snowden over the week end. Mrs. Agnes Wild has been at Sea - forth for the past two weeks looking after her ,brother ,Peter who pa esed away this week-. CROMART Y. Mr. Malcolm MdKellar and dau- ghter Margaret of Seaforth spent the week end at the horne •of Mr. Alex Miss Christena MaKaig visited rel- atives in 1Kitchener last week. Mee, Fisher of Guelph who Visited her mother •Mrs. Butler last week has returned to her home. MiS5 Elsie 'Glatt:Mc of IGreaton is visiting her grandmother, Mes. Rob- ertson. Mr, John Kinsman left for his home in Saskatchewan on Saturday. A number 'of the friends and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Miss Mary Allen on Thursday evening and presented her with a kitchee shower prior to her marriage to Mr. Harold Coleman which 'Mole place quietly at the home of her parents on Saturday, Lapril ath at noon. The ceremony •was performed by the Rev. 'James Reidie. '1.1‘heir attendants were Miss Grace McLachlan, cousin 'of the bride, and Mr. Clarence 'Coleman, !brother of the groom. The happy couple left 'by mo- tor in the afternoon for points east. Oe their return they will reside, on the groom's 'farm on Staffa line. ST. COLUMBAN Miss Lucy Burke was called home from London last week owing to the illness of her father, Mr. Wm. Burke, who is much improved. Many attended the funeral of Mr. P, V. McGrath in St. Coluneban on Tuesday morning, The C. W. L. are 'holding their Eas- ter Racial on Monday night, April DS. Miss Rita Duffy has returned home after spending two weeks with , 'her aunt Mrs. Mat. 'Coyne of Hibbert, 33RUCEFIELD The Women's .Missioreary Society will hold their Easter ,Thankoffering meeting on Thersday, April lallst, at zao. Along with this meeting an open meeting will be held when all the mis- eionary organizations of the congre- gation will take part, All the women and girls of the ,coenrnanity: are cordi- ally invited, a special invitation is ex- tended to the mothers of the members of the Mission Band and the Baby Band, Rev. Mr. MaKercher will oceupy the pulpit next Sunday at both .morn- ing and evening services. Mrs. Chris Milber of 1Zurica visited with her niece, Mrs. 1Jarvis Horaon over the week end. Mr. gas: MaNatighton and his mo- ther attended elle 'funeral .of the late Mr. A. Ironsieces of London last Th ars clay. Mr. C. Haugh visited 'with his sis- ter, Mrs, Jas. Twitehen Loneloit last week. The 'Un(ted 'Farm Women 'will bold their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and IMes. lArthur Caldwell on Wednesday, April 2elth, at 2 o'clock. Roll call; "Housecleaning Hints." Mies; Audrey Murdoch Who has been convalescing it her home here, 'has returned to her .claties as student, mime at Sarnia Genenal 'Hospital. ' J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come pramptly PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH Wle Aim To Please WELL KNOWN DROVER DIES (continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Peter !O'Sullivan and during his earlier years lived on the homestead, •concession 1.1, where Mr. James O'Sullivan ITOW' TtSideS. Later .he took a farm,. lot 13, .con. 3, ide- Kiliop following his marriage about thirty years ago to Miss •Marg- aret Hastings of IHilebere, continued to live there 'until about five years ago when he mored to lot ipt, con. lb, lacKillop and last 'Fall moved into St. .Columban, Besides his widow he leaves one daughter ,Mes. 'Joseph Moylan alfary) of 'Kitchener; also four sisters and two 'brathersl. Mrs. P. (Farrell, Portland Oregon; Mrs. Joseph Downey, Vancotiver, Wash- ington State; Miss 'Mary :O'Sullivan, alcKillopp ales. Valentine Wilds, Bayfield, and Messrs. 'John arid James O'Sullivan, McKillop; a sister, Mrs. James McConnell, Toronto, prede- ceased 1him IS years ago and a !brother Joseph 29 years ago. The funeral .Mass wee held at St. Calemban 'Church on Wednesday morning April 113 at I110 •o'clock. Rev. Father Dantzer officiated. The Sent- ral took place the „fallowing morning, April 1114, at '10 o'clock from his late residence, St Colemban, to St, Col - timbal] Cemetery, for ineerment. The palabearers were Patrick Flannery, 'Joseph McQuaid. Frank 'Malady, Jos- eph Roach, Dan Cronin, and J. J. Holland. Attending the funeral front a distance were Misses Mary, 'Flor- ence and Lillian 10'Sullivan, all of London; Mr. and Mrs, Earl iO'Hal- loran and afre, Gibson, all of Tar - onto; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan, Kitchener; Mrs. Agnes Wilds and 'fa- mily, Bayfield, Miss Vera \Vilds, Clin- Mn, Mr. William Johnston, London: MANLEY The maple syrup has come to a stop and was the poorest crop in his- tory. The spring-like weather !has every one ready to make a grand charge the coming week. The sad word last Wednesday of the death ef Mr. 1Geoege Leonhardt was a 'shock to the community as he bad been doing his, routine of work, ancl retired as asual. An hour later his wife" found ie had passed away. aie was 'born 178 years ago one mile aram his present home. For years he work- ed at his trade as wagon maker in Brodhagen and made a success of it. Some '30 years ago he purchased the farm 'of the late George Koch %%here the first sawmill of this district was erected in the early days. He made a model home here. He was a self-made man and his word was as good as his bond, aad he was loved by all who knew him. His funeral last Saturday to St. Peter's cemetery was one of the 'largest ever seen. live sympathy of the whole community is extended to the bereaved in this their hour of sad affliction. CONSTANCE The Golden Links Mission Band will hold a crokinoleparty in'the 'base- ment of the churth on Wednesday .evening, April 20th. Lunch will be served. The W.M.S. will hold their Easter Thankoffering on Good Flriday, lAti ISth. Mrs. 'Crew of Winthrop will speak and there will be a ibeautiful sacred 'drama, "A41 for Christ," by the young women of the congregatian. Mrs. Anna 'McLean of Buffalo, 'Mr. Fred Ivallaon of Atwood and Mr. Charles Millson 01 Seaforth, visited their brothers, Mr. and bit's. iDave .Millson and sister's, Mr. anti afree, Peter Lindsay. HULLETT. A quiet 'wedding was solemnized at the St. 'James Presbyterian manse on Saturday afternoon when Mary Ea- phemia Moore, eldest daughter of Mr. and IVIrs. aOseph Moore, of the tenth concession. of Bosanquet Towns'hip, was -united in -marriage to 'James Clar- ence Crawford, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawford, 'of liondesboro, in Hallett Township. The Rev. W. B. •Macocirtim .performed the ceremony, The bride was charmingan a Wallace blue sheer alpaca, !bolero style gown, and wore a grey !English tweed top coat and metalling accessories. The bride and 'bridegroom were attended by Miss Edith Moore and !Joseph J. Moore Jr., sister and 'brother 'of the bride. The bridesmaid wore a sea ,blue 'chiffon gown with matching acces- sories. 'Following a Short .11011eyM0011 Mr. lad 'MTS. Craw'ford will eeside the bridegroonas farm at Lanclesboro. DUBLIN Mr, and Mrs. W. Coins of Kialcora and Mr. and Mrs. Williams were guests af Me. and airs. John -Darling on Sunday. Mee. Wm. Smith is visiting at hex home in 'Caxlingford. The many friends of Mr. Frank McConnell will be sorry to know he is in St. !Joseph's' Hospital, London, for treatment. We wish him a ePeetia recovery, Miss Rata Stepleton, 'Brescia Hall, London, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. MT. Robert MaGrath ,of Detroit and Mrs. Mueller, 'Waterloo, Miss 'Ger- trude arid IPeggy McGrath, Waterloo, visited their mother ales. 'Mary Me - !Grath. • Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Charlie 'Pape were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex Darling on Saturday, The funeral of the late Patrick Mc- Grath was largely attended Tuesday morning at '10 o'cloak at St: Columb - an, Interment 'wee in St. ColuMban cemetery. AUBURN .Mr. ljaak Weir spent 'elle week end in Toroato the guest of Mr. atal Mrs. Geo. Patterson. Jas, 'Breadrit spent the week end with 'friends in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. McWhinney of Crewevisited last Friday with 'Mrs. Fred Ross. Mr. and MTS. Wm. ,Mtclqi of Goder- ich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rolliirson. Mrs. Alice Rabb is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. afeKenzie of Lo- chalsa. Messrs. Thomas end Ben Johnston attended a tire demonstration and lec- Thy la S. with sea- ture at London last Friday. were accompanied by Mrs, 'Johnston and Laura Phillips. Wilbur Lawler is engaged 'Peter Jefferson for the coming son. - Born—On Tuesday. April 15th, to a lett, a tt of Mr. ad Mrs. Roy Daerr-of Hui son, Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman 'Garre Math spent Suaday with Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Robison. Mr. /Peter Glazier hae a, fine _flock of white leghorn hens here witich • have laid fain' large eggs, 'weighing 1111 oz. and one of them measures fiaa" by 7" in circumference. The .regular monthly meeting of the Women' Inetittete will be held in the 'Forester's hall on Tuesday, April la. The current events to be given by Maa Mogridge. Roll call, verse of n 'poem Subject, Mrs, 'Earl Raithby. Election of officers. Hostesses, Mrs, Howitt, Mrs. Plaetzer and Mrs. H. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thompson of Delhi, spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson ,and ether relatives. A meeting was held in Knox 'Unit- ed Church on Saturday afterimon for the, purpose of forming a C.G.I.T. group. Mrs. Charles Strataghan pre- sided in the 'absence •of Doreehy An- derson who was appointed as leader. Mrs. Charles Tall of Blyth grave an inspiring message an the work of the group. The next meeting is to be held on April 30th when this groin) will organize. BL YTH The regular monthly !fleeting of the W.M.S. a the fUnited 'Church was held on Tuesday, April 6; with a good attendance. Meeting opened by sing- REGEN THEATRE SEAFORTH , Now Playing Claudette Colbert Charles Royer in Tovarich MATINEE -4000D FRIDAY . . Mon. Tues. Wed., Apr. 18-19-20 Fred Astaire • with Burns and Allen, • itt Damsel in Distress • with Joan Fontaine A, musical comedy starring Fred As- taire's dancing feet MATINEE—EASTER MONDAY Next Thur. Fri. Sat, Apr. 21-22-23 Wendy .Barrie .Kent Taylor Prescription for Romance with Misha Auer ALSO The Three iViesguisteers itt The Purple Vigilantes —COMING— Stage Door ing hymn 21l5. The president, Mrs. Wm. 'Jenkins read the Scripture les- son. The devotion,a1 leaflet was taken by Mrs. R. A. Brook. During the busi- ness session Miss Mary Lockie and 'Mrs. Brook were .appainted delegates 16 the annual meeting of the Huron presbyterial to be held at James Street Church, Exeter, on Tuesday, April 26th. A chorus was ,contributed by 11 ladies. The Sth chapter of the Study Book, 'Light of the Minds", was taken by Mrs, E. Pollard. The meeting was brought to a close by re- peating the Lord's prayer in unison. Woman's Association— The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was (held in t•he 'basement of 'the church. The presid- ent, Mrs. j. W. Mills, .presided. Meet- ing opened by singing hymn 38. The Lord's prayer was then repeated in -unison. The treasurer, Mrs. 'F. Holly- alma man, reported $5.68 spent in kitchen wr equipment; in bank, $6941. Meeting lapsed by singing 'hymn 1220: Fine 3 -Act Comedy Presented— On Friday 'evening Blyth liVoinan's Association sponsored a three -act comedy, "Eyes of Love," to a splen- did audience, The .cast was as follows: Caroline, 'Negro servant, Miss Helen Ament; ‘Gailya, an adopted daughter, Miss Gladys Fawcett; Retta, a two- faced frientl, Miss Madeline Bell; Bert Wade, Retta's brother, , Sims; Mrs, Barry, ,Gailya's foster mother, Miss id. Hirons; Lora, a lively house- maid, Annie Phillips; Clark, a busy butler, !Phil .Phillips; Judge Barry, ,Gailya's 'foster .iatther, Earl Willows; Royal Manton, Bert's rival, lEb. Ross; Jim 'Rankin, the man -acted friend, Bert Dray. 'Phe play was well pres- ented. The orchestra provided several 'selections before the program .com- me.nced and between acts. It was re- peated on Wednesday evening, April '113th. Swing—The Modern "Pieh. Piper of 'Hamelin" 'Professor Donald A. Laird, Direct- or of Colgate University's Psycholog- ical. Laboratory, explains how the crazy rhythms of the popular, orch- estris can sway young people as well as rats becalm the savage tempos speed up the heart Read the article by Professor Laird in. The American Weekly .with the April .1" issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Want and For Sale Ads., 2 week, 25c. BETTER Chicks and BETTER Pullets You can have both -- and at a Lowerfeed Cost Feed your Chicks SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter and they will surprise you with their size and health. After eight weeks, change to a Mash made with one bag of SHUR-GAIN Developing Concentrate and three bag's of your own grains. If you haven't your own grains, feed SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash. SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER ....... • .. $2.90 per bag SHUR-GAIN DEVELOPING CONCENTRATE..... $3.15 per bag SHUR-GAIN 16% GROWING MASH $2.40 per bag BETTER CHICKS AND BETTER PULLETS ARE THE FOUNDATION FOR MORE EGGS NEXT FALL AND WINTER, INSURE YOUR PROFITS WITH • SHUR - GAIN For Sale lay— . W. E. KERSLAKE, SEAFORTH CANADA PACKERS LIMITED, SEAFORTH CLINTON FEED MILL, CLINTON