HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-03-31, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1938 Swing to Shorter Hair Called for '38 "Up" and "High" Hairstyles f Calling For Foundational Permanent Waves Yon vi:ril)'Ibe delighted With yottr Permanent by our best and , most scientific process ZOTOS * Vapor -Marcel No machine No electricity All Steam Wave 10.00 for $7.50 7.50 for $5.00 PARIS SWIRL PERMANENT 6.00 for CHARM ALL PERMANENT 5.00 for SCHOOL GIRLS' or END CURLS PH 'B' BEAUTY SALON 4.50 t FAVORITE OIL PERMANENT 5.00 for Z.95 3,50 "ALL CURLS" 3.50 for 2.25 SPECIAL PERMANENT 1.50 L95 All PermanentS include Shampoo, Haircut and f. wave Yon may have any style you desire. 13' BEAUTY SALON NE 50 or 18 Main St., Seaforth HENSALL Word was received by relatives here ,on Monday that William Essay. a for mer vveM known farmer of the Hen- safl had 'passed away on Wed- nesday last at Carbery, Manitoba. Mr. Essay has been in ,poor health for several years. About a year ago he suffered a severe stroke from which he failed to recover and has been in a atursing,home in Cariberry since. Ab- out a week ago he was striken again and passed away on •Wednesday, Mr. Essay was born '65 years ago on the . Blind Line. Hay tOwnship, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. :Essay. He, spent most of his early life there and after the death of his parents he con- ducted the farm now owned by Wes- ley Coleman till the farm was Sold, Thirtv-eight years ago be and his bro- ther, 7Francis, went ,west and took up land on • the Carberry Plains near the "village Of Brookdale and where they were well known and successful far - niers. LA feW years ago a large barn on their property was -struck by light- ning and while 'Francis was harrying ito the barn he was Struck by light- ning and instantly killed. 'Neither bro- ther was married. William tEssay came thorny to visit relatives about 35 years ago but has not returned since. When be lived here be was highly respected !by all who 'knew him. He has spent the last 38 years in the west. He was a• good farmer, honest and upright in all his dealings anti will be sadlymissed by all his old neighbors and friends. 'He survived by one brother Thom- as 'Essay of Carberry. Manitoba, and two sisters, Mrs. James Dick of Hen- sel]. and Mrs. Alex Foster if Toron- to. The font:rat took place on Friday afternoon. interment taking plate in the Carberry Cemetery. Mr. Essay's many friends in this district will be - sorry to bear f his death. Miss 'Jennie Taylor f Lo (in spent the week end hrre with friend. Mr lam . Logan and Mrs. Al. Harvey .bave returned to their -home here after a pleasant visit with Sea - forth relatives. Mr. Henry H. 1 -ton has sold his 5(1 - acre far111, vt vf 101 9, con.2, Tuck- ersmith veir, to Mr. Wesley • Green. Mr. Horton is taking Mr. Green', ,r,--1--erty 'here in -part- pay- ment. Mr. Gruen has semred a nice farm. Inspector Beacom Godetich. school inspector :for -West Huron, was perhrming his duties at the nub- ile school here -on Thnrsday. Frit Manns• still continues very poorly, Mr. and Mrs. James W. SonthrOn. who have been spending the winter in Florida, are expected home this week. • Mr. Leslie Rata spent the week end with his family at Mitchell. Mr. lJohn McGregor, who was taken to St. 'Joseph's Hospital, London, for treatment, underwent a serious opera- tion at the hospital on Saturday. Re- ports from- the hospital are that he is now doing a well as .can be expected. The many friends of Mr. M. G. Drysdale will be sorry -to hear that he is confined to hit room suffering from severe attack of inflamatory rheu, =dm Death of Mrs. ,Ben Higgins— The following item will be of inter- est to the older residents of the Lucan -and Varna districts. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Ben Higgins which occurred recently at he home of. a daughter in :Portland, 'Oregon. Mrs. Higgins was 'horn - on the 2nd con. of Ilidclulph Tp., near Inican end was a daughter of the late lir. _ and Airs. john H. .Ryan. After her marriage to Air. Higgins the' moved to Varna where for a number of years Mr. H igg,hk conducted a harness shop ancl 32, years ago they moved to • Strathcona. Alta., where they resided for a number of yeats. Since the death (f her husband she had resided with her daughters in Portland. She k survived by two dati- gliter, NIrs. -Clara Joyce and Mrs. Melissa Chrisinger a Portland, Ore- gon, and one son '..lohn W. Higgins, c,f- Big Valley, Alberta. two brothers.. Eli and Wm., of Michigan, one sister, N1rs. Lavada 'Elbow of Thedf ord, Ont., and a half sister. Mrs. Melissa Haskett id Loa, interment took place in Portland. ,Oregon. The women of the \V. 11.5. of the Vuited Chnreb t-ntertained the mot of the congregati,m at the church on Wednesday evening. Dr. Donald G.. Steer acted as chairman. A very en- joyable program was arranged by the men. The grogram opened by an ad- dress of welcome by the pastor of the churzh, Rev. Arthur Sinclair. Scrip- tunle,,!,on by Roitert. J. Moore, solo by Sam Ronnie. piano 4010 by Dr. vocal. -trio by. W. O. Goodwin,. Lamle -Blowes and Harry Horton, litet by Sam .Rannie and- Dr. Smillie, reading by Walter Spencer. Mr, Ross McKay gave the topic, speaking on blarney and baloney. A feature- of the Program was a catechism- on the ,scriptnres and current events con- ducted by Walter Spencer. A vote of thanks was tendered the men for the PLAYING BALL OnMonday after four a game of soft ball was in progress at Hensall public school when this picture was Snapped by The News. Shirley Hedden is shown batting a fast One hurled by pitcher Alvin Smale. ..program on motion of Mrs. Sinclair 1I and Mrs. 'Charles 'McDonell.....A lunch Was served by ,the ladies and a .social half hour spent. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, ;Farm Stotk .and Imple- ments. T. M. Kelly, !Auctioneer, has received instruictions from the under- signed to sell by pnblic 'auction at Lot 315, 'Con. 16, Logan Twp., about rohree miles north of Dublin, on, Thimsday, April 7. 10138, commencing' at 12 o'clock sharp: Horses—di mare rising 4 years old; -gelding rising years; registered 'Perciheron mare; aged brood Mare, ,filly rising twro years old, 1 yearling colt. Cattle --2 fresh Durham COWS with calves; 8 !Durham cows to -freshen in April; 2 Durham heifers in calf, 5 fat cattle, 3 'Durham heifers rising' 2; 4 Durham steers rising 2; 1110 Dur- ham heifers -and steers rising 'Ilk -dual Purpose Shorthorn bull, rising year .old. Hogs -2 broad sows in pig,. 7 .pigs 11215 b, eaCh, 5 shoats. Hens -60 hens. Implements — Deering hinder 7 ft. cut, Massey Harris side rake, Mohssey Harris hay loader, steel land roller, Massey Harris -cultivator, Deering mower. 6 ft cut, Deering manure spreader, 1111) -hoe seed drill. gang ,plow, (Ilse harrow, 2 walking plows, riding plow, farm wagon, roller rack, trailer, light wagon, set of sleighs with !box, scuail.er, p.ulper. gig ,crate, set of harrows, 'grindstone, fanning mill, 2000 lb. truck scales, engine,ancl pump jack complete, top buggy, stock rack, gravel box-, 2 sets heavy 'harn- ess, 1 single harness, extension lad- der, and a ho.st of other articles and tools usually found on a well-equip- ped farm, 1936 Lafayette sedan. tFeed—A :quantity of timothy hay, 100 tboshels of Improved Banner seed oats. 200 .bushels of feed oats, 1.715 hu. of .barley, ,115- bit. of seed 'barley. 'Read 'Estate—This farm .consists of 100 acres in good state of 'cultivation. On the premises is -erected a two story brick house, with 'kitchen and woodshed attaohed; a bank sbarn, 1516 'by 76 ft.; hog pen and, .driving shed. Terms --Of chattels cash. Terms of Farm:120 per cent on day of sale and 'balance in eight days, 'Everything will be sold without reserve to wind up the estate of the late Norman Dillon, John Dillon, .Administrator, T. M. Kelly, Auctioneer, phone 151)1 r 3, Mitchell, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 3111, Con, 6, MdKillop, on Tues- day, Agril lath, starting at .1 o'clock: Horses --11 general purpose mare 112 years old; I team. 9 and 60 years old; 11 driving horse, works single or dou- ble; 3 -year-old colt well -broken. Cattle ---,Durham cow 3 years old, calved 3, weeks; Durham cow 4 year, old calved 4 weeks; 15urhain cow 5 years old calved 3 weeks; Durban, cow 4 years old calved two weeks; Durham cow due to freshen Apr. 117; Dunham cow clue ...lune 15th; 1 dry co -.v for the graSS; 4 steers 2 years old; 4 heifers 2 years old; 2 steers a year old; 4 heifers 1 year cdcl; 5 calves amglements—al. H. binder ,7 foot, nearly new; M. H. fertilizer disc drill; NI. H. hayloader; M. H. cultivator; 11. H. Quebec riding plow; 2 Fleury walking plows; InternatiOnal side de- livery rake, dump rake , mower, 6 foot; Kemp manure spreader; disc; 4 section harrows. stuffier, wagon, gravel box, wagon box, 16 foot hay rack with slide; hay fork, car and pulleys; sling ropes; 150 feet rope nearly new; 21000 lb. scales, 2 'fanning mills; bag truck, set bob -sleighs with flat rack; 5 collars; 2 sets double har- ness; 20 grain bags; 1 bus. -Red Clov- er and timothy seed; root puiper, hot water incubator 2411 -egg capacity, A quantity of elm lumber, sap pan and .60 pails, cream separator nearly new, small ,colony house, some seed oats, '150 bus, mixed grain, 50 bus. -barley, 40 bus. wheat, a quantity .of hay, 2 logging 'chains, .forks, hoes, shovels, etc. Some early 1Eureka ,pot- atoes. Household Effects — 'Extension table. 6 kitchen chairs, 11. white bed and springs, 1 bureau and stand sofa, Imperial !Oxford range, glass cup- board, 3 burner coal -oil stave with oven, churn, gems and other articles too numerous to mention. 'Everything to be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. Terms—Cash or 6 months' credit with 5 p.c. added on good bankable paper. Alfred S. Brown, Proprietor. Geo. H. •Elliatt, Anotioneer. AUCTION SALE I wiN offer for sale at public auc- tion one load of horses at the Hicks' House Barns, Mitchell, on Monday, April 4th, commencing at 1730. These are a choice load of mares and geldings from 4 to 10 years ad, all 'quiet and broken and in 'good shape for the Spring work, weighing from 1250 to moo lbs. These horses will he sold positively without reserve, H. C. Parr, Proprietor, T. M. Kelly, lAuctioneer. "LEAVES NO BRUSH MARKS" SMASHING - .pg:E•sEAsoN: -BARGAINs., FLO-GLAZE . • „. VELVET • 'Washable an'd sanitary Paint -- Artistic -- Soft Tone Finish -9 Beantiful Pastel Shades—Easy to Apply—Thoroughly practical and modem decorative Material for in- teriot.walls, ceilink and woodwork. FLO-GLAZE INTERIOR GLOSS PAINT Provide new color, cleanliness and beauty for your kitchen or bathroom with this high gloss in- terior Paint — washable -- easy brushing and inexpensive to use -- soft pastel shades that have a high light -reflective value. I QUARTS 98c Regular $1.30 GALLONS, $3.59 Regular $4.50 TA GALLONS $1.89 Regular $2.40 UNTIL APRIL 2ND W. J. FINNIGAN Egmondville CARD OF THANKS The Wankel family wish to thank the neighbours and 'friends- for their many acts of kindness and eXpres- sions of sympathy shown them during their recent sad obereavement, TRUCKERS AT'DENTION Tenders want'ed' by the Township of Tockersmith. stating ;price per yard mile for hauling all gravel in the Mun- icipality for 119318. Tenders to be in the 'hands 'of Clerk by April 1151tit, D. IF. MOGIREGIOiR, Clerk, Seaforth, FOR SALE 9 choicepigs, about .7 weeks old. Phone 0413 r 133. Earl Mins. PARIVIS FOR SALE OR RENT Two grass farms, 73 acres, S'5 lot 110, con. 1111, MeKillop; and :510 -acres, SYs' lot 149, con. 2, Hibhert, always ,plenty of water. The late ,Charles and Margaret Hohlbein Estate, Apply to Mrs, Richards, opposite Seaforth Col- legiate. FOR SALE A number of pure ,bred Hereford cows and 'heifers for sale. Price reas- 'onable. Fred H. Carbert, Staffa. Lot 9, Con. .7. Hibbert. FOR -SALE Chatham fanning mill, also a young purebred York hog, ready for service. Lot 29, Coil. 9, Morris. Phone 18 r 9, 13russe1s. Gilbert McCallum FOR SALE A number of young pigs, ready to wean; quantity 'of 0.A. C. No. 21 bar- ley ifit tor seed goad work horse rising 6 years. [Phone 6616 r 1112, ,Clin- ton central. ,James Johnston , Clinton R. R. 4. FOR SALE ao York gigs ready to wean; 3 agri- cultural colt, ,broken, rising 2 years. ,Phone 2138 r 22, Seaforth, COMMUNITY SALE From now wili be held on Fridays. Next sale -Friday, 'April .1,st, at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. 1 cow S' years old, due in 2 weeks, guaranteed right in every way and T. 13. tested; 4 grass cows. al pure bred Angus ibull rising 2 years aid; 50-60 pigs; 1 Rtimley tractor and 3 -furrow plow; tractor will be .sead or dealt on cattle, pigs or -horses, 'or will accept a note on part payment.; 110Jiver riding plow as good as new; d tor 3 row teeth, in •good shape; 50 choice cedar .posts. Also some choice young calves. Cattle and pigs wanted. Anything you have to sell, please .bring it in. Information left at the Queen's hotel will he looked after. T. M. Kelly, ,Auctioneer; j. j. Coyne, Manager, "Arc of Fire," a New Serial Story Opening chapters of a stirring story of the year 1980 --illustrated with a, fascinating symbolical ,paint- ing, reproduced in full ;color, will be fourtd in The American Weekly, great weekly magazine with the Aprii 3 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. The new novel is by 'John Hawkins, a young author who is rapidly -gaining a -place as one of America's leading writers. Be sure to get Sunday's De- troit Times. Cop Emoff, the local spoliceman, copped off his Corns, Calluses and 'Bunions with Cress Conn and Bunion Salves. Featured by Keating's and' all Drug Counters, ELMER D. BELL B A . Successor to Sohn H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario WANTED Girl or woman to help With house- work in country home. All conveni- ences. No outside work. 1$12 monthly. Apply to Seaforth News. FOR SALE • Timothy seed -for sale. John Mc- Naughton. phone 1135 r 8, Seaforth, Lot 3, Con, 17, H,R.S., Tackersmith. WANTED Girl for housework, steady posi- tion, Apply to Box 107, Seafortb News, FOR SALE - Dual 'purpose Shorthorn cow lour years old, and one heifer, to freshen in spring .and summer. ljas. F. Scott, phone 0511 ring 4. Would consider an exchange en steers. FOR SALE Bank barn with steel roof, size 36 x '56. Apply to Mrs. J. Brigham, Blyth, phone 1117-5. WANTED Secondhand lady's bicycle. Apply at the News C-.).ffice. • FOR SALE Yellow Blossom sweet clover. Ap- ply to IV. R. Somerville, R.R. 4, Wal- ton, Ont. Phone 242d..191. WANTED A female cat with -kittens suitable to be a foster mother for Fax puppies, Liberal allowance. Apply to fJackson Bros., phone 5 - 134 iHELP WANTED Good boy for seven months. Phone 17 r 214, Dublin. 1/VAINTED Banner oats and pasture for eight young Cattle. !Phone 117 r '214, -Dublin. FOR SALE 3 beds anid springs, standard rock.- ing chair, 1 dining room suite. .Apply Mrs, Chas, Holmes, Seaforth. , HOUSE FOR SALE •Frame house 8 rooms, cement foun- dation, electric lights, water, barn -and six lots adapted, for market 'gardening. Charles Hohlthein Estate. Apply. to Mrs. Richards, opposite Collegiate. PROPERTY /N EGMONDVILLE House, 7 rooms, pantry, clothes closets, good cellar, cistern, never failing well of hard water at •door, township taxes, telephone; 5 minutes' walk to church, school or store; 'house newly shingled, papered,. everything in good repair; excellent garden. Price reasonable. For sale or rent, Mrs, Alex Gordon, or write P. 0. Box 56, Seaforth, Ont, FOR SALE Quantity of turnips, also Clyde mare, '114 years in foal. James Landsborough, Phone ,150r1116. FARM FOR RENT 1130 acres of first class farm land, consisting af Lot 1, of the 4th 'conces- sion of Hullett Twp., between Sea - forth and Clinton. On the premises are large hank barn, house nearly new, 'and a garage. Some ploughing done. Possession given April 1s1. Mrs. E. a-. Dodd, Clinton. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. iOfAce 'hours:— Tues•day, Thursday and Saturday 1 311) p.m. to 5 gm. Saturday evening, 7:30 13. m. to 9 p. m. FOR SALE An 8-tulbe Victor electric radio, walnut and crosew,00d cabinet, in good working order; cheap. .W. C. Govan - lock, Egmondville. . FOR SALE Fordson Tractor in good condition. Wou-ld take cattle in 'payment. T. a, Webster, FOR SALE • A quantity of Improved Bann•er Seed ,Oatts and some Goose wheat; al- so a quantity of Katandin seed 'pota- toes. Phone 111414 r 1111 Seaforth. John klillebrecht. PROPERTY IN EG.1VLONDVILLE Consisting of 3. acres good choice land good 6 roomed frame house, 'barn, large hen house, colony house, ilard and soft water, hydro, small fruits; cheap for quick sale. Apply to Chas. Theabald, FARM FOR -SALE 000 aore farm with good .buil•dings, spring creek and bosh. 'Priced right for quick sale. Apply to The Sealorth News. HOUSE TO RENT Eight -roomed' brick house on Mar- ket street with new furnace, bath- room, hard and soft water inside, gar- age and hen house on 'property. Ap- ply to 1E. C. Chamberlain, Seaforth, FOR SALE No. 11 timothr seed, also Spy apples and potatoes. Phone 1622-24, Fred Mcaymont, Varna. FOR GALE Grass seeds •of all kinds. A few sets of ,double team 'harness. Harness re- pairs. All •kinds of fence 'material, posts and wire. A full line of -Masters Poultry Feeds and Starters and 'Mas- ters • Pig -Feed. W. E. Putt, 'General Merchant, Rippen. 1Phone HensalI 41 - 9111 TOWN OF SEAFORTIE Tax Pre= Payment Receipts For 1938 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/38 on 'all pre- paid 1938 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the TOWIT Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treas. . INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness &i Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Dominion Bank Building, Seaforth. Phone 334 w