HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-03-31, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Our prices good till April 6 CORNED BEEF, Helmet Brand 2.3 TINS 2 TINS 25c STANDARD PEAS 2 TINS 19c WITH FREE CHINA MUG EACH OVALTINE, Large Size 9V C ARCTIC PASTRY FLOUR 24s 07 Ci AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES 2s squat 7s........23c HILLCREST SOAP CHIPS 3 LBS. w C 'Heinz Catsup, large btl. per btl..19c Crunchie Sweet Pickles, Targe 27 oz. btl. per btl. 25c Lux Flakes, Small -10c; Large 23c Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, %s -19c 1s. ;35c Daisy Brooms, 5 string each 25c S. O. S. Scouring Pads.... Small -14c; Large 23c Lawrason's Snowflake Ammonia 2 pkg. 11c Lawrason's 11lusho per tin 19c Lawrason's Sinko per tin 25c Lawrason's Household. Washing Soda per pkg. 5c McCormick's Soda Biscuits (b) Blue Pkg. Rose Dill Pickles, 17 oz. !Bottled Vinegar, 12 oz. Spirit, Cider or Malt Singapore Sliced Pineapple Yellow Sugar Icing Sugar Bon And 'Powder or Cake Castle Floor Wax, is Tomato Juice, 30 oz, -5 tins 25c; 25 co—2 tins 19c Dutch Set Onions 2 lbs. 15c • Honey, Pure, No. Ss each 50c Multiplier Seed Onions per Ib. 10c 6 Deluxe Jelly Powders and 1 Salad Dish all for 37c 5 pkgs. Custard Powder and 1 Custard Bowl all for 27c Hillcrest Sodas in 1 ib. bags 2 for 25c 2 pkg. 25c per btl. 15c each 10c per tin 11c 4 lbs. 25c 2 lbs. 19c each 14c each 25c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce pHOL7E PHONE 8 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING ¥otor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per 'bus. S2c-85c CONSTANCE Miss Donelda Adams and 'friend spent Sunday in London visiting rel- atives. Plowmen's Convention Ontario plowmen assembled intheir annual convention at Toronto expres- sed !gratification over .the record at- tendance at the International meet last 'October. This was in •spite of se- vere weather condition's 'which'dem- onstrated the fact that the !public could be attracted without offering en- tertainment features. The site forr the i10,318 competions will be n'orth'west of Barrie. The choice was made after representations had been made by a three-man dele- gation from Simcoe County. Consid- eration was promised the request of a delegation of combined !counties of Leeds and 'Grenville, who asked for the .mateh in 19139 The secretary -manager, J. A . Gar - roll, stated, that in. addition to the big match there are other activities spon- sored by the ;Plowmen's Association. There are 8.2 +branches, i&0 of which conducted senior matches in 1191317. A new branch was organized at Ancast- er in Wentworth County. The Cavan and South Monaghan Branch was re- organized and enlarged' under the new name ,Durham County. Similar action has 'been proposed in !North Sintcoe. (Application 'has been roceived,,for the organization of Branches in Welling- ton and' 'Renfrew 'Counties, Owing to unfavorable local conditions, matches were not 'held iby the Noelville and Parry Sound South East Branches. No feature of the work is more im- portant than the instruction and en- couragement 'given to juniors. Home ploughing competitions were conduct- ed in 12 communities and i111' Junior Ploughing Matches were held. A jun- ior competition was 'conducted in Lanark County for the, ,first time in 1987. Department !judges officiated in all cases. Last year, owing to 'limited appropriation, the number +of''demon- strations were likely to be restricted. The executive thought this nmfortun- ate as .demonstrations were ;consider- ed perhatps the most effective method of education available. As a conse- quence, a committee was appointed to interview' the Deputy Minister of Ag- riculture, and as a result and addition- al amount was made available. Carload of Purina For Thos. Dickson Car to be unloaded at Seaforth on or about April 5th. Special prices on ton lots, Car to include full Purina line along with CHICK STARTENA Give your chicks the best possible start this year with Chick Startena: THOS. DICKSON SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS Mr. 'Charles (Pinder is in 'Kitchener hospital where he wilt undergo a goitre operation some time this week. 'Mr. J. M. iEokart met with a slight accident while circling wood when a log rolled on his foot. Luckily there were no .serious results. Miss Rhea Ross is visiting friends in Detroit and will later go to Chicago. Mrs. !john Love returns this week from Toronto where she has been re- siding with her dattgihters since Jlan- u.ary. Mr. .George 1Jackson is expected to arrive home in several days from a three months' trip to South America. Miss Helen !Hamilton of London' spent the week -end in 'town. Mrs. 'Maude (Sloane has returned after a weeks' visit in Toronto, Messrs. Stewart (Geddes and 'D'oug- las Stewart of London spent the week end in town. Miss Emily 'Ross is visiting friends in London. Mr. 'William 'McCracken of Bruss- els was a guest of Mr. J. M. 'Robert- son and Miss Robertson on Tuesday. Mr. Arthur 'Edmunds of !Hamilton was a visitor here during the week end. Mr. Harold Gummings returned on Wednesday from Guelph after com- pleting. his 'course in the 0. A. C. Dairy ,Class. EASTER THANKOFFERLNIG The (Easter Thankoffening and so- cial meeting of the Women's Mission- ary Society sof INortheide United Church will ibe held in the Sunday School room on 'Friday, April Sth, at 2.30 o'clock. The Society •will he hon- ored 'by the .presence of Mrs. Craw of the ardICillop manse as guest speaker. All women will be welcome. CHISELHURST. A large crowd attended the play, 'Nora Wake Up", .presented ,by the Y.P.S. at Chdsellturst United Church (Friday evening, Mar. 25. The pro- ceeds amounted to about $37. The play was a 'great success and proved very humorous as well as having a good moral. The caste, directed' by Beatrice Drover, were as follows: Nora Calahan, an up-to-date daughter, Verna McLean; Mrs. 'Peggy Calahan, her .old-fashioned mother, jean Ven- ner; Carlyle Coleridge, a tramp out for health, Harold Cudmore; Johnny Calahan, Mrs. CaIa'han's (son, Bill Mc- Lean; !Danny Millen, a ;college friend of Johnn's, Cliff Young; Mrs. Edmon- ton, en ultra -modern mother, E`rla Treffry; Ed (Edmonton, her son, a four -!Flusher, Ben. Stoneman Katie Schwartz, an obliging neighbor, 'Ranby Dalrymple. MANLEY Mr, Gib Murray is wearing a smile since the 123rd of March when his wife presented him with a baby boy. Mr. 'Fred 'Eckert spent the •past fen days, at his old 'home 'helping to make maple syrup and reports the run was favorable Sunday and Monday. Mr. John IA. (Eckert and Mr. Albert Mitchell are 'busy making their rounds 'cutting wood with their circu- lar saws. The fine spring like weather has made it possible to,piough sod. The wheat and ,grass are making good growth since the late rain has settl. STANLEY On Tuesday evening of last week the friends and relatives of Mr, and Mrs. 'Oliver Steckle of the ,Bronson Line called on the young couple- and treated them to a miscellaneous shower. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Steckle and son Edwin and Mr. and. 'Mrs. Joe Martin and Messrs. (Dan and Menno Steckle attended the funeral of a rel- ative near 'Kitchener on Tuesday of last week. Miss Jean Carnie is spending a week with Miss —..Chesney .of tuck- ersmith. Miss Irene 'Scotchmer is 'visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scotchnter•at Toronto. Miss Kay Sco$clmter has gone •to Toronto to Iran as a nurse. ' 'Friends and ,neighbors on the Bron- son line welcome Mr. and Mrs. !Oliver Steckle to their new 'home and wish. them much happiness. '?Er. and Mrs. (George Clark :of Varna visited Mrs. 'jean McKinley and .son 'Campbell on Sunday. Special 'Lenten .services will he held in Varna and GoshenUnited.lchurches commencing on 'Monday, Apr. 4th. •Rev. J. R. !Peters w'i'll be assisted at these services by the neighboring clergymen. . . Mr. Edgar Smith is spending a month with his aunt. Nlrs. Hindes, near Chatham. 'McB•ride-2•n BOSoaRttN .Menorial Has- pita'1'on Thursday; 'March 214'rlt, 10318, to Mr. and Mrs. IE. J. McBride, Kip- pen, a son (Edbert Wayne), Scott-I'n Scott 'Memorial Hospi- tal on 'Friday, Manch 2151, .19318, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert M. Scott, Seaforth, a claughter. PAGE ,FINS; Moving Pictures on the Life of Christ DE MLLES 'GREAT. PIC- TURE "THE KING OF KINGS" EGMOiN'DV'IL'LE UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, APRIL 8 AT 8 P.M. Admission - 125'c and 00c BRUCEFIELD Mrs, Logan and Mrs. Harvey of Hensall spent a few days last week with the sister, Mrs. Wm. Douglas. A't the annual meeting of the 'United Farmers of S. Huron held in Bruce - field dust Friday night the following officers were elected, Director. Mr. Scott Davidson, Bru'cefieid; assistant director, Mr. Wm. Welch, Exeter; Women's .director, Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, Parkhill, R.R. !No. 3'; assistant, Mrs, C. Haugh, Brttcefield; secretary -treas- urer, Mr. Kenneth Jackson, Kippen; auditors, Mr. Jas, McIntosh, Seaforth, and 'Mr. Robert MclKercher, Seaforth, Mr. Henb, H. fhlannam of Toronto was the guest speaker. Mr. :Hannam in bis pleasing manimer gave a very interesting talk. The two duets rend- ered by Mrs. Cairns and 'Mrs. Snider. also the two readings Iby Miss Eva Stackhouse were very much apprec- iated. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. !Munn and daugh- ter of Hensall were .visitors at afr. Jas. Swan's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. West and Dorothy of St. Thomas, visited at the manse on Sunday. Rev. W. A. Bremner preached to Thames Road congregation on Sun- day morning. Next Sunday the Rev. Geo. 1'ho:nas of Kitchener will occupy the pulpit here at the morning and evening ser- vices. 31r. Chas. Reid, who has been in Seaforth hospital for some time, re- turned to his hone on Monday. Rev. W..A. Brenner .had his tonsils removed on Tuesday in Seaforth hos- pital. Miss 31. Peart was a guest at the Norte of Mr, and (Mrs. 5. Cairns last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. !Gemmel and Mr, and Mrs. G. Hanley and `Janet visited Mrs. Uas. 'O'Brien on Sunday. Mrs. Alice IHohner spent a few days with friends inClinton. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler spent the week end with friends in Strat- ford. Rev. Mr. Thomas of Kitchener will preach here on Sunday, Mrs. O. Swan is 'visiting 'friends in Toronto and taking in the National Flower Show. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 3I•cClinchy of Stanley visited' Mr. and Mrs, H. Zapfe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 5. K. Cornish and An- na spent Sunday in Exeter. Mrs. A. T. Scott and 'Elizabeth spent the week end in London. Mr. tee .Kip.fer of London spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Alexander of Kip - pen spent Suncley with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Moodie. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mann and Aileen of Hensall s'pen't Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Si' an. ' Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon- don visited- her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. A•ikenhead 'on Sunday. .afiss 'Margaret •Henry spent Sun- day with Miss Anna 'Aikenhead, Don't forget the play to be put on Eby 'the Varna Women's /Association, "Strictly Business", in the Brucefield United Church; ;Friday evening, April Mt. BAYFIELD A ,quiet' wedding took place in An- gola, 'Indiana, oh March Mat, when Anne Margaret. second daughter of Capt. W. J. and Mrs, McLeod, Bay- field, 'became the bride of Claude Rob - bens, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Robibens of Il)'etroit, Rev. N. E. Smith officiated. Mr, and afns..iRolbt: Beaton of Detroit were the only at- tendants. The 'brides ,dress was light blue crepe with dark blue accessories. She ,carried Sweetheart roses. The matron GE honor wore 'dark green and site carried fFohanna 'Hill roses. The young couple will reside in Detroit. Mrs. T King and Miss 'Hilda King. Mrs, V. Burt, Mrs. L. Snaith of ;Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. H. ,King, Mrs. Reed of 'Sarnia and iMbr, A. Atwood and Jas. Atwood, Detroit, were in: Bayfield last week attending the fun- eral of the late ,Mrs, Atwood. Word was received- on Friday, Mar. 215ith of the 'death of Mr. Robert How- ard of Smith's :Falls. The late Mr. Howard was ;born in Bayfield fifty- eight years ago. There are left to mourn his loss his widow and daugh- ters of Smith's Falls and his mother, S�c� R505P5 �co��:r Barred Rock Chicks SCOTT'S NEW HAMPSHIRES Are the result of years of intensive breeding work. 'Not only high pro- duction of large eggs is taken into consideration in our programs, 'hut also livability in chicks and parent stock. Lack of vigor in stock, with steady mortality, eats into the heart of profits. When you buy Scott's Chicks or Breeding Stock you are achieving in one purchase what has taken us eighteen years to attain. Our plant is open to visitors at all times Get a copy of our Large Illustrated Catalogue SPECIAL. Barred Rock Cockerels from one to four weeks of age at reduced prices SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM SEAFORTH Phone 251 - 32 ANOTHER BIG AMATEUR NIGHT Cardno's Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, APRIL 8 Mail or phone entries to Eimer D. Bell, Seaforth $60 in prizes $60 $1113 First 'Prize—See Bills SPECIAL ATTRACTION—Lamont, Ventriloquist, the Canadian Edgar 'Bergen • Reserved seats 45 cents. 'General admission 315'c and lie. 'Plan opens at Aberhart's Drug Store, Sat., April R at 9 a.m. DANCING — GOOD MUSIC. Admission 25c Not A Dull Moment During the Whole Evening SEAFORTH AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Dr. E. A. McMaster, Pres., A. Y. McLean. sec., .G, IF. Grindrod, treas. CLINTON SPRING SHOW THURSDAY, APRIL 7 ,The Largest combined Spring Show of Horses and Cattle in Western Ontario PARADE OF HORSE ENTRIES AT 1:00 RM. JUDGING COM- MENCES AT 1:45 P.M. MODERN AND OLD-TIME DANCE AT NIGHT IN THE CLINTON TOWN HALL DANCING -9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Admission 35c Prize lists may be obtained from the Secretary FRANK POWELL, Pres. • GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Sec. and sisters, 'Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Ber- ry, and brother, kir. j. Howard of Bayfield. Mr. J. Howard and niece, Mrs. Yorke. left for Smith's 'Falls on Saturday to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. F. Davidson of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Mallett •of London were guests of Mrs. 5. Dav- idson last week end. The local 'fishermen have launched their boats and are all ready for the coming season as soon as ice and wea- ther conditions are favorable. We are pleased to see ,Mr.' 5. H. -Reid able to' be out after his severe illness. The play on (Friday night held in the town hall, sponsored by the 'Unit- ed Church was a decided satccess and was well attended. 'Mr. Fong. Carter was .in London •on Sunday to see his mother who is ser- iously ill in Victoria Hospital. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doig and dau- ghter Nyle of 'Howiek. also Mr. and Mt -s. Lorne .Morehead and son Bob- bie of Listowel visited with Mrs L. J. Doig and Miss 'Janet during the week. Mr,.'Harold Chesney of Tucker - smith has secured a position with Mr. ?Robs. 'McGregor. Miss Mona McGregor. R. N.. of Seaforth. visited with her 'brother and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Bell and fam- ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Taylor near Exeter on Sunday. !Mt. and Mrs..H'arvey Turner of Hilisgreeu visited Mr. and !Hrs. 5. Stewart one day recently. A moving picture of the Passion iPlay. reprgtiuced' from the original at 101beramntergan, will be shown at St. Andrew's Church, 'Kippen. Thursday; March 13list at 18 p.na, The cast includes Christ, His Disciples, Pilate, Icing' Herod and '1,000 Roman soldiers and civilians, OLD TYME DANCE! AT KIPPEN ON Friday, April 1 To Ukulele Bill and His Hillbillies SPECIAL:—"FLOOR SHOW" General Admission 30 cents SNI•DER'S ORCHESTRA PLAYING AT STAFFA Fri., April 1 •Illig1110111Nol1111111111•.s Fertilizer If farmers purchasing Fertil- izer Materials from the Sea - forth Mixing Station would place their orders -at once it would greatly facilitate mix- ing operations and prompt fill- ing of. orders. Phone : K. E. JACKSON, Mgr. 134 ring 5 Seaorthh Farmers' _Club K. IE. Jackson, • IRs S. 'Mc+Kercher, Pres. 'Sec's. 1.1111111