HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-03-31, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1938 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros.. Publishers WALT ON Mr, Jim Carter of raeaiorth spent last Friday in Walton. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Clark and child- ren of Brusiels spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter. Mrs, W. S. Foobes is spending a few days with friends in London. Mrs, Bob Campbell and little •daugh- ter of Brussels spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. "Jim Carter af Seaforth • spent last Friday in Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clark and child- ren of Brussels spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Carter. . Mrs. W. S. Forbes is spending a few days with friends in Landon. Mrs, Bob Canapbell and •little dan- ghter of Brussels spent Sunday with her parents. BLYTH On Wednesday evening last Mrs, Albert Taylor. .organizer for Hanle and School Clubs, Mr. Arthur Towns- end end Mrs. !Johnston of .Goderich met in Blyth and the sfollowing offi- cers were elected: 'President, Mrs. john Cowed; let vice pres., Mrs. A. M. Boyle; 2nd vice pres.. Mrs. Wm .Hanam; secretary, Mrs. 'IL Bray; treasurer, Mrs. 'Harold Phillips; mem- bership committee convener, Mrs. J. B, Watson; social Convener, Mrs. R. Shaw; program convener, Mrs. R. M. Weeks. Missionary program was given at the United Church Sabbath School on Sunday when Open session was held. Mr. W. T. Webster presided. Selec- tion by the Sunday School orcheatra; Howard W.allace, piano selection; reading, janet Hamm; missionary ad- dress, Miss Alberta Richmond; inale quartet. G. D. Leith, ,Glen Kechnie Irwin Wallaee, Harold •Wightman. Mrs. A, H. Tierney.. who spent the winter with her daughter in Toronto, returned home on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. kV. H. Lyon intend taking a trip to Florida shortly. Mr. Lyon, our C.N.R. agent, has not been enjoying .good health and has ;beea or- dered a change of climate. - Mr, Leslie 1Garniss has engaged with Mr, Prank Little for the summer months. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs M M Klinkharner :visited friends in jLan.don . The many friends of Mr. 3, Shea will be pleased to see him homefrom his long stay in a London hoapital, He is looking fine. Mr. Ted Carroll visited friends in Guelph. Alvin McNeil visited friends in Pal- merston. A. R. Roth was in Tavistock. M. Stapleton, visited friends in Petrolia, Miss Genevieve Feeney was in London, ;James Little .of no ..;fixed address broke into the Dublin Anglican Church, 'built a 'fire in the stove, also broke the lock of the shed door and carried a 'quantity of wood into the vestry. He certainly was prepared to .spend the night in comfort. His pres- ence however .became known and Ihe was arrested by Traffic 'Officer Cal- lender of Mitchell,. He was sentenced to 1110 days on a vagrancy charge. ' We are sorry. to report that Mrs. -Elizabeth Murray suffered a stroke on Sunday. Her condition is very serious. Mrs. C. Beninger, Mrs. L. Kraus- kopf, 'Wm. Hanley 'Jr., James Kraus- lcopf, Miss Betty Hanley and Andrew Da.ntzer were in Toronto. Miss Mary O'Connell has resumed her .duties as telephone operator af- ter a short vacation in London Mrs. iAlex. Darling has received word of the .death of Mrs. William Kleeman. of Vancouver, 3, Q., form- erly of 'Dublin and Mitchell. She leaves to mourn. her loss two daugh- ters, MTS. Marie Simpson and'Mrs. Zack Simpson and two sons. John anal Will 'Kleernan, all of 1Vancouver. The sympathy of the community goes to the bereaved family. .Mrs. Fra,nk Smith is visiting friends in Hamilton and Dunnville. Misses Angela . and Doris Ruston are ;working at the knitting factory at Mitchell. Mr. Ratph pill of Stratford visited his parents,. Mr..and Mrs, P. (Dill. Misses Dorothy and Veronica Mol- yneaux. of Drysdale visited Mr. and Mrs. T. j. Molyneaux. Dorothy Donnelly of Stratford Normal with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly. Dr. Frank Stapleton of Brantford at this home in the village, Mr. and Mrs. (Frank E.vans and family visited friends in Goderich. VARNA The ladies of the W. A. are giving their play entitled "Strictly Business' in Birtscefield on Friday night of this week. Mrs. Ilanald Cannel has 'been her tnother in Tuckerstnith who has been ill. The W. M. S. of the !United ;Mural]. will hold their; April meeting ito the Mrs. •Maud Hedden. Rev, W. A. and Mrs Young spent Monday in Lucknow! Miss Beryl Drummond has disposed of her beauty parlor whieh. she has very successfwIly conducted here for a number of years •to Miss Maud Huck- neY of Exeter and who has taken pa - session. Miss Huckney comes to Hen - salt highly recommended in her line of work. Dr, and Mrs. ,Collyer and .children of Landon .were .visiting friends in •town on Sunday. Miss Joyce Scruton of Toronto •spent the .week end here with her mo- ther, Mrs. A. Scruton, and sister, Miss Mildren Scruton, Miss Florence Welsh is visiting .this week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Daniel IVLcDeinaid is visiting re- latives at Galt this week. Miss Wanda Tuckey .and her bro- ther, Billy, of Exeter, are visiting here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. A very enjoyable event took place on Tuesday 'evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, Blind Line, Hey, when some 40 of their neighbors and 'friends gathered at stbeir home in honor of their daughter ;Edna Mae Cur beta bride -elect of this week. A short program was 6rst given, solo, Robin Redbreast by 'jean Armstrong, accompanied by her ma- ther. Mrs. 'George (Armstrong, on the piano; tap 'dancing by Ileen Munn. piano instrumental by. Misa Helen Dick. After the program a decorated wagon was drawn into the .dining room by little ',Jean Mousseatt heavily loaded with 'beautiful gifts. These were handed to the .bride by her little nephew, Ross Corbett, Miss Evelyn ,Corbett, sister of the bride, assisted in the opening of the gifts. Miss Cor- bett in a few well chosen wards thanked her friends for their ibeauti- ful gifts and good .wishes, All present then joined in singing "She's a jolly good fellow." A dainty. :lunch was served. Miss Corbett is to be married on Saturday, April 12.nd to Mr. Nor- man Wesley 'Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Norman 'Jones of 3rid con. of Stanley township The Young People's Society of the United church held their regular meeting in basement of the church' on Monday evening.. There was a good attendance of members. Miss (ladle Cross presided. The meeting opened by singing hymn 284 and re- peating the Lord's prayer in unison. Miss Mildred Sermon read the Scrip- ture lesson. Rev. ;Donald Gladmin of Crediton was the 'guest speaker of the evening. He gave a very able and interesting address on "Warship" which was greatly enjoyed by all present. After singing hymn 21,, Mra. George Hess and Mrs. Maude Redden favored with a 'vocal duet. The devotional reading was given 'by Miss lEsther Martine. A beautiful piano solo was ,given by Miss Helen McMurtrie. The meeting closed by singing hymn 11516 and the Mizpah benediction. 1Next Tuesday evening, April Sth Dr, ;Bell swill be present and with Mr. Harry Toffman of Dashwood will show their famous pictures that they have taken in diff- erent parts of the world. Mr. Hoff- man will also give some musicai numbers. Miss Mary Little of London spent the week end at her home here. Miss Mildred Smillie of Toronto was home for 'the week end, church on Thursday of this week. Special services will be held in the United Church each evening next week front Monday till Friday start - Ma at. 8 p.m, altarp. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pilgrim of 'For- rest spent the week end at the ,home of' Mr. C. C. ;Pilgrim, Mr. Charlie Nelson of Clinton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mea. ;Nelson IReid., .and Mrs. .Chas. ,Pilgrim spent Sunday with friends in London. L.O.L. MOB, will hot(' their regular Lodge on Thursday 'of this week. There was a good; run of sap over the week end following the cold snap. On Wednesday ad all day and night demonstration was held in the townahip hall sponsored by the Inter- national Harvester C,ompany, Mr. Chas. Wurrell was in charge. Many were the advancements and improve- ments shown since the first McCorm- ick one-horse reaper sallied forth, up to the day of the .co.nabine and the many .different tractors were shown. Movies and talkies were shown at night They were both interesting and amusing: These events are being looked forward to with 'keen interest which speaks well for our local ag- ent, Mr, 'G. H, Beatty. Had it not been for the steady heavy rain we .d.oubt if the hall wonld have accom- modated half the crowd. Mrs. 'J. Watson of 'Val d'Or, Que., a)ent a few days with her sister-in- law, Mrs. Mossop. Mr. A. 'Rdbinson of Hespeter in eompany with Mr, Warren of Coder- ich paid a flying visit to the commun- ity last week. Lenten services will be held in St. 'John's Chuch on Thursday night of this week. WINTHROP The euchre and dance held in the hail last Friday evening was well at- tended., The prize winners were, lad- ies' most games, Miss Clara Dolmage, lone hands Mrs. George Eaton; men's most games, Mr. Art Henderson. lone hands, 'Mr, Williamson. After Much a few hones were spent in 'dancing. Mr. and 'Mra. Anderson and Mrs, Smith of London, Mr. and. Mea. Smith of Bruasela spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ;Fergus Bullard. Mrs, Archie Campbell of Toronto called on friends last week. Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona and Billy of Seaforth spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton, Mr. Stewart .D.ohnage has purchas- ed a larni from Mr. Alfred Brown and gets possession soon. It won't be long now, eh Stewart , Mr. Gillies. engineer of the Captain Secord freighter. :who has been in Owen Sound since February prepar- ing for the opening of the season. was home for the week end visiting his family. Deepest sympathy is extended in the passing of a beloved former resi- dent, Mrs. .Nelson 1Govenlock, who paased away at Waterford on Tues- day afternoon after an extended illness. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Clark and two ;ions of London were visiting here on Sunday with Mr. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, Mrs. Maulikinson is visiting ;with relatives and friends in London this week. Mrs. Lorne Sett of Toronto and Mr. and lfra. Harald White were week end visitors with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. 'Petty. Mrs. Bal- lantyne and Miss Katie Scott, Mrs, Era Stapleton and family moved on Saturday into the residence on South .Richmond street that they recently rented: from the Richard Blitchford estate. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle and children were visiting on Sunday with Mrs. Carlisle's mother, Mrs. Lands - bora of Tuckeramith. Mrs, Alexander &Mlle of Toronto is visiting here with her son. Dr. Smillie, The village council are having the roads graded and repaired this week. Mr. William McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton Of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. •Albert Bowen spent the week end visiting with Mr. Bow - en's mother, Mrs. Harry Bowen. of Blyth, and with Mr. and Mrs. Bing Bowen of Goderich. A reception was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, a recent bride and groom. in the town hall here on Friday evening last. Over 3100 ,guests were present. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Hyde were presented with a nicety worded address which was read by Mr. Ross McKay and present- ed with a beautiful Chesterfield seite. Mr. Hyde, on behalf of Mrs. Hyde and himself, thanked their friends for the .beautiful .g,ift and their good wish - ea. A very pleasant evening was spent in dancing to music furnished by Wm. Hyde, Fred Beer, Ross McKay and John Bell, with Melvin Moir at the piano. Luneh was aerved and a very - enjoyable evening apent. Aniong the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson„grandparents of the groom, who are both .over .80' years of age. . At the United Church on Sunday the pastor, ;Rev. Arthur Sinclair oc- cupied his own !pulpit 'both morning' and evening. Good congregations were out both morning and evening. .At the evening service a special duet VMS re- quested, "Take Hold, F.-T.old On", and was rendered by Mrs. 'Geo. ;Reis and AIJBURN Miss Margaret Ferguson of 'Park- hill spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and MTS. A. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pilgrim of For- est visited on Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Eat. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard and family visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Know of Sarnia on Sunday. Miss 'Beryl Wilson of Stratford Normal and Dorothy Wilson of Sheppardton spent the week end at the home of their parents, MT. and Airs. J. J. Wilson, Miss Josephine Weir visited friends in Strathroy -on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. gohn Howson of Vancouver visited on Monday with Mrs. Chas. Howson and Mr. and Mrs. R. ,T. Philips. ' The congregation of Knox Presby- terian ;Church will hold their morning aervice at 110:30 instead of 111 a.m. as Formerly. This will commence on April 3rd and continue for six:months. Mr. 'Jas. Brundrit spent the week end with ;friends at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and family of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. ancl Mrs. John McKnight. Mr. .and Mrs. W. T. Rdbison vis- ited relatives in Stratford Saturday, Mr. Thomas Johnston and Melvin Craig attended a banquet of the "B. - A." motor dealers held in Stratford on Monday night. Mr. .Ezekiel Philips visited with Mr. Jas. Martin of Whitechurch on Sunday. Miss Mabel Foster spent the week end at her home in Sheppardtan. Mr, Ifohn Yungiblut had the mis- fortune to lose his driver on Saturday while on his way home just off the Ease Line. The horse 'dropped dead from a heart attack. A good crowd attended the .d.ance held in the Foresters Hall last Friday night. The proceeds were in aid of the Library. Music was supplied by the Taylor orchestra and Mr, and airs. Gordon McClinehey, Mrs. W. 'H. Sheppard's grou.p of Knox 'United Church held a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. jas, Woods last week. Lunch was served by the hos tess, Mr. 'George Beadle who held a sale last week has moved up to the vill- age to the house formerly occupied the late Win. Doerr, Born—On Tuesday, March 22nd, Ma% to Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr of Hulett a daughter. HILL SGREEN A splendid turnout of the surround- ing comm.unity attended the St Pat- rick social at the Hillsgreen .0hutch on March 87h. Those taking part in the programme were an Irish ald ress hy Rev. E. F. Chandler full of witi ;mmensmsalmewl., J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come" promptly PHONE 179. MI Repairs Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH We Aim To Please REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing . Leslie Howard Bette Davis It's Love nu After Olivia DeHaviland Eric Blare You'll be weak with laughter if it's chuckles you're after Mon. Tues. Wed., Apr. 4-5-6 Allan Lane Heather Angel and hunter and delighting the. 'list:i eners; readings by Misa Beatrice Manson of the Goshen Line, maiin. selection by Mr. .Clifford W.eido, gui- tar selections by Mr. ;Glenn Weido and Master 'James Fuss ,a pleasing solo. C.ontests were won iby the diff- erent groups. A birthday party of the W. A. since united service of twelve years featured the night witli three huge birthday cakes. A special birth- day offering was taken followed lby a 101c tea served by the ladies. Mr. john Cochrane lit the .candles oil the cakes and Rev. E. F. Chandler put them out. Everyone returned home from a delightful evening repast. The W. A. are planning on golfing next kVednesday afternoon,April ' in the ,church .basement. All ladles are cordially welcome. Messrs. Alfred Westgate and Hen- ry Adkins returned during the week from a very pleasant trip to Sussex, England. Mr. and MTS. W, 1-111Xtabge .of Cen- tralia visitedat the latter's home. Miss Agnes Love returned with them to spend a few days. Mrs. Stephan is improving after her illneas. Her daughter, Mrs. L. Wagner af Zurith agent a few days with her. Mrs. Orville Smith has been on .the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson were in Mitchell recently attending the gold- en anniversaries of their .parents which were held recently at Mitchell. Hr. and Mrs: Earl Love were ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Day- idaon on a visit with friends in Strat- ford. Miss 'Jessie Cameron of Clinton vis- ited during the week with relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. [John Dodds and fam- ily of London visited the 'latter's sister. • HARL 0 CK "Atidry Knox visited his sister, Miss .Levina, while in Toronto one day last week. Mr. Charles Parsons visited one day last week at the ;home of 'Mr. arid Mrs. Leo Watt. . . Mr. Ward Knox is at present laid up having been kicked by a horse. We hope he will :soon be all right again. Mr. Bert Beacom, Mrs, Beacom. Kathleen and 'Edith, were in London on Saturday. Mr. Geo. Watt and Mr. Leo Watt were in Exeter on ;Friday. ' Rev. Mr. :Gardner called on a num- ber in this neighborhood on Monday. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. jame.s Jackson. Miss Margaret Yungblut of 'Clin- ton is s'pendin'g a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Yungblut Mrs. (John Knox entertained a few friends at a quilting last Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Whitely of .Gor- rie, Mr, and Mrs. R. Yungiblut Mr. Oliver Lawson of lGoderich, Mrs. Copping of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs: j. Howson of Vancouver spent Sunday at the home of Mr, W. Mountain. Mr. 'George McCall is working a few days for Mr. Wm. Haggarth, MANLEY The death of Mrs. Martin Murray occurredat noon an Wednesd.ay, March 30, at the home of her son, Mr. John 'Murray of IvIaKillop, after an illness of some weeks. Mrs. (Mur- ray who WA'S 68 years of age was formerly Elizabeth 10'Loughlin of Manley. After maeriage s'he lived on concession 9. lot 111, MaKillop, which Mr. Murray had bought when 'he was returning from California to his home township, as he was brought up at Manley. When they retired they lived in Dublin where Mr. Murray died about four years ago. Owing to her illness a few weeks ago Mrs, Murray went to the home of her son in Mc - Kilian. Two sons and a daughter sur- vive, John and Gilbert and Mrs. Jo- seph (Maloney. all of MdKillop. Prizes for Litters The directors of the !Ontario York- shire Club have decided on a new de- parture in offering $310 in prizes to owners of ehe three highest York- shire sows in a.drancecl registry, con- sideredon slaughter test only with rating decided on four pigs from a lit- ter. There are about 200 'breeders with some 3010 sows taking part in advanc- ed registry. Sixteen breeders have entered pigs in a carcass ;competition to be held at The Yorkshire 'Field Day, '0.A.C., lune 114 and 115, and valuable (prizes are.lbeing offered. DR. MOIR'S VIEWS • Mr. Editor.-1Alfter an unavoidable delay I am continuing my artiOle on. lAleohal ,atal the Individual." In a couple o.f weeks I will send you my .final article of this series, in whichal will discuss "Alcohol in Politics." In my previous letters I emlphas- ised The immensiay and. the serious- ness of my subject. I have also de- scribed how bhe innate and specific action of the drug automatically pre- pares the brain cells so .that an indi- vidual will accept a deception as a truth when normally he wauld detect it as a Lie. If this subtle action of alcohol .were sudden and spectacular it would never be condoned. With leprosy many years may intervene lbefore the disin- tegration of the tissue cells. When poisoned with radium, it may be five years ;before 'the individual realizes his hopeless condition, and so with these thonsands of victims of alco- holism some at 116. some not until 70, according to their susceptibility and amount of alcohol taken, sooner or later become casualties of King Al- cohol. So much for the action of the drug itself. • How about the subject on which the drug acts. In other words what is the type of individual to whom the traffic is catering? In this highly mechanized age we find children growing up in easy shel- tered surroundings, warmly clad in comfortable houses, with large quan- tities of food lavishly provided. and as a result we find them growing up physically stronger, 'handsomer a,nd an inch and a half taller than their .parents. And this apparently seems all to the good. But increase in height and muscle is no, criticism of general improvement. It is found that these same ehildren are lacking in nervous' stability. They can endure neither worry 'nor fatigue, The artific- ially pampered and irresponsible lives they are living and the noisy confu- sion of this modern age of auto, radio and .cinerna are given as the logical reason for their nervoits and tbese poorly adjusted individuals 1 Hensel, March 29th. The Duke Comes Back A drama that will tug at your heart strings. NEWS ,CARTOON Next Thurs. Fri„ Sat., Apr. 7-8-9 Pat O'Brien Wayne Morris Frank McHugh "SUBMARINE D.1." A thrilling drama of the undersea, the men in it and a Girl —COMING— 'illITTING A NEW HIGH" are 'filling our mental hospitals; by hundred's, Many of those who mane the mental hos.pitala make ea:sy sub- jects for the liquor vultures to 'gather in their Foils. 10Reference: Dr. Alexis Carrel, Rockefeller Research Institute, New York.) I was shown a .pictare of 5100 boys in uniform, taking physical exercise on their college campus. The state- ment was made that at the present rate of beverage room patronage, in sap years, BO per cent of ahose bays would be addicted to liquor. Are conditions any better for our Ontario ;boys than that? Will .our legislators answer, And the traffic is also alert to meet apothem growiag demand, viz, .beverage rooms 'for .girls. This is an age we are told of woman's emancip- ation, Mothers and some 'grandmoth- ers too have 1100' advanced and mod- ern methcids of developing the deli- cate, esthetic and domestic instincts ,of their :daughters. So to be consist- ent their argument would be some- thing like this: If our young girls are allowed and indeed sometimes en- couraged to dress like the boys, jump hurdles with the boys and swim with the boys, why not cigarettes with the boys, and cocktails just around the corner. We are told education, not legislation, is the 'panacea for all ifies'e‘ Educate is the word. Edo - nate the iboys and girls at home and at school to hate liquor and all will be well. DR. .MOIR. THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING! To be able to see what goes into the pud- ding is proof that it will be good --without proper lighting the cook is severely handi- capped -- give her a chance to do her best go a long way toward solv- ing your lighting problems. • It is wise economy to keep spare lamps on hand so that there will be no empty sockets and lach of necessary light. • Use bulbs of the proper watt- age to give plenty of light. • Phone for a carton today. - SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION MAKE EVERY ROOM A guemii?oom AT NIGHT!