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The Seaforth News I
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An International Daily Newspaper
It records for you the world's clean, conetruetiVe doings. The Monitor
does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does 11 ignore them,
butdeals correctively with them. Features for busy men and alt the
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The Christian Science Publishing Society
One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts
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Wednesday Issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year 52,60, 6 Issues 26a
Sample Copy on Request
!Nellie, aged six, was gazing in-
tently at the visitor's new hat.
"Well, dear," asked the lady . at
last, "what do you think of it?"
'+0'h," replied the small observer,
"I think it's all right. Aunt Mary
told mamma it was a perfect fright,
but it doesn't frighten me
,Mrs. .B', took her husband to a
mannequin parade. +An evening gown
worn by an extremelypretty model
attracted .her attention.
'That would look nice at our party
next Saturday." she said, hoping her
husband wotilcl tbuy it for her,
"Yes," agreed Mr, •8., "why not
invite 'her?"
1Cleanl'iness having ranked next to
godliness in 'our concept .Of the ,cor-
rect •c rder• of things a ,considera'bhe
amount of ,brains .and ingenuity has
been devoted to the design and ,build-
ing of the 'bathrooms, 'kitchens ,and
laundries to' which long experietuce.
has confined most of the warfare
against dirt. .But whether your per-
form your 'ablutions in a marble 'hall
or 'whether you 'take a zinc tutb into
the attic on Saturday nights, you can-
not get .very far unless there is some
soap shandy, says ,George Stanley in
the 'G,' 1'. L, O,vad.
Soap is necessary !because of a 'lit-
tle 'matter 'called surface tension. 'Un-
der ordinary 'circumstances water will
not wet a surface covered with a thin
film of oil or grease ,because its sur-
face skin is 'too .strong, Soap weakens
this skin, a1i1owin'g it to (flatten out
and. wet the grease. When the soap
and water ' are agitated the grease
'breaks up into tiny (particles which
are •carried away suspended in the la-
ther. (And that, 'briefly, is the function
.performed by soap. I't is a very simple
one, but as ,tong as there is surface
tetvsdan soap will be indispensable.
The most effective instrument for
driving 'dirt out Of our lives, soap is
consumed in huge quantities. Every
year seventy-Thee-po.un'ds of it gurgle
down ,the kitchen and ,bathroom ,drains
of the 'average Canadian 'household;
2'500,000 .pounds are used by the laun-
dries in dislodging the dirt from our
linen and thousands of 'bars 'lather
away to nothing during the business.
of 'keeping 'offices and factory 'de'part-
nents 'clean, All told, it takes 11167,110Q, -
8O pounds of soap a year to ,maintain
a state of 'cleanliness m this country,
and a'lthoozgh 'ei'gh'ty per scent. of the
national soap :production is accounted
far 'by eleven plants, thirty-eight fac-
tories are kept busy ,manufacturing it,
With 'no other product are eve on
such in'timete terms as the cake of
soap which occupies the sack in the
bathroom. It knows us from the .crad-
le, yet to most .of us it is still just as
much of a mystery as it was when our
curiosity was 'stat aroused by 'the tra-
gical appearance of the lather when
we 'twirled a 'cake en our wet hands.
Yet sotto is simply a compound of al-
kali and fatty acids, .obtained from An-
imal and vegetable oils to which per-
fumes, colouring matter and tnedica-
ntents are added, 'while such cleans-
ing agents as sodium silicate and sod-
ium carbonate are usually present in
the, cheaper grades. Certain vegetable
oils ,uhieh enter into its 'composition
impart emollient properties while oth-
ers are used 'few their free lathering
characteristics. During .the last fifty
years the soap chemists !rave searched
the world for the most suitable oils
for these purposes and the cake of
soap which is purchased so easily and
cheaply 'today is the final result of
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widely scattered 'enterprise.
More than .half the world supplies
some ingredient for soaps. ,From the
dihilippiee Islands, from. 'China and
Ceylon 'comes 'copra, the 'dried meat
of taco -nuts, from which is pressed
an oil unrivalled for its free -lathering
qualities. In tropical Africa dusky na-
a es swarm ,up palm trees to secure
the soft and :pulpy .fruits from' which
two other ingredients 'palm oil and
palmekernel oil, are extracted. Its 'Aus-
tralian ports, strips load drums of beef
and mutton tallow which are clestined
for the soap -factories of the 'world,.
and farther :south ,fleets of whalers ply
the tAntactie seas in search of the
4nightiest living mammals whose car-
casses yield whale oil, which, after hy-
drogenation, is a constituent .of house-
hold soaps. Other components are
green alive •oil and peanut oil, the for-
mer ;wrought from the Mediterranean
countries, .the latter +from Senegal and
China, where the docks are piled 'high
with peanuts awaiting ,shipment to the
mills of France and North America
cohere the oil es extracted, The list of
peaces seems well-nigh inexhaustible,
for, in addition to the oils and 'fats
there are such minor ingredients as
pumice and " perfumes -which have
sent the soap manufacturers ex-
ploring front Brazil to the Is-
land ill di r near,
11n•d of Lipari do the a 'ter a
And, lastly, there is the caustic soda
with which the oils are mixed to
form soap.
Caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide,
ranks with sulphuric acid Ind soda
Ale as one of the 'three major chemi-
cals serving industry. Huge (quantities
of it are consumed annually by the
Canadian soap 'ind'ustry, which draws
a large percentage of its supply front
Canadian Industries 'Lunitecl. C -I -L
'Obtains it Iby 'processing the salt
Which it Humps ,up in the form of
brine from its salt' bed's sixteen hund-
red feet +below the ;Detroit !River at
Witedsnr, 'Ontario, Salt from Wind-
sor, too, as you will see later, plays an
important part in the manufacture of
Nearly all soaps are made 'by the
+boiling process, which consists simply
of nixing the oils and 'caustic soda
and 'boiling the mixture to bring
about a chemical reaction called sap-
onification. ,Carried aur on a 'huge
scale in kettles, sometimes 'lined with
;stainless steel, which hold as much as
200,000 pounds 'nf oils and caustic, the
process .looks anything bit simple
when viewed for the first time. Qu
the plant of .one of the largest' soap
manufacturers the visitor can see
something like twenty of these ;gitan-
tic kettles. 'Their 'tops, measuring eev
entcen feet in diameter, nose up
through the floor of the 'hoilin,g de-
partment and look like tremendous
wa:thttitbs, an impression 'which is ac-
centuated thy the steam spiralling up-
ward from the surface tel the soap and
the moisture -laden air which envelops
t'he room in a' slight moist, 11 one of
the kettles is ,empty the visitor can
peer down into its two-story depths
and at the bottom see the coils of
perforated steam pipes 'through which
live steam escapes to hasten the
chemical reaction acid agitate the mass
during processing.
Steam is turned on and a workman
opens the valves which send 'the ano-
ber-coloured streams of oil tumbling
into the great crater of the cauldron.
At the same time caustic soda is pip-
ed in at such a rate that the inixture
always contains a slight excess of al-
kali. When the charge of oil is com-
plete the caustic is 'turned off and the
mixture 'boiled for a couple of hours.
during which saponification takes '
place. That is, the oils turn into soap
by combining with the alkali,
Several tons of salt are then shov
ell•ed into the kettles where the visc-
ous :mass is still simmering, The salt,
causes the pure soap to curd and float
to ;the top -df the ,kettle in millions of
tiny granules. Beneath this curd soap
lies a 'quantity of what is known in
the soap industry a s spent lye, a
liquid containing 'bride and about
to :5 per cent •glycerine. When this
":graining" has taken 'place the steam
is shut off and the mass allowed to
stand overnight.
,Originally chemically combined in
the oil, 'glycerine is an important 'by-
produc't in all soap -tanking • establish-
ments. It k separated from the spent
lye.by neutralization and 'distillation,
the process also yielding up part of
the salt which is again used for gain-
ing. after careful refining, the glycer-
ine is shipped from the plant in a :pure
state .for use itt such widely separated
commodities as paint`,., medicines. ex-
plosives, cosmetics and anti -freeze.
After spent lye has been run off,
more caustic is added to the mixture
in the kettles and boiling continues
'for three or four hours to ensure 'thor-
ough saponification. This is important,
for an improperly saponi'fie-d soap
would contain free fat to impart
rancidity to the finished product, 'ln
the old clays the seep 'b'oiler 'detected
4/tlQ0/D. part of alkali by the length of
time It 'tootle a sample. taken from the
kettle, to :give a bite to the tip .of the
tongue. 'Nowadays rule of thumb
methods are replaced. lby ,constant
checking and careful analysis,
:After this ,boiling. .graining again
takes place. Containing free caustic
the lyes are now toned half -spent
lyes, and after the mass has settled
overnight, they are run off. The re-
maining mixture is then boiled with a
certain aillonttt of water and left to
stand for a number of days during
which it divides into layers of pure
soap contstinittg 6 per cent fatty acids
and nigre, the :oaptnaker'e terns for
implore soap,
The 'base nt all naps. except few
hands of inexpensive toilet soap:, is
made in the kettles. W-hether the final
product is to be toilet slap, flakes or
powder. the rest of the processing is
ttry ly mechanical.
Cheap laundry soap; ba -s straight
from the 'kettles to a erntelter, a ma -
machine in wheel rotary blades ,chtmn
the snap, mixing and creaming it thor-
oughly to wbteh nwasered ilttantitie'
of cleatieine agents are added. 'Front
the crtttell er the snap is poured into
metal frame s mounted .on wheels
Hundreds of these frames, each con-
taining a gigantic itar of ;oap weigh-
ing :ts much as a thonsattd pounds.
ore ranked on the floor of the factory,
In them 'tire soap is allowed to 'stand
for a few clay, to age and solidify.
Afterwards it will ee cit. stamped
with the company's Rahe or -brand,.
and packed by ntttomatic machinery.
Within the 'memory of many house-
wives Monthly has progressed from a
day of drudgery to one in which ]nth
by's shirts and tittnior's socks are
laundered 111 a few minutes with the
Di H. Mciones
ehiropfl actor
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aid of an electric washing machine,
which :churns 'them up in the soft and
abundant. lather from soap :grannies,
The maknrg of these tiny particles of
soap supplies the soap industry with
its most ,spectalula•r phase. From the
crutcher the liquid soap tis piped to
another section of the plant, mixed
with alkaline detergents and pumped
to the top of a pipe column, being
heated. with oil burners en route.
Then, under pressure, it is ,forced
through a tiny nozzle and shot out
into a receiving chamber where con-
tact with the cool air causes the liqu-
id stream to crystallize. 'Viewed from
the onposi'te ead to the nozzle the
chamber,' with its sloping sides; seems
engulfed in a soap drlizzard as the
trillions of granulated particles drift
down on to a conveyor at the rate of
a 'kw thousand i>ounds an hour to be
carried off for screening and pack-
Toilet soaps escape the whirling
artus of the cru'teher attd pass instead
from the 'kettles to the dryers. :Here,
as a thin liquid filet, the soap passes
over a cooling roll, meets a serrated
knife edge, drops off as ribbons and
passes into a -drying chamber.
After drying, a fraction of one per
cent of moisture remains in the soap,
which is hurried by a spiral 'conveyor
to the milling department. 'Here per-
fumes and medicaments are added to
measured quantities of the soap. MBI-
ing toilet soap means passing it
through steel or 'granite rol'ters which
do to the soap just what the rolling
pito does to pastry, removes all the
streaks and !lumps and guarantees an
even cottsis'telicy.
The soap now tumbles into the
jaws of the 'plodder, from which it
emerges as an endless bar etreantin'g
from the machine at the rate of sev-
eral 'thousand 'feet an hoar. Mile after
utile sof soap Lushes .from the plodder
during the day to be hurried through
a continuous operation which :dices
floe endless soap rata into bars at the
rare of over one hundred a minute,
shunts then, along for embossing and
packaging. 'Froth the kettles to 'the
cartons the -soap ha, been untouched
by it:ntd. an achievement in hyg r'tic
operation symbolized by the germ -
proof "Cellophane" which ds, iu sante
cases, wrapped around the ;packages
as .the ;final stage in their manufacture..
And thus soap is made ready to
begin its use'fu'l career, a career fr.xn
which it will .gain nothing, •fur every
day its ]bulk will grow smaller until
finally it .cl vindles away 'to nothing in
the same sort of steamy- ,atmosphere
do which it wars bora from fats and
Want and iFor Sale ad,. 1 week 21lc
Powder Snow In The Rockies
Nothing in Europe, according to
11. the most enthusiastic visitors,
can compare with the Canadian
Rockies for ski-ing, Record
crowds of visiting winter sports-
tuen this season have found su-
perlative snow conditions in the
Banff and Lake Louise districts
of the great mountain ranges in
Western Canada. Owing to the
altitude of this mile -high play-
ground, the ski-ing will remain
good until early summer.
The 'Canadian Rockies are ex-
periencing a great increase in too-
pularity. Special trains have
brought large crowds of skiers
regularly from Western Canada
and United States to enjoy the
fine powder snow surface en the
long, sweeping slopes of Mount
Norquay and Sunshine Lodge,
and many parties have penetrated
to the unsurpassed .Skoki Valley
and .Mount Assiniboine districts,
Other large parties have come
from Toronto, Boston,•New York
and distant eastern centres.
Among their numbers have been
celebrated skiers acquainted with
the most famous ski -grounds of
the world, all of whom have been.
impressed by the scenic grandeur, ,
sense of exploration, and the per-
feet snow conditions.
The pictures above include two
Scenes from Mount Assiniboine
and Skoki Valley and action shots
ofexpert skiers enjoying the deep
powder, now,