The Seaforth News, 1938-03-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros.. reenetiers WALTON Miss Nfaey Bennett, who has been assisting et W. C. 13ennetes store, -went to the ,haspital Monday Where - she will inedergo an operation. fOr ap- pendicitis. Mr. Henry Armstrong, :Morris, has leased the farm belonging to :Duncan jOhneton, 115th •of Grey, for the com- ing year. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex, 'Clarke on 'the arrival 'of •a son born Wednesday March lst ' Mrs. Wm, Monders, north gravel road, had the misfortune to fall on Sunday morning and was removed to the hospital for Xray, Mies IGtutdie 'Tame, who has been employed at Dudley Birds, left Sat- eirday for Stratford where she has se- cured a position. Mrs. Wm. Pareptherson is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. 'Norman. Thompson, in Betessels. Mr. 'Russell Coutts, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Robt. Coutts, from Alberta, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Prank Cardiff, 114th of Grey. The Mission Band of Duff's United Church met at the usual hour on Sunday morning. 'Ruth Cummings presided and after singing hynin. etheee again dear Lord we .pray", the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Thanks were tendered to the Mission Band members from Miss Simpson -for the box of fruit so thonghtetelly sent her during her re- cent illness, A 'junior life membership was presented to Naomi 'Martin by Mrs, E, Bryarte, It was decided to not have a concert until the aotumn, Roll call 'was responded to by twenty members. The worship period opened Illy singing qestis bids us shine" and Ross Bennett read the Scripture les- son, john 4, 'beginning at the Pth verse. 'Ruth Cumming gave the prayer in the study book which had been de- livered by a little African boy, Vas- eoe. Earl Couttes read a letter from the junior congregations in Caneun- dongo, Africa, which was written to their friends in Canada and •other Parts of the world. The Birthday of- fering was received and I75 -c collection received in the classes. After the study period meeting was closed by singing hymn 659, "When mothers of Salen, their chitdren •brought to Jes- us", and the Mizpah benediction. WINTHROP Congratulations to 'Winthrop on winning the MeMillan Cup. Miss Mary Bennett underwent an operation in the hospital on Monday. She has been living in the West but is now of Walton. Mr. 'John Bennett of Wingham spent a few days with Mr. Foster Bennett, -Mr. Harry Addicott has installed an electric washer and we would like to know who will be the lucky one to use it. An extra large crowd attended the Cockshutt machinery demon'stration held in the hall Monday night. After the .demonstration a few hours were spent in -dancing and lunoh was eery - ed. As everything was +free, that ac- counts for the huge .crowel. The ladies of Cavan Church are putting <ma St. 'Patrick's concert in the churc'h Thursday evening. Come along whether you are Irish or not as a good programme is being prepared and the admission fee is small. Mrs. IGeo. Eaton has returned home after nursing Mrs. Alex !Clark of iBrussels. The euchre and •dance held in the hall last Feiday night was well at- tended. The :prize winners were: Lad- ies' most games, Mrs. Bill Boyd: lone hands, Mrs. ;Adrian Hogg: men's most -games, Mr. Charlie Storey: lone hands, Mr. Eldon 'Kerr. After lunch a few hours were spent in dancing. Some one is circedating around that the Winthrop hall is condemned. Af- ter the huge crowdMonday nigeit -proves that it is far from being .con- demned. (After the hall was filled, -dozens were turned away. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Carter of Seaforth, Mrs. Wm. Hiles, •Clinton, were callers at MTS. g. Elsley's and Mrs. J. Taneblyn's on Saturday. 'Mrs. ;Elizabeth Lyon visited at the home of her son William Lyon, Blyth, on Sunday, he being in very poor , health. Mrs. 'Joseph Shaddick 'visited at the home of Mrs. IE. Shaddick, Hensall, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyon visited Mr. and Mrs. Holtzaiter, Blyth, and with Dr. and Mrs. Vokes at Blyth on Friday 'last. Idiargaret Fothergill has taken a ,position with Mrs, H. Case% Clin- ton. • Mr. and Mrs. Peed Armstrong and little •daughter of 'Grimsby were brief callers on friends recently, they being home for the 'celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Armstrong's .golden wed- ding. Mrs. Wen. Hoggart was hostees to a number of W.M.S. ladies, also nei- ---tasateeseeasetegeeteseasaue.e. glebore laet Thursday when they (Milted a quilt for Groat) No, 1 of the W.M.S.- A e`-ary pleasant and social time was spent together. The death of Mr. M. Hasselwood which occurred on Friday Last remov- ed another respected citizen of the village. He lead been in very .1)1Dor health for years ancl for 'some time was 'confined to a .wheel chair end was not able to mingle with friends. The funeral took place ,from his late home on ,Moneley, March lefth. Rev. A. \V. ,Gardiner officiated. -burial at Burns' cemetery. Three 'brothers and three sisters survive him. . . BLYTH At the morning service of the Unit- ed Church on Sunday .Rea R. A. rDok, Witt take as his subject, "Jesus and Suffering," and in the evening "The Wreckers." 'On Thursday even- ing -during the fellowship and study hour the subject will he taken up "The Organization -of the 'Early Church." The regular monthly meeting of the 1V.M.S, was held in the school roorn oe the church .with the piesident, Mrs. %Vim Jenkins, presiding, taking the opening ex-ercises, followed by the Minutes of the former meeting and treasurer's report. 'Plans were made for the Easter thankoffering meeting, The temperance secretary gave a talk on the work al this department. Chris- tian stewardship was the subject of a communication to Mrs. 'Graeby from the 'Presbyterial secretary. Mise L. Young, telling .c4 the allecation to this auxiliary. Devotional leaflet was read by Miss :efary Watt. A solo was sung by Mee. 'Jenkins. followed by the roll call, The fifth chapter of the study hook was taken by Mrs, White, an in- strumental duet was given by Mrs. H. McElroy and Mrs, R. D. Philp. .A -tee cent tea was then served, the follow- ing grants in charge: Mesdames B. Hale W. Jenkins, M. IGrasby: N. P. Garret. Wm, Watson, W. H. Lyon, Wm. Laidlaw, Wm. Lagan. The March meeting of the Woman's Association met on Tuesday with the president. Mrs. J. W. Mills. presiding. :Meeting opened by singing hymn 245, the Lord's ,prayer was repeated in un- ison. During the :business it was dec- ided to purchase some kitchen equip- ment, also to 'have a fowl supper at the useal time in November. Mrs, Graeby gave the report of the ,flower and visiting, committee. A reading was given by Mrs, J. ceNo Place Lor the Old Man." Meeting closed hymn 084. The Mission Band of the United Church held a very successful St. 'Patrick's tea an :larch lieth which will add a nice tide sum to their allo- cation. There passed at ay on Thureday in the person of Mrs, efeury Jackson in her '83rd year, relict of the late Henry Jackson, who predeceased her some years ago. Mrs. Jackson's maiden mime was Annie McKay. The family are (Edith) Mrs. Wm. Logan, Blyth: (Maude) Mrs. McDonald and (Caro- line) Mrs. McDonald, both of Brig- -den. and one 'son Meno of Morris. The funeral was held from the hotne of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Logan, on Saturday. Burial took place in the Union -cemetery, Miss Belle +Keating underwent an appendicitis operation in Clinton hos- pital. Mr. Robt. Wightman received word that a -cousin, Edward Wightman. `had passed to his reward following a stroke at Broderick. Sask., He was formerly a resident of this locality. HARLOCK A number of the ladies met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear Friday afternoon of last week and quilted a guilt for the W.M.S. which was patched by the ladies of that group. Miss Doris Lear had her tonsils re- moved in a Seaforth hospital Monday of this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm Pepper of near Brucefield spent Sunday at the home of 'Ar. and Mrs. A. W, Me)Etving. Mr. :Jahn Mills visited one after- noon last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, I. Rapson. Mr. Norman Sanderson recently purchased from Mr. 'Percy Manning the 'blood istaelion Bad :Frisco which was ,overfed last season by Mr. Bert Stephenson and has a record of +2.07. The croleinole party which was held in Londesboro -community hall last Tuesday evening by the Ladies' Aid was well attended, Emil Ludwig's ."Life -of Roosevelt" Now, read in The Sunday Times each week. the stirring, fearless bio- graphy of 'President Roosevelt as written ,by Emil Ludwig, the great 'German -biographer Who showed the world a new Lincoln, told the graphic truth about Mussolini and wrote the greatest of all books about Napoleon. Now he tells the complete story of- Rocaevelt, the boy, the man, the statesman. Want and For -Sale Ads, 3 weeks, -30e THE SEAFORT NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1938 • HILLSCREEN W, A.— The- Women's Auxiliary of the Hills -green Church met with the Kip - pen Auxiliary and held the world's day of prayer together on Friday, March eth, with Mrs. Rev, Chandler, president •of the •,Kippen -Auxiliary, ancl ‘Annie (jarrott, secretary ,of the Hillsgreen Aluxiliory,. ,presiding. Theme, 'World Fellowship.," -call to 'worship and prayer; in -unison. Hymn "God of Grace, IGod af Mer - was sung. The responsive read- ing led by Annie Jarrett. Prayer in unison'. T,he hymn, "In Christ There is No East or West." The .devotional leaflet, "Peace Through Fellowship." wae'given by 'Annie 'Jarrett and pray- er in unson. The hytnn, "0 Word of God Incarnate." -followed by prayers of silence and M-rs. 'Chandler, Mrs. Finlayson, .Mrs. W. Sinclair, Mrs. J. C. el4 and Mrs. Monteith all led -in interceesfary -prayers. 'Prayer in unison. The hymn, 'The Church's one 'Foun- dation," Mrs. Chandler gave a story on The IDay of 'Prayer." The offer- ing and minutes were then taken. The business ,was talken. Hillsgreen auxil- iary agreed to send their president, Miss Edna -Cochrane, a shower of cards during her illness in Toronto General Hospital. The April meeting will be in the torn: of a quilting -bee combined with a short devotional per- ipd on the first Wednesday of that month, April 6t1. The St. Patrick's social and ten .cent tea on March 017th will be arranged for by the eommit- 'tee during this week. -After prayer and the hymn, "'rhe Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended." meeting closed with prayer in 'unison. A dainty Much was served by the -hostesses. A vote •of thanks was tendered the Kippen Aux- iliary for the -kind invitation. Mr, James 'Cochrane of Toronto spent the iweek end with his broeher Allan. Miss 'Edna Cochrane, who spent a Short time in the hospital at Toronto came with him to her sister's home in Hensall where she is conval- escing after her operation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson were in London and Toronto eecently visiting relatives. Mr. Wm. Clarkson of Grand Bend visited friends in this vicinity during the week. Mr. and Mrs. 'W, Huxteble and Miss Agnes Anderson of -Centralin visited relatives 'tit:hit:et the week. Mrs. Turner's sisters, who have been spending a few weeks with her, left Inc their home in Manitoba this week. Mr. Max Tully of Clinton called on friends iti this vicinity during the week. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Feirbairn re- turned from a very pleasant trip to New Orleans, Miss Margaret McAllister of Hen - gall visited at the &mine of Mr. and Mrs. B. Walker. The St, Patrick's social and ten cent tea will he held on Thursday eaening, March 11176, at 8 p.m. A good pro- gramme and a 'birthday party are the entertainments Inc the occasiou, AUBURN Mrs. John McLeod, who has been visiting relatives in Toronto and Stratford for some time, has returned home. MT. •George Raithby, Mrs. Elwin Killough and -daugleter, Joan, were in London one day 'last week. Misses -Beryl Wilson of Stratford Normal and !Dorothy of Ship-pan:1ton spent the voeek end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. j. Wil- son. Born.—On Friday, March 1111Ith, to Mr. and Mrs. Warner Andrews of West Wawanosh, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rdbison and Mr. and ,M-rs. N. Garrett stpent the week end -with friends at Flint, -Mich. On their return they were accompan- ied iby MTS. McCool, mother of the Mrs. Harry -Govier has returned home after visiting three months with her granddaughter,. Mrs. Ed. Sellery, and Mrs. Sellery of Exeter. Mr. Frank Raitleby has started tap- ping his trees and to date has tapped some soo trees. Born.—At the 'Clinton Hospital on Tuesday, Manch 8th to Mr. and Mrs. Dave McLeod of -Baseline, a son. Mae +Russell Thom.pson and son, 'George, of Delhi, are visiting ,Mr. and Mrs. Weir Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Armstrong and family of London spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. M. Armstrong. Mr. .and Mrs. Prank Rogerson of B.lyth spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Asquith. The -monthly meeting of 'the Wo- rnen's Institute was held in the !For- esters Hall Tuesday lefternoon with the president, -Mrs. Lawson, in charge end Mrs. R. 9.. IPhillipe presided at the Mance The meeting was opened by singing the 90cie" followed by the Lord's prayer in unison led by -Mrs. .1. J. Ferguson, Letters of iapprecia- then for cards seat were read -from Mrs. Earl Raitleby, Mr, George ;nag- elta and fatnily, and Wallace King, Miss Eleatior 'Wileon favored with J. C11;''.!5 SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come' promptly PHONE 179. All Repairs .Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH We Aim To Please - solo and Mrs. Charles Straughn -gave a reading on "The 'Old House". The topic on "Education" was taken by Mrs. 'Joseph 'Washington. There was a kitchen apron ,contest. The judges were Mes. E. Phillips, Mrs, C. A. Howson and Sadie 'Carter. Thefirst prize was won by Mrs. George Sturdy, the .second by ,Mrs. Edgar Lawson. The prizes were donated by Mrs. Gordon Taylor end Mrs. 10. E. lErratt, The singing of • the National IAnthem brought the meeting to a close sifter Which a -dainty lunch was served by Mrs. A. e. FerkLIS011, Mrs. W. H. Sheppard and Mrs. H. •C. \Vilson. 'On .Monday Mr. Wm. Haggitt had his hind severely crushed in the milk- ing ,machine on the farm Of Mr. Frank -R.aithby where he is -employed, HENSALL At the, United Church on . Sunday Rev. Arthur Sinclair -accupied his own -pulpit both morning and even -- Mg. At the evening service Mr, Sin- clair spoke on international hymns, and there was speeial music by -the choir. The soloists were Mee. M. Hedden, 'Mr. Harry Horton and Mr. Wilson Carlile, a trio by Leette Love, !Gladys Passmore and Mrs. Hess. A daet by Mrs. Hess and Mrs. .Hedden. The Hensell hydro commission has received word from the 'Ontario hydro electric commispsion that the -credit to the local Commission, known as the ateth power 'bill for 1119317: is $9717.I115. Our 'local hydro system is in a very flourishing condition. There was a bank balance on Dec. 311 of $1,836.1518 and $7,0100 invested in 5 .p.c. •Doneinion Government 'bonds. Against this there is -outstanding -debentures of $5,10115 last due in 11945. The assets are given as $2l3,575135 and the equity in ,the hydro electric power commission as $111,9311e42. The reserve for deprecia- tion is 40.16.3633, Accounts receivable $67.112. Domestic consumers 105, pow- er '13, commercial 00. A large crowd attended the humor- ous three act play, Adventures of 'Grandpa -pa, .put on in the basement of the Limited Shurch on Tueselay evening under auspices of the • Wo - 'het° Class of the ;United Church. The play was presented by menthers ol the Young People'e, Society of Tames at., 'Exeter. The following were the caste, Ardys McFalle, Vera Decker, Irene VanCamp, Let:retie Beavers, Helen Finkbeiner, Jilgin 'Luxton. Ar- nold Ford, Arnold Hodgins, Chas, 'Cox. Between acts a piano duet was tandered by Laurene Beavers and Ola Reid, also guitar selectionby Earl, -Heywood. After the pereormance WILS over lunch was served to the caste. Miss Fulton, 'R.N., who has 'been nursing at the 'home- of Dr. Collyer at London for several weeks, has re- turned to .Hensall and is now nursing Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill -who 'broke her leg albout a week ago when she fell on the ice. A number of young people in:fin the different churches are canvassing the town this week in the interest of the Bible Society. Miss Nettie Cameron recently fell on the ice and suffered painful in- juries. The Ladies' Aid of -Carmel Pr•esby- terian Church held a very succeseful Irish concert and social oa Tuesday evening in the church. The program opened by all -singing Irieh songs led by the chairman; Rev. W. A..1Young accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Young. An Irish quartette was sung by Mrs. 'James Paterson, Miss Mabel Workman, Mrs, MacDougall and Miss Margaret Dougatl entitled "Be- lieve me of ell those endearing young charms," 'accompanied on the piano by Mrs. A. Dougall. An Irish selec- tion ,hy the orchestra, namely, .Mr. Jas. 'Mustard Sr., Mr. James Mustard jr., Mr. Jas. Bengough and 'Mr. Fred Deters with Mrs. MadDougall at the piano.' A very humorous 'Trish ad- dress was given by Mr. Ross Mac- Kay. A solo by Miss lEileen Mann, "That long lost gold mine in the sky," accompanied on the piano, lby Mrs. Ed. Re/hi:Isom 'An Irish reading "An Triehman," by Wil'liam Craig was eery much enjoyed 'by all. A sel- ection of Irish songs was given iby the orchestra. lAn Irish eluet -was giv- en by Mrs. MacDougall and Miss -Margaret Doe -gall who were 'dressed in Irish costumes. 'A very delightful oat% 5A little hit of Heaven," was rendered by iR.ev. Mr. Young accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. Young. A play entitled The Irish Linen Ped - ler," was very ably .gliven and was very -humorous. Alter the -program a social hale hour was spent and lunch served, ,bringing to a -Cloee a very en- joyable everting. Mr. Peter Manson, who has' been very ill at -his home here ifar several weeks, is now slowly improving. Mrs. Thos. iPailmer has been very DGorlY at her home 'here during this last -week. Mr. 'George Howard of lExeter was visiting relatives in town ort Monday. There were 3 births, a marriage and two deaths registered with the H.ensall municipal dlerk clittring- the months of 'January and 'February, ac- cording to the vital statistics recorded at the 'clerk's office, The Yoring !People's SOciety of the Hensall United Church were guests Monday evening -of the young people of James at. Church, Exeter. The Rensall group gave the ,program, af- ter which lunch was served by the Exeter society, and e very enjoyalble --social half hoar was spent. Mr. and Mrs: John Yonmg and son of Lakeside and Mr. and Mrs, R. Duncan -and son of Harrington were visiting here on Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs W. O. 'Goodwin. Mr. -and Mrs. Joseph Flynn and ,children were visiting on Sunday with Mr. :Flynn's .parents in McGillivray. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKay and little -daughter spent the week end in Toronto. . Mr. and Mei. William Simpson of Detroit were week end visitors here with relateves. Mr. and Mrs. John Swan. of Lon- don spent the week -mid here with his father, Mr. Alexander Swan. Mr. and Mes. A. L. 'Case spent Son -clay with Denfietd eelatives. Mr. Robt. Drysdale of London spent he week end at his 'home here. Mr. William Caleaba.n of 'Detroit spent a few days here last week vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Core -ben and Mr. ancl Mrs. Roy MeLiaren. 'NESS 'Wsie Robins has taken a pos- ition at the home of Dr. Seeer, Mies Irene .Hoggarth bas accepted a position in the ladies' wear -depart- ment of ',J-oynt's store, Mrs. Peter Fis:her and daughter Miss Eleanor Fisher, are .visiting for a few days this week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter 'Moffatt, Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer and son Walter Spencer, spent the week end visiting in Toronto. 'Mr. C. Cook is redecorating and making a nurreber of other improve- ments to Inc home on South Rich- mond street. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO lett. Smith, of. -Rochester, N. Y., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jemes Beattie. --Allan Meredith, G. T. R. freight clerk, is leaving town this week.—A. NV. ',Termer of Stratford was in town for the vveek-end.---A number of ladies itt town are giving "Teas", in honor of Mrs. Bauslaugh of Winnipeg—L. Ijoym, 'W. Mont- gomery, W. Gotzschalk and L. 'Atkin- son were Mitchell visitors this week. —There is still a greet deal of .sickness in town, la -grippe and croup -being the mord fashionable 'complaints. — meeses, Harvey and William Brown- ell of Detroit were in town last week, attending .the funeral -of their sister, Miss Agnes Brownell.—The (Misses Hutchison, who have been visiting friends in Staffa, Hibbert and -other places, left this week for Aylmer.— Ilia§ 'Bernice Davis, who- has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. Davidson, for the past few weeks, re- turned to her home in 'Godeeich last week.—Three rinks of curlers. -came -up from Mitchell :Ian week to have a friendly game with the local curlers. Seaforth -came out winners when the scores were totalled. The Mitchell skips were Messrs. J. .MoDonald. J. Rogers and F. A. Mann.—Raymonel Carpenter of the Bank of Commerce, has been moved to 'Chatham and left for that -pity on Saturday.--Sparling and Wright have formed a partner- ship, and are prepared to da all kinds of -repairing in their new shop in the Wilson Iblock.—Mrs. Taylor and Miss Nan •Campbell left on Wednesday morning for a -visit with friends in New York.—iMrs. W. J. Chisholm of Prince Albert, :Sask., who has been visiting friestd bit Ingersoll, arrived in town on 'Wednesday, and intends visiting her 'brother, IF. H. Walley, for some time.—Alex -Currie of 'Brussels was in town -on Tuesday.—Mr. Tam- an was in Wingham last Prirday at- tending an I. O. 0. IF. convention.— Windsor and Walkerville are havieg classes established for 'bath -manual training and domestic -science, and at a special meeting, acting an the re- -port of the inspector 1M.r. Leake. Miss Mabel Govenlock was selected as teacher of 'domestic science, Iter dut- ies to start after the summer holidays. -Miss .Goventock is a daughter of our townsman, J. IR. IGovetelock, .and a very -capable teacher, and these towns are to 'be congratulated email -their selection. Miss 1Goyentock is at 'pees- ent teaching in Toronto technical high school. Tuelkerem Mr, -and ./vIns. Wm. Dale of the He- ron road entertained a number of their friends—Miss Maggie Martin who has !been it1 in the Clinton hos- pital, -has retterne-cl B?ehartan shipped one of the -best carloads of 'horses ever shipped from Hensall. Mr. Buchanan 'bought them from fanmer.s around this .neighbor: - hood, and shipped them to Saskatche- wa . REGENT: THEATRE 'SEAFORTH, Now Playing ERROLL pLyasmr , JOAN 1SIONDZI.L The Perfect Specimen May Robson E. E. Horton The perfect comedy Mon, Tues, Wed., Mar. 21-22-23 Miro Martini Joan Fontaine Alan 1Vlowleray Music for Madame • Romantic drama set to music Next Thur. Fri, Sat., Mar. 24-25-26 Ann Sothern Burgess Meredith Mary Boland ..- There Goes the. Groom A rollicking comedy—Also Sally Eilers, Harry Cary, John Beal Danger Patrol • --COMING— The Awful Truth Hensel' .Mrs. A. H. Carroll has returned to her 'home hi Bea,cheille after visiting Friends bere.L-Ij. D. Stewaet sold his farm and will reside in future in DOra Sherritt, nurse - in -training at Viotorie Hospital, Lon- don, is spending a couple ,af weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Sherritt.—Mr. and Mrs. IP. :Douglas intend leaving for the ,West about April 1lst. ' Mitchell James Pelee of Tinley, N. D., has purchased the Sarin of 'Robert Jack- son, near Mitchell, for $7050. 'Mr. Park, who -paid cash for the property, -does not get possession until next N'overnber. Mr. IPark .was born in Hibbert, and went west some 'thirty years ago. STANLEY The ,Blake branch' of the W. M. S. held their monthly .meeting on Wed- nesday of last week at the home of Mrs. ijahn ,McBride. Tn addition to the regular 'business,letters of sym- pathy to the sick folk of the congre- gation, of whom there are many and smile seriously ill, were written, sign- ed by all present and duly forwarded. The marriage took place on Thurs- day of last week of 'Oliver, second youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Meno Steckle Sr. of Stanley Tp., to Ger- trude, second eldest daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Sol Baechler of Hay Tp. After spending their honeymoon in Waterloo .county and eastern points of Ontario the young couple will take up residence on the farm formerly oc- cupied iTy Mr. Lloyd Saotchiner. Messrs. :Keith Westlake of St. Ca- therines and Billy -Armstrong of the Bronson Line and Misses Margaret WV Halberer of the ;Blind 'Line, Hay, and Jean Cernie of the Branson line, spent the week end at the home of Me. and 'Mrs. Thos. Westlake of -the Blue 'Water Highway. :Mr. 'Russell • Sparks motored: 1.0 London on ibtisiness .on Monday. Native of Stanley Passes Away— Word has been received of the death at Poriage-la-Preirie, Man., of Mary .Ann Robinson, wife of the -late Rev. D. M. :Kennedy. Deceesed :was born. in Stanley .on ,May 2150, 1846, -daughter of the late ThOmas and Dinah Robinson, and sister -of the Ed- ward 'Robinson eef Stanley and Rich- ard -Robinson of Tackersmith. She lived with her parents in Stanley, till her marriage in 11073 to Rev. D. M. Kennedy of the former Methodist Church following which they were stationed on various charges in West- ern Ontario, Afbout 140 years ago they moved with their family to ;Manitoba. Her husband passed away a number of years ago. She is survived 'by a son and a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex Wylie of De- troit spent the week end with friends in Stanley. 'Mrs. 'Wylie's 'father, Me. W. H. Stephenson, returned -to De- troit with them. , Mrs. Wes, .Cochrane and Mrs. 'Da- vid Johnston Who have spent the past month with friends .and •relatives in Stanley, returned this week to their homes at Pilot -Mound, 'Men, 'Miss '0 -live 'Erre-a spent the week- end with her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Erratt at Muncey, Ont. Mrs. '(Res. J. R. )Peters of Varna 'spent a few 'clays viiiting friends in London. • BORN 'Brussels ori Tuesday, March 8th, 119130, to Mr. and Mrs, Alex Clank, a 'baby boy. IHetederson—In -Mefferd (Fillmore Hospital, .Buffalio, N. Y., an. 'March 9th, 1038, to Mr, and .Mrs. Harald NI. Heederson of 717 ;Northland 'Ave„ the gift of a son ieGeorge Harold). Jervis.—In Scott Memorial :Hospi- tal -on Tuesday, Manch 115th, '10318; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert jervis, Clinton, a daughter.