HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-03-17, Page 2PAGE TWO. Enjoy tea at its best TEA HENSALL The \Vohelo Class of the United Church held their March meeting in the church on Friday evening, March 4th. Hymn 226 was sung and the Lord's prayer in unison. The Scrip- ture, Psalm 19, was read responsively. An Irsh reading "Tribulations of Bid- dy Malone". by •Kathryne Drysdale, Solo, Joyce Broderick accompanied by Mrs, .Broderick, Reading, "St. Pat- rick's Day", by Ian Filshie. Hymn '2 230 was sung and the Mizpah benediction. Contests were enjoyed and lunch ser- ved. The meeting was in charge o Miss Lettee Love and took the form of a St. Patrick evening. Another euchre and dance sponsor- ed by the Hensel! Chamber of Com- merce will .be held in the town halm on Wednesday evening. March II:6th. This promises to be a very interesting af- fair. The World's Day of ,Prayer was ob- served here on Friday afternoon when the ladies of the United Church, St. Paul's Anglican Church and Carmel Presbyterian Church gathered at Car- mel ,Church for the service. The pres- idents of the different W. M. Socie- ties, Mrs. Charles A. MnDoanell for the United Church, .Miss Mary fee for .St. Paul's Church and Mrs. Colin Hudson for Carmel Church, were on the platform. A very able address on "Fellowship" was giren by Mrs. 1'1x.: A. Young. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Basil .Edwards, Mrs. John Dal- las, Miss 'Jennie Murray, Mrs. Anna McDonald and Mrs, W. A. Goodwin. A duet was given by -Miss Florence Welsh and Mrs. Geo. Hess accompan- ied on the piano by Mrs. \V. A. Mc- Laren. A large number of ladies were out to enjoy the service. W. M. S, Meeting— The W.M.S. of the United Citurc r held their March meeting on Thnrs- day afternacn in the school room of the cherch bits. a selendid attend- ance. :end- ance. In t'.re absence of the president. Mrs fro s. the 2nd vice-president, Mrs Ballantyne. preside.d. After the opening hymn and the Lore's ,,racer the roil was called. minutes of rhe previous meeting. -were read and the business discussed. It was decided to entertain the :nen to an Irish evening on March ,116th. Aster singing a hymn Mrs. E. McQueen :ed in prayer. The devotional leaflet was taken by Mies Ethel Murdock. Solo by Miss Kath- ryne Drysdale accompanying herself on the guitar. The Topic was taken by Mrs. Filshie. The meeting closed with singing a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Ballantyne. The Y. P. S. of the United Church held their regular weekly meeting on Monday es -ening in the school room When They Eat but DONTLI( I. Health, that is what makes and keeps hens profitable, for even little ailments affect their laying. Your insurance against even a periodical fall- ing off in egg production Is Pearson's Poultry Specific. Used regularly, it will make and keep your hens in the money making class. 1 Poultry Specific Made by the makers of "GREOLIN" 5-6 BUY IT FROM YOUR NEAREST DEALER KEATING'S PHARMACY, Seaforth, Ont. of the church with a good attendance. Miss Doreen :Farquhar presided. It being missionary evening the meeting opened by singing hymn 384 and the Lord's prayer in unison. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Miss Kath - time Drysdale. Minutes were read and business discussed. It was decided to withdraw the Y. P. meeting next Monday evening on account of the concert to be given on Tuesday even- ing by the 'Wohelo Class. ':A solo by Rose Kennedy. The Topic on "Fol- lowing the ,Cltrist". Piano instrument- al by Miss Gladys Luker. The meet- ing closed by singing hymn 291' and the 'Mizpah benediction. Council Meeting— The regular monthly meetin; of the village council was held in the coatui` chamber on Monday evening at a o'- clock with all the members ,present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the clerk and on motion o? Jones and Shepherd were adopted as read. Sam Rennie- and iFred_Beer ap- peared as delegates from the band and read their financial report and explain- ed the same stating that the band had twenty instruments of their own and uniforms for 36 in good condition. They aimed for a grant es at present they hare a deficit. Brock and Twitch- ell: That we grant the band 5200. Car- ried. Constable Geo. Fee reported re traffic bylaw: Caretaker of the town bail, Geo. Walker, reported on hall renting. Jas. A. 'Paterson, village clerk and treasurer. reported on the finan- cial affairs of the tillage stating that last year there was $143 of prepaid taxes. For this year up to date 3668 have been paid in. R. J. 'Paterson. tax collector, reported re tax collections. Twitchell and Brock: that we extend the tax roll to the first of April. Car- ried. Jones and Shepherd: Thar the resolution re tax account erepared 'iythe Bank of Montreal be signed °ey the reeve and clerk. Bills and ac- counts read a, folly wr: R, J. Teriell and Co.. 11.7e; .Exeter 'rimes Adencate. 75e: F. ?i. Bontlrron, insurance on rink.:2o: 'F. W. Hess. printing. 847: Tho,. R Rizhartisen. labor at rink,$4,25: Lloyd Brock, , eb e at r tik, Me; ; \W. Tayls.r. labor on .tree:-. . 51:75: J. A. Pater -on, postage. .: School Fe+ard. current expenses, 51000: Hydro Com- mission, hydro for hall and motor, 66/' \V. R. Davidson, coal foe hall. 044:15; W. R. !Davidson, coal, relief. 88 Sam ;Ramie. hand grant, :201: Mrs. _lame Sangster, labor, charity. 317235: R. J Paterson. re Mrs. 'Tame. Sangster':: 31;2.7•;. ,Ta,. A. Paterson. Clerk THE SEAFORTH NEWS Mrs \roilmershousen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huart of 'Woodstock; Mrs: Conrad Mogk of Tavistock George Wenzel, Otto Wenzel, ,Melinda Wen- zel, 'Lydia Wenzel, Freda Wenzel, Lenora Matthews, Mrs, IN. Matthews, Mrs, .iN. Wildforig, Mrs. :Andrew Phrinuner and 'Mrs, William Wenzel, all of 'Hespler, and Mrs. William Mutch of Clinton. Flowers were re- ceived from the family, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. 1futele Mr. and ,Mrs. `Harry Yungblut, Mrs. John Arthur and .Al- ma Yungblut, Anna :Beadle, Idr. and \Irs. 'Edgar Lawson, 'Knox Presby- terian Church and \W,M.S., grandchil- dren, Mrs. Wainer and Mr. and Mrs. John Deer, The D. and A. Navigation Co.. Detroit. AUBURN Death of Mrs. George Yungblut— This community mourns the death of one of its highly respected citizens in the person of Mrs. 'George Yung - hut who passed away Saturday morn- ing at her home, lot 31. concession 1, East Wattianosh. Mrs, Yungblut had been in failing health for a number of years. The late Mrs. Yungblut was 'ion: Sept. 8th, .1870. the daughter o? .August and Elizaheth \Walper of Hole lett township and svas married to Geo. Y tngl'ut 'December 31st, '166,6, and for -nasty years resided in \ ih lrn lat- er moving. _ra o the .present farm where they led ilor twenty a ar Me,. Y .i t b,:n lye, a rahted men ,e f Kix Presby to a;: Church. She ..ts 5 ,comas of sterlingqua :e= and de- voted to her home and family. Her passim will be deeply mourned by a host of friends and relatives. Besides her husband she leaves two daughter:- and aughtersand three sons: Mr, Clarence Walden (:lbargueritel of Hullett; Lila a regis- tered nurse: Victor at home: Leonard of Chatham: and Arthur of Detroit: ai-o two sisters and three brothers: Kate of 'Pincher .Creek; Mrs. C. W. 1-nscomhe of Colorado; Adam of Pin- cher Creek: William. Alberta; :George, British Columbia. The funeral, which -.vas held from the family residence on Monday, was largely attended and was conducted by 'Rev. A. M. Boyle, pastor of 'Knox Church. Mr. Harvey MCGee sang a solo. The p allberer_ were Messrs. J. C. Smite Herman Daer. Sam Deer, Percy \Va:d Her- vey McGee. and -William Dobie. The ea ket was banked with ,flower,r l hore nntte testimony of the e f of the deceased. The flower bearer. iv,re Keith and Harry '.Arthur. Wagner and Ernest Paterson. I::te- ment was made in Balls Ccn e r v. Th se from a distance who as..ndei the funeral were Mr. and M. Neely and son. Mr. and Mrs, E. Stelck, Mr. and ,Mrs. Harm- Yungblut ani non Earl, Jake Deicher . a!1 HURON NEWS Leaving For England— Mr. Alex Strang. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang of .`Exeter, leaves this week for London. Eng., where he has secured a position with the Brit- ish Marconi Broadcasting Co.- He will sail from Halifax on Saturday. —Exeter Times -Advocate.. Clinton Mill Operated for Nearly 90 Years— John Schoenhals, veteran flour mill- er and for the past 26 years proprie- tor of the Clinton mill, is retiring from business after 50 years milling experience. as apprentice, -journey- man, miller and proprietor. He start- ed as an apprentice with Pfeffer Bros. of Milverton, was later employed in a mill at Atwood and in 11396 acquired the 'Port Albert mill which he oper- ated for ]i6 years before purchasing the Clinton mill, at that time known as Fair's mill. Though not an aged man, Mr. Schoenhals is of heavy build and a weakened heart makes climbing the stairways in a .five -story' building a difficult and dangerous matter. and that is the reason for his retirement. Built in the early fifties by the late Samuel H. Rance, father of Col. H. T. Rance, Division Court Clerk, and Thomas 'Rance, the mill has for nearly ninety years ground wheat into bread flour. For the first quarter century it was a combined flour mill and distillery and there are a few residents who can recollect see- ing the big whiskey vats and a barrel with whiskey always on top where farmers bringing wheat and barley tt• the mill might help themselves. For many years there was also a saw mir in connection with the industry and an incident that is related in connec- tion with it was the bursting of the 1' --grit diameter fly wheel of the en - e ine. It happened one winter morning erten the engineer turned on the pow- er to start the wheels turning. The g *vernor belt slipped off the frosted en:ley and allowed the engine to run w ild The wheel flew into pieces and t large section was thrown through the rail: roof. The mill was long known a. lair's Mils. The late James Fair Sr. became owner many years ago and gras succeeded by his two sons. James and Norman. Head mill- er, who served under the elder Fair and later under the younger men are J. P. Sheppard, now retired, and Har- ry Hunt. The small flour mill is be- coming a forgotten industry. the big :pills crowding them out or absorbing them. The Fair mill at one time had a capacity of 300barrels of flour per day. CARE OF THE BY -ROADS In days gone by people regarded the highways as a sort of 'No Man's Land." They ptished their fence, out and stole part of the land that belong- ed to the municipality. That was no- also', business: the road belonged nobody. + i according to their way of thinking. They pastured their cows un the grass that grew at the road- side. '\Who cared? Nobody. The road belonged to everybody. Any one could ,,ick up the apples from roadside trees.'Nobody could order une off the road. There :eur•ires in places something ..f the old contempt for the roads. Here and there some unthinking per- son carts out a load of rubbish and Brows it beside the road. Usually this occur, along a byway of unimproved road. and this fact reveals that the people have not arrived at the proper appreciation of the highest value of the roads to their community. Those by -roads and country lanes are soon to become one 'of the coun- try's finest assets. More and more the tourist will leave the big straight ce- ment highways and find enjoyment in ;he countryside. Country' 'people are earning not to scorn the tourists, and .,part from the consideration of mak- their own homesites and their irotas pleasant. is the incentive to i-enare their district to bid for the fi able tourist traffic. The roadside riga :< an insult and an economic .•: to a community. r tient--My wife -complains that I al;, in my sleep. What would you ^gest 1 .ho_tld M,? Doctor - Nothing that you uldn't.• THURSDAY, MAROM 17, 1938 TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY When Donnie Watson's father greeted him over the tele- phone from 500 miles away, Donnie was impressed no end. He couldn't resist boasting a bit to his next-door neighbour and playmate. Whenever you're called out of town, do as Bob Watson does —telephone home. It brings peace pf mind at a trifling cost. f. see ese Reductions in telephone rates—local and long distance— in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected savings to telephone users in Ontario and Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly. M. J. HABKIRK Manager RODGERVILLE (By W. H. Johnston in the London Free 'Press.) In the days of the pioneer some vil- lages started out under such favor- able circumstances that citizens fare - saw large and prosperous towns in the not distant future. Unexpected events, however, blast- ed their hopes, and people moved on to newer and more fortunate centres. Such was the fate of the almost for- gotten village of 'Rodgerille, Situated about four miles north of Exeter. on the London road, it grew rapidly. One of the earliest citizens was Mahew• Rodger, who opened a brick yard and built a large double house. One side was occupied as a store and the other as a hotel. As a merchant. he was a remark- able success, for, as crops in this fer- tile territory produced abundantly, there was plenty of grain and dressed hogs to exchange for store. moods Rodger storehouses were soon fin- ed ed to capacity. and he branched out into teantrn:2 to Lateen. and when the Bnffato & Lake Huron Railroad wa opened ,for train_ in1358. he sent his produce to Seaforth. Among his team- sters was one who became famous or important locally. Archie Bishop. who later settled down to farming in U'sborne, and who the electors of South Huron were pleased to send as their representative to the Legislative Assem'hly. Mr. Rodger's success and the needs of the people spelled opportunity for others, and the village grew apace. Business men flocked to the village Ind various shops were opened and did a good :business. The first settlers had come in 1036, but the .business boom was not until several years later. As Hay post office was only two mi:es away, it was not until 13518 that a post' office wag. established in Rod- nerilio. and named after its founder, Matthew Roder, who died in the ia;tee.:A fall fair was established and ran for some years. The three Grey brothers -launched out in another direction. Besides run. ning their blacksmith anti wagon .shops, they turned out -the Grey blows that for many years were the particu- lar choice of aspirant; for honors at plowing matches. Although fitted with a wooden beam and handles, the plow was so well trade and designed that it was especially prized for turning sod as well as for its wearing qualities: The leading brother Was John. and he was a popular lay preacher and temperance advocate. For many years he held forth in all pulpits that were opened to him. which was practically every one. Encouraged by his success, he became an ordained minister in the Baptist denomination. and was a suc- cessful pastor. _Alter his leaving the firm, his brothers ceased to build the plow. and it passed out of existence. trust as everything seemed rosy for Rodgerville, the London, Huron & Bruce Railway was built, and opened in 1076. According to the agreement with Hay Township, a station was to be ,built on the ,Zurich road at Hen - sail. This spelled the doom of Rodger - Neer stores were built in Hens sail and opened. Mr.:C•latisin moved his harness se sp follow- ed. there. Others follo- ed. and in a few years all 'business houses were closed and most of the b.ii:dingy pulled down. The original joint ,tune and hotel bufit by Matth- ea' sR+d,xer ie still standing, and three .'ther small residences are in exlct- ence an reminders of the once lively and prosperous village of-Rodgerville. • Fertilizer Recommendations An Ontario 'Department of Agricul- ture publication, 'Fertilizer Recom- mendations" looked upon by many progressive farmers as the most vale - able of all booklets published by the Department from year to year, is jus` off .the press for 119138 and ready for distribution free to every farmer. This important pamphlet of 20 pages can be .obtained, Mr. Farmer, from either your Agricultural 'Representative, the Chemistry Department, D..A.C., or .ire writing Publications Branch, Ontario Department of :Agriculture, Parlia- ment .Building., Toronto Obey that impulse and write for It now. It will mean money: to you this yoar in the opinion of r pro antnent agrirulturitts. The booklet sloes not contain an% "hit or truss" information. It is the re_ suit of much careful work by the Ad-! visor+ Board in conjunction with far- mer user., s, governanent 0;116,,,:: ,,n,! manufacturers. It is considered the . most reliable information on f r ttliz- ers in the province. "Every single ,e - commendation is backed by experi• mental data. in some cases Bathe.. -ed over a long period of years. It is checked and double checked by the Board, every member of which hav- ing been chosen for outstanding abil- ity. One of the 'board's functions is "to examine experimental data from all reliable sources having to do with the use of .fertilizers and methods of application. and to make recommen- dations justified iby such data or by approved farm practices," Space will not permit outlining the contents of the booklet in detail. The two pages on soil management and Conservation of barnyard manure are distinctly worth while, You grow gen- eral crops? Well, you will find, gener- al fertilizer recommendations for bar- ley. beans, buckwheat, corn. fall wheat. maneels. mixed grain. oats, peas. late potatoes, spring wheat, sug- ar beets and turnips. Dairy farmers and beef men will find recommendations for fertilizers to be placed on dairy and beef pas- tures as .well as for hay crops. Sev- eral pages are devoted to fertilizers for market garden crops, while four pages are given to best fertilizer mix- tures for ;;rapes, -raspberries, straw- berries and •tree fruits, There is information for the tobac- co farmer Mo. whether he grows flue - :wed, hurley or dark tobacco. There is also . valuable data on the home .nixing of fertilizers: methods of app.lication, and soil testing service. This latter service can be obtained at O.A.C., -Guelph; Kemptville Agricul- tural School, lKemptville; Western Ontario 'Experimental Farm, Ridge - town; Horticultural Experimental Sta- tion, Vineland: ,Dominion Experimen- tal 'Station. Harrow. She—Married life has its prob- lems, Hes-)Yes, especially when the wile complains shout not having enough wardrobe dr obe space and nothing to wear at the sante tinsel' PrPE TOBACCO ^tf01#';pA MILD,COOL SMOKE