HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-03-17, Page 1I'll seek a four-leaved s'hanurock'is all the fairy dells, Anal 'if I find the charmed leaves, ah, how VII weave my spell's! Bloat Iwould play eh' enchanter's part, in ,casting bliss around, ' Ohl not a tear, nor aching heart, should in the ,world he found! To worth I would give honor!—I'd dry .the mourner's tears, HURON COUNTY S LEADING NEWSPAPER And to the pallid lips recall the smile of 'happier years; The heart that had been .mourning o'er vanished dreams of love, Should see them all returning—like Noah's faithful dove, Oh! thus I'd play th' •euc'harifier's part, thus scatter bliss around, And •not a tear, nor achingheart, shauld in the world be found!' —Samuel Lover. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 60, No. 11.. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1938 Phone 84. $11 a year. Robinhood Flour IS ONE OF THE BEST 4K10 CWT. .MACARONI. -2 fibs llc STRING BEANS. -2 tins 19c SODA B!IS'CUITS. 2 lbs. 25c BRUNSWICK SARDINES.- 5 for 23c PEAS, CORN or TO'MATOES.- 2 tins 19e PIE CHERRIES. -2 tins 25c MINUTE TAPIOCA.—..2 'pkg25c I-FIORNE'S GELATIN. -2 pkg, 25c DATES. -2 Lbs, 15c PRUNES. -3 lbs. . , .. , .. , 25c CREAM CARES.—2 lbs. ........29c OXYDOL—Large and small pkg. 25c CAUSTIC SODA.—Loose ....10e lb CASTILE SOAP. -10 cakes ....25c MASTER'S PIG STARTER makes little pigs big. Cwt. $2.70 u led e CamRot■one 166 PRONE YOUR 0 R FOR flue ..• .. ,coal'. E. L. BOX PHONE 18 or 43 " :North Side United Church Rev, T. A. Carmichael, Minister ;11 a.m., Morning, service 7 p.m., 'Evening gervice .S. S. at 2:30. St, Thomas Church Rector: (Rev. Dr, Hurford, 111 atu. "The Christian's Devotional Life." 7 p,m. "Saul, the Hero Who Failed: 01) "The Folly of Rashness." Sunday School 010 a.m. Wednesday's, '7:30 p.m.. "Some Last Scenes." ATTEND GOLDEN WEDDING RECEPTION Toronto Starr "An interesting event of the week end was the golden 'wed- ding reception held by Mr. and ,Mrs, Alexander Sproat at the home of their daughter, Mrs. C. I. Kaiser, !Greer Rd., Toronto. 'Over 11100 'ca'lled to con- gratulate the aged couple. Spring flowers were used to brighten the various roosts. Among those who as- sisted the hostess were: ,Mrs. Leroy Oise. Miss Florence McKay, both of Toronto; :Miss 'Grace Hedley. 'Lon- don, and Mrs, 'William Wright, Sea - forth. Gift bouquets and congratulat- ory messages were received. Among those wino were present were; Mr. and Mrs. James Sproat, Imtdianapolis; Mrs: Charles McAllister and Mrs. James IMe.K'ay of Toeonto." Miss Christena 'MdKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKay, and Alexander Sproat, son of Mr. and Mrs, a James Slproat, all of the 41th con- cession of Tuckersmith, were united in marriage on March dl4th, 1888, by Rev. William Graham. They lived in Tuckersmith until nmo'vin,g to Toronto twenty years ago. They have one son and one daughter, Mrs, C. T. (Kaiser, Toronto; 'and James Sproat, State At- torney, of „Indianapolis. Mr. Sproat has two' sisters, Mrs. Robert B:el1, of Hamilton, who was mot able .to he present as' she is recovering from a fractured leg the result of a ,fall; and Mrs. Charles McAllister of Toronto., Mrs. Sproat has three 'sisters and two brothers, Mrs. tGeorge McKay, Toronto; Miss Margaret.McKay, To- ronto; Mrs. !John Walker, Bromfield; Mr. Robert McKay, IEgmondville, Mr. Malcolm •McKay, IGoderi,eh. A Lange number 'of farmer Hurbnites"'nom! liv- ing in. Toronto ,oal'led on Mr. and Mrs. Sproat. TOWN COUNCIL Regular meeting of the Council held in the council Chambers at 8 P. m. on Monday night. Present Mayor 7• J. Cluff, 'Reeve J, H. Scott and Councillors F. Sills, IR. G. 'Parke, Chas. Holmes, J. E. Keating, H. E. Smith..Minntes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Bylaw 3198 to borrow on debentures $315,0010 for school purposes was read by town solicitor H, G. Meir.' This provides 030,000 for the addition to the Collegiate Institute and $5,000 'for ,public school repairs. The debentures will be for twenty years. The bylaw is subject to the approval of the On- tario municipal board in Toronto. The annual report of the Seaforth Highlanders Land was presented over the signatures of D. L. !Reid, Presid- ent,. resident„ and John Camino, secretary, A request Was made for the usual grant of $300• Classes of young.players are practising regu'ladty. Bylaw No. 399 was passed making a grant of $300 to the Ib•and and the usual grant of t$40 to the Agricultural Society for the ,spring show and 4160 for the fall fair. Bylaw INo. 400 was passed confirm- in.g an increase in salary for Chief of Police Helmar Snell. A letter was read from Mr. W. H. .G'e'lding, A'fJP., in acknowledgment of a letter sent by the council regarding increase in radio .licenses. A letter was read from the Miller's Tnsatrance Co. regarding insurance natters of the 'flour mill, Mr, Turg- eon stated in a recent "letter that he hoped to have a'>resident man here by May let and would he starting by Aug. 1st. A similar promise was made last year but the Mill did not open. A 'letter from Mr. IE. C, 'Chamber- lain resigning from the !Public Lib- rary Board owing to i11 'health was received with regret•. No immediate appointment was 'made, The horticultural society wrote ask- ing that coattail prepare the lot on the corner nn the north side of the b'owi- ing green, offering is seed it with gra.,s and plant flowers and :shrubs. The matter was left. ,tothe property committee. Couneilior Holmes, chairman of the streets committee, stated he had asked Mr. Edge for as estimate on the sidewalk on the East side of Main. He nutlinerl .proposals for the work and what it might cost. The entire rust would be borne by the town and 'Ia!LT.0 without assistance Irons the Bell 'Telephone Co. as their work. was completed last year. 'l'•he engineer was expected here soon, '.I'he street; committee would ask the council as ra whole 4o go over the entire street and decide. Reinforcing iniaht be laid nit the present walk and street resurfaced, to raise the level three incites. Report of the finance committee: Jas. V. Ryan, $6: H. Snell $710; D. H. \\'ikon '$613.0.i: 'Jno. A. Wilson. $20; IH. B. Swan. '$30:66; Thomas Storey, $60; Bell Tel. Co., $4.59; Mu- nicipal World Ltd., $9.35; Genera; Accident ,Assn, 4164; Commercial Un- ion Asst., $9.40; British American Assn., 41.9.'60; '1'hontpson's Book store, $4.55; D. \\,ikon, registrar birth's. deaths and marriages, $36!50; 'John Stewart, $5.00; P. IT. C., $39.03; John McKenzie, 412.45; .J, .F, (Daly. $6.70.; John J, Sclater. $55.60; H. O'Dell, $11.38; H. 'Wright, 50c; P. V. C. (W. \V,) 415; Can, INat. ,Rail., 418.86; R. :Frost, ($1121115; Trea:a. Harron County. $911%315; Mun, Corp. of 'Wes'tminster, J. Beacons, $49.66; Dept. of Public Wel. ((Landon) N. ;Dvpee, '$58.54; D. H. Wilson,cash relief, $296.56; Wm. Montgomery $7.:10; •Kerslake's, $11.515; 13. W. Hart, y$2. Motions — Parke -Sills, that the Town Solicitor, 'Finance Chairman and Town Clerk be authorized to, in- terview the .Municipal Board of 'On- tario at Toronto, Manch 11515h re bor- rowing by-law for the schools. Scott -Holmes, that the Property Committee take the necessary action to deal with the request of the Horti- cultural Society and that the floor in. the Clerk's office be varnished and the lock on the door be replaced. 'Keating -Smith, that the resigna- tion of E. C. Chamberlain :from the Library Board be accepted with regret, ENGAGEMENT IX/Ir. and Mrs. James ` Dorrance of McKillop wish to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter Esther Louise to Mr. James C. Kerr, youngest son or Mrs, ,George .Kerr and the late George (Kerr .of MdKiI- lop, 'the wedding to take place • the latter part of March. Appointed Director Ernest L. Box of Seaforth, ap- pointed a 'Director of the ,Ancient Foresters' Mutual Life Insurance Company at the a'nnua'l meeting in Toronto March E. L. BOX ON BOARD OF AINCIENT FORESTERS' Ancient Foresters' Mutual Life Have 12.5 Gain in 'Business in Force Increase Assets. The- report to the annual general meeting of the 'Ancient Foresters' Mutual Life Lnsurance Company held at its head offices in Toronto on Mona clay, March 34th shows a gain in 'bus- iness in force 'of 10.'5 per cent. Total assets were increased to $1,514101173.315. The unassigned surplus and contin- gency reserves were also increased. The net premium income for 1191,37 Vag $2126,3121510V, an 'increase of $370115'.129 over the previous year. Payments, to ,policyholders and beneficiaries totall- ed $916;5'63'384 of which' 60 per cent. was paid to living ,po'licyholders. Directors re-elected by unanimous vote are: President, J. W. B. Ford, Hamilton; 1st Vice -;President, Charles Fry, 'rnrnnto; 2nd 'Vice -President, H. \V. B, Boynton, Toronto; Chair- man, C, IG. Dynes, K.C,. Hamilton; Secretary, •Mias L. G. Nicholls, Tor- onto. Four new directors -were added to the Board: \V. R. ':Davis of .Hamilton; E. L. Box, Seaforth; A. Galbraith, Toronto; M. \\'est. Toronto.' Re -appointed officials are: Manag- ing'Director, Miss L.' C. Nicholls.; Ac- tuary, T. iD. Buchanan, B.A., F.A.S., of London; Solicitor and 'General Cotta el, C. G. Dyne,. K.C'., Hamil- ton; Chief Medical 1ieantiner, E. irra- et ,Bowie, M,I)., Toronto; Registrar. C. K. West, Toronto; :\editor., 'Gunn, Robert ,Rs Company, Toronto The company's assets -are divided as follows: : ,Cash, government, provin- cial ,anti Municipal Bonds in Canada, 414,ih%n, other bonds. and stocks 4.6%, mortgages 39,3.%, policy loans 111,87. LIONS MILK FUND Its Oriental countries a disease known as beri-beri took an annual toll by death of hundreds of thois- ands of the natives. Medical research revealed that areas where the natives ate their rice polished or white ;beri- beri was 'prevalent but where unpol- ished rice was used as staple diet, beri=beri was ,practically unknown, Today Oriental countries used un- polished rice as staple ,,diet ihecauee it Ina the nece'asary nourishment to re- sist and banish beri=beri Similarly we find 'here in the Occid- ent that milk ,provides the necessary nourishment to resist disease in child- ren. All our children drink milk for health. Will yott help the unfortunate wino have no milk? The (Lions: will use yam' donation ,10a for this purpose. Thank you, Previously acknowledged .. $10626 Mr. (Frank Evans 4.00 $11110,26 JOSEPH K'EATING The death took place at his home on Church street of Mr. Joseph Keat- ing, a .highly respected resident of Seaforth,' on Sunday 'naming about 10.30 a.m.,, from a heart attack. Mr. Keating had been ill for the past four months. The deceased was a ,promin- en't builder and contractor, Born in Tuckersmith seventy-five years ago, son of the late Stephen Keating, he went to California at the age of eighteen, where be remained for six years. Returning to Tuckersmith, he was married on !June 1117th, 1894, to alias Ellen O'Keefe, daughter of Mi- chael O'Keefe and Margaret 'Gleason of Seaforth, where they settled and have since resided. A devout member or St. !James' Roman Catholic ,Church, Mr. .Keating also belonged to the Holy Name Society and League of the Sacred 'Heart. He is survived by his widow, one daughter; Mrs, Arthur Foreman, of Fort William, and seven grandchild- ren. A soil, Edmund Keating, prede' ceased his father two years ago al- most to the day, at Fort '\V,orden, Wash., where he was Staff Sergt. in the finance department of the U. S. militia. Mr. Keating was the last sur- viving member of a family of thirteen children, The funeral took place at 9:30 on Wednesday morning from St. James' Church, Seaforth, Requiem High Mass was celebrated by Rev. .Father T. P. Hussey. The pal'l'bearers were Messrs. W. IJ. Duncan, Joseph 'Dors- ey, J. 1M. McMillan, Dr. J. A. Munn, 'James iDevereaux and Reginald 'Kers- lake, Interment took place in St. James' cemetery. Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral were: Mrs. Arthur Foreman, Fort William; Miss M. A. O'Keefe, London; Misses 'Nellie and Mary Keating, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, H. Steven, Matachewan; ,Miss A. Bartliff, Mrs„lames '.Flynn and Mrs, {J, Shanahan, Jr., all of Clinton. I NORTHSIDE W. M. S. No thside 'United W. M. S. heldtheiriI!g, t2la$;,pionth'ly meeting in the ',school roots on Thursday afternoon. .40 opening hymn .'vas_nag and Mrs. R. 'Lawson, vice president, led in prayer. The minutes or last meeting were read and aclbpted, Letters of ;ap- preciation for the bales .sent out . to different starts of Saskatchewan were read by the secretary, 11rs, Finlayson. The treasurer's report by \lis* Fer- guson was read and adopted. ,Mrs. R. Archibald, the Christian Stewardship secretary, gave a report of the amount allocated to (he society for this year. Mrs. Raine, the Temperance ecret- ary, gave a recitation, .presenting eery vividly "The Story of the Tw, 'Ulaeses" The roll call was taken. Mrs. Hay, captain of circle 3 to.n c'ha ge of the devotional period. a - he programme of the world day of pr's er was used. The prayer and selec- tions of Scripture were read by Nita, Hay and Miss !J. 'Ferguson. The topic describing a world tour of "The Mis- sions of the (United Church" was tak- en part in by Mrs. Crich, Mrs, Hay. Mrs. 3. Scott, Miss J. Ferguson and Mrs, T.T. Webster under the able leadership ofMis, A. Lawrence. An- other hymn was sung andthe meet- ing was dosed by prayer. BROTHER PASSES Miss L. M. Wightmen, 'John st., received word, of the death of her bre ther, ,Mr. •Robert Wightman at Brod- erick, Sask., on Wednesday, (March 9, He was a son of the late Thomas Wightman and 'lived near Belgrave until going to Saskatchewan about thirty years ago where he farmed and operated a threshing outfit. He is sur- vived by his wife, formerly Miss Sarah Miller of East Wawanos$, and a son ,Howard ' of 'Creston, B.C., and a •davg+hter, Mrs. !George 'Finlater. '(Bertha), .Broderick, Sask.; also' one sister, Miss May Wightman, Seaforth, FARMERS' CLUB MEETING The annual meeting of the Seaforth 'Farmers' Club was held on Friday, M'arc'h 1111 in the council ,chamber, Seaforth. The following officers were elected: K. E. Jackson, president; di- rectors: W. R. Scott, Wallace Haugh, Thos, McMillan, !Jas. McIntosh, Scott Davidson, R. S. McKercher. It was decided to operate the fertilizer mix- in.g station *this year. ;bfr, R. J. Scatt. of Belgrave, ;President of 'United Fainters' Co -Operative Co., Ltd., gave an address on the possibilities of co- operative ventures by the farmers of Ontario. JR. W. A. I The regular meeting of Senior •branch of the 'Woman's 'Auxiliary of St. Thomas' 'Church was held at the home of Mrs. McGavin on Thursday. March 10. The scripture was read by 1June Shaw aid Lillian Southgate. A story was read by Mrs, Mc!Gavin. The meeting closed with prayer. SPEAKS AT 1GODERICH The iRse. Dr. Hurford gave the ad- dress at a service in Victoria Sit. Un- ited 'Church, 'Goderich, on ,Monday evening. This service was one of a series arranged for Lent by the young people of the various >churches and there were aboirt 2S0 present. Mr. Ted Southgate aoconpanied IDr. Hurford. WINTHROP WINS MCMILLAN CUP The Junior Fanners Huron League series carte to anend for this season un Tac.aday evening when Winthrop won from Kinburn by a score of 2 to 1 in the second game of the finals. The first match of the final series on Saturday night between these two teams ended 1 -1: The ice was sett both nights on account of the mild weather but each team had plenty of supporters making a good crowd in attendance. The games were keenly contested and exceptionally clean, no penalties Saturday and two Tuesday. At the conclusion of Tuesday night's game congratulations and rousing cheers were in order, the 'best of good feeling prevailing. This is the second year Winthrop. has won the McMillan trophy. Winners of the Hu- ron ,League have been as follows: 1.9130411 ---St. Columban 11 1:-311—Tuckersmith 19 32.331—Egrnondville 1119 1313-114' Egmond'viile 118014„38—IW'inthrap 1936.316—McMillan Trophy aad Bud Trophy, Egmondville, 1-317 McMillan Trophy and B. trophy, !Egmotdville, 19318---B. Trophy, Dublin; McMil- lan Trophy,. 'Winthrop. The goat getters on Saturday night were Ed. Dorrance Dorian a for Kinlburit and R. Carter for Winthrop. On Tuesday Don Dale of a pass from Stan Nich- olls opened She scoring for Wnthrop in the second period. Rae Carter gnat Winthrop', second tally in the third, Alvin Riley got Kin'burn's goal of the evening in less than a minute. The teams: Winthrop—;Goal, Bill Montgomery; defence, Rae Carter, .Don Dale; for- wards, W. Farquharson, Moody Hol- land, Stan Nicholls; alts., X. Bettles, A. Kerr, S. eKrr, George Case, Kin bssrn- 4Goal, Reg. Rintoul: de- fense, Alvin Dale, Fred Riley; for- wards, Ed !Dorrance,, Elmer Scott, Arnold Scott; acts., aim Riley, A. Riley L. Carter. Referees — Cyril Flannery. Fred Willis, HOSPITAL AID f lti ut.•sn' e.s of the Ho,pttal Aid to -Cott )l,' iorial Hospital wish to thank ;l,, citizens of'Siva forth and WREATH �� REATH' PERFECTLY MATCHED '4 Marlow 'nlemU. *Exactly as pictured ... this ensemble possesses a distme• sive beauty... with each ring identically matching the other. White or natural betting* SAVAUGES " The Gift Shop entity for their .generous support of the Hospital Aid theatre night held last Thursday, March sloth. Total re- ceipts amounted to $70.40; expenses $4.05, leaving net proceeds of $66.35. TRAVELOGUE Rev. j. 1'. 'Goforth, 111.A., presented a most .interesting travelogue in ,First .Presbyterian Church of Tuesday evening. Rev. Gordon Peddie of Clin- ton acted as chairman, Mr. Goforth was born in China, son of the late bit, Jonathan Goforth, noted mission- ary in China, and lived there •utttil 415 years of age. He ,graduated from the University of Toronto and received his 11.A. at McGill. He graduated front Knox College, Toronto, and en- tered the ministry at \Vallacehtirg. A year ago be resigned and made a 30- tl1i0-moll lour of 'China taking snot -Ing pictures. Be was in China at the out- break of hostilities. ,Mr. Goforth ex- presaed the belief (hat the Chinese will eventually prevail over their op- pressors as they have the qualities and the will to .survive. Seventeen Calves Record of Varna Cow Edi or The Seaforth News. Dear Sir,—+Mere is a record that is hard to beat. This winter we have heard and read some wonderful stories about rows giving birth to triplets. Sure, three calves at a birth is quite uncommon, we will admit. but where. oh where, could you find a cow seven- teen years old that gave 'birth to sev- enteen calves in as many years, all to live and arrow into money. Here we have her portrayed, in her utast natural, majestic .prase. This ani- mal, "Granny" we will call her for melt site was, raised and owned by Mr. Wm. 'Reid, ,proprietor •of the 'Var- na ,chopping mill, letter 'known as Thresher .P, illy, actually brought sev- enteen calves into the world in seven- teen years. including two pairs of twins. As .a milk and butter producer she sound not be beaten. proving herself a real premium. She was hale and hearty, with her full, set of teeth '(though short), when in January she failed to feed and .it ,c a: rhoneht advisable to destroy her to ,end her suffering, when it , was found her gall was overlarge. Granny, as we call her, was well and widely .known for miles. Her great great grandmother was a pure- bred jersey, which her Jersey red skin .+-'bowed with a few black streaks, especially in her face. Her mother was a pure 'P'ol'led Angus. Hence the cant - hook, This matron cow had a claim ,on the two church sheds at Varna, where she beat a retreat 'after her morning meal and concealed herself from the heat of the no and the pesky .flies, and as a rule she spent .most of the day doing her 'own grinding. Well on in the day she sallied forth to get an appetizing evening meal in some good vegetable. garden 'as she was very fond of cab- bage, beets, peas and many a corn Patch 'she has turned do,n. This snapshot was taken just as she emerged from a garden and let me tell you at her own game she was hard to beat, for she could turn on a suckle and give back the change, this vener- able cow on the Varna range. A VARNA RESIDENT,